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Budget Issues

Said He Voted for Debt Ceiling Because Potential of Dire Consequences of Default At a town hall in September 2011, Gardner said he voted to raise the debt ceiling after speaking with business leaders and that they told him that there would be very dire consequences for the economy if the United States defaulted on its credit status. Its not perfect, its not great, but I wasnt willing to allow us to default, Gardner said. [Fort Morgan Times, 9/17/11] Said He Voted to Raise Debt Ceiling to Help Economy In August 2011, Gardner said he voted to raise the debt ceiling because he thought voting against the plan would be bad for the nations economy. The debt agreement capped spending and ensured cuts in the future. It also means the House and Senate will vote on a balanced-budget amendment, Gardner said.
[Denver Post, 8/9/11]

Backed Republican Budget Said it Would Not Affect Current Seniors In 2011, Gardner said he backed the Republican budget plan, noting that it would not affect current seniors, only people younger than 55. [Pueblo Chieftain, 8/26/11] Protesters Outside Gardners Office Criticized Him for Debt Ceiling and Voting for Ryan Plan In 2011, protestors gathered to call on Gardner to stop bickering in Washington and come with a deal on the debt ceiling. Colorados working families are looking for leaders who dont walk away from tough discussions but instead work together to create solutions, said Kjersten Forseth of ProgressNow Colorado. Not only do Republicans have an agenda to privatize Social Security and Medicare opposed by most Americans, they are fighting among themselves over just how radically and irresponsibly they intend to proceed with this agenda. Rep. Gardner already cast his vote for the disastrous Ryan Plan budget that would privatize Medicare and slash virtually every public institution Americas middle class depends on. [Berthoud Recorder, 8/1/11] Liked Enforcement Mechanism in Debt Ceiling Deal and Said it was Like a Balanced Budget Amendment In 2011, Gardner said the final debt ceiling deal probably would have something close to a Balanced Budget Amendment. He said he still had some questions, but was hopeful, I think Ive said from the outset that Ill only support a deal that has spending cuts, he said. Its not the whole apple, its a bite of

the apple. There was a series of enforcement mechanisms that would automatically slash $1.2 trillion if a special bipartisan committee failed to come up with more thoughtful cuts. From a policy standpoint, its the closest thing we can get to a Balanced Budget Amendment, Gardner said. I think thats one of the favorables of the bill. [Blog, Denver Post, 8/1/11] Criticized for Supporting the Ryan Plan Gardner was criticized for being an ardent supporter of the controversial Republican GOP budget planthe Ryan Plan. State senator Brandon Shaffer, who announced his bid for the November 2012 election said in a press release, Im tired of watching the Washington D.C. game thats focused on chalking up political points instead of solving problemsWe do things differently here in the West. We take an independent approach that is rooted in common sense. I call it Colorado Solutions and I want to bring that tradition to the United States. [Journal Advocate, 7/7/11]
Met with Speaker Boehner and Seven Other Freshman GOP Lawmakers over Pizza

In 2011, Gardner attended a pizza party held by Speaker Boehner after he met with President Obama over the debt ceiling. Gardner attended the meeting. Boehner met with the freshman class soon after he met with President Obama. Most of the lawmakers and staff said there was no news to report from inside; many of them said it was simply a gathering and a friendly chat. [Politico, 7/20/11] Pressured by Protestors to Raise the Federal Debt Ceiling to Protect Safety Net Programs In 2011, protestors, mobilized by, gathered in front of Gardners office to send their message: they wanted the federal debt ceiling raised to avert economic disaster and protect social safety net programs. The protest turned into a debate with Gardners District Director Mike Bennett who argued that corporate tax rates in the United States were too high. Bennett also said Gardner would consider cutting military spending. [Coloradoan, 7/27/11] Said, Spending Cuts Should Exceed Any Increase in Debt Limit In June 2011, Gardner said in regards to a meeting with the President on the topic of the debt ceiling, Our message to the president was simple we told him the best way to create jobs is to reduce the uncertainty created by our massive debtWe made it very clear that spending cuts should exceed any increase in the debt limit and that encouraging growth in the private sector is the best way to help the economy. [Coloradoan, 6/1/11] Said No One was In Mood to Support Debt Ceiling Vote that Didnt Include Systemic Reform In 2011, Gardner said, Nobody is in the mood to support a debt ceiling vote that doesnt include systemic reform, He went on to say, My overarching policy goal is to cut up the first credit card.[Denver Post, 5/15/11] Wouldnt Discuss Raising Debt Ceiling Without Significant Cuts to Spending and Reforms In 2011, at a Tea Party event, according to the Times-Call, when asked whether he would vote to increase the debt ceiling, Gardner responded, I dont think we ought to even be talking about without significant

cuts to spending and budget reforms. Gardener also expressed support for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. [Times-Call, 6/8/11] Voted Against 2011 Continuing Resolution Because it Didnt Cut Enough In 2011 Gardner voted against the final continuing resolution to fund the government because he said it didnt cut enough. I was hoping to cut more, Gardner said of his vote against the compromise budget plan. When asked about his vote his spokesman said Were looking forward to cutting trillions.
[Fort Collins Coloradoan, 4/15/11; Denver Post, 4/15/11]

Said He Wouldnt Raise Debt Ceiling without Substantive Spending Cuts In March 2011, Gardner said he wouldnt raise the debt ceiling without substantive spending cuts and spending reform. Gardner said, We should not even be talking about raising the debt ceiling until we have made substantive spending cuts and spending reform. Endless borrowing is not a viable strategy.
[Greeley Gazette, 3/22/11]

Introduced Legislation to Require Hearings for GAO Study That Identified Waste In March 2011, Gardner introduced legislation that would make it mandatory for House committees to hold hearings whenever the Government Accountability Offices report shows duplicative or wasteful federal programs. He said the last GAO report made it abundantly clear that Congress hadnt done a good job of minding the books. [Times-Call, 3/5/11] Had Not Made Decision Whether He Supported Ryan Budget Rep. Cory Gardner, R-Yuma, was in a committee meeting much of the day and hasnt had a chance to review Ryans plan, spokeswoman Rachel Boxer said. Hell comment after he has. [Coloradoan, 4/6/11] Claimed He Was in Committee Meetings and Hadnt Had Time to Review Ryan Plan In April 2011, Gardner was asked if he supported the Ryan budget. He spokesperson said he was in a was in a committee meeting much of the day and hadnt had a chance to review Ryan's plan. [Coloradoan, 4/6/11] Accused Senator Reid of Causing Possible Government Shutdown In April 2011, Gardner accused Senator Reid of the looming government shutdown. He said Ask Harry what hes going to do about his troops. Ask Harry what he is going to do about funding for our country. Ask Harry what he is going to do for our economy because right now all we hear is thin air. He also said The bottom line is, the American people sent to office senators and Congress members to do the peoples work. The Senate hasn't passed a doggone piece of legislation on thisTo simply cut not enough is not a solution. . . . Its unfortunate that (Senate Majority Leader) Harry Reid is in a position where he'd rather see a shutdown than a real solution. [ABC News, 4/8/11; Denver Post, 4/7/11]

Said He Would Find a Way to Give Back Salary in Event of Government Shutdown In April 2011, on the question of whether he would take pay during an impending government shutdown Gardner said Ill find a way to give it backWe arent different than anybody else. [Associated Press,

Said Amendment to Limit Federal Spending on EPA Should Not Hold Up Budget Negotiations When an amendment to limit federal spending on the EPA was said to hold up budget negotiations to avert a government shutdown, Gardner said spending cuts were the main issue. I want to see spending cuts, and thats right now where I think the speaker is and where the majority of the caucus isI havent seen anybody say that they have to have this or that on the EPA. [Politico, 4/5/11] Favored Cutting Trillions of Dollars from Budget In 2011, on the Hannity show in FOX discussing the Freshman Republicans first 100 days in Congress, Gardner was asked about spending cuts. He said But this week we start moving from billions of dollars to trillions of dollars. That's where we start this week, real cuts of trillions and dollars. [Hannity, FOX News,

Supported Five Day Continuing Resolution to Avoid Shutdown In 2011, Gardner supported a five-day continuing resolution that averted a government shutdown.
[Coloradoan, 4/9/11]

Said, So Be It If Senate was Not Willing to Agree to House Spending Plan

In March 2011, Gardner said the continuing resolution was in the hands of the Senate saying, But if the Senates not willing to cut spending, and if its only willing to cut spending two weeks at a time, then so be it. [Slate
Magazine, 3/4/11]

Said There was More Work to Do On Budget Before Possible Government Shutdown; Called Leadership Favorite In 2011, Gardner, described as a favorite of leadership, said Well see what theyre willing to talk about in the upcoming budget resolution and in other important bills. Nothing can be set in stone, because we have a lot of other considerations with the continuing resolution and budget resolution both coming up. ... They need to realize more work has to be done. [Politico, 4/1/11] Said Constituents Favored Reduced Spending and Cuts in Services Gardner said his constituents supported reduced spending and understood it meant reduced services. When we talk about whats happening in this country, from the level of we have no money, many of these cuts were suggested by the president as well - that people are understanding. And nobody likes to see their program get cut, but they know its better than a future of economic collapse as a result of our debt. [National Public Radio, 3/2/11]

Introduced Legislation to Analyze Duplicative Government Programs Gardner introduced legislation requiring the House to holder hearings when a Government Accountability Offices annual reports identify duplicative programs. He said the GAO report had a list of federal programs that were overlapping identifying 100 programs dealing with surface transportation issues, 82 programs monitoring teacher quality, 80 for economic development, 47 for job training and 20 devoted to homelessness. [Daily Times-Call, 3/5/11] Called for Legislation to Ensure Have GAO Annual Hearing Results Were Heard In a letter to his colleagues in March 2011, Gardner asked for support for his proposal for a piece of legislation in regards to the GAOs annual hearings. I plan to introduce a resolution that will tie Committee action to that report and ensure that GAOs findings are not ignored. This resolution would change house rules to require the various authorizing House committees to hold annual hearings on the programs within their jurisdiction mentioned in this particular annual report within 90 days of the reports publication. [Rep. Gardner,
Dear Colleague, 3/1/11]

Wrote an Op-ed on Legislation to Avoid Duplicative Government Programs In April 2011, Gardner wrote on op-ed with Representative Peters about the costs associated with duplicative programs. He wrote Congress requires the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to issue a detailed report of these programs on an annual basisIt is time for Congress to take action, and were going to need real, bipartisan cooperation to get the job done. Working together, we have introduced a bipartisan resolution effort to force Congress to take a closer look at programs that could be combined or eliminated entirely. Our plan requires the relevant congressional committees to hold hearings on all programs deemed duplicative by the GAO within 90 days of the publication of each new report. He wrote Our resolution is not the complete answer to the federal budget deficit, but it represents a real, bipartisan step that Congress can take right now in order to steer our country in a more fiscally responsible direction. [Op-ed, Rep. Gardner, Rep. Peters, Denver Post, 4/3/11] Said Budget Cutting had to Start in Own Back Yard In February 2011, Gardner was in Sterling discussing the national debt. He said congressional spending had to be cut I believe if we are going to ask everyone to help us balance our budget that it has to start in our own back yard first. This nation faces over $14 trillion in debt, he said. Our deficit this year will be over $1.6 trillion thats a lot of money. [Journal-Advocate, 2/25/11] Said Budget Should Be Balanced with Constitutional Amendment In February 2011, Gardner was in Sterling discussing his sponsorship to an amendment to require a balanced budget.

