Blackmoor The Wizards Cabal 3.5

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Wizards Cabal

A Zeitgeist Games, Inc. Production Kilgore, Stewart Larsen) and the fans that help keep Blackmoor
alive today.
Executive Producer: Dustin Clingman Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: The Wizards’ Cabal is ©2005
Line Developer: Christopher Reed Zeitgeist Games, Inc. Zeitgeist Games is a trademark of
Editing: Dustin Clingman, Christopher Reed Zeitgeist Games, Inc.
Writing and Design Team: Dave Arneson, Dustin Clingman, Based on the original Blackmoor setting, associated characters
Ari Marmell, Christopher Reed, Jeff Quinn, Harley Stroh and places owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Used with per-
Cover Artwork: Allan Alegado mission, all rights reserved ©1975 Wizards
Cover Design: Steve VanZandt
Interior Artwork: Allan Alegado, Billy Wardlaw, Brad Parnell, Dedication: This book is dedicated to David C. Sutherland III
Brent Chumley, Erik Roman, Fufu Frauenwahl, Gary Dupuis, (1949-2005). Rest In Peace.
Gill Pearce, Jeff Ward, Jesus & Javier Carmona Esteban, Ken
Collins, Patrick McEvoy, Roxell Karr
Graphic Designer: Dustin Clingman
Proofreaders: Dustin Clingman, Christopher Reed
Playtesters: Cristina Abuchaibe, Dustin Clingman, Ramon
Guillen, Andrew Hubbard, Rick Rausch, Christopher Reed,
Javier Rovirosa, and Philip “Official Crazy Man” Slama
Special Thanks to: Christina Clingman, Marcus and Logan,
Dawn Coakley, Jade, Julia, Amber, The Dave Arneson’s
Blackmoor: The MMRPG Campaign Staff (Tim Barth, Joe
Cirillo, Dawn Coakley, Sean Griffiths, Richard Iorio, Tad
Spell Descriptions 74
Table of Contents Specific Weapons 78
Chapter 1: What Came Before 3 Specific Armor and Shields 78
The Thonian Colonization 4 Wondrous Items 79
The Mage Wars (815–900) 6 Losing Focus: A Dave Arneson’s
End of the Wars 8 Blackmoor Adventure 81
Allies and Operatives 10
Adventure Background 81
An Imperial Offer 12
Adventure Synopsis 82
The Law of the Cabal 12
Introduction 82
Skelfer’s Last Battle 13
Conclusion 101
Imperial Relations 15
The Fall of Ten, and Northern Independence 19 A Night in Maus 102
Chapter 2: Organization and Game Specific Information 117
Administration of the Present Day
Wizards’ Cabal 22 Table Listings
Table 4-1: The Cabal Magister 35
Administration 22 Table 4-2: The Inquisition Hunter 36
Laws of the Wizards’ Cabal 25 Table 4-3: The Inquisition Spy 38
Authority of the Arcane Warriors in Blackmoor 27 Table 4-4: The Profector 40
The Stronghold of Ardenn 28 Table 4-5: The Researcher 43
Ard’s School of Wizardry 32 Table 4-6: Research Benefits 44
Table 4-7: Familiar Improvement 45
The Primary School of Wizardry 33
Table 4-8: Undead Creation Restrictions 45
Chapter 3: Cabalist Characters 34 Table 4-9: Academic Specialization 46
Cabal Magister 34 Table 4-10: The War Wizard 47
Inquisition Hunter 35 Table 4-1: New Skill Designation 50
Inquisition Spy 38 Table 4-2: New Feats 52
Profector 40 Table 5-1: Base Spell Points for
Arcane Spellcasters 58
Researcher 42
Table 5-2: Bonus Spell Points for High
War Wizard 46 Ability Scores 59
Chapter 4: Skills & Feats 49 Table 5-3: Spell Point Costs/Spellcraft DCs
by Spell Foci 60
New Skills 49 Table 5-4: Metamagic Feat Modifiers 60
Feats 53 Table 5-5: Cabalist Spell Foci Modifiers 61
Table 5-6: Overcasting Effectiveness 62
Chapter 5: Building a Better Table 5-7: Overcasting Strain 63
Cabal 57 Table 5-8: Cooperative Magic
Casting Spells 58 Number Effects 67
Table 5-9: Spell Foci, Spellcaster
Overcasting 62 Level, and 68
Ritual Magic 63 Table 5-10: Spell Foci Material Qualities 69
Conducting Cooperative Magic 67 Table 5-11: Foci Quality Modifiers 69
Crafting an Arcane Spell Focus 68 Table 5-12: Determining Shard Type 71
Spell Resonance 70 Table 5-13: Determining Shard Type 71
Table 5-14: Number of Spells in a
Spell Shards 71
Spell Shard 71
Arcane Warrior Spells 73 Table 5-15: Shard Spell Levels and Values 72
Bard Spells 73 Table LF-1 The Thaumaturgy 89
Ranger Spells 73 Table LF -2 The Belly Wash Tavern 90
Paladin Spells 73 Table LF-3: Spellbinding Scripts 92
Sorcerer/Wizard Spells 73 Table LF-4: Skinny’s Wares 96

Chapter 1: What Came Before

Being an account of the events, the luminaries and was prevalent in the North long before the arrival of the
traitors, the victories and defeats, and the external forces first “civilized” casters. Even before the formation of the
that brought the Wizard’s Cabal into being, and shaped it Thonian Empire, let alone the colonization of Blackmoor’s
into what it is today. surroundings, primitive nations of people dwelt in the
Few organizations or institutions are as vital to the region. Similar in some ways to the Peshwah or even the
functioning, the history, even the very identity of the North Afridhi, they were a tribal culture, worshipping strange
as the Wizard’s Cabal. It is, in many ways, a government spirits rather than familiar gods.
unto itself, a power that operates in conjunction with King Due to the region’s mystical emanations, a relatively
Uther and local communities, rather than being subject to large proportion of these tribesmen developed the power to
them. It has not always been thus, however, and to truly wield magic naturally. Sorcerers lived in every family, and
understand the Cabal and its place in society, one must tribal elders watched for signs that a child was gifted with
understand how it obtained that place. “the spirits’ touch,” as they called it. When a sorcerer first
manifests his abilities in the North, it is accompanied by a
Early Magic in the North great explosion of power, and the tribes knew to send a child
into the wild for a brief time as the signs dictated. Some
(pre-815 on the Blackmoorian did not survive the hazards of the wilderness, but those who
Calendar) returned were welcomed as emissaries from the spirits
themselves. The tribes boasted wokan as well, the strange
Mystical energies inundate the entire region of the North.
arcane casters who seem to share a bond with nature itself,
Arcane magic permeates the land, the air, even many of the
and these they considered shamans and witch doctors.
creatures that live here. While some modern wizards might
not care to acknowledge the fact, the use of that magic

arrived in Blackmoor by the boatload. A brief war, perhaps
an omen of the greater struggle to come, erupted on the
Use of Gemstones amongst the Tribes outskirts of the new communities. On one side were the
native sorcerers and wokan, who were woefully outmatched.
While the wizard Skelfer is credited with first creating
On the other were Thonian wizards, as well as some
the “spell focus” through manipulation of the region’s
sorcerers and wokan who had already begun assimilating to
gemstones and the mystical energies imbued within them
the new culture and wished to prove their loyalty.
evidence suggests that the early tribes were not wholly
The struggle ended in a matter of months, with the
unaware of these gems’ properties. They had no compre-
native casters either slain, departing with their retreating
hension of how to use them as foci but they knew that
countrymen, or fully assimilated. Some of the wizards took
the addition of powdered gemstones to spells and magic
their reward in monies and goods and returned home, but
items increased their power.
many remained in the newly settled north. And slowly, as
In terms of game-mechanics these benefits can be
their lives calmed down, a few began to look into the nature
obtained by crushing a gem of the appropriate type for the
of the land itself.
spell being cast (see Table 3–3: Magically Conductive
Materials on page 73 of Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor); the
gem must have been mined in the North to have these
properties. Including the powder as an additional material Perhaps the wisest of these mages was Kargas Dolunt,
component while casting a spell of the appropriate school distantly related to the Thonian Imperial Family. Kargas
raises the spell’s effective caster level and the DC to save was a peaceful man, who engaged in the war against the
against it by 1. Similarly including this powder in the cre- native sorcerers only as a means of acquiring money and
ation of single use items — such as potions or the ink of a land for his researches, and who preferred to fight with non-
scroll — provides the same benefits. lethal spells wherever possible.
Of course doing so destroys the gem and no modern He came because he was interested in the land itself.
wizard would sacrifice a potential focus for a bonus to a He spent all his free time between engagements in contem-
single casting but this was the means by which the primi- plation, and when other wizards were only starting their
tive tribes accessed the innate power of the North. studies into the nature of the North, Kargas was m a n y
months ahead of them.

It was Kargas, history records, who dis-

The Thonian Colonization covered that the land itself was rife
These tribes would not be left alone forever. Almost with magic, that spellcasters could
immediately after the founding of the Thonian Empire, obtain great power in the North,
colonists and military forces moved into the North to create and that the region itself was
a bastion of the Empire and the port city of Blackmoor. responsible for the pleth-
There was surprisingly little military conflict between ora of sorcerers among
the newcomers and the native tribes. The size and strength the natives. (Many
of the Thonian forces was unmistakable, and in the major- scholars scoffed at his
ity of cases, the tribes — nomadic or semi-nomadic as they claims that the Tho-
were — simply moved farther out, in some cases setting sail nians would begin
across the Black Sea for lands unknown. Many of those who birthing sorcer-
remained behind grew fascinated by Thonian villages, and ers within a single
eventually assimilated into the culture.
Where conflict did arise, however, was between local
sorcerers and wokan, and the newcomers. The purported
emissaries of the spirits did not take kindly to being forced
from their lands, and several Thonian villages and mili-
tary patrols were laid waste by spells cast from afar, or
summoned creatures clearly not native to these lands.
The Thonians, of course, did what they had to do: They
sent word back home, offering incentives such as land,
riches, and political influence to powerful wizards who
would travel north and assist in the colonization efforts.
Some wizards had already arrived, with the initial col-
onists, but after the Emperor’s call went out, arcanists

these arcane defenders prospered. Those local leaders who
Kargas’ Techniques refused to share power were threatened, charmed, or even
Unfortunately (or perhaps not depending on one’s point of in a few rare cases simply disappeared entirely. These ter-
view) the methods Kargas developed for drawing power ritories, initially only meant to be areas of research, swiftly
from the land were lost over the course of the Mage Wars. became personal domains, and for one wizard or sorcerer to
Legend tells that he was able to enhance his spells without enter the domain of another uninvited led to reprisals.
increasing their difficulty — or in game terms to use the At first, this retaliation took political and economic form.
magic of the land to apply metamagic feats without in- One wizard would convince the leader of his community
creasing the spell slot required for casting. to cease trading with the lands of an offending colleague,
Even today some wizards study every scrap of infor- while another might summon inclement weather to ravage
mation about Kargas and the other wizards of the time the crops of another’s territory. (Even wizards engaged in
hoping to learn to duplicate his discoveries. None has suc- study must eat.) As transgressions grew more and more fre-
ceeded but some believe that it was following in Kargas’ quent, due to the loss of available land and the fact that every
footsteps that Skelfer created the spell focus. mage’s territory now abutted several others, the retribution
grew ever more vicious as well.
Finally, that retribution turned violent. Mages engaged
in spell-duels, tossing globes of fire and bolts of light-
generation, but an explosion of magical power that
ning while swooping through the air over populated areas.
devastated a small fishing village called Gryssburgh
Further, these duels were so quick and vicious, when the
proved him right.) Kargas dubbed this power the Wild
militia finally arrived to put an end to the carnage, they found
Magic, a name that would linger for many genera-
nothing but burned-out husks of villages, with no signs of
tions, and he developed techniques for drawing magic
those who had destroyed them.
directly from the land itself to empower his spells.
It was a half-elven (Cumasti) wizard named Raddan
Kargas delightedly shared his breakthrough with
Goss who provided the spark that would ignite this conflict
his colleagues of the time, other wizards who shared his
into a true war. Stymied in his quest to expand his territo-
fascination with the nature of the North. Alas, wise as he
ry, he wrested completed control of his lands from the local
was, Kargas did not foresee the results of his revelations.
government, proclaiming himself Wizard King of what had
Almost immediately, news of the discovery spread from
been a semi-autonomous barony. Leading their armies into
wizard to wizard (and to local sorcerers and wokan as
the field, he assaulted the territory of a neighboring wizard,
well). Some were fascinated, sensing a new avenue for the
becoming the first mage to use overt violence in this struggle
study and exploration of magic. Some were disinterested,
for eldritch territory. Striking with surprise and overwhelm-
having their own goals and interests. But many grew covet-
ing mystical force, he slew the small cadre of wizards who
ous, realizing that if they did not act swiftly, others would
had claimed the neighboring lands and claimed them as his
stake claim to the land, and they would be prevented from
harnessing its power.
One of those who fell to his assault, however, was a dear
In the guise of study, claiming that they required
friend of Surrinya Vadaley, a sorceress who governed her
privacy and materials from which to work, wizards began
own territory many leagues away. When news of her com-
declaring portions of the North as their own. It was only
panion’s death reached her, Surrinya flew into a rage. Fol-
a few at first, and they claimed tracts of land on which no
lowing Raddan’s example, she too claimed full governmen-
one lived. Their numbers grew swiftly, however, and the
tal control of the territory that, to that point, she had simply
size of the land each wizard wanted grew as well. More
used as a studying ground and protected from other mages.
wizards came out of seclusion, seeing what was happen-
Unable to march her army across half the North to strike at
ing and determined not to be left behind. Word of Kargas’
Raddan directly, she instead invaded the territory of a wizard
discovery reached the Thonian Empire, and more wizards
she knew to be a friend of Raddan’s, annexing the land and
traveled north. Some claimed land on their own, while
putting the wizard to the sword.
others — weaker or more prudent — banded together in
small factions, willing to share knowledge and power if it Other wizards, seeing what had happened, were deter-
meant also sharing the burden of defense. mined not to be left defenseless. Each attempted to become
true ruler of his territory. Some failed, unable to shake the
Unpopulated land became sparse, as wizards and sorcer-
grip of a strong baron, governor, or mayor; others succeeded
ers claimed every last foot of territory. Soon casters began
handily, becoming Wizard Kings like Raddan himself. Now
claiming populated areas as well. They did not demand the
with armies at their beck and call, territory moved against
right to rule, nor attempt to eliminate local governments, at
territory, repaying old slights, making preemptive attacks,
least not yet. Rather, they claimed jurisdiction purely over
or simply seeking to expand their domains.
mystical matters, offering to serve as “protector” of the region
against other, hostile wizards. Communities that welcomed The Mage Wars had begun.

for the half-elven Wizard King Raddan who ruled it with an
The Mage Wars iron fist.
And What of (815–900) The Mage Wars never reached the point where a single
Kargas? winner could be declared, but should a researcher turn to
Once ignited, the flame could
Kargas Dolunt was hor- not be put out. Wizard turned any random year during the struggle, the odds are good he
rified at the results of his against wizard, territory would find Raddai nearer to victory than any of the others.
efforts. He was a man of against territory, in a conflict Raddan was by far the most vicious of the Wizard Kings.
learning a man of study that soon covered the entire He viewed enemy mages as nothing more than sources of
and — when possible — face of the North. Nor were power he had not yet claimed, and commoners as nothing
a man of peace. He was wizards the only combatants, more than beasts of burden he might expend like any other
shattered in body and though they were certainly resource. It is a sad yet telling observation that even in those
soul when the greatest central to the war. Those few years when Raddan’s forces were clearly victorious, his
discovery of his life led territories not yet ruled by populace suffered losses as great or greater than the other
to nothing but violence spellcasters fought desper-
misery and war. Witnesses ately to maintain their auton- The Brethren of Raddan
claim that in the days fol- omy, often banding togeth-
lowing Surrinya’s retalia- While Raddan did not survive the Mage Wars his
er with one another, or even
tion against Raddan horrid legacy unfortunately did.
aiding weaker wizards against
Kargas simply put stronger ones in exchange Throughout the years since some wizards have
down his books one day for treaties of nonaggression. maintained the belief that their power affords them
walked out of his home Many of the beleaguered set- the right to rule that no non-wizard should hold
and was never seen again. tlers sent pleas for aid to the power and that common men and women are little
Legend says however Thonian Empire, but at least more than animals to be used as their betters see
that Kargas never found in the early years of the war, fit. Some of these wizards are loners or belong to
rest. Wracked by guilt such missives were always in- other factions or organizations but many of them
over what he had caused tercepted and destroyed; not band together.
Kargas wanders the North even the most stealthy courier Calling themselves the Brethren of Raddan
still as a ghost mourning could avoid the divination in honor of he from whom they draw inspiration
for the lives lost. spells of the Wizard Kings, they work constantly to overthrow King Uther and
Supposedly he appears who had a vested interest in other rightful leaders — including on occasion
now and again always to keeping Thonia uninvolved even the Thonian Emperor — and to place them-
aid common folk menaced for as long as possible. selves on the thrones of all the known world.
by a sorcerer wizard or From its beginnings as a Thankfully their numbers are few at any given
other spellcaster as though free-for-all between scores of time and the Wizard’s Cabal makes every effort
he still seeks to make up individual territories, the war to hunt them down. Yet never are they fully de-
for the suffering of the evolved over the course of its stroyed for some of their number yet reside within
Mage Wars. first few years. The weakest the Cabal itself.
factions were swiftly obliterat-
ed, banded together, or swore
fealty to stronger forces. Territories annexed other territo-
ries, expanding nearly to the size of small nations.
three factions, so careless was he of the lives of his
By the fifth year of the war, everyone involved knew
that it was truly a struggle between four separate and distinct
factions; other groups existed, including the scattered com-
munities still ruled by non-spellcasters, but their involve- The Bystanders, and Skelfer
ment was peripheral, their influence minimal. One of those the White Mage
factions was led by Surrinya Vadaley. It consisted mostly of
sorcerers, rather than wizards, and was particularly brutal in An informal fifth faction of wizards existed during this time,
their methods. defined not by their allegiances but rather by their lack of in-
volvement. Just as a few select casters refused to engage in
Lacking the discipline of trained wizards, they reveled
the squabbling over territory that preceded the Mage Wars,
in their power, and often resorted to force far in excess of
so too did an even small number of them refuse to engage in
what they required to obtain a particular objective. The
the conflict itself.
other three consisted largely if not solely of wizards, and the
largest of these was the Arcane Dominion of Raddai, named Fighting only to defend themselves, claiming no terri-
tory for their own, these Bystanders (as others called them)

continued to engage in whatever activities occupied them
before the Mage Wars erupted. Some were slain, as they
were considered easy targets by more aggressive mages
who wished to expand their own domains. Others gave up
and fled the North, returning to more peaceful lands. But
some few remained, and many of them continued the same
efforts that had ignited the conflagration in the first place:
the study of the mystical energies permeating the North.
One of these Bystanders was a wizard by the name of
Skelfer Ard. Skelfer was not the most powerful Bystander,
nor the most experienced. He was, however, perhaps most
interested in learning about the land and its connection to
Wild Magic, following in the footsteps of Kargas Dolunt,
whom he greatly admired. Nor were his interests entirely
academic; Skelfer knew that if he could somehow master
the power over which everyone was fighting, he might be
able to bring the conflict to a halt.
For a time, Skelfer pursued his studies in his hometown
of Archlis, a fishing community on the coast of the North
Sea. As the Mage Wars raged, however, Skelfer became
convinced that he would be unable to accomplish his goals
if he remained at home. Not only might the town be threat-
ened by his experiments, but his mere presence there made
Archlis a target for Wizard Kings and other mages who
might see him as a potential enemy, or a resource to be ex-
ploited. Thus, Skelfer retreated to a laboratory he kept in
the Dragon Hills, many days travel from Archlis. There
he spent years, hidden away from the ravages of the Mage
Wars, carefully studying the land and experimenting with
Wild Magic.

The War Continues

During Skelfer’s experiments, the Mage Wars continued
unabated. Over the course of years, Raddan succeeded in
expanding further still, utterly obliterating one of the other
three factions, and doing substantial damage to the sorcer-
ers’ faction. It is entirely possible that he might have ob- While the Thonian Empire had its own war-wizards,
tained victory had the Thonian Empire not finally inter- none of them had anywhere near the experience in battling
vened in the year 889. other mages as the Wizard Kings. They were hideously un-
For all their efforts at preventing messengers and cries prepared to deal with the sorts of attacks Raddan and the
for help from leaving the North, the Wizard Kings had others launched against them, and proved unable to protect
known they could not forever prevent news of the war from the Thonian soldiers from arcane assault. Fire rained from
reaching the Emperor. Traders traveled from lands to the the sky, summoned creatures slew hundreds in their sleep,
south to Blackmoor and its surroundings on a regular basis, and late-summer blizzards severed supply lines.
and the Empire would surely begin to realize that the cessa- Bombarded by powerful magics and with winter months
tion in the flow of goods was more than the result of bandit- away, it became apparent almost immediately that the Empire
ry and bad luck. Additionally, many of the wizards who fled couldn’t possibly maintain a military presence in the face of
the North rather than fight in the wars used mystical means the Wizard King’s opposition without devoting the entire
of transporting themselves, preventing any possible inter- Thonian military to the effort — and maybe not even then.
ception by the Wizard Kings’ soldiers. The Thonian Empire, Formally, the Empire declared that pulling its soldiers back
when they did learn the truth, was not about to tolerate a out of the North was a strategic move; they would let the
multi-faction civil war in one of its own territories, and they factions wear each other down, and then move in to defeat
finally arrived in the North late in the summer of 889. the survivors. Unofficially, it was a full retreat, and every-
They remained for less than three months. one knew it. The fate of the North was in the hands of the

mages alone — but at least the Thonian effort had distracted be used to empower any spell, through any focus. It was this
Raddan, allowing the other factions time to regroup. realization — that all spells, all schools, all magic seemed
to have the same basic energies behind them — that led to
Skelfer’s Discovery and the Skelfer’s theory that all magic flowed from the same well-
End of the Wars He spent years creating his Scale of Magical Energy,
Skelfer’s studies continued, slowly and steadily, as the years not merely organizing the known schools, but predicting the
dragged by. He subjected the land and his surroundings to existence of others, theorizing even that the gods ultimate-
every Wild Magic experiment he could devise. ly drew on the same sources as mortals. He renamed Wild
He summoned creatures at different times of day, to de- Magic to White Magic, a magic that included in it all pos-
termine if the celestial alignment altered planar gates. He sible “colors” of the mystic spectrum.
cast the same spell under differing weather conditions or in Armed with his new theories and, of more immediate
different terrains around the Dragon Hills. Once, for over a value, his spell focus, Skelfer departed his Dragon Hills
month straight, he cast the same illusion every day at a dif- hideaway and returned to Archlis. Or at least to where
ferent hour, and watched for tiny variations in the image. Archlis had been.
And most importantly, he experimented with various sub- Skelfer discovered that his absence had not been suf-
stances from the region, and how their presence or absence ficient to protect his beloved hometown. Angered by his
altered the effects of his spells. refusal to take sides, several mages of the sorcerers’ faction
It was this last that led to Skelfer’s most famous discov- — now ruled by Ellierre Vadaley, daughter of Surrinya and
ery, the spell focus, in 886. By channeling magic through even more vicious than her mother — grew angry at his
gemstones harvested in the magic-rich North, Skelfer was “arrogance,” and determined to punish him for it. When
able to increase the power of his spells, to store them in the Skelfer arrived on the coast of the North Sea, he found a
crystal without the need for books, even to cast them direct- burned-out ruin and a scattered band of survivors where his
ly from the stones. He learned to pull the energies from his home once had been.
surroundings and into the gem; he learned which substances And Skelfer, now the most powerful wizard alive who
had an affinity for which schools of magic. had refused to fight, declared war.
More important to Skelfer than the power offered by For war, of course, one needs soldiers, and Skelfer —
the focus, however, was what it implied about the nature now called the White Mage by his supporters — swiftly set
of magic itself. While certain gems were more effective at about acquiring them. He scoured the North, approaching
channeling certain sorts of energy, the land’s energies could wizards who belonged to factions outside the main three,

or who had already been defeated and forced to serve their that they would not be executed for crimes against the popu-
conquerors. lation of the North, the leaders of the remaining factions sur-
He tracked down low-level mages a well, offering to train rendered to Skelfer early in 896. The Mage Wars were at an
them in exchange for their assistance. Individually, none end — officially.
of these had nearly enough power to stand up to the main In reality, there was one conflict yet waiting to be fought,
warring factions. In cooperation, and armed with Skelfer’s and its effects ripple into modern times more forcefully than
spell foci and many unique spells he had created during his those of the Mage Wars themselves.
experiments, they were a force to be reckoned with. They
were, as of yet, still no match for even the weakest major Skelfer’s Sojourn
faction (let alone the Arcane Dominion of Raddai, still ruled
Although the war was over, Skelfer and his allies felt that a
by the long-lived half-elf). But they were potent enough to
menace still lurked within the ranks of the North’s arcanists,
do what the Thonian military wizards could not: to protect
a danger so great it could dwarf the Mage Wars themselves
an army of non-casters from attack by the remaining Wizard
if left unchecked.
That threat was the growing population of sorcerers,
Of course, after generations of war between wizards,
those walking embodiments of the wildest aspects of the
few communities were willing to trust Skelfer sufficiently
White Magic.
to unite behind him. In order to gain the trust of the com-
moners, Skelfer and his allies worked with local soldiers Skelfer knew that the sorcerers could never be as rigidly
to develop a combination of mystic and martial techniques, disciplined as the wizards. A wizard must study for years,
methods for non-wizards to battle experienced spellcasters. must earn his power; sorcerers develop it naturally, and often
prove wildly destructive, even if unintentionally. A sorcerer
This was the origin of the arcane warrior, and while
could be literally anyone, anywhere, for while most were
Skelfer had only months to train potential candidates, his
born with some mark of power — a dragon-shaped birth-
mastery of magic was so great that those months were
mark, milk-white eyes — such marks were easily hidden or
enough. These arcane warriors were crudely trained by
overlooked by those who did not understand their signifi-
modern standards, but still more than effective.
cance. Skelfer knew that if the wizards were ever to regain
The trust Skelfer built with the beleaguered communi- the trust of the populace, and to prevent other power-mad
ties was a fragile thread, but it was enough. Skelfer now had arcanists from rising and igniting the Mage Wars anew, the
an army behind him, a cadre of wizards with access to abili- sorcerers had to be controlled.
ties no others had, and a growing force of arcane warriors
The White Mage first approached the sorcerers openly,
never before seen by their enemies.
hoping to entice them to join with the wizards in finding a
For a full year, Skelfer’s forces battled against Rad- means of controlling their powers, and spotting new sorcer-
dan’s, for Skelfer knew that the Arcane Dominion was the ers before they might become a threat. Most refused to place
most powerful adversary. themselves under another caster’s jurisdiction. Perhaps, in
The two remaining major factions, as well as the scat- light of the recent wars, their mistrust is understandable, but
tered unaligned groups, pulled back, watching to see how Skelfer nevertheless could not let it pass. Too much, he be-
this new element would affect the wars. Even as the battles lieved, was riding on his ability to form a peaceful coexis-
raged, however, Skelfer turned more and more of his atten- tence among mages, and between mages and the common
tion to Ellierre’s sorcerers, concerned that they might prove folk.
the greater long-term threat, and still enraged by their attack With a heavy heart, and knowing full well it might
on Archlis. Still, he remained committed to the destruction ignite the very war he sought to prevent, Skelfer set himself,
of Raddan, and it was Skelfer himself who finally slew the and his allies and students, to the task of hunting down the
half-elven Wizard King in a made duel that lasted the better North’s sorcerers.
part of a day.
It was not his intent, in the beginning, to harm these
Raddan, always concerned for his position, had never innate workers of magic. He wished to convince them,
allowed any of his subordinates to approach him in power, by any means necessary, to submit to the authority of the
and thus no one was prepared to take his place. The Arcane council of mages that was growing from his former wartime
Dominion collapsed within days, unable to stand against faction. He wished to study their abilities, to understand how
Skelfer’s forces with its leader gone. Those wizards loyal to they could tap into magic untrained, to fit them into his theo-
Raddan were slain, captured, or driven away; those who had ries of a unified mystical source. He wished them to work
been forced to serve immediately swore fealty to Skelfer. alongside wizards, not as servants, but as equals, subject to
Skelfer prepared to turn his attention to the remaining the same laws and with access to the same opportunities.
factions, but there was ultimately no need. With the defeat But first he had to find them, and to force them not to
of Raddan, and with nearly all his former territories rally- hare off on their own. Given how chaotic and individual-
ing behind Skelfer, the others realized they could not hope istic most sorcerers of the North are, to say nothing of the
to stand against the White Mage’s forces. On the condition
fact that many were still resentful over the results of the Allies and Operatives
Mage Wars, this was far easier said than done. The sorcerers
battled back, slaying many wizards (and innocent bystand- The force Skelfer fielded against the sorcerers was three-
ers) in their struggles. Finally, after the first year of attempt- fold. The first and most obvious were his fellow wizards,
ing to capture the sorcerers proved ineffective, Skelfer re- allies and students from the Mage Wars. The second were
luctantly changed the Cabal’s mandate from imprisonment the inquisitors.
to elimination. Sorcerers were to be slain where encoun- Using the same techniques that allows him to swiftly
tered, their remains returned to the Cabal for study. develop and teach the arts of the arcane warrior, Skelfer
To the outside world, particularly a populace who were now set about creating a skill set and mystical acumen that
coming to think of Skelfer as a folk hero, the task seemed would allow those who mastered them to track down other
easy enough. Over the course of four years, the White Mage practitioners of magic, to withstand or negate at least some
and his allies hunted down most of the region’s sorcerers, of their spells, and to counter with both magic and martial
with precious little overt conflict. In fact, the name “Skel- prowess of their own.
fer’s Sojourn,” when used to refer to this period in history, Many arcane warriors turned to this new profession,
implies the perception that the entire affair was practically a and within a matter of months, the inquisitors made their
vacation. way through the North, seeking out sorcerers wherever they
It’s a useful misconception, and one the Wizard’s Cabal might hide. To this day, the inquisitors serve as part of the
cultures to this day, but it’s only partially accurate. In truth, Cabal’s enforcement branch, conducting the Arcane Inqui-
the Sojourn required a great deal of effort and scheming on sition: a never-ending hunt for sorcerers and illegal users of
the part of the wizards, and those battles it did spark were magic.
vicious indeed. Skelfer’s third line of attack was the populace of the
North itself. Using his newfound popularity, and that of his
arcane warriors, Skelfer convinced the commoners that his
cause was just, and as important to them as it was to him.
Many sorcerers found themselves apprehended by wizards,

The Eldritch Underground

Just as the sorcerer gangs have continued to the present day One particular sorcerer even invaded the Cabal’s main head-
so too have the efforts of a small but seemingly indestruc- quarters in Vestfold seeking to dispel the Cabal’s “illusions”
tible brotherhood devoted to the preservation of freedom and reveal the experiments for what they truly were. He ac-
for sorcerers. complished nothing but word of his attempt only strength-
This so-called eldritch underground consists of sorcer- ened the belief of those who believed the rumors to begin
ers non-spellcasters and even a few sympathetic wizards with.
scattered throughout all communities and governments of It’s understandable then why some members of the un-
the North. They do not move against the Wizard’s Cabal di- derground act as they do. Unfortunately they make no dis-
rectly for they are powerful enough neither to do the Cabal tinction between the various fugitives it assists. They have
any serious harm nor to survive the inevitable counterat- no doubt aided in the escape of innocent victims who would
tack should they make their true strengths known. Rather otherwise have been beaten by sorcerer gangs or imprisoned
they offer fugitive sorcerers a place to hide false identities by the Cabal but so too have they abetted the flight of truly
and hidden means of transportation to other parts of the dangerous sorcerers who truly do pose a threat to all around
Thonian Empire or even the lands beyond. them.
Members of this underground claim that the Cabal per- To date the Wizard’s Cabal has made only half-hearted
forms horrific experiments on slain and captured sorcer- moves against the underground. Most of the wizards are not
ers to this very day. They dissect them subject them to all cruel-hearted people; they understand the fear in which sor-
manner of gruesome tortures cast spells upon them and cerers live and so long as the underground does not oppose
force them to cast spells in turn. The Cabal dismisses such the Cabal directly the Cabal should continue to focus the
claims as so much hogwash and has on more than one oc- greater part of their efforts elsewhere. Still the patience of
casion allowed outsiders to witness their treatment of sor- some wizards grows thin and should the underground inter-
cerer prisoners. Still these rumors continue despite the fere directly with the Cabal even once or should many more
Cabal’s best efforts to quash them. truly dangerous fugitives escape justice, it’s just possible that
the underground will rise to the top of the Cabal’s list of pri-

not due to divination spells or the like, but because some
average citizen had spotted and reported them. Sorcerer Gangs
Sorcerers swiftly become pariahs, even in many com- Alas wise as he was Skelfer once again failed to foresee
munities that once welcomed them. Some react to the the ultimate conclusion of his actions. Many people took
growing hatred with anger and violence, destroying several his warnings about the dangerous sorcerers far more seri-
small communities and killing members of the earliest sor- ously than even the White Mage had intended. These folks
cerer gangs. These events serve only to convince the popu- driven by fear and a misplaced patriotism formed the first
lace that Skelfer was right all along, and anger against sor- of what are today referred to as “sorcerer gangs.”
cerers grows exponentially. These roaming packs of vigilantes hunt down sus-
Sitting on the sidelines, at least for the moment, the ma- pected sorcerers in their midst and with brutal and over-
jority of wokan decide either to leave civilized areas, re- whelming violence subdue them. Some such gangs do
turning to the wilderness in which they are most comfort- what they can to take their prisoners alive clubbing them
able, or to assist Skelfer in his efforts at forming a united into unconsciousness manacling and gagging them and
mages’ society and in hunting down rogue sorcerers. The delivering them to the nearest arcane warrior. Unfortu-
wokan lack the unpredictability of the sorcerer, as well as nately such care and effort has never been in great supply
the ability to cast spells spontaneously. Nevertheless, many and grows even less so in the modern days.
of them fear that the wizards might someday turn against The majority of sorcerer gangs are little more than
them as well, and thus seek to head off such an event by mobs and the result of an encounter with a sorcerer is
proving themselves loyal allies. Still, a small number of almost always a sorcerer dead from beating or hanging or
wokan have turned renegade aiding the sorcerers when and a number of broken bodies scattered across the earth by
where they can find them, determined not to let the power fireballs and similar destructive spells.
of the wizards grow unchecked. Their aid, while no doubt
That the common folk were absolutely integral to the
appreciated by the sorcerers as a whole, proves insufficient
success of Skelfer’s Sojourn cannot be denied but neither
to make any major difference.
is it deniable that the sorcerer gangs resulting from his
Over the span of four years, with so many powers allied efforts are more than any other single factor responsible
against them, the sorcerers were simply outmatched and for the antipathy between many of today’s sorcerers and
outmaneuvered. By the year 900, the overwhelming ma- the communities that birthed them. To make matters even
jority of sorcerers had either fled the North, or been im- worse the more violent gangs have been responsible for
prisoned or slain outright. Just as Skelfer personally slew the death of more than one individual who was no sorcer-
Raddan at the end of the Mage Wars, so too did he engage er at all but merely mistaken for one due to any number
Ellierre Vadaley in a one-on-one duel. It said by those who of innocuous misunderstandings.
witnessed the epic struggle that Skelfer’s last word to the
In some communities local authorities have cracked
sorceress, before obliterating her in a spray of prismatic en-
down on sorcerer gang activity. While this does prevent
ergies, was “Archlis.” It was, or so claimed those who knew
unnecessary bloodshed it also sours relationships between
him, the only death in which Skelfer ever took pleasure.
the locals and the Wizard’s Cabal for most people assume
Greatly saddened by the loss of so many lives, the White that if their efforts against magic-users are thwarted it
Mage, declared his efforts against the sorcerers to be largely must be at the behest of other magic-users.
at an end. While he and his allies continued to watch for
these rogue spellcasters, they now turned the bulk of their
attentions to other things. With no immediate dangers left At Skelfer’s call, the greatest mages of the North met
to be subdued, Skelfer declared that the time had come for for the first time in Vestfold, near enough the area’s center
the mages of the North to begin charting the course of their of power — Blackmoor itself — yet far enough to be con-
future. sidered neutral ground.
The meeting might charitably be called a disaster. None
The Founding and Growth of of the gathered mages could agree on what the organization
the Wizard’s Cabal (900–970) should provide, let alone how to go about it. Many felt that
training new wizards was a fantastic idea, enabling them to
That Skelfer intended to form the mages of the North into both share and control the mystical knowledge they had ac-
a single organization, designed to train new wizards and cumulated. Others felt that apprenticeships should be left
police the old, was no secret. What the White Mage kept to individual wizards, and that the conclave as a whole had
hidden from his fellows is that he had little idea how to no business deciding who should learn and who should not.
go about it. That such an organization was vital he had no Similarly, many of the wizards recognized the need for an
doubt, but constructing it was a task beyond even his expe- overarching authority, some governmental body to whom
riences. wizards could turn in times of conflict, and who would be

responsible for bringing to heel any who stepped out of Almost immediately, word came down from on high:
line. All wizards dwelling in the North were required, by Imperi-
Others among them, due either to personal belief or lin- al decree, to subject themselves to the authority of Skelfer’s
gering resentment from the Mage Wars, utterly refused to cabal of wizards. Some mages still refused, preferring to
allow themselves be subject to the dictates of other mages. flee the North or live as fugitives. Most, however, knew that
Law was the province of the Empire, and it was up to the struggling against both Skelfer and the Emperor was more
Empire’s proxies and local rulers to enforce the law. (The trouble than it was worth.
fact that local authorities had already proven insufficient Rather than be subject to an organization over which
for the task of reining in renegade mages was certainly not they had no control, most mages returned to the negotiating
forgotten. Surely some of those who argued those did so table and agreed to put aside their differences and find some
because they wished to remain above the law, as they had means of working together.
always considered themselves.)
Even amongst those wizards who were inclined to make The Law of the Cabal
the organization work, partisan struggles seemed to assure Once the mages were back at the negotiation table, Skelfer
it could not. Old alliances and enmities from the wars reared laid down the law. No more would they bicker over who
their heads once more. Former faction-mates supported held authority over whom, or how much authority the cabal
one another for positions of authority within the organi- as a whole might wield. The Emperor himself had granted
zation, determined that only those they could trust would Skelfer complete authority over wizards, to govern and
hold power, and that their former enemies would never rise enforce as he saw fit. The only question now, he declared,
above them. was whether the other mages would take their rightful place
Discussion turned to debate; debate to argument; argu- in the order, or allow it to proceed without them.
ment to insults and screaming matches on the floor of the The cabal, he decreed, would be governed by a council
hall in which the meeting took place. On several occasions, of its greatest and most experienced members. This council,
only direct interference by Skelfer and his arcane warriors in turn, would be chaired by a single high Spellwise; this
prevented spell duels from erupting then and there, and leader would not hold ultimate authority, for the council
many of those thus thwarted departed with violence in their could overrule him, but he would maintain order during
hearts. The Mage Wars seemed almost certain to erupt once meetings, and he would decide how to implement the poli-
again. cies of the council.
For this first generation, Skelfer himself would serve
An Imperial Offer as high Spellwise, and he would appoint the members of
It was at this time, as Skelfer and his allies debated what to the council from among the many wizards. From that point
do next, that an emissary arrived from the Thonian Emperor onward, however, the council would select its own members.
himself. In meetings behind closed doors, and guarded from Should a member die or retire, any council member could
scrying by layer upon layer of spells of misdirection, Skelfer nominate a replacement, on whom the council as a whole
received an offer from the mouthpiece of the Emperor. would vote. Similarly, any council member might nominate
The Emperor would throw his entire weight behind this a new high Spellwise, should the position come empty, with
new organization, granting them full rights to train new a vote of the council determining if that nominee should
wizards and, more importantly, to govern wizards under take the chair. This system has evolved through the years,
their own set of laws, exempt from enforcement by local into the current governing policies of the Cabal.
nobles except where matters of treason were concerned. In The Cabal, Skelfer decreed, would evaluate all who
exchange, the wizards would lend their full might toward wished to study wizardry, and would teach all who showed
aiding the Imperial military where necessary, and in hunting both potential and a willingness to follow the rules. Its expe-
down enemies of the Empire. rienced members would devote themselves to the advance-
Skelfer was less than sanguine about accepting such an ment of wizardry, studying magic itself and constantly ad-
offer, as it would mean putting his wizards under someone vancing their understanding of it. They would advise local
else’s jurisdiction. After all, it was the Emperor himself who nobles on matters mystical, and they would work together
decided when a crime constituted treason, and who declared to hunt down and neutralize sorcerers and other rogue spell-
individuals (or entire nations) enemies of the state. So really, casters. Any wizard to commit a crime would be brought
in asking the wizards’ aid in handling such concerns, was he before the council for justice, and that justice would be
not in effect conscripting the entire order? swift and sure.
Nevertheless, the White Mage acquiesced. Concerned Finally, in the year 910, all was in readiness. The laws
as he was about what might happen to his organization in were written, buildings purchased, positions assigned. The
the future, he was concerned still more that he might never Wizard’s Cabal formally announced the start of its first
succeed in forging it at all.

