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Washington Legion team one win short of state tourney PaGe B1

Washington man places A2 in Balloons Around Town 4-H Fair Event Report A7 in the Park B5 Society PaGe a5 These features youll find only in this weeks print edition of
the Washington Times-Reporter. For details, see page A3.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

your hometown news since 1840

Vol. 171 no. 30 CITy COuNCIl

Washington tastes like...

Extreme heat, funnel clouds and lemon bars were the flavors of this years Taste of Washington

Dallas Road on time, brick crosswalks on Square ongoing

By Brandon schatsiek

By corrie dyke

top, children cool off by playing in the water provided by a Washington Fire department trucks spray. above, judges at this years taste of Washington chow down on the hamburger sliders from denhart Baking co.; judges from left are, tom Brecklin, Mayor Gary Manier, Jim Linsley and Mark swisher. CORRIE DyKE/TIMESNEWSPAPERS

ising temperatures and threatening funnel clouds did not keep people from taking to the Square to taste all Washington had to offer. This years Taste of Washington featured a variety of food vendors offering appetizers of bacon wrapped pig wings prepared by Gracies, entrees such as ribs from Bone Appetit, and dessert such as scoopable cheesecake created by Countryside Banquet Facility. Other vendors at the event included Aunt Denas Bakery, Basta ONeills, Bernardis Restaurant, The Blend, Chef s Catering, Denharts Baking Co., Firehouse Pizza, Gracies Sports Grille & Pizza, Maui Wowi Hawaiian, Marias and Tequilas Mexican Bar and Grille. The Chamber of Commerce served beverages, including lemon shakeups. Judges for the evening included Tom Brecklin, Mayor Gary Manier, Jim Linsley and Mark Swisher. The judges taste
see taste PaGe a9

Funnel cloud threatens Taste, leaves no damage

By Brandon schatsiek

Those who attended the Taste of Washington were in for a different kind of treat July 19 as Mother Nature served up a heaping helping of thunderstorms with a side of funnel clouds. The Taste was temporarily shut down for about 20 minutes, shortly before 6 p.m. after at least one funnel cloud was spotted in the vicinity of Washington Square. Its hard to say how many there were, said Assistant Director of Tazewell County Emergency Management Agency Jerry Zuercher. If there is one and four to five different people are reporting them, it is hard to tell (how many there really are). We had a couple of our spotters watching the same thing that night. After appearing in the sky over East Peoria and Washington, it left a lot of people wondering exactly what

Vickie Williams submitted this photo of the funnel cloud spotted around the Grange and centennial roads area, looking toward Washington. Williams said, i have also heard that they are called land spouts, but from our view we saw several cloud-to-ground lightning strikes and heard thunder more like a thunderstorm brewing.

Even though they werent on the agenda for the city council meeting, construction project updates garnered most of the attention during the short-lived meeting July 18 in the library meeting room at Five Points. City Engineer Ken Newman gave updates on the Dallas and Summit Road projects. Dallas Road is ahead of schedule ... I would expect that concrete work and all of driveways to be completed within a few weeks at that point ... final shaping of gravel and hot mix (asphalt) maybe by mid-August, he said. Newman said of Summit Road that the minor asphalt base is down, but unfortunately as soon as they are going to open that ... we wont really see the use of that until Centennial is completed which they are hoping for in late November from what I hear from East Peoria. Theyve got some major utility relocation that hasnt even started that needs to be done yet. The other project now under way is the construction of brick sidewalks on the Square. Newman said the construction was set to begin first thing the morning of July 20 starting with the west side of the Square. The plan is to get each done onethird at a time and right now the plan is to do the west third first, he said. The goal is to get the crosswalks completed in four weeks and additional work on the sidewalks (making them ADA-compliant) in the following few weeks. The brick sidewalks are going in on the north by Denhart Baking Co. and south by Parishs Pub sides of the Square because those areas are under local control while the other two crosswalks across Walnut and Peoria Streets are technically under Illinois Department of Transportation control. In other items, the board: Approved the resolution declaring personal property from
see counciL PaGe a7

Centennial Road project entering Phases 5 and 6

By PhiLiP LasseiGne

it was. Was it a tornado or a funnel cloud? Or as some Washington Times-Reporter Facebook followers suggested, a cold air funnel. Definitely as far as I could tell

(watching the storm develop), they were funnel clouds, said Ed Shimon, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service office in Lincoln.
see FunneL PaGe a9

Mike Fiedler and his neighbor, Jim Higgings, showed up to question the high-speed traffic that has come through their neighborhood. Ralph Hasten attended to just get information on the construction.
see centenniaL PaGe a9

INSIDE Around Town .......... a2 Police News ............ B4 Opinion ................... a4 Society .................. B5 Sports .................. B1-2 Classifieds .........B9-10

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