We have seen where Congress has to have handcuffs when it comes to spending, because otherwise, left unrestrained they continue to spend money they dont have, Gardner said. 40 cents of every dollar is being spent with borrowed money in the federal government today. So weve got to balance the budget and weve got to get a constitutional amendment in place to require that budget to be balanced. [JournalAdvocate, 2/25/11]

Touted $100 Billion in Cuts from CR

In February 2011, Gardner touted the continuing resolution saying The continuing resolution we passed cuts spending by $100 billion from the 2011 presidents budget. He also noted that the CR included a $19 billion cut from the Department of Defense from the 2011 presidents budget. [Journal-Advocate, 2/25/11]

Talked About Relieving Obligation of Unfunded Mandates In February 2011, Gardner talked about relieving the obligation of unfunded mandates. We had a lot of discussion during the continuing resolution, if were going to cut funding for a program that the federal government is mandating, well the mandates still there, youre still required to do it, Gardner said. The only difference is that the money they were giving you is now gone and so somebody else has to pay for it. Thats really not saving money, thats just passing the buck or the bill down to somebody else. I think that as funding gets cut youve got to again, relieve the obligation of these unfunded mandates.
[Journal-Advocate, 2/25/11]

Said Cuts in Government Were Not Enough, Wanted to Shrink Size of Government Gardner voted for sixth short term continuing resolution to keep the government running in March 2011. He said, Its a rare event in Washington when we actually cut spending. And said there may be differences of opinions but the bottom line is there is no, no problem that Speaker Boehner is facing. Everybody wants to cut spending. He went on to say that while weve cut $10 billion in spending, its not enough. Weve got to do more, but at the end of the day we have got to put this country on a path toward a balanced budget and the only way were going to do that is by shrinking the size of government. [The Note, ABC News, 3/17/11] Advocated for Up-or-Down Votes on Obama Administration Proposed Cuts Gardner teamed up with Rep. Peters in an effort to force up-or-down votes on the Obama Administrations $20 billion in proposed budget cuts. [Rep. Peters, press release, 3/18/11]

Business and Consumer Issues

Backed Patent-Reform Bills with Bipartisan Support in the House In 2011, Gardner, along with his fellow colleagues on both sides of the aisle, passed patent-reform bills, which would streamline U.S patent law. [Op-ed, Andy Hill, Washington State Senate, Denver Post, 7/21/11] Joined Bipartisan Tour Of Northern Colorado Business That Could Create New Jobs in Region

In 2011, according to the Loveland Connection, Gardner toured startup company Prieto Battery with Senator Bennet as part of a tour of Northern Colorado entrepreneurs. The company developed technology to reduce an electric cars battery charge time from about eight hours to as little as 10 minutes. Gardner said Prieto Battery was an example of how small, innovative companies could create jobs. Gardner said Everything theyre doing here, whether its the filament theyre developing, the packets, the materials theyve invented now and theyre licensing, each little step has the potential to create jobs . . . Our economy is not Republican or Democrat. [Loveland Connection, 6/11/11] Spoke Out Against Government Regulation In February 2011, Gardner spoke on the House floor against excessive government regulations. Lets not turn to the role of government to regulate people out of business to create other jobs. Thats not the job of the federal government. Lets put an end to reckless regulation. [The Tribune, 2/11/11] Supported Investigating and Sun Setting Regulations In February 2011, Gardner said he acted as a watchdog to ensure that no branch was overstepping its boundaries. How do we check that power? Its through oversight, its the investigative powers of Congress, said Gardner. He also advocated for sun setting regulations, We ought to be sun setting more regulations and have those sunset reviews at the federal level, Gardner said. [Journal-Advocate, 2/25/11] National Federation of Independent Business Endorsed Business Savings Account Legislation In 2011, Gardner announced that the National Federation of Independent Business endorsed his legislation to create tax-deductible savings accounts to start or expand small businesses. Gardner said The NFIB has always been a leader in the mission to promote and protect small business growth and prosperity, and I welcome its support of The Small Business Startup Savings Account Act.
[Rep. Gardner, press release, 3/25/11]

Believed Federal Regulations Hurt Economy A February 2011 a Pueblo Chieftain editorial said Gardner supported reigning in federal regulations and felt the federal government went overboard in recent years. [Editorial, Pueblo Chieftain, 2/7/11] Supported REINS Act To Scrutinize Federal Regulations A February 2011 a Pueblo Chieftain editorial said Gardner supported the REINS Act to scrutinize federal regulations. [Editorial, Pueblo Chieftain, 2/7/11] Said He Didnt Have All The Answers, Making Meeting With Business Leaders Important Gardner met with CEO of the energy company Woodward in Fort Collins, which employed 6,200 people worldwide.

More important than anything, I think, is the recognition that there are 535 members of Congress in Washington, D.C. None of them have all the answers, Gardner said. But the people who live, work and breathe in the district, they're the ones that are facing these tough choices every day, and they're the ones that have the answers. [Coloradoan, 2/5/11] Proposed Small Business Savings Account Bill In February 2011, Gardner said he would be introducing legislation that created a Small Business Savings Account to allow people who wanted to start a business to put it in an account tax-free. Its a way to encourage people to save money and to get money back into the economy by creating jobs and opportunities, Gardner said. [Journal-Advocate, 2/25/11]

Campaign Finance Issues

Received Money from 15 Dish Network employees on September 30, 2011 Dish Network was Located in Englewood Colorado In 2011, Hoover reported that the DISH Network headquarters was located in Englewood, Colorado.
[Hoovers, accessed 10/17/11]

Congress Potentially Had to Get Involved in Dispute Between Pay-TV Companies Like Dish Network and Broadcasters In 2011, DISH Network officials battled with broadcasters over how much pay-TV companies should pay broadcasters to retransmit their signals. The battle boiled down to the hundreds of millions of dollars that pay-TV companies pay broadcasters to retransmit their signals. DISH Network officials also visited key FCC commission aides recently urging them to ensure that broadcasters negotiate in good faith. DISH Network's efforts to obtain must-have network programming for its customers continue to be thwarted by unreasonable and anticompetitive tactics broadcasters use in negotiations, the company wrote in its filing to the commission. [, 10/5/11] Contributors Name Bernard Lee Han Stephen W Wood James De Franco Joseph P Clayton Robert E Olson David M Shull Roger Lynch Ira Bahr William Erik Carlson Mr. Stanton Dodge Amir Ahmed Amount $2,500.00 $500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $630.96 $500.00

Bernard Lee Han James De Franco Michael McClaskey Joseph P Clayton James P LaRocque Total

$2,500.00 $2,500.00 $1,000.00 $2,500.00 $500.00 $23,130.96

[FEC, Gardner for Congress, filed 10/14/11]

Raised $300,000 in the Second Quarter In 2011, Gardner raised more than $300,000 in the second quarter, according to the National Republican Congressional Committee. He raised about $316,000 in the first quarter and ended March 2011 with $238,000 on hand. [Roll Call, 7/7/11] Headline: Gardner leads state in Congressional campaign fundraising for second straight quarter In 2011, Gardner led the Colorado state in campaign fundraising for the second quarter in a row. He raised $300, 412.32 in the three-month period that ended on June 30, 2011, according to the Federal Election Commission. Gardners campaign reported $355,150.15 in cash on hand after having spent $185, 473.21 during the three months that ended in June 30, 2011. [Greeley Tribune, 7/15/11] Raised $600,000 by the End of Second Quarter of 2011 By the end of the second quarter of 2011, Gardner had raised about $600,000. [Durango Herald, 7/18/11] Roughly One of Every $10 Given to Campaign was from Donors with Ties To Oil, Gas or Mining Operations In the second fundraising quarter of 2011, roughly one of every $10 given to Gardners campaign during the three-month period that ended on June 30, 2011 came from donors with ties to oil, gas or mining operations. Gardners campaign raised $300,412.32 in contributions in the second quarter of the year, which was more than any other congressional candidate in Colorado. Of that total, $32,000, or 11 percent, came from donors-either individuals or political action committees- who were connected to companies or institutions with oil, gas and mining operations. His campaign raised $24,750- or 8 percent of the campaigns total contributions for the second quarter- from donors with ties solely to oil and gas. A spokesperson for the National Republican Congressional Committee said Gardners fundraising success was due to his leadership on the House Energy and Commerce Committee. [Greeley Tribune, 7/23/11] Headline: Cory Gardner raises $300,000 in first quarter of term In April 2011, Gardner raised $300,000 in the first quarter. The outpouring of support since I was elected has been phenomenal. From attendance at town hall meetings to letters of support to my office, people are excited that were starting to put this country back on track, Gardner said. This fundraising quarter

reflects that. Over half of Gardners money came from special interest PACs including business, agriculture and energy interests. [Fort Collins Coloradoan, 4/17/11] CO-04: Gardner for Congress Campaign and Gardner for Congress 2012 Account April Quarterly Report Analysis Gardner for Congress Campaign Account April Quarterly Report Analysis Total Raised: $69,144.43 Raised from PACs: $59,000 Cash on Hand: $ 24,849.54 Debt: $50,562.26 Gardner for Congress, 2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/13/11] Gardner for Congress 2012 Account April Quarterly Report Analysis Total Raised: $ 246,702.82 Raised from PACs: $96,200 Cash on Hand: $ 212, 801.18 Debt: $0
[Gardner for Congress 2012, 2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/14/11]

Gardner for Congress 2012 Received Thousands in Contributions from the Energy Industry Received $2,500 from Koch Industries PAC Gardner for Congress 2012 received $2,500 from Koch Industries PAC on March F1231, 2011. [Gardner
for Congress 2012, 2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/14/11]

Received $3000 from Exxon Mobil Corporation Political Action Committee Gardner for Congress 2012 received $3000 from Exxon Mobil Corporation Political Action Committee on March F1231, 2011. [Gardner for Congress 2012, 2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/14/11] Received $1500 from Oil and Gas Worker Vernon A. Isaacs Jr. Oil and gas worker Vernon A. Isaacs Jr. gave $1500 to Gosar in March 2011. [Gardner for Congress 2012,
2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/14/11]

Received $1000 from Oil and Gas Producer, Marian Dean Warren Gardner for Congress 2012 received $1000 from Oil and Gas Producer, Marian Dean Warren on March 21, 2011. [Gardner for Congress 2012, 2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/14/11] Received $1000 from Conquest Oil Co. Owner Gardner for Congress 2012 received $1000 from Conquest Oil Co. owner on March F1228, 2011. [Gardner
for Congress 2012, 2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/14/11]

Raised $154,174 from Energy


As of February 2011, Gardner had raised $154,174 for the Energy and Commerce Committee. The oil and gas industry was donating thousands to freshman representatives at that time. [Politico, 2/10/11] Gardner for Congress Received Thousands in Contributions from the Energy Industry Received Contribution from Lobbying Firm that Worked for Koch Industries and ConocoPhillips On March 28, 2011 Gardner received $1,000 from Hunton and Williams, LLP. In 2005 The Hill reported that Hunton and Williams, LLP was hired to lobby on behalf of ConocoPhillips on issues related to the renewable fuels program. Koch Industries also hired the firm due to similar concerns. [The Hill, 8/17/05;
Gardner for Congress, 2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/13/11]

Received $500 from National Coal Association Coal PAC Gardner for Congress received $500 from National Mining Association Coal PAC on March 21, 2011. [Gardner for Congress, 2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/13/11] Received $500 from National Mining Association Mine PAC Gardner for Congress received $500 from National Mining Association Mine PAC on March 21, 2011. [Gardner for Congress, 2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/13/11] Received $272.43 from Xcel Energy, Inc Gardner for Congress received $272.43 from Xcel Energy, Inc on February 3, 2011. [Gardner for
Congress, 2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/13/11]