classes in wizardry, located where it had all started, in the the council, preventing them from accomplishing anything
city of Vestfold. on either front. They desperately needed guidance, and it
simply wasn’t coming from Skelfer Ard.
Public Perception and the Rise It came, instead, from one of his earliest students.
of Radiah Zurren Radiah Zurren, a human with a hint of elven blood, was
in fact a blood relation of the hated Raddan. Disgusted by
The Cabal’s “coming out” was not met with the public en- her great-uncle’s cruelty during the Mage Wars, Radiah was
thusiasm for which Skelfer and the others might have hoped. one of the first low-level wizards to rally behind Skelfer’s
While many prospective students did indeed join the Cabal call when he came out of seclusion. Further, she was one of
and begin their studies, the people of Vestfold — and else- the earliest to practice the arts of the arcane warrior, and was
where in the North, as news of the Cabal spread — grew by this time known as one of its greatest masters.
ever-more concerned. They trusted Skelfer, at least to an Radiah approached the council with a proposition: They
extent, but the notion of organized wizards frightened them would not merely train a new generation of wizards, but of
no less now than it had immediately after the Mage Wars. arcane warriors as well. These mystic knights have proven
The people of the North had already seen what happens remarkably popular with the populace, as well as effective
when wizards attempt to rule, and they weren’t anxious to in protecting them from rogue spellcasters and the strange
risk it happening again. creatures inhabiting the wilderness of the North. These
The Cabal attempted to prove their trustworthiness. arcane warriors, rather than wizards, would serve as the
The Spellwise, as the first of Skelfer’s students were called, public face of the Cabal to the public. They would be emis-
offered to serve the local barons as advisors and aids on saries, guardians, and bringers of justice. They would fight
all magical matters. They publicly and loudly declared that for the commoners as strongly as they did for the Cabal.
they existed to serve the Empire, not threaten its citizens. This, Radiah maintained, would certainly sway public per-
But even where the nobles were assured, the populace at ception of the Cabal in a more favorable direction.
large was not. For a time, the council denied Radiah’s requests. While
Nor was all the public nervousness a natural occur- many of its members felt she was on the right track, others
rence. In several major communities, Vestfold included, feared to follow her suggestions. They disliked the notion of
surviving sorcerers and other members of the eldritch un- letting someone other than a true wizard represent the Cabal
derground fanned the flames of paranoia. They whispered to the public, and they disliked even more the notion of cre-
of the wizards’ duplicitousness, arranged public demonstra- ating yet another faction within the Cabal, with whom they
tions, even arranged magical “mishaps” on one or two oc- would have to share power and authority.
casions, designed to make the public fear allowing a large Public perception worsened, however. In one recorded
population of casters in their midst. incident, a sorcerer gang attacked a known wizard. They
At the same time, just as the Cabal needed him most to claimed afterward that they believed him to be a sorcerer,
put a friendly face on things, Skelfer suddenly seemed to but those who knew them maintained otherwise. In the face
lose interest in the day-to-day governing of the organiza- of this mounting problem, more and more of the council
tion. He appeared in public, and even in council meetings, members came around to Radiah’s way of thinking. When
less and less frequently. When he did appear, he seemed Skelfer returned from one of his absences and threw in his
distracted, almost haunted, as though he had things of far weight behind Radiah’s idea as well, the deal was sealed.
greater import on his mind. Rumors reached the Cabal of Most of the existent arcane warriors were dispatched into
Skelfer sightings in all lands across the North, and even the communities of the North, while a few remained behind
beyond. He vanished for days at a time, then weeks, then to train a new cadre, drawn from the Cabal’s new students.
months. To this day, nobody is certain what efforts might The arcane warriors were set up as a standing army.
have occupied his time. Some suggest that it all simply got Each was assigned rank, based on his experience, and each
to be too much for him, that he couldn’t face yet another was expected to follow the orders of his superiors. While
period of anti-mage hatred. The popular belief is that Skel- promotion might be granted based on particularly brave or
fer’s age simply caught up with him, that he was ailing and effective actions, as in any military order, only arcane war-
growing ever sicker. Most who have studied him, however, riors who had obtained a certain level of proficiency might
believe that he had stumbled onto some great secret in his become officers. (In mechanical terms, no arcane warrior
studies, perhaps something even more important than the can be commissioned as an officer before 7th level.)
spell focus itself.
It worked like a charm. The arcane warriors gave the
Yet because he was not dead, nor had he complete- citizens a sense of security and protection the wizards them-
ly abandoned his duties, the council could not remove the selves could not. They worked with standing militias and
White Mage from his position as high Spellwise and replace city watches, tracking down not only rogue casters but
him with another. Arguments over how to handle the mundane criminals as well, when their duties permitted.
mounting crisis, and their absentee leader, ripped through They even located some of the sorcerer agitators and put
a stop to their efforts. In mere months, public perception of Unable to contact the Cabal for aid on her own, Radiah
the Cabal improved notably, and over the course of a few instead set out with her best soldiers to capture one of the
years, the organization had grown into an acknowledged and enemy sorcerers alive. Once done, she was able to mysti-
accepted aspect of the government of the North. cally compel him to attempt to scry on Skelfer himself.
As Radiah anticipated, Skelfer detected the attempt to
Skelfer’s Last Battle observe him, and was able to trace it to its source. When
For all their success during these years of growth and the White Mage appeared before her, Radiah explained the
gaining the public trust, not everything went well for the situation, and requested he summon additional aid from the
Wizard’s Cabal. It was during this time that they lost their Cabal.
best and brightest, the man who had, until recently, been He never had the chance, for it was then that the sorcer-
their guiding star. ers set upon them.
As the arcane warriors moved out into society, they en- Skelfer fought alongside his student and her soldiers,
countered several factions of the Eldritch Underground. One and surely the gods themselves flinched from his magics.
such encounter occurred in the swamps along the Misauga Enormous globes of fire rained from the sky, vaporizing
River, near the border of the Duchy of Ten. The arcane war- entire portions of the swamp (and, of course, the sorcerers
riors, led by Radiah herself, had pursued a handful of ren- therein). Elementals rose from the waters and dragged sor-
egades all the way from Kenville; when the sorcerers turned cerers to watery graves. Waves of pure energy surrounded
to fight, they believed it to be the last act of a desperate him, and all who entered into them fell dead.
few. Yet even Skelfer was not mighty enough to take on
It was actually an ambush. Having allied with a band the entire band of sorcerers by himself, so Radiah and her
of sorcerers dwelling in Ten, the renegades had a power- arcane warriors fought alongside him. Blades fell and spells
ful band of spellcasting allies waiting near the border. The flashed, and though many Cabal warriors died that day, four
arcane warriors of the Cabal suddenly found themselves sorcerers fell to every one of them.
surrounded and outmatched. Radiah rallied her forces, and It was nearing the end of the battle when a vicious stroke
despite overwhelming odds, a combination of skill and bril- of lightning ripped through the ranks of the arcane warriors
liant tactics allowed them to escape the ambush with only and felled Radiah Zurren herself.
30 percent losses. They could not flee far, however, and they What happened afterward is sketchy, at best, for all
knew the sorcerers would never permit them to leave. witnesses to the event were heavily occupied in their own
battles. According to some, however, Skelfer raced to the The Cabal knew that the Emperor could afford to follow
side of his fallen student, and placed his hands gently on her up on few of his threats. The Cabal was too fully estab-
shoulders. He muttered under his breath, perhaps casting lished to simply eliminate, for that would render the North’s
a spell, and simply rose and walked into the marsh mists. wizards again subject to no law. Nor could he afford the
When the surviving warriors, heads bowed by grief even in losses it would require for a military victory against them.
their victory, approached their fallen leader, they found her Nevertheless, the Cabal buckled down for hard times,
sleeping peacefully, all traces of her wounds gone. knowing that the Emperor’s ire could make life exception-
None can say how the wizard Skelfer might have healed ally difficult. All Imperial aid ceased. Soldiers on loan to the
her, if that is what he did, for such powers are well beyond arcane warriors were recalled, and many of the Cabal’s own
the province of even the mightiest mage. Nor can anyone channels of information dried up.
ask him, for from that day, none ever saw the White Mage Still, they accomplished what they set out to do. It
again. became clear, through all the lands, that the Cabal was not a
To reward Radiah’s service and sacrifice, as well as the political body of the Thonian Empire. In 932, the Wizard’s
fact that it was she who turned around public opinion of the Cabal accepted more Tenian students into its ranks than in
Cabal, the newly elected high Spellwise immediately nomi- any two previous years combined. Despite the cessation of
nated her to take his former place on the council. The others Imperial aid, the Cabal’s newfound respect in distant lands
approved with an overwhelming majority, making Radiah allowed it to continue its growth.
the first arcane warrior to sit on that august body.
A Horrific Discovery
Imperial Relations This breakdown in relations between the Cabal and the
By 930, the Cabal had nearly become the massive arcane Empire lasted for a bit under four decades, until Thonia and
society it is today. Its members numbered in the hundreds, the wizards realized they desperately needed one another.
and arcane warriors appeared in nearly every city in the For it was in the year 970 that the first Thonian explorers
North. Yet the council members noticed an alarming drop- returned with word of a truly strange land, uncomfortably
off in the number of new students traveling from other lands. close by across a tributary of the Black Sea. A land called
While the majority had always been natives of the Black- Coot, ruled by a truly alien being known only as the Egg.
moor region, some always traveled from Thonia proper, or Divination magics revealed little about the Egg of Coot,
Ten, or even beyond in order to learn. Now those numbers save that it was a horrifically dangerous, evil entity that fed
were falling, and the councilors knew that if the Cabal’s on magic itself. Mortal spies learned even less, for few were
next generation of mages was limited strictly to Northern- able to penetrate Coot’s patrols and mystic defenses, and
ers, they would find it very difficult to earn the trust of other those who did invariably returned with no memory of the
regions. country at all. Some didn’t realize any time had passed at
Part of the problem was, of course, the ongoing border all.
skirmishes between Thonia and Ten, but this could account The Cabal and the Empire both panicked. The wizards
for only part of the problem. It became apparent, after sub- suddenly found themselves facing a potential enemy that
stantial discussion and not a few divinations that the spell- could counter a great many of their abilities, and looked
casters of Ten had ceased to trust the Cabal ever since the upon them as a resource rather than a threat. The Empire had
battle in which Skelfer had disappeared. The majority of never before faced a foe about whom it could learn so little.
those slain were Tenian sorcerers, and the other arcanists It was highly unlikely that a land the size of Coot could field
of the duchy seemed unconvinced that the Cabal hadn’t in- a force large enough to threaten the entirety of Thonia, but
tended that as a declaration of hostilities. they couldn’t be sure.
Thus it was that when the Emperor sent word to the In hopes of patching up the rift between them, and allying
Cabal in 931, demanding that they render assistance in the in the face of this new enemy, the Cabal sent emissaries to
growing conflict with Ten, the council refused. They must, the Emperor, requesting that the two factions bury their past
they claimed, maintain their neutrality in matters of border differences and work together. The Emperor agreed, even
conflicts, lest they cease to be a viable authority for wizards offering to restore Imperial sanction of the Cabal’s authority,
everywhere. but only if the Cabal would take responsibility for observing
The Emperor was furious. The Cabal received numer- Coot itself. The Cabal agreed, and founded the small outpost
ous missives demanding their cooperation, threatening of Wizard’s Watch. Officially, this was a distant training
them with sanctions and the loss of their recognized author- ground, used for experiments and lessons too dangerous to
ity, accusing them of violating their agreement — which conduct in the midst of populated areas. In truth, the Cabal
was actually true, to some extent — and even, at one point, used Wizard’s Watch to keep an eye on Coot through a com-
threatening military action. bination of mystical and mundane means. It would serve
this purpose until the founding of Coot’s Watch, farther up
the coast, in 996. From that point onward, Wizard’s Watch
served only as a secondary guard post; its primary purpose tections, and they emerged from the eastern edge of Coot,
became what the Cabal had always claimed it was: an iso- making them invisible from Wizard’s Watch.
lated training ground. Crewed by soldiers whose loyalty to the Egg was en-
The Empire set up outposts along the coast as well, in hanced with enchantments, and commanded by direct ser-
hopes that they might somehow learn some information the vants of the Egg with a mastery of strange magics, the ships
Cabal had missed. While the Cabal and the Empire had of- reached the shore with supernatural speed. Every one of the
ficially patched up their differences, many Imperial officers military messengers was intercepted and dispatched with
disapproved of the alliance. These patrols, which should relative ease. Had even a single wizard been part of the
have worked in cooperation with Wizard’s Watch, instead patrol, he might have been able to sent word, or teleport, to
competed with them, hoarding information so that they, not his colleagues. As it was, however, the first invasion by the
the wizards, might receive credit for anything learned. Egg of Coot landed on the shores near Blackmoor without
It would, as such pride often does, prove disastrous. any warning of their arrival.
Not even the Egg, however, was capable of masking
The Cabal in Modern History the march of an entire army across the fields of the North.
(970–the present day) Blackmoor’s military saw them coming, and sent out calls
for aid in all directions before locking down the city for a
The Egg of Coot may have been the most frightening enemy
prolonged siege. Unfortunately, Blackmoor’s defenses were
to the Thonian Empire, but it was hardly the only one. For
designed around an assault by mundane forces, and the
almost two decades, the Empire and the Cabal focused their
weapons of the Egg’s armies were anything but mundane.
attention almost entirely to the North. Border skirmishes
War-wizards, fireball-hurling catapults, and teleportation
erupted on occasion between the Blackmoor region and
magics allowed the advancing armies to shred Blackmoor’s
Ten, Peshwah traded with or raided the southern communi-
defenses like so many cobwebs.
ties, and the Cabal hunted down the occasional renegade,
but little of historical import occurred. In a matter of days, the city had suffered severe damage,
and entire neighborhoods were razed to the ground. Running
Then, in 985, Uther Andahar was born. At the time, of
battles in the streets were constant; all citizens able to hold
course, nobody realized that this had any more significance
a pitchfork or a scythe stood alongside the baron’s soldiers,
than any other noble birth. The Empire took a greater in-
while those who could not huddled in their cellars and
terest later that same year, when Baron Alvarez of Black-
prayed for deliverance.
moor was slain in a surprise attack by barbarians from the
North. Clearly the Empire had devoted too much attention It came in the form of a second advancing army, consist-
to watching Coot; its eyes had failed it elsewhere. ing of wizards, arcane warriors, and soldiers of the Thonian
For nine years, culminating in the famous rampage by
the barbarian chief Marfeldt, the Empire fought a series of Despite their falling out, the Cabal and the Empire had
border skirmishes and raids with the northern tribes. And never dismantled the protocols they developed upon first
for nine years, relations between the Cabal and the Emperor discovering Coot. The instant the Cabal heard word of an
once more deteriorated, for the Cabal refused to devote invasion, their greatest wizards transported themselves to
more than a cursory effort toward aiding Thonia against the heart of the Empire and placed a series of teleportation
the raids. Over and over, the Emperor demanded their aid, circles, while simultaneously dispatching their own forces
and over and over they refused, insisting that Coot was the to join with the soldiers who would soon be arriving. An
greater threat, and that they could not afford to divide their army that would normally have required months to cross the
attentions for a threat the Imperial military could ultimately intervening distance, and the Valley of the Ancients, instead
handle on its own. arrived outside the shattered gates of Blackmoor in less than
a week.
In 995, the Egg proved them right, though being right
did them precious little good. After a series of intense battles and spell duels, the
armies of the Egg were repulsed, driven back to their ships.
Continuing their newly restored alliance, the Imperial
The First Invasion of Coot solders and the Cabal worked together to aid the people of
With the Cabal and the Empire once more falling out over Blackmoor in rebuilding their city. Patrols along the coast
the issue of the barbarian raids, the soldiers patrolling the were doubled, the sentinels told in no uncertain terms to
northern coast dropped all pretense of cooperating with the cooperate fully with the Cabal, and the outpost of Coot’s
wizards in their observance of Coot. Thus, when a flotilla of Watch was built on the shore in a much more strategic loca-
ships crested the waves in the summer of that year, moving tion than Wizard’s Watch had been.
swiftly against the wind, the sentinels dispatched word to
every nearby military outpost, and to the Emperor himself,
but not to the Cabal. The wizards might have detected the
ships on their own, but they were layered with mystical pro-

Renegade Wizards Worse than the enemy’s numbers, however, were his
tactics. The Egg’s armies landed at various points along the
During the brief struggle against the Egg’s forces, a small coast, and even as his orcs moved against Blackmoor, and
cadre of wizards went rogue, abandoning the Cabal and de- his other soldiers against other coastal communities, his
claring their own territories on the outskirts of the North flying battalions crossed the miles and struck directly at the
in a faint echo of the days preceding the Mage Wars. Why Cabal’s establishments in Vestfold, Archlis, and other cities.
they did, and why they chose this time, is unclear. Perhaps it They were insufficient to destroy the Cabal, but they proved
was something they’d planned for a while, and this present- more than effective at forcing the wizards to fight defen-
ed itself as their best opportunity. Or maybe they panicked sively.
at the realization that the Cabal might not be the greatest In essence, they prevented the Cabal from aiding in the
magical power in the region after all, and sought to remove defense of the North, allowing the Egg’s armies to advance
themselves from the conflict. Had they merely fled, it’s opposed only by mundane soldiers. Without the aid of the
likely they would have been allowed to go, but their attempt Cabal, Blackmoor and other major cities fell to Coot’s
to set themselves up as local lords, independent of Imperial armies. King Funk declared Castle Blackmoor his new
and Cabal authority alike, could not go unanswered. capitol, and the city became the central point from which
Unfortunately, the Cabal could not address them im- the Egg’s armies radiated out into the rest of the North.
mediately, occupied as they were with the invasion of
Coot. And as it happened, they didn’t need to. Willem of Retreat and Regroup
the Heath, the so-called Blue Rider, was able to defeat and
throw down these would-be Wizard Kings with the aid of a Far from Blackmoor, the surviving Northern barons or-
few companions in adventure, and without calling upon the ganized in secret, preparing a renewed offensive against
Cabal at all. the invading armies. Having survived the assaults against
While the wizards were gratified that the problem had them, the Cabal allowed themselves to be “driven out” of
been dealt with, the incident convinced them that they were their schools and laboratories, and then met with the barons
simply not large or powerful enough to meet multiple si- in secret, hidden from the eyes of the Egg by protective
multaneous threats. The council pondered the matter, and magics.
developed several procedures for toughening up the Cabal’s They knew they could not take on Coot’s armies alone,
fighting force. They ordered an increase in the size of train- but they knew as well that they had additional allies. The
ing classes for arcane warriors. They ordered the wizards to dwarves of the Crystal Peaks, the Peshwah tribesmen of
include a wider variety of combat spells in the curriculum. the south, even the Duchy of Ten had all suffered border
But perhaps most significantly, they decreed that from attacks from the invaders, who had apparently grown over-
this point on, all graduates of their wizard classes would confident after their victories against the barons. The new
be given a spell focus by the Cabal itself. Up to this point, allies began a campaign of harassment against Coot patrols
the Cabal was happy to assist wizards in developing and and outposts, striking swiftly under the cover of protective
learning to use a focus, but the wizard itself had to provide and offensive spells, then retreating just as quickly into the
his own. Now, despite the great cost to the Cabal, it was wild.
decided that they would provide them. To any individual The invaders reacted as the barons and the Cabal had
wizard, the acquisition of a focus is a noteworthy, but rela- hoped they would: A portion of their forces spread out
tively minor, increase in power. When every wizard’s power further still, seeking their enemy’s strongholds, while the
increased, however, the Cabal was suddenly a substantially rest gathered together into a few well-defended bastions.
more potent force. With the combined forces and the wizards of the Cabal, it
was simplicity itself to wipe out the search parties one by
The Second Invasion of Coot one, leaving the Egg’s entrenched armies blind and deaf to
anything happening beyond their walls.
In 997, Coot’s forces came again, and if the Cabal had used The Duchy of Ten withdrew from the alliance at this
the first invasion to learn new ways of countering the Egg, point, more concerned with protecting their own borders
the Egg in turn had studied the struggle and developed new than freeing Blackmoor and other Thonian cities, but the re-
means of countering the Cabal. maining force was still large enough. With the Cabal’s aid,
The army was enormous, many times the size of the they struck at the invaders’ strongholds one by one, secur-
first. It consisted not merely of humans, but a nation of orcs ing each and regrouping before moving on to the next.
loyal to King Funk I, in turn a loyal servant of the Egg.
They were accompanied by constructs, summoned fiends, Treason in the Ranks
and more of the Egg’s alien spellcasters. They arrived in
massive warships and on flying platforms, swarming over No less than the first, the second invasion of Coot revealed
the northern coast like ants on a picnic. that not every member of the Cabal could be fully trusted.
A small cadre of mages, power-hungry or perhaps simply

Cabal council meetings, to honor the contributions of Petrus
and, in more general terms, all wizards who have died in the
service of the Cabal.
Those few traitors who did not join the ill-fated assault
realized that the Cabal was coming for them, and fled the
field. They retreated to Coot, where they expected to be re-
warded for their services.
Rumor has it they were eaten.

Blackmoor Retaken
The Cabal itself did not participate in the reclamation of
Blackmoor, or the extermination of King Funk and the
occupying orcs. Credit for that goes to a force of elves,
working in alliance with the Northern Barons. The Cabal
did, however, assist the armies of the Northern Barons and
the Peshwah tribes in launching a series of assaults on the
Egg’s forces in the south, preventing them from riding to
Blackmoor’s defense.
When the barons took Blackmoor back, it spelled the
end of the Egg’s invasion, for Coot’s major supply lines ran
through the city’s ports.
Although it required many more months of “mopping
up,” the second invasion of Coot officially ended in 998.
(It is important to note, however, that while the city itself
was reclaimed, orcs and their monstrous allies continued to
occupy the many levels of catacombs beneath the castle,
rendering it unsafe for royal inhabitation. Not until 1007
cowardly, turned coat and offered their services to the Egg.
was Castle Blackmoor deemed safe enough to once again
They struck from within the ranks of the Cabal, destroy-
become the seat of government for the region.)
ing an entire patrol of arcane warriors, and then took their
places amidst the ranks of Coot’s strange spellcasters.
Betrayal begets betrayal, however, and not all who ap-
The Afridhi Invasion
parently turned from the Cabal truly did so. A wizard by the It seems that the gods do not intend for Blackmoor and
name of Petrus Galliar, upon learning what his companions the North to long remain free of conflict and carnage. Two
planned, pretended to go along with them, but reported them years after the invasion of Coot, the western Afridhi barbar-
to the Cabal at the first opportunity. He was, alas, not in time ian tribes began their eastward march under their religious
to prevent the slaughter of those arcane warriors, but he was prophet Toska Rusa.
able to keep the council apprised of the traitors’ actions, and The Northern Barons took note of this movement, in-
the plans of those soldiers with whom they worked. formed by mundane spies and the divinations of the Cabal,
Several of the North’s military victories in those days can but did not yet consider it a true threat. The Afridhi had hun-
be attributed to Petrus’ intelligence. Eventually, however, dreds of leagues, and several other nations, to cross before
the Egg’s generals realized they had an information leak, they could make to threaten the North. The barons and
and began parceling out information strictly on a need-to- wizards shrugged, put a few more sentries on the western
know basis. The Cabal determined that allowing its treason- border, and returned to more immediate troubles.
ous ex-members to live no longer served any purpose. By 1005, the Afridhi had conquered the Vale, crossed
Working through Petrus, they fed the traitors false infor- the plain of Hak, and threatened the western borders of the
mation regarding a potent mystical discovery the Cabal was Duchy of Ten. Their clan soldiers covered the land like a
on the verge of cracking. Determined to stop them, and pos- tide; Toska Rusa and her disciples wielded divine magics
sibly steal this discovery for themselves, the majority of the like none the North had ever seen. They hunkered down for
traitors attacked what was supposed to be a lightly defended the winter, but everyone in Ten, and beyond, knew that the
outpost, only to find themselves facing a massed force of siege would come with the first spring thaw.
wizards and arcane warriors. Indeed it did, and the Afridhi struck hard. It would be
They were slain to the last — but, alas, not before they unfair to the valiant efforts of the Tenian forces to say that
realized that Petrus had betrayed them and slain him as well. the barbarians’ victory was easy, but with each assault, each
To this day, an empty seat stands in a position of honor in all push into the duchy, they retained just a bit more land, the
defenders a bit less. Blackmoor and the Wizard’s Cabal the wishes of the Empire, but with the support of nearly
watched these events unfold through spy and spell, and every northern baron, he launched a counterstrike that de-
grew concerned indeed. stroyed an Afridhi border community.
As the barbarian advance continued, Baron Uther of The Empire responded by sending a force to arrest him
Blackmoor and the other Northern lords petitioned the for treason, a force that was met at Booh by the armies of
Empire for permission to aid Ten in their struggle. When Uther and other barons. The Imperial troops were forced to
their reply arrived 1008, they found they had been rebuffed. withdraw, only to return months later in greater numbers
Even as the Afridhi advanced, showing no willingness to and drive Uther and his loyalists completely out of Black-
coexist with others, Thonia insisted the North hold back moor city.
while the Empire attempted to negotiate. This left the Wizard’s Cabal in something of a bind.
They had long been in cooperation with the Northern
Insult to Injury Barons, finally developing a working relationship, and they
had no idea if the new Imperial governors would be so ac-
It was, of course, in the midst of this chaos, that the Egg of
commodating. Further, the majority of the council agreed
Coot struck for the third time. Unlike the previous two in-
that the Afridhi were a threat that needed to be stopped, not
vasions, however, this one met with absolutely no success
just some irritable neighbor who might be bargained with.
Thus, when Imperial forces moved into Blackmoor, the
The Cabal, having learned from past mistakes, and set Cabal feigned friendship, all the while feeding information
up an early warning system like no other. They did not rely and strategies to Uther and his allies.
solely on divining spells, for they had already learned the
When the Thonian military grew distracted with other
Egg could protect its soldiers from those, but on flying
matters — such as the siege on Bramwald by orcs led by
scouts. Wizards and arcane warriors under the effects of fly
Funk II, the last remnants of the Egg’s forces in the region
spells, and summoned or bound creatures from other planes,
— Uther returned to Blackmoor at the head of an army of
made constant patrols over the water, unlikely to be spotted
loyal supporters. Working from within, the Cabal used spell
but low enough to detect advancing ships.
and sabotage to cripple the Imperial forces’ ability to fight.
Additionally, Baron Uther had already assembled much Uther had reclaimed Blackmoor without a drop of blood
of the military might of the North to ride to the aid of Ten, being shed.
so certain had he been that the Empire would see the logic
Standing once more at the forefront of the Northern
in his request. Thus, when the Cabal reported the advancing
Barons, and by this time completely unconcerned with the
ships of Coot, the North’s forces were already massed.
desires of the Empire, Uther led the combined forces of the
When the Egg’s soldiers landed, they were met by a North against the next Afridhi advance, meeting them in the
forewarned army larger than their own, and led by Uther infamous Battle of the Neck, by Lake Temperance. Cabal
himself. While a few of Coot’s battalions made it past the wizards and arcane warriors marched as part of that army.
defenders and conducted running battles for a period of
While Uther technically lost the Battle of the Neck,
several months, for all practical purposes the invasion was
being forced into full retreat, it was a pyrrhic victory for
over almost before it began.
the Afridhi at best. They lost over 10,000 soldiers in their
“victory,” far more than Uther lost in defeat, and proved
The Fall of Ten, and Northern unable to advance any further. Fuming, the Afridhi retreated
Independence back into Ten.
In what is now known as the “Terror in Ten,” the Afridhi Uther and the Northern Barons had gone too far for the
completed their conquest in 1013. Entire villages were sac- Empire ever to forgive them, and they knew it. Taking the
rificed to the dark Afridhi god Zugzul. All temples to the bull by the horns, Uther declared himself King of the newly
Thonian gods were destroyed or defaced, and most of Ten’s founded Kingdom of Blackmoor, a region fully independent
population — with the exception of a few scattered resis- from the Thonian Empire.
tance fighters — pressed into service of Toska Rusa. Sud- This threw the Cabal’s council into an uproar. While
denly, Blackmoor had a vicious enemy sitting right on its they had agreed on the necessity of aiding Uther against the
border, something Uther and the others had desperately Afridhi, the notion of actually supporting secession was less
tried to prevent. popular. Debate raged in the council chambers for weeks,
When the Afridhi made their first incursion into Black- sometimes coming near to violence.
moor territory, it took the form of a lightning raid against The current high Spellwise, a woman by the name of
the Barony of the Lakes. The baron was able to repulse the Ursula Zov, ended the debate by arranging a meeting with
attack, as it seemed intended more to judge fighting strength Uther himself. She pledged the complete support of the
than to actually acquire land or resources, but he determined Cabal, but only in exchange for certain concessions. First,
that warding off the Afridhi was not sufficient. Against the Cabal would maintain complete autonomy and rule
over wizards, just as they had during Imperial rule. Second
and more importantly, however, they would have a hand in lands by traveling on primitive but sturdy ships. The Wiz-
the governing of the land itself, a position equal to any of ard’s Cabal penetrated some of the magical defenses Toska
Uther’s barons. Rusa had placed on her ships, sinking many. The remainder,
Uther agreed, though many historians believe it was an while still carrying a sizable force of Afridhi warriors, were
agreement based on fear, rather than any true desire to coop- turned back by Uther’s armies on the shore and the outskirts
erate with the Cabal. When he formed the Regency Council of Blackmoor city.
to aid in the governing of Blackmoor, the Cabal was given a Not two years later, the Thonians came again, and this
permanent seat at the table. time the Emperor pulled no punches. The force marching on
Now assured of their place in the new order, enough Blackmoor was not merely bigger than Uther’s own army,
of the council sided with Ursula, and they voted to support it wasn’t substantially smaller than the entire population of
Uther’s secession. Most of those who opposed it agreed the North.
to abide by the vote, though a few departed the Cabal and Even after being winnowed down by the journey, the
joined the Imperial forces. monsters, and the Valley of the Ancients, they still pos-
sessed sufficient numbers to drown Blackmoor in a tide of
Endless Battles steel. The Imperial generals knew they had won the battle
before it started. That may be why they were unprepared
What followed was perhaps the third bloodiest period in the
for the battle that erupted before they reached Blackmoor
history of the Wizard’s Cabal, behind only the Mage Wars
and the second invasion of Coot. In late 1015, the Cabal aided
Uther’s armies in repelling a Thonian army dispatched to
put down the “civil war.” It wasn’t one of the largest armies
the Empire had ever fielded, but it was certainly larger than With Friends Like These…
the combined forces Uther could bring to bear. Uther and the Cabal are allies yes but it is not quite so harmo-
Without the aid of the Cabal, however, the Imperial nious a friendship as they would like the public to believe.
armies had no choice but to make the entire march on foot Uther allows the Cabal the latitude he does at least in part
and horseback. Few of their wizards were powerful enough because he fears them as well as the sorcerers who might
to create teleportation circles as had been done in the past, roam free were the Cabal to cease functioning.
and those they did create were swiftly dispelled by Cabal There are some particularly conspiracy-minded histori-
mages. Unfortunately for them, the land routes from Thonia ans who wonder if the revolt at Vestfold was exactly what it
proper to Blackmoor are few, treacherous, and predictable. seemed to be. Why they ask would the sorcerers choose this
After months of deprivation and many lives lost in the city of all places to stage their rebellion? Surely they real-
Valley of the Ancients, the armies emerged onto the plains of ized that taking over the Cabal’s center of power would bring
Blackmoor — where they were met by substantial portion of down the wrath of the wizards like nothing else! Surely they
did not believe the building empty of mystical secrets that
Uther’s armies, led by Baron Aleford, and a force of Cabal
might be used to overpower them! The choice of Vestfold
war wizards. Although still outnumbered, Aleford’s forces
simply makes no rational sense.
were fresh, mounted on rested warhorses, and supported by
Unless, as these few individuals argue it wasn’t a revolt
flying wizards. The battle was fierce, and Aleford himself
at all but a test.
lost his life in the struggle, but the Thonians were repulsed.
Is it possible that Uther Andahar himself was behind the sor-
The armies and the Cabal regrouped, just in time
cerer revolt? Could he have put them up to it — perhaps
to battle some of the Egg’s forces at the battle of with a promise of safety afterward — in order to test the
Glendower. Too small to qualify as a full invasion, the flo- Cabal’s resolve? He didn’t need to observe the wizards’ mili-
tilla that arrived from the north was nevertheless mighty tary abilities for he had seen that a dozen times over on the
enough that it required substantial martial and mystical field of battle. Perhaps he needed to see how they functioned
efforts to defeat. What the Egg hoped to accomplish by this when battling inside a major city that was overall not hostile
is unknown, but historians and tacticians believe it was a to them. Perhaps he needed to know what sort of magical
test, to determine how swiftly Blackmoor could martial its might it would take to beat the Cabal at their own game. (If
defenses against northern attack while still menaced by the this was the case of course all he learned was that the answer
Afridhi in the west and Thonia to the south. And in truth, is “More than he could call upon.”) however that General
Blackmoor alone probably could not have stood against so Amvaras could easily have been assigned the job of policing
many foes, but by this time Uther had allied not merely with Vestfold not merely as a show of solidarity but also to cover
the Cabal, but also the dwarves of the Crystal Peaks and the up any evidence of involvement on the part of the king. It’s
Cumasti Elves, both of whom preferred dealing with Uther not after all a secret that either Uther or the Cabal would
to any military governor the Empire was likely to assign. want getting out.
Within a year of the Thonian attack, the Afridhi moved Unlikely? Very. But in the chaos that is the history of
on Blackmoor itself, attempting to bypass the intervening Blackmoor can anything be ruled out as impossible?

From the hidden mines of the dwarven nation erupted not
merely dwarven soldiers, but the armies of Uther Andahar
as well. Elven archers, their skills undimmed by the foreign
terrain, rained death upon them from the high peaks. And
of course, the wizards of the Cabal, who focused their most
destructive spells not on the Thonians themselves, but on
the mountains around them. Avalanches flowed downward,
burying thousands, eliminating entire valleys from the map,
and separating the Imperial army into more manageable ele-
The battle that followed — or more accurately, the many
smaller battles — took weeks to conclude, and cost the lives
of many thousands of men, elves, and dwarves alike. But
when it was over, the surviving Imperial soldiers began the
long march back to Thonia, and Uther remained self-pro-
claimed King of Blackmoor.
Although Uther is most well known for this victory,
much of the credit rightfully belongs to General Amvaras.
A trained arcane warrior, he resigned his position within the
Cabal (with the council’s blessing) not long after Uther de-
clared independence, and accepted a commission in Black- fold. (Rumor links these sorcerers to the Eldritch Under-
moor’s army. ground, but no connection has been proven.)
It was both a symbolic gesture, cementing the alliance Attacking with surprise, they caused severe damage to
between King and Cabal, and a tactical maneuver, so that the Cabal’s Vestfold headquarters, and slew many of the
one of Uther’s closest military advisors would know how wizards present at the time. They proceeded to take control
best to integrate the wizards with the battlefield soldiers. It of both the Cabal’s buildings and the meeting hall of the
was Amvaras who coordinated the defense at the Crystal Regency Council, and declared Vestfold to be a safe haven
Mountains, and who personally led many of the battalions for sorcerers, and a symbol of their ability to throw off the
who fought in those weeks. “tyrannical yoke” of the Cabal.
This would be the last time Thonia would attack Black- It was not, perhaps, the wisest move they could have
moor directly. The defeat of this second, larger army con- made. The entire weight of the Cabal fell upon Vestfold. Al-
vinced the Emperor that he would have to commit the en- though they could not approach or attack openly, for fear that
tirety of the Imperial military to taking back a stretch of the sorcerers might use the citizens as hostages, the wizards
land that served no great purpose to the Empire anyway. had numerous secret ways into their conquered headquar-
Blackmoor would have to trade with Thonia to survive, so ters. They arrived by the dozens, through secret passages
its ports would still remain viable channels of trade. They and concealed gates.
would cost more to use, yes, but certainly less than commit- The sorcerers, who believed they had mastered the struc-
ting the entire Empire to a multi-year civil war. While the ture’s arcane defenses, never anticipated an attack coming
Emperor never formally recognized the existence of Black- from within, rather than without. For two days, strange lights
moor as a sovereign nation, Thonian policies from that point flashes above and within the Cabal’s headquarters; shrieks
onward treated it as though it was. and booms and a spine-chilling howls rang out through all
For their own part, Uther and the Cabal couldn’t have hours of the day and night.
been happier with the outcome, as it enabled them to focus When it finally ended, and the terrified citizens of Vest-
their efforts elsewhere. The Afridhi still raided across the fold emerged from their homes, they found a patrol of arcane
border, though they had not yet attempted another full of- warriors exiting the grounds, moving out into the city to
fensive. The forces of the Egg still menaced the coastlines, ensure that no sorcerer had escaped. Though they had lost
and occasionally appeared deeper in Blackmoor territory. yet more of their own, the Cabal had prevailed.
And the Cabal still had its own specific problems to deal General Amvaras was assigned by Uther himself to
with. police the newly pacified city, in the name of King and
Cabal both. The hero of the independence was a beloved
The Vestfold Revolt figure, and his presence did much to make the populace feel
Not all the threats to the region came from without. In 1020, secure, and to truly cement in their minds the realization that
perhaps hoping to take advantage of the chaos, an under- Uther and the Wizard’s Cabal were, now and forever, the
ground cadre of sorcerers staged a revolt in the city of Vest- staunchest of allies.

Chapter 2: Organization and Administration
of the Present Day Wizards’ Cabal
convene. They frequently invite others to give counsel on
The Modern Day matters until such time as they turn to internal deliberation
Even now, over a century after the Cabal’s founding, nothing and ultimately a decision on how the Cabal will act. Elec-
is safe, nothing can be taken for granted. To the west, the tions to this highly prestigious position are made for life and
Afridhi lurk in poor, dominated Ten, their greedy eyes turned hence, considered very carefully. When a High Spellwise
on Blackmoor. The Egg of Coot watches from the North, as dies, it is the remaining Spellwise who decide whether to
inscrutable and deadly as ever. To the south, Thonia stands expand the ranks by electing new members to their group.
as ever it has, and it would surely not mind the opportu- In the history of the Wizards Cabal, no Spellwise has
nity to reclaim Blackmoor once more. The elves struggle ever selected to share power by expanding the number of
with one another over family divisions. The dwarves war Spellwise. It seems as though there is a “last man standing”
constantly with orcs in their mountains, interacting less and element among these most powerful of wizards. It is often
less with the outside world. And always, renegade sorcer- not until all of the positions become completely vacant that
ers walk the lands, nearly impossible to find until they have a new group of five is selected.
already done their damage.
It would appear, to even the most optimistic observer,
Notable Administrators and
that the future of the Wizards’ Cabal can be no easier, and Personalities of the Wizards
no more peaceful, than its past.
As the threats and challenges to the North continue to grow,
so to has the Cabal’s ability to react and adjust to these very
changes. This section will give an overview to the overall Ursula Zov, High Spellwise of War
hierarchy and structure of the Cabal with an emphasis on The youngest daughter of the thonian noble house of Zov
the day to day machinations wielded to control magic in in Blackmoor, Ursula Zov joined the Wizards’ Cabal at the
Blackmoor. tender age of 9. Ursula’s family had made a living finding
rare herbs and minerals within the deadly swamps of Black-
Administration moor. These herbs were in turn used by healers and clerics
to remove disease and strengthen the sick and dying. More
The Wizards’ Cabal is controlled by a group of adminis- than once, the Zov remedies had cured an ailing noble.
trators who oversee the day-to-day activities of the Cabal’s Their ability to find the most potent herbs led them to many
operation. Per Skelfer’s designation, the highest and most rewards of land by the Baron of Blackmoor.
powerful positions within the entire organization are that of
Noting her affinity for magic, her father thought that
High Spellwise. The positions of the High Spellwise have
arcane knowledge could strengthen the holdings of the
the ultimate responsibility for keeping the Cabal’s status
house while at the same time protecting them from the
as a controlling and critical organization to the protection
hidden monstrosities of the northern swamps. When he
of Blackmoor as well as meeting the mission laid down by
brought her before a local mage for evaluation, it was rec-
Skelfer himself.
ommended that she be taken to the Cabal for training. Her
The largest portion of this oversight comes under the ju- family bade her farewell and she set off to become the first
risdiction of one of many ministries within the Cabal. The wizard in the family.
most powerful and expansive ministries are the Ministry of
Not being terribly familiar with a city such as Vestfold,
War, The Ministry of Knowledge and The Ministry of the
Zov was a bit of a loner. She tried to continue growing herbs
Mystical Arts. Each of these ministries is directly overseen
and plants for various remedies in lieu of building any form
by one of the High Spellwise and maintains an office within
of a social life. In time she came out of her shell and began
the Tower of Mages at Ardenn.
to master the art of swordplay. As a young girl, she was fre-
In previous administrations, the number of High Spell- quently teased by the male members of her class, though
wise has fluctuated from as few as one to as many as five. As she refused to back down and often challenged them openly.
a result of the recent and untimely assassinations of Kvale She defeated many of them soundly and after a time, they
Dram and Celia Skiimae, the current group is composed of refused to go any easier on her than they would a boy. This
three individuals each of whom oversees a particular portion helped to toughen her resolve and made her an even better
of the Cabal’s mission. When an issue requires the atten- fighter. After dealing more than a few thrashings to her
tion of the High Spellwise, each of them comes together to
This famous negotiation gave the Cabal autonomy in the
most magical region of all lands and ensured that a close po-
litical relationship would allow for the mutual protection of
both the Cabal and Blackmoor’s new King. Many believe
that Uther feared the Cabal had grown too strong and had
to be placated no matter the cost. Ironically, the Cabal had
similar concerns about how the new King would deal with
In the end, The Cabal retained its position and went
on to support the Kingdom of Blackmoor in its first battle
against the Thonian Empire. For delivering this coup, Zov
has garnered considerable credibility and loyalty amongst
those she leads. Most recently Zov appointed her longtime
friend and supporter, Kyoryl Maloune to the position of
Profector General.

Sildonis: High Spellwise of Knowledge

As the renowned Wizards of the Woods, Sildonis has
managed to survive a great many years on his pure knowl-
edge and mastery of spells and potions. While his presence
as a magic user in Blackmoor is well documented, very little
is known of Sildonis’ past. Sildonis prefers to be mysteri-
ous and is really more annoyed by answering such nonsen-
sical questions that he is often perceived as having a short
Often plainly dressed, this thonian prefers his privacy
and tries to avoid attention. Not known to suffer fools, Sil-
donis is easily annoyed by those who ask too many ques-
tions, even his Cabal peers. This lack of availability has os-
tracized Sildonis in some ways from some of the factions
classmates, she garnered respect and was left alone. As her within the Cabal.
studies progressed, she quickly demonstrated her ability to In his younger years, Sildonis became a close friend and
lead was as strong as her will to fight. She soon became companion of then Baron Andahar. His travels with Uther
a formidable opponent with both traditional weapons and were well documented and earned him great respect and
spells. fame throughout the land. This friendship came full circle
Upon graduation, Zov returned to perform her duty when Sildonis was appointed to the Cabal’s permanent seat
bound service to her own noble family at the request of her on the Regency Council of Blackmoor by his friend, the
father. For the next year she used every spell in her power King.
to assist and protect the family’s interest while longing to Sildonis’ past centered on the defense of Blackmoor and
return to her new friends and a place she had come to call the pursuit of magical perfection. These activities still drive
home. him to this day. Since he recognizes the ongoing danger that
At the disappointment of her family, she returned to the Blackmoor finds itself in, Sildonis spends the majority of his
Wizard’s Cabal to help teach and train new students when time with the Regency Council, allowing his subordinates to
her appointed service was completed. She spent the next execute his responsibilities. This lack of visibility has hurt
fifteen years helping build up the fighting strength of the Sildonis’ credibility to some degree with other Wizards and
arcane warriors while developing new tactics to combine more notably, his fellow High Spellwise.
sword and sorcery together in an effective combat style.
Zov was elected to the position of High Spellwise in Veda Sonrean, High Spellwise of the Mystical Arts
1012 at the age of 36 making her the youngest person ever Veda Sonrean is a white bearded thonian man. He is regal in
to sit in such an honored place. In a move that surprised his simplicity, a grandfatherly type of older gentleman who
none of her classmates. She immediately set the tone of garners the respect of his students. Sonrean is an avid reader
her status and authority by negotiating an agreement with and can always be found carrying a few books and his com-
King Uther Andahar shortly after his split from the Thonian panion cat “Mouser” everywhere he goes.

Mengar has served in his position for the last ten years and
is responsible for the record increase in captures and neutral-
ization of the sorcerer bands that frequent the North.
This of course comes as no surprise to his peers. In his
younger days he was responsible for the largest number
of sorcerer captures for a record five years in a row. In his
time as High Inquisitor, Mengar has instituted a number of
changes to protocol and more than doubled the number of
Inquisitors who are actively searching for renegades.
Mengar spent the majority of his youth within the Red-
woods at Ringlo Hall. As a half-elf and the son of a Cumasti
handmaiden, he was often teased by the cumasti children
for his heritage. Mengar was frequently angered by his mis-
treatment and his lack of control over the things around him.
When he turned twelve, he asked him mother if he could
study magic. She agreed that someday he could attend a
school of wizardry knowing full well that she could not
afford the tuition.
Mengar’s break came the very same day that his mother
confessed that she could not send him to the school of wiz-
ardry. Saddened by the news, Mengar went on a hunt to find
a sorcerer at the tender age of fourteen.
By sheer dumb luck Mengar happened upon an ambush
set by two sorcerers who planned to rob two Cumasti nobles
who had foolishly traveled alone through the woods. Clum-
sily, Mengar darted towards the sorcerers, knocking them
both down into the road and exposing their plans. The nobles
were able to dispatch them both without injury. In thanks for
his help, Mengar’s education with the Cabal was sponsored
by the two nobles who saw fine promise in him.
Later in life, his mother was slain in a brutal massacre by
sorcerers who raided the home of her patron looking simply
for gold. This act caused a notable change in Mengar’s per-
sonality and mental state. He became short tempered, cruel
and some say outwardly villainous. His driven personal-
Sonrean first came to be recognized when he did his pi-
ity combined with this new pain has made him into a dark
oneering research on spell shards shortly after graduating
shadow of his former self. This is evident in his treatment
from the Cabal. His efforts earned him a permanent status
of his subordinates. He tolerates no error and he has been
amongst the researchers and allowed him to discover a great
known to use somewhat severe disciplinary action to main-
many other magical secrets that are used to this day.
tain order in his quest for excellence. While he is respected
While he feverishly searches for new and interesting and feared, very few call him a friend.
research projects, Sonrean also enjoys teaching. He can be
found on the campus teaching a regular lecture schedule.
His insistence on being able to teach has continued to prop- Kyoryl Maloune, Profector General
agate his popularity amongst the student body and wizards Kyoryl Maloune is an uncompromising thonian female with
throughout the land. He has also used his lecturing to dis- braided black hair, a ragged scar down the right side of her
cover the best and brightest mages for his research projects. face, and a too-many-times broken nose. Her sheer strength
This rarely tapped resource of young minds seems to be lost and power has won her fame and respect amongst the arcane
on the scores of ego driven wizards who desire fame and warriors.
power unto themselves. Kyoryl grew up on the cruel streets of Maus where one
misstep could be the last. She quickly learned the ways of the
Mengar Torerdyn, High Inquisitor of the street and was fortunate to be taught how to fight at an early
age. While running with various gangs in Maus, Kyoryl was
Arcane Inquisition
able to earn a small amount of money as an adventurer or
Mengar Torerdyn is a fanatic male half-elf with wild short hired sword. Reinvesting a small portion of her earnings into
red hair and a fevered look to all of his facial features.
formal training, she learned to fight from skilled warriors in
the various dueling societies in the North.
Kyoryl eventually made her way to Ardenn at the sug-
gestion of a wizard named Stur Nigby. Nigby tried to con-
vince her that she was more than a hired mercenary and
could wield arcane power with the proper training. Kyoryl
had never been to Vestfold, yet following the wizard’s advice
she made her way west and found her calling.
A natural talent at both spell and sword Kyoryl complet-
ed her training at the head of her class. Exploit after exploit
has built her legend to a near epic status today. Very recent-
ly, her longtime friend and sparring partner Ursula Zov ap-
pointed her to the position of Profector General when her
predecessor was assassinated. Still new on the job, Kyoryl
is making easy work of her responsibilities based on reputa-
tion alone.

Col, The Clockwork Inquisitor

While the grim young High Thonian man known as the
Clockwork Inquisitor is not the mightiest of the Cabal’s
agents, he is certainly among the most feared. His epithet
refers to both Col’s clockwork arm and his nearly inhuman
determination and persistence. So long as he continues
breath, Col remains a threat to those that oppose the will of
the Cabal.
Like many Inquisitors, Col is an orphan, trained in
the Stormkiller Mountains under the stern eyes of Cabal
Masters. Despite his mental and physical prowess, what
impressed Col’s tutors most was his unquestioning loyalty.
Col has never known any family other than the wizards; all
he is, and all he has accomplished, he owes to the Cabal.
Col’s left arm was lost early in his career. The Cabal’s
replacement is a clockwork fusion of metal and magic that
augments Col’s strength to inhuman levels. Col takes no inquisitor, has attracted the attention of dark forces. Nagging
pride in the arm, nor does he take pains to hide it. The questions haunt the young man like circling wolves. Soon
limb is simply a tool, an extension of the Cabal, like Col he will likely be forced to choose between loyalty to his
himself. Masters, and a life of uncertain freedom.
The inquisitor’s blade is named Dogsur-Kythae, dwarven Col is a quiet, grim man, with sharp blue eyes that con-
for “footing made slick by the blood of one’s enemies.” The trast with his dark hair. He is often disheveled from time
heavy-bladed shortsword was designed for the close-quar- spent on the open road, and he carries a world-weariness
ters fighting common to dwarven mines and citadels, but unusual for one so young. This weariness vanishes when
has served Col admirably in back alleys and taverns across Col is hunting for a rogue sorcerer or wizard, erased by his
the North. passion and determination.
Dogsur-Kythae has a faceted ruby capping its hilt; this
gem serves as Col’s spell focus for both his wizard and in- Laws of the Wizards’ Cabal
quisitor spells.
This section details the overall judicial structure and author-
Like most inquisitors, Col’s fencing style forgoes dra-
ities that are both adjudicated and enforced by the Cabal.
matic flourish for cruel, deadly efficiency. Many a hired
duelist has danced his way around Col, only to discover–all Overview
too late–that the inquisitor has no fear and little regard for
The laws of the Cabal are outwardly similar to those of
wasted motion, and was simply waiting to end the duel with
the Kingdom of Blackmoor with an obvious tilt towards
a single lethal strike.
the arcane arts. What may be the largest significant varia-
Recent events have forced Col to reconsider his dedica-
tion between the normal Blackmoorian law and Cabal law
tion to the Cabal. His family’s dark legacy, unknown to the
centers on the transparency of the judicial process.
Excerpts from “The Magical Law”
As scribed by Farhber Min
• The Wizards Cabal has the lawful right to govern arcane magic in the
Kingdom of Blackmoor. This right includes the ability to draft and creae new
laws as well as revisit and extend the existing law.
• The Wizards Cabal has the lawful right to investigate, hold trial and
ultimately pass judgement and sentencing against those who are found guilty of
using magic in a manner that breaks the law.

A Few of the Basic Laws Governing the Use of Magic in

• Arcane magic may only be used by those who are formally trained and
have been granted permission by the Cabal.
• Magic is for the protection and improvement of society and may never be
used for evil purposes or to subjugate the people of Blackmoor.
• Magic should be practiced in a safe and controlled environment
whenever possible. All arcane spellcasters are responsible for material damages
that they cause and may be required to compensate a damaged party for their
• A Wizard must obtain permission if they wish to instruct pupils.
• Those who assist or give refuge to magical criminals are themselves
guilty of a crime against the Kingdom of Blackmoor.
• Creation of magical items valuing 100 gold pieces must be approved by
the Cabal.
• Sorcerers are innately dangerous and must be confined to protect the
• Opposition to the Cabal and its lawful right to enforce law is punishable.
• All law abiding spellcasters are expected to rise to the defense of the
Kingdom of Blackmoor and her King.

