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Amanda Thompson

December 2011

American Living

The rst weekend in December, some friends from the World Race ew me up to Washington D.C. for a visit. It was great to have some time to hang out with old friends and heal some broken relationships. We hung out together, prayed together, ate together, and loved one another. When I left them, I was just overwhelmed by the goodness of God. It was a much needed reminder that life really is all about relationship.
..."Behold, I make all things new!" Rev. 21:5 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. - 2 Corinthians 5:17

On November 4th, Logan Louis Meltesen was born. He is my 2nd nephew and I was thrilled to be able to sneak down to Florida for a week to meet him. He is just beautiful. He was born with a full head of red hair and it stands up like a natural mo-hawk. I love it. It melted my heart to see Lucas (my other nephew) get so excited about his baby brother. He immediately wanted to hold the Baby Logan and hug him. My nephews are such a blessing and I love them so much. It was really good to have the opportunity to visit my family. I miss them all so much and time with them is rare, so every moment I get to spend with them is a treasure!

During this weekend in DC, God amazed me with these truths. As we grow closer to Him, our hearts become changed and renewed. Sometimes it is hard to remember that we are, in fact, not who we used to be. I am lled with so much hope for the future. Even things that seem to be beyond hope are redeemable. Praise God!!

Thailand Update
"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke I rst came across that quote when I was teaching some 8th graders about the Holocaust. The sad fact is that there were a lot of truly good people who saw what was going on but did little to nothing to stop it. These words never left me, along with the passage in James that speaks about faith and action. What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but dont show it by your actions? Can that kind of faith save anyone? James 2:14 When I rst stepped foot in the red-light district in Phuket, I just knew I would never be the same. I am going back simply because I cannot know about what is going on there and do nothing about it. I have ultimate faith in God, and I know that even if I dont have it all gured out, he wants those men and women to be free, and he will not let me down as I move forward to ght for those with no voice. God has been providing in some amazing ways as I move forward. I found someone to take over my room and I have raised about $600 since I last sent out a newsletter. Praise God for forward movement! I need to be in Thailand by January 8th therefore I am planning on leaving sometime during the rst week in January. The money has not yet come in for my plane ticket, so I really need you to pray for that!

Support Update
Monthly support needed Current Support

As a result of my last newsletter, I have received about $600 in one-time donations. Praise God! That means that I have only $1900 more to raise before the start of January! My biggest need, at this time, is for monthly donors. Any amount from $5 - $500 would be an enormous blessing. I am looking for people to come alongside me and join me in this journey. I will keep you updated with newsletters, blogs, and emails. I also need prayer warriors. I will be sending out emails with prayer requests and I need a group of people who will commit to praying for me and SHE ministries during the 2 years I will be serving with them. This might be the most important thing you could do for me. If you are interested, please email me at


Current Monthly Support $60 Needed Monthly Support $1000

My total support goal before I leave in January is $2,500. I also have a monthly goal of $1,000 for living expenses in Thailand. Right now, I have raised about $650. I need your help!! Please consider partnering with me and SHE to bring KINGDOM to Phuket!

Email: Phone: 561.436.4859 Blog: click on support me to partner with me! or send support to: Adventures In Missions 6000 Wellspring Trail, Gainesville, GA 30506 please write Amanda Thompson in the memo line on the check.

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