Received $1,000 from Centerpoint Energy, Inc. PAC Gardner for Congress received $1000 from Centerpoint Energy, Inc. PAC on March 21, 2011.
[Gardner for Congress, 2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/13/11]

In Addition to Taking Energy Company Donations Gardner for Congress Backed Policies Friendly to the Energy Industry Proposed Energy Zones to Allow All Types of Energy Production on Some Lands In March 2011, Gardner proposed the creation of American energy zones. He said they would allow state, local and federal development of all energy opportunities. [Op-ed, Cory Gardner, Roll Call,

Received $10,000 from Koch and Said Human Beings Were only Changing Climate to an Extent Think Progress reported that Rep. Gardner got $10,000 from Koch and said I think the climate is changing, but I dont believe humans are causing that change to the extent thats been in the news. [Blog, Wonk Room, Think Progress, 3/15/11; Fort Collins Coloradoan, 9/19/10]


Skeptical that Global Warming was Caused by Humans During a March 2011 House Hearing on EPAs ability to regulate greenhouse gasses, Gardner mocked global warming, the New York Times referred to him as a skeptic of human-caused global warming. He offered Rep. Jay Inslee an e-reader for the enormous stack of research he had done in defense of the EPA. Inslee responded, Oh, would you like to read some? It might be helpful. Gardner snapped back, Maybe youd like to read some of mine. [New York Times, 3/8/11] AFP and Koch Brothers Contributed to Gardner Campaign In February 2011, Americans for Prosperity, which David Koch co-founded, admitted to making several thousands of phone calls and organizing events for Gardner. In 2008, AFP circulated a pledge asking representatives to oppose legislation compelling oil refineries and utilities to clean up greenhouse gases. [The Seattle Times, 2/6/11] Received Contribution from Romney Early in 2011, Gardner received contribution from Romneys Free and Strong America PAC. [,

Said There was a Limited Opportunity to Set Country on Right Track at Fundraiser Gardner spoke at the University of Northern Colorados University Center Ballrooms for the annual Lincoln Day Dinner in March 2011. He said, We have a very limited window of opportunity to get our nation back, to set our course and make sure we set the right direction for future generations of this country. [Tribune, 3/12/11] Gardner One of Top PAC Recipients in Freshman Class During the 2010 election cycle, Rep. Gardner received $572,764 from PACs, more than all but seven members of the freshman class. [Center for Responsive Politics, accessed 1/19/11] Think Progress Said Gardner Took About $1 Million from Charles Koch Lee Fang, an investigative reporter at Think Progress said it may look like Charles Koch who founded the Cato Institute only gave Gardner $5,000, however, Kochs Americans for Prosperity ran $330,000 worth of attack ads against Betsy Markey. They also paid for 40,000 pieces of literature against Betsy Markey. Fang said Koch gave Gardner more like a million dollars. [Common Cause, 1/27/11]

Choice Issues
Wanted to Outlaw Abortion


During Gardners run in the GOP primary, he wanted to introduce legislation to outlaw abortion. However during the general election, he backed down from his promise to do so but instead continued to support anti-abortion bills and amendments. [Op-ed, Jason Salzman, Coloradoan, 3/9/11] Voted to Cut Aid to Overseas Abortion Counseling Organizations Gardner voted for an amendment that would cut aid to overseas abortion counseling organizations, even if they do not actually perform abortions. According to Planned Parenthood, the amendment would cause thousands of women and tens of thousands of children to die in the most impoverished countries. [Op-ed,
Jason Salzman, Coloradoan, 3/9/11]

Co-Sponsored Bill to Cut Federal Spending to Planned Parenthood Gardner co-sponsored and voted for the bill that would cut federal spending to Planned Parenthood in February 2011. As a result, thousands of Colorado women would lose access to health procedures beyond abortions, cancer screenings and AIDS treatment. [Op-ed, Jason Salzman, Coloradoan, 3/9/11] Said His Priority was Cuts Not Abortion or Healthcare Riders on CR In April 2011, Gardner said he would be willing to drop rider on healthcare reform in favor of spending cuts. He sponsored a rider that would cut off payments to HHS employees to implement health insurance exchanges. He said his top priority wasnt abortion or health care defunding, it was spending cuts. Well continue to work on reining in Obamacare Those efforts are ongoing, and well continue to do more, Gardner said. But right now, weve got to cut spending. [Politico, 4/7/11] Gardner Co-Sponsored No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act; Did Not Want to Redefine Rape In 2011 Gardner co-sponsored the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. He supported a change to the abortion bill not to re-define rape. Gardner spokesperson said The intention was never to change the definition of rape. Rep. Gardner added his name as a co-sponsor because he believes in banning taxpayer subsidized abortions. [Coloradoan,

NARAL Attacked Gardner for Sponsoring Bill to Redefine Rape Gardner was attacked by NARAL for sponsoring H.R.3, which sought to redefine rape. Gardner beat a pro-choice member. [Official Press Release, NARAL Pro-Choice America, 2/1/11]

Crime & Public Safety Issues Economic and Financial Issues

Said He Needed More Details on Presidents Speech; Favored Regulatory Reform


In 2011, Gardner said he needed more details on President Obamas speech on jobs. I look forward to working with anyone whos committed to job creation, but we just need to make sure were doing the right thing, Gardner said in an interview with the Fort Collins Coloradoan. He said he hoped the Senate would take up regulatory-reduction bills that passed the House. The American people will be what drives Washington to the solutions the country needs, Gardner said. [Coloradoan, 9/9/11] Did Not Offer Much Reassurance to Employee of Tech Firm Worried About Having Job Outsourced The Denver Post reported that Gardner didnt do much to reassure a constituent afraid of having her job outsourced at an August 2011 town hall. The room grew silent when Alice Bergeron voiced fears she may lose her job soon. Bergeron said she worked for a high-tech firm that was outsourcing its jobs to Asia. At one time, we had 90,000 jobs, but that is shrinking every day, she said. I need to be trained in new technology, and I want to keep paying Colorado taxes and not become a ward of the state. Gardner said companies need tax breaks to help retrain workers. But, Bergeron said, Gardner didnt do much to reassure her.
[Denver Post, 8/9/11]

In an Op-Ed Gardner Touted His Advocacy for Regulatory Reform In a January 2011 op-ed, Cory Gardner said it seems that the groundswell of unrest regarding the economy that characterized last falls election, and the resulting heavy turnover in Congress, has done what a year and a half of unemployment rates at more than 9 percent could not. He went on to say he would advocate for regulatory reform through his position on the Energy and Commerce Committee. He said the next two years would be his opportunity to work with Democrats to get the economy back on track and reduce unemployment. [Coloradoan, 1/29/11] Gardner Said Obamas State of the Union Offered No New Plan; Opposed Government Investment Rep. Gardner said President Obama only offered more of the same during his State of the Union address on Tuesday. I think the president talked a lot about more government spending to create more jobs that hes been trying to create through the government for the past two years, and it hasnt worked, he said after the speech. Im concerned that hes set an awful expensive price tag on a jobs plan that has failed to move this country forward. [Greeley Tribune, 1/25/11] Rep. Gardner said in President Obamas State of the Union address he advocated for more government stimulus, We dont need to be spending more money on high-speed rail that goes from somewhere to nowhere. If weve learned anything over the last two years, it is that we cannot spend our way to prosperity. Gardner went on to say the Republicans were making strides in cutting the budget back to 2008 levels. [Denver Business Journal, 1/26/11]


Education Issues
Spoke at High School Graduation; Cut Pell Grants for College Students
WHAT: Speaking at Briggsdale High School Graduation WHEN: Saturday May 21st WHERE: Briggsdale High School, 515 Wellsey St., Briggsdale Cory Gardner Voted to Cut Pell Grants. In February, Cory Gardner voted to cut Pell Grants for the remainder of fiscal year 2011. According to the Senate Appropriations Committee, H.R. 1 would have funded Pell at $17.5 billion, reducing the maximum grant by $845. [H.R. 1, Vote 147, 2/19/11; Senate Committee on Appropriations, 4/11/11]

Almost 1.4 Million Students Will Lose Their Pell Grants. According to the House Committee on Education and Labor, under the Republican budget, the maximum Pell Grant award would be cut by more than $2,500 for the 2012-2013 school year, bringing the maximum award to $3,040, the lowest its been since 1998. New data from the Department of Education shows that the Republican budget would result in almost 1.4 million students losing eligibility for Pell grants, and all students receiving significantly reduced awards. For students, this could make college far less affordable. [House Committee on Education and Labor, 4/15/11 citing Estimates from the US Department of

24,086 Students from Colorado Would Lose their Pell Grant Next Year Under the Republican Budget. [Estimates from the US Department of Education via House Committee on Education and
Labor, 4/15/11] 17,912 Students in Colorados Fourth Congressional District Received Pell Grants. In the 2011-2012 school year, 9,413,225 students received Pell Grants. In Colorados fourth Congressional district 17,912 students from the 4th congressional district of Alabama. [Department of Education Budget Service Estimates, 4/14/11]

College Costs Continue to Rise. According to the College Board, Over the decade from 2000-01 to 2010-11, published tuition and fees at public four-year colleges and universities increased at an average rate of 5.6% per year beyond the rate of general inflation. This growth rate led the price to increase from 22% of the average tuition and fees at private nonprofit four-year institutions to 28% over the decade. [College Board Trends in College Pricing 2010, accessed 5/12/11]

Said Washington Should Not Tell Teachers How to Do Their Jobs In February 2011, on No Child Left Behind Gardner said I believe that one of the best things that I can do as your member of Congress is to make sure that Washingtons not trying to do your job. He went on to say Make sure that theyre not trying to tell you what to teach, tell you how to teach it, but to make sure the school board that you elected is doing the job that they were elected to do and not somebody whos unelected in Washington D.C. [Journal-Advocate, 2/25/11]

Energy Issues
Thousands of Solar Energy Jobs in Colorado Criticized Solyndra

In 2011, Gardner criticized Solyndra, but stopped short of calling for Energy Secretary Steven Chus resignation because Colorado companies that also have taken federal loans. Gardner called the loan program that helped dozens of solar companies problematic, nontransparent and in need of change. However, in Gardners right-leaning 4th Congressional District, there is Abound Solar, which received $400 million from the same program that should have benefitted Solyndra. There are more than 6,000 jobs scattered at dozens of companies all over the state, up from 5,000 a year ago. And General Electric announced last month that it will open a $300 million solar plant in Aurora that will initially employ more than 300 people making upward of $50,000 a year. [Denver Post, 11/6/11] Did Not Take Position on Wind Turbine Tax Credit That Could Affect Jobs in Colorado In 2011, Gardners spokeswomen claimed Gardner understood the importance of a tax credit for wind turbine operators, but said she was unaware if he has taken a position on the bill, H.R. 3307. Vestas Wind Systems executives were concerned that the future market for wind turbines in the United States could rest on the fate of a tax credit for wind turbine operators, possibly affecting jobs in Colorado. Sales of wind turbines may fall of a cliff if Congress doesnt extend the Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit for wind operators, Vestas CEO Ditlev Engel told Bloomberg News on Oct. 10. Vestas employs 1,700 employees in four manufacturing plants in Colorado including about 750 in Windsor. The tax credit, which Congress initially enacted in 1992 and was set to expire at the end of 2012. The credit provided renewable energy producers with a 2.2 cent credit per kilowatt-hour of wind, geothermal or closed-loop biomass energy produced. [Fort Collins Coloradoan, 11/15/11] Received Contribution from Anadarko Who Potentially Found Billions of Barrels of Oil in Colorado In 2011, it was reported that Houston-based Anadarko was sitting on up to a billion barrels of oil along Colorados Front Range Gardner received money from the company. Gov. John Hickenlooper said of the overall revenue flowing into Colorado at $4 billion a year, We look forward to supporting Anadarko, its workforce of 1,000 people already here and the thousands of contractors it hires throughout the state.
[Colorado Independent, 11/16/11]