Offenses against the crown are still publicly debated Authority of the Arcane Warriors in
before a magistrate and witnesses. These offenses require Blackmoor
substantial proof of wrongdoing. If guilt can be established
against the accused a punishment shall be decided and ex- While there are a number of persistent elements that oppose
ecuted in accordance with the laws of the King. the Cabal’s high level leadership from both within and
By contrast, the Cabal identifies cases that are spirited beyond the borders of Blackmoor, the Arcane Warriors
away to closed chamber hearings at its apparent whim. Nu- remain a beloved force within the kingdom. Excellent and
merous complaints have been levied against this tactic by honorable warriors, these fighter mages retain the respect of
the affected populace, but it has been allowed to continue the populous through even the most controversial and dif-
for the time being. The outcomes of these secret trials often ficult times.
result in summary judgments in which punishment is imme- Every Arcane Warrior is required to uphold the Oath of
diately served against the accused. Conduct. This Oath is one that each of them is bound to upon
Cabal law is written in any one of its secret languag- reaching the training threshold that they may be known as
es, but has never been completely translated to the common a member of the Arcane Warriors. Many feel that it is both
tongue. Many argue upon deaf ears as to how one can obey the sincerity and clarity of this oath that endears them to the
the law without being able to understand it. Many people public and allows them to execute their sworn task.
believe that the law is not known so that the Cabal can Within the Kingdom of Blackmoor (and beyond when
change it at whim. given special dispensation) the Arcane Warriors are charged
At one point in time a studious commoner named Farhber as the primary defense against the magical assault of Black-
Min obtained the Cabal’s permission to create a basic trea- moor and her citizens and allies. Given this mission, the
tise written in common entitled “The Magical Law”. The Arcane Warriors are given additional discretion in enforcing
Magical Law can be found in nearly every area of Black- the Cabal’s law. For the most part they try to work in con-
moor and has been translated into many languages as the junction with the local authorities to keep effective commu-
Cabal enforces its laws on all residents who live within nication and to avoid any power struggles over jurisdiction.
the borders of the Kingdom of Blackmoor. Most common- This duality of purpose has worked well, especially in larger
ers and adventurers have been able to distill out the most cities where many magical leads might be lost without such
obvious aspects from this basic tract and have been able to a working relationship.
avoid the use of magic for destructive or evil purposes to As a result some Arcane Warriors have begun to take on
avoid entanglements with the Cabal. more of a detective’s responsibilities in lieu of serving as
Seemingly everyone is bound by the laws of the Cabal. a strict militia. Only two years ago a significant crime ring
Even the heads and children of noble families have been had established itself within the city of Maus. This group
charged and found guilty of various magic related crimes. had used various techniques to block scrying and other div-
For their crimes many were exiled to the remote swamps of inations in an effort to conceal their activities. It was the
Blackmoor. Others were magically hobbled and disfigured combined efforts of both the conventional authorities and
then set free to roam the streets of Blackmoor serving a life the local Arcane Warriors that led to the ring being unrav-
sentence as a living example of what it means to cross the eled. These types of successes allow continued research and
Cabal. These “trials” have led some to suggest that a con- detective related activities to continue, but this sort of coop-
spiracy is afoot within the Cabal. eration would be halted if it were ever to be become prob-
lematic for the Cabal’s political agenda.
The leadership of the Cabal does give deference to the
will of the King in public and will obey pardons and other Arcane Warriors can be found garrisoned in towns with
requests that come directly from Uther himself. While the populations greater than five hundred. A great number of
Cabal has great latitude in the enforcement of their mission, them are also set out into the wilds of Blackmoor on a per-
they are still vulnerable and require Uther’s support to main- petual patrol duty. This allows them to train as well as main-
tain control within the realm. For this reason, they continue tain a high visibility within the land.
to follow his commands. Arresting authority
In recent history, the number of secret trials has in-
creased dramatically. There are growing pockets of discon- Arcane Warriors who have written permission from their
tent amongst the smaller towns and villages for whom word superior officers may make arrests against those who have
of wrongdoing spreads quickly. Often new visits by Cabal been accused of committing magically related crimes. Their
leadership are met with crowds of protestors who claim requests are often heeded by local authorities when they
wrongdoing at the hands of the Cabal legal system. Indepen- wish to process charges against conventional criminals, but
dent sorcerer bands often leave magical notices at different they have little specific authority to detain or arrest those in-
locations citing that the real crimes are committed behind dividuals. Once an arrest has been made, the Arcane Warrior
the walls of the Cabal’s Vestfold compound, Ardenn. reports the situation to his immediate superiors and awaits
further instructions.

Given this great latitude, Inquisitors have been granted
full arresting authority within the Kingdom of Blackmoor.
Because they are much more politically savvy, Inquisitors
will not act improperly towards powerful individuals unless
they can prove wrongdoing beyond a shadow of a doubt.
No Inquisitor would ever want to diminish the influence of
the Cabal by wrongly or aggressively pursuing a power-
ful noble or official unless he was positive that his actions
would bear him out correctly.

Judicial process
The judicial process of the Wizards Cabal is often very se-
cretive in nature, though much of its structure has been dis-
tilled through the years.
The official process requires a judge (called a Magister)
who has been appointed by the Cabal to sit in judgment as
well as an official prosecutor and defense representation.
There are no limits to the number of individuals who
may be tried on a single given offense at a time though the
accused are generally handled on a single case basis.
In a fashion similar to the normal court process, the pros-
ecutor presents his evidence to the court through material
evidence and witness testimony while the defense attempts
to convince the court of the innocence of the accused. This
effort continues until all the evidence and testimony of both
sides has been determined at which point, the Magister shall
render a verdict and impose a punishment if one is warrant-
While most cases are decided by a Magister, some may
Arcane Warriors may not kill a suspect unless it is in warrant a jury. A jury is composed of average citizens,
either self defense or in the defense of the public at large. wizards and others who can make a reasonable decision of
They are forbidden to serve in judgment of a criminal guilt or innocence. Detractors say that these trials are merely
outside the auspices of the Cabal. Those who have broken grandstanding in an effort to show how the Cabal continues
this mandate in the past have been punished severely for to protect the people of Blackmoor.
their error.
The punishment phase of a trial centers on the three main
Authority of the Inquisitors types of punishment for magical crimes against Blackmoor.
These punishments are: Death, permanent banishment or
The role of the Inquisitors is to hunt and capture dangerous long term imprisonment. Generally, the individual who is
foes of the Cabal. These powerful agents are given great lat- charged may be offered some input on the matter once the
itude in the execution of this task. While granted this wider punishment type has been decided. (Death by polymorph,
authority, Inquisitors are generally disliked and seen as banishment to a fire plane, imprisonment in the dungeons of
trouble by local townsfolk. They are often shunned or given Castle Blackmoor, etc)
less cooperation than their Arcane Warrior counterparts.
Upon the completion of the punishment phase, the case
Vigilant in their duty, an Inquisitor is not likely to is closed and the punishment is rendered. Only the interven-
squander time in pursuit. When an Inquisitor is outside a tion of the King or high administration official can change
Cabal holding, he is on a mission and choices that lead him the outcome of such a trial.
closer to completing his task are those he is most likely to
act upon.
The Stronghold of Ardenn
An Inquisitor is given the full authority to subdue his
target so long as civilians are not harmed in the process. Within the great walled city of Vestfold stands Ardenn, the
Once an Inquisitor is attached to a matter, the manner in Cabal’s largest and most active base of operations. A triumph
which the mission is completed matters little. Death is a sat- of architectural design, Ardenn is particularly famous for its
isfactory result, so long as the mission is complete and it most visible feature, the Tower of Mages. Pointing skyward
doesn’t contradict the orders. like a stone needle nearly three hundred feet into the air, the
famous tower is visible from several miles outside of Vest-

The Oath of Conduct of the Arcane Warrior
I swear to remain loyal to the Wizard’s Cabal and to obey
its laws and precepts in all things.

I swear to abide by the orders of my superiors save when

they stand contrary to the precepts of the Cabal.

I swear to respect the laws of the common man to obey

them as any citizen must and to violate them only when
necessary to fulfill my duties to the Cabal.

I swear to give all my effort and yes even my life to stand

between the common man and those who would use magic
for evil.

I swear to destroy all who sully the image of magic in the

eyes of the common man and who practice without the
lawful writ of the Cabal.

All these things I swear lest I be judged by my brethren and

condemned to die as yet another common criminal swept
under by the Cabal’s good justice.

Magic is life. Life is magic.

Let me live, let me die in the service of both.

fold and was built to symbolize the power the Cabal wields Some researchers of note are able to obtain research grants
within Blackmoor and beyond. Ardenn is surrounded by a that cover such expense.
massive stone wall that keeps the majority of its features Ardenn is also well defended and can readily muster a
hidden from the view of outsiders. Its impressive gates are ready force of nearly one hundred arcane warriors at any
manned night and day keeping all who dwell inside safe time. The administrative needs to maintain a force of this
from harm. size from feeding all the way to stabling of horses is in-
Though the public is not often freely welcome within the dicative of the amount of organization contained within
gates of Ardenn, the amount of construction that continues Ardenn.
within is very plain to see. Based solely on the amount of Visitors may find lodging in the Visitor’s Hall just inside
manpower and material that pass through the massive gates, the walls. The Visitor’s Hall is a full tavern that is frequent-
it’s clear to see that Ardenn is under constant construction of ed by all manner of traveler and mage. Many wizards visit
one form or another. family here or meet to play intellectual games or debate phi-
As the primary stronghold for the Wizards Cabal, losophy. The Visitor’s Hall is the only place within Ardenn
Ardenn has grown more and more independent of that ale and wine can be purchased. Cabal mandate strict-
Vestfold’s merchants and services. This was clearly by ly prohibits access to the school or research facilities to
design. Nearly every aspect of life important to a wizard anyone who is inebriated. This rule was imposed after a
can be provided for within her walls with the only notable few drunken wizards managed to summon up a demon who
exception being the production of food, which still tends to promptly slayed them outright, drank the remainder of their
come from trusted vendors. wine and proceeded to cause quite a bit of damage to the
Students, professors, researchers and other Cabal ad- grounds until he was dismissed.
ministrators make their home in the dormitories and living After the Vestfold revolt, of 1020, the Cabal decided to
quarters within Ardenn, though only the professors and ad- better fortify its headquarters. Plans were laid and almost
ministrators may maintain a permanent residence in Ardenn. immediately construction began through both magical and
Researchers and students are expected to pay for accommo- conventional means. In those short years since the revolt,
dations through tuition payments, grants or personal funds.

Ardenn has been transformed into a compound and seems to sacred treasures and treatises on any given number of sub-
be growing to become a large keep. jects. The arcane texts contain the complete recorded history
When approaching the mighty gates of Ardenn, one of Blackmoor and the surrounding regions. The librarians
cannot help but notice the heavily inscribed, thick iron gates have managed to copy if not collect these prizes by out-
that radiate a faint greenish glow. A closer inspection of the right purchase or daring adventure. Each new student class
gate shows shards of a shiny black rock peppered throughout at the Ard’s School of Wizardry is brought to view Skelfer’s
the iron. The heavy gate requires several men to be opened journal in its original form. The ink and paper have been well
and is secured by a powerful clockwork mechanism that preserved by a combination of conventional and magical
burrows deep into the ground and stone walls to brace it. means. While Skelfer’s handwriting has left something to
During times of peace, the gate is generally opened unless be desired, the text can be read plainly and openly by any
the Cabal is performing a private ceremony or ritual. Those authorized member of the Wizards Cabal. (In game terms,
who should wish to enter must pass through the guards at any individual researching any arcane or history related in-
the gates before being given entry. quiries in the library a +6 circumstance bonus to checks.)
Just inside the gates, a team of eight iron golems stand The library is very well protected by powerful wards and
ready to respond to any aggressive action. These golems are contingencies many of which are unseen on the surface.
rumored to have various clockwork and magical modifica-
Research Facility
tions that allow them to detect magical energies as the align-
ment and class of each individual that passes through the At any give time, Ardenn is residence to the best and bright-
gates. A farmer who had delivered grain within the walls est mages and researchers to be found in all of Blackmoor.
of Ardenn claimed that he had heard the golems speaking The research facilities are superior to any other organized
to the guards as if they were suits of armor inhabited by efforts within the Kingdom. In some cases, wizards wait
enormous men. Those rumors ceased when the farmer dis- years to gain limited access to these rich laboratories.
appeared one night and was not seen or heard from again. A full third of the wizards who reside at Ardenn actively
Ardenn is surrounded by thick walls that are constructed research new ways to use magic for the betterment of the
from the very same black stone hewn to construct Castle people (and the Cabal). The laboratories provided at these
Blackmoor. These walls stretch to surround the buildings facilities are unsurpassed by any the Known World. The
within Ardenn completely at a height of 20 feet and are finest instruments and a seemingly unlimited amount of pro-
broken by the occasional tower. These walls are rich with cessed and raw material components make this an excellent
wards and other magical diagrams to both alert and defend location from which to found new theories and carry them
the wizards and their knowledge within. (In game terms, through to maturation.
both the gate and walls have a natural Spell Resistance of For decades, the Cabal has been plagued by claims of
32, not to mention any additional fortification that the Cabal secret and hidden laboratories where they experiment on
may put on them in the future.) sorcerers and other innate spellcasters. These accusations
The walls are guarded by the finest arcane warriors in are frequently deflected as the ranting of arcane terrorists
the land who are given items and protective spells that allow who seek to throw the North back into the ruin of the Mage
them stand guard night and day. (These guards are given Wars. No one has ever proved that these locations exist.
rings of sustenance as well as numerous items that offer In addition to the research laboratories, there are many
constant protection spells to allow them to remain alert and other distinguished areas from which to study within the
well protected at all times. walls of Ardenn. A few of the more notable ones are listed
One of the purported invisible defenses of Ardenn are here.
the secret passages and gates rumored to riddle the strong-
hold. This was one of the ways in which the revolt of 1020
Zodav’s Observatory
was defeated and was considered an instrumental part of Ando Zodav was the first wizard to study falling stars in an
the success in retaking Ardenn. (In game terms, any wizard effort to discover potential magical properties within objects
5th level or higher has a 35% chance to know of a secret that fall from the heavens. His work was revolutionary and
passage that can be used to enter or exit Ardenn. This per- much of his research has continued beyond his death.
centage bonus increases by 5% for every level over 5th.) The observatory holds decades worth of star charts and
These passages can only be used by Cabal members. observations. Located high atop the Tower of Mages, the ob-
Breaking this secrecy is punishable by expulsion from the servatory is affronted an excellent view of both the heavens
Cabal or worse. and Blackmoor allowing viewers to see nearly 20 miles in
all directions surrounding Vestfold.
The primary draw to Ardenn is the elaborate library that the
Cabal has managed to protect through since the inception.
This incredible collection of tomes contains a great many
Summoning Sanctum Wayfarer’s Chamber
While contact with outsiders has often been discouraged Similar to the Topaz study, the Wayfarer’s chamber is dedi-
by senior Cabalist teachers because of their unpredictable cated to amplification of certain conjuration spells. In the
nature, many important facts and discoveries have been center of this large room is a great ruby dais standing one foot
gained through questioning of those from other planes.
The Summoning Sanctum is a well warded area but many high. Floating rubies hover around the platform creating a
wizards feel that its protections would not be able protect red translucent wall that users may pass through.
them should too powerful an outsider be called upon. Those This chamber is capable of greatly extending the spell
looking to gain access must gain permission from a senior effects of teleport and travel (including planar and dimen-
instructor. sional) based spells. (In game terms, teleport and travel based
spells cast on the dais have an effective level of 5 levels
Topaz Study higher than normal.) Usage of the Wayfarer’s Chamber is
As its name suggests, this incredible room is composed restricted to those who have express permission from the
almost completely of topaz. In reality, it is a large deposit of High Spellwise.
topaz that has been crafted into something like a modified
spell focus. The purpose of the Topaz Study is to amplify Office of the High inquisitor
spells from the divination school. Access to this room is re- The office of the High Inquisitor is in charge or investigat-
stricted and the only frequent users are the High Spellwise. ing and detaining criminals who have broken the laws that
(In game terms, divination spells cast from the topaz study the Cabal has been charged to uphold. This
have an effective level of 4 levels higher solemn building is rarely busy and the
and grant the caster a +4 circum- majority of activity seems to take place
stance bonus to caster checks under cover of night.
to overcome spell resis- The High Inquisitor is respon-
tance.) sible for holding those charged
with commission or a magical
crime. Those so charged are
kept within the detention
chambers that are known to
emanate large antimagic fields
throughout. At present time,
the maximum capacity of
the detention chambers is
estimated at sixty.

Ard’s School of
Skelfer’s school main-
tains the same rig-
orous standards
as it did when
Skelfer first
founded it.
Students are
expected to
keep a gruel-
ing and nearly
religious ap-
proach to the
study of a great
many magical
tomes while at the
same time, spending consid-
erable hours practicing lessons
in the labs.

The headmasters of the school constantly impress the Tower of Mages
responsibility that each graduate is charged with upon the
student body never budging on their expectations. Should a The famous Tower of Mages serves as the center of admin-
student fail to make acceptable progress, they may be ousted istration. Within its chamber of held the highest offices of
from the school and permanently banned from the usage of each ministry as well as a number of other research ori-
spells. ented spaces like the observatory and Wayfarer’s chamber.
Known as the residence of the High Spellwise, the tower is
In the fall of each year, new eligible pupils (called Po-
well defended on each level providing an excellent defense
tentials) designate their interest in attending Ard’s school.
to all who enter.
Potentials are given both a written and physical examina-
tion to determine general intelligence and magical aptitude. Beyond typical administrative organizations, the Tower
Only a third of the applicants are ever formally accepted of Mages also has a large functioning assembly hall where
into each year’s class. Potentials that are not selected can nearly two hundred members of the Cabal can meet to
retry to gain acceptance in the following fall. discuss items of import. This hall is also used as the judicial
chambers when a trial is warranted.
Each potential candidate for Ard’s School of Wizardry
must pay a hefty tuition to cover the cost of such an edu- Crafting Guild
cation. The current price for tuition books and materials is
just under one hundred gold pieces a month. Because of this The Cabal’s Crafting Guild is responsible for the crafting
steep fee, many of the attending students are children of no- of magical items. There is a fine amount of coin to be had
bility and status. Ard’s School does not however overlook in item creation. The Guild members are provided with the
raw talent. For every new class, the school grants a certain, finest materials from which to hew their craft. While pleased
open ended number of scholarships to cover the costs. Most with the results of their efforts, the Cabal saw demand and
often, independent wizards fund this scholarship to see that revenue double after forming a relationship with the Mer-
talented individuals are not prevented from learning about chant’s Guild. While lucrative for both parties, this partner-
magic just because of monetary reasons. ship guarantees the Cabal a steady flow of revenue.
The Crafting Guild takes requests from Cabalist wizards,
The Primary School of Wizardry who have obtained approval. The demand required to fill
Originally, students were in their late teens or early adult- the Merchant Guild’s orders takes a considerable amount of
hood, but in recent times the demand for younger education time making custom efforts lower in priority.
has caused the Ministry of Education to open a school to Should a wizard wish to complete an item on his own,
cater to children from the age of six to fourteen. the Crafting Guild will want to examine it for quality and
This Primary School of Wizardry instructs everyday accuracy. Should a wizard fail to bring his creations before
knowledge that children would learn under any other school the guild in a reasonable time period, she may find herself
in Blackmoor, but it also begins the instruction of magic penalized.
in parallel to a basic education. It is not uncommon to see
seven year olds tinkering with mage hand or other cantrips
shortly after coming to the school.

The Ard Academy of Advanced

Wizardry and Knowledge Arcane
The Ard Academy is the highest institution of magic in all
of Blackmoor. Its graduates include all of the current High
Spellwise as well as a great many ambassadors and high
ranking officials throughout Blackmoor. The Academy
gives each student the latitude to express a particular school
of interest, providing them with means and an appropriate
course of study while in attendance.
Should the wizard candidate properly demonstrate her
mastery of magic and arcana at the infamous Final Exami-
nation (where wizards are pushed to their limits in the use of
magic and knowledge for a wide variety of purposes), they
are presented with a spell focus appropriate to her school
and be granted the title of Wizard of the Cabal with all ap-
propriate rights and privileges thereto.

Chapter 3: Cabalist Characters
Even though the Wizards’ Cabal is an insular organization, Cabal magisters are a rare breed of wizard or cabalist
within those hallowed walls are many different special- that remains devoted to their primary arcane class, rarely
ties and ministries with their own goals and agendas. Some multiclassing. Though multiclassing is not unheard of,
of these organizations follow the credo of the Cabal to the many of those devoted to following this path see training in
letter, while others are only loosely tied to the general moral another class as tainting the magister’s tradition.
code that binds these powerful arcanists together. Currently, cabal magisters hold some of the highest seats
Whether they are highly respected member of the in the Wizards’ Cabal. Sometimes magisters are elected
Wizards’ Cabal or an agent of the Arcane Inquisition, the to the position of High Spellwise. Rarely do these magis-
most recognizable heroes and villains of the Cabal have spe- ters look to gain grand political favor, even turning their
cialized in their abilities. These specializations became or- backs on family obligations (especially true in the case of
ganizations early in the foundation of the Wizard’s Cabal,
and now many students are able to join the ranks of these
highly prestigious groups.
Presented hereafter are six of the better-known groups
within the Wizard’s Cabal. They are: the cabal magisters,
Cabal wizards with enough arcane power to rival even the
unaligned archmages and enigmatic mystic theurges; the
inquisition hunters, men and women devoted to hunting
down sorcerers and spawn of the Egg of Coot to safeguard
the world; the inquisition spies, hidden and elusive figures
that tread a shadowy path between the professions of secret
police and informant; the profector, arcane detectives and
leaders of Cabal armies; the researchers, members that
further the goals of the Cabal through creation, experimen-
tation, and study; and the war wizards, consummate battle-
hardened spellcasters that join together to defeat even the
mightiest of the Cabal’s enemies.

Cabal Magister
With his discovery of the arcane spell focus (among many
other successful experiments during his sojourn), Skelfer
Ard returned to Archlis to find it destroyed. This led him
to bring an end to the Mage Wars. His own apprentices and
research assistants had become powerful wizards in their
own right, and they followed him onto the battlefield. This
is where the archmages of the North and Skelfer’s magisters
met for the first time. To this day, many of the long-lived
archmages (those few that survived this encounter) walk
with a limp or feel the familiar sting of old wounds on a
cold morning.
Where the archmages study the secrets of the arcane arts
(known to them as high arcana), the magisters that follow
Skelfer’s teaching (and that ultimately became the leaders
and Spellwise of the Wizards’ Cabal) learned to tap into
the vastness of the White Magic around them and distill its
power into a quantified science. Cabal magisters still follow
many of the ritualistic teachings of Skelfer (though they do
not understand why they cannot breach the power barrier
that the original magisters did).

Table 4-1:The Cabal Magister
Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Magister spellcasting
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Increased spells/day
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Ritual of Proficiency
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Increased spells/day
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Expert rituals

magisters that come from a noble bloodline), seeing the play orizing spells). This increase occurs before modifications
of politics as a diversion from their magical studies. for high Intelligence or other alterations are added in. At
Hit Die: d4. 4th level, the cabal magister again increases the number of
arcane spells available per day for one particular spell level
Requirements of their choice (which is selected each day when memoriz-
To qualify to become a cabal magister, a character must ing spells), this time to a total of twice what he would nor-
fulfill all the following criteria. mally be able to cast before any additional modifications are
Skills: Concentration 12 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 12 added in (see above).
ranks, Spellcraft 12 ranks. Ritual of Proficiency (Sp): At 3rd level, the cabal ma-
Special: Ability to cast arcane spells using a spell gister can spend one full round action in concentration to
focus. create a ritual effect that begins on the next round. Lasting
for a number of rounds equal to his cabal magister class
Special: A member in good standing of the Wizard’s
levels, the ritual allows the cabal magister to confer a com-
petence bonus equal to his cabal magister class levels plus
Class Skills +1d6 to a recipient touched on all skill checks. The cabal
magister may choose to use this ability up to a number of
The cabal magister’s class skills (and key ability for each times equal to his Intelligence modifier per day (minimum
skill) are: Concentration (Con), Craft (alchemy) (Int), De- of 1) on himself or on another willing recipient. If the re-
cipher Script (Int), Investigate* (Int), Knowledge (arcane) cipient is unwilling to accept this gift, the ability fails auto-
(Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), Re- matically and counts against the cabal magister’s number of
search* (Int), and Spellcraft (Int). usages of this ability per day. This ability is considered to be
* Denotes a new skill found in Chapter 4. a spell-like ability and requires a touch attack if the willing
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier. recipient is engaged in combat.
Expert Rituals (Ex): At 5th level, if the cabal magister
Class Features
fails to cast a ritual spell (see Ceremonial Ritual Magic in
All of the following are class features of the cabal magister Chapter 5) he is not affected by any ritual magic penalties
prestige class. for failure.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Cabal magisters gain
no additional weapon or armor proficiencies. Inquisition Hunter
Magister Spellcasting: Beginning at 1st level, the cabal The acquisition of research subjects can sometimes prove
magister counts all caster character levels and cabal magis- to be a daunting task for the Arcane Inquisition. They must
ter levels together when determining his cabal magister’s first locate and then hunt down sorcerers and unusual crea-
caster level for arcane spells. This ability does not grant the tures to perform their experiments upon. This task falls on
additional spells, class abilities, etc. and only modifies the the capable heads of the inquisition hunters.
character’s effective arcane caster level.
The best trackers and hunters the Cabal has to offer
Example–Renee, a High Thonian cleric 4/wizard 10/ compete in yearly tournaments to win a place among these
cabal magister 2 would cast arcane spells as a 16th-level prestigious men and women. Not only are their physical and
arcane spellcaster. However, if Renee were a rogue 4/wizard arcane powers tested during these tournaments, but so too
10/cabal magister 2, he would only cast arcane spells as a are their loyalties to the Cabal and to the ideals of the Arcane
12th-level arcane caster. Inquisition. Many of the most successful inquisition hunters
Increased Spells/Day: Beginning at 2nd level, the have come from the ranks of the profectors (see later in this
cabal magister increases the base number of arcane spells chapter).
per day by one-half (round down) for one particular spell With their advanced combat techniques and arcane
level of their choice (which is selected each day when mem- training, the inquisition hunter can be a great boost to any
adventuring party. Their primary role in any group is as the Seeker, the Way of the Spellblade, and the ways of the as-
tracker, scout, and anti-sorcerer fighter. They travel well sassin. The members of this group are fewer in number than
with almost every class, except sorcerers (obviously) and even the High Spellwise (there are rumored to be only four
wokan (whom they just don’t understand). members) and they are said to be so fanatically devoted to
Inquisition hunters are divided further into two groups: the High Spellwise of the Arcane Inquisition that they have
the Seekers and the Spellblades. The Seekers are a group of assassinated many of his rivals. Even the ranking officials
inquisition hunters that follow the Way of the Seeker, using in the Arcane Inquisition do not know if these rumors are
a combination of ranged weapon prowess and arcane magic. true. Only the High Spellwise of the Arcane Inquisition may
The Spellblades are inquisition hunters that follow the Way know of the truth to their existence.
of the Spellblade, combining potent magical abilities with Hit Die: d8.
the use of dual weapon fighting techniques. All inquisition
hunters fall into one of these two categories. Requirements
While they are taught to hunt down sor- To qualify to become an inquisition hunter, a character must
cerers, the inquisition hunter is also fulfill all the following criteria.
taught to study an opponent and learn Alignment: Any lawful alignment
from them, this has led to the “con- Skills: Investigation 6 ranks, Knowledge
tamination” of the few inquisition (arcana) 6 ranks, Sense Motive 6 ranks,
hunters that have either fallen in Survival 8 ranks
love with or joined sorcerers. These Feats: Track, and either Improved
“contaminated” inquisition Two-Weapon Fighting or Manyshot
hunters are branded as (see below)
traitors, having their
Special: Ability to cast arcane
names immediately
spells using a spell focus.
struck from the Lists of
Honor within the Arcane Special: A member in good stand-
Inquisition, and become ing of the Arcane Inquisition.
the target of many of Class Skills
their former brothers and
sisters-in-arms. The inquisition hunt-
Special: There are er’s class skills (and key
rumors within the high ability for each skill) are:
echelons of the Arcane Bluff (Cha), Concen-
Inquisition of a small tration (Con), Diplomacy
group of inquisition (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate
hunters that has been (Cha), Investigation* (Int), Knowledge (arcana)
trained in the Way of the (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int),

Table 4-2:The Inquisition Hunter

Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells per Day
1st +1 +2 +2 +0 Hunter bonus +1 –
2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 Cabal combat style, swift tracker +1 level of existing arcane class
3rd +3 +3 +3 +1 –
4th +4 +4 +4 +1 Hunter bonus +2, trackless step +1 level of existing arcane class
5th +5 +4 +4 +1 Crippling strike –
6th +6 +5 +5 +2 Improved cabal combat style +1 level of existing arcane class
7th +7 +5 +5 +2 Hunter bonus +3 –
8th +8 +6 +6 +2 Detect magic +1 level of existing arcane class
9th +9 +6 +6 +3 –
Cabal combat style mastery, hunter’s
10th +10 +7 +7 +3 sense +1 level of existing arcane class

Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Research* (Int), Search If the inquisition hunter selects Way of the Spellblade,
(Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), and he must first possess the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
Survival (Wis). feat (see Requirements above). The character is immediate-
* Denotes a new skill found in Chapter 4. ly treated as having the Deflect Spell feat that may be used
Skill Points per Each Level: 4 + Int modifier. with an appropriate magical weapon, even if he does not
have the prerequisites for the feat.
Class Features The benefits of the inquisition hunter’s chosen style
All of the following are class features of the inquisition apply only when he wears light or no armor. He loses all
hunter prestige class. benefits of his combat style when wearing medium or heavy
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Inquisition hunters armor.
are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light and Swift Tracker (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, an inquisi-
medium armor, and all shields (except tower shields). tion hunter can move at his normal speed while following
Spells per Day: At every second level gained in the in- tracks without taking the normal –5 penalty. He takes only a
quisition hunter class, the character gains new spells per –10 penalty (instead of the normal –20) when moving at up
day as if he had also gained a level in an arcane spellcast- to twice normal speed while tracking.
ing class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. Trackless Step (Ex): Starting at 4th level, an inquisition
He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of hunter leaves no trail and cannot be tracked. He may choose
that class would have gained (hit points beyond those he re- to leave a trail if so desired.
ceives from the prestige class, metamagic or item creation Crippling Strike (Ex): If an inquisition hunter can catch
feats, etc.), except for an increased effective level of spell- an opponent when it is unable to defend itself effectively
casting. If the character had more than one arcane spellcast- from his attack, he can strike a vital spot with such precision
ing class before becoming an inquisition hunter, he must that his blow weakens and hampers his opponent. In effect,
decide to which class he adds the new level for purposes of the inquisition hunter deals 2 points of Strength damage
determining spells per day. in addition to normal weapon damage any time his target
Hunter Bonus (Ex): Beginning at 1st level, the inqui- would be denied its Dexterity modifier to AC (whether or
sition hunter may designate an individual as a target, as an not the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not). Ability
extended action. He spends 10 minutes concentrating on the points lost to this type of damage return at a rate of 1 point
target and thereafter gains a competence bonus on certain per day for each point of Strength damage dealt.
actions involving that particular target. Improved Cabal Combat Style (Ex): At 6th level, the
The inquisition hunter does not need to know the target inquisition hunter’s abilities in his chosen combat style (Way
personally and may only know the target through actions or of the Seeker or Way of the Spellblade) improve.
description. The inquisition hunter may not select a target If he chose Way of the Seeker as a 2nd-level inquisition
while he or the target is in combat, and once he chooses a hunter, he gains a +4 competence bonus to all Craft (bow-
target he must wait 24 hours before choosing another. maker) skill checks and gains the Weapon Specialization for
The inquisition hunter gains the hunter bonus as a com- any one bow or crossbow of his choice, even if he does not
petence bonus on attacks against that particular target, as have the prerequisites for the feat.
well as when using the following skills directly against the If he chose Way of the Spellblade as a 2nd-level inquisi-
target, or in tracking the target: Bluff, Gather Information, tion hunter, he gains a dodge bonus to AC equal to his Intel-
Investigate, Listen, Research, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, ligence modifier.
and Survival. The hunter bonus applies to a single individu- The benefits of the inquisition hunter’s chosen style
al and lasts until the inquisition hunter chooses a new target. apply only when he wears light or no armor. He loses all ben-
The bonus is +1 at 1st-level, +2 at 4th-level, and +3 at 7th- efits of his improved combat style when wearing medium or
level. heavy armor.
Cabal Combat Style (Ex): At 2nd level, the inquisition Detect Magic (Sp): At will, an inquisition hunter can use
hunter must select one of two cabal combat styles to follow: detect magic, as the spell. This ability only detects sources
Way of the Seeker or Way of the Spellblade. This choice of arcane magic.
affects the character’s class features but does not restrict his Cabal Combat Style Mastery (Ex): At 10th level, the
selection of feats or special abilities in any way. inquisition hunter’s abilities in his chosen combat style (Way
If the inquisition hunter selects Way of the Seeker, he of the Seeker or Way of the Spellblade) improve.
must first possess the Manyshot feat (see Requirements If he chose Way of the Seeker as a 2nd-level inquisition
above). The character is immediately treated as having the hunter, he is now able to enchant his arrows with arcane
Greater Manyshot feat, even if he does not have the prereq- touch attack spells. By enchanting the arrow with the spell,
uisites for the feat. it effectively makes the arrow become a magical projec-
tile (for purposes in which magical projectiles overcome

damage resistance). The inquisition hunter can enchant his Hunter’s Sense (Su): At 10th level, the inquisition
ammunition the round before firing it with any touch attack hunter gains the supernatural ability to know generally
spell of a level less than or equal to his Intelligence modifier. where his target is, if the target is in the general vicinity
When the arrow strikes the opponent, it discharges the spell (500 foot-radius, centered on the inquisition hunter). This
in addition to causing typical damage for the type of arrow ability applies only to the target of the Hunter Bonus ability
used. This destroys the arrow, whether it hits its target or (see above) and does not reveal the target’s attitude, status,
not. (Example–if a chill touch spell is placed into an arrow or the presence of others around the target. This is a super-
and fired by a longbow at an orc, it would deal 1d8 points natural ability, and spells, effects, and abilities that interfere
of damage from the arrow and then discharge the chill touch with supernatural abilities foil this ability.
spell into the orc, destroying the arrow.)
If he chose Way of the Spellblade as a 2nd-level inqui-
sition hunter, he is now able to do a special combat ma- Inquisition Spy
neuver that they know as arcana dervish. The inquisition
These advance members of the Arcane Inquisition come
hunter must spend one full round preparing to use this ma-
into a new area or an area known to have many magical
neuver, during which time he may only defend himself
dissidents (such as rogue wizards, sorcerers, Afridhi, and
(considered a full defensive action while preparing). On his
thralls of the Egg of Coot). They have learned to so com-
turn, the next round, the inquisition hunter expends a total
pletely integrate themselves into a new society that they are
of 10 spell levels (in any combination) and performs a full
able to ferret out even the most private secrets within a town
attack action against his opponent (he may only move 5 feet
or city.
and this allows for attacks of opportunity). The inquisition
hunter makes a single attack roll; this single roll is counted As spies, the inquisition spy has no equal. Their spell-
as an attack against all opponents within 10 feet. For each like abilities, knowledge of the area, and network of con-
successful strike, the inquisition hunter deals his typical tacts and informants make it very difficult for any individ-
weapon damage plus an additional 2d6 + Int modifier points ual or group to act with any secrecy in a town with one or
of typeless magical energy damage. If a critical hit is rolled, more of them.
the energy damage is doubled. If the inquisition hunter is Adventuring groups can capitalize on an inquisition
struck and fails a Concentration check during the prepara- spy’s abilities. Their cover stories and contacts can give
tory round (DC equal to 10 + the damage dealt), does not any character group an advantage in city-based adventures,
have sufficient spell levels to sacrifice, or fails to hit with while their diplomatic and spell-like abilities give them a
his attack roll, he fails using this maneuver (which counts great advantage when dealing with hostile humanoids and
against his one use per day). The inquisition hunter may use intelligent monsters in the wilderness.
this ability only once per day. Hit Die: d6.
The benefits of the inquisition hunter’s chosen style
apply only when he wears light or no armor. He loses all ben-
efits of his improved combat style when wearing medium or To qualify to become an inquisition spy, a character must
heavy armor. fulfill all of the following criteria.

Table 4-3:The Inquisition Spy

Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells per Day
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Informant –
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Feign alignment +1 level of existing arcane class
3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Rumor lore –
4th +3 +1 +4 +4 Resourceful contacts +1 level of existing arcane class
5th +3 +1 +4 +4 Traceless –
6th +4 +2 +5 +5 – +1 level of existing arcane class
7th +5 +2 +5 +5 Reputation –
8th +6 +2 +6 +6 Hat trick (1 Small item) +1 level of existing arcane class
9th +6 +3 +6 +6 Decoder –
Hat trick (1 Medium item or 2
10th +7 +3 +7 +7 Small items) +1 level of existing arcane class
from the prestige class, metamagic or item creation feats,
etc.), except for an increased effective level of spellcast-
ing. If the character had more than one arcane spellcasting
class before becoming an inquisition spy, he must decide to
which class he adds the new level for purposes of determin-
ing spells per day.
Informant (Ex): The inquisition spy filters information
constantly and remembers everything. Through regular con-
tacts, gossip, bar room chats, and other situations, he has a
deep knowledge of everyday things. The inquisition spy can
make a Gather Information check on general or specific in-
formation very quickly, requiring half the time of a normal
check. (Note: Normal Gather Information checks require
1d4+1 hours) Retries may be made under normal rules.
Feign Alignment (Ex): The inquisition spy fits in with
whatever group he chooses to be with. At 2nd level, the in-
quisition spy can successfully emulate any alignment if he
can make a DC 15 Diplomacy check. This benefit lasts for
one minute per inquisition spy class level before requiring
another successful check. Should a check be failed the false
alignment is revealed. Supernatural and spell-like abilities
that determine or affect specific alignments are not affected
by the feign alignment ability.
Skills: Bluff 6 ranks, Diplomacy 5 ranks, Disguise 6
Rumor Lore (Ex): At 3rd level, the inquisition spy
ranks, Gather Information 6 ranks, Investigation 6 ranks,
is entrenched in the ebb and flow of the local gossip and
Knowledge (local) 5 ranks, Listen 5 ranks, Sense Motive 6
rumors. He may begin to add his inquisition spy class levels
to all bardic knowledge checks. Additionally, he gains a +2
Feats: Extra Music and Foci Casting or Skill Focus (any
competence bonus to Gather Information checks.
skill listed above).
Resourceful Contacts (Ex): At 4th level, the inquisi-
Special: Ability to cast arcane spells using a spell
tion spy is well established enough in social and political
circles to be able to get the names and locations of individu-
Special: Must be a member in good standing of the als with particular abilities and talents. Even if away from
Arcane Inquisition. his home region he can produce a contact with the needed
Class Skills resource. Make a level check, adding all inquisition spy
levels and any levels of bard and/or noble. The difficulty
The inquisition spy’s class skills (and the key ability for of this task is based on how common the required abilities
each skill) are: Bluff (Cha), Decipher Script (Int), Diploma- are:
cy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Forgery (Int), Gather Information
(Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Investigation* (Int), Common Skill (Handle Animal, Heal, Ride) DC 10
Knowledge (arcana or local) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession Uncommon Skill (subgroups of other
(Wis), Research* (Int), Sense Motive (Wis). skills such as Knowledge (arcana) or Craft
* Denotes a new skill found in Chapter 4. (alchemy)) DC 20
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier. Rare Skill (skills available for a particular
Class Features class—Appraise, Forgery, Spellcraft, etc.) DC 25

All of the following are class features of the inquisition spy Specific Feat DC 25
prestige class. Class Feature (spellcasting, trapfinding, turn
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Inquisition spies gain undead) DC 25
no additional weapon or armor proficiencies. Specific Combination of Skills, Feats,
Spells per Day: At every second level gained in the in- and Abilities (someone with Knowledge
quisition spy class, the character gains new spells per day as (history) and the ability to cast the augury
if he had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class spell) DC 35
he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does
Finding someone willing to perform activi-
not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class
ties secretly or illegally DC +10
would have gained (hit points beyond those he receives
A successful check indicates that if the individual is At 10th level, the inquisition spy may use this ability
available, the inquisition spy knows about him. It does not to hide a single object of up to Medium size or up to two
guarantee the character contacted will be willing to perform objects of up to Small size (both of which may be retrieved
the requested service—the party requesting the service must individually).
still negotiate for that person’s services. An unsuccessful Decoder (Ex): At 9th level, the inquisition spy becomes
check means that no such individual is immediately known a master linguist and at deciphering secret languages. To
or available to the inquisition spy. This does not negate decipher a given language (including all verbal secret lan-
trying again for a different skill, nor from trying to locate a guages, such as Arcanthi, Druidic, Profectorrin, the secret
skill resource through more traditional methods. language of nobles, etc.) the inquisition spy makes a Listen
Traceless (Ex): At 5th level, the inquisition spy knows skill check (DC 20 for languages that share an alphabet
how to hide his own tracks, and may, at his choice, move into of a language he knows, DC 25 for languages that do not
“traceless” mode. All attempts to use the Track feat against share an alphabet of a language he knows, and DC 35 for
the inquisition spy (though not allies) treat the ground as all verbal secret languages). If the check is successful, the
“firm” for purposes of success. In addition, the DC of any inquisition spy is able to understand one minute’s worth of
attempts to use Gather Information, Investigation, and Re- overheard conversation. If the check fails, the inquisition
search are increased by the inquisition spy’s class levels on spy was unable to decipher what was said.
matters involving the inquisition spy. This ability does not allow the inquisition spy to deci-
Reputation (Ex): At 7th level, the inquisition spy is so pher written languages he does not know or to understand
well considered that his reputation precedes him in his deal- non-verbal secret languages (such as afridhi combat whis-
ings with others. The inquisition spy gains a circumstance tles, peshwahan smoke signals, thieves’ cant, and sheet).
bonus equal to his class level when making skill checks that Magical languages, the languages of outsiders, and other
are directly involved with Gather Information and Diplo- “supernatural” languages cannot be deciphered with this
macy skills. ability. Nor does this grant the inquisition spy the ability to
Hat Trick (Su): At 8th level, the inquisition spy gains speak the languages that he overhears.
the supernatural ability to pull a specific non-magical item
out of thin air. As a move action, the inquisition spy may
The profector is a feared man by anyone’s estimation, es-
cause any item currently in his possession (with a size no
pecially for illegal spellcasters. These investigators have
greater than Small) to disappear into an extra-dimensional
reached a pinnacle in their careers to be advanced to a lead-
space. The item becomes impossible to detect by any means.
ership level within the Cabal’s secret police. A secret police
A detect magic spell will reveal a moderate magical aura
that performs daily investigations in nearly every city within
around the hand that last held the item. As a move action,
the Kingdom of Blackmoor, Duchy of Ten, and the Barony
the inquisition spy can cause the item to reappear in his
of Bramwald.
hand. The inquisition spy may only hide one item at a time
in this fashion. The road to becoming a profector is difficult and time
consuming. Enemies are usually made along the route as
the profector to be severs ties and opens new doors of op-

