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panthers beat M-i foe east peoria pAGe B1

WedNeSdAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2011

Sept. 11, 2001 stories Business Notes Police News

A6-7 B6 B7

These features youll find only in this weeks print edition of the Washington Times-Reporter. For details, see page A3.

Your Hometown News Since 1840

Vol. 171 No. 36

Honoring deceased veterans

District 308 bought 3 acres of land, not the 3.3 it thought

Dunnan said descripancy is not a big deal

District 308 Superintendent Dr. Jim Dunnan said a discrepancy, which cost the district three tenths of an acre of land, is not a big deal. The district purchased what is known as the G.W. Bayler home, located at 721 W. Jefferson Street, this summer from Chad and Jonna Leuelling at the price of $348,000. Many residents have since been present at District 308 school board

meetings voicing their concern for the fate of the historic home. Along with the historic home, the purchase included a two-year-old structure that is slated to serve as the districts new maintenance building and as district officials were told 3.3 acres of land. An appraisal of the land was not conducted prior to the districts purchase. Typically when you do an appraisal, you do it for the interest of securing a loan, Dunnan said. Were not your typical buyer, so we didnt really even consider doing an appraisal. At the
See AcReS pAGe A5

kyan Royalty, 17, poses for a photograph on Aug. 31. in front of a tombstone in Glendale cemetery in Washington. Royalty just completed his eagle Scout project of installing flag holders about 500 all together at veterans graves in cemeteries around the Washington area. one of the leaders in my troop (Troop 163) suggested it and i thought it sounded like a good idea, Royalty said. im an instructor in the troop on flag etiquette, so that kind of fit. He said most of the work was done over the summer and now it is up to the cemeteries to put the flags in. BRANDON SCHATSIEK/TIMESNEWSPAPERS

Artist dave Webster and his wife, Betty, make use of Michaels functioning balcony. Webster, along with help from Betty, friends and three construction teams, transformed an addition at Germantowns Michaels italian Feast into a scene from an italian street in three months. HOLLY RICHRATH/

9/11: The change within

It still changes lives today, even those who are too young to remember and those who werent born yet
how this event is now discussed in schools. For many 13, 14 and 15 year olds and younger children today, most probably dont remember much if anything about that day outside of what they learned from their parents and famBY BRANdoN ScHATSiek ily. TimesNewspapers Ten years doesnt seem like that long ago, but 9/11 is history to them. As the 10th anniversary of the terrorist atWe had actually started class, said Ronna tacks of Sept. 11, 2001, James, a sixth- and ... i dont want them to lose that seventh-grade history approaches, its important to step back teacher at Beverly Manor innocence, but ... its my duty as and look at how the School for the past 18 a teacher to educate them about horrific and subseyears. I didnt really whats going on in the world. quent heroic events know what was going on, Kit Zinser, teacher at St. Patricks School but one of our teachers that day changed the lives of Americans foraides came in and said a ever. One angle that isnt often talked about is See 9/11 pAGe A7

Michaels interactive mural brings a little bit of Italy to central Illinois


Dave Webster of Washington said he paints murals whenever he gets the chance. But to call the work he did at Germantowns Michaels Italian Feast a mural would be an understatement. His wife, Betty, calls it an interactive mural, because youre in the mural. Owners Michael and Veronica Axelson call it a scene right out of Italy. We knew when we took this over we wanted to make it a Piazza, Michael said. I sketched out my chicken scratch with Dave and he changed it and improved it. Dave did 10 times more than we ever imagined. A fountain serves as a center piece to the room, which has been transformed into a scene worthy of an outdoor Italian caf. Other features in the floor-to-ceiling redesign include balconies, windows, shutters, decorative tiles, archways, pillars, black lights to illuminate the painted buildings in the evening, a bright blue sky complete with white, fluffy clouds and a tree made from etched concrete, a combination of real and concrete branches and decorative leaves.
See MicHAelS pAGe A5

INSIDE Around Town .......... A2 Obituaries ............... B5 Opinion ................... A4 Police News .............B7 Sports .................. B1-4 Classifieds .........B9-10

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