Received One of Every Ten Dollars from Oil and Gas Voted for Their Interests In 2011, it was reported that one of every ten dollars raised by Gardner's re-election campaign in was from the oil and gas industry. Senior Reporter John Tomasic said Gardner voted for more than 150 bills that would block or lift longstanding regulations on air and water pollutants. Gardner has consistently voted to strip regulations from the oil and gas industry - and Fort Collins-based Clean Water Action dubbed him the most environmentally-unfriendly Congressman in the state's history. [Public News Service,

Supported Rick Perrys Approach to More Domestic Drilling


In 2011, it was reported that Gardner supports an approach touted by Republican presidential hopeful Rick Perry that more domestic drilling will solve the economic woes of Colorado and the nation. [Public
News Service, 10/18/11]

Demanded Investigation Over Solyndra In 2011, Gardner attacked the Obama Administration over the defunct company Solyndra. Gardner said it was important for the committees investigation of Solyndra to continue. The American people deserve answers. Half a billion dollars is missing, he said. A press release from Gardners office read The Solyndra story is one of greed, mismanagement, and incompetence. [Bismarck Tribune, 9/24/11; Rep. Gardner,
press release, 9/23/11]

Shaffer Criticized Gardner for Withdrawing Supporting from a Natural Gas Initiative Gardner was criticized by his opponent Brandon Shaffer for taking his name off a major natural gas initiative; the bill would have created tax credits designed to encourage natural gas development and use.
[Journal Advocate, 7/7/11]

Bill to Require Quicker Environmental Review of Offshore Drilling for Shell Passed House In 2011, the House, including a Colorado Democrat voted in favor of Gardners bill to make it quicker to obtain clean-air permits for offshore oil drilling off the coast of Alaska. Gardners bill was introduced to to resolve challenges faced by Royal Dutch Shell PLC as it sought, and continues to seek, clean-air permits for drilling projects off the coast of Alaska. Democrats said the bill would pollute the air and pose a risk to human health. [Wall Street Journal, 6/22/11] Gardners Bill Called a Giveaway to Big Oil In 2011, Gardners bill HR 2021 to make it easier for energy companies to drill in Alaskas Outer Continental Shelf passed the GOP-controlled House. It allows us to utilize the resources we have here in our own backyard, American energy for American jobs, responsibly, and environmentally friendly, Gardner said of his bill. Royal Dutch Shell had tried to get permits to allow it to explore in two areas of the Alaskan Outer Continental Shelf, Gardners bill would help them obtain permits. Democrats said 70 percent of current leases are unused by energy companies and that the bill was a giveaway to oil companies. This bill is certainly not about creating jobs, and its certainly not about lowering gasoline prices. It is a giveaway, a blatant giveaway, an unadulterated giveaway to the oil industry that will increase pollution on our coast, Rep. Bobby Rush. The Obama administration also said the bill would remove needed environmental safeguards.
[Coloradoan, 6/23/11]

Removed Name from Natural Gas Bill After Koch Opposition In June 2011, Gardner pulled his name as a co-sponsor of HR 1380, a measure to reduce dependence on foreign oil by giving tax credits to companies to convert their car fleets to natural gas. Gardners Spokeswoman said the fact that Gardner received $12,500 from Koch Industries Political Action Committee who opposed the measure had nothing to do with his decision. She also claimed he was still a strong supporter of natural gas. [Greeley Tribune, 6/15/11]


Gardner Received Campaign Contributions from Koch Industries and Pulled Name as Cosponsor from Bill They Opposed In June 2011, Gardner pulled his name as a co-sponsor of HR 1380, a measure to reduce dependence on foreign oil by giving tax credits to companies to convert their car fleets to natural gas. Opponents of the bill included the Heritage Foundation, Americans for Prosperity (AFP) and Koch Industries. Opponents of the plan were also contributors to Gardners campaign. T. Boone Pickens backed the bill. AFP opposed the legislation and spent $300,000 targeting Gardners predecessor to help his election. The Koch Industries Political Action Committee also gave $12,500 to Gardners campaign. [Coloradoan, 6/15/11]
Voted to Repeal Mandatory Funding to States for Insurance Exchanges In April 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee to repeal the mandatory funding provided to states by the Affordable Care Act to establish the health care exchanges. Republicans called the provision that allows the Health and Human Services secretary to determine the appropriations for establishing state insurance exchanges a blank check and argued it took spending authority away from Congress. Democrats countered that Republicans were targeting mandatory funding for health insurance exchanges because they were central to the success of the health care law. The bill was reported favorably to the full House 31-20. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, HR 1213, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 4/05/11] Opposed Exempting States that Operate their Own Exchanges In April 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee against an amendment by Rep. Frank Pallone that would have prohibited the repeal of funding from states whose governor certified a preference not to have the Federal Government establish and operate an American Health Benefit Exchange within the state and to have the state establish and operate its own Exchange. The amendment was rejected 18-31. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, Amendment to HR 1213, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 4/05/11; Pallone Amendment to HR 1213,, 4/05/11] Opposed Exempting Plans that did not Discriminate Against Pre-Existing Conditions In April 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee against an amendment by Rep. Edward Markey that would have exempted the repeal of funding for states certifying health plans which did not include premiums that discriminated on the basis of pre-existing conditions. The amendment was rejected 17-31. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, Amendment to HR 1213, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 4/05/11; Markey Amendment to HR 1213,, 4/05/11] Opposed Delaying Funding Repeal Until Unemployment Fell to Four Percent In April 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee against an amendment by Rep. Tammy Baldwin that would have delayed the funding repeal until the national unemployment rate was equal to or less than 4 percent.


The amendment was rejected 18-30. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, Amendment to HR 1213, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 4/05/11; Baldwin Amendment to HR 1213,, 4/05/11] Opposed Exempting Plans that did not Discriminate on the Basis of Gender In April 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee against an amendment by Rep. Lois Capps that would have exempted the repeal of funding for states certifying health plans which did not include premiums that discriminated on the basis of gender. The amendment was rejected 18-31. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, Amendment to HR 1213, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 4/05/11; Capps Amendment to HR 1213,, 4/05/11]

Voted to Nullify FCCs Net Neutrality Rules In March 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee to nullify the Federal Communications Commissions rules barring fixed broadband service providers from blocking content and from unnecessarily discriminating in transmitting network traffic. The FCC rules also bared wireless broadband service providers from blocking websites or applications that compete with their voice services. The resolution was reported favorably to the full House 30-23. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, H J Res 37, House
Energy and Commerce Committee, 3/15/11]

Said Fracking was Important to Energy Production In 2011, Gardner spoke at the Energy Expo 2011, he said he was excited about renewable energy opportunities for Colorado. Gardner was asked about fracking a hydraulic fracturing process to extract natural gas from stone. House Republicans want the states to regulate it, rather than the federal government, Gardner said, adding that fracking was a needed part of energy production. But we need to make sure we`re doing it responsibly, he said. [Fort Morgan Times, 5/3/11] Headline: Rep. Cory Gardner Touring Eastern Colorado Wind Farm In 2011, Gardner toured that Kit Carson Windpower Project, an eastern Colorado wind farm to promote his efforts to increase domestic energy. Gardner joined the rest of Colorados congressional delegation in a letter to the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy urging the group to place its solar headquarters in Boulder. He also signed a similar plea to General Electric asking the company to locate a solar manufacturing plant in Boulder. [Daily Reporter, 5/7/11] Presented Draft Legislation to Avoid Delays on Energy Production Off Coast of Alaska In 2011, Gardner presented a piece of draft legislation designed to eliminate delays for energy production efforts off the coast of Alaska. This bill will create tens of thousands of jobs, increase energy security, and lessen our dependence on foreign oil, Gardner said in the news release. It will add billions of dollars in salary to Alaska and other states over the next several decades, bringing good paying jobs to our country. [Tribune, 4/13/11] Introduced Bill to Increase Oil Drilling in Alaska


In 2011, Gardner proposed a bill to speed up drilling in Alaska. He accused the Obama administration of hurting efforts to explore oil off Alaskas coast. Gardner had criticized the EPA for regulating greenhouse gases. He also proposed legislation to eliminate air permitting delays for oil exploration. Gardner said he proposed the legislation because domestic energy affected gas prices. The current antidomestic-energy philosophy is not what the American people want, Gardner said, No matter how many times President Obama insists that America doesnt have enough domestic oil to make any difference, the public isnt buying it. They want our oil supplies unlocked and understand full well the benefits of doing so. [Fort Collins Coloradoan, 4/14/11] Said Nuclear was Part of Energy Approach In 2011, Gardner expressed his concern about the humanitarian crisis in Japan and said When I asked if he was satisfied with the information coming from Japan, he was unclear. He said nuclear was part of his all of the above energy policy approach. [Denver Post, 3/17/11] Said Cap and Trade Was Detrimental to Economy and Job Creation During a February 2011 hearing, Gardner came out against the EPAs use of the cap and trade regulatory tax. The reason cap and trade didnt pass is because it would have been detrimental to our economy and job creation, so for the administration to now try and usurp Congress by using the EPA is just unacceptable. [The State Column, 2/13/11] Supported Developing Energy Opportunities In February 2011, Gardner said, We have so many opportunities in eastern Colorado and northern Colorado to develop our oil and gas, wind, solar resources, that we should be doing that anyway. He touted a bill he is working on called American Energy Zones that he said would move the country toward energy development. [Journal-Advocate, 2/25/11] Supported Transmission Line to Connect Power Across Colorado In February 2011, Gardner supported matching private investments to create a transmission line to connect power across Colorado. Gardner said. If the desire is to develop clean energy, then how do we make sure that were able to develop clean energy without unnecessary impediments being put in front of us? [Journal-Advocate, 2/25/11] Proposed Energy Zones to Allow All Types of Energy Production on Some Lands In March 2011, Gardner proposed the creation of American energy zones. He said they would allow state, local and federal development of all energy opportunities. [Op-ed, Cory Gardner, Roll Call, 3/3/11] Opposed Cap-and-Trade; Said He Would Work with President to Develop All Energy Options

In March 2011, Gardner wrote that cap-and-trade failed because it was putting burden on business. The reason cap-and-trade failed is because it would have placed an increased burden on businesses, farmers and struggling families but that does not change the cold hard truth that America needs to produce more of its own energy and wean itself off foreign sources. Said American needed both wind farms and natural gas wells. He wrote lets work together to develop all of our natural resources like wind, solar, coal, oil, natural gas and even nuclear. And pledged to work with President Obama to develop both traditional and renewable energy. [Op-ed, Cory Gardner, Roll Call,

Said He Would Back All Energy Options and Get Government Out of Energy Producers Way In March 2011, Gardner wrote that it was time to let the private sector drive job creation. He said he would give private businesses in energy production the opportunity to create jobs. Private businesses involved in energy production both traditional and new energy deserve the opportunity to create jobs and generate wealth without stifling government overreach. He said he supported all energy options, I have always advocated an all of the above approach to energy. And said U.S. production would make America safer. [Op-ed, Cory Gardner, Roll Call, 3/3/11] Advocated for End to Regulations Which Hurt Business and Hindered Energy Production In a 2011 floor statement, Garner spoke in favor of House Resolution 72. Gardner said businesses were being regulated out of existence and the federal energy regulations could hinder energy production in Colorado. He said But lets not turn to the role of government to regulate people out of business to create other jobs. Thats not the job of the Federal Government. Lets put an end to reckless regulation. [Gardner
Floor Remarks on H.Res 72, 2/10/11]

Blamed Obama Administration for Gas Prices Saying He Wasnt Allowing American Resources to be Developed In March 2011, Gardner blamed the Obama Administration for record high gas prices. As Obama pushed for more conservation and energy alternatives Gosar said Any time we can wean ourselves off of overseas oil, its a good thingBut the problem with the administrations approach is that hes not giving Americans the tools to develop their own resources. Gardner, sat on the Energy and Commerce Committee and said Its a situation where his rhetoric doesnt match his action, Gardner said. We need an administration policy that is working to create jobs, working to facilitate environmentally responsible action. [Denver Post, 3/31/11] Said White House Imposed De Facto Moratorium on Drilling in America In March 2011, Gardners weekly newsletter blamed the White House for rising energy costs. As is the case with jobs and the economy, Washington is a big part of the problem when it comes to the cost of energy, Gardner said. Over the last two years, the Obama administration has consistently blocked American energy production that would lower costs and create jobs.