Table 4-4:The Profector

Base Spells per Day
Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Emotionless +1 – – –
2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Profector training +1 +1 – –
3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Arcana sense, insatiable knowledge – +1 +1 –
4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Discern lies, secret door detection – – +1 +1
5th +5 +4 +1 +4 No subdual penalty +1 – – +1
6th +6 +5 +2 +5 Arcana sense +2 +1 +1 – –
7th +7 +5 +2 +5 Locate object – +1 +1 –
8th +8 +6 +2 +6 Autopsy – – +1 +1
9th +9 +6 +3 +6 Arcana sense +4 +1 – – +1
10th +10 +7 +3 +7 Locate creature +1 +1 – –

portunities. It is because of these changing relationships
that the profector becomes detached from social interaction
and emotionless.
Within a group, the profector is a champion of the law.
The profector occasionally joins an adventuring party as an
investigator, never letting anyone know of their true alle-
giance to the Wizards’ Cabal. They work well with pala-
dins and other characters of lawful alignments, though they
rarely willingly work with a rogue, sorcerer, or wokan for
very long (usually just as long as needed, and then they
arrest the other character in the name of the Cabal).
Note: Their strict adherence to the laws of the Wizards’
Cabal will occasionally put them in conflict with the rest of
the party. This conflict would cause any party to evaluate
the profector’s involvement in decisions, though the pro-
fector’s investigative abilities are second to none and his
insight into a variety of topics makes him a wellspring of
knowledge and a valuable party member.
Special: The profector is a one-man (or one-woman)
judge, jury, and executioner. This handful of men and
women (typically only one or two per barony or duchy)
police even the secret police, the Arcane Inquisition, neutral
archmages, and other larger power groups. Each profector
enforcer reports directly to the Profector General of the
Wizards’ Cabal and acts nearly autonomously, specializing
in only one type of spellcaster or one power group.
Hit Die: d8.
To qualify to become a profector, a character must fulfill all
of the following criteria.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral.
Base Attack Bonus: +8.
Skills: Gather Information 10 ranks, Investigation 10
ranks, Knowledge (any one) 10 ranks, Spellcraft 10 ranks.
Feats: Investigator.
Spellcasting: Must be able to cast arcane spells using a
spell focus. Class Features
Special: The profector must have served the Wizards’
All of the following are class features of the profector pres-
Cabal for at least one year and still be in good standing with
tige class.
the Cabal.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Profectors are pro-
Class Skills ficient with all simple and martial weapons, all types of
armor, and shields (except tower shields).
The profector’s class skills (and the key ability for each
skill) are: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy Spells per Day: These are bonus arcane spells granted
(Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), In- to the character. These bonus spells are added to the total
vestigation* (Int), Knowledge (all skills taken separately) number of arcane spells per day that the character can cast,
(Int), Listen (Wis), Navigate* (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride as if gained by having a high attribute score. The charac-
(Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), ter must already be able to cast spells from the level of the
Spot (Wis), and Use Rope (Dex). gained bonus to benefit from those bonus spells.
* Denotes a new skill found in Chapter 4. Emotionless (Ex): You are absolutely emotionless. You
do not feel anger, hatred, love, fear, or any other emotion.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
The law is your only source of comfort and compassion for
an enemy is weakness. This extraordinary ability is both
a blessing and a curse in disguise. Because all profectors

are uncompromising, they become immune to all emotion- The profector gains a +2 bonus to the Spot and Spell-
based spells and spell-like effects. However, the profector craft checks at 6th level, which increases to a +4 bonus at
character gains a –4 circumstance penalty to all Charisma- 9th level.
based checks. Discern Lies (Sp): At 4th level, the profector can
Profector Training (Ex): At 2nd level, the profector produce an effect identical to that of a discern lies spell cast
gains a +2 insight bonus on all Gather Information, Investi- by a wizard of his profector level. This ability is usable once
gate, Listen, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks. per day.
Insatiable Knowledge (Ex): At 3rd level, the profec- Secret Door Detection (Ex): At 4th level, any profec-
tor’s nonstop investigation for facts and knowledge allows tor that merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed
him special insight into one specific topic or area of exper- door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if he were
tise. Choose Investigate, one Knowledge skill, or Spellcraft actively looking for it. An elven profector gains a +2 insight
as the profector’s area of expertise. From this point forward, bonus on any Search check made to find a secret or con-
the character gains an insight bonus equal to half (rounded cealed door.
down) his profector class level on all checks involving that No Subdual Penalty (Ex): At 5th level, the profector
skill. can deal subdual damage with a weapon that deals normal
Arcana Sense (Ex): At 3rd level, the profector gains the damage without suffering a –4 penalty on the attack.
ability to naturally detect and analyze spell resonance (see Locate Object (Sp): At 7th level, the profector can
Spell Resonance in Chapter 5 for details about spell reso- produce an effect identical to that of a locate object spell
nance). To detect a spell resonance, the profector makes a cast by a wizard of his profector level. This ability is usable
Spot check (DC equal to 10 + the spellcaster’s level + the once per day.
spell’s level) per spell resonance in the area. Once the pro- Autopsy (Su): At 8th level, the profector can determine
fector has detected a spell resonance, he may analyze the the cause of death of any corpse he examines with a suc-
resonance by using Spellcraft with the following DCs (all cessful Investigate skill check (DC 25). Success indicates
information is cumulative from a single check). The profec- that he knows approximately what killed the subject, the
tor may make only one Spellcraft check per spell resonance size and approximate strength of the attacker, and any other
detected. information the GM wishes to impart.
DC Information Gained Performing an autopsy takes a minimum of eight hours
in a quiet undisturbed area using proper autopsy tools. The
Identify if the spell cast was arcane time for completion of the autopsy can be reduced by one
15 + spell level or divine. hour for every 10 points over the base DC check.
Identify how long ago the spell was Locate Creature (Sp): At 10th level, the profector can
17 + spell level cast. produce an effect identical to that of a locate creature spell
cast by a wizard of his profector level. This ability is usable
Identify the approximate power once per day.
level of the spellcaster (low: 1st-
4th level caster, minor: 5th-8th Researcher
level caster, medium: 9th-12th level
caster, major: 13th-16th level caster, These distant occupational cousins to the loremaster use
20 + power level high: 17th+ level caster). the full resource potential of the Wizards’ Cabal to delve
into the secrets of the universe. Each group within the re-
Identify what school of magic the searcher prestige class specializes in a different aspect of
22 + spell level spell belongs to. the Wizards’ Cabal and works for a specific office within
that aspect. The artificer works for the Council of Artifice
Identify what sub-school (if any) the and Development, developing new magic items, refined
25 + spell level spell belongs to. arcane spell foci, and other devices of arcane power. The in-
Identify the spell. If the profector is quisition doctor comes from the Inquisitor’s Office for Ex-
familiar with the spell (has seen it perimentation, where they conduct magical and biological
cast before or has it in his own spell testing on living subjects that exhibit unique spell-like abili-
repertoire), he will also know the ties or cast magic through unconventional methods (such
spell’s effects; if not, he understands as sorcerers) and on undead creatures. And finally, the aca-
30 + spell level its basic effects. demic researcher from the Ministry of Academia that de-
velops new spells, spellcasting techniques, and continues
A failed spellcraft check by 5 or more means that you Skelfer’s research into the magical unknown.
gather inaccurate information. Becoming a researcher (for whichever group the char-
acter wishes) has its own set of requirements and duties that

need to be performed. Researchers form the backbone of The player must also be a graduate of The Ard Academy
the Wizards’ Cabal and more than half of the entire Cabal is of Advanced Wizardry and Knowledge Arcane and pass a
made up of researchers. If there were a competition to find a series of three qualifying examinations to be accepted as a
“mad scientist” within the Cabal, the researchers would be researcher.
hard fought to find a close second.
Researchers are the most useful of all Cabal prestige
Class Skills
classes to a character party. They have insight into topics The researcher’s class skills (and the key ability for each
and are not averse to working with any class (even sorcer- skill) are: Concentration (Con), Investigation* (Int), Knowl-
ers). They are inquisitive and hoard knowledge for the sake edge (each skill taken separately) (Int), Profession (Wis), Re-
of knowing the unknowable. They are most comfortable search* (Int), and Spellcraft (Int). In addition, a researcher
when in their libraries or laboratories, but they are excited gains additional class skills, based on his area of research.
with the prospect of conducting field research and tests of Council of Artifice and Development: Craft (Int), Deci-
their latest theories or contraptions. pher Script (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Hit Die: d4. Inquisitor’s Office for Experimentation: Heal (Wis),
Search (Int), and Sense Motive (Wis).
Ministry of Academia: Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy
To qualify to become a researcher, a character must fulfill (Cha), and Gather Information (Cha).
all of the following criteria. * Denotes a new skill found in Chapter 4.
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 12 ranks, Research 12 Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Feats: Depending on the researcher’s area of interest, Class Features
the character must have the following feats: All of the following are class features of the researcher pres-
Council of Artifice and Development: Three item cre- tige class.
ation feats. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Researchers gain no
Inquisitor’s Office for Experimentation: Two of the additional weapon or armor proficiencies.
following: Skill Focus (Research, Heal, Search or Sense Spells per Day: At every level gained in the researcher
Motive), Augment Summoning or Augment Undead*. prestige class, the character gains new spells per day as if
Ministry of Academia: Two of the following: Atten- he had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class
tive*, Studious* or Researcher*. he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does
* Denotes a new feat found in Chapter 4. not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class
Special: The character must be in good standing with the would have gained (hit points beyond those he receives
Wizard’s Cabal and a member for one or more years and from the prestige class, metamagic or item creation feats,
both in possession of and ability to use an Initiate’s spell etc.), except for an increased effective level of spellcasting.
focus. If the character had more than one arcane spellcasting class
before becoming a researcher, he must decide to which class
Table 4-5:The Researcher
Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells per Day
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Research +1 level of existing class
2nd +0 +0 +0 +3 Academic specialization, Special ability +1 level of existing class
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Research +1 level of existing class
4th +1 +1 +1 +4 Special ability +1 level of existing class
5th +1 +1 +1 +4 Research +1 level of existing class
6th +2 +2 +2 +5 Special ability +1 level of existing class
7th +2 +2 +2 +5 Research +1 level of existing class
8th +2 +2 +2 +6 Special ability +1 level of existing class
9th +3 +3 +3 +6 Research +1 level of existing class
10th +3 +3 +3 +7 Special ability +1 level of existing class

he adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per These bonus item creation feats are in addition to the feats
day. the character gains every three levels.
Research: In their studies, a researcher gains an ad- Inquisition Doctor Research: The inquisition doctor (a
ditional insight into researcher specialist category. At 1st specialist researcher from Inquisitor’s Office of Experimen-
level and every two levels higher than 1st (3rd, 5th, 7th, and tation) gains certain bonus feats and special abilities every
9th) , the researcher choose one research topic from Table time he reaches a specific level in this class (1st, 3rd, 5th,
4-6: Research Benefits. His level plus Intelligence modi- 7th, and 9th). To gain the bonus feats (Greater Spell Focus
fier determines the total number of secrets she can choose (necromancy), Improved Familiar, Necromantic Familiar,
from. He cannot gain the same research ability twice (unless and Spell Focus (necromancy)), he need not meet the pre-
otherwise noted). requisites of the feat (only the level + Int modifier restric-
Artificer Research: The artificer (a specialist researcher tion for the prestige class). These bonus feats are in addition
from the Council of Artifice and Development) gains bonus to the feats the character gains every three levels.
item creation feats every time he reaches a specific level The special abilities (familiar improvement, secret
in this class (1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th). He need not meet health and create undead) are described below.
the prerequisites of the item creation feat to gain it (only Academic Researcher Research: The academic re-
the level + Int modifier restriction for the prestige class). searcher (a specialist researcher from the Ministry of Aca-
Table 4-6: Research Benefits
Level + Int Artificer Inquisition Academic
Modifier Research Doctor Research Researcher Research
1 Attune Spell Focus Improved Familiar 1 bonus 1st-level spell slot
2 Craft Wondrous Item Familiar improvement 1 bonus 2nd-level spell slot
3 Craft Wand Spell Focus (necromancy) 1 bonus 3rd-level spell slot
Craft Magic Arms and
4 Armor Secret Health 1 bonus 4th-level spell slot
Greater Spell Focus (necroman-
5 Craft Spell Focus cy) 1 bonus 5th-level spell slot
6 Craft Rod Skill Focus (Heal) 1 bonus 6th-level spell slot
7 Craft Staff Necromantic Familiar 1 bonus 7th-level spell slot
8 Forge Ring Create undead 1 bonus 8th-level spell slot

demia) gains certain special abilities every time he reaches
Table 4-7: Familiar Improvement
a specific level in this class (1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th).
As long as the academic researcher meets the class level + Max # of
Improvement Effect
Int modifier criteria, he may choose any of these abilities Times Gained
as many times as he chooses. The bonus spell slots gained The familiar gains
are as those gained by having a high Intelligence score (the a +1 natural armor
academic researcher must be able to cast spells from the Armor
3 bonus. This bonus
spell level slot he wishes to acquire). The bonus caster level adjustment
stacks with any exist-
allows the character to gain new spells per day as if he had ing natural armor.
also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class he be-
The special ability
longed to before adding the prestige class and increases his
granted to the master
effective caster level in that same class. Granted
1 by the familiar’s type
Familiar Improvement: With this ability, inquisition ability modifier
(skill, save, or hit point
doctor can grant his familiar any of the abilities listed on bonus) is doubled.
Table 4-7: Familiar Improvement (included on the table
is the number of times any one of these improvements can The familiar’s Intelli-
be gained by the familiar). 3 gence score increases
Secret Health: The inquisition doctor gains 3 bonus hit by 1.
points. The master’s effective
Create Undead (Sp): The inquisition doctor has such a class level increases
handle of working with biological and magical experimen- by one for purposes
tation on living subjects that he can create any undead he of determining a fa-
Level increase 3
wishes, within the following restrictions listed on miliar’s abilities (such
Table 4-8:Undead Creation Restrictions. as, a 2nd level master
The undead creature created can have a number of Hit would become a 3rd
Dice equal to maximum Hit Dice column show and can be level master).
of any type the inquisition doctor can create (example–a All of the familiar’s
10th level character can create a zombie). The inquisition Skill adjustment 3 skills receive a +1
doctor is in full control of this undead creation and it does insight bonus.
not count against the number of undead creatures he can The familiar receives
control. He cannot create another undead creature using this an insight bonus to
ability until the former creature has been destroyed or has Spell
its spell resistance (if
been released by the inquisition doctor. resistance 1
any) equal to its mas-
Academic Specialization: At 2nd level, the researcher modifier
ter’s researcher class
gains an insight bonus equal to half his class level to all levels.
Knowledge and Research checks (plus one other skill, see
below) involving their area of expertise. Chose one of the
areas of expertise listed on Table 4-9: Academic Special- Table 4-8: Undead Creation Restrictions
Special Ability: Beginning at 2nd level (and again at Inquisition Maximum
4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th levels), the researcher gains a new Doctor Hit Dice
special ability. These special abilities are shared by all three Character Of Created
specialty researcher classes. Unless otherwise specified in Level Undead Type Undead
the ability descriptions below, the research can only gain an 10th and below Skeleton Class level
ability one time. 10th to 11th Zombie Class level + 1
Analytical Mind (Ex): A researcher who selects this
12th to 13th Ghoul Class level + 2
special ability gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against
spells and spell-like effects from the enchantment and illu- 14th to 15th Ghast Class level + 3
sion schools, since his research gives him a unique perspec- 16th to 17th Wight Class level + 4
tive on the world.
18th to 19th Mummy Class level + 5
Bonus Language: A researcher can choose to learn an
additional language in place of one of the special abilities 20th+ Mohrg Class level + 6
described here if desired.
Energy Substitution (Su): Choose a type of energy:

Table 4-9: Academic Specialization
Artificer Inquisition Doctor Academic Researcher
Area of Area of Area of
Expertise Related Skill Expertise Related Skill Expertise Related Skill
Item creation Craft Biology Heal Scroll use Decipher Script
Scroll use Decipher Script Anatomy Search Spell sharing Diplomacy
Magical item discovery Use Magic Device Sociology Sense Motive Spell creation Spellcraft

acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic, any time a researcher of heart or the brash; the grueling process that leads to the
casts a spell with one of these energy descriptors he may acceptance of a candidate has killed more than one-quarter
change the energy type to the type chosen (as per the Energy of its applicants (those that survive fondly recall this testing
Substitution metamagic feat). The researcher can take this as “war college”).
special ability multiple times, each time picking another The war wizards are not called on often, though the few
energy type from those above. dire times they have been called upon in recent history they
have swung victory from the jaws of defeat. These men and
Mental Fortitude (Ex): The researcher who selects this women are living weapons, extensions of arcane combat
special ability gains a +2 to all Will saves. prowess that make their enemies pale. All war wizards wear
Metamagic Feat: A researcher can choose a metamagic the same uniform, whether as a part of their unit or when
feat in place of one of the special abilities adventuring with a group of mixed classes. The uniform is
described here if desired. a very recognizable red robe with stylish yellow and orange
Skill Mastery: The researcher who flames licking up the arms. Around their necks they wear a
selects this special ability medallion with two crossed lighting bolts superimposed
becomes so certain in the use over a raging bonfire and surrounded by nine inter-
of certain skills that he can use locking swords, the insignia of all war wizards. The
them reliably even under color of the medallion (red, blue, green, silver, or
adverse conditions. gold) determines the war wizard’s rank to others
of this specialized class.
Upon gaining this special
ability, he chooses a number of class In a group, the war wizard is most effec-
skills equal to his Intelligence modi- tive when there are other war wizards in
fier. When making a skill check with the party (utilizing the full potential
one of these skills, he may take 10 of cooperative magic). However,
even if stress and distractions would when left to their own devices,
normally prevent him from doing war wizards have shown a
so. keen mind when plan-
ning raids and large scale
battles. Their enhanced
War Wizard casting abilities make
The Cabal’s war wizards are the them feared opponents,
masters of joining combat and and many intelligent
magic. They have brought coop- creatures turn tail and flee
erative magic to new heights when they see
and use it very effectively on the war wizard’s tell-
the battlefield. Though they tale insignia proudly
are all business when on displayed over their
the battlefield or in the red robes.
war room, war wizards War wizards enjoy
have a notorious pen- the company
chant for elaborate of the fighting
practical jokes (it gets classes, es-
boring sitting around pecially arcane war-
the barracks waiting riors. Bards (especially those belonging to the Cabal),
for a war). Joining the rogues, and nobles are their favorite “partners in crime”
war wizards is not for the feint
Table 4-10:The War Wizard
Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells per Day
Evocation resistance +1, war college,
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Weapon Focus +1 level of existing class
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Evasion +1 level of existing class
3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Bonus feat +1 level of existing class
4th +3 +1 +4 +4 Evocation resistance +2, +1 level of existing class
5th +3 +1 +4 +4 Improved Evasion +1 level of existing class
6th +4 +2 +5 +5 Bonus feat +1 level of existing class
7th +5 +2 +5 +5 Evocation resistance +3, +1 level of existing class
8th +6 +2 +6 +6 Improved Critical +1 level of existing class
9th +6 +3 +6 +6 Bonus feat +1 level of existing class
10th +7 +3 +7 +7 Evocation resistance +4, Ray Extension, +1 level of existing class

when it comes to playing practical jokes, some of which Weapon and Armor Proficiency: War wizards are pro-
may have damaging results. ficient with all simple and martial weapons. However they
Hit Die: d4. gain no additional armor or shield proficiencies.
Spells per Day: At every level gained in the war wizard
Requirements prestige class, the character gains new spells per day as if
To qualify to become a war wizard, a character must fulfill he had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class
all of the following criteria. he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does
Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks. not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class
Feats: Any three metamagic feats. would have gained (hit points beyond those he receives from
the prestige class, metamagic or item creation feats, etc.),
Spellcasting: Able to cast 3rd-level arcane spells using
except for an increased effective level of spellcasting. If the
an arcane spell focus.
character had more than one arcane spellcasting class before
Special: The war wizard must have been a member in becoming a war wizard, he must decide to which class he
good standing with the Wizard’s Cabal for a minimum of adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per
six months. day.
Special: The war wizard must first undergo a series of Evocation Resistance (Ex): At 1st level, a war wizard
trials and tests that last for nearly six months. The exact receives a +1 insight bonus to saving throws and Concentra-
nature of these trials is left up to the GM, but they should tion checks against all evocation spells and spell-like abili-
include working as a part of a group of war wizard can- ties. This bonus increases by an additional +1 every three
didates and at least one mission where the character must levels thereafter (+2 at 4th level, +3 at 7th level, and +4 at
clear out a known hostile creature nest single-handedly 10th level).
of an Encounter Level of at least equal to the character’s
War College (Ex): A 1st-level war wizard can now be
a part of a conjunction to cast cooperative magic, as if he
Class Skills has the Cooperative Magic feat (see Cooperative Magic in
Chapter 5).
The war wizard’s class skills (and the key ability for each
Weapon Focus: At 1st level, the war wizard gains the
skill) are: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script
Weapon Focus (ray) as a bonus feat.
(Int), Knowledge (all skills taken separately) (Int), Profes-
sion (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int). Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level, a war wizard can avoid
even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack
Class Features that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he
instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the
All of the following are class features of the war wizard war wizard is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless
prestige class. war wizard does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Bonus Feat: At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, a war wizard gains a bonus feat. At each such opportunity, he can choose a
metamagic feat, a fighter bonus feat, or Spell Mastery. The war wizard must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat,
including caster level minimums.
These bonus feats are in addition to the feat that a character of any class gets from advancing levels. The war wizard is
not limited to the categories of metamagic feats, fighter bonus feats, or Spell Mastery when choosing these feats.
Improved Evasion (Ex): At 5th level, a war wizard gains the improved form of evasion. This ability works like
evasion, except that while the war wizard still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks hence-
forth he henceforth takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless war wizard does not gain the benefit of improved
Improved Critical: An 8th-level war wizard gains Improved Critical (ray) as a bonus feat. He gains this feat, regard-
less of having any of the prerequisites.
Ray Extension (Ex): At 10th level, the range of all ray spells a war wizard casts is doubled.

Chapter 4: Skills & Feats
The Wizards’ Cabal is on the cutting edge of magical re-
search and experimentation. They have delved into the
Knowledge (arcana)
unknown and produced new sciences and abilities that have Situation DC
yet to be left undiscovered by many of the general populace
of the North. Recognize a specific spellcaster’s spell resonance
This chapter discusses new uses for old skills, introduc- (with detect magic) 25
es three new skills, and twenty new feats, many of which
are used predominately by the members of the Wizards’
Cabal. Spellcraft
The combination of the skill and magic systems in place Situation DC
for campaigns set in Blackmoor has turned up new uses for Varies (see Caba-
many standard skills. The Wizards’ Cabal utilizes the fol- list Magic in Chap
lowing new skill DCs to help further their understanding Cast a cabalist spell 5)
of arcane magic and the enemies around them. This section
presents additional information that can be used with the Change your spell resonance to match
skills found in the PHB. someone else’s*^ 30+ spell level
Decipher a spell helix within a spell
Appraise shard 20 + spell level
Situation DC Decipher a spell helix formulae within
Discovering a gem is an arcane spell focus* 25 an arcane spell focus (requires 1 minute
per spell level, min 1 minute) 25 + spell level
* If the character also has 5 ranks in Craft (gemcutting) and/
or Spellcraft, he gains a +2 synergy bonus to this check. Discovering a gem is an arcane spell
focus1 25
Craft Hide your spell resonance^ 20 + spell level
Item Craft DC Identify an arcane spell focus# 25
20 + (2 x minimum Master another spellcaster’s arcane 25 + highest spell’s
Arcane spell focus Gemcutting caster level*) spell focus (with Attune Spell Focus) level
Scroll paper Bookbinding 15 Prepare a spell from a borrowed
Spellbook Bookbinding 15 arcane spell focus 20 + spell level

* Minimum caster level is 1st for a novice’s focus, 6th for Transfer spell to arcane spell focus
an initiate’s focus, 11th for a wizard’s focus, 16th for a ma- (from other’s focus) 20 + spell level
gister’s focus, and 19th for a supreme focus. To craft an Transfer spell to arcane spell focus
arcane spell focus, the craftsman must meet all require- (from other’s spellbook) 15 + spell level
ments including feats and minimum caster levels.
* If the character also has 5 ranks in Disguise, he gains a +2 synergy bonus to
Hide this check.
^ Also requires a successful Hide check.
Situation DC # If the character also has 5 ranks in Craft (gemcutting) and/or Spellcraft, he
gains a +2 synergy bonus to this check.
Change your spell resonance to match 1
If the character also has 5 ranks in Craft (gemcutting) and/or Spellcraft, he
someone else’s*^ 30 + spell level gains a +2 synergy bonus to this check.

Hide your spell resonance^ 20 + spell level

New Skills
* If the character also has 5 ranks in Disguise, he gains a +2 Skills presented here extend the typical set of character skills
synergy bonus to this check. found in the PHB and Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor hardcov-
^ Also requires a successful Spellcraft check. er campaign book. Though these skills are presented as a

Table 4-1: New Skill Designation
Skill ArW Bbn Brd Clr Drd Ftr Mnk Nob Pal Rgr Rog Sor Wiz Wok Trained? Ability
Investigation cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc Yes Int
Navigate cc C cc cc C cc cc cc cc C C cc cc C No Int
Research C cc C C cc cc C C C cc cc cc C cc Yes Int

part of the Wizards’ Cabal, many other characters through- Circumstances DC Modifier
out Blackmoor have access to these new skills.
Every day since event +4
Refer to Table 4-1: New Skill Designations for infor-
mation on how each new skill can be used by the various Scene is outdoors +5
player classes. Scene is slightly disturbed +2
Investigation (Int; Trained Only) Scene is moderately disturbed +4
You can witness the scene of a crime or other location and Scene is extremely disturbed +6
gather important information about the area to make an edu-
Collect Evidence: The character can collect and prepare
cated evaluation of the situation.
evidentiary material.
Many noble houses and merchants employ profession-
To collect a piece of evidence, make an Investigation
al investigators to look into important matters, though it is
check (DC 15). If the character succeeds, the evidence is
the Wizards’ Cabal that utilizes and augments these talented
usable. If the character fails, an analysis can be done, but
individuals with magical training and access to great store
the character takes a –5 penalty on any necessary check. If
houses of information.
the character fails by 5 or more, an analysis simply cannot
Check: A character generally uses Search to discover be done. On the other hand, if the character succeeds by 10
clues and Investigation to analyze them. or more, he gains a +2 circumstance bonus on its checks to
Analyze Clue: The character can make an Investigation analyze the material.
check to apply knowledge to a clue. This function of the This function of the Investigation skill does not provide
Investigation skill does not give the character clues where the character with evidentiary items. It simply allows the
none existed before. It simply allows the character to extract character to collect items he or she has found in a manner
extra information from a clue he or she has found. that best aids in their analysis later.
The base DC to analyze a clue is 15. It is modified by the Time: Analyzing a clue generally takes one minute. Col-
time that has elapsed since the clue was left, and whether or lecting evidence generally takes 1d4 minutes per object.
not the scene was disturbed.
Retry: Generally, analyzing a clue again doesn’t add
new insight unless another clue is introduced. Evidence col-
lected cannot be recollected, unless there is more of it to

Navigate (Int)
You can guide a boat, wagon train, or even dimensional
magic to an exact location with skill and by using mundane
The Wizards’ Cabal trains their messengers and spies
extensively in skill of navigation. Once, this skill was
only the province of sailors and pirates on the open seas.
However, the Cabal has discovered that since the applica-
tion of navigation to dimensional magic they have seen less
disastrous results in miscasting or teleporting to the wrong
location. They find this skill to be an invaluable asset when
conducting sorties against the Egg of Coot and the Afridhi,
where pinpoint accuracy is not only an advantage, but also

Check: Make a Navigate check when a character is
Length of Trip DC
trying to find his way to a distant location without directions
or other specific guidance. Generally, a character does not Short (a few hours) 20
need to make a check to find a local street or other common Moderate (a day or two) 22
site, or to follow an accurate map. However, the character
Long (up to a week) 25
might make a check to wend his or her way through a dense
forest or a labyrinth of underground tunnels. Extreme (more than a week) 28
For movement over a great distance, make a Navigate
check. The DC depends on the length of the trip. If the When faced with multiple choices, such as at a branch
character succeeds, he or she moves via the best reasonable in a tunnel, a character can make a Navigate check (DC 20)
course toward his goal. If the character fails, he still reaches to intuit the choice that takes the character toward a known
the goal, but it takes the character twice as long (the charac- destination. If unsuccessful, the character chooses the wrong
ter loses time backtracking and correcting his path). If the path, but at the next juncture, with a successful check, the
character fails by more than 5, he travels the expected time, character realizes his mistake.
but only gets halfway to his destination, at which point the A character cannot use this function of Navigate to find
character becomes lost. a path to a site if the character has no idea where the site is
A character may make a second Navigate check (DC 20) located. The GM may choose to make the Navigate check
to regain his path. If the character succeeds, he continues for the character in secret, so he doesn’t know from the
on to his destination; the total time for the trip is twice the result whether the character is following the right or wrong
normal time. If the character fails, he loses half a day before path.
the character can try again. The character keeps trying until A character can make a Navigate (DC 15) to determine
he succeeds, losing half a day for each failure. his position in the world by checking the constellations or
other natural landmarks. The character must have a clear
view of the night sky to make this check.
Time: A Navigate check is a full-round action.

Table 4-2: New Feats
General Feats Prerequisites
Arcana Resistance Caster level 1st, Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks
Attentive –
Augment Undead Spell Focus (necromancy)
Builder –
Cooperative Magic Caster level 3rd
Foci Casting Bard level 1st
Guide –
Rapid Metabolism Con 13
Researcher –
Resonance Hound Resonance Sniffer, Track, Wis 15
Resonance Sniffer Wis 13
Skill Specialization Skill Focus, 10 ranks in selected skill
Steel Mind Iron Will, base Will save +8
Studious –
Initial Feats Prerequisites
Cabal Heritage Int 10
Cabal Training –
Magical Heritage Cha 10

Item Creation Feats Prerequisites

Attune Spell Focus Caster level 4th
Craft Spell Focus Caster level 6th

Metamagic Feats Prerequisites

Repeat Spell 1 metamagic feat
Signature Spell Caster level 3rd

Research (Int; Trained Only) (the more obscure, the higher the DC) and what kind of in-
formation might be available depending on where the char-
Given enough time, you can gather information from a
acter is conducting his or her research.
variety of esoteric sources to make an educated response
Information ranges from general to obscure. Given
about a given topic.
enough time (usually 1d4 hours) and a successful skill
Research is a heavily practiced skill for all types of spell-
check, the character gets a general idea about a given topic.
casters, however only the Wizards’ Cabal and the great col-
This assumes that no obvious reasons exist why such infor-
leges and academies of Blackmoor have brought this skill to
mation would be unavailable, and that the character has a
the forefront of the adventuring world. This skill was once
way to acquire any hidden information.
only the province of bookish librarians and the scribes and
The higher the check result, the better and more com-
sages that chronicle the passing history of Blackmoor. Now,
plete the information. If the character wants to discover a
with the help of the Cabal, this skill is seeing more active
specific fact, date, map, or similar bit of information, add
use in the field, as operatives are sent across the face of the
+5 to +15 to the DC.
known world to seek out hard to find information and vener-
able secrets in ancient barrows and enemy strongholds. Time: A Research check takes 1d4 hours.
Check: Researching a topic takes time, skill, and some Retry: Yes.
luck. The GM determines how obscure a particular topic is
Feats Special: You can gain Arcana Resistance multiple
times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat,
The PHB presents a variety of feats that can be used as a it applies to a new school of magic.
baseline for characters. This chapter offers new feats and
options intended for Wizards’ Cabal characters, though ATTENTIVE [GENERAL]
any character that meets the prerequisites can acquire these You pay closer attention to the details of an area and the
feats. mannerisms of people around you.
Initial Feats Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all Investigation and
Sense Motive checks.
Some feats are listed as “Initial” and may be taken only when
Special: The Investigation skill cannot be used un-
the character begins play. They represent background and
heritage, and as such cannot be gained after play begins.


Choose one school of magic; you have a higher resistance
to spells from that school of magic. You can make acquired arcane spell foci your own.
Prerequisites: Caster level 1st, Knowledge (arcana) 4 Prerequisites: Caster level 4th.
ranks. Benefit: Make a Spellcraft check (DC 25 + the highest
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all saving throws spell’s level in the target focus) when you acquire an arcane
against spells and spell-like abilities of the chosen school of spell focus that was not specifically created for you. If suc-
magic (such as Evocation, Illusion, or Necromancy). This cessful, you are able to use this acquired spell focus as you
resistance does not extend to extraordinary or supernatu- use your own spell focus. If this check fails, you are not able
ral abilities that may reproduce effects of spells from your to reattempt to master the secrets of this new arcane spell
chosen school. focus until you have gained another level.

vigor. You can cast this spell up to three times per day as a
spell-like ability.
Undead you create are more powerful than normal. Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level char-
Prerequisites: Spell Focus (necromancy). acter.
Benefit: Each undead creature you create using animate
dead, create undead, and create greater undead gains a +4 CABAL TRAINING [INITIAL]
enhancement bonus to Strength and a +2 enhancement You have access to arcane skills due to your education from
bonus to Fortitude saves for the duration of the spell that the Cabal.
created it. Benefit: The character gains the following skills as per-
manent class skills: Concentration, Craft (alchemy), Knowl-
edge (arcana), Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device.
You are exceptionally good working with your hands. This feat does not in and of itself grant spellcasting
Benefit: Pick two Craft skills. You get a +2 bonus on all ability.
checks with those skills. Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level char-
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time acter.
you take this feat, it applies to a new set of Craft skills.
You have the ability to cast cooperative spells in a group.
Your bloodline is infused with the magic of the Wizards’ Prerequisite: Caster level 3rd.
Cabal causing you to have the ability to cast a few cantrips
Benefit: You are now allowed to take part in coopera-
tive magic conjunctions as a casting member.
Prerequisite: Intelligence 11.
For more information about casting cooperative magic
Benefit: You may select one of the following 0-level and magic conjunctions, please refer to Cooperative Magic
arcane spells: breeze, daze, detect magic, mage hand, or in Chapter 5.

CRAFT SPELL FOCUS [ITEM Benefit: Choose two 0-level arcane spells from the
CREATION] wizard or sorcerer spell lists. You may cast each of these
spells once per day. You are treated as a sorcerer for pur-
You can construct an arcane spell focus poses of arcane spell failure chance when you are wearing
from proper materials. armor.
Prerequisites: Caster level 6th. Special: You may only take this
Benefit: You can create any arcane feat as a 1st-level character.
spell focus whose prerequisites you
meet. Crafting a spell focus takes RAPID METABOLISM
one day for each 1,000 gp in [GENERAL]
its base price. To craft a rod,
Your wounds heal
you must spend 1/25 of its
base price in XP and use up rapidly.
raw materials costing one- Prerequisite: Con 13.
half of its base price. Benefit: You naturally
Some arcane foci heal a number of hit points per
incur extra costs in mate- day equal to the standard healing
rial components or XP, as rate + double your Constitution
noted in their descriptions. bonus. You heal even if you do
These costs are in addi- not rest. This healing replaces
tion to those derived from your normal natural healing. If
the base price of the spell someone with the Heal skill
focus. Refer to the Spell tends you successfully, you
Foci section in Chapter 5 for instead regain double the normal
more information about craft- amount of hit points + double your
ing an arcane spell focus and Constitution bonus.
what other abilities can be added into foci.


You can utilize and prepare spells from arcane spell foci as A spell you just cast is recast.
a wizard or arcane warrior does. Prerequisites: Any other metamagic feat.
Prerequisites: Bard level 1st. Benefit: A repeated spell is automatically cast again
Benefit: You are allowed to store and prepare spells by at the beginning of your next round of actions. No matter
utilizing arcane spell foci, as a wizard does. You are allowed where you are, the secondary spell originates from the same
to prepare spells in advance by studying your spells for a location and affects the same area as the primary spell. If
minimum of one hour with your arcane focus. This uses up the repeated spell designates a target, the secondary spell
your spells per day slots (as given on the bard table in the retargets the same target if the target is within 30 feet of its
PHB) just as a wizard uses his spells per day slots. original position; otherwise the secondary spell fails to go
This feat does not allow you to know more spells than off. A repeated spell uses up a spell slot three levels higher
you are allowed, or to cast more spells per day than you are than the spell’s actual level. Repeat Spell cannot be used on
allowed, though you can store your spells in your arcane spells with a range of touch.
spell focus and utilize all advantages of casting arcane
magic with an arcane spell focus.
You have been trained how to properly research topics.
GUIDE [GENERAL] Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Investigation checks
You know how to wend your way through the wilderness. and Research checks.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Navigate checks and
Survival checks.
You can track spellcasters by their unique spell resonance.
MAGICAL HERITAGE [INITIAL] Prerequisites: Wis 15, Resonance Sniffer, Track.
You have magical ability in your background or you gained Benefit: You are able to track a spellcaster of a spell
access to magic at a particularly young age. As a result, you resonance scent you have smelled in the past. To track the
have mastered some basic spellcasting. spellcaster (or creature that used a spell-like ability) make a
Prerequisite: Charisma 10. Survival check as if you were attempting to track the spell

resonance. You must make another Survival check each (Evocation, Necromancy, Transmutation, etc.). Once this
time the resonance becomes difficult to follow. information is attained, you can make a normal Spellcraft
You move at half your normal speed (or at your normal check to discover what kind of spell or spell-like ability was
speed with a –5 penalty on the check, or up to twice your used.
normal speed with a –20 penalty on the check). The DC
depends on the wind speed, as given on the table below.
Several modifiers may apply to the Survival check, as You can channel spell energy from a known spell to a spell
given on the table below. you have mastered.
The character must roll an opposed Survival check against the target’s Hide Prerequisite: Caster level 3rd.
check to hide its spell resonance. Benefit: You can channel stored spell energy into the
The character must roll an opposed Survival check against the target’s Hide spell chosen that was not prepared ahead of time. You can
check to change its spell resonance. “lose” any prepared spell that is not a domain spell in order
to cast the spell you have chosen as your Signature Spell of
Survival the same spell level or lower. For example, a wizard who
Condition DC has prepared identify (a 1st-level spell) may lose identify in
Modifier order to cast his Signature Spell of magic missile (also a 1st-
Every 24 hours since the scent was picked level spell).
up +2 Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects
do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new
Tracked creature passes through an area of spell.
wild magic +10
Tracked creature passes through an area of SKILL SPECIALIZATION [GENERAL]
antimagic +15 You have become highly specialized in a skill that you pre-
Tracked creature attempts to hide its reso- Opposed viously had studied.
nance check 1 Prerequisite: Skill Focus, 10 or more ranks in selected
Tracked creature attempts to change its Opposed
resonance check 2 Benefit: You get a +6 bonus on all checks involving that
skill. This benefit replaces the +3 bonus from Skill Focus.
Tracked creature enters a center of civiliza- Special: You may gain this feat multiple times. Each
tion (such as a village or city) +5 time you take the feat, it applies to a new skill.
For every two spellcasters in one group
being tracked -1 STEEL MIND [GENERAL]
Your mind is a bastion against mental intrusion.
If you fail a Survival check, you may retry after 1 hour
Prerequisite: Iron Will, base Will save +8.
(outdoors) or 10 minutes (indoors) of searching.
Benefit: You are not affected by spells or abilities that
Special: This feat does not allow you to find or follow
read your thoughts. Spells, such as detect thoughts, will au-
the spell resonance made by a subject of a nondetection
tomatically fail against you.
spell or effect.


Your research has granted you an insight into esoteric in-
You can “smell” the residue left by magic and recognize
spells and spellcasters by this “scent”.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Decipher Script
Prerequisites: Wis 13.
checks and Research checks.
Benefit: To you, locations where arcane spells have
been cast are permeated with a unique smell. The rules gov-
erning spell resonance can be found in Chapter 5.
Characters with the Scent ability (such as Westryn elves)
can store the memory of this smell and recall it later when
meeting spellcasters. By making a Spellcraft check (DC 15
+ spell level + the caster level of the spell) you can recog-
nize the relative caster level (1st to 4th level is low, 5th to
8th level is moderately low, 9th to 12th level is moderate,
13th to 16th level is moderately powerful, and higher than
17th level is powerful), and the school the spell comes from

Chapter 5: Building a Better Cabal
The Wizards’ Cabal is not just a group of power-hungry All Wizards’ Cabal characters who know how to utilize
wizards; from the lowest stable boy to the most powerful an arcane spell focus have the option of casting spells using
High Spellwise, they are explorers on the leading edge of the spell point system provided here. The first step in de-
the magical frontier and curious seekers of knowledge. This termining the inner strength (spell points) of one of these
chapter discusses many of the Cabal’s new findings and ac- spellcasters is based on the character’s level and class. The
complishments. most common spell point casters are arcane warriors, Cabal
The Wizards’ Cabal is interested in many other areas bards, and wizards; however, a small handful of non-aligned
of study beyond those described here (especially the com- bards and wizards, sorcerers, and wokan have also learned
bination of divine and arcane magic and the recent the secrets of casting arcane spells through an arcane
discovery of spell-like mental powers). If a new spell focus, though this is a rare oc-
series of rules from other campaign worlds or other currence and is left up to the GM.
sourcebooks has the opportunity of making their Refer to Table 5-1: Base Spell
way into your Blackmoor campaign, this would be Points for Arcane Spellcasters to
a good outlet for that information. However, discuss determine the number of base starting
with the GM before introducing new rules spell points for the character.
into an established campaign to deter- Though sorcerers and wokan do
mine game balance, accessibility, and not generally cast spells using this
long-term effects the new rules may have spell point system, a few rare in-
on game play dividuals have learned
how and thus those char-
Cabalist Magic acter classes have been
The Wizards’ Cabal has an added to the above table.
unusual breed of arcane This section will not con-
spellcaster. They formally study centrate any further on these char-
the ways of wizards and how to in- acter classes, so apply any of the
terpret written works and arcane spell following rules below by using
foci, as all wizards in the Wizards’ Cabal the examples given and working
do. Except, they use an inner battery of with the GM.
arcane power that they channel through
the spell helixes within the arcane spell Bonus Spell Points
foci to create spell effects, whereas The ability that your spells depend
typical wizards use external repositories on—your key spellcasting ability
of arcane energy (material components score as an arcane spellcaster—is
and arcane writings) to fuel their spell- either Intelligence (arcane war-
casting. riors and wizards) or Charisma
Casting a spell in this fashion can be (bards and sorcerors). The modi-
very taxing. He channels all of his con- fier for this ability is referred to as
centration into a singular goal, summons your key spellcasting ability mod-
the required energy, and skillfully channels that energy ifier. If your character’s key spellcasting
through his focus. This is physically and mentally demand- ability score is 9 or lower, you cannot cast spells from
ing on the character and requires a great deal of fortitude on that arcane spellcasting class.
his part. Just as a high Intelligence score grants bonus spells to
This section discusses how to channel arcane energy a wizard and a high Wisdom score grants bonus spells to
(or spell points) into successfully cast arcane spells. We a cleric, characters that cast spells using spell points gain
discuss the acquisition of spell points, how spell points are bonus spell points according to their key spellcasting ability
recovered, how characters cast their spells using Spellcraft score. Refer to Table 5-2: Bonus Spell Points for High
checks, the spell point costs for spells, augmenting spells Ability Scores.
(applying metamagic feats in the spell point system), and
overcasting (sacrificing the character’s physical health for
additional spell points).
Base Spell Points
Table 5-1: Base Spell Points for Arcane Spellcasters
Arcane Warrior Bard Sorcerer Wizard Wokan
Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell
Level Level Points Level Points Level Points Level Points Level Points
1st – – 0 2 1st 8 1st 4 1st 4
2nd – – 1st 3 1st 10 1st 6 1st 6
3rd – – 1st 4 1st 11 2nd 8 2nd 8
4th 1st 0* 2nd 5 2nd 18 2nd 11 2nd 12
5th 1st 0* 2nd 8 2nd 20 3rd 14 3rd 15
6th 1st 1 2nd 10 3rd 31 3rd 19 3rd 20
7th 1st 1 3rd 10 3rd 36 4th 24 4th 26
8th 2nd 1 3rd 15 4th 51 4th 31 4th 33
9th 2nd 1 3rd 18 4th 58 5th 38 5th 38
10th 2nd 3 4th 18 5th 77 5th 47 5th 49
11th 3rd 3 4th 25 5th 86 6th 56 6th 55
12th 3rd 6 4th 29 6th 109 6th 67 6th 69
13th 3rd 6 5th 29 6th 120 7th 78 6th 69
14th 4th 7 5th 39 7th 147 7th 91 6th 79
15th 4th 11 5th 45 7th 160 8th 104 6th 80
16th 4th 13 6th 47 8th 191 8th 119 6th 85
17th 4th 16 6th 61 8th 206 9th 134 6th 87
18th 4th 17 6th 71 9th 241 9th 151 6th 93
19th 4th 26 7th 82 9th 258 9th 167 6th 96
20th 4th 30 7th 88 9th 276 9th 184 6th 96
* The only spell points the arcane warrior gains at this level are bonus spell points from having a high Intelligence score. An arcane
warrior withvout an Intelligence modifier to his base spell points will not be able to cast spells yet.
Spell Level: This column shows the maximum effective spell level the character can cast. Characters that are attempting to cast spells
above this level is subject to the rules governing overcastting (see below).
Spell Points: This is the base number of spell points for each arcane spellcaster base class that can be found in Blackmoor. Bonus spell
points from having a high primary spellcasting ability score further modify this number.

spell. This is just enough for his spell (fireball is a 3rd-level

Casting Spells spell + 1 spell level for the Enlarge Spell feat).
To cast a spell, characters using the spell point system are Step 2–Determine the Spell’s Spell Points: Combine
required to have four things: sufficient spellcasting profi- results from Table 5-1 and Table 5-2 to determine your base
ciency, spell points, a successful Spellcraft check, and an spell point pool. Characters use this pool of arcane energy
arcane spell focus. To determine if a character is successful in concert with their spell focus to create spell effects. De-
in casting a spell, follow these steps: pending on the spell level you are attempting and the type
Step 1–Determine the Character’s Spellcasting Pro- of your arcane spell focus you will use a number of these
ficiency: To determine the character’s spellcasting pro- spell points. Table 5-3: Spell Point Costs/Spellcraft DCs by
ficiency level (the maximum spell level the character can Spell Foci show the base spell point cost at each spell level
cast), refer to the Spell Level column on Table 5-1: Base by arcane spell focus type.
Spell Points for Arcane Spellcasters. This determines the The base spell point cost can then be further adjusted by
maximum spell level the character can cast. Metamagic using metamagic feats (which the character chooses to use
feats that raise the effective spell level of spells must still at the time of casting the spell, as a sorcerer does), and the
be within the limit of the character’s spellcasting proficien- type, distance, and material his arcane spell focus is made
cy, or the character becomes subject to the rules governing from. The final number of spell points it takes to cast a spell
overcasting (see below). is then tallied.
Example–Fearengale is a 7th-level wizard. He is at- Example–Fearengale has an 18 Intelligence score
tempting to cast an enlarged fireball. Referring to the Spell (giving him a total of 29 spell points) and a novice’s spell
Level column on Table 5-1: Base Spell Points for Arcane focus. He is attempting to cast an enlarged fireball at a
Spellcasters, he discovers that he can cast up to a 4th-level group of beastmen that are bearing down on his party. The
player determines that the enlarged fireball requires 4 spell
Table 5-2: Bonus Spell Points for High Ability Scores

Ability Bonus Spell Points by Class Level

Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
10-11 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
12-13 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10
14-15 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11
16-17 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11
18-19 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12
20-21 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12
22-23 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13
24-25 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13
26-27 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14
28-29 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10v 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14
30-31 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15
32-33 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15
34-35 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16
36-37 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16
38-39 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17
40-41 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17
42-43 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18
44-45 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18

points (3 spell points for a 3rd-level spell + 1 spell point for to spend to cast the spell and gets no spell effect (he failed to
the Enlarge Spell feat). cast, as if he had failed to succeed at a Concentration check
Step 3–Determine the Spellcraft DC: In addition to (see below)). A critical success allows the character to spend
spending spell points, characters are also required to make only one-half the required spell point cost for the spell effect
a successful Spellcraft check to cast their spells. The base and the spell effect is more spectacular (in the case of dam-
Spellcraft DC for each spell level is given on Table 5-3: aging spells, the standard damage critical is x2).
Spell Point Costs/Spellcraft DCs by Spell Foci. This base Example–Fearengale is casting his enlarged fireball at
DC can be further modified by using metamagic feats and the beastmen. He determines that he has a Spellcraft check
the particular attributes of his spell focus. The final Spell- DC 25 to successfully cast (DC 20 for a 3rd-level spell + 5
craft check DC is then calculated after adding in all of these to the check DC for the Enlarge Spell feat).
variables and the player makes a skill check. If the Spell- Step 4–Casting Through the Arcane Spell Focus: The
craft check is a failure, the spellcasting attempt was a failure character now knows how much the spell is going to cost in
and the character spends one-half the total number of spell spell points and what DC he needs to beat with his Spellcraft
points it would have cost to cast the spell. check. All that is left to do is spend the points and roll the
Just as with attack rolls, there can be critical success- dice to force the raw magical energy from him, through his
es and failures with this kind of spellcasting. Rolling a arcane spell focus, and create his spell effect.
natural 1 on a d20 always results in failure to cast the spell, Depending on the type, distance from his focus, and the
as rolling a natural 20 on will always result in a success, material the spell focus is made from may augment the cab-
no matter what the spell’s Spellcraft DC may be. However, alist’s spell point cost and/or the Spellcraft DC.
rolling a critical success or a critical failure (determined the Example–Fearengale is ready to cast his enlarged fire-
same way as determining critical hits for attack rolls, re- ball. He concentrates on the energy as it flows through the
placing Armor Class with the Spellcraft check’s DC) has spell helixes in his arcane spell focus (a novice’s focus made
additional modifiers. A critical failure means the character of diamond that he is holding in his hand). He spends his 4
spends double the number of spell points he would have had
Table 5-3: Spell Point Costs/Spellcraft DCs by Spell Foci
Spell Point Cost/Spellcraft DC by Spell Level
Focus Type 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Novice’s focus 1/10 1/15 2/18 3/20 4/23 5/25 6/28 7/30 8/33 9/35
Initiate’s focus 1/8 1/10 2/15 3/18 4/20 5/23 6/25 7/28 8/30 9/33
Wizard’s focus 1/5 1/8 2/10 3/15 4/18 5/20 6/23 7/25 8/28 9/30
Magister’s focus 1/3 1/5 2/8 3/10 4/15 5/18 6/20 7/23 8/25 9/28
Supreme focus 1/2 1/3 2/5 3/8 4/10 5/15 6/18 7/20 8/23 9/25

spell points and rolls a total of a 31 for his Spellcraft check Characters choose spells as they cast them. They can
(10 (ranks in Spellcraft) + 4 (Int modifier) + 17 (die roll)). choose when they cast their spells whether to apply their
His enlarged fireball successfully flies free from him to strike metamagic feats to improve them. As with other spellcast-
at the group of beastmen, at which point he rolls damage for ers, the improved spell uses up a higher-level spell slot (the
the fireball and the beastmen attempt to make their DC 17 metamagic spell must be equal to or lower than a spell level
Reflex saves for half, normally. the character can typically cast or suffer from overcasting).
But because the character has not prepared the spell in a
Metamagic Feats metamagic form in advance, he must apply the metamagic
As a character’s knowledge of arcana grows, he can learn feat on the spot. Therefore, additional conditions must be
to cast spells in ways slightly different from how the spells met for the character to cast his metamagic spells.
were originally designed or learned. Of course, casting a Casting Time: A character must take more time to cast
spell while using a metamagic feat is more expensive than a metamagic spell (one enhanced by a metamagic feat) than
casting the spell normally. he does to cast a regular spell. If the spell’s normal casting
Table 5-4: Metamagic Feat Modifiers time is 1 standard action, casting a metamagic version is a
Minimum full-round action for the character.
Spell Spell Point Spellcraft For a spell with a longer casting time, it takes an extra
Metamagic Level Cost DC full-round action to cast the spell above and beyond the
Feat Available Modifier Modifier normal casting time.
Casting Cost: To use a metamagic feat, a charac-
Disguise Spell 1st +1 +5
ter must pay an increased spell point cost and modify the
Empower Spell 2nd +2 +8 spell’s Spellcraft DC as given on Table 5-4: Metamagic
Energy Substitu- Feat Modifiers.
tion 0 +0 +0 Effects of Metamagic Feats on a Spell: In all ways,
a metamagic spell operates at its original spell level, even
Enlarge Spell 1st +1 +5
though it costs additional spell points. The modifications
Extend Spell 1st +1 +5 to a spell made by a metamagic feat have only their noted
Heighten Spell See below See below See below effect on the spell. A character cannot use a metamagic feat
to alter a spell being cast from a scroll, spell shard, or other
Maximize Spell 3rd +3 +10 device.
Persistent Spell 6th +6 +18 Casting a spell modified by the Quicken Spell feat does
Quicken Spell 4th +4 +13 not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Some metamagic feats apply only to certain spells, as
Reach Spell 2nd +2 +8
described in each specific feat entry.
Repeat Spell 3rd +3 +10
Signature Spell 0 +0 +0
Silent Spell 1st +1 +5 Spell Focus
Still Spell 1st +1 +5 Depending on the type of arcane spell focus, the distance the
cabalist is away from his focus, and the material the focus
Subdual Substitu- is made from (for specialist cabalists) determines how the
tion 0 +0 +0 cabalist’s spell is modified. Table 5-5: Cabalist Spell Foci
Widen Spell 3rd +3 +10

Table 5-5: Cabalist Spell Foci Modifiers
To cast a spell, you must concentrate. If something threatens
to interrupt your concentration while you’re casting a spell,
Point Spellcraft
you must succeed on a Concentration check or lose the spell
Cost DC
points without casting the spell. The more distracting the
Arcane Spell Foci Situation Modifier Modifier
interruption and the higher the level of the spell that you are
Distance From Focus trying to cast, the higher the DC (higher-level spells require
Touch +0 +0 more control of the spell energies).
1 foot to 5 feet +1 +5 Injury: Getting hurt or being affected by hostile spells
while trying to cast a spell can break your concentration and
6 feet to 10 feet +2 +8 ruin a spell. If you take damage while trying to cast a spell,
11 feet to 15 feet +3 +10 you must make a Concentration check (DC 10 + points of
damage taken + the level of the spell you are attempting
16 to 30 feet +4 +13
to cast). The interrupting event strikes during casting if it
Greater than 30 feet N/A N/A occurs between when you start and when you complete
casting a spell (for a spell with a casting time of 1 round or
longer) or if it comes in response to your casting the spell
Focus Material (such as an attack of opportunity provoked by the casting of
Amethyst (Enchantment) -1/+1 -5/+5 the spell or a contingent attack from a readied action).
Diamond (Universal/All) +0 +0 If you are taking continuous damage half the damage is
considered to take place while you are casting a spell. You
Emerald (Evocation) -1/+1 -5/+5 must make a Concentration check (DC 10 + 1/2 the damage
Heliodor (Transmutation) -1/+1 -5/+5 that the continuous source last dealt + the level of the spell
Obsidian or schorl you are attempting to cast). If the last damage dealt was the
(Necromancy) -1/+1 -5/+5 last damage that the effect could deal then the damage is
over, and it does not distract you.
Opal (Abjuration) -1/+1 -5/+5 Repeated damage does not count as continuous
Ruby (Conjuration) -1/+1 -5/+5 damage.
Topaz (Divination) -1/+1 -5/+5 Spell: If you are affected by a spell while attempting to
cast a spell of your own, you must make a Concentration
Turquoise (Illusion) -1/+1 -5/+5
check or lose the spell points for the spell you are casting. If
the spell affecting you deals damage, the Concentration DC
is 10 + points of damage + the level of the spell you are at-
Modifiers below shows the spell point and Spellcraft check
tempting to cast. If the spell interferes with you or distracts
DC modifiers for a variety of situations.
you in some other way, the Concentration DC is the spell’s
Distance From Focus: If a cabalist is greater than 30
save DC + the level of the spell you are attempting to cast.
feet from his focus when attempting to cast a spell, he not
For a spell with no saving throw, it is the DC that the spell’s
able to focus his spell points into the spell effect. Thusly, his
saving throw would have if a save were allowed.
spell fails with no expenditure of spell points.
Grappling or Pinned: To cast a spell while grappling
Focus Material: Only specialist cabalists need worry
or pinned, you must make a Concentration check (DC 20 +
what kind of material their focus is made from. In the case
the level of the spell you are attempting to cast) or lose the
of generalist cabalists, any arcane spell focus material pro-
spell points and the spell.
vides a +0/+0 spell point/Spellcraft modifier to their casting
Vigorous Motion: If you are riding on a moving mount,
taking a bouncy ride in a wagon, on a small boat in rough
However, specialists receive a –1/-5 spell point/Spell-
water, below decks in a storm-tossed ship, or simply being
craft bonus for spells cast from their school of specialty
jostled in a similar fashion, you must make a Concentration
when using the appropriate focus. (Note: The minimum
check (DC 10 + the level of the spell you are attempting to
spell point cost is 1.) They also receive a +1/+5 spell point/
cast) or lose the spell points and the spell.
Spellcraft penalty to opposition schools when casting spells
Violent Motion: If you are on a galloping horse, taking
through their specialty focus. All other schools of magic are
a very rough ride in a wagon, on a small boat in rapids or
cast with a +0/+0 modifier.
in a storm, on deck in a storm-tossed ship, or being tossed
roughly about in a similar fashion, you must make a Con-
centration check (DC 15 + the level of the spell you are at-
tempting to cast) or lose the spell points and the spell.