He went on to write It has imposed a de facto moratorium on drilling in this country, and it tried to pass a national cap-and-trade tax on energy. The result of the administrations freeze on energy production at home is that gas is on its way to $4 a gallon and unemployment remains high.
[Colorado Independent, 3/30/11]

Told President Nuclear Energy Must Be Part of Energy Equation Gardner wrote a letter to President Obama commending him for mentioning nuclear energy as part of the energy independence solution. [Cory Gardner, Letter to President Obama, 2/3/11]

Environmental Issues
Headline: Reps. Gardner and DeGette go mad on farm dust, House votes to block non-existent regulation In 2011, Gardner touted his vote to roll back regulations on farm dust despite the fact that the Environmental Protection Agency says it has not been regulating farm dust and said it has no plans to start. This is important to the ag community, Gardner said. This addresses uncertainty. Gardner also authored a letter asking Labor Secretary Hilda Solis to halt proposed rules that would ban children on farms from participating in a variety of activities including operating a tractor, applying pesticides and working with livestock. [Blog, Denver Post, 12/8/11] Advocated for Less Regulation of Water Quality In 2011, Gardner spoke before the Colorado Water Congress and said the Environmental Protection Agency, must back off regulations on water quality. Gardner supported H.R. 2018, Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act, which passed the House of Representatives in July by a vote of 239 to 184. The White House in said it strongly opposes the law because it would roll back the key provisions of the CWA (Clean Water Act) that have been the underpinning of 40 years of progress in making the nation's waters fishable, swimmable, and drinkable. [Colorado Independent, 8/26/11] Headline: Gardner, rest of Colorado GOP House members vote to gut Clean Water Act In 2011, Gardner voted to pass the Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act while all three Democratic members of Colorados congressional delegation voted against the bill. After the legislation passed, Gary Wockner of Fort Collins-based Clean Water Action said, Rep. Gardner has once again made an extremist vote that increases profits for polluters at the expense of the publics health and the environment. Gardner had not issued a direct statement on the passage of the bill; however, he had relentlessly attacked the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency since he entered office. In a release Gardner said It is time for the EPA to give Congress some straight answers about the consequences its regulations have on jobs and the economy, without knowing that information how can we judge whether a regulation is necessary or harmful? [Colorado Independent, 7/14/11] Discussed Debt Talks, 2012 Farm Bill and about the EPA at the Colorado Farm Bureau Meeting


In 2011, Gardner attended the Colorado Farm Bureau Meeting and updated all the attendees on the U. S. debt ceiling talks during his presentation, and discussed the 2012 Farm Bill and the Environmental Protection Agencys effects on agriculture. [Greeley Tribune, 7/16/11] Gardners Bill Would Let Shell Drill and Expose Alaskans to Significant Air Pollution In 2011, it was reported that Gardners bill to block the EPA from enforcing health-based air standards on any company drilling off Alaskas coast would expose Alaskans to significant air pollution. Gina McCarthy, EPA assistant administrator, said during the 168-day Arctic drilling season, one exploratory outer continental shelf source could emit approximately as much on a daily basis as a large state-of-the art refinery. Exempting companies could result in significant human exposure to air pollution from Outer Continental Shelf sources, including nitrogen dioxide, particles, sulfur dioxide, and pollution that causes ozone. Shell canceled its plan to drill an exploration well in the Beaufort Sea in 2011 because the company didnt obtain an air permit in time. Shell, blocked since 2007 from developing its Alaska leases, filed a drilling plan this month seeking U.S. approval for as many as four Beaufort wells -- two in 2012 and two in 2013. Gardners bill also made it more difficult for local groups such as fishermen to appeal air permits issued by the EPA and would require them to hire a lawyer in Washington. [Bloomberg, accessed 5/13/11]
Voted to Prohibit EPA from Regulating Greenhouse Gases

In March 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee to prohibit the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency from issuing any regulation concerning greenhouse gases in an effort to address climate change. The bill exempted greenhouse gases from EPAs purview and repealed numerous agency actions to implement new emission restrictions. Under EPA rules that took effect in January 2011, new or substantially modified major stationary sources of industrial pollution, such as power plants or refineries, would be required to use the best available technology to reduce emissions. The resolution was reported favorably to the full House 34-19. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, HR 910, House
Energy and Commerce Committee, 3/15/11]

Opposed EPAs Finding that Climate Warming was Unequivocal In March 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee against an amendment by Rep. Henry Waxman that provided for Congress acceptance of the EPAs scientific finding that climate warming is unequivocal based on observations of global phenomena. The amendment was rejected 21-31. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, Amendment to HR 910, House Energy
and Commerce Committee, 3/15/11]

Opposed EPAs Finding that Humans Caused Climate Change


In March 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee against an amendment by Rep. Diana DeGette that provided for Congress acceptance of the EPAs scientific finding that increased concentrations of greenhouse gases resulting from anthropogenic emissions (manmade) were the primary cause of recently observed climate change. The amendment was rejected 21-30. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, Amendment to HR 910, House Energy
and Commerce Committee, 3/15/11]

Opposed EPAs Finding that Greenhouse Gases Endangered Public Health In March 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee against an amendment by Rep. Jay Inslee that provided for Congress acceptance of the EPAs scientific finding that the public health was endangered and would likely become more threatened over time as greenhouse gases accumulate in the atmosphere. The amendment was rejected 21-30. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, Amendment to HR 910, House Energy
and Commerce Committee, 3/15/11]

Opposed Allowing EPA to Reduce Demand for Oil Using the Clean Air Act In March 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee against an amendment by Rep. Edward Markey that would have allowed the EPA administrator to use any authority under the Clean Air Act in effect prior to the bills enactment to address climate change through the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions if the administrator determined that such action would reduce demand for oil. Markey argued that fuel economy standards have historically been a tool for the United States to reduce oil imports. The amendment was defeated 16-34. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, Amendment to HR 910, House Energy
and Commerce Committee, 3/15/11]

Headline: Environmentalists protest outside Gardners local office In 2011, protesters outside of Gardners office chanted clean air creates jobs, and delivered a letter requesting him to support the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency efforts to regulate greenhouse gas and express dismay that Gardner questioned the cause if climate change. Gardner supported a bill that would have blocked the EPA from regulating greenhouse gas emissions. [Coloradoan, 5/7/11] Shell Backed Gardners Bill to Speed Up Air-Pollution Permits to Drill in Arctic In 2011, Shell backed Gardners bill to speed up offshore air permits speed up air-pollution permits for proposed drilling in Arctic waters off Alaskas northern coast. The companys quest for oil in the area had been unsuccessful to date. [The Hill, 4/13/11] Received $10,000 from Koch and Said Human Beings Were only Changing Climate to an Extent
Think Progress reported that Rep. Gardner got $10,000 from Koch and said I think the climate is changing,

but I dont believe humans are causing that change to the extent thats been in the news. [Blog, Wonk
Room, Think Progress, 3/15/11; Fort Collins Coloradoan, 9/19/10]


Said Energy Tax Prevention Act Would Not Weaken EPAs Job In February 2011, Gardner spoke in favor of the Energy Tax Prevention Act that would block the EPAs ability to regulate greenhouse gases. But he did not think it would weaken their ability to do their job. I think weve got a situation with this bill that will continue to allow the EPA to protect our air quality, he said. They will continue their oversight and regulation of whats called criteria pollutants, but it wont allow them to impose a national energy tax through the back channel. [The Tribune, 2/9/11] Skeptical that Global Warming was Caused by Humans During a March 2011 House Hearing on EPAs ability to regulate greenhouse gasses, Gardner mocked global warming, the New York Times referred to him as a skeptic of human-caused global warming. He offered Rep. Jay Inslee an e-reader for the enormous stack of research he had done in defense of the EPA. Inslee responded, Oh, would you like to read some? It might be helpful. Gardner snapped back, Maybe youd like to read some of mine. [New York Times, 3/8/11] Said Government Should Protect Consumers from Bad Actors and Protect Environment In February 2011, Gardner said government regulations needed to protect people from bad actors and protect the environment. He said federal agencies too often exceeded their legal authority. [Times Call, 2/25/11] The Natural Resources Defense Council Tried to Pressure Gardner on Anti-EPA Bill After Gardner openly proposed EPA carbon regulations in February 2011, the Natural Resources Defense Council tried to pressure him to not vote for the anti-EPA bill. Gardner was in support of prohibiting the EPA from using the Clean Air Act to regulate carbon emissions and ensure Obama does not enact a carbon tax that would help limit carbon emissions. [The Washington Times, 2/9/11]

Ethics Issues Foreign Policy Issues Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea Gay and Lesbian Issues Gun Issues Health Care Issues
Voted to Limit Time to File Medical Lawsuits and Cap Damages


In April 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee to limit the amount of time a patient has to file health care lawsuits to within three years of the injury or one year after the claimant discovers, or should have discovered, the injury, whichever comes first. The bill allowed longer times in certain circumstances such as fraud or the injury of young children. The bill also capped noneconomic compensatory damages, which include damages for emotional pain and suffering, physical impairment, and disfigurement at $250,000. However, it did not limit economic damages including the loss of past and future earnings, the cost of domestic care services, and past and future medical expenses. The legislation to overhaul the medical liability system was a component of the Republicans effort to replace the 2010 Affordable Care Act. The bill was reported favorably to the full House 30-20. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, HR 5, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 5/11/11] Limited Attorney Contingent Fees The bill allowed courts to limit payments to an attorney in any health care lawsuit where the attorney is to be paid via a contingent fee. It limited the total of all contingent fees to 40 percent of the first $50,000 recovered; 33.3 percent of the next $50,000; 25 percent of the next $500,000; and 15 percent of any amount over $600,000. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, HR 5, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 5/11/11] Exempted Providers of FDA Approved Products from Punitive Damages The bill exempted manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, and health care providers who made or prescribed products that were subject to approval by the Food and Drug Administration from punitive damages. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, HR 5, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 5/11/11] Opposed Two Amendments Protecting States Control Over Medical Liability In April 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee against an amendment by Rep. Tammy Baldwin that would have affirmed that nothing in the bill should be construed to preempt any substantive or procedural state law governing medical malpractice or product liability, or to weaken state authority over legal procedures used in such cases. The amendment was rejected 20-29. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, HR 5, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 5/11/11] Gardner also voted against an amendment by Rep. John Barrow that would have prevented the bill from preempting any provisions of a state constitution, including those construed by the states case law. The amendment was rejected 20-30. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, HR 5, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 5/11/11] Opposed Removing FDA Safe Harbor Provision In April 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee against an amendment by Rep. Henry Waxman to remove the protection from punitive damages for manufacturers, distributors, or suppliers of medical products that were subject to approval by the Food and Drug Administration. The amendment was rejected 17-29. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, HR 5, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 5/11/11] Opposed Raising the Cap on Noneconomic Damages to $1 Million