Violent Weather: If you are in a high wind carrying to succeed. You lose the spell points without successfully
blinding rain or sleet, the DC is 5 + the level of the spell you casting if you fail.
are attempting to cast. If you are in wind-driven hail, dust, Entangled: If you want to cast a spell while entangled
or debris, the DC is 10 + the level of the spell you are at- in a net or while affected by a spell with similar effects you
tempting to cast. In either case, you lose the spell points and must make a DC 15 Concentration check to cast the spell.
the spell if you fail the Concentration check. If the weather You lose the spell points and the spell if you fail.
is caused by a spell, use the rules in the Spell subsection
above. Overcasting
Casting Spells on the Defensive: If you want to cast a When a cabalist runs out of spell points, he is not necessar-
spell without provoking attacks of opportunity, you need to ily unable to continue casting spells. Cabalists have been
dodge and weave. You must make a Concentration check trained since their inception to have the ability to “over-
(DC 15 + the level of the spell you are attempting to cast) cast” (continue to cast spells even after all of their spell
points have been expended). Consequences for overcasting

Table 5-6: Overcasttng Effectiveness

Constitution d6 Result
Points Spent 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Normal Normal Normal 1/2 1/2 1/2
2 Normal Normal 1/2 1/2 1/2 NE
3 Normal Normal 1/2 NE NE Mishap
4 Normal 1/2 1/2 NE NE Mishap
5 Normal 1/2 1/2 NE NE Mishap
6 1/2 1/2 NE NE Mishap Mishap
7 1/2 NE NE Mishap Mishap Mishap
8 1/2 NE NE Mishap Mishap Mishap
9 1/2 NE Mishap Mishap Mishap Mishap
10+ NE Mishap Mishap Mishap Mishap Mishap

Table 5-7: Overcasting Strain
Constitution d6 Result
Points Spent 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 NE NE NE NE NE Uncon (2)
2 NE NE Faint (2) Uncon (1) Uncon (2) Uncon (3)
3 NE Faint (1) Faint (3) Uncon (2) Uncon (3) Feeble (1)
4 NE Faint (2) Uncon (1) Uncon (3) Feeble (1) Feeble (2)
5 Faint (1) Faint (3) Uncon (2) Feeble (1) Feeble (2) Feeble (3)
6 Faint (2) Uncon (1) Uncon (3) Feeble (2) Feeble (3) Crippled (4)
7 Faint (3) Uncon (2) Feeble (1) Feeble (3) Crippled (3) Crippled (5)
8 Uncon (1) Uncon (3) Feeble (2) Crippled (2) Crippled (4) Crippled (6)
9 Uncon (2) Feeble (1) Feeble (3) Crippled (3) Crippled (5) Death
10+ Uncon (3) Feeble (2) Crippled (1) Crippled (4) Death Death

are severe and only the hardiest (or those in the worst peril) Mishap: The cabalist becomes the target of the spell (no
would ever consider overcasting. save). This could work out in the cabalist’s favor, though
When times are dire, the cabalist may exceed his normal damaging spells or spells with no effectiveness against crea-
number of spell points by sacrificing temporary points of tures of the cabalist’s type may play havoc with the cabalist
his Constitution ability score. The cabalist converts 1 point and his party.
of Constitution to 1 spell point, focusing this cannibalized
energy through his arcane spell focus as he would normal
Overcasting Strain Results
spell points. However, he is not able to cast metamagic Once you have a strain result, refer here for the description
spells in this way (the strain of metamagic is too great a of the effect.
strain to overcast). In addition, the cabalist can never spend NE: The cabalist suffers no adverse effects.
a total number of Constitution points that would be greater Faint #: The cabalist faints and will recover in a number
than his current total. A cabalist that reaches a temporary of rounds equal to the # given.
Constitution score of 0 immediately goes unconscious (refer Uncon #: The cabalist falls unconscious for a number of
to Constitution damage in the DMG for more information minutes equal to the # given.
about this condition).
Feeble #: The cabalist is under the effects of a
Once the number of temporary Constitution points has feeblemind spell for a number of minutes equal to the #
been spent and the spell is cast (using the usual Spellcraft given x 10.
check), roll a d6 and consult Table 5-6: Overcasting Ef-
Crippled #: The cabalist permanently loses a number of
fectiveness. Once the spell has been resolved, roll another
Constitution points equal to the given in parentheses. These
d6 and consult Table 5-7: Overcasting Strain to determine
lost points cannot be recovered by any means short of a res-
the physical effect the overcast spell has had on the cabalist.
toration, limited wish, miracle, or wish spell.
Overcasting effectiveness and overcasting strain results are
cumulative. Death: The cabalist is allowed a Fortitude save (DC
equal to 10 + the number of Constitution points spent). If
Constitution ability points lost to this type of damage
this save fails, the cabalist dies.
return at a rate of 1 point per day for each point of Constitu-
tion spent.
Ritual Magic
Overcasting Effectiveness Results Rituals function like spells, except a character need not be
Once you have an effectiveness result, refer here for the de- a spellcaster to cast them. Anyone can cast a ritual simply
scription of the effect. by performing the correct ceremonial gestures and phrases.
Normal: The cabalist’s spell functions normally. Rituals don’t use spell slots, so they don’t have to be pre-
1/2: The cabalist’s spell functions at only one-half of his pared ahead of time, and there’s no limit on the number of
caster level. times one can cast a ritual per day. Since they do not use
up spell slots, rituals cannot be improved using metamagic
NE: The Constitution points have been spent, but the
feats. Finally, rituals generally have more powerful, far-
spell fails to take effect.
reaching effects than even 5th-level spells.
There is, of course, a catch. Rituals take much longer edge (arcana) check doesn’t mean that the entire ritual is a
to cast than normal spells. Success with a ritual is never failure, just that the previous 10 minutes have been wasted.
assured, and the consequences for failure can be dramat- However, if you fail two Knowledge (arcana) checks in
ic. The most powerful rituals can require rituals involving a row, the ritual immediately fails. The consequences for
multiple participants, strange or expensive material compo- failure are detailed in the description of the specific ritual.
nents, or other aspects that make them difficult to cast. Even if the ritual fails, material components and experience
points are still lost and the backlash still takes effect.
Discovering Rituals Ritual Components
The instructions for performing rituals are generally found Most rituals require components including verbal,
in various obscure tomes. Such books are filled with “magic somatic, focus, and material components. In addition, some
spells,” and most of them are utterly bogus. But hidden require secondary casters , cause some sort of backlash, or
among the dross is the real stuff, and discerning whether cost the caster some experience points.
a ritual found in a book will actually work is a matter for
experts in arcana. Secondary Casters
Finding a set of instructions for a particular ritual re- Some rituals require multiple participants to cast success-
quires a successful Research check with a DC equal to the fully. These secondary casters (abbreviated SC) are indis-
Knowledge (arcana) DC for the ritual. Just learning of the pensable to the success of the spell. No matter how many
existence of a particular ritual is an easier Research check, people are gathered in the dark room, chanting with candles,
with a DC equal to the Knowledge (arcana) DC 5. only one character is the primary caster who will make the
relevant checks. Secondary casters cannot help the primary
Casting a Ritual caster with the Aid Another rule, but their presence is re-
At its core, casting a ritual means having the required ritual quired for certain aspects of the ritual nonetheless. If a
components, then succeeding at a number of Knowledge ritual requires some other skill check, any of the secondary
(arcana) checks during the ritual’s casting time. Each ritual casters can make that check if desired. Even if you are not
lists how many Knowledge (arcana) checks are required to a required caster of the spell, you can step in and make the
cast the ritual successfully. non-Knowledge check if you are better at the relevant skill
Unless otherwise specified, the caster makes Knowl- than the actual caster.
edge (arcana) checks every 10 minutes. Failing a Knowl-

Backlash These rituals are powerful and worth more than their fair
share of gold and blood. Many agents to organizations that
Some spells damage or drain the caster in some way. oppose the Cabal desperately wish to get control of many of
They have a backlash component (abbreviated B), gener- these potent rituals. Discovery of any of these (or those de-
ally damage, negative levels, or some other condition. The signed by the GM) should be treated with excitement, awe,
caster takes the backlash regardless of the success or failure and more than enough trepidation to pale even the stoutest
of the spell. warrior’s cheeks.
Saves and Spell Resistance Eternal Freedom
If the ritual allows a save, the formula to calculate it is in- Abjuration
cluded in the spell’s description. For checks to overcome
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 35, 10 successes
spell resistance, divide the ritual’s Knowledge (arcana) DC
Failure: Two consecutive failed skill checks
by 2 to get the effective caster level for the spell resistance
check. Components: V, S, SC, XP
Casting Time: 100 minutes (minimum)
Failed Rituals Range: Touch
Each ritual has its own consequences for failure (two failed Target: Touched creature or object of 2,000 lb. or less
skill checks in a row). In general, they can be divided into Duration: Permanent
the following categories. Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, see text)
Attack: A creature is called from elsewhere to battle Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
the caster (and often any bystanders and secondary casters). The subject becomes permanently immune to the fol-
The ritual’s description tells the GM what CR the creature lowing specific spells, effects, and spell-like abilities: en-
should have, how it behaves, and how long it persists. tangle, hold, imprisonment, paralysis, petrification, sleep,
Augment: The ritual was supposed to weaken or destroy slow, stunning, temporal stasis, and web.
its target, but it makes it more powerful instead. A damag- An unwilling target of this ritual is allowed a Will save
ing spell might heal its target or cause it to grow in size, for (DC equals the caster’s level + Int modifier + 15) to negate
example. its effects.
Damage: The simplest consequence of failure, damage XP Cost: 10,000 XP.
is dealt to the caster or the target, depending on the ritual.
Secondary Casters: 10 required (not including the
Death: Someone—usually the caster or the target— primary caster). Each secondary caster must also expend
dies. Depending on the ritual, a successful saving throw 2,000 XP each into the casting of this spell.
may avoid the effect of failure.
Failure: Mirrorcast. The target of this spell instead
Delusion: The caster believes the ritual had the desired becomes more susceptible to the spells, effects, and spell-
effect, but in fact it had no effect or a very different one. like abilities listed above. All saves and spell resistance
Falsehood: Common with divinations, the ritual de- against these gains a –5 penalty, permanently.
livers false results to the caster, but the caster believes the
results are true. Whenever a character attempts a ritual with Nailed to the Sky
a chance of falsehood failure, the GM should make the rel- Conjuration [Teleportation]
evant die rolls in secret.
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 33, 6 successes
Hostile Spell: The caster of the ritual is targeted by a
Failure: Two consecutive failed skill checks
harmful spell or ritual. The spell description specifies the
specific spell or ritual, save DC, and so on. Components: V, S, XP
Mirrorcast: The spell has the opposite effect of that in- Casting Time: 60 minutes (minimum)
tended. Range: 300 ft.
Reversal: The spell targets the caster, rather than the in- Target: Creature or object weighing up to 1,000 lb.
tended target of the ritual. Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (see text)
Example Rituals Spell Resistance: Yes
Below are a few of the rituals that can be found in Black- Nailed to the sky actually places the target so far from
moor. Most of these rituals reside in dusty tomes hidden in the surface of the world and at such a speed that it keeps
the deepest recesses of the arcane and occult libraries of missing the surface as it falls back, so it enters an eternal
the Wizard’s Cabal. Skelfer Ard was said to have devised orbit. Unless the target can magically fly or has some other
many of these rituals during his studies to discover the true form of non-physical propulsion available, the target is
sources of magic. stuck until someone or something rescues it.

Even if the target can fly, the surface is 2 to 4 hours Rain of Fire
away, assuming a fly spell, which allows a maximum speed
Evocation [Fire]
of 720 feet per round while descending. The target may not
survive that long. Depending on the world where nailed to Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 35, 6 successes
the sky is cast, conditions so far from its surface may be Failure: Two consecutive failed skill checks
deadly. Deleterious effects include scorching heat, cold, and Components: V, S. XP
vacuum. Targets subject to these conditions take 2d6 points Casting Time: 60 minutes (minimum)
of damage each from heat or cold and 1d4 points of damage Range: 0 ft.
from the vacuum each round. The target immediately begins Area: 2-mile-radius emanation
to suffocate.
Duration: 20 hours
The target of this ritual is allowed a Will save (DC equals
Saving Throw: Reflex negates (see text)
the caster’s level + Int modifier + 15) to negate its effects.
Spell Resistance: Yes
XP Cost: 1,000 XP.
This spell summons a swirling thunderstorm that rains
Failure: Reversal. The caster of the failed ritual becomes
fire rather than raindrops down on the character and every-
the target.
thing within a two-mile radius of him or her. Everything
Pestilence caught unprotected or unsheltered in the flaming deluge
takes 1 point of fire damage each round. A successful
Conjuration, Necromancy Reflex save (DC equals the caster’s level + Int modifier +
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 40, 6 successes and 15) results in no damage, but the save must be repeated each
Heal DC 35, 1 success round. Unless the ground is exceedingly damp, all vegeta-
Failure: Two consecutive failed skill checks tion is eventually blackened and destroyed, leaving behind
Components: V, S, SC, XP a barren wasteland similar to the aftermath of a grass or
Casting Time: 70 minutes (minimum) forest fire. The fiery storm is stationary and persists even if
Range: 0 ft. the caster leaves.
Area: 1,000-ft.-radius hemisphere XP Cost: 2,000 XP.
Duration: Instantaneous Failure: Delusion. The caster sees the rain of fire begin,
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (see text) however this is only a powerful illusion that affects only the
caster (no save).
Spell Resistance: Yes
When pestilence is successfully cast, a wave of illness
radiates outward from the site of the ritual, instantly in-
Cooperative Magic
fecting every living thing in the area with the debilitating Spell magic is more effective when performed by a group.
disease known as slimy doom. Within 24 hours, everything One of the obvious reasons is that all participants can infuse
in the area begins to show signs of rot and decay. their power and prowess into the spell, empowering the
Each day that a victim fails a Fortitude save (DC equals spellcasting and allowing more powerful effects to take
the caster’s level + Int modifier + 5 per secondary caster + place. The war wizards of the Wizard’s Cabal, among a few
10), it takes 1d4 points of temporary Constitution damage. other non-Cabal groups, practice cooperative magic, in-
If the victim then fails a second save, 1 point of that damage creasing their effective spellcasting power beyond the sum
is permanent drain. If the victim succeeds at the first saving of the participant’s normal strength.
throw of the day on three consecutive days, he or she has re- Cooperative Magic and Arcane
covered from the disease.
This magical form of the disease is not contagious and
will not spread beyond those initially infected. Fruits and Numbers and mathematics are one of the cornerstones of
vegetables infected with slimy doom are unfit for consump- both magic and science. In the physical world, one plus
tion, as are disease-ridden livestock. one always equals two and is a good way to quantify the
XP Cost: 10,000 XP. universe around us. Numbers also play an important role
Secondary Casters: 2 required (not including the in magic and help to set the rules for how magic operates
primary caster). Each secondary caster must also expend within the environment, though the rules for magic are far
2,000 XP each into the casting of this spell. more flexible than those for science and can be bent to the
will of the caster.
Failure: Death. The primary and all secondary casters
must make a Fortitude save (DC equals the primary caster’s Certain numbers have innate arcane magical power.
level + the primary caster’s Int modifier + 5 per secondary Odd numbers (those that cannot be divided by 2) seem to
caster + 10). If this save fails, the caster dies. Nothing short have a relevance to magic, acting as conduits for magical
of a wish or miracle spell will return the caster to life. energies to flow into mortal vessels. Prime numbers (those
numbers that are divisible only by themselves or by 1) seem
to hold even more strength. In working with magic, the most
Table 5-8: Cooperative Magic Number Effects
important numbers are called the Arcane Numbers. These
numbers are: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13. Number Leader’s Maximum Cooperative
The most powerful groups (called Greater Conjunctions) of Effective Caster Magic
that wield cooperative magic are formed by three, seven, Participants Level Enhancements
eleven, and thirteen spellcasters. While groups of five and 3 +2 2
nine (called Lesser Conjunctions) also hold an abundance of 5 +3 1
power, their overall power is diminished compared to those
of Greater Conjunctions. The Cooperative Magic Number 7 +6 3
Effects table below provides the bonuses of both Greater 9 +7 2
and Lesser Conjunctions generated by groups of various
11 +10 4
sizes (see Casting a Cooperative Magic for enhancement
descriptions). 13 +12 5

Conducting Cooperative Magic the Leader is attempting to cast (example–if the Leader has
chosen fireball as the spell he wishes to cast, then each
Working as a group requires coordination and skill as well
member of the conjunction must sacrifice 3 total spell levels
as power. Most cooperative magic is conducted by forming
from their prepared spells for the day).
an inward facing circle called a conjunction. As a closed
unit, the conjunction is used to focus and harmonize the After two full-round actions, the Leader casts the co-
power of each individual spellcaster. A member of the con- operative spell, augmenting it with any cooperative magic
junction, usually the highest-level spellcaster, becomes the enhancements he wishes to add at the time of casting (see
focal point and the Leader of the Conjunction. below).
The basic steps in casting cooperative magic are not Cooperative Magic Enhancements
unlike regular spell magic. The only changes are the power
contributions of the conjunction to the spellcasting process. At the time of casting, the Leader of a conjunction may
Only characters with the Cooperative Magic feat or the War choose to enhance the spell being cast by spending a number
College class ability are allowed to take part in cooperative of Cooperative Magic Enhancement slots (as given in Table
magic conjunctions. 5-7 above) on a given enhancement. Once an enhancement
is chosen and the slots are spent, every spell cast will be en-
Three, five, and seven member conjunctions are led by
hanced in the same way until either the Leader dies or the
the highest-level spellcaster, while conjunctions of nine,
conjunction stops focusing.
eleven, and thirteen members require the Leader of the
Conjunction to both be the highest-level spellcaster and of Energy Substitution or Subdual Substitution (1 en-
a level at least equal to or greater than the total number of hancement slot): By spending 1 enhancement slot, the
conjunction members + 1 (10th-level minimum for a nine Leader can add the Energy Substitution and/or Subdual
member conjunction, 12th-level minimum for an eleven Substitution metamagic feats to the spells cast by his con-
member conjunction, and 14th-level minimum for a thir- junction (1 slot for each).
teen member conjunction). Spell Save DC (1 enhancement slot): The Leader can
add a +1 bonus per enhancement slot spent to the spell
Casting a Cooperative Magic Spell save’s DC up to a maximum of the number of members in
All spellcasters in the conjunction must stand in the inward his conjunction – 1 (+2 bonus for a 3 member conjunction,
facing circle no more than 20 feet apart from each other, +4 bonus for a 5 member conjunction, etc.).
facing the Leader of the Conjunction who stands in the Metamagic Feat (2 enhancement slots): By spending 2
center. The Leader’s effective caster level for the spell being enhancement slots, the Leader can add the Empower Spell,
cast rises by the indicated amount as shown on Table 5-8: Maximize Spell, and/or Heighten Spell metamagic feats to
Cooperative Magic Number Effects. The Leader’s total the spells cast by his conjunction (2 slots for each).
effective spellcaster level can never exceed 30th-level, even Rapid Casting (2 enhancement slots): By spending 2
if the bonus would push him higher (he is just not able to ef- enhancement slots, the Leader can reduce the casting time
fectively control that much power alone). of his conjunction to 1 full-round action.
When spellcasting begins, the Leader chooses a pre- Penetrating Spell (2 enhancement slots): The Leader
pared spell and focuses all of his energies on it, visualizing can add a +1 bonus per 2 enhancement slots spent for the
that he is gently weaving together strands of arcane power purposes of overcoming spell resistance with spells cast
from each of the other conjunction members. Meanwhile, from his conjunction.
the rest of the conjunction members are required to release Augment Damage (4 enhancement slots): By spending
an amount of spell energy equal to the spell level of the spell 4 enhancement slots, the Leader can improve the damage
dice of all damaging spells by one die type (d4 becomes d6,
d6 becomes d8, d8 becomes d10, etc.). Table 5-9: Spell Foci, Spellcaster Level, and
Foci Cost
Spell Foci Spellcaster Base
Placing spells with an arcane spell focus is not as difficult as Level Foci (max spell levels) GP Value1
creating a focus from a basic gemstone. The Wizards’ Cabal Novice’s focus
trains all of its students the required ability to place their 1st-5th (100 spell levels) 500 gp
spells within their own arcane spell focus. They have been
doing this for so long, that many of the senior wizards (those Initiate’s focus
that own a minimum of a Wizard’s Focus) have nearly for- 6th-10th (300 spell levels) 1,500 gp
gotten how to write in and prepare spells from spellbooks. Wizard’s focus
While most Cabal students come from well to do or 11th-15th (600 spell levels) 3,000 gp
wealthy families (sons and daughters of skilled craftsmen Magister’s focus
and other middle class occupations), there are a few students 16th-18th (1,200 spell levels) 6,000 gp
who come from poor families (general laborers, farmers,
and other “lower class” occupations). This social stigma is Supreme focus
supposed to be left at the door, since a talented wizard can 19th+ (1,800 spell levels) 9,000 gp
come from any socio-economic background, but it does bear The base gold piece value of the spell focus is assuming that the

an influence on what kind of arcane spell foci are initially focus has been enchanted to accept spells, but is an empty vessel.
available to the wizard character, since a hefty fee is usually
required before training within the Cabal begins.
be reused.) The caster level of the spell must be sufficient to
To place spells within an arcane spell focus, the charac-
cast the spell in question and no higher then the character’s
ter must have the spell available to cast (prepared if the char-
caster level.
acter must prepare spells; known otherwise), an arcane spell
Placing spells within an arcane spell focus requires one
focus, and must provide any material components costing
hour plus the spell’s normal casting time. The arcane spell
1gp or more that the spell requires. If casting the spell would
focus’s market value equals its base price plus its inherent
reduce the character’s XP total, the character pays the cost
value as a gem.
upon beginning the placement of the spell within the arcane
spell focus. Likewise, material components are consumed Note that an arcane spellcaster does not have to pay the
when the character places the spell within the focus. (A cost in time when he gains spells for free from advancing
focus used to place a spell within an arcane spell focus can a level in his chosen arcane spellcasting class (such as a
wizard). He simply pays the spell’s normal material compo-
nent costs and adds the new spells to his arcane spell focus
as part of his ongoing arcane research.

Crafting an Arcane Spell Focus

An arcane spell focus can hold a certain number of spell
levels, depending on its type and the quality of the materi-
als it was constructed from. Table 5-9: Spell Foci, Spell-
caster Level, and Foci Cost shows the average number of
spell levels available in a given empty arcane spell focus.
Consider all values given on this table to reflect that the foci
given are made of average quality materials. Poor quality
materials allow a total number of spell levels equal to one-
half of the averages given, while the best quality materials
double the number of average spell levels available. Refer
to Table 5-10: Spell Foci Material Qualities and Table 5-
11: Foci Quality Modifiers to calculate the exact number
of spell levels and the spell foci’s base cost.
To construct a poor quality arcane spell focus (a common
spell focus quality for the poorer families of Blackmoor
who cannot afford better foci), the arcane spell focus must
have a minimum value equal to 1 gp per level of the spell to
be stored (a minimum of 50 spell levels must be able to be
stored, to a maximum of 900 spell levels). The base price of

base price in XP and use up raw materials costing half this
Table 5-10: Spell Foci Material Qualities base price.
Poor Quality Average Quality Best Quality Crafting an arcane spell focus requires one day per
agate amber amethyst 1,000 gp of the base price.
azurite aquamarine black pearl Item Creation Feat Required: Craft Spell Focus.
coral bloodstone diamond
hematite carnelian emerald
Spell Formulae Helixes
jet citrine heliodor When a spell is placed within an arcane spell focus, it
malachite garnet jacinth becomes a formulae helix (much like when a spell is in-
quartz jade obsidian scribed into a spellbook becomes a magical writing). When
zircon jasper opal the character channels magic through his arcane spell focus,
moonstone ruby he is activating a desired helix and releasing its spell effect.
pearl schorl The intricacy of the spell helix depends on the spell’s
tourmaline topaz level. Lower level spells’ helixes take up less room within
turquoise an arcane spell focus than those of a higher level would.
The spell helix takes up a number of equivalent spell levels
within the arcane spell focus equal to its spell level. In the
an arcane spell focus (not including the arcane spell focus’s case of 0-level spells, they always take up one spell level
inherent value as a gem) is equal to 1 gp per spell level x the slot.
caster level. You must spend 1/25 of the base price in XP An Appraise or Spellcraft check (DC 25) reveals that a
and use up raw materials costing half this base price. particular gemstone is actually an arcane spell focus (char-
To construct an average quality arcane spell focus (more acters with 5 ranks of Craft (gemcutter) and/or Spellcraft
than 90% of all arcane spell foci are made of average quality receive a +2 synergy bonus to this check). A detect magic
materials), the arcane spell focus must have a minimum spell cast on an arcane spell focus shows that it has spells
value equal to 5 gp per level of the spell to be stored (a locked within it. Though it requires an identify, an analyze
minimum of 100 spell levels must be able to be stored, to a dweomer, or an analyze focus spell to determine exactly
maximum of 1,800 spell levels). The base price of an arcane what spells are within the arcane spell focus, and what
spell focus (not including the arcane spell focus’s inherent class of focus it may be (arcane warrior, bard, cabalist, or
value as a gem) is equal to 5 gp per spell level x the caster wizard).
level. You must spend 1/25 of the base price in XP and use Additional Spellcraft checks (DC 25 + the spell’s level)
up raw materials costing half this base price. gives the person studying the arcane spell focus one spell
To construct a high quality arcane spell focus (these that it contains for each successful check. When checking
spell foci are rare and expensive, only those with connec- for spells in this manner, the spells are revealed from lowest
tions to nobility or one of the Cabal’s spellwise have even to highest spell level, beginning with any 0-level spells that
the smallest chance of owning one), the arcane spell focus may be present. The order in which spells of the same level
must have a minimum value equal to 10 gp per level of the appear is left entirely up to the GM. Each of these checks
spell to be stored (a minimum of 200 spell levels must be requires the person studying the arcane spell focus 1 minute
able to be stored, to a maximum of 3,600 spell levels). The per spell level (minimum of 1 minute) to determine what
base price of an arcane spell focus (not including the arcane spells are available. If a check fails, the person studying this
spell focus’s inherent value as a gem) is equal to 10 gp per arcane spell focus is not able to understand the spell helix
spell level x the caster level. You must spend 1/25 of the formulae of that particular spell.

Table 5-11: Foci Quality Modifiers

Type of Spell Focus
Base Cost Novice’s Initiate’s Wizard’s Magister’s Supreme
Material Quality per Spell Level Focus Focus Focus Focus Focus
Poor 1 gp 50 150 300 600 900
Average 5 gp 100 300 600 1,200 1,800
Best 10 gp 200 600 1,200 2,400 3,600

Spells Transferred from Another’s Table 5-12: Spell Resonance Diameter
Spellbook or Arcane Spell Focus Spell Caster Spell Resonance
An arcane caster can add spells to his arcane spell focus Level Level Range Diameter
whenever he encounters one in a spellbook or another arcane
0-level 1st-5th Personal +5 feet
spell focus. No matter what the spell’s source may be, the
character needs to first decipher the magical writing (for 1st or 2nd 6th-10th Touch +10 feet
spellbooks) or spell helix formulae (for arcane spell foci). 3rd to 5th 11th-15th Close +15 feet
Next, he must spend a day studying the spell. At the end of
6th or 7th 16th-18th Medium +30 feet
the day, he must make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell’s
level for spellbooks or DC 20 + spell’s level for arcane spell 8th 19th+ Long +60 feet
foci). A character that has specialized in a school of magic 9th +120 feet
gains a +2 bonus on the Spellcraft check when transferring
a spell from his specialty school. He cannot, however, ever
learn spells from his prohibited schools. Spell Resonance
If the check succeeds, the character understands the spell Whenever a spellcaster casts a spell, the spell leaves behind
and can transfer it into his arcane spell focus (as per the rules a unique signature that others may find. This signature is
given at the beginning of the Spell Foci section). called spell resonance. Spell resonance is as unique from
If the check fails, the character cannot understand the one spellcaster to the next as a fingerprint is different from
spell and therefore cannot transfer it into his arcane spell one person to the next. Though, someone that trains under
focus. He cannot attempt to transfer that spell again until he or apprentices to someone may have similarities within
gains a new rank in Spellcraft. their spell resonance.
Crafting a Magical Focus Gem Spell resonance can be discovered by means of certain
class abilities (such as the profector’s arcana sense ability),
Like crafting an arcane spell focus for use with spells, some by feats (such as the Resonance Sniffer feat), or by a com-
gems may also be imbued with certain feats and magical bination of factors (such as casting detect magic and then
properties similar to a spell focus. These items are called making a DC 25 Knowledge (arcana) check). However,
Focus Gems and are very rare. While it is difficult to deter- a spell’s resonance lasts for only a short period of time,
mine exactly what the raw material and base XP costs are after which the resonance fades and cannot be detected. In
for an item of this type, the equations for crafting rods and the case of spell magic (such as that cast by a wizard or
wondrous items can be used as a baseline comparison, base cleric), a spell’s resonance lasts for a number of minutes
price equals 1/2 of the market value of the rod or wondrous equal to the caster’s level x the spell’s level x 10. In the
item plus the arcane spell focus’s base price (not including case of spell-like effects (such as an erinyes’ charm monster
its inherent value as a gem). spell-like ability), the spell resonance lasts for a number of
If spells are involved in the prerequisites for making minutes equal to the creature’s Hit Dice x the spell’s level
the focus gem, the creator must have prepared the spells to x 5. Cantrips and orisons (or any other 0-level spell) can be
be cast but need not provide any material components or detected for up to 1 minute after being cast, but the amount
focuses the spells require, nor any XP costs inherent in a pre- magic used to create the spell is so little that the resonance
requisite spell incurred in the creation of the item. The act fades quickly.
of working on the gem triggers the prepared spells, making Spell resonance can be detected within a specified range,
them unavailable for casting during each day of the focus depending on the spell’s level, the spellcaster’s level, and
gem’s creation. (That is, those spell slots are expended from the typical range of the spell. This area is centered on the lo-
his currently prepared spells, just as if they had been cast.) cation where the spellcaster was standing when he cast the
Creating some focus gems (like a metamagic feat en- spell (the spell’s origin, not the centered area of effect). Use
hanced gem) may entail other prerequisites beyond or other the Table 5-12: Spell Resonance Diameter to determine
than spellcasting. See the individual rod and wondrous item the diameter of the spell resonance area.
descriptions for other requirements.
Crafting one of these magical arcane spell foci requires Example–If a 10th-level wizard casts a fireball spell,
one day per 1,000 gp of the base price. the spell resonance would have an 85-foot diameter and
Item Creation Feat Required: Craft Spell Focus and would last for 300 minutes (or 5 hours). Whereas a 1st-level
either Craft Rod or Craft Wondrous Item. cleric casting a cure minor wounds spell would have a spell
resonance with a 20-foot diameter that could be detected
for up to one minute.
Some extraordinarily skilled individuals cannot only
detect and analyze spell resonance, but they can also use the
Table 5-13: Determining Shard Type Table 5-14: Number of Spells in a Spell Shard
Base GP Value Shard Type
Shard Size Shard Type Number of Spells
1 - 25gp Minor Shard 1 inch diameter Minor Shard 1d2
1 1/2 inch Medium Shard 1d3
26 - 75gp Medium Shard diameter
Major Shard 1d4
76 - 150gp Major Shard 2 inch diameter
The base gold piece value of the spell shard does not include the value of the
spells contained within the spell shard. below). A character can decipher the spell helixes in a spell
shard in advance so that he or she can proceed directly to the
next step when the time comes to use the spell shard.
resonance to track specific spellcasters. Refer to the Reso- Activate the Spell: Activating a spell shard requires the
nance Hound feat in Chapter 4 for more information about channeling of arcane energy through the spell helix within
tracking spell resonance. the spell shard. The character must be in physical contact
There are rumors among the Arcane Inquisition that with the spell shard. Activating a spell found within a spell
there are a few sorcerers, Afridhi, and agents of the Egg of shard requires no material components or focus. (The creator
Coot that can alter or entirely eliminate their spell resonance of the spell shard provided these when creating the arcane
(the resonance is actually just hidden when casting certain spell focus the shard has come from.) Note that some spells
spells, Hide and Spellcraft check, DC 20 + spell level). Re- are effective only when cast on an item or items. In such a
cently, a cabalist near Maus began an investigation into a case, the spell shard user must provide the item when acti-
sorcerer gang with the ability to duplicate others’ spell reso- vating the spell. Activating the spell is subject to disruption
nance (Hide and Spellcraft check, DC 30 + spell level; char- just as casting a normally prepared spell would be. Using
acters with at least 5 ranks in Disguise gain a +2 synergy a spell shard is like casting a regular spell for purposes of
bonus to this check), effectively impersonating other spell- arcane spell failure chance.
casters (a highly illegal and subversive act, in the Wizards’ To have any chance of activating the spell within the
Cabal’s eyes). spell shard, the user must meet the following requirements:

Spell Shards
A spell shard is a fragment of a shattered arcane spell focus
that still contains one or more intact spell helixes. These
helixes can be detected with a detect magic spell or with
a successful Appraise or Spellcraft check (DC 25). Shards
come in all shapes and sizes, though the larger shards usually
contain either more spell helixes or higher-level spells than
those that are smaller. The typical number of spells stored
on each shard can be found on Table 5-14: Number of
Spells in a Spell Shard
The size of the shard is based on its base price (see Table
5-13: Determining Shard Type). A spell shard has AC 11,
2 hit points, hardness 1, and a break DC of 12.
Once the number of spells in the shard is known., the
base price for the spell shard can be determined on Table 5-
15: Shard Spell Levels and Values
To activate a spell shard, a spellcaster must activate the
spell helix within it. Doing so involves several steps and
Deciphering the Helix: The spell helix in a spell shard
must be deciphered before a character can use it or know
exactly what spell it contains. This requires a successful
Spellcraft check (DC 20 + spell level).
Deciphering a spell shard to determine its contents does
not activate its magic unless it is a cursed spell shard (see
Table 5-15: Shard Spell Levels and Values
Spell Caster
Minor Medium Major Level Level1 Spell Value2 Spell Value3 Spell Value4
01-05 – – 0 1st 6.25 gp 6.25 gp –
06-50 01-05 – 1st 1st 12.5 gp 25 gp 25 gp
51-95 06-65 01-05 2nd 3rd 75 gp 100 gp 100 gp
96-100 66-95 06-50 3rd 5th 187.5 gp 267.5 gp 187.5 gp
– 96-100 51-70 4th 7th 350 gp 500 gp 350 gp
– – 71-85 5th 9th 562.5 gp 812.5 gp –
– – 86-95 6th 11th 826 gp 1,200 gp –
– – 95-100 7th 13th 1,135.5 gp – –
These numbers assume that the creator is an arcane warrior, bard, cabalist, or wizard of minimum caster level. Spell shards with higher caster levels have been
known to exist.
This is the additional gold piece value added per spell to the base gold piece value of the spell shard from Table 5-12, if the spell shard comes from the arcane
spell focus of a wizard or cabalist.
This is the additional gold piece value added per spell to the base gold piece value of the spell shard from Table 5-12, if the spell shard comes from the arcane
spell focus of a bard.
This is the additional gold piece value added per spell to the base gold piece value of the spell shard from Table 5-12, if the spell shard comes from the arcane
spell focus of an arcane warrior. Caster level is half class level.

• The spell must be of the correct type. Arcane spellcasters (wizards, cabalists, arcane warriors, and bards) can only use
spell shards from arcane spell foci that were
created for use by their character class.
• The user must have the spell on his or her class list.
• The user must have the requisite ability score.
If the user meets all the requirements noted above, and her caster level is at least equal to the spell’s caster level, she
can automatically activate the spell without a check. If she meets all three requirements but her own caster level is lower
than the spell shard spell’s caster level, then she has to make a caster level check (DC = spell shard spell’s caster level +
1) to cast the spell successfully. If she fails, she must make a DC 5 Wisdom check to avoid a mishap (see Shard Mishaps,
Determine Effect: A spell successfully activated from a spell shard works exactly like a spell prepared and cast the
normal way. Assume the spell shard spell’s caster level is always the minimum level required to cast the spell for the char-
acter who created the arcane spell focus the shard came from, unless the caster specifically desires otherwise.
A spell cast from a shard can only be used one time just as a spell cast from a scroll. The spell helix for an activated
spell disappears from within the spell shard and the structural integrity of the shard gives way crumbling to a small amount
of worthless dust.
Shard Mishaps
When a mishap occurs, the spell within the shard has a reversed or harmful effect. Possible mishaps are given below.
• A surge of uncontrolled magical energy deals 1d6 points of damage per spell level to the spell shard user.
• Spell strikes the spell shard user or an ally instead of the intended target, or a random target nearby if the spell shard
user was the intended recipient.
• Spell takes effect at some random location within spell range.
• Spell’s effect on the target is contrary to the spell’s normal effect.
• The spell shard user suffers some minor but bizarre effect related to the spell in some way. Most such effects should
last only as long as the original spell’s duration, or 2d10 minutes for instantaneous spells.

Chapter 6: Spells and Magic Items
Combat Prescience: Gain a +2 insight bonus on attack
When the Wizards’ Cabal marches into battle, they do so rolls.
with eldritch and arcane power on their side. Arcane war- Force Touch: Unarmed attack deals 3d6 force damage.
riors and general foot soldiers alike carry enspelled weap- Smoke Cloud: A billowing smoke cloud chokes and
onry and armor, while wizards and magisters weave rare blinds all in its area.
and deadly spells to gain superior control on the battlefield.
The Wizards’ Cabal is constantly researching new spells 3rd-Level Arcane Warrior Spells
and types of magic, honing their craft into a finely wrought Force Needles: Needles made of force energy deal 5d6
mechanism. damage to target.
Described in this chapter are spells created by the Lightning Strike: Deal 3d6 electrical damage in a
Wizards’ Cabal to help achieve uncontested victory in the 30-ft. radius.
face of the North’s harsh environment and harsher adversar- Mindfire: Deal 5d4 fire damage to all sentient living
ies. This chapter also includes new magic items that have beings in a 20-ft. radius.
been crafted by the members of the Wizards’ Cabal.
4th-Level Arcane Warrior Spells
New Spell Components Natural Armor: Caster gains a +4 natural armor
The Wizard’s Cabal, and the few wizards and bards that have bonus to AC.
trained in the special usage of arcane spell foci, have access
to certain spells that other arcane casters cannot begin to Bard Spells
cast. These spells are denoted by the spell focus component
1st-Level Bard Spells
requirement in the spell description (abbreviated SF).
Agile Movement: Move without provoking attacks of
Spells that have the spell focus component require that
the caster use an arcane spell focus (see the Spell Focus
section in the previous chapter, or refer to Chapter 3 in Dave
Arneson’s Blackmoor).
Ranger Spells
Spell Lists
1st-Level Ranger Spells
These lists summarize the new spells presented in this
book. Agile Movement: Move without provoking attacks of
Sorcerer/Wizard Spell Lists: Both level and schools of
magic break up the spells in the sorcerer/wizard spell lists. A Targeting Light: Bathe target in a nimbus of light.
few abbreviations need to be recognized to be able to fully
utilize these lists: Abjur (abjuration), Conj (conjuration), Paladin Spells
Div (divination), Ench (enchantment), Evoc (evocation),
Illus (illusion), Necro (necromancy), Trans (transmutation), 1st-Level Paladin Spells
and Univ (universal school of magic). Many of the spells in Valor: Gain a +1 morale bonus on saving throws.
this book are designed specifically for wizards only, these
spells are denoted with (wizard only) after the brief spell list Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
0-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
Arcane Warrior Spells (Cantrips)
1st-Level Arcane Warrior Spells Ench Distract: Cause target creature’s mind to wander.
Trans Burst: Increase base speed by +10 feet.
Combat Precognition: Gain a +1 insight bonus to AC.
Vigor: Gain 3 temporary hit points. (Wizards
Valor: Gain a +1 morale bonus on saving throws.
Vigor: Gain 3 temporary hit points.
1st-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
2nd-Level Arcane Warrior Spells
Evoc Targeting Light: Bathe target in a nimbus of
Airless Breath: Subject can breathe without air.
Combat Focus: Gain a +4 insight bonus to initiative.

2nd-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells The Wizards’ Cabal uses this spell almost strictly against
aberrations created by the Egg of Coot and the few aberra-
Abjur Counter Missile: Intercept incoming missile
tions fielded by the Afridhi occupying the Duchy of Ten.
attacks. (Wizards only)
This spell is rarely discovered as a part of a random treasure
Evoc Heat Wave: Burst of heat deals 1d6 fire damage/ trove and is jealously guarded by the Wizards’ Cabal.
level (max 5d6) to all within 10 feet. (Wizards
Non-Cabal wizards found in possession of this spell
without prior authorization of the Cabal become hunted
Smoke Cloud: A billowing smoke cloud chokes criminals until either the spell is removed from their reper-
and blinds all in its area. (Wizards only) toire or the wizard is “neutralized.”
Trans Airless Breath: Subject can breathe without air.
(Wizards only) Agile Movement
3rd-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
Level: Brd 1, Rgr 1
Ench Multiply Missile: Create duplicate missiles.
Components: V
Evoc Aberrant Ribbon: Ribbon of light deals
Casting Time: 1 standard action
1d4/level damage or 1d8/level aberrations and
Range: Personal
outsiders (max 10d4 or 10d8). (Wizards only)
Target: You
5th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Div Probe Thoughts: Access target memories and You move across the battlefield with supernatural agility
experiences. (Wizards only) and grace. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity when
Evoc Heat Wave, Greater: Burst of heat deals 1d6 fire moving through threatened areas.
damage/level (max 15d6) to all within 20 feet. Aging
(Wizards only)
8th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells Level: Wiz 8
Trans Aging: Age creature to maximum life expectancy. Components: V, S, SF, XP
(Wizards only) Casting Time: 1 standard round
Range: Touch
Target: One living creature
Spell Descriptions Duration: Permanent
The spells hereafter are presented in alphabetical order Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (see below)
(with the exception of those spells whose names begin with Spell Resistance: Yes
“greater” or “lesser”). Upon a successful touch attack, the caster causes one
touched living creature to permanently age to the maximum
Aberrant Ribbon
limit of their natural lifespan. A successful Fortitude save
Evocation [Light] avoids the effects of this spell. An aged creature suffers the
Level: Wiz 3 following penalties:
Components: V, S, SF -4 penalty to all Initiative checks
Casting Time: 1 standard action -5 penalty to all attack and damage rolls
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) -5 penalty to Armor Class
Effect: Ray -4 penalty to all Fortitude and Reflex saves
Duration: Instantaneous Reduce base movement speeds by half (30 ft. becomes
Saving Throw: None 15 ft., 20 ft. becomes 10 ft., etc.) for all movement types
Spell Resistance: Yes (climb, fly, swim, etc.)
A brilliant ribbon of pure white light leaps from your Dragons and other creatures that become stronger
hand towards the target. You must succeed on a ranged touch from aging will become their new age category and gain
attack to strike a target. A creature struck by this ray of light the benefits of that category, rather than the penalties de-
takes 1d4 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum scribed above. All other creatures receive the above penal-
10d4). However, a successfully struck aberration or outsider ties instead of the normal bonuses and penalties from aging
takes 1d8 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum (see the PHB for more information about age and aging
10d8). effects).

This spell costs the caster 25 XP per year that the af- Combat Precognition
fected creature ages.
Airless Breath Level: ArW 1
Transmutation [Air] Components: V, S, SF
Level: ArW 2, Wiz 2 Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, SF Range: Personal
Casting Time: 1 standard action Target: You
Range: Touch Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
Target: Living creature touched The caster gains a +1 insight bonus to Armor Class. If he
Duration: 1 minute/level or she is caught flat-footed, this bonus to Armor Class does
not apply.
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) Combat Prescience
By means of this spell, the caster or one touched living crea- Enchantment
ture can survive without breathing air. This includes breath-
Level: ArW 2
ing in environments that are filled with harmful gases (such
Components: V, S, SF
as a smoke cloud spell) and even underwater.
Casting Time: 1 standard action
However, this only allows the recipient to breath in
these environments and does not negate any damage caused Range: Personal
by damaging breath weapons (example–a green dragon’s Target: You
breath weapon would still damage the character, though the Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
recipient would not have to worry about the heavily chlori- The caster gains a +2 insight bonus on his or her attack rolls
nated air later on). for the duration of the spell.
Burst Counter Missile
Transmutation Abjuration
Level: Sor/Wiz 0 Level: Wiz 2
Components: V, S Components: V, S, SF
Casting Time: See text Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Range: Personal
Target: One living creature Target: You
Duration: 1 round Duration: See text
The target increases his or her base speed by +10 feet on his Saving Throw: See text
or her next turn. This spell is used to intercept incoming missile attacks.
The caster can cast this spell instantly on his or herself, Upon casting this spell, an invisible defensive field comes
gaining the benefit of the speed increase in the same round. into being around the spell’s recipient.
Casting the spell on you is a free action; if cast on another Whenever the recipient is the target of a missile attack
creature, the casting time is a standard action. (arrows, bolts, javelins, thrown spears, etc.) the field acti-
vates and destroys the missile. Normal missiles receive no
Combat Focus
save, however enchanted missiles (+1 arrow, +1 flaming
Enchantment bolt, etc.) receive a Fortitude save equal to the attacker’s
Level: ArW 2 base Fortitude save bonus + the enchanted missile’s effec-
Components: V, S, SF tive magic bonus (see the DMG for more information about
Casting Time: 1 minute magic weapons and their effective magic bonus).
Range: Personal The number of counter missiles available to the recipi-
Target: You ent is equal to 1 + 1 per two caster levels (maximum 5).
When all counter missiles have been used, the field dissi-
Duration: 1 hour
The caster gains a +4 insight bonus on his or her next initia-
tive check, provided the caster makes that check before the Distract
duration expires.
Level: Sor/Wiz 0

Components: V Components: V, S, SF
Casting Time: 1 standard action Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Range: 10 ft.
Target: One living creature Effect: Burst of heat extending in a 10-ft.-radius from you
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute/level (D) Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes Spell Resistance: Yes
The caster causes the target’s mind to wander, distracting When this spell is cast, a powerful burst of heat energy
him or her. Subjects of this spell make all Listen, Spot, travels out to a 10-foot-radius distance from you in all di-
Search, and Sense Motive checks at a –1 penalty. rections (stopped only by physical barriers, such as stone
floors, wooden ceilings, walls, etc.). All creatures within
Force Needles this affected area, except for you, take 1d6 points of fire
Evocation [Force] damage per caster level (maximum 5d6). The heat wave
Level: ArW 3 will not affect inanimate objects or cause combustible ma-
Components: V, S, SF terials to catch fire.
Casting Time: 1 standard action War wizards are the primary casters of this spell. They
use it to great effect on the battlefield or when traveling
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
alone in a cramped environment (such as within a
Target: One living creature ruined building or underground).
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half Heat Wave, Greater
Spell Resistance: Yes Evocation [Fire]
The caster creates a flurry of Level: Wiz 5
darts made of force energy Range: 20 ft.
that deal 5d6 points of Effect: Burst of heat ex-
damage to a single target tending in a 20-ft.-radius
within range. from you
Force Touch This spell functions like
heat wave, except that it
Transmutation [Force] affects creatures within
Level: ArW 2 20 feet of you and deals a
Components: V, SF maximum of 15d6 points of
Casting Time: 1 standard fire damage to each one.
Range: Personal
Lightning Strike
Target: You Evocation [Electricity]
Duration: See text Level: ArW 3
Saving Throw: Reflex half Components: V, S, SF
Spell Resistance: Yes Casting Time: 1 standard action
When cast, this spell temporar- i l y Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
transforms the caster’s hand into a Area: 30-ft. radius
conduit of force energy that deals Duration: Instantaneous
3d6 + Strength modifier points o f Saving Throw: Reflex half
damage upon the first successful unarmed Spell Resistance: Yes
attack against an opponent (if it is made before the end of
The caster deals 3d6 points of electricity damage to all crea-
the next round).
tures within the area he or she designates (the caster must
The caster may choose to have this spell deal only be able to see the target area or a portion of it).
nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. I n a n i-
mate objects cannot be damaged by this spell. Mindfire
Heat Wave Evocation [Fire, Mind-Affecting]
Level: ArW 3
Evocation [Fire]
Components: V, S, SF
Level: Wiz 2

Casting Time: 1 standard action This spell provides a +6 natural armor bonus to the caster’s
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) Armor Class. Natural armor does not carry an armor penalty
and does not reduce speed. This spell’s effect does not stack
Target: All intelligent living beings in a 20-ft.-radius
with other natural armor bonuses.
Duration: Instantaneous Probe Thoughts
Saving Throw: Will half Divination [Mind-Affecting]
Spell Resistance: Yes Level: Wiz 5
The caster generates fire that deals 5d4 points of fire damage Components: V, S, SF
to all intelligent living creatures within the area he or she
Casting Time: 1 minute
designates (the caster must be able to see the target area or
a portion of it). Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
An “intelligent living creature” is considered to be Target: One living creature
any living creature (i.e.–not a construct, ooze, outsider, or Duration: 1 minute/level
undead) with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher. Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Multiply Missile All the target’s memories and knowledge are accessible to
Enchantment the caster. The caster can learn the answer to one question
Level: Sor/Wiz 3 per round, to the best of the target’s knowledge. The caster
Components: V, M can also probe a sleeping target, though the target may make
Casting Time: 1 standard action a Will save against the DC of the mind probe to wake after
each question. Targets who do not wish to be
Range: Touch
probed can attempt to move beyond the spell’s range, unless
Target: Object touched somehow hindered. The caster poses the questions telepath-
Duration: See text ically, and the answers to those questions are imparted di-
Saving Throw: Fort negates (harmless) rectly to his or her mind.
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) The caster and the target do not need to speak the same
You temporarily enchant a single arrow, bolt, or sling stone language, though less intelligent creatures may yield up
to create multiples of it in flight. During the next single only appropriate visual images in answer to the caster’s
attack after this spell is cast, the missile is fired at a target. questions.
The missile then creates a mundane copy of itself just before
it strikes the target. Smoke Cloud
One additional missile is made for every 5 caster levels. Evocation [Air, Fire]
These duplicates attack the same target. Duplicate mis- Level: ArW 2, Wiz 2
siles deal the same damage as a non-magical version of the Components: V, S
missile fired. Casting Time: 1 standard action
Example–A 10th level wizard casts multiply missile on Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
his archer companion’s arrow. The archer fires that arrow
Area: 5-ft.-radius area/2 levels
at a charging beastman. In flight the arrow creates two du-
plicates of itself. The archer rolls to hit for the arrows using Duration: 1 round/level
his full ranged attack bonus. Each of these arrows deals Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
normal damage (or if the enchanted missile fired was a +1 Spell Resistance: Yes
flaming arrow, the first attack would be normal damage The caster creates a cloud of billowing smoke that blinds
+ fire damage, and the second and third would be normal and chokes all who are caught within it. Unless a success-
arrow damage). ful Fortitude save is made, any creature caught in the smoke
cloud will receive a –1 circumstance penalty to all attack
Natural Armor and damage rolls as well as –2 circumstance penalty to AC
Transmutation as long as they remain within the area of effect.
Level: ArW 4 Spellcasters caught in the area of effect (and who fail
Components: V, SF the required Fortitude save) will also need to make a Con-
Casting Time: 1 standard action centration check every round that they remain within the
smoke cloud and wish to cast a spell (Concentration check
Range: Personal
DC equals caster’s spell save DC + the level of the spell that
Target: You is being cast).
Duration: 10 minute/level

Targeting Light enemies. Victory or defeat can be occasionally be deter-
mined by the equipment that the members of the Cabal
Evocation [Light]
Level: Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 1
This section describes new magic items of various
Components: V types that have been created by the Crafting Guild of the
Casting Time: 1 standard action Wizards’ Cabal.
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Targets: Creatures in a 10-ft.-radius Specific Weapons
Duration: 1 minute/level (D) The following specific weapons are usually crafted before-
Saving Throw: None hand with the exact qualities shown. Additional qualities
Spell Resistance: Yes may be added on a case-by-case basis, though they are rare
and costly.
When cast, a light (color is of the caster’s choice) shines over
all creatures in a 10-foot-radius area, illuminating them. This Blast Stone: When used on a successfully struck target,
light grants a +1 circumstance bonus to all ranged attacks this +1 sling bullet explodes with a burst of sound to cause
against these creatures for the duration of the spell. Crea- an additional 1d8 points of sonic damage to all creatures
tures within the affected area may leave the area of effect at within 10 feet of the struck target.
any time, since the affected area cannot move. Additionally, creatures within this 10-foot-radius that
The Arcane Inquisition and war wizards use this spell suffer this sonic damage must make a successful Fort save
regularly against their chosen enemies, allowing archers, in- (DC 14, though stronger blast stones with a higher Fortitude
quisition hunters, and war wizard conjunctions to target par- save DC have been known to exist) to avoid being stunned
ticularly deadly creatures, enemy generals, and other spell- for 1 round. Creatures that cannot hear can still be damaged
casters with increased accuracy. by this sonic effect, though they cannot be stunned.
Faint evocation; CL 4th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
Valor sound burst; Price 400 gp each.
Enchantment Focus Blade: These +1 longswords can hold any one
Level: ArW 1, Pal 1 arcane spell focus in a special receptacle in the pommel.
As long as the wielder holds the focus blade, he may use
Components: V, DF/SF
the arcane spell focus as if he were holding it directly in
Casting Time: See text the palm of his hand. Placing or removing an arcane spell
Range: Personal focus into the pommel’s chamber requires 5 minutes of
Target: You work with special tools (these tools are a part of a standard
Duration: Instantaneous thieves’ tool kit) and will provoke an attack of opportunity
The caster can immediately apply a +1 morale bonus on any if performed during combat.
one chosen saving throw. This spell can be cast as a free Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms
action allowing the caster to gain the +1 morale bonus on a and Armor, fabricate; Price 3,400 gp.
saving throw in the same round.
Specific Armor and Shields
Vigor Armor for warriors and priests are commonplace in the
Transmutation North. However, the Wizards’ Cabal has also learned how
Level: ArW 1, Wiz 0 to fashion specific types of armor that do not hamper the
Components: S, SF casting of arcane spells and issue these types of armor to
Casting Time: 1 standard action some of their leading wizard field agents. The following
specific shields and suits of armor are usually crafted be-
Range: Personal
forehand with the exact qualities shown. Additional quali-
Target: You ties may be added on a case-by-case basis, though these
Duration: 1 minute/level (D) magic armors and shields are rare and extremely costly.
The caster gains 3 temporary hit points for the duration of Arcanist’s Leather Armor: This suit of masterwork
the spell. leather armor has been cut and thinned with special al-
chemical solutions to allow greater mobility when casting
Magic Items spells. This light armor grants a +2 armor bonus to AC,
When battling powerful foes like the minions of the Egg of has a maximum Dexterity bonus of +8, an Armor Check
Coot, sorcerer gangs, and the Afridhi, the Wizards’ Cabal Penalty of +0, and an Arcane Spell Failure chance of 0%.
needs to field new equipment to stay one step ahead of their Speed while wearing arcanist’s leather armor is 30 feet for
Medium creatures, or 20 feet for Small and weighs only 5
No aura (nonmagical); Price 500 gp.
Wizard’s Vests: These magical vests are crafted from
exquisitely embroidered leather and cloth. Each of the four
different kinds of wizard’s vests provides protection against
different damage types.
Black Wizard’s Vest: These black leather vests are em-
broidered with symbols for arrows, spears, and other punc-
turing weaponry with silver thread. These vests grant the
wearer damage reduction 5/piercing.
Brown Wizard’s Vest: These brown leather vests are
embroidered with symbols of maces, flails, and clubs with
brass wire. These vests grant the wearer damage reduction
Grey Wizard’s Vest: These grey velvet vests are covered
with symbols of stars, moons, and other arcane markings
done in silver and gold shavings that are attached by al-
chemical adhesives. These vests grant the wearer damage
reduction 5/magic.
Red Wizard’s Vest: These red velvet vests are embroi-
dered with symbols of axes and swords in thread-of-gold.
These vests grant the wearer damage reduction 5/slashing.
Strong abjuration; CL 18th; Craft Magic Arms and
Armor, stoneskin, wish; Price 58,000 gp.

Rings wands is destroyed, the wands it holds are also destroyed.

Rings are highly prized magic items within the Wizards’ Only one such bracer can be worn at any time (if more than
Cabal. In addition to the magic rings described in the DMG, one of these bracers are worn, they each act simply as recep-
the Cabal has also learned to fashion the following. tacles that wands may be placed within and the wands will
need to be removed individually to be used as normal).
Ring of Sight: These personalized gold and mithril
rings come in many sizes and have unique reliefs etched Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item,
into their facings. When worn, the ring of sight confers the secret chest; Price 22,500 gp.
ability to see in total darkness as if the wearer were the re- Chains of Annulment: Developed by the Wizards’
cipient of a wolf’s sight spell. Cabal and used by arcane warriors and Inquisitors for cap-
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Forge Ring, wolf’s sight; turing renegade spellcasters, chains of annulment appear
Price 6,000 gp. to be masterwork manacles covered in arcane runes. These
manacles are specially enchanted to be harder and stronger
Ring of Truth: These plain-looking steel rings are
than standard masterwork manacles (DC 32 to break, DC 35
worn by profectors and members of the Arcane Inquisition
to escape, hardness 15, hit points 15).
to determine the truthfulness of those speaking to them. The
wearer of this ring becomes aware of anyone speaking a lie Additionally, the chains of annulment generate a local-
in his presence (as per the discern lie spell). The person who ized antimagic field that affects only the prisoner bound by
is lying must know the information spoken is false. them, preventing any of his spells or magic items from func-
Moderate divination; CL 7th; Forge Ring, discern lies;
Price 8,000 gp. Moderate abjuration; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item,
antimagic field; Price 56,050.
Wondrous Items Enhanced Focus: An enhanced focus is a standard spell
There are as many new wondrous items in the Wizards’ focus—typically a gem, as per normal—with a single non-
Cabal as there are wizards to craft them. A few of the more standard spell attached. This can be any spell not normally
common wondrous items are described below. found on the sorcerer/wizard spell list and can be anywhere
from 0 to 3rd level. So long as the enhanced focus remains
Bracer of Wands: Within these enchanted leather
in the possession of the wizard to whom it is linked, that
bracers are three pockets that are large enough to hold a
wizard may choose to memorize this spell as part of his
single wand each. The wearer of the bracer of wands is con-
daily spell repertoire and may cast it as though it were an
sidered to be holding all three wands and can use any of
arcane spell.
these wands normally. Removing or adding a wand into
one of the pockets is takes a partial action. If the bracer of

If the wizard ever loses this enhanced focus, he loses mask of spell eating “eats” all the remaining memorized
access to the nonstandard spell as well. For instance, if an en- spells in a spellcaster’s mind and any unused spell points.
hanced focus has the 2nd-level druid spell barkskin attached, After the mask has eaten these spells (or spell points),
the wizard who owns the enhanced focus may prepare and the mask cannot be removed until a caster of a higher level
cast barkskin as a 2nd-level arcane spell. A member of the than the mask’s creator applies a remove curse spell. This
class to which the spell normally belongs must participate in only permits the mask to be removed and does not allow
the creation of an enhanced focus. the spellcaster to regain the lost memorized spells (or spell
Weak aura of whichever school the attached spell points) and does not destroy the mask.
belongs to; CL 5th; Craft Spell Focus, Craft Wondrous Item, Because the mask of spell eating only effects spellcast-
and either Scribe Scroll or Craft Wand, whichever nonstan- ers that memorize spells, sorcerers and bards are safe from
dard spell is attached to the enhanced focus; Price: as per the effects of this mask, as are any spellcasters that do not
standard focus plus spell level squared times 1000 gp. need to prepare spells ahead of time or use spell points.
False Focus: Developed by a renegade sorcerer some Sorcerer gangs in Maus have captured a single mask of
years back, the false focus is intended to fool observers into spell eating from a rogue Inquisition agent recently. They
believing that a spellcaster is using a focus when in fact he plan on studying the mask and its properties to duplicate
is not. The false focus appears to be a gem, like a normal the item to disrupt the Inquisition’s constant interference in
focus. Whenever the wielder of the false focus casts an their plans.
arcane spell, the false focus generates the illusion of mys- Strong necromancy; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item,
tical energies flowing through the caster, making it appear bestow curse; Price 60,000 gp.
that he is drawing on the White Magic around him. Quill of Dictation: This is a quill enchanted to copy
Additionally, the false focus shows up as a standard focus down spoken words all by itself. While most quill owners
to detect magic and identify spells, though higher-level divi- use it to take dictation, some people hide them in rooms
nations such as true seeing can detect its true nature. where meetings are taking place as a form of espionage.
Greater False Focus: This item is just like a standard The quill can only be commanded to take down the words
false focus, but it also adds +1 to the DC of spells of a spe- of a single individual, so such a record is never complete,
cific school, as if the wielder had the Spell Focus feat. It but the quill can often copy enough information to be useful.
stacks with both the Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus A quill of dictation has the added benefit of never running
feats. out of ink. A quill of dictation cannot be used to transcribe
As per standard focus; CL 3rd (or 5th for greater false spells. Weak divination and transmutation; CL 5th; Craft
focus); Craft Spell Focus, Craft Wondrous Item, magic aura, Wondrous Item, clairaudience/clairvoyance, mage hand;
silent image, and appropriate Spell Focus feat (greater false Price 1,200
focus only); Price 10,000 gp (or 13,000 gp for greater false
Kissing Mask: The kissing mask is a domino, or half-
face mask, covering the eyes and forehead (and sometimes
nose) of the wearer, but not the mouth. Three times per day,
the wearer of the mask may charm another person (standard
DC, as per the spell) by kissing the subject.
Any attempt to do this in combat or against an unwilling
subject requires an attack roll; this not only draws an attack
of opportunity against the mask wearer, but the subject gains
a +4 circumstance bonus on the attack of opportunity. The
mask is most frequently used at aristocratic
costume balls and on the Kissing
Day holiday.
Weak enchantment;
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous
Item, charm person;
Price 2,400 gp.
Mask of Spell Eating:
These adamantine full
masks are placed on the heads
of spellcasters who oppose or are
captured by the Arcane Inquisition. The

class of students. His shortcomings were not from lack of
.Losing Focus effort or desire but rather a rare condition that he devel-
oped in his early teens. The condition, known as narcolep-
A Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor Adventure sy, is a disorder characterized by sudden and uncontrollable,
though often brief, attacks of deep sleep, sometimes accom-
Episode Six in Dave Arneson’s panied by paralysis and hallucinations.
Blackmoor: The MMRPG Campaign For years, Cyrpo has battled the condition but it always
By Christopher Reed seemed to affect him at the most inopportune times (such
as the Wizards’ Cabal’s final examinations of his magical
skills). After some experimentation and advice from healers,
This adventure introduces new characters to Dave Arneson’s
he has learned to control his condition with the aid of al-
Blackmoor and the Wizards’ Cabal. It is designed for four to
chemical solutions. Thankfully, the attacks subsided and
six characters of 1st to 2nd level. Though designed for char-
allowed Cyrpo’s competence to finally reach his remarkable
acters of this caliber, the adventure can be easily adapted to
level of loyalty in the eyes of the Wizards’ Cabal.
challenge larger or smaller groups of equal or higher level.
Boxed text is meant to be read aloud or paraphrased to the Ten days ago, Cyrpo graduated and was awarded his
players. spell focus, which had been created from a high quality am-
ethyst. Upon earning his spell focus, Cyrpo immediately
This adventure has the dual purpose of being Episode
paid to have a golden necklace crafted so that he could wear
Six in the Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: The MMRPG cam-
the item he had worked so hard to gain close to his heart.
paign. For more information on this campaign visit
With the golden necklace complete, Cyrpo is now able
to proudly walk amongst the streets of Blackmoor as a re-
spected member of the Wizards’ Cabal.
After a few days of well-deserved rest, the Cabal tasked
Adventure Background Cyrpo with gaining information about a local thonian
Cyrpo Selan has been a loyally devoted student and named Socryt Sasimeyer. The Cabal believes that Socryt
servant of the Wizards’ Cabal for quite some time. This has learned some exceedingly private and highly embar-
pudgy thonian has spent many difficult years in training rassing information about one Magnineous Starzy, a local
under the Wizards’ Cabal’s tutelage. His inability to main- arcane warrior and member of the Wizards’ Cabal, and been
tain focus has kept him from graduating with his normal using this knowledge to blackmail Magnineous into giving

him not only gold but sensitive material about the Wizards’ Adventure Synopsis
Cabal. Magnineous denies that this is the case, but several
leads have indicated otherwise. In this adventure, the PCs start their adventures just
It is well known by many of the locals that Socryt abhors after sunrise in the Brown Bottle Tavern and Inn within the
the Wizards’ Cabal. This might be the case as it has been city of Vestfold, having arrived the previous night.
rumored that Socryt is either a sorcerer or has the potential Their day begins hearing the cries of Cyrpo Selan, who
abilities to become one. has just discovered that his spell focus has been stolen. After
Eager to tackle his first assignment, Cyrpo arose before starting to converse with him, they discover that Cyrpo has
the break of dawn to get an early start on locating Socryt, so a rare condition that causes him to have untimely sleep
that he could spy upon the possible sorcerer and gain any attacks and occasional hallucinations. With this informa-
potentially useful information for the Wizards’ Cabal. tion, the player character’s investigation should be direct-
ed towards a young boy that Cyrpo spotted before falling
With the morning light just cresting the horizon, Cyrpo
under his condition’s effects. Upon locating the homeless
made his way into the city streets to meander about exploring
boy, Zoejee Zackerway, he confirms that he took the spell
various shops, streets and alleyways in his search for Socryt.
focus but notes that it was taken from him by several thugs.
Merrily waltzing down a vacant alleyway, he spotted a local
The hunt continues with the PCs searching the market place
boy named Zoejee Zackerway rummaging through several
for the thugs, only to discover that spell focus was taken yet
piles of trash and debris that littered the area.
again, by force, from them from a wizard. The PCs hunt
Both Cyrpo and Zoejee were caught surprised by the down the rogue wizard retrieving the spell focus for Cyrpo,
other. On this day, Cyrpo had forgotten his medicine in the completing the first part of the adventure.
excitement of his task. Suddenly, Cyrpo started to have a
Having assisted Cyrpo, the players are thanked with a
hallucination of being assaulted by a group of petty thieves.
large feast in their honor. During the feast, Cyrpo asks for
Zoejee, a poor and homeless thonian boy, tried to assure
the players for assistance in hunting down Socryt Sasimey-
Cyrpo that there were no such persons here. As Cyrpo’s
er. A bit later during the banquet, the PCs are visited by
panic continued, an uncontrollable sleep attack fell upon
Magnineous Starzy, a local arcane warrior who begs that
him causing the chubby thonian’s body to crumble to the
they ensure that Socryt is killed. Magnineous’ reasoning
ground like straw hut in the middle of a brutal storm.
for this request is that the rumors that Socryt has learned
As Zoejee checked upon the collapsed Cyrpo, he began some exceedingly private and highly embarrassing infor-
to grow nervous when Cyrpo would not awake. Perhaps, mation about him are indeed true. Magnineous wishes to
he thought, the man had been awfully sick and had just sud- hide this information and end Socryt’s hold over him.
denly died. Many thoughts rapidly flashed through Zoejee’s
In the morning, the player are able to locate Socryt Sasi-
head. But then the young, needy boy’s keen eye fell upon a
meyer’s hideout and either capture, as Cyrpo has requested,
choice gem dangling from a beautiful golden necklace. As
or kill, as Magnineous Starzy has requested, Socryt.
the boy’s empty stomach growled, he found himself reach-
ing his hand out to remove the necklace from Cyrpo’s neck. Day One
After a quick look around to ensure no one was watching, he
gently took the valuable necklace, which held Cyrpo’s spell Introduction
focus, and quickly ran away.
A waft of wind brushes past the window of the room you
Unfortunately for Zoejee, he ran into a small group of
got at the Brown Bottle Tavern and Inn. Having decided
thugs who bullied him into giving up the golden necklace
that, for whatever reason, you would try your hand as a
that held Cyrpo’s stolen spell focus. These thugs, believing
life as an adventurer or hero, you traveled for several days
the necklace to be only a gem and not a spell focus, attempt-
to the city of Vestfold. The first part of your adventure was
ed to sell it to several local merchants, but each merchant
to locate an available bed to rest your aching back and
adamantly refused to purchase it for fear of retribution from
relieve your weight from your well-traveled feet.
the Wizards’ Cabal.
As the wind continues to sweep by the only window in
A short time later, Cyrpo awoke from his ill-timed sleep
your rented room, you can see the first sunrays of the new
attack. With his screams of anguish, for having lost that
day on the horizon. Already awake, there is no better time
which is most sacred to him, the heroes of this adventure are
to ready yourselves for the start of adventures in a new
alerted to Cyrpo’s current problematic situation.
As the adventure continues, Cyrpo’s spell focus passes
from one unlawful person to another. Additionally, the hunt
for information on Socryt Sasimeyer carries on. Allow the characters to take any precautions they feel are
appropriate, save for the purchasing of items within the

Encounter 1 — Down for the Count With great distress in not only his voice but his man-
nerisms, the man begins to franticly speak, “Well, I am
Having pulled yourself out of bed and scarfing down a few Cyrpo Selan of the Wizards’ Cabal. I just recently passed
bites of food into your belly, you make way into the streets the final exams and received my spell focus just ten days
of Vestfold. As you amble about the city looking for op- ago. I had a beautiful golden necklace made to hold it so
portunity to gain a few coins for some work , you hear a I could always keep it close to me.
bellow from someone who appears to be in great anguish.
“Well, this morning I was going about my duties when
The sound appears to be coming from an alleyway ahead
I ran into a young thonian boy who startled me momen-
of you, perhaps only a few hundred feet away.
tarily. Suddenly, I was jumped by a group of petty thieves
who beat me until I went unconscious. They must have
At this point, see how each player responds. Those who
stolen my spell focus. I am not sure if the young boy was
rush forward arrive at the head of the alleyway before those
working with the thieves or not, but he was waving his
who saunter forward nonchalantly.
hands around and trying to say something to me, but in
When the players arrive at the head of the alleyway, all the commotion, I just could not understand him.
continue with the following:
“Without my spell focus, I am disgraced and can’t
Looking down the alleyway for the cause of the an- cast spells. My spell focus is my life and without it I am
guishing cries, you see a Thonian man in his early twen- incomplete. I could even be thrown out of the Wizards’
ties on his knees with clenched fists that he is shaking Cabal for such incompetence.
back and forth in a wild, frenzied manner. “Would you be willing to assist me in retrieving it?”
The dark skinned man with charcoal-colored hair is
dressed in green robes and sitting about forty feet from the
head of the alleyway. A trash-littered alleyway extends Cyrpo does not know who the young thonian boy is, but
for at least another hundred feet or so behind him before describes him as being about nine years old and of average
it dead-ends. On both sides of the alleyway, at the far height with a thin frame. He believes the boy has dark skin
end, is a closed wooden door. and brownish hair but in all the confusion, he is not positive
As you gaze upon the man, he looks up at you with of these later facts. In regards to the thieves, Cyrpo
tears streaming from his eyes and begins to speak in a does not know who they were or exactly how many attacked
rushed and hysterical manner, “It has been stolen . . . my, him, but believes there were at least three of them. He de-
my spell focus has been stolen.” scribes the petty thieves as being high thonian, all in their
twenties with fair skin and blonde hair. He does not remem-
ber them saying anything to him, just quickly jumping him
The Thonian man is Cyrpo Selan, a member of the Wizards’ to take his spell focus.
Cabal. He has recently graduated and been given his spell As Cyrpo provides the players with information so they
focus. It was created from a high-quality amethyst, by the can assist him in retrieving his spell focus, he suddenly has
Wizards’ Cabal. Cyrpo paid to have a golden necklace another quick hallucination of being watched by a single
crafted so that he could wear it close to his heart. high thonian man at the end of the alleyway with similar
The golden necklace containing the spell focus has been features of the petty thieves who he believes attacked him.
stolen by a poor young homeless boy named Zoejee Zack- Have each player make a Spot check. No matter the result,
erway. However, Cyrpo believes it was stolen by a group of they do not see the high thonian man, as he is simply not
petty thieves. The reason for this is that Cyrpo suffers from there. After a few seconds, he is abruptly overcome by
a condition known as narcolepsy, which is a disorder char- another sleep attack and crumbles to the ground before the
acterized by sudden and uncontrollable, though often brief, players.
attacks of deep sleep, sometimes accompanied by paralysis Two minutes pass before Cyrpo regains consciousness
and hallucinations. from his sleep attack. During the time he is unconscious,
A DC 5 Diplomacy check is needed to calm Cyrpo down the players can make a DC 15 Heal check to determine that
enough so that he can relate his story to the party. When this he is still alive. When he wakes up, he nervously excuses
occurs, read or paraphrase, as appropriate, the following: himself, rises to his feet and brushes the dirt off his green
If asked what happened, he notes that it must have been
caused by the stress of the situation. The players may make
an opposed Sense Motive check versus Cyrpo’s Bluff check
to note that he is not providing the full story. If pressed
on this fact, he will eventually note that he has a condition
known as narcolepsy. Cyrpo will try to steer the conver-
sation away from this topic, as he is slightly embarrassed
about it. He will remark that he has had little problems with sistance, shrapnel*, touch of fatigue; 1st—charm person,
it of late due to a combination of self-control and some al- detect secret door, hypnotism, mage armor, shield, sleep.
chemical medicines he has developed himself. Possessions: robes, dagger, 12 gp.
If asked for payment, Cyrpo simply states that he only
has a few gold coins plus a few meager possessions to his Encounter 2 — Side Doors
name, but would be willing to part with them in exchange If the PCs knock at the locked wooden door (hardness
for the return of his stolen spell focus. 5, hp 10, Open Lock DC 20) on the right side at the end of
Cyrpo is reluctant to accompany the party during the the alleyway, there is no response. It is a backdoor into an
search for his spell focus. He will comment that he will be of apartment complex of low quality. The door can be broken
little assistance since is he unable to cast any spells until his down with a DC 13 Strength check. There are a few resi-
spell focus is recovered and furthermore he is not skilled in dents who can be found inside. If questioned they report
the use of weapons. (Per Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor book, hearing two sets of screams from a man but out of fear for
“to cast a spell using a spell focus, the wizards must be in their own personal safety, they did not go to investigate.
close proximity to it.” Also, per Table 3-2 of Dave Arne- If the players knock at the left door (hardness 5, hp 10,
son’s Blackmoor, if a spell focus is more than 15 feet away Open Lock DC 20) at the end of the alleyway, they are able
there is a 99% arcane spell failure chance.”) to hear a click with a DC 5 Listen check and the door opens
If the PCs are willing to meet Cyrpo at a predetermined a moment later.
location once they have retrieved his spell focus, Cyrpo will
The door opens and standing in the doorway is a
suggest the Brown Bottle Tavern and Inn. If the players
rotund Thonian man of average height with a bushy
continue to press Cyrpo, they can convince him to join them
black mustache and dark hair. Judging by the clothes
with a DC 25 Diplomacy check, but under no circumstances
he wears and the wondrous smells pouring forth from his
will he lead the way. He also will tend towards the back of
shop, you would gather he is a baker.
the group to ensure his own safety.
As you look at him, he begins to speak in a question-
The PCs should quickly come to understand the extreme
ing voice, “Hey you are not Zoejee. Customers are sup-
importance of the spell focus to Cyrpo. They should also
posed to come in from the front. Why have you come
get the hint that the best way to retrieve Cyrpo’s spell focus
knocking at the side entrance?”
for him would be to locate the young thonian boy that Cyrpo
saw in the alleyway. While this might seem like an impos-
The baker is Waldus Waterbee (male human (Thonian)
sible task, the assistance of several of the locals in the fol-
Exp2, hp 12), a generous man who gives Zoejee Zacker-
lowing two encounters should be able to provide all the help
way some bread and other baked items from time to time
the PCs need.
so the poor boy can keep his belly filled.
Cyrpo Selan, male Thonian Wiz1: CR 1; Medium hu-
If the PCs mention that they are looking for the boy,
manoid (human); HD 1d4+2; hp 6; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC
Waldus suspiciously asks why. Allow the players to make
11, touch 11, flat-footed 10; Base Atk +0; Grp +0; Atk/Full
a DC 10 Sense Motive check to notice that Waldus is pro-
Atk +0 melee (1d4/19-20, dagger); SA spells; SQ narcolep-
tective of Zoejee. Also, have the PCs make a DC 15 Di-
sy, summon familiar; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +4; AL LG.
plomacy check to loosen up Waldus have him confirm the
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 12. fact that Zoejee is the young boy they are seeking. Waldus
Languages Spoken: Common, Dwarven, Elven does not know where Zoejee lives, just that the young boy
(Cumasti) and Gnome. seems to be in need, which is why he gives him food from
Skills and Feats: Concentration +4, Craft (alchemy) +4, time to time.
Decipher Script +1, Knowledge (arcana) +4, Knowledge If informed that Zoejee might have stolen Cyrpo’s spell
(history) +1, Knowledge (local) +4, Knowledge (nobility focus, Waldus states he cannot believe it but perhaps the
and royalty) +1, Profession (herbalist) +1, Spellcraft +4; young boy’s hardships have gone from bad to worse thus
Combat Casting, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment). resulting in him making a mistake in judgment.
Wizard Spells Prepared (3/2; caster level 1; save DC 13
+ spell level): 0—daze, detect magic, detect poison, ray of
dirt, read magic; 1st—charm person, hypnotism.
Focus: 0—acid splash, arcane mark, breeze*, dancing
lights, daze, detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead,
elemental globe (air)*, elemental globe (earth)*, elemen-
tal globe (fire)*, elemental globe (metal)*, elemental globe
(water)*, elemental globe (wood)*, flare, ghost sound, light,
mage hand, mending, message, open/close, prestidigitation,
puff*, ray of dirt*, ray of dust*, ray of frost, read magic, re-

Encounter 3 — Pointing the Direction Howard Dlanod
Description: Howard Dlanod (male human (High
Now having a bit of an adventure at hand, you make
Thonian) Com3, hp 18) is a tall young man with brown
your way out of the alleyway in search of clues that might
hair. He is relatively quiet, only speaking when spoken to
lead you to the recovery of Cyrpo’s spell focus. As you
or having something exceedingly important to say. He likes
do so, a tall, bony, aging Thonian man with graying hair
to smoke and becomes slightly more relaxed if offered a
takes notice of your group, “Hey what’s all the commo-
tobacco filled pipe. He currently works as a merchant’s as-
tion over there? First I hear screaming and now I see
all these people swarming around the place like bees to
honey.” Location: Howard is strolling around outside the Dis-
tinctive Depot. A DC 15 Spot check reveals that he is eying
The aging Thonian man, Bika Bortai (male human Mildred Swanson. A DC 20 Sense Motive check reveals
(Thonian) Com2, hp 10), heard Cyrpo Selan’s screams and that he seems to be interested in Mildred.
wants to know what is going on. If given an explanation of Information: Howard remembers seeing the young
the stolen spell focus, Bika shakes his head muttering how boy Zoejee running down the street as if in a huge hurry.
shameful some folks are and that they will do anything to He did not pay much attention to it. The reason for this,
earn a few pieces of gold. If asked about Zoejee Zackerway, which Howard will not reveal to the PCs, is that he was too
Bika states he just saw a young boy running down the street engrossed with watching Mildred Swanson sweep the en-
a few minutes ago just moments before all the screaming tranceway to the Distinctive Depot.
started. He gladly points the direction young Zoejee headed Rumor: “Several members of the Wizards’ Cabal are
off in. actively searching for several sorcerers within our very
Bika Bortai lives in the apartment complex noted in the city.”
previous encounter and was just heading out to go to the
Dorothy Verbsky
market place to purchase a few groceries for himself.
Description: Dorothy Verbsky (female human
Encounter 4 — Looking for the Little (Thonian) Com2, hp 12) is a middle-aged woman with gray
One hair that resembles a mop, which has been pulled up into a
Following the directions pointed out to you, you see bun. She likes to wear a lot of jewelry and has numerous
there are a number of paths, streets or alleyways the young rings on each hand plus several necklaces. She also likes to
boy could have taken. Luckily, there seems to be a number graciously pass out wondrous sweets, especially chocolates,
of potential witnesses who might be able to provide you to any children that she meets. She is vociferous and likes
more information as to where the Thonian boy has run off to be the center of attention whenever possible.
to. Location: Dorothy is wandering aimlessly from shop to
shop to spend some of the gold coins within her purse and
The PCs have a number of different opportunities to chat with anyone willing to hear her stories.
gain information to locate the young Thonian boy, Zoejee. Information: Dorothy saw some poor little boy (Zoejee)
A variety of NPCs in the area are noted below. running through the streets with something (spell focus) in
his hands. She tried to offer his some candies but he sur-
Mildred Swanson
prisingly did not seem interested. After that she did not pay
Description: Mildred Swanson (female human (High much attention to which route he headed off on.
Thonian) Com2, hp 12) is a sweet young gal with light Rumor: “I have heard that several wealthy traveling
blonde hair on the shorter side. She has a bad hip, which merchants will be in town some time next week.”
she received when she slipped and fell down a set of stairs
that were slightly wet. She likes to recite little rhymes and Arnold Nosliw
sayings to help guide her through life. Mildred works at a Description: Arnold Nosliw (male human (Thonian)
small general store called the Distinctive Depot. Ftr3, hp 25) is a middle-aged man with black hair with
Location: Mildred is currently outside the Distinctive several gray hairs naturally mixed in. He has a large round
Depot sweeping the entranceway with great skill. belly, which contains a large scar across it that he received
Information: If asked if she saw a young boy resem- in battle from a nasty orc with an axe. He is not shameful of
bling Zoejee’s description this morning, she states, “City the scar but rather loquacious in explaining the story of how
guard, city guard, don’t look at me, look at the little boy he received the wound. He also likes to tell the tale about
down that alleyway.” She then points out the alleyway she how he was once a guard for the Great Svenny. The truth
is referring to. is, he was and still is a guard and even did some mercenary
Rumor: “An unclean place is an area that you should work, but never for the Great Svenny. The fact that he is
avoid, least you’ll end up in grave danger.”

lying can be is revealed with a DC 15 Sense Motive check. aging woman but eventually informs them that they should
He is currently a member of the local city watch. chat with the others in the general area for more specific in-
Location: Arnold is currently strolling the streets of formation on where Zoejee went.
Vestfold. Rumor: “King Uther is really a doppelganger sent here
Information: Arnold saw some boy running through by the Afridhi to gain control over the Wizards’ Cabal and
the streets. Not sure why he was in such a hurry but kids do their dwarven crafted spell focus.”
have so much energy.
Encounter 5 — Well, We Found the
Rumor: “The city watch is looking for a few good men
to join their ranks.” Boy!
Wil Deer Having gained a promising lead on the possible home
of the young Thonian boy, you proceed down the dirty,
Description: Wil (male human (Thonian) Exp3, hp 17) grungy alleyway. As you continue onward, the smell of
is man of average height and build with light brown hair. excrement and urine assaults your nostrils, while globs
His skin is lighter then most Thonians. He comes across of filth litter the ground. In some ways, it resembles the
as being a bit grumpy and abrasive but generally he is a sewers of the large cities.
nice young fellow who just does not have the social skills
that others do. He is currently unemployed and currently
Zoejee Zackerway (male human (Thonian) Rog1, hp
looking for work in whatever can assist him with paying the
6) is a nine-year-old boy who is without a family and has
bills. He is a hard worker and exceptionally well organized.
been homeless for nearly a year now. He has managed to
He is still a bit bitter about having lost one job to a group
survive the last year by scrounging around in various alley-
of “foreigners” who came to Vestfold and offered to work
ways and receiving handouts from generous folks, like the
for half the price that Wil was. He offers his services to the
baker Waldus Waterbee. He is a thin boy of average height
party in exchange for payment. He is willing to do any re-
with dark skin and brownish hair.
spectable job that does not include adventuring work, as he
feels it is much too dangerous. If asked what he could assist Zoejee lives in the backroom of a deserted store. He
the PCs with, he suggests that he can carry their heavy be- enters from the alleyway to avoid much attention.
longings for them. When the players begin to open the backdoor to the
Location: Wil is currently wandering the streets checking store, Zoejee attempts to hide amongst the trash within the
with various folks and businesses about the possibility of a job. room he calls home. PCs making a DC 10 Listen check hear
Information: Wil noticed that the young boy Zoejee ran Zoejee shuffling about in an attempt to hide. PCs making
from an alleyway down the ways down the street with some- a DC 10 Spot check can easily see Zoejee hiding beneath
thing in his hands down an alleyway past him. He is willing several large sheets of crumbled paper. If the players were
to show the players which one if they offer to pay him at unsuccessful in both these checks, they can search the
least one silver piece for being their guide. place.
Rumor: “There is a sorcerer’s lair hidden somewhere Allow players that are actively looking around the room
within this very city.” to make a DC 10 Search check to locate Zoejee. If the PCs
wish to search the rest of this building, they find that it is
Litly “Granny” Nadders quite dusty, contains numerous broken or smashed items and
Description: Litly Nadders (female human (Thonian) overall barren of anything of value. With a DC 10 Knowl-
Com5, hp 17), or as everyone calls her Granny, is a tall, edge (architecture and engineering), the players can deter-
slender aging woman with long gray hair. She hunches mine that the building is potentially dangerous to inhabit as
slightly and walks around almost like someone who uses a parts of the ceiling could potentially collapse from a strong
cane. She likes to sit by her window and watch all the activ- wind, a hard rainstorm or heavy weight placed upon it.
ity going on in the streets of Vestfold. (An untrained Knowledge check is simply an Intelligence
check. Without actual training, you know only common
Location: Litly is currently sitting inside her small
knowledge (DC 10 or lower)).
home, which resides just across the street from the small
general store, the Distinctive Depot, and next to the run The room that Zoejee lives in contains several badly
down apartment complex (noted in Encounter 2), sitting in damaged pieces of furniture including a broken bed, two
her favorite chair watching all the commotion in the streets. dressers and a chest. Inside the dressers are several soiled
articles of clothing of various sizes neatly folded away.
Information: Litly can inform the PCs that she saw
Many of the clothes are torn or contain small holes. Inside
a young boy named Zoejee run by with something with a
the unlocked chest are several pieces of toys and games,
grayish reddish purple and gold tinge in his hands. He ran
such as jacks, along with a well-polished masterwork
down the street and seemed to turn down an alleyway but
dagger that holds a single small ruby on the pummel. The
couldn’t see as he ran too much out of her sight to tell. She
dagger is worth 402 gp. If any player character attempts to
will continue to chat with the PCs with idle chatter of an
take the dagger from the chest, Zoejee objects and starts to The young boy Zoejee nervously looks up at you
scream for help. This dagger is the only item he still owns with his head still facing down. He shuffles his feat for
that his father gave to him before he died and it holds great a moment before beginning to softly speak, “While I was
sentimental value to him. Zoejee has no idea of what the looking through the trash in the alleyway just outside the
dagger is worth. He only willingly gives the dagger up as backdoor of the baker’s door, a fat man with green robes
noted in the side plot: A Home for Zoejee. startled me. I guess he was startled too. Then he started
When Zoejee is finally found, he is quite fearful of the shouting about being attacked by some petty thieves. But
players. He is so scared that he cannot even force himself no one was around. So I started waving my hands to
to run. Initially, he only answers questions by nodding his get his attention and let him know that no one else was
head up and down (yes) or side-to-side (no). A DC 15 Di- around, but he wouldn’t listen to me. He just kept shout-
plomacy check relaxes the boy enough that he will speak ing! Then all of a sudden, he drops to the ground like he
with the PCs. This check can be modified depending on was dead. I goes over to him and try to check on him. But
the actions of the party members, such as those attempting I can’t wake him. I try, I did try for a while longer but no
to intimidate or scare the boy gain penalties to their check, good. I guess he dead. Then I see his pretty golden neck-
while those attempting to give the boy a piece of candy or lace with beautiful gem. I don’t know what made me do it,
fruit gain bonuses to their check. but I took it and ran.
When questioned about the spell focus, if he is not afraid “I run for a while but several guys, thugs I guess, they
to speak at this point in time, continue with the following: see me. They circle me and tell me to give up the pretty
necklace. I afraid they going to hurt me so I gives it to
them and they let me run away as they laughed at me. I
came back here to hide for a while.”

Side Plot: A Home for Zoejee

Some PCs may show concern for Zoejee being without
a family and homeless. A potential side plot to locate a
suitable home could be used, if desired.
If Zoejee is asked about finding a new family and
home, continue with the following
Having been asked if about finding a new family and
home, you think you might have seen a small twinkle is
Zoejee’s eyes. An exceptionally small smile comes to his
face as he nods and states, “Yes, I would very much like
to have a safe place to go with a new family. I really
miss mine but they are gone now.” With this tears start
to stream from the young boy’s eyes down his face.

The question now is: where should Zoejee go? As a

nine-year old boy, he is much too young for a life as an
adventurer. And while Cyrpo Selan can sympathize with
the young boy’s plight, he is not in the position to take
on this responsibility. Others might be considered, such
as Magnineous Starzy, but the best candidate is the baker
Waldus Waterbee. If the PCs take this route, a DC 10 Di-
plomacy check gets Waldus to agree. In this case, Zoejee
gives the PC who came up with the idea a masterwork
dagger that holds a single small ruby on the pummel. The
dagger is worth 402 gp.

Encounter 6 — To the Market
Your search for Cyrpo’s spell focus continues and it is
starting to look like this task might take much longer then
original expected. From talking with the young home-
less Thonian child Zoejee, you learned that the thugs who
stole the spell focus you seek from him might have gone to
the market to try and sell it.
As you make your way there, you are intercepted by
a tall, slim High Thonian man dressed in simple brown
As the PCs make their way to the market, they are inter-
cepted by a High Thonian man named Wynard Crackderry
(male human (High Thonian) Wiz4, hp 21) who is dressed
in simple brown robes. He has long wavy blonde hair, a fair
complexion and a dazzling smile.
Wynard used to be a classmate of Cyrpo Selan when
they were training with the Wizards’ Cabal. While Wynard
certainly showed the ability to become a great wizard, his
loyalty was always questionable. He was openly critical of
the Cabal and a constant annoyance to his teachers. After
numerous years of training, he was ultimately asked to leave
without completing his formal training. Wynard blames
others for his plight including Cyrpo, whose loyalty to the
Wizards’ Cabal often caused Wynard trouble. Wynard will
not reveal this fact to the party.
If Cyrpo is not with the party at this point in time,
Wynard mentions that he used to be a Cyrpo’s classmate of
and that his own skills compared nothing to that of Cyrpo.
He himself was unable to successfully pass all the exams
to become a member of the Wizards’ Cabal. The PCs may
make an opposed Sense Motive check versus Wynard’s
Bluff check to note that his story is not entirely truthful. If
pressed on this fact, Wynard notes that there were parts that
he felt he did better then others including Cyrpo but unfor-
tunately was not selected to be a member of the Wizards’
If Cyrpo is with the party at this point in time, Wynard
warmly greets Cyrpo and warmly asks him how he has been
of late. This is all an act, as Wynard still feels much anger
If asked, Zoejee can inform the PCs that there were a
towards Cyrpo as stated above. A DC 20 Sense Motive
total of four thugs. All of them were Thonian with black
check reveals the fact that there is animosity between the
hair. If asked if they said anything, the young boy states
that he remembers hearing one of them asking the others
how much they thought they could get for the necklace at Eventually, Wynard asks the PCs what a group of ad-
the market. This is a clue that the PCs should continue their venturing types is doing wandering about the city. Wynard
search for the stolen spell focus by asking around at the actually already knows the answer as he has already heard
market within the city. a few whispers that Cyrpo has had his spell focus stolen.
Wynard would like nothing more to gain possession of it
If asked to assist with locating the thus, Zoejee refuses
not only for his personal use but to show Cyrpo and the
out of fear. He would rather stay where he knows it is safe
Wizards’ Cabal just how foolish they were to not make him
even with the player character’s assurances of safety.
a member of the Wizards’ Cabal.
If any personal questions are directed towards Zoejee,
Upon completion of this encounter, Wynard luckily
such as where are your parents, he just shrugs, saying
runs directly into the thugs who stole the spell focus from
nothing on the subject. However, this is a potential minor
the young boy Zoejee.
side plot for the PCs to handle.