In April 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee against an amendment by Rep. Frank Pallone to raise the bills cap on noneconomic damages from $250,000 to $1 million, adjusted annually on the basis of the Consumer Price Index. The amendment was rejected 16-30. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, HR 5, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 5/11/11] Opposed Eliminating the $250,000 Cap on Noneconomic Damages In April 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee against an amendment by Rep. Frank Pallone to eliminate the bills $250,000 cap on punitive damages. The amendment was rejected 15-27. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, HR 5, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 5/11/11] Opposed Excluding Intentional Acts that Caused Injury In April 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee against an amendment by Rep. Henry Waxman that would have excluded intentional acts that caused egregious injury to patients called intentional tort liability from the terms health care lawsuit and health care liability action. The amendment was rejected 18-29. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, HR 5, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 5/11/11] Voted to Repeal the Prevention and Public Health Fund In April 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee to repeal the Prevention and Public Health Fund created in the Affordable Care Act. The Fund was created to assist state and community efforts to prevent disease, detect it early, and manage conditions before they become severe. The Fund was set to spend $15 billion over 10 years with the goal of moving the nation from a focus on sickness and disease to one based on wellness and prevention. [, accessed 5/05/11] The bill was reported favorably to the full House 26-16. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, HR 1217, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 4/05/11] Voted to Repeal Funding for School-Based Health Centers In April 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee to repeal the mandatory funding provided by the Affordable Care Act for the construction of school-based health centers. The bill was reported favorably to the full House 27-15. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, HR 1214, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 4/05/11] Opposed Delaying Repeal Until 75% of Adolescents had Regular Wellness Checkups In April 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee against an amendment by Rep. Lois Capps that would have delayed the funding repeal until 75.6 percent of adolescents, between 10 and 17 years of age, have had a wellness checkup in the previous 12-month period. The amendment was rejected 16-28. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, Amendment to HR 1214, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 4/05/11] Opposed Limiting Repeal to Construction Funds, Preserving Program Operations


In April 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee against an amendment by Rep. Edolphus Towns that would have limited the repeal of funds to construction costs but still allowed for other operation costs. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, Amendment to HR 1214, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 4/05/11] The amendment was rejected 15-27. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, Amendment to HR 1214, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 4/05/11] Opposed Preserving Funds for Economically Disadvantaged Areas In April 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee against an amendment by Rep. Bobby Rush that would have preserved funds for the construction of school-based health centers in areas with health provider shortages and economically disadvantaged areas. The amendment was rejected 16-27. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, Amendment to HR 1214, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 4/05/11]

Op-ed Headline: Gardner Needs to Consider Kids Health In 2011, Gardner was criticized in an op-ed by Libby Colbert, an advocate for cystic fibrosis research. She wrote Representing Northern Colorado, Gardner should know better than most that having clean air and jobs are not mutually exclusive. Our region of Colorado is a perfect example to the rest of the nation of how new energy technologies create good jobs and clean air. My husband and I do the best we can to help control the quality of air our son breathes. I would challenge Gardner to vote to protect his constituents health and, as Northern Colorados representative in Washington, D.C. [Op-ed, Libby Colbert, Coloradoan, 5/10/11] Sponsored Amendment to Defund Part of Health Care Reform In February 2011, Gardner touted his amendment to prohibit paying the salaries of federal employees who help set up health insurance exchanges to defund part of health care reform. In response to criticism for dismantling health care reform, he said, We have to put solutions in place to increase the quality of care, reduce the cost of care. [Times Call, 2/25/11] Advocated for Amendment to Prevent Implementation of Health Care Exchanges In his March 2011 floor, remarks Gardner said he would eliminate the 1099 requirement in the health care bill for business owners. He said the provision would require businesspeople to spend 40 hours a month to comply with the provision. He said, If we are going to create jobs in this country to move our country forward, then we have got to do it starting by the repealing of the 1099 provisions. [Gardner Floor Remarks on HR4, 3/3/11] Advocated for Amendment to Prevent Implementation of Health Care Exchanges In March 2011, floor remarks Gardner advocated for an amendment to prevent the Department of Health and Human Services from implementing health care exchanges. He spoke out against President Obamas health care exchanges saying they did not allow people to choose their benefits.


The government will control which plans are allowed to be offered in each State. It will control which companies will be allowed to sell health insurance plans in each State and will control the benefits contained in those health insurance plans. [Gardner Floor Remarks on Gardner Amendment to HR1, 2/18/11] Said Health Care Bill should be Defunded In March 2011, floor remarks Gardner urged defunding not just health care exchanges, but the completely health care reform bill. Defund the exchanges; defund this bill. Lets put real solutions in place that will actually decrease the cost of care, increase the quality of care, and we can begin that process tonight. I reserve the balance of my time. [Gardner Floor Remarks on Gardner
Amendment to HR1, 2/18/11]

Said Health Care Bill Increased Costs and Did Not Allow People to Keep Health Care In March 2011, floor remarks Gardner said the President promised that people would be able to keep their health care and that wont happen. He also said health care reform would not lower the cost of care. The chief actuary of Medicare, who blew a hole in the two primary promises of Obama Care. The first promise, that people get to keep the health care that they have if they liked it, he said thats not going to happen. The second promise, that it would lower the cost of health care, he said thats not going to happen. [Gardner Floor Remarks on Gardner Amendment to HR1, 2/18/11] Announced He Would Not Take Federal Healthcare In January 2011, Rep. Cory Gardner announced that he would not take the federal healthcare offered to members of Congress after he voted against the healthcare reform law and campaigned against it.
[Coloradoan, 1/28/11]

Immigration and Border Issues

District Director Said Bill to Help Illegal Immigrant Who Needed Life-Saving Care Would Probably Not Pass In 2011, Gardners district director said private relief bills to clear federal tape surrounding citizenship rarely passed the house after it was reported that Brenda Casten wasnt a citizen, but may not be able to get life saving medical treatment if she was deported. Casten, a 24-year-old Fort Collins resident with three children, was diagnosed with myeloid leukemia. She had been in the U.S. since she was 2 years old, although she wasnt a citizen. Her status made her ineligible for health insurance coverage through her husbands work. Sean Casten, 37, is an account executive with All Copy Products. [Fort Collins Coloradoan,

Worked to Get Federal Assistance to Locate Tiffany Young-Hartleys Husband after Attack on Water near Texas-Mexico Border In May 2011, Gardner worked to help Tiffany Young-Hartley in locating her husband, who was attacked when the two were riding in their watercraft near the Texas-Mexico border, and is presumed dead. According to The Monitor, Gardner, who represents the district where Young-Hartley lives in Colorado,


has met with her numerous times and served as a liaison in providing her information about the process of obtaining a death certificate [of her husband] from the State Department, according to a news release from Hickenloopers office. In a letter from Garder, Senator Udall, and Gov. Hickenlooper Ms. Hartley recognizes the complicated nature of this situation because it happened on the Texas-Mexico border, she has been unable to obtain any recent updates from the FBI regarding the progress of the case, the letter stated. Moreover, the inability to recover her husbands remains has created numerous difficulties for Ms. Hartley because she cannot obtain a death certificate. [The Montior, 5/24/11] Represented Areas Where Illegal Immigrants Were Hired; Said He Did Not Support Amnesty In 2011, President Obama gave a speech on comprehensive immigration reform. Gardner represented Eastern Plains farmers and Greeley meatpacking plants, areas where many immigrants live and work. He did not comment directly on President Obamas message but said he did not support amnesty and wanted to secure the border. [Denver Post, 05/12/11]

Israel Job Issues

Claimed House Passed Dozens of Job-Creating Bills In 2011, Gardner claimed the House had passed dozens of job-creating bills that were stalled in the Democrat-controlled Senate. Democrats like to say that Congress isnt doing anything, he said. But they arent passing legislation either. [Blog, Denver Post, 12/8/11]

Land Issues
Opposed Bill that Would Take Away Federal Aid to Districts with Federal Lands They are Unable to Tax In an official email Gosar urged his colleagues to Oppose Rep. Kaptur Amendment to HR 1 (#333). He wrote that the amendment would end the Payment In Lieu of Taxes (PILT) program that made sure that the federal government aided local school districts who could not tax property owned by the federal government. He opposed the amendment because 69% of Arizona was federally owned. [Rep. Gosar, e-Dear
Colleague, 3/1/11]

Labor and Working Family Issues

Claimed Oil Drilling Bill for Alaska Would Create 54,000 Jobs At a town hall in September 2011, Gardner touted the bill he was working on to speed up permitting for oil drilling in Alaska. He claimed his bill, the Jobs and Energy Permitting Act would create 54,000 jobs

from one permit that had been stalled by the Environmental Protection Agency. Opponents to the bill said the drilling would hurt air quality and wildlife habitat and hurt the country in the long run. [Fort Morgan
Times, 9/17/11]

Advocated for New Federal Purpose for Lyon Correctional Facility Which Employed 200 In 2011, Gardner advocated for the federal government to find a new purpose for a Bent County state prison, which was due to be closed next year because of state budget cuts. Gardner wrote a letter to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs urging the VA to explore other uses for the Fort Lyon Correctional facility. The prison employed 200. [Associated Press, 5/22/11]

Personal Issues
Former Democrat; Became Small-Government Republican as Law Student In 2003, Gardner was a Democrat in college. By the end of Clintons presidency he was a smallgovernment Republican, a law student and president of the conservative Federalist Society. Gardner described the 1995-1996 budget talks as a time when I realized people were trying to get government to do too much for too many. [LA Times, 3/17/11]

Military Issues
Sought to Convert Fort Lyon Facility into VA Hospital with Help of Federal Government In May 2011, the Chieftain commended Gardner for taking a role in finding a federal purpose for the Fort Lyon Correctional Facility. Gardner wrote a letter to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs stating While we are exploring a number of options, I believe that Fort Lyon has the potential to provide services to hundreds of veterans who might not have access to nearby treatment facilities otherwise. As such, I respectfully request that the VA consider a review of any and all potential future uses this facility could provide the VA and veterans. It is critical that we maintain the facility, along with the jobs associated with it. The Fort Lyon facility was scheduled to close, causing a possible loss of 204 jobs at the Fort Lyon Correction Facility. [Editorial Chieftain, 5/25/11]

Gardner Had Non-Committal Response on Gadhafi In February 2011, Gardner didnt initially respond to his constituents request to oppose Gadhafis actions in Libya. He said, Obviously, it is to the U.S. and humanitys advantage when freedom prevails, and strengthening democracy around the globe, strengthening freedom, is something that will lift people from poverty and improve lives. He said he did not want to interfere with the state department. [Coloradoan,

Touted Vote in Favor of Billions in Cuts and Funding for Troops in Event of Shutdown In April 2011, Gardner touted his vote in favor of the House bill to cut $12 billion from the federal budget and ensure that the military was paid.