The Thaumaturgy
Encounter 7 — Search for the Thugs The Thaumaturgy is a small magical shop in the market
The PCs can look for information on the thugs in a in decent condition. The current owner of the establishment,
variety of places within the market. Visiting three shops in Trickel “Tackledoom” Turnbottom (male gnome Brd3, hp
particular will aid the party in locating the thugs that took 14) is a middle-aged gnome of average height with a large
Cyrpo’s spell focus from Zoejee. nose. He has a high forehead, fair hair, blue eyes and dark
brown skin.
Polished Paragons Trickel had wandering about the various lands of Black-
Polished Paragons is an immaculately clean one story moor for many years before deciding to settle down in the
stone building in excellent repair. It is run by Grond Gor- city of Vestfold. He then purchased the shop from a local
duhendo (male dwarf Exp5, hp 21), an aging dwarf with a family after the previous owner Xyloquomo died last year.
large belly that is covered by his graying beard. His two (For more information on Xyloquomo, please refer to Socryt
sons, Grody (male dwarf Ftr4, hp 36) and Grongo (male Sasimeyer’s Dairy in Encounter Nineteen).
dwarf Ftr4, hp 36), work as guards for the establishment. Currently, Trickel’s stock is quite small, and contains
Grond has a number of gems of various types, sizes, cuts mainly potions, elixirs and solvents but he is willing to sell
and quality for sale. whatever he has to the party for a fair price. See Table LF-
If asked about the thugs, Grond confirms that four rough 1: The Thaumaturgy below for details on the present stock
looking Thonian men came into the Polished Paragons this that can be found.
morning looking to sell him a golden necklace which held Table LF-1 The Thaumaturgy
a high quality amethyst. He quickly realized that it was
a spell focus and informed the four men that he could not Type Description Cost
purchase the item from them despite its obvious worth. He Potion Aid 300 gp
admits the men seemed unhappy but they left without inci- Potion Remove Fear 50 gp
dent. If asked if he remembers anything else, Grond states Potion Sanctuary 50 gp
he remembers them stating something about getting some
Weapon +1 sickle mace 4680 gp
food and drink at a local tavern.
(small sized)
Jewels and Gewgaws Wondrous Item Elixir of Hiding 250 gp
Jewels and Gewgaws is a respectable one story wooden Wondrous Item Elixir of Sneaking 250 gp
building in first-rate repair. It is run by Aldona Adder- Wondrous Item Elixir of Vision 250 gp
way (female half-elf Exp4, 18), a middle-aged half-elf of Wondrous Item Universal Solvent 50 gp
average height with a slender build. She has long flowing
blonde hair and fair skin. She has two guards: Floquir (male
half-elf Rng2, hp 13) and Tupill (male half-elf Ftr2, hp 16). If asked about the thugs, Trickel confirms that four tall
Aldona has number of pieces of jewelry for sale and what- Thonian men came into his shop looking to sell what they
ever she does not have, she is willing to have made, if nec- thought was a magical necklace. (All humans seem tall to
essary. Trickel.) Upon examination of the necklace, he quickly re-
alized that it was a spell focus and informed the four men
If asked about the thugs, Aldona confirms that four
that he could not purchase the item. He states the men were
Thonian men came into the Jewels and Gewgaws this
quite frustrated but they left without incident. If asked if he
morning looking to sell her a golden necklace, which held
remembers anything else, Trickel states he remembers one
a high quality amethyst. Upon inspection of the item, she
of their number complaining, “we’ll never be able to sell
discovered that it was a spell focus and informed the four
this darn thing. First the Polished Paragons, then Jewels
men that she could not purchase the item from them despite
and Gewgaws and now this dump.” A DC 10 Knowledge
its obvious worth. She admits the men were upset but they
(local) reveals that both the Polished Paragons and the
left without incident. If asked if she remembers anything
Jewels and Gewgaws are local shops in the market.
else, Aldona states he remembers them stating they needed
a “Belly Wash,” whatever that may be. A DC 10 Knowl- With the various pieces of information gained from the
edge (local) reveals that the Belly Wash is a local tavern. three stores noted above, the party should realize that their
(An untrained Knowledge check is simply an Intelligence next step is to go to the Belly Wash Tavern.
check. Without actual training, you know only common
knowledge (DC 10 or lower)).

someone who does not want to be trifled with. The owner
Encounter 8 — Darn, Just You Thugs?
Niduut Manglic (male human (Thonian) Exp3, hp 14) is
(EL 3) currently elsewhere within the city of Vestfold handling a
Following the lead you gained in the merchant’s variety of nondescript matters.
market within the city of Vestfold, you make way to the A variety of goods are available at the Belly Wash
Belly Wash Tavern. Tavern. See the Table LF-2: The Belly Wash Tavern for
As you approach the establishment, you can see it is details on what is currently available.
in disrepair. The wooden structure has several missing Table LF -2 The Belly Wash Tavern
planks and many others are severely rotting away. Even, Type Description Cost
the front door only rests on one hinge. Dirt, mud and
Drink Glass of Aqua 1 sp
grime cover the ground leading up to the entrance.
The Belly Wash Tavern is a two story wooden dive in Drink Mug of Cheap Ale 1 cp
pitiable repair. Many of the city’s shadier folk come here to
Drink Mug of Dwarven 2 cp
socialize, gamble and set up illicit deals or transactions. At
night, the establishment is usually chock-full, but during the
current morning hour, the establishment is seemingly empty Drink Pint of Beer 3 cp
save the bartender, Rexx Ramble (male human (Thonian) Meal Morning meal 1 sp
Com4, hp 22), and a lone bouncer, Kudgum Konvorm (male Meal Afternoon meal 2 sp
dwarf Ftr5, hp 59).
Rexx is a wiry man with dark skin and greasy black hair. Both Rexx and Kudgum have been paid a gold piece
He gazes about the room with half squinted eyes almost as if each by the thugs, who stole Cyrpo’s spell focus from
looking deep into one’s mind. Kudgum is a dreadfully gruff Zoejee, to socialize, eat and drink unabated in the drinking
looking dwarf with a long scraggly black beard that has area upstairs. Currently Rexx stands behind the bar await-
pieces of past meals encrusted within it. He is enormous- ing other customers, while Kudgum stands guard at the
ly broad shouldered even for a dwarf. He has the aura of
bottom of the stairs keeping unwanted folks from heading Skills and Feats: Intimidate +4, Listen +4, Move Silent-
to the second floor. ly +8, Open Lock +8, Profession (stable hand) +4, Sleight
If the PCs attempt to head up the stairs to the second of Hand +8, Spot +4, Tumble +8; Dodge, Improved Initia-
floor without bribing Kudgum, he asks them if he can assist tive.
them. If pressed, he informs them that they are restrict- Possessions: studded leather armor, short sword, 4 gp, 3
ed from going to the second floor. If they attempt to push sp, 1 cp.
on this fact, he warns them they should watch themselves The PCs have a couple of options in gaining the infor-
before they get hurt. If they persist and attempt to go up mation they seek. These include: bribing the four Thonian
stairs or attack Kudgum, the well-built dwarf will accost thugs with five gold pieces each (20 gp total), defeating
them until they have been soundly defeated. them in combat, but keeping at least one alive or success-
Kudgum, male Dwarf Ftr5: CR 5; Medium human- fully using the Intimidate skill (DC 21) or Diplomacy skill
oid (dwarf); HD 5d10+25; hp 59; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC (DC 25) with them. When any of these conditions are met,
16, touch 12, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +5; Grp +8; Atk/Full continue with the following:
Atk +9 melee (1d10+3/x3, masterwork dwarven waraxe); They then continue:
SQ dwarven traits; SV Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +0; AL N.Str
16, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 6. When questioned, one of the thugs begins to speak with
a drawl of some type, “Well, we four woke up early this
Languages Spoken: Dwarven, Common.
morning, we did. We needed to gain a few more coins for
Skills and Feats: Intimidate +9; Cleave, Power Attack, our pouches, since they were starting to feel a bit light,
Skill Focus (intimidate), Weapon Focus (dwarven waraxe), not enough jingle in them, if you know what I mean. So
Weapon Specialization (dwarven waraxe). we got ready and hit the streets, quite early I might add.
Possessions: masterwork chain shirt, masterwork We managed to “locate” a few, but while we were hiding
dwarven waraxe, 1 gp, 2 sp, 3 cp. in a back alleyway, a young boy came running in, he did.
If either Rexx or Kudgum are questioned about the four He had a pretty golden necklace with a nice gem on it;
thugs the PCs are searching for, they shrug stating that they we were guessing it was worth a pretty coin. So we sur-
have not seen them today. However, with a two gold piece rounded the poor lass, yes we did! But we never touched
bribe, Rexx quietly motions upstairs with a twist of his head him or nothing, oh no. We just scared him and all, like
and a flick of his eyes. For another two gold piece bribe, bogeymen. Then told him to give up that nice jewelry he
Kudgum allows the players to head to the second floor had, and it was nice. The boy was dressed poorly so we
without incident. reckon it wasn’t his anyway, likely “located” it. The boy
Once upstairs, the players see four Thonian men re- was so scared and frightened, he dropped it and ran like
sembling the description given to them by Zoejee and the the wind; fast little fellow he was. So we pick up that nice
various merchants in the market having a morning meal and trinket and go to the market we did, bright and early too
drink. Upon seeing the party, they ask why they “are being I might add. So we try to sell the darn thing, but none of
so rudely interrupted for a pleasant morning meal.” those merchants in the market want to buy it. They keep
If asked about a spell focus, the four Thonian men, or telling us it is nice but they can’t buy it. Never say why,
rather thugs inform the PCs that they have no idea what perhaps it just too rich for their blood; you know too good
they are talking about. This is in fact true, as the four thugs for them.
have no idea that the high quality amethyst they stole from
the homeless boy Zoejee was as such. If asked about a
golden necklace with an amethyst, they inform the player So we keep looking but this feller, he come up to us and
characters that they are “barking up the wrong tree.” A DC ask us and ask us what we be selling. So I tells him we
10 Sense Motive indicates that the thugs know something have a nice charm that we are look’n to sell. He asks
about the item in question. If the thugs are pressed further to look at it, so we do but don’t let him hold or touch it
on the necklace that contains Cyrpo’s spell focus, they start or nothing. Don’t want him running off with it. Well, he
to get forceful with the PCs telling them to shove off. then just looks at us with this face. Then he pulls out
Abeel, Aslu, Bellow, Mandle, male Thonian Rog1: a few hairs from a pouch he had and starts waving his
CR 1; Medium humanoid (human); HD 1d6+2; hp 8 each; arms around and muttering all these crazy words. We
Init +8; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13; Base had no idea what the heck this guy was doing, just crazy
Atk +0; Grp +2; Atk/Full Atk +2 melee (1d6+2/19-20, short if you ask me. Then he looks at us and says that we really
sword); SA sneak attack +1d6; SQ trap finding; SV Fort should give him the necklace. I’m thinking he is crazy
+2, Ref +6, Will +0; AL N. Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, but one of the other boys looks at me and says that it isn’t
Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8. such a bad idea. He be right, it wasn’t a bad idea, it was
Languages Spoken: Common. a horrible idea. Giving up such a nice piece of valuable
jewelry up for nothing, yeah the guy wasn’t even going to
pay us for the darn thing.
I tells the guy, no way, if you want the thing, you gonna Spellbinding Scripts is a well-maintained and clean
have to pay for it. He seemed to enjoy me saying that as two-story store that sells various writing supplies, from
he smiled with a sorta evil grin and pulled out a rose petal quills to ink to an assortment of paper, plus magical scrolls.
and began waving his arms around muttering more mumbo- The store is owned and run by Nilrem Zrawad (male human
jumbo. Then all of a sudden, I feel a bit tired but I shrug it (High Thonian) Wiz5, hp 16) a small, hoary man with white
off, but my three friends, they get so tired, they just take a hair that has seemingly not been combed in many years.
nap right there on the street. I’m not sure what that guy was Guarding the establishment is a tall, muscular, but dimwit-
doing but I didn’t like it. So I tell him I’m gonna betat him ted half-orc named Vagandob (male half-orc Ftr4, hp 40).
to a pulp if he try anything else. But he just look at me and He has grayish skin tones and a large skull with a protrud-
asks for the necklace again. I tell him heck no way. And ing forehead.
then he says that if I don’t, I won’t be as lucky as my friends. Upon entering Spellbinding Scripts, the player char-
And I ask him what he means and he says that I can have acters are immediately greeting by Nilrem who questions
it the easy way or the hard way. Well, I figure out that he their interest today. He continually tries to push to make
must some powerful mage or something with him knocking a sale. He gives them a fair price but is a relentless sales-
out my three buds, so I tell him I’ll give him the necklace if man. Check Table LF-3: Spellbinding Scripts for avail-
he just leave us alone. So I gives it to him and he takes it able items for sale.
and leaves. I not see him after that, it hasn’t been very long Table LF-3: Spellbinding Scripts
anyway, but I hope I never do again anyways. Type Description Cost
Arcane Scroll Breeze (1st level 13 gp
A DC 15 Sense Motive check indicates that “locate” in caster)
fact means “steal.”
Arcane Scroll Magic Dagger (3rd 25 gp
If asked, any one of the thugs can give a physical de-
level caster)
scription of the wizard who took the focus-holding necklace
from them. They describe the wizard as a tall, slim High Arcane Scroll Puff (1st level caster) 13 gp
Thonian man dressed in simple brown robes. He has long Arcane Scroll Ray of Dirt (1st level 13 gp
wavy blonde hair, a fair complexion and a dazzling smile. caster)
The wizard is in fact Wynard Crackderry. Arcane Scroll Ray of Dust (1st level 13 gp
If asked, where he headed off to, they have no idea but caster)
recommend to the party that they might want to check with Arcane Scroll Shrapnel (1st level 13 gp
the bartender, Rexx Ramble, downstairs, as he is often a caster)
wealth of knowledge. If the PCs check with Rexx, he states Divine Scroll Cure Light Wounds 25 gp
he believes he might be able to assist them. A DC 15 Sense (1st level caster)
Motive indicates that he is looking for a couple of gold coins
Gear Case, map or scroll 1 gp
Once bribed with at least two gold pieces, Rexx informs
the players that he has heard of this gentleman. The gentle- Gear Ink 8 gp/1 oz. vial
man, named Wynard Crackderry, is a rogue wizard. At one Gear Inkpen 1 sp
point in time he was training to become a member of the Gear Paper (sheet) 4 sp
Wizards’ Cabal but was not accepted. However, he has con- Gear Parchment (sheet) 2 sp
tinued to hone his skills as a wizard, always careful to keep
Gear Sealing wax 1 gp
out of the attention of the Wizards’ Cabal. He suggests they
visit Spellbinding Scripts, a store that sells various writing
supplies along with magical scrolls, if they wish to locate When the PCs ask Nilrem about Wynard Crackderry,
Wynard. continue with the following:

Encounter 9 — The Search Continues Questioning the small venerable owner of the Spell-
binding Scripts about the rogue wizard Wynard Crack-
derry, he begins to ramble on, “So you are seeking knowl-
Having located the thugs who stole Cyrpo’s spell focus edge. You know that a great deal of knowledge is written
from Zoejee, you learned that it was taken from them by down in books, tomes, manuscripts, parchments and
a rogue wizard named Wynard Crackderry, whom you various other papers? Well, I might have that which you
previously met earlier today. Now with the information seek written down here somewhere. Are you interested in
bestowed upon you by the bartender at the Belly Wash it for ten gold pieces?”
Tavern, you make your way to Spellbinding Scripts.

Through good role-playing or a DC 20 Diplomacy skill, against him, he merely states that he giving them a fighting
Nilrem can be talked down to selling the information the chance.
PCs seek for a mere five gold pieces. Once they have an Wynard Crackderry, male High Thonian Wiz4 (En-
agreement, Nilrem goes into the back of the store, writes chanter): CR 3; Medium humanoid (human); HD 4d4+8;
a note on a plain white piece of paper with black ink, rolls hp 21; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14;
it up and hands it to the paying player character. The note Base Atk +2; Grp +1; Atk/Full Atk +1 melee (1d4-1/19-20,
reads: dagger); SA spells; SQ specialist, summon familiar; SV
“Wynard Crackderry goes to Spellbinding Scripts Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6; AL N. Str 9, Dex 12, Con 14, Int
every other day at the crack of dawn. Expect him tomor- 20, Wis 14, Cha 10.
row morning.” Languages Spoken: Common, Chale, Dwarven, Elven
(Cumasti), Gnome, Goblin and Orc.
After the PCs have made all their purchases and gotten Skills and Feats: Concentration +9, Craft (bookbinding)
all the information they seek from Nilrem, and start to leave +12, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Knowledge
the Spellbinding Scripts, continue with the next encounter. (history) +6, Knowledge (local) +6, Knowledge (nobili-
ty and royalty) +6, Profession (bookkeeper) +9, Spellcraft
Encounter 10 — There It Is (EL 3) +15; Greater Spell Focus (enchantment), Scribe ScrollB,
Skill FocusB (spellcraft), Spell Focus (enchantment).
Having gotten the information you seek on Wynard
Wizard Spells Prepared (4/6/4; caster level 4; save DC
Crackderry, you proceed to the front door of the to Spell-
15 + spell level, enchantment DC 17 + spell level): 0—daze,
binding Scripts. Opening the door, you see a humanoid
detect magic, ray of dirt, read magic; 1st—charm person, ex-
figure standing on the opposite side of the street. It almost
peditious retreat, hypnotism, mage armor (pre-cast), shield,
looks like it is posing for you, as if to get your attention.
sleep; 2nd—coyote’s dirge*, coyote’s dirge*, daze monster,
At first, you notice the figure wears simple brown robes
eagle’s splendor.
and as your eyes scan from his feet upwards, you notice
Spellbook: 0—acid splash, arcane mark, breeze*,
a beautiful golden necklace that holds a beautiful purple
dancing lights, daze, detect magic, detect poison, elemen-
amethyst hanging around the neck of the creature. As
tal globe (air)*, elemental globe (earth)*, elemental globe
your eyes continue upward, you see a familiar face, that
(fire)*, elemental globe (metal)*, elemental globe (water)*,
of Wynard Crackderry. He smiles at you for a moment,
elemental globe (wood)*, flare, light, mage hand, mending,
his long wavy blond hair flowing in the gentle breeze, his
message, open/close, prestidigitation, puff*, ray of dirt*,
skin tan nicely in the day’s sun and a dazzling smile to top
ray of dust*, ray of frost, read magic, resistance, shrapnel*;
it all of.
1st—alarm, charm person, expeditious retreat, grease, hyp-
After a brief moment, he begins to speak, “Well, I
notism, mage armor, mount, shield, sleep, unseen servant;
see we have a group of bloodhounds snooping around in
2nd—coyote’s dirge*, daze monster, eagle’s splendor, touch
my personal affairs. This matter does not concern you.
of idiocy.
The matter is between Cyrpo and myself. So you have a
Possessions: robes, dagger, pearl of power (1st level),
choice, either pledge that you will not seek me or what
wand of detect magic (50 charges), elixir of love, weasel
I now possess, or fall to the power I know wield. Or
familiar, spellbook, spell component pouch, spell compo-
perhaps, you can convince that fat lackadaisical goodie-
nents, Cyrpo’s spell focus, 3 pp, 5 gp, 9 sp, 5 cp.
goodie to bow before the one who has bested him this day.
So what is it going to be kids? Once Wynard Crackderry has been defeated, the local
city watch arrive to check out the situation. Once they see
At this point, Wynard is almost madly insane with the the spell focus around his neck, they know that it has been
excitement that he has recovered Cyrpo’s spell focus. He stolen and allow the party to remove it so it can be returned
wishes to do so many things with it all at once: humiliate to its rightful owner, Cyrpo.
and disgrace Cyrpo in person, get Cyrpo kicked out of the Encounter 11 — End of the Day
Wizards’ Cabal, parade around the city dancing at his per-
ceived superior wizardry skills. If Cyrpo went with the party to retrieve the spell focus,
If the PCs show any aggressive action or any thoughts continue with the following:
that they will not submit to his whim, Wynard starts to Having retrieved Cyrpo Selan’s spell focus from the insane
attack them via the use of enchantment spells. He focuses Wynard Crackderry, you see his eyes start to fill with tears
on the fighters with his spells knowing they are most likely of joy. As you place the focus into his hands, he breathes a
to succumb to his power. deep sigh of relief. “Thank you my friends, I shall forever
Due to his maddening state, Wynard does not submit be in your debt. Please let me pay for your meal and room
under any condition. Even if the battle seems to be going this evening.”

If Cyrpo did not go with the party to retrieve the spell Cyrpo informs them that due to another engagement he
focus, continue with the following: is unable to assist them on the mission tomorrow, but could
do so the following day. He suggests they start their search
Having retrieved Cyrpo Selan’s spell focus from the
in the morning without him.
insane Wynard Crackderry, you make your way back to
where your adventure first started the Brown Bottle Tavern After the party have an opportunity to read the note and
and Inn. The journey there is short and uneventful. have accepted the mission to locate and capture Socryt Sa-
simeyer, Cyrpo turns his attention back to the feast at the
As you enter the establishment, you see several
Brown Bottle Tavern and Inn. After about an hour more, he
patrons sitting about mulling over their food and drinks.
announces to the party that he must retire for the evening,
As you peer about the room, you notice Cyrpo nervously
thanks them again and leaves the establishment.
sitting in the corner with a half full class in his hands
that he has seemingly been nursing for several hours now. Several minutes after Cyrpo leaves the Brown Bottle
Upon seeing you, his eyes start to light up with hope. He Tavern and Inn, the PCs are approached by Magnineous
pushes himself off the seat, standing up. As you show him Starzy, a local arcane warrior and member of the Wizards’
you have successfully retrieved his spell focus, you see his Cabal. Continue with the following:
eyes start to fill with tears of joy. As you place his focus With Cyrpo Selan having just departed the feast he
into his hands, he breathes a deep sigh of relief. “Thank is paying for at the Brown Bottle Tavern and Inn a few
you my friends, I shall forever be in your debt. Please let minutes ago, a well built and muscular High Thonian man
me pay for your meal and room this evening.” of above average height approaches your table. He wears
fine, clean clothes that accent his good looks. The man,
Cyrpo treats the party to a huge evening feast at the with blonde hair, bright blue eyes, a sharp angular face
Brown Bottle Tavern and Inn in thanks for their generous and a perfect smile, gazes at your group for a moment and
assistance on this day. He is greatly appreciative of the help then looks about the establishment for a brief moment.
they have provided him. During the middle of the feast, he He then turns his attention back to your group and begins
calls all the party together to speak with them. to speak in a hush tone, “Hello, my name is Magnine-
While feasting upon a fine meal at the Brown Bottle ous Starzy, an arcane warrior and member of the Wizards’
Tavern, Cyrpo Selan calls your party together once again. Cabal. I was wondering if I could join you for a bit of
“Thanks again for aiding me today. If it wouldn’t be too time.”
much trouble, I would like to request your help tomorrow
morning in locating a possible danger to not only our city Magnineous (male human (High Thonian) ArW5, hp
but also potentially the entire Wizards’ Cabal. His name 33) waits for an invitation and approval to sit down at the
is Socryt Sasimeyer. He was the individual I was search- table with the party. If asked to state his business first, he
ing for yesterday. It is believe that he has been attempt- responds that he can explain everything but would prefer
ing to blackmail a member of the Wizards’ Cabal. I do to do so sitting down. If Magnineous is not invited to sit
not know the potentially damaging information, but even down, he states that he does not mean to be rude but must
rumors of such are not good for the Wizards’ Cabal. Addi- talk with the party and sits down.
tionally, I have been informed by my superiors that Socryt Once he starts to sit down, continue with the follow-
abhors the Wizards’ Cabal and might do anything to dis- ing:
credit us. It has even been rumored the Socryt is either a The High Thonian man starts to sit down at one of
sorcerer or has the potential abilities to become one. the chairs at your table. He then situates himself at the
“Would you be willing to search out Socryt Sasimey- table for a moment and then quickly gazes about the room
er, capture him and return him to the Wizards’ Cabal for once again. He then leans toward the center of the table
questioning? My superiors inform me that if he is inno- and begins to speak again in a hush tone, “I have heard
cent that he will most certainly be set free but the various that you are adventurers and working with or for Novice
rumors have them greatly concerned. Cyrpo Selan of the Wizards’ Cabal. My sources tell me
that you are assisting him with locating and potentially
Cyrpo Selan informs the PCs that the Wizards’ Cabal capturing a most malignant individual named Socryt Sa-
is able to pay them each fifty gold pieces for the capture of simeyer.
Socryt Sasimeyer. Cyrpo believes that Socryt is currently From the information I have gathered, I strongly
within the city, but has little to work with, only receiving believe that this dangerous man is indeed a sorcerer who
one lead just yesterday from his superiors via written note. could be very troublesome in the future. Thus, why I must
Otherwise, he has been wandering about the city trying to admit that this might sound quite harsh, I would ask that
find any potential leads. He gladly allows the PCs to read you ensure he is killed, if you should successfully locate
the note, if they desire. The contents of the note can be read him.
on Player Handout #1: The Note. Are you agreeable to his?”

Player Handout #1: The Note

To Novice Cyrpo Selan,

My congratulations to you for finally passing the final
examinations of the Wizards’ Cabal.
One of our sources has learned that information on the
individual you have been tasked to locate can be obtained
from a halfling named Ligmy Loterman.
You find him in or near Skinny’s Shrouded Scrupulous
Store here in the city.
Good Luck!
Siggnafer Sillias

A DC 20 Sense Motive check by any player character thought it was best if another individual was assigned to the
reveals that Magnineous is holding something back in his task, which was agreed upon. This is the reason that Cyrpo
story. Selan has been tasked with locating Socryt.
Magnineous Starzy does believe that Socryt Sasimey- If asked about payment, Magnineous informs them that
er is truly a danger to the city and the Wizards’ Cabal. he can get them each a potion of mage armor for their trou-
However, he did not relate nor will he inform the PCs that bles, if they can show proof that the task has been success-
Socryt is always blackmailing him with some highly em- fully completed.
barrassing information the sorcerer discovered about him. If the PCs accept, he thanks them and asks them to be
Magnineous is a married man with a loyal wife, but he discrete about their meeting. If the PCs do not accept, he
has not always been as such. With his role in the Wizards’ thanks them and departs frustrated about his continued un-
Cabal, he was able to convince his lovely and beautiful wife fortunate situation.
that he was merely working late. At this point, the player characters can spend the rest
Magnineous had been previously tasked with following of the evening feasting and drinking at the Brown Bottle
up on rumors heard through the grapevine that Socryt was a Tavern and Inn.
sorcerer and hiding this fact to avoid persecution especially
from the Wizards’ Cabal. Instead of hiding Socryt decided he Day Two
would find out whatever information he could about Magni-
neous, perhaps using whatever “dirt” he learned to not only Encounter 12 — Starting the Next
keep Magnineous from watching over him, but increase
his wealth and gain secret information about the Wizards’
Cabal. Unfortunately for Magnineous, Socryt discovered If the PCs have accepted the mission to locate and
that Magnineous was being unfaithful to his wife and in fact capture Socryt Sasimeyer and in the morning headed off
had several “girlfriends” within the city. So Socryt gained to locate the only currently available lead, a halfling man
all that he sought from Magnineous. Instead of allowing named Ligmy Loterman, continue with the following:
others to learn of his shameful secret, informed his superi-
ors at the Wizards’ Cabal that Socryt had discovered that he
was attempting to gain information about the sorcerer and
The halfling, Vitigais Verdigo (male halfling Rog4, hp
Having been rewarded with a feast like you have never
22), runs the shop. He tries to sell the PCs a variety of
seen before the night before, you rise from a night of well-
currently available goods and gear. See Table LF-4 Skin-
rested sleep at the Brown Bottle Tavern and Inn.
ny’s Wares for details on what is currently available in his
Today, you have accepted the task of locating and store.
capture a suspected sorcerer. The night before, you were
given just one lead, to a halfling man named Ligmy Lo- Table LF-4: Skinny’s Wares
terman, who you were to seek out at a local general store Type Description Cost
called the Skinny’s Shrouded Scrupulous Store, which you Armor Masterwork studded 175 gp
have been informed lies across town. leather (small and medium)
Armor Masterwork leather (small 160 gp
Allow the PCs to take any precautions they desire before only)
heading to Skinny’s Shrouded Scrupulous Store to speak
Gear Acid (flask) 10 gp
with Ligmy Loterman.
Gear Backpack 2 gp
Encounter 13— Skinny’s Shrouded Gear Bottle, wine, glass 2 gp
Scrupulous Store Gear Caltrops 1 gp
Having readied yourself for a new day and filled your Gear Candle 1 cp
stomach with a wonderful morning meal of scrambled Gear Case, map or scroll 1 gp
eggs and Blackmoorian ham, you make way to the follow (leather)
up on the only lead currently available to you in your Gear Crowbar 2 gp
search for Socryt Sasimeyer, a suspected sorcerer. Gear Flask (empty) 3 cp
As you approach the general store, you see the two-
Gear Grappling hook 1 gp
story shop is in decent repair. A slender male halfling sits
in a rocking chair on the front porch. His beady dark peer Gear Oil (1-pint flask) 1 sp
in your direction, as he continues to smoke upon a long Gear Piton 1 sp
slender pipe. Gear Rope, hempen (50 ft.) 1 gp
As you approach, he removes the pipe from his month Gear Rope, silk (50 ft.) 10 gp
and begins to speak in a smooth pleasant voice, “Hello Gear Sack (empty) 1 sp
chaps, what can this halfling do for you fine folk on this
good day?” Gear Signal whistle 8 sp

When Ligmy Loterman’s name is mentioned, continue

The halfling, Bilthoner Bilimil (male halfling Rog2, hp
with the following:
12), is currently the eyes and ears for the Skinny’s Shroud-
ed Scrupulous Store. This general store, which does have Mentioning Ligmy Loterman’s name, the owner imme-
a variety of goods for sale, also has information for sale. diately stops his sales pitch and requests for you to follow
Most of the store’s profit is made off of the sale of informa- him. He leads you down a small hallway and motions for
tion gathered. The store is owned and operated by members you to enter a backroom. Peering inside, you can tell it is
of Vestfold thieves’ guild, which is the best organized and, a sitting room with eight chairs of various sizes. Sitting
perhaps, strongest thieves’ guild in all of Blackmoor. This on one of them, a nice large cushion-filled chair is a non-
is one of their few slightly overt operations in the city of descript halfling with plain black hair. The owner again
Vestfold. motions for you to enter the room as he stands patiently in
If the PCs mention the name Ligmy Loterman to Bilthon- the hallway.
er, he cocks his head slightly and states that he believes they
have business inside; he then resumes smoking his pipe and The seated halfling is Ligmy Loterman (male halfling
rocking in his chair. Rog4, hp 22). He is an expert at gaining information of all
As the PCs continue with the following: sorts. This ability has allowed him to become very well re-
spected within the Vestfold thieves’ guild since the informa-
Entering Skinny’s Shrouded Scrupulous Store, a high- tion has been useful in a number of ways including make a
pitched bell starts to ring. It continues to jingle until you good deal of extra gold.
close the door behind you. As this occurs, a tall plumb The Wizards’ Cabal has already paid Ligmy for the in-
male halfling with dark hair comes from the back of the formation is about to pass onto the player characters.
store and warmly greets you, “Good day chaps, what
When asked about Socryt Sasimeyer, Ligmy states that
can I do for thee? Is there anything in particular you are
all the various information he has collected indicate that he
looking for? Perhaps a nice sturdy backpack or a good
is a sorcerer and has been for a few years now. Ligmy also
leather scroll case?”
notes that Socryt has been actively campaigning against the care to catalogue each of them and can find any book’s exact
Wizards’ Cabal. He notes that if they wish to locate Socryt, location within his bookstore within a minute or two. As the
they should go to the bookstore, Tomes, Texts and Manu- party can likely tell, Eugenne is a highly organized, perhaps
scripts, and “persuade” the owner to allow them to speak even anal man, who likes his peace and quiet in an orderly
with Socryt. Allow the PCs to make a DC 15 Sense Motive way.
check to note that by “persuade,” Ligmy means bribe or If asked about Socryt Sasimeyer, he says nothing only
sweet talk the owner. briefly glancing at the player characters. If asked about
Once this information has been passed onto the party, where Socryt might be, he glances heavily upon the door
Ligmy informs them that he is an exceedingly busy halfling behind the desk, but says nothing.
and needs to get back to other pressing matters. Eugenne is a good man, but about a month ago Socryt
came to his bookstore. Socryt demanded the use of Eu-
Encounter 14— Tomes, Texts and genne’s basement uninterrupted and undisturbed whenev-
Manuscripts er he pleased. Eugenne first refused, so Socryt first threat-
When the player characters proceed to the bookstore ened to burn the entire bookstore down, but mustering all
Tomes, Texts and Manuscripts, read or paraphrase the fol- his bravery, the pusillanimous Eugenne held firm. Unfor-
lowing as appropriate: tunately, Eugenne’s wife, Willametta (female human (High
Thonian) Nob2, hp 10), came into the bookstore at that time
Leaving Skinny’s Shrouded Scrupulous Store behind with their two children, Izza (female human (High Thonian)
you, you make way to Tome, Texts and Manuscripts. Your Nob1, hp 5) and Zrack (male human (High Thonian) Nob1,
trek through the city is uneventful. hp 6). After a pleasant but quick conversation Willametta
As you approach, you see that the bookstore Tome, left the bookstore with her children. At that point, Socryt
Texts and Manuscripts seems to be quite normal from its changed his tactics and summoned in an unnatural creature
appearance on the outside. It is a strong wooden build- and explained that if he did not get open, free and undis-
ing in good condition with a large front double door with turbed access to Tomes, Texts and Manuscripts’ basement,
long brass door handles that seem to have been built for a he would hunt down and kill Eugenne’s family in the most
giant or other large creature. painful way. With this threat, Eugenne grew gravely scared
Opening the large double doors, you see they lead and agreed to allow Socryt to use the basement of the book-
into an entrance hallway that is covered with a spotlessly store uncontested.
clean red rug. On the far side of the hallway is another set Eugenne has not been in the basement since nor does he
of double doors of equal size to the ones now behind you. know that a secret door lies in his basement that leads to a
Cracking open the second set of double doors, you see small underground cave system. Socryt learned of this fact
that it leads into a huge, warehouse-like room filled tightly from his various studies, such as the hole leading into the
with scores of bookcases filled with a variety of books, garbage pit (Encounter 17), leading to his strong desire to
manuals, manuscripts, scrolls, texts and tomes of an as- use the basement of this particular bookstore.
sortment of topics, sizes and colors. If Socryt is defeated, Eugenne thanks the party when
In the middle of the room is a small clearing with a they return from the basement into his shop. He agrees to
large light brown that lies on the ground before a sizeable assist the PCs in the future thus gaining his favor. The favor
wooden desk. A single door lies behind the wooden desk can be used to have Eugenne assist the PCs, when they visit
just off to your right. Behind the desk sits a bookish, high- the Tome, Texts and Manuscripts bookstore in the city of
browed High Thonian man engrossed in a thick text he is Vestfold, with researching information on any subject. This
reading. The tall, skinny man wears a clean, wrinkle free assistance grants them each a +2 circumstance bonus on any
set of brown robes and soft leather boots. Upon noticing Knowledge check if they spend one full hour with Eugenne
you, he silently nods in your direction. within his bookstore.
When the PCs head to the basement, they see that a
The High Thonian man, Eugenne Silverfish (male human small layer of dust covers the ground. A DC 10 Search
(High Thonian) Nob3, hp 14) is the owner of the bookstore check reveals a set of booted tracks going from the stairs to
Tomes, Texts and Manuscripts. He does not speak until ad- a location on the left (west) wall. If they search the wall (or
dresses by the player characters. When he does speak, he an elf player character passes by that area), have them make
does so in an almost whisper-like voice. If any player char- a DC 20 Search check to notice a secret door, which is not
acter starts to speak in a loud fashion, he says nothing but trapped nor locked.
places his index finger to this lips asking for more hushed When the PCs proceed through the door continue with
speaking inside his store. the next encounter.
If asked about any of his books, he softly replies that he
has books of various types and subject matter, but nothing
illegal or controversial. He notes that he has taken great

Encounter 15— Lots of Rats (EL 2) dried up when the source of water started to flow else-
Opening the secret door, you found in the basement of At this point the players are free to look about for clues
the bookstore Tome, Texts and Manuscripts, you see that it or tracks. A DC 10 Survival check reveals the tracks hun-
leads to a handcrafted hallway about ten feet in width and dreds of tiny four legged animals with long tails wandering
extends beyond your line of sight to the right. The ceiling about aimlessly. These tracks were made by the rat swarm
looms about ten feet above. previously encountered. No other tracks can be found in
this location.
The handcrafted hallway extends about one hundred If the PCs head to the left, proceed with Encounter 17.
before it leads into a small underground cave system. About If the PCs head to the right, proceed with Encounter 18.
sixty feet from the first secret door on the right side of the
hallway is a second secret door. This secret door is both Encounter 17— Garbage Pit (EL 4)
locked and trapped. For further details on the secret door
and the room that lies behind it, please refer to Encounter As you start to head down the left tunnel, which curves
19. gently from left to right, the smell of compost and muck
When the players have determined their marching order assaults your noses.
and started to head down the ten foot wide hallway. A swarm
The tunnel ranges from ten to fifteen feet in width at all
of rats is currently sixty feet away from the lead player char-
times, with the ceiling that varies from about ten to twelve
acter and double moving towards at a speed of thirty feet
feet above.
per round towards the party. A DC 18 Listen check allows
them to hear a horde of squeaking tiny creatures moving If the PCs continue down this tunnel for about six
in their direction while a DC 30 Spot check allows player hundred feet, it bends sharply to the left, opening up into a
characters to sea a horde of about three hundred tiny rats small grotto. The grotto is somewhat oval with the greatest
moving in their direction. The ten-foot by ten-foot rat horde length across being about ninety feet and the greatest width
swarms the lead players attacking them with their disease- being about sixty feet. The ceiling hangs about twenty feet
ridden bites potentially delivering filth fever to those who above. There is a small hole in the ceiling towards the back
are unfortunate enough to be in their path. of the room that extends through about fifteen feet of rock. A
local merchant who manages the removal of garbage, trash
Rat Swarm: hp 13. See the MM: Chapter 1: Monsters
and feces for the city of Vestfold has his workers use this
A to Z: “Rat Swarm.”
hole as his dumping ground. An otyugh, who lives in this
Once combat has ceased, the PCs are free to search
underground cave feeds off whatever is dumped through the
about the area. A DC 26 Survival check with the Track feat,
hole by the merchant’s men. However, it never objects to a
reveals a single set of booted tracks heading from the first
meal of fresh meat when the opportunity presents itself.
secret door into the wall about sixty feet from the first secret
The otyugh stays hidden in the garbage and compost that
door on the right side of the hallway. Socryt Sasimeyer
currently resides here. The PCs can, with an opposed Spot
made these tracks upon the hard ground yesterday, when he
check against the otyugh’s Hide check, notice the hidden
traveled down here to his lair (Encounter 19).
creature. If the PCs do not notice the creature, it allows
Encounter 16— A Choice of Paths them to move within tentacle reach (fifteen feet) and then
moves to strike at the PCs, gaining an extra action due to the
Having dispersed the hundreds of tiny rats that at- surprise round.
tempted to swarm your group, you proceed onward down Otyugh: hp 36. See the MM: Chapter 1: Monsters A to
the hallway. About one hundred feet from the secret door Z: “Otyugh.”
back to the bookstore Tome, Texts and Manuscripts’ base- Once the otyugh is defeated, the PCs can search through
ment, a handcrafted hallway leads into a small under- all the garbage and muck. PCs making a DC 20 Search
ground cave system, which at this point is only a natural check discover a stone of alarm and a ring of clumsiness
extension of the hallway you are currently traversing. within all the trash. Have any player character that searches
Heading onward, you notice that there are no stalag- through the muck and trash make a DC 10 Reflex Save to
mites and stalactites here. Instead, you notice as you con- avoid a pile of dung that has been dropped through the open
tinue to head down the winding tunnel, that it sort of re- hole in the ceiling above.
sembles a dried up stream. After a minute or so walking, Attempts to shout up to the men dumping trash down
you come to an intersection with two paths for you to the small hole are futile, as the hole makes all noise sound
travel down, one to the left and another to the right. like that of the otyugh. The hole is also too small for any
player character to squeeze through even with the use of
A DC 15 Knowledge (dungeoneering) or Knowledge spell such as reduce person.
(nature) check reveals that this natural tunnel was a small
underground river perhaps over a thousand years ago. It
There are no tunnels leading into this area save the one
The room contains a number of items. In the far left
the PCs took to get here.
corner of the room are several stacked timbered crates
Encounter 18— Boxed In (EL 3) with three wooden barrels resting directly to the right of
them. In the far right corner of the room is a makeshift
Heading down the right tunnel, you quickly discover bed made mainly out of yellowish straw. Resting along the
that it slightly bends and bows from side to side but with right wall are several empty bookcases, a crude dresser
an occasional sharp turn. and a small metal lockbox. Sitting in the middle of the
room is a large circular table that tilts slightly to the right.
The tunnel is approximately fifteen feet in width during Resting on the table is a single wine glass half filled with
its entire length, while the ceiling varies from roughly a dark red intoxicant along with a plate of poached eggs
between fourteen and sixteen feet above. and grisly bacon. Next to all the food are five pieces of
As the PCs travel down the tunnel, ensure to get the parchment, an inkpen plus a vial of black ink. Sitting in
party’s marching order. As they round one of the occasional the lone chair behind the table dinner on all the fine food
sharp turns about twelve hundred feet from the where the is a striking High Thonian man dressed in a ruby red robe.
tunnel split, have the lead player character(s) make a DC 15 He is rather tall and while not muscular does have a nice
Spot check to notice a single gelatinous cube sitting station- build to him. His blonde hair is highlighted with a tinge
ary in the tunnel. Any player character who fails to notice of red.
the gelatinous cube walks into it is automatically engulfed. Looking up at you, you can see a fire, a rage in his eyes
The gelatinous cube covers the entire width and height of as if your mere presence has angered him to no end. His
the tunnel. lips curl before he speaks, “I suppose that you are seeking
In combat, the gelatinous cube uses it’s engulf special Socryt Sasimeyer for whatever you believe to be a just
attack hoping to trap prey inside and feast upon the flesh cause. I could ramble on about how I have done nothing
that succumb to its acid and/or paralysis attacks. wrong, but I doubt you’d listen. You and that darn Wizards’
Gelatinous Cube: hp 54. See the MM: Chapter 1: Cabal.”
Monsters A to Z: “Ooze: Gelatinous Cube.” With this, he stands up, placing his hands on his waist,
After defeating the gelatinous cube, if the PCs search “I’ll give you one chance to depart and never return but
the ooze’s inners, they discover half a dozen tiny rat skel- after that consider yourself warned.”
etons plus numerous rocks and stones, but unfortunately
nothing of value. If the PCs do not depart, Socryt Sasimeyer casts grease
The tunnel continues for another six hundred feet after upon as many PCs as possible. Next, he starts to cast
the PCs encounter the gelatinous cube before it suddenly summon monster II attempting to use the large circular table
dead ends. as a buffer between himself and the PCs.
If captured, he refuses to speak further with the PCs.
Encounter 19— The Object of the Socryt Sasimeyer, male High Thonian Sor4: CR 4;
Inquisition (EL 2, EL 4 & EL 3) Medium humanoid (human); HD 4d4+8; hp 21; Init +1; Spd
The secret stone door (hardness 8, hp 15, Open Lock 30 ft.; AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10; Base Atk +2; Grp +2;
DC 20) is locked and trapped and requires a DC 20 Search Atk/Full Atk +2 melee (1d6, staff); SA spells; SQ summon
check to locate. Elven PCs, both Cumasti and Westryn, familiar; SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +6; AL CN. Str 10,
are entitled to this Search check to notice the secret door Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 19.
as if they were actively looking for the door just by passing Languages Spoken: Common, Chale, and Goblin.
within five feet of it. Skills and Feats: Concentration +7, Gather Informa-
The trap on the secret door is as follows: tion +1, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Knowledge (history) +2,
Burning Hands Trap: CR 2; magic device; proximity Knowledge (local) +2, Knowledge (nobility and royalty)
trigger (alarm); automatic reset; spell effect (burning hands, +2, Spellcraft +1; Augmented Summoning, Skill FocusB
1st-level wizard, 1d4 fire, DC 11 Reflex save half damage); (arcana), Spell Focus (conjuration).
Search DC 26; Disable Device DC 26. Sorcerer Spells Known (6/7/4; caster level 4; save DC
Upon opening the door, continue with the following: 14 + spell level, conjuration DC 17 + spell level): 0—acid
splash, breeze*, detect magic, detect poison, light, read
Opening the secret door in the underground hallway, magic; 1st—grease, mage armor, summon monster I; 2nd—
you see that it reveals a room about thirty feet in length summon monster II.
across and sixty feet width across. Possessions: robes, staff, cloak of resistance +1, brooch
of shielding, rat familiar, copper key (to locked chest), 3 pp,
12 gp, 8 sp, 1 cp.

outside of it. It appears that the great care has been given to
the book over the years.
If the PCs take the time to read through the contents of
the diary, which takes about two hours, they can learn the
following information:
• The first entry starts in early 1020, on Socryt Sasimeyer’s
fifteenth birthday. He writes that he has been gifted with
this diary but more importantly just been informed by his
father that he holds a great but secret power within him,
which his father refers to as the ‘Blood of Sorcerers.’
• Socryt was born in 1005 within the city of Vestfold.
• He had two loving parents and an older sister, who he
looked up to.
• His mother’s name was Illda. She ran the household but
also made some extra income by cleaning the clothes of
those who could afford such luxuries. She died naturally in
1028 at the age of forty-four.
• His father’s name was Marksmur. He worked as a mer-
chant’s assistant doing whatever work was needed or re-
quired of him. He was killed during the Wizards’ Cabal
suppression of the sorcerer revolt in Vestfold in 1020 at the
age of thirty-eight.
• Socryt greatly respected his father and considered the
‘Blood of Sorcerers’ to be an honor, despite what others,
such as the Wizards’ Cabal, felt.
• Socryt deeply grieves the untimely death of his father and
vows to seek revenge for such crimes.
• His older sister’s name was/is Forlinn. She was/is three
years older then Socryt and was, like Socryt, born in the
city of Vestfold. She disappeared, at the age of eighteen,
during the Wizards’ Cabal suppression of the sorcerer revolt
After defeating Socryt, the PCs are able to search the
in Vestfold in 1020 shortly after her and Socryt’s father
room. The timbered crates contain various foodstuffs,
was killed. She has not been seen or heard from since. It
while two barrels contain water and the third a dark red
is unknown whether she is alive or dead at this point, but
wine. Inside the dressers are various articles of average
through the words of Socryt, he believes her to still be alive
quality clothing. The small metal lockbox (hardness 10, hp
as he “just has a feeling about it.”
30, Open Lock DC 20) is locked and trapped.
• Several months after his father’s death and the disappear-
Scorching Ray Trap: CR 3; magic device; proximity
ance of his sister Forlinn, a friend of his father, Xyloquomo,
trigger (alarm); automatic reset; spell effect (scorching ray,
starts to visit him to counsel him to becoming a man.
3rd-level wizard, 4d6 fire, +1 ranged touch); Search DC 27;
Disable Device DC 27. • Several months after first meeting Xyloquomo, about a
year after his father’s death, he learns that his father’s friend
Note: Socryt placed both traps with the use of scrolls he
also has the ‘Blood of Sorcerers.’ From this point forward,
purchased in the city.
Xyloquomo carefully and secretly teaches Socryt the art of
Inside the lockbox are two gems (worth 50 gp and 100
being a sorcerer. As the lessons continue, Socryt writes that
gp), two pouches with the first one containing 55 gp and
he is highly interested in the magical arts of summoning and
second one containing 50 sp, a scroll of breeze (1st level
creation. Xyloquomo has been extremely helpful in teach-
caster), a scroll of monster I (1st level caster), a scroll of
ing him whatever he can in this area.
monster II (3rd level caster) and Socryt Sasimeyer’s diary.
• Shortly after Socryt’s seventeenth birthday, he becomes an
Socryt Sasimeyer’s Diary apprentice to Xyloquomo, who owns a small magical shop,
called The Thaumaturgy, in the market.
• In late 1029, Xyloquomo dies of natural causes. With his
Socryt’s diary is quite thick, containing three hundred and
family now all dead (or missing), Socryt is, for the first time,
twenty pages of high quality ashen paper. It has a hard dark
forced to take full control of his own life. Xyloquomo’s
brown leather cover with no letters or markings upon the
shop is sold so that his family can live without fear of where

their next meal will come from, but he does leave Socryt a Socryt Sasimeyer is killed. Cyrpo Selan is saddened that the
moderate amount of gold to assist him in the near future. PCs killed Socryt Sasimeyer but agrees that this is a better
• Socryt holds a variety of jobs in the few months, but keeps end then having him on the loose. Magnineous Starzy is
his focus on his magical studies. pleased by and gives them their payment (a potion of mage
• A fire burns within Socryt and he feels the urge to “destroy” armor) as promised. He also attempts to purchase Socryt’s
the Wizards’ Cabal for their criminal treatment of sorcer- diary from the PCs to keep his secret safe and secure. He
ers. is willing to pay up to one hundred and eighty gold pieces
• He has learned that the Wizards’ Cabal is now “keeping an for it. If the PCs turn in Socryt Sasimeyer’s diary into the
eye” on him and is being followed by a man named Magni- Wizards’ Cabal, Magnineous is shamefully kicked out of
neous Starzy. the order.
• Late one evening, while aimlessly wandering the streets
of Vestfold, Socryt sees a drunken Magnineous with one of The PCs are unable to defeat Socryt Sasimeyer. Cyrpo
his ‘lady friends.’ Selan is disappointed that the PCs did not capture Socryt
• After some additional snooping around, Socryt learns Sasimeyer, while Magnineous Starzy is saddened that he
the whole dirty secret about Magnineous and his multiple was not killed, as he fears his secret could get out sometime
affairs. in the future. Socryt Sasimeyer leaves the city of Vestfold
• Socryt decides to “persuade” Magnineous to give him to find another secret hiding place. Magnineous is able to
money and secrets about the Wizards’ Cabal. keep his secret to just unconfirmed rumors and thus remain
a member of the Wizards’ Cabal.
• Socryt learns of a possible small underground area below
the city of Vestfold. Upon investigation, he learns that a
local bookstore called Tomes, Texts and Manuscripts might THE END
hold the key to entry to this small secret underground area.
• Socryt threatens the bookstore owner into allowing him
access to the basement. If you enjoyed this Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor Adventure,
be sure to check out other adventures such as The Redwood
• Socryt sets up a hideout in the underground area beneath
the city of Vestfold.
For a more persistent storyline set in Blackmoor,
• The last entry is that Socryt notes that he has been in-
try Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: The MMRPG, featur-
formed by Magnineous that the Wizards’ Cabal is actively
ing 16 free episodes for download and play at conven-
seeking him. He will need to “stay low” for a while.
tions or homeplay events. More information is available at
The diary, of course contains information that is quite useful
to the Wizards’ Cabal. If the PCs decide to hand it over to
them, Magnineous is shamefully kicked out of the order.