Unless action is taken to pass H.R. 1 or a similar appropriations measure, military personnel will serve without pay, and that is unacceptable, Gardner said. Regardless of which side of the policy debate someone is on, I think we can all agree that the men and women who are putting themselves in harms way to fight for freedom deserve to be compensated. If someone is killed fighting for this country, that persons family deserves to be taken care of. [Rep. Gardner, press release, 4/5/11] Editorial Said Gardner Opposed Expanding the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site A February 2011 a Pueblo Chieftain editorial said Gardner supported farmers and ranchers in the continued fight to keep the army from expanding the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site. [Editorial, Pueblo
Chieftain, 2/7/11]

Open Government
Favored Putting Legislation Online 72 Hours Before Vote In February 2011, Gardner was in Sterling discussing government transparency. He said he supported rules requiring legislation to be online 72 hours before its voted upon. Those are all things that I think will make the process better, stronger and more open for the people of America, Gardner said. [Journal-Advocate, 2/25/11]

Other Social Issues

Voted to Convert Funding for Teen Sex-Education Programs that Included Contraception In April 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee to convert funding for state teen sex-education programs that teach both abstinence and contraception from direct appropriations to authorizations of appropriations. However, the bill maintained direct appropriations for an abstinence-only program. Rep. Henry Waxman said, If youre against mandatory spending, you should be against both programs being mandatory. The bill was reported favorably to the full House 25-17. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, HR 1215, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 4/05/11] Opposed Amendment to Repeal the Abstinence Only Program In April 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee against an amendment by Rep. Tammy Baldwin that would have maintained direct appropriations for state teen sex-education programs until the abstinence only program was repealed. The amendment was rejected 17-20. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, HR 1215, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 4/05/11;, Full Committee Markup on H.R. 1213 - H.R. 1217, 4/05/11] Opposed Amendment to Maintain All Funding Until Abstinence-Only Funding Ended In April 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee against an amendment by Rep. Diana DeGette


that would have maintained direct appropriations for state teen sex-education programs until the abstinence-only education funding ran out. The amendment was rejected16-23. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, HR 1215, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 4/05/11;, Full Committee Markup on H.R. 1213 - H.R. 1217, 4/05/11]

State Senate President Brandon Shaffer Accused of Writing Congressional Lines to Help Him Beat Gardner State Senate President Brandon Shaffer was rumored to be considering running against Gardner. Republicans accused Shaffer of writing congressional district lines to help his pending run for the seat.
[Times Call, 4/17/11]

Spokesman Claimed Gardner Always Believed President was Born in U.S., Despite Evidence to the Contrary In 2011, Gardners spokesman said Today is no different than yesterday. The congressman has always believed that President Obama was born in the United States. However, Gardner during the 2010 campaign he said I think the administration is trying to say he was born in this country. His spokesman during the 2010 election said Gardner believed Obama was most likely a citizen of the United States.
[Denver Post, 4/28/11]

Personal Issues
Wife Had Baby Nov. 12, 2011 In 2011, Gardner and his wife, Jaime, had baby John Thatcher on Nov. 12. [Denver Post, 11/27/11]

Political Issues
District Obtained Republican-Leaning Portions of Coffmans in Redistricting In 2011, Gardners district included Republican-leaning portions of Coffmans district in redistricting.
[Associated Press, 11/11/11]

Was Expected to Face a Competitive Race Against Shaffer In 2011, Gardners district got a new batch of GOP voters in redistricting. He was expected to face a competitive race against Colorado state Senate President Brandon Shaffer. The new 4th Congressional District included the residence of Shaffer. [, 11/11/11; Pueblo Chieftain, 11/11/11] Defended Rep. Allen West as Acting on His Passion In December 6, 2011 Gardner defended Rep. West. Allen West is passionate about his beliefs. Political opponents and opportunists try to equate passion with being on the fringe. Allen is acting on his passion while proving the political gadflies wrong. [, 12/6/11]


Seat Made Safer in Redistricting In 2011, the Washington Post political blog reported that Gardners seat was made safer in redistricting. Shaffer said he would still run against Gardner, whose district went from 51 percent for McCain to one that would have gone about 56 percent for the Arizona senator. [The Fix, Washington Post, 11/16/11] District Got Safer in Redistricting In 2011, Gardners district got safer in redistricting. Though he said he didnt want to lose Larimer County in the redistricting process, Gardner likely will have much less of a re-election fight on his hands without Democratic-leaning voters in Fort Collins to worry about. [Coloradoan, 12/6/11] Headline: Gardner Gets an Earful at Loveland Town Hall In 2011, Gardner faced boos at a town hall with 250 people. Why is it more important to give a trillion dollars to the top 400 people in this country than it is to take care of our seniors? asked senior citizen Ginny Carnes from Loveland. Carnes said she was troubled by tax breaks and the future of Medicare and Social Security. Gardner claimed the Republican budget would reform the tax code. He said, We ought to have comprehensive tax reform in this country. Gardner accused others of not doing their job, The White House and Congress needs to get their job done, to cut spending and get reforms in a place that preserve and protect valuable programs like Medicare. We can get that job done, we need to get the job done, he said. [KUNC, 8/8/11] Said He was Working with Republican Freshman to Cut Regulations In 2011, Gardner said freshman Republicans were working to show voters that cutting bureaucratic red tape could create jobs. We need to be connecting the dots, he said. Weve got to make it personal in a way that people understand how that regulation affects them as a family and a business. [USA Today,

Supported Dismantling the Department of Transportation In 2011, during a radio interview, Gardner said that he would be fine with doing away with the Department of Transportation and giving the departments duties to the states. Well, I think there are some great ideas that would basically turn the Department of Transportation back to the states, because why do we have this system that says, hey, were going to just have you collect money, and were going to scrape some off the top, Gardner said. I mean, it makes no sense to have this middleman treated the way it is. [The Hill, 8/10/11] Headline: GOP lawmaker OK with dismantling DOT In a 2011 interview, Gardner said it would make sense to shut down the U.S. Department of Transportation and let states handle its functions. Well, I think there are some great ideas that would basically turn the Department of Transportation back to the states, because why do we have this system that says, hey, were going to just have you collect money, and were going to scrape some off the top, Gardner said on KFKA 1310 AM. [The Hill, 8/10/11]

Former Secretary of Transportation Said National Highway System Supported Economy and Contributed to National Security In a 2011 interview, Gardner told radio-host Amy Oliver that he favored turning the Department of Transportation back to the states on KFKA 1310-AM in Greeley. Former Secretary of Transportation Federico Pena said there was a need for a national highway system that supports our economy and contributes to our national security. He added the organization provided oversight so that transportation systems from coast to coast run smoothly and support economic development. [Colorado Pols, 8/10/11] Colorado Receives More Federal Highway Funding than it Contributes; Gardner Claimed Colorado Got Less Than a Dollar Back Between 1956 and 2009, Colorado received $1.016 for every highway dollar it sent to Washington. On a radio show in 2011, Gardner claimed, if you look at the broader picture of transportation in general, Colorado gets less than a dollar for every dollar of tax dollars it sends in for the package of highway systems. So we are a net loser when it comes to sending a dollar in and getting less than a dollar back. [Heritage Foundation, 4/18/11; Colorado Pols, 8/10/11] Coloradans Received $1,513,718,000 Worth of Goods and Services from the Department of Transportation in 2009. [Consolidated Federal Funds Report for Fiscal Year 2009, 8/10] Colorado Received More Federal Highway Funding than it Contributes Between 1956 and 2009, Colorado received $1.016 for every highway dollar it sent to Washington. From fiscal year 2005 to 2008, Colorado received $1.06 for highway programs for every dollar it contributed to the Highway Account of trust fund. From fiscal year 2005 to 2009, Colorado received $1.04 highway programs for every dollar it contributed to the Highway Account of trust fund. [Heritage Foundation, 4/18/11; GAO, 6/10] Op-ed: Gardner Found Himself on Defensive at Town Halls Because He Had Extreme Views In 2011, a communications strategist wrote that Gardner was extreme and Colorado was not. On Aug. 8, Republican state Rep. Cory Gardner found himself on the defensive on two fronts at his town hall in Loveland: his vote for the John Boehner plan to raise the debt ceiling, and his vote for the Paul Ryan plan to end Medicare. That sums up the problem for the Tea Party in Colorado, and why it is running out of steam: Coloradans are populists, not extremists. [Op-ed, Laura K. Chapin, communications strategist, Denver Post,

District Could Become More Competitive In 2011, the Colorado Independent reported that Gardners district could become more competitive. The publication described the district as a moderately conservative middle-American political testing ground, where unaffiliated independents make up roughly a third of the voters, where the aging still-mostly-white population is increasingly ethnically mixed and where high-tech and R&D industries are replacing manufacturing and farming as the main drivers of the economy. [Colorado Independent, 8/19/11]


Received 62% Score From Heritage Action for America Score Card Gardner received 62% score from Heritage Action for America score card in August 2011 that encompassed 30 key votes and 5 co-sponsorships. [Heritage Action for America, accessed 8/29/11] Pressured Gardner to Urge FAA to Rebuild Loveland Airports Runway In 2011, Gardner received calls from Coulson Excavating Co., who urged him to advocate for $6.9 million from the Federal Aviation Administration rebuilding project for Loveland airports runway. [Report
Herald, 7/8/11]

Head of 9-12 Group Said Gardner Would Face a Primary Challenge if He Voted To Allow Obama to Raise the Debt Limit In 2011, Brian Britton, head of the Greeley 9-12 project, warned that if Gardner backed the proposal that would allow Obama to unilaterally raise the debt limit proposed by Senator McConnell, he would encourage a primary challenge against Gardner. [Greeley Gazette, 7/15/11]
On Memorial Day Gardner Thanked Service Men and Women

In May 2011, in a speech to a crowd on Memorial Day, Gardner said on Memorial Day, we pay homage to all of our loved ones who have departed the mortal world and pay tribute to those who sacrificed their lives for generations of freedomWe give thanks to those who, at this very hour, continue to pay the ultimate price as defenders of liberty. To our veterans, our service men and women, much is owed.
[Greeley Tribune, 5/30/11]

Op-ed: Gardner Wrong on Northern Integrated Supply Project

In a May 2011 op-ed piece by Gary Wockner, Ph.D., director of Save the Poudre criticized Gardner for his support on the Northern Integrated Supply Project (NISP). Wockner wrote the Northern Integrated Supply Project and its destructive Glade Reservoir - would severely impact the Poudre River, is likely not supported by most residents, and would negatively impact Colorados agricultural economy. Wockner argued that the project did not protect the environment because NISP would drain more than half of the remaining water out of the Poudre River through downtown Fort Collins in the months of May, June and July. He also wrote that the project would hurt farmers A new technical report titled The Farm Facts About NISP indicates that NISP would help force the dry-up of up to 123,000 acres of farms in Colorado. [Op-ed, Gary Wockner, Ph.D., Director of Save the Poudre, Coloradoan, 5/30/11] Advocated for Northern Integrated Supply Project Saying that Business Depended On It In 2011, Garner spoke at a rally for the Northern Integrated Supply Project. If we are going to (grow the northeast Colorado economy), the only way to sustain it long term is to build water storage, he said. That is why NISP is especially important. He added, Construction of NISP will mark when we no longer rely on the past, but create our future, and said the state`s business future depends on a better water future. [Fort Morgan Times, 5/21/11]


Gardner said NISP is Especially Important to Grow the Northeast Colorado Economy When Gardner met with nearly 300 Northern Integrated Supply Project supporters in Loveland he said, My number one goal is to get our economy moving again to start creating jobs and build lasting economic growth that puts Americans back to workTo do that in Colorado we have to recognize that jobs and economic development across the state are tied to our ability to store and deliver clean, affordable water. If we are going to move toward a stronger economy, the only way to sustain it long term will be with enough water for our future. [Colorado Independent, 5/24/11] Expressed Excitement About Meeting with Gingrich About Shut Down Gardner expressed excitement when meeting with former Speaker Newt Gingrich about his experience with a government shutdown. He said This has been on the books for some timeWe will get to hear his take on the politics of the day, what it was like back then, and maybe how it is now. [New York Times,

Told President He Wanted to Stop Bipartisan Bickering Gardner wrote a letter to President Obama saying he wanted to work with him and stop the bipartisan bickering. [Cory Gardner, Letter to President Obama, 2/3/11]

Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid

Wanted Federal Government Out of Medicaid At a town hall in September 2011, Gardner said he wanted the federal government out of Medicaid and favored changing Medicare. I am supremely supportive of getting the federal government out of Medicaid. On Medicare, we need to find a solution on long-term-care funding, reimbursement rates, so that it is sustainable. Theres a lot of work that needs to be done. [Fort Morgan Times, 9/17/11] Claimed He Remained Committed to Protecting Social Security At a town hall in September 2011, Gardner claimed he was fully committed to making sure we protect Social Security. One constituent pointed out that the borrowing is why Social Security is seen as unstable, not that its a bad system. Gardner said There are ways, if we do it right, that Social Security can remain strong. [Fort Morgan Times, 9/17/11] Republican Study Committee Supported Medicare Privatization. The Republican Study Committee favors an approach similar to Rep. Paul Ryans controversial plan to privatize Medicare by replacing it with private vouchers. [New York Observer, 2/16/10; Republican Study
Committee, accessed 1/26/10]

Accused of Attacking Medicare and Social Security; Claimed He Supported Closing Several Corporate Tax Breaks


At an August 2011 town hall, Gardner who was accused of attacking Medicare and Social Security while cozying up to corporations and huge oil companies during his first year in Congress. Not one person came for closing corporate tax loopholes. How could you not suggest that? said a constituent. Gardner claimed he backed a bill that closed several corporate tax breaks. [Denver Post, 8/9/11] Defended Vote for Ryan Plan to End Medicare In 2011, Colorado Senate President Brandon Shaffer announced he would take on Gardner and attacked him for voting for the Ryan plan. Gardner defended his vote as a step to spare Medicare from bankruptcy while cutting spending. Gardner said he is a fiscal conservative who acts with business in mind. He has a record of opposing taxes and regulations and supports a combined energy portfolio of renewable and traditional energy sources. [Pueblo Chieftain, 7/11/11] Spoke About Need for Clinics that Provided Low-Cost Services to Patients with Medicare and Medicaid In 2011, Gardners staffer spoke at the new Salud Family Health Center building in Fort Morgan and said that there was a need for clinics that provided low-cost services to patients insured by Medicare and Medicaid. [Fort Morgan Times, 7/20/11] Accused of Voting to Cut Funds for Projects to Build Health Centers And Taking Credit for Salud Family Health Center In 2011, eleven people from Eyes on Congress and Protect Your Care advocacy groups attended the grand opening ceremony of the new Salud Family Health Center building and peacefully protested votes Gardner made that they asserted would have seen Saulds federal funding cut or completely taken away. How dare Cory Gardner try to take credit for a project whose funding he has repeatedly opposed? said Mark Evans of Eyes On Congress. Rep. Gardner has voted to cut funds for community health centers like Salud. He voted to end Medicare as we know it and slash Medicaid. Cory Gardner likes to pose for photos, but he has repeatedly voted against the mission and patients of Salud Family Health Center. [Fort Morgan Times, 7/20/11] Promised to Never Cut Medicare in 2010; Said He was Saving Medicare in 2011 By Cutting In 2010, Gardner, promised in campaign literature that he would never cut Medicare. However, he said the Republican budget would save Medicare from bankruptcy. Colorado Medical Society president Dr. Mike Pramenko said of the Ryan plan It does end Medicare. There is nothing about Medicare, if youre 55 years and younger, that will be in existence under this plan. He went on to say Where the American people want to go with this is to keep Medicare and have a conversation about how to save the program as a guarantee. [Denver Post, 5/27/11] Gardner Defended Vote to Privatize Medicare


In 2011, Tipton and Gardner defended their Medicare votes. The Denver Post reported A day after the Senate voted down Wisconsin Republican Rep. Paul Ryans budget plan which would pare more than $4 trillion over 10 years in part by changing government-run Medicare to subsidized private insurance for those younger than 55 House Republicans found themselves in sharp defense mode. What Republicans are trying to do is save one of the most valuable programs we have, Gardner, said. I voted to save Medicare and the Democrats plan is rejoicing in the fact that they have no plan. [Denver
Post, 5/27/11]

Voted to Convert Mandatory Funding for Medical Education Programs to Discretionary In April 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee to convert funding for medical education programs in qualified teaching health centers, as provided for in the Affordable Care Act, from being directly appropriated to being authorized. The bill was reported favorably to the full House 21-14. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, HR 1216, House Energy
and Commerce Committee, 4/05/11]

Opposed Delaying Repeal Until there was No Shortage of Health Professionals In April 2011, Gardner voted in the Energy and Commerce Committee against an amendment by Rep. Gene Green that would have maintained direct appropriations for graduate medical education for qualified teaching health centers, as directed under current law, until there were no health professional shortage areas according to the Public Health Service Act. The amendment was rejected 14-25. [CQ Markup & Vote Coverage, Amendment to HR 1216, House Energy
and Commerce Committee, 4/05/11; Green Amendment to HR 1213,, 4/05/11]

Said Ryan Budget Would Not Cut Grandma Out of Medicare In 2011, at a Tea Party event when told by a woman that she feared the Ryan Budget would be cutting grandma out of Medicare Gardner said Thats not true. Gardner claimed that the Republican budget proposal would not change the present Medicare program for anyone whos now 55 or older. Medicare benefits would be income-adjusted for people who now are 54 or younger, with wealthy people paying more of their own health-care costs when theyre old enough to be eligible for Medicare, Gardner said. He said others would get more help from the program if their illnesses and incomes qualify them for it. [Times-Call, 6/8/11] Discussed Republican Budget at Hospital Where Sixty to 70 Percent of Patients Were on Medicare or Medicaid In 2011, Gardner met with Colorado Plains Medical Center (CPMC) healthcare officials, to discuss rural medical issues, and the pending Medicare legislation in Congress. Sixty to 70 percent of the patients who go to CPMC are on Medicare and/or Medicaid.


According to Fort Morgan Times, the proposal would leave Medicare alone for those currently over 55 but change it for future coverage of people now 54 and under, Gardner said. Under the proposal, he said, those who are healthier and wealthier would receive less assistance with premium payments. Gardner also noted his vote to repeal the Health Care Reform Legislation. [Fort Morgan Times, 6/11/11] Hypocrisy Alert: Advocated for Ryan Budget, but Said He Didnt Support Privatization of Social Security or Medicare During Campaign In 2011 Gardner was slated to vote on the Republican budget plan to shave $6 trillion off deficits. He said I think its important that we move the conversation about a serious plan to address a very serious problem," Gardner said in an interview with the Fort Collins Coloradoan. During the 2010 campaign Gardner repeatedly promised to oppose any plans to drastically overhaul entitlement programs according to the Fort Collins Coloradoan. I do not favor privatization of Social Security or Medicare. We need to make sure that were living up to the promises that we have made to seniors and workers in this country, he said in a 2010 interview with the Coloradoan. [Fort Collins
Coloradoan, 4/15/11]

Denied that Republican Ryan Budget Went Against Campaign Pledge not to Privatize Medicare or Social Security In 2011 Gardner indicated his support for the Republican Ryan budget and the Fort Collins Coloradoan pointed out that much of the savings in the Ryan plan comes from ending the current Medicare system, in which the government is a single payer of health-care expenses for people older than 65. The government would provide payments used to help pay the premiums for a private health insurance policy and the changes would apply to people younger than 55. Gardner denied that voting for the Ryan plan would be going back on his campaign pledge saying No, absolutely not. I think theyre trying to demagogue this issue for political gain and avoid the real and serious discussion that this country faces. [Fort Collins Coloradoan, 4/15/11]

Stem Cells Tax Issues

Signed Letter Opposing Tax Increases in Supercommittee Negotiations In 2011, Gardner signed the Republican Study Committee letter urging the supercommittee to take tax hikes off the table in their negotiations. The letter read as you begin the important task to reach a deficit reduction agreement, we ask that any policies the Joint Select Committee prescribes not increase Americans tax burden. [Americans for Tax Reform, press release, 11/16/11] Didnt want to Tax High Income Earners to Extend Payroll Tax Cuts


In 2011, Gardner didnt want to raise taxes on people with higher incomes to pay for the payroll tax cut extension. One of my biggest concerns is that the public understands where this money is coming from, said Rep. Cory Gardner, a Yuma Republican. Its important that this is paid for in a way that is not just passing the buck to the future generation. [Denver Post, 12/2/11] Favored Lowering Corporate Tax Rates At a town hall in September 2011, Gardner said he favored lowering corporate tax rates. [Fort Morgan Times,

Introduced Legislation to Allow Businesses with Less than 500 Employees Get Tax Deduction In March 2011, Gardner introduced legislation that would allow small-business owners to put money in tax deductible savings accounts. Gardner issued a press release that read If were serious about economic recovery and job creation then lets look to ways that we can help small businesses, which create two out of every three new jobs. His legislation offered the accounts to businesses with 500 or fewer employees, contributions to the account would be capped at $10,000 per year and money had to be used within five years. Gardner dismissed concerns that his legislation would be used as a pass through for expenditures businesses planned to make anyway, equating to another tax deduction for business and doing nothing to stimulate the economy. He also said that he wasnt concerned that the reduced tax revenue from the deduction would increase the federal deficit. [Loveland Reporter-Herald, 3/19/11; Greeley Tribune, 3/16/11;
Coloradoan, 3/17/11]

Advocated for Lowering Corporate Tax Rate Gardner wrote a letter to President Obama advocating for lowering the corporate tax rate and simplifying the tax code. [Cory Gardner, Letter to President Obama, 2/3/11] CEO of Energy Company Told Gardner to Lower Corporate Tax Rate Gardner met with CEO of large energy company who said high corporate tax rates in the U.S. caused his business to invest overseas and urged regulatory reforms. [Coloradoan, 2/5/11]

Tea Party
Voting Record Described as in the far-right corner of the Tea Party 112th Congress In 2011, the Colorado Independent reported that Gardners voting record was extreme and could put him in danger in a newly drawn district. Gardner has established a high-profile voting record forged in the far-right corner of the Tea Party 112th Congress, where historic anti-abortion, anti-environment and antigay efforts have vied weekly with destructive budgetary standoffs for national headlines. Gardners record in Congress is explosive material. They reported that environmental groups and pro-choice groups were targeting Gardner. [Colorado Independent, 8/19/11]


Technology Issues
Toured Agilent Technologies Campus In 2011, Gardner toured the Agilent Technologies campus with city officials. The land was in the process of being purchased by the city and was the probable future home of the Aerospace and Clean Energy Manufacturing and Technology Park that would house up to 100 companies. [Loveland Connection, 5/20/11]

Trade Issues
Told President He Wanted Quick Action on Trade Agreements Gardner wrote a letter to President Obama saying the President should move quickly on the three pending trade agreements. [Cory Gardner, Letter to President Obama, 2/3/11]

Water Issues
Supported Arkansas Valley Conduit Project
A February 2011 a Pueblo Chieftain editorial said Gardner championed the ongoing Arkansas Valley Conduit project to carry clean water towns in the Lower Arkansas Valley. [Editorial, Pueblo Chieftain, 2/7/11]

Opposed Legislation Allowing Bureau Of Reclamation To Transfer Water To Northern Colorado A February 2011 a Pueblo Chieftain editorial said Gardner would not support legislation to allow the Bureau of Reclamation to use Fry-Ark facilities to transfer water out of this river basin to northern Colorado. [Editorial, Pueblo Chieftain, 2/7/11]



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