The adventure has four possible outcomes:

The PCs refuse to fight Socryt Sasimeyer. Cyrpo Selan

is saddened that the PCs did not capture Socryt Sasimeyer,
while Magnineous Starzy is enraged that he was not killed,
as he fears his secret could get out sometime in the future.
Socryt Sasimeyer leaves the city of Vestfold to find another
secret hiding place. Magnineous is able to keep his secret to
just unconfirmed rumors and thus remain a member of the
Wizards’ Cabal.

Socryt Sasimeyer is captured. Cyrpo Selan is pleased that

the PCs were able to capture Socryt Sasimeyer, so that he
could be turned into the Wizards’ Cabal for interrogation.
Magnineous Starzy is saddened that Socryt was not killed,
as he fears his secret will get out. If the PCs also turn in
Socryt Sasimeyer’s diary into the Wizards’ Cabal, Magnin-
eous is shamefully kicked out of the order.

A Night in Maus
Harley Stroh
Intro of velvet. His companion Reese followed shortly after,
cursing the cold and darkness.
A Night in Maus was originally devised as an experiment to
“Bloody madness,” Reese muttered. “I looted this
see if an outstanding piece of fiction set in Blackmoor could
be interwoven with an expanding array of game mechanics ruin when I was nine summers old. I don’t care how
and rules. Blackmoorian fiction has been overlooked for far much we’ll be paid –– there’s not a pinched copper to
too long and it felt like the time was right to bring it to the be found now that I didn’t find then.”
masses. “We all looted this tower,” Samul agreed. “Any
Originally, this work was made available in a serial child in seven leagues knows it like the back of his
styled format in which the story drew readers back time hand.”
and time again to follow the exploits of Col, the Clockwork “Then why am I freezing my tips off here, when I
Inquisitor. This format allowed for incremental entry of ought to be warming them ‘fore a fire, with an ale in
characters, NPCs and new game mechanics into existing
one hand and me girl in the other?”
campaigns needing a quick side adventure. Many players
and GMs have responded with great praise for this work and “Of all the times we played in the tower,” Samul
the effect it had on their home campaign. reasoned, “did we ever find a single window or door
Harley Stroh was incredibly successful and this work is that was shuttered?”
the end result of the experiment. Presented here for the first “Don’t be daft,” Reese answered. “The wood all
time in print, please enjoy A Night in Maus. rotted out decades before our time.”
Samul nodded over his shoulder, to the shuttered
Part I window beneath them.
The Shattered Tower rose against the night sky like Reese nearly dropped his rope in astonishment.
a broken dagger thrust into the heart of the moon. “But we’ve been all up and down the inside of the
Once the eldritch fastness of a powerful magus, tower. How’d we miss it?”
now the dark tower stood in ruins. Its peak had been “We all played inside the tower. Nobody bothered
shorn off during the final years of the Mage Wars, scat- searching the outside.”
tering granite blocks across the rocky hillside like a “But the tower’s an empty shell,” Reese marveled.
handfuls of dice, cast by the gods. Seven succeeding “Where’s the window to?”
generations of thieves and brigands had picked over “Exactly,” Samul said. “Where is the window to?
every stone and broken artifact, until the tower was no Someplace you can’t get to from the inside.” He eased
more than a stone husk, ignored by even the fishermen himself across the sill to a gargoyle and tied the rope
living in its shadow. off.
But had anyone been watching the tower this night, The pair set to work. Samul sat atop the gargoyle,
they would have seen a pair of darksome rogues roping paying rope out to Reese, while the smaller rogue ex-
down the wind-polished face, like droplets of blood amined the window below.
running down the edge of a blade. “Well,” Samul asked. “Can you open it?”
Samul slowed his decent, sliding to a halt atop a “Ain’t a tumbler in the north country I can’t pick.”
wide granite sill. A chill autumn wind blew across the Reese pulled a thin poniard from an oiled leather
Northern Downs, chasing every cloud from the sky sheath on his forearm and gently probed the hinges,
until the stars sparkled and shone like jewels on a bed lock and sill. A line of ancient wax was packed around
the edges of the sill, binding the shutter closed. Reese
cautiously tested the wax with his poniard. Tiny blue Once upon a time the corpse had been arrayed as
runes flared and died. a king, but now its fine robes hung in tatters. Jeweled
“Speed it up,” Samul called out from his perch. “I rings dangled loosely around shrunken finger bones,
can’t be holding you all night.” wrought gold bracers lolled around dried skin stretched
“There’s a seal,” Reese hissed back. as tight as a drum, and its golden crown had slipped to
“What’s there to be frightened of? Whoever laid one side.
the seal been dead for centuries.” Samul held the dripping torch toward the leering
“That’s what I’m worried about,” Reese muttered. skull, ignoring Reese’s hissing pleas.
Grimacing, he dug out the seal, bits of wax tumbling A brilliant silver chain hung around the skeleton’s
away into the darkness. There was a soft noise, like neck, like drops of quicksilver frozen in time. Fastened
the sound of ice cracking, and the seal exploded with a to the chain was a perfectly faceted emerald the size of
brilliant blue flash, lighting up the face of the tower as an egg.
the terrified thief pitched backwards off the sill. “The Star of Terra,” Samul whispered, his heart-
Blinded, Reese felt only the rush of air, his guts beat drumming in his ears. “Just like the mage said.”
wrenching with fear, and then a bouncing jolt that tore The rogue edged around the skeleton, trying to get
at his waist. a better view of the gem. “Oh, you’re a beauty, ain’t
Reese’s eyes slowly cleared. He was spinning you? None’s seen your kind since the Mage Wars.
gently in the air, dangling from the rope anchored Cabal’s locked them all away, taken them for their
by Samul and the leering gargoyle. Swearing aloud, own. Ain’t a shiner like you to be found,” Samul’s eyes
Reese pulled himself back up to the window. He had burned with greed, “lessen they been hidden the last
dropped his dagger in the fall; now the thief pulled two hundred years.”
another blade from his boot. Flushing with anger, he “Samul-” Reese began.
ignored caution and levered the shutters open. Before the rogue could finish, Samul reached
No explosions of fire or blasts of thunder this time, forward, took the jewel in hand, and tore the amulet
just opaque darkness and the sour stench of stale air. from around the neck of the skeleton.
Samul joined Reese at the sill. A single narrow The skeleton collapsed, bones chattering to the
shaft of moonlight lit a swatch of the chamber beyond, floor. A low, throaty laugh filled the room, accom-
silhouetting the rogues like a pair of shadow puppets. panied by a whistling northwind. The laughter grew,
“It’s impossible,” Reese whispered. blurring into the sound of the raging wind and snuffing
Samul nodded, his bravado suddenly fled. The Samul’s torch.
rogue eased his way to the rug-covered floor, and he Reese was out the window in an instant, leaping
knelt to light a torch. After several tries, the brand from the sill to the gargoyle in a single desperate
caught. Samul held the torch high, breathless again. lunge. He caught the cold, granite spines and pulled
He was standing in a tomb, a dozen paces wide and himself up. The laughter grew louder, urging him on.
twice as long. Dusty, worm-eaten tapestries covered The rogue cast the rope out into the air, and didn’t wait
the walls, depicting scenes of wizards battling dragons. for it to touch the ground before starting down.
Plates overflowing with gold, silver and platinum coins Inside the tower Samul fumbled about, disorient-
sat atop ivory pedestals carved in the shape of flaring ed by the rush of darkness and the freezing wind. He
cobras. Scrolls, musty tomes, sheaves of vellum, and tripped over a pedestal, tumbling to the floor amid the
massive librams were arrayed on shelves and in stacks. piles of treasure. The rush of the wind was deafening
And at the head of the room, atop an ornate mahogany now, stealing the warmth from his limbs and icing the
chair, sat a leering skeleton. blood in his veins. His lungs stung with every breath.
Reese slipped to his companion’s side, his eyes Samul scrambled for the window, slipping across the
wide in amazement. frost-scored floor. The wind grew even stronger, build-
ing to a raging scream. Samul caught the edge of the
“Touch nothing,” Samul cautioned and for once
sill with numb fingers. Blinded by ice, unable to feel
Reese agreed. Despite all his better judgment, Samul
his limbs, the rogue flung himself out the window and
edged towards the skeleton, cautiously picking his way
into the clear night sky.
through the treasures.
Samul and Reese collided in the air, momentum
swinging the pair away from the window. An instant
later a blast of white hoarfrost erupted from the tower, been exhausted. It was whispered that each inquisitor
raining ice and snow into the night before transforming was the chosen of Hella, and that the Dark Queen rode
into a thousand white bats. in their shadow, bestowing death and destruction to all
Reese watched in amazement as the bats flitted that crossed their path.
away, disappearing into the night sky. Samul clung to A sweating alderman stumbled into the morning
him, beard and eyebrows dripping with ice, teeth chat- light, and took a stand in the center of the muddy track.
tering, his body shaking uncontrollably. Clinging to A mob of thick-built fishermen filed in behind him,
the rope with all his strength, Reese eased their way sharp gaffs and stout wooden pegs clenched tightly in
down. The pair collapsed to the ground, whimpering their meaty fists.
with cold and fear. “Ho, rider!” the alderman called out, his mouth
“Samul,” Reese whispered, looking to his shivering dry with false courage. “State your business and be on
friend. “Did you get it?” your way.”
The young Thonian cracked opened his frost-black- The horse stopped up and the rider pulled back
ened fist, revealing the emerald pendant. It sparkled in his crimson mantle. His face was thin and hard, his
the gloom, catching the light of the moon. The rogues eyes cold, like blued steel. Two days growth of stubble
broke into exhausted laughter. covered his cheeks, and his dark hair was uncut and
“We’re rich men,” Samul gasped through frozen matted, but he spoke with a low voice that rang with
lungs. “The mage promised us a baron’s ransom for authority in the morning air. Girded in leather and dark
the Star. A ransom.” chain, he had the lean, feral build of a starving wolf.
Reese nodded, unable to take his eyes from the “I am Col, emissary of the Wizard’s Cabal.”
gem. “Never again to slave and scrape under another The alderman froze, jowls hanging in fear. “The
man’s thumb. Never again.” Clockwork Inquisitor?”
Samul slowly regained his strength. Dawn was still “The same.”
hours away, but the pair had many leagues to travel. The men shot glances at Col, each trying to catch a
Reese helped the rogue to his feet, and together the glimpse beneath his cloak. Even in this coastal back-
pair hobbled into the brush where their horses were water they had heard tales of the inquisitor who had
hidden. sacrificed his arm for the Cabal. The specifics of the
story varied with each telling, but they all agreed on
* * * * * one detail: that in place of the inquisitor’s arm was
a whirling, clockwork artifice, an unnatural fusion of
The next morning a grim swordsman rode into the metal and magic.
village. His horse was a dark charger bred for war, Col shielded his eyes and nodded up the rocky hill-
its ebon hide slick with perspiration despite the crisp side rounding the back of the village. “Where are the
morning air. The rider wore a hooded long cloak the ruins men call the Shattered Tower?”
color of dusk, and his shoulders slumped as if he had “Not far from here,” the alderman pointed up a
slept in the saddle. The fishermen all looked to narrow, muddy track. “I will show you the way.” Re-
the ground as he passed, and their wives ceased their membering his audience, the alderman hitched up his
chatter, herding their children indoors. rope belt over his considerable belly and bullied his
A heavy-bladed short sword hung from one hip, and way through throng. Col nudged his horse forward,
an unstrung recurve bow and quiver were slung across and the crowd split to either side, their gazes turned
his bedroll. But what frightened the villagers more down in submission.
than the mighty black horse and war-worn weapons, Col and the alderman made their way up the hill-
was the simple red mantle that shielded his eyes and side. Behind them, the village shrank to a muddy mote,
marked the man as a sorcerer-hunter. then vanished into the boding, gray landscape. As the
Inquisitor. pair climbed they passed massive granite blocks, half
The word flew through the town in hushed whispers buried in the ground. Each was perfectly faceted, with
and furtive signs. Inquisitors were the dark hand of the hard edges and precise angles, except where the blocks
Wizard’s Cabal, lone assassins and executioners sent to had been split, cracked like cubes of salt.
enforce the Cabal’s will when every other avenue had “Debris from the tower,” the alderman explained.
“You can find it scattered for miles.”
Col crouched to study a block’s polished face. “But who would bother? Any fool could see there
“Some of these still bear runes.” is nothing there. The tower is empty.”
The alderman dismissed Col’s concern with a Col shook his head and continued the search. In
laugh. “Curiosities for hedge mages at the university, minutes he found bits of rope and a long, narrow
nothing more. Like the tower.” dagger. The alderman’s eyes went wide. Before now
Col looked up and the alderman felt a rush of fear he had doubted Col’s mission, but now it seemed clear
pass over him. The inquisitor had made no move to that something had taken place.
threaten him, and yet his eyes bore the unmistakable “Do you think it is locals?” he asked, gripped with
hint of violence. fear.
“We are a village of simple fishermen,” the alder- “A poniard is made for gutting knights, not fish. I
man tried to explain, “not foolish arcanists. Tell me doubt it belongs to any of your people.”
why you’ve come and perhaps I can aid you in your “But who then? The thief might have come from
mission-” anywhere.”
“The Cabal keeps its own council.” “This rope is woven with strands of spidersilk.”
The alderman fell into chastised silence, and didn’t “Spider silk? The thief was a Peshwan?”
speak again until the pair had reached the base of the “No. This rope is commissioned exclusively by
ruins. Guild thieves.” Col stripped the poniard’s hilt, remov-
It was as the alderman had said. The Shattered ing the black leather wrap. Six scores were beaten
Tower, or what was left of it, was a ruined husk. The into the blade’s tang to form a star. “The bladesmith’s
wide base stood resolutely atop the cliff, looking down mark. This dagger was forged by Valdus of Maus.”
on the crashing surf of the Black Sea. The interior of Col stood up. “A Guild rope, and a rogue’s blade. Two
the tower had been scoured by falling debris, filling the signs pointing to Maus. That is where our thief hailed
base with the same runic blocks that littered the hill- from, and that is where he has fled.”
side. Shreds of flooring remained, garnished with ratty Col called the horse to him. “Thank you for your
ropes hung by locals, but anything of value had been time, alderman. The Cabal will look kindly on this.”
surely destroyed in the blast. Col started around the
“But sir!” the alderman interjected. “Tonight is
base of the tower, examining the ground as he went.
Spirit Eve, when the dead rise to walk the land! Maus
“It may have been a place of power once,” the al- is several hours ride from here, and already the day
derman said, “but now it’s a dried corps, as any fool grows short.”
could see.”
“Listen, friend, and learn wisdom,” Col said, and
Col ignored the alderman’s nervous prattle, a hint of fleeting melancholy passed over the inquisi-
and stilled himself. The realms of Blackmoor were tor’s blue-steel eyes. “The will of the Cabal waits on
drenched in magic, but with the proper training one no man, not even an inquisitor.”
could distinguish between the natural magic of the
Col turned the charger hard and gave a kick. In
land, and the crafted spells of man. The inquisitor could
moments the massive warhorse had carried the sorcer-
sense remnants of eldritch wizardry nearby, calling to
er-hunter out of sight.
him softly. Col knelt and ran his fingers through the
blades of dried grass, coming up with bits of cracked
beeswax. * * * * *
“Wax?” The alderman craned his head over Col’s
shoulder. “Likely from candles left by children playing Dusk came quickly to the City of Maus. Doors were
in the ruins -” bolted, windows barred, and neglected street lanterns
Col held up his hand for silence. He rolled the bits sputtered and died. The heavy city gates, watched with
between his fingertips, pressing out slivers of iron ore. vigilance every other night of the year, now hung open
“An eldritch seal was placed near here.” and unattended. But no army would dare invade this
night, when the musty catacombs, tombs, and forgot-
The inquisitor looked up, spying a widow halfway
ten graves of Maus cracked open to release their grisly
up the ruined tower and directly above where he knelt.
freight. Tonight the undead ruled the streets, alleys and
“There. Someone has disturbed the window.”
byways of the North, and the living hid indoors, clois-
tered together to wait out the night.
“By the blood of Hersh, open!” Reese shouted, “And yet you were followed,” a low voice said from
while Samul pounded on the inn door. The two had the shadows by the door. The rogues spun. A tall figure
ridden hard all night and through the day, only arriv- slid from the shadows, tiger-like and grim. A cloak
ing in the city as the autumn-red sun settled over the concealed his features, but nothing could disguise the
snow-crested Haven Peaks. By the time the pair arrived half-orc’s size and unlikely grace. “An inquisitor, sent
the sprawling city had already become a ghost town. by the Wizard’s Cabal.”
Past the thick door, the rogues could hear dancing and “Impossible,” Samul scoffed. “The loot’s been un-
laughter, but outside there was only the empty cobble- touched for centuries. No one knew it was there.”
stone streets and the hard north wind. “Nevertheless, someone did,” the half-orc hissed.
The last rays of the sun winked behind the moun- Samul put down his mug and the room fell into
tains, and the rogues renewed their efforts, shouting silence. Reese eased himself away from the table,
and beating on the thick wooden door. Bolts were blade in his lap.
drawn back and the door eased open, revealing several “Well then,” Samul began, hesitantly, placing the
pairs of wary eyes. gem atop the table. “We’ll just take our pay then and
“Is they dead?” one queried. be out of your way-”
“No telling!” another answered, and they began to Before he could finish Modocai stood and whis-
close the door. pered a single word. Arcane power, held in check,
“No, we’re not dead, you imbeciles,” Samul flooded the room, lighting up Samul with a blue flash.
grunted, kicking his boot between the door and the The rogue gave a croaking cry, and when the light died,
frame, “but you will be, ‘lessin you open the door.” a green toad sat in his place.
Reese followed threat with substance, thrusting his Reese lunged for the wizard, but before he could
dagger toward the frightened faces, forcing them away reach across the table, a blade hissed in the darkness.
from the door. The rogues bullied themselves inside He fell to the floor, crying in pain. His side had been
the rowdy inn and through the hot, stinking crowd. split open to his spine, spilling dark bile and bloody
They ducked through a small door, leaving the smoky organs. He stared up at the half-orc in shocked awe,
common room behind them. Reese and Samul padded not believing anyone could move so quickly, then saw
to the end of the hall, down a narrow staircase and the signature curved steel blade.
knocked twice on a cellar door. “Balebourne?” Reese gasped in disbelief.
“Enter,” a pitched voice intoned. The rogues “Half Balebourne,” the swordsman corrected,
obeyed, ducking inside a low-ceilinged cellar that pulling back his hood to reveal a noble yet brutally
smelled of rock and wet earth. A hollow-eyed half- bestial visage.
elf sat at a makeshift table, his features lit by a single Reese’s eyes went wide with recognition. “Garrote.”
black candle. He whispered the name and died.
“Join me, friends,” the half-elf whispered, gestur- Modocai took the frog in his hand, studying his
ing to a pair of stools. companion with new respect. “You’ve quite the repu-
The rogues tossed themselves down, pouring them- tation. Unusual for one of your kind.”
selves mugs of beer from a clay pitcher. Both drank “Rats can smell their own,” the half-orc shrugged,
deeply, relaxing for the first time in hours. wiping the blood from his blade. “But what about the
“By Thanatos’ bloody arse,” Samul laughed, wiping inquisitor?”
foam from his beard. “Robbing a spectral tower on a “Your breeding betrays you, friend. No matter how
full moon? You know how to pick ‘em, mage.” much you bastards achieve, you always carry the fear
Reese nodded and sipped at his mug. “We aught to of the wilds in your hearts,” Modocai said, stroking the
charge you double for hazard pay.” frog. “How dangerous could one man be?”
The half-elf afforded the rogues a half smile. “It “My guild has dealt with this one before.”
was a necessary evil. Spirit Eve will cover our escape “Do tell,” Modocai said with mock fear. “I’m in the
and stymie pursuit. Do you have the gem?” mood for a good ghost story.”
“Sure, sure,” Samul said, pouring himself another “It was after the siege of Blackmoor Castle. My
mug. “But who’s going to chase us? Forgotten tomb, agents met with emissaries of the Cabal, but suspected
lost horde. The perfect crime.” they would double cross us. I demanded that the Cabal

offer one of their own as insurance against betrayal. It Part II
was Col, then a fresh-faced boy and not yet the Clock-
work Inquisitor, who volunteered to remain behind.” Col reined the ebon charger to a stop, atop a seaside
“And?” Modocai asked. “Did the Cabal betray hill. They had ridden hard all day and even a magical
you?” steed needed rest. Col leaned forward and patted the
impatient warhorse on its broad neck.
“Of course they did,” Garrote answered, giving a
devilish smile. “When word came back that they had Below them sprawled an overgrown graveyard.
turned on us, I cut off the young man’s sword arm, The neglected headstones stood at odd and unnatural
as a lesson to those who would betray the Merchant’s angles among the tufts of dead grass. Further down
Guild.” the hill were half a dozen barrow mounds, reminders
of the savage tribes that had once called this lonely
Modocai clapped with delight. “And?”
stretch of coastline their home.
“I remember the look in his eyes when I took his
Shadow stomped and snorted with impatience, its
arm. He knew.”
breath coming in billowing white clouds. The frosty
“Knew what?” air was already filled with the smell of freshly turned
“That the Cabal planned to betray us. And still he earth, heralding the coming of night. In less time than
chose to remain behind, and never once tried to break it would take to drink an ale, the hills would infested
away. This one is law incarnate.” with the living dead.
Modocai laughed aloud. “You mean idiocy Col held the charger in place for a moment longer.
incarnate.” To the west, across the Black Sea, the sun shimmered
“This Clockwork Inquisitor isn’t like you or I. and sank toward the horizon over the Realm of the
Neither the threat of pain nor death has any hold over Egg. Peasants whispered that every night the Egg of
him; he has sold his soul to the Cabal, and nothing Coot devoured the sun, and every dawn Odir cut the
short of destruction can stop him.” sun free, releasing it to continue on its course. Astron-
“Enough stories,” Modocai snapped, unnerved by omers had disproved the stories years ago, but riding
Garrote’s fear. “The investigator is still leagues from alone on the cold northern shores, looking over the icy
Maus, and no one –– not even this Clockwork Inquisi- whitecaps of the Black Sea, the tales seemed almost
tor of yours –– can travel after dark on this night.” credible.
Modocai hurled the frog against the floor, then Col gave Shadow a nudge and the horse resumed its
stomped hard, crushing it with a wet pop. impossible gait, devouring the miles towards Maus.
“Back to work,” the wizard ordered. “We still have “You were nearly too late, milord,” the innkeeper
much to accomplish.” said, barring the door behind Col. “I dearly apologize
Garrote obeyed silently, a frown fixed on his face. for your steed though –– my stable has room for no
He concealed the body of Reese behind a pile of fire more.”
wood. Then the half-orc pried a heavy iron drain from Col eased tack and saddlebags to the floor. “You
the floor and helped Modocai into the tunnel below. need’nt worry. She runs with her own tonight.”
Garrote followed, pulling the drain closed behind The innkeeper looked askance but kept his ques-
them. tions to himself. Inquisitors were always a strange
The candle on the table finally burned down to its lot, and prying into Cabal business served no man.
base, snuffing out with a trail of blue smoke. As the “You’ll be wanting a room then?” he asked, fearing
sweet-smelling smoke drifted away, a transformation the answer.
took place in the cellar. Reese’s body was covered by Again, Col shook his head. “Just some wine and a
the illusion of firewood, the stink of blood became the quiet corner. I won’t be staying the the night.”
smell of stale ale, and the iron drain vanished entirely, The innkeeper scurried to obey, muttering wards
covered by the illusion of hard packed earth. against deviltry and the mysteries of wizards as he
In moments it was as if Garrote and Modocai had vanished into the bustling kitchen.
never existed. All that remained of the killers was The waystation’s smoke-stained common room
the body of a single frog, crushed against the muddy was packed with travelers of every station. Drinking
floor. flagons hammered on the rough tables in time to raucous
war-dirges while dark-skinned, proud-eyed Peshwans
diced with even prouder High Thonian noble-sons. At out the moans and sinister threats whispered through
the head of the room, a portly priest of Odir struggled the walls. So long as the bars held and the bard kept up
for preeminence with a half-elven disciple of Tsartha. her playing, those inside would be safe. Those caught
To one side an ale-sodden dwarf was defending the outside wouldn’t be so lucky. Until dawn, no door or
pride of his race by furiously drinking all challengers gate in the entire North would open.
under the table. Sitting next to the smoking hearth, a Col watched the drinking and singing from his dark
scarred veteran told war stories with his pitted broad- corner. It was the paradox of all inquisitors: the need to
sword in hand, and all the while a pretty maid kept up stand apart from those they protected. In the same way
the pretense of singing to ward off the walking dead. that inquisitors embraced and studied violence so that
Col elbowed through the crowd and made his way the common people would never have to, their calling
to the darkest corner to be found. Upon catching sight also denied them the fruits of their works. An inquisi-
of the crimson mantle, the revelers made space for the tor fought so other northlanders could know peace, but
sorcerer-hunter and Col quickly found himself sitting no inquisitor ever died of natural causes.
alone. The sorcerer-hunter cleared his mind of the mel-
Many inquisitors rankled at the dread their order ancholy thoughts. Such were the domain of philoso-
inspired, but Col had long grown accustomed to the phers and sophists. On the frontier they amounted to
dark stares and furtive whispers. He had excelled in little more than distractions, and were quickly eclipsed
the calling of the sorcerer-hunter; now he reaped the by needs far more pressing than peace of soul. The
bitter harvest of those years. And what would he have legions of dead scouring the lands outside were a testa-
with a family, or friends? They would only be chinks ment to that.
in the armor he had worked so hard to forge, either Col poured himself another jack of wine and laid
pawns for the Cabal or targets for his prey. the thick sword on his lap.
The innkeeper brought Col a drinking-jack and a It wouldn’t be long now.
bottle of wine, refusing the inquisitor’s coins when the
inquisitor tried to pay. It was like this wherever Col * * * * *
went: simultaneously envied and loathed by the people
he fought to protect.
“The Star of Terra,” Mordocai whispered in rev-
Col retrieved an oiled rag from his saddlebags and
erence, holding the shining emerald high. The gem
removed his cloak, revealing the clockwork arm that
flashes and sparkled with a brilliance all its own,
stood in stead of flesh and blood. He tested the pros-
shaming the dim light shed by the candles scattered
thesis, joints clicking as gears whirled and spun. The
about the room.
pistons and geartrains were driven by magic, so the
arm never slowed or tired, but like any mechanism, it “Well,” Garrote demanded, “does it hold what we
needed to be kept up. Col went over the arm thorough- seek?”
ly, removing any hint of dirt or precipitation, until the “Patience, savage friend,” Mordocai said, dis-
clockworks gleamed in the flickering torch light. missing the half-orc with a wave. “These things take
The sorcerer-hunter began to polish and sharpen his time.”
short blade, pausing from time to time to sip the wine. Garrote went back to the balcony. Several stories
Despite the best efforts of his stallion, he had missed below, walking dead staggered through the dark
his mark by a mere three leagues. And yet, those last cobbled streets, seeking the slow and foolish that had
nine miles to Maus would have been the most deadly. failed to find shelter before sundown. Corpses of all
Entire armies had died on these shores; tonight they states mingled together; pale urchins, spotted with
would wage war once more, but this time against the plague pox, stumbled alongside skeletal warriors girded
living. It frustrated Col to miss his mark by such a in rusting armor; lopheaded hanged-men darted from
short distance, but in the end it would be an inconve- door to door, testing each with a rattle, while solemn
nience, nothing more. High Thonians, still garbed in regal robes, marched
Outside the waystation, the dead were awaken- alongside their brides in search of prey. The cold night
ing. They dragged their bony fingertips over the walls, air rang with low groans, punctuated by the horrified
rattled the shutters and tested the doors. The revelers screams of the dying.
increased the volume of their celebrations, drowning

“It has begun to snow,” Garrote noted. “Maybe “Watch,” the wizard instructed, “and learn what
it will keep down the stink.” Unsettled by his own it means to be a command the very fabric of the uni-
morbid fascination, the half-orc stepped away from the verse.”
balcony, closing the leaded glass doors. He saw with Mordocai peered deep into the gem and intoned a
disgust that the wizard was still admiring the gem, phrase in Draconic. The Star of Terra lifted from his
seduced by its charm. hands, borne up under its own power. The glow inside
“How powerful,” Garrote demanded, shocking the emerald began to pulse, softly at first, then quick-
Mordocai from his revere, “can a gem predating the ening, until it became a steady brilliance that illumi-
Wizard’s Cabal even be?” nated the entire chamber.
“Therein is the true beauty of this jewel,” the “Now,” Mordocai whispered, “to suffuse myself
wizard answered softly. “After Skelfer Ard discov- with the might of the ages.” The wizard offered himself
ered powerful gems could be used to wield and harness up to the gem, repeating the spell like a mantra.
White Magic, it was still a decade before he brought The glow brightened until it dwarfed the noonday
the Mage Wars to an end. During that time he shared sun, but still the wizard refused to turn away. He
his secrets with select apprentices. Most fought by his renewed his efforts, his chants filling the room with the
side during the last years of the Mage Wars, but a few ancient, slithering tongue. Mordocai reached out to
disciples struck out to study White Magic on their own. the gleaming, scintillating gem, and the gem reached
Xavier the Gray was one of those traitorous few.” out to him.
“So the Shattered Tower wasn’t destroyed until the Garrote took a step away, shielding his eyes from
very end of the Mage Wars,” Garrote reasoned. the blinding rays.
“Precisely. Xavier had ten long years, more than Then the wizard began to scream.
enough time to acquire the Star of Terra and then
imbue it with the sum of his power. In the coming * * * * *
years, Skelfer’s loyal disciples, what we call the Wiz-
ard’s Cabal, sought to acquire all the most powerful
gems for themselves. Col stood up, shouldered his cloak and pulled the
crimson mantle down low over his eyes.
“But Xavier’s tower had been destroyed, his life’s
work presumed lost,” Mordocai concluded with a “Master,” the innkeeper gasped, clutching his apron
flourish. “Thus we have the Star of Terra: an artifact in fear. “Have we offended your lordship?”
torn through an infinitesimally small window in time, The inquisitor shook his head and tossed a handful
‘twixt the discovery of the spell foci and the tyrannical of flashing gold coins onto the table.
reign of the Wizard’s Cabal.” “For your trouble,” Col said, fastening a clockwork
Mordocai held the gem close, and his voice fell to fist around the hilt of his sword.
a whisper. “Who can say what eldritch might has been The crowd of drunken revelers watched in silence
lost all these years, hoarded by the Cabal? Who can as the sorcerer-hunter faded and vanished.
say what precious spells were wrought by a mage pow-
erful enough to challenge Skelfer himself?” * * * * *
Mordocai’s eyes fluttered shut in exultation.
“Enough power, perhaps, to transform a practitioner Mordocai was screaming in exalted agony, as if his
of the Art into an archmage equal to the legends of soul were be ripped from his ragged throat. Which,
yore.” Garrote mused, might not have been far from the truth.
Mordocai took a long, haggard breath. The wizard’s entire body was lit up like molten glass,
“Soon. Soon I shall know.” light errupting from his very being.
“All the better,” Garrote swore. “This accursed The half-orc had tortured many an unlucky soul in
bauble stinks of wizards’ blood. Best to be done with his tenure with the Guild. He had carefully removed
it, and quickly.” entire swatches of skin, muscle, and bone, and used
“Friend savage, your kind will never appreciated temple healers to keep the victims alive as their bodies
the majesty of true arcane power.” Mordocai snuffed were set to rot. None of his wards had ever wailed like
the candles one by one, then knelt on a bed of cush- this. Garrote wondered how long he should let the ar-
ions, holding the glowing gem before him.
rogant mage suffer, and if it was possible to drown in “I’ve always wondered,” Garrote’s voice came
the blood of one’s own shredded vocal cords. from behind. “Can you actually feel with a clockwork
The half-orc’s dark mediations were broken when arm, or are they just good for hacking?”
a second flash lit the chamber. Garrote drew his blade Col threw up his heavy sword in a desperate block.
and spun in a single motion. Through the glare of the He felt the crash of Garrote’s katana against his short-
gem he saw the telltale crimson hood of an inquisitor. sword and lashed out with a gloved fist. The blow
Garrote snarled and spun back towards the dying glanced off Garrote, snapping the half-orc back and
wizard. He hit hard and fast, pulling the curved blade spinning Col around.
through the entire strike. The blade slid through Mor- The laughter was replaced by a painful cough, and
docai’s neck and spine, then broke free. The lifeless Garrote spit a mouthful of blood onto the chamber
body of the wizard collapsed, gouting blood. The head floor. “Good, inquisitor, good. Let’s make this a little
spun twice then struck the floor, Mordocai’s eyes still more challenging, eh?”
tranfixed with a mix of wonder and agony. Col heard a whispered command word, and then
And then the room was plunged into darkness. nothing. He strained his ears, then realized that the
half-orc had activated some arcane item that silenced
* * * * * his movements. Without a warning of his attack, there
was no telling which direction the next blow would
come from.
Col entered the chamber, hood low, blade held
before him. The same Cabalistic spell that hurled him Col backed away until he felt the wall behind. Fear
across the miles would also produce a brilliant flash and uncertainty filled his heart. A lesser man might
that was sure to blind any onlookers, and Col was have abandoned himself to fate, hacking and slashing
careful to make certain he didn’t share their fate. blindly in the darkness, but the sorcerer-hunter forced
the emotions down, refusing to give into panic. He
But the chamber he entered was already lit with
fixed his gaze on the faint light of the leaded-glass
blinding light. Col saw the towering frame of a half-
doors, then began to ease his way around the circum-
orc spin with the quickness of a tiger, a curved blade
ference of the chamber.
springing into the beast’s hands. The inquisitor had
just enough time to recognize the savage visage before Each step brought the threat of death at the bale-
the half-orc turned back, cleaving the wizard’s head bourne blade. Col had crossed half the room when he
from his body in a single swift strike. Then darkness spotted what he had been seeking: the dim silloutte of
flooded room, and it was the hunter who found himself the half-orc against the glass doors, katana raised high
blind. with both hands.
Col could have made a desperate dash for Garrote Col sprang, short sword hissing through the dark-
but that meant death. The half-orc could see in the ness before him. Garrote gave a shout of surprise and
darkness, while Col would be fighting blind. The steel met steel, Col’s attack blocked by the half-orc’s
immediacy of this truth was reinforced by Garrote’s blade. Garrote staggered backwards in alarm, slashing
throaty laughter. left and right, uncertain how his foe had managed to
spot him.
“The Clockwork Inquisitor,” he said warmly. “I’d
expected you sooner.” Col dropped low, and the blows passed harmlessly
overhead. The sorcerer-hunter pressed his advantage,
Col held his silence, trying to gauge the half-orc’s
hissing an incantation. Mystic power sizzled through
position as he moved through the room. He could call
the air and Col’s sword flooded the chamber with
up a spell, but in the time it would take to whisper the
words of eldritch power the half-orc would cut him in
two. The sorcerer-hunter pointed the crackling blade
towards the astonished half-orc.
“Over here,” Garrote corrected with laugh. “I see
the Cabal was good enough to replace your arm. The “Now,” Col said with grim satisfaction, “things get
least they could do, really.” interesting.”
Col turned with the sounds of the voice. He “A fair fight?” The bestial Garrote shook his head
could hear the half-orc circling around him, gradually with a smile. He knelt to snatch up the Star of Terra
drawing closer. then sprang through the glass doors to the balcony.
The room was filled with crash of falling glass as
Garrote climbed atop the railing. ing him – he was far too quick for that –- but the near
“What you have to decide, Clockwork Inquisitor, is constant battle had begun to wear at him. The half-
how badly you want this,” Garrote flashed the faceted orc was a master of the Balebourne style, the art of
emerald, “and how badly you want to stay alive.” killing an opponent with a single perfect strike, but he
Col made a dash for the thief, but Garrote was loathed conflicts that lasted longer than the first deadly
faster. He leaped into the crisp air, and fell, clattering, clash. Running battles where swordsmen wore each
to the slate rooftops below. An instant later the half- other down to exhaustion, waiting for one to stumble
orc was back on his feet, dashing along the rows of onto the other’s blade, were just so tedious.
roofs. Garrote held up the fist-sized emerald, admiring
Col swore softly, mindful of the legions of walking the way it caught the moonlight. His Masters would
dead that filled the darksome streets below. Then he pay well, very well, for the focus. With the dupe of
took a breath, placed a single boot atop the railing, and a wizard out of the way, all that stood between him
vaulted into the Blackmoor night. and the completion of his mission was a handful dozen
restless dead, and Thanatos help any man that got in
his way.
Part III Garrote pushed off from the wall and loped away,
keeping to the shadows. The cobbled streets and
plaster-walled houses of Maus’ merchant quarter gave
The rotting corpse staggered down the cobbled street, way to muddy ruts and derelict tenements. Garrote
stopping to test each window and door. Its gray flesh dodged down a dead-end alley, and pulled himself atop
hung in peeling chunks, and its boots left a trail of a rotting brick wall. Below him stretched the slums of
muddy grave dirt. The zombie carried a rusted long- Maus, laid out like a pale corpse beneath the cold light
sword and a battered wooden shield; it had been a of the moon.
warrior once, but this one would never defend the The Shallows. Never was there were a more des-
people of the frontier again. While it moved with the olate wasteland of humanity. Here, amid the brick-
awkward, unnatural grace of a broken marionette, rimmed cesspools of filth and burned-out ruins, the
bitter red embers burned in its eye sockets, betraying pretty facade of civilization surrendered to an older,
sinister cunning lurking within. It had both infinite pa- savage world. Here humans lived like rats, fighting
tience and insatiable hunger, and moved with the de- each other for spoiled scraps of food. Here life could
liberate certainty known only to the dead. This one be had for a handful of soiled coins. Here urchins ran
wanted only one thing – to feast upon the living, and it in wild packs, death was quick and the rule of the Guild
could wait as long as necessary. was absolute.
Another hunter stalked those same shadows. Unlike The half-orc smiled, showing tusk. It was good to
the zombie, Col, didn’t have all night. Yet he hung mo- be home.
tionless, clinging to the underside of the eave, a handy
Garrote dropped down the far side of the wall, and
trick he had learned from the swarthy rogues of Booh.
then spun, sensing danger. A pair of ghouls burst from
Three ghouls had passed in the last few minutes, all
the shadows, hurling themselves at the half-orc with
of them stalking warm blood. Col could kill any one
fevered abandon. Garrote stuck quickly, cleaving the
of the walking dead, but the sounds of a heated battle
first from shoulder to waist, but then the second corpse
would only bring more, wasting precious minutes that
was on him, knocking Garrote backwards into the mud.
were better spent in pursuit.
The half-orc felt a frozen numbness explode through
The zombie continued on its stumbling way. As his veins and had just enough time to feel the stinking
soon as it had passed out of sight, the sorcerer-hunter breath of the ghoul on his throat. Then he kicked hard
swung back to down the street and resumed his hunt. with the last of his dying strength, sending the ghoul
Garrote paused in his flight to lean against the mud The ghoul came to its feet with startling quickness,
and plaster wall, his breath coming in ragged gasps. but this time the half-orc was ready. It was a lesson
The sellsword swallowed hard and flexed his sword taught to every urchin weaned on the Shallow’s with-
arm. He had cut down half a dozen zombies in as ered teat: you had one, and only one, chance to sur-
many minutes. None of them had come near to strik- prise your prey.

Snarling with barely checked fury, Garrote waved there was no risk of the blade reflecting in the moon-
the ghoul forward. The unthinking beast sprang and light, then drew a long, curved dagger from his boot.
Garrote’s katana cut a bloody red swath across the al- The blade had been blackened with poisonous grease,
leyway, spilling the ghoul to either side. what the Guild called Slayer’s Oil, and it was well
Breathing hard, Garrote whipped the rotting fluids suited to its purpose. The blade reflected no light, and
from his blade. Exhaustion and overconfidence was on the razor-sharp dagger, the slightest brush would
making him sloppy, he thought with disgust, as he bring death, swift and sure.
worked the cold from his limbs. It was time to find a The rogue watched Col move through the ware-
Guild safehouse and bring this foolish game to an end. house beneath him. Even the deepest black of night
Garrote started down the alley, then skidded to a halt. posed no challenge to Garrote’s dark vision. It was
A dark figure sat crouched on the rooftop, a simple only a short matter of time until the half-blind inquisi-
short blade glittering in the moonlight. tor stumbled beneath him, and then –
“Col,” the half-orc grimaced, snapping his sword Garrote licked his tusks. This relentless inquisi-
to the ready. tor had harried him for too many years. He was like
“One chance,” the inquisitor whispered, his voice a rabid dog, sick with madness, and it was time to put
like leaves rustling over gravestones. “Surrender the the sorcerer-hunter down.
focus and give yourself up.” Closer, Garrote thought, willing Col on. At last
“Try and take it,” Garrote taunted, “and the Cabal the inquisitor was directly beneath him. The half-orc
will need to replace another arm-” tightened his grip on his blades, and let the hunter pass
Before the half-orc could finish Col whispered a underneath him. Then, as silent as an owl in flight, he
single phrase and a two searing blue bolts leaped from dropped off the rafter, blades striking as one, a hail of
his palm, lighting up the alley. They struck Garrote steel, poison and death.
full in the chest, sending his spinning him through a Col’s shortsword shrieked through the darkness,
rotting wall. striking aside Garrote’s katana. The inquisitor’s other
Col dropped to muddy the alley floor and started hand caught Garrote’s wrist in an iron grip, turning
after the half-orc, wary of a trap. His eyes struggled aside the assassin’s blade. The half-orc crashed to
out to make out shapes in the darkness, but the rogue the floor, roaring with fury. Col’s boot smashed down
was nowhere to be seen. The inquisitor’s metal on Garrote’s off-hand, kicking the poisoned dagger
hand flexed impulsively. The half-orc could be any- away.
where in the rotting warehouse. Garrote was dan- Col paused in his assault, dropping back to the balls
gerous in a sword fight, but absolutely deadly in an of his feet. Garrote was no good to him dead, but was
ambush. But what were Col’s options? He could sur- beginning to wonder if any other outcome were pos-
render the chase and try to catch up to Garrote in the sible. He should have stayed down, cowed by the pain.
morning. Instead the half-orc came back, more driven than ever,
The thought of failure grated on the inquisitor even his blade cutting left and right with savage quickness.
more than his fear of an ambush. Tightening his grip Col danced backwards, each move simple and
on his sword, Col stepped cautiously over the broken efficient. Garrote pressed his advantage, spinning,
wooden planks and into the darkness. cutting and slashing as he advanced. A lesser swords-
man might have been awed by the advancing wall of
Garrote flitted through the shadows, trusting in his death, but years of monastic training and hard-won
skills to conceal any noise he might make. battles had taught Col a simple truth about combat: it
The rotting building had once been a warehouse wasn’t the quickest swordsman who won, but the one
for the merchants that plied their seasonal trade along with the steel in the right place at the right time.
the North Sea, but it hadn’t seen any cargo in years. Col fell back easily, taking note of Garrote’s tempo,
Cooing pigeons had taken roost in the rafters, and large then stepped into the dance of steel. The katana crashed
patches of sky could be seen through the holes in the against the inquisitor’s short sword, bringing the dance
roof. to a jarring stop. Col lashed out with his fist, crushing
He made his way to the darkest corner of the ware- Garrote nose with a wet snap.
house and pulled himself silently into the rafters. The The half-orc never even tried to dodge the blow.
half-orc rested his katana flat against the beams so that Instead he caught Col by the chest, hoisting the inquis-
itor into the air like a rag doll. Col hung in the air for be among the easier ones. The pain in his back had
a moment, then Garrote hurled the inquisitor against changed to an icy chill, his bleeding trickling to a stop.
the wall. He smashed through the other side, and fell, Col knew that soon that chill would spread through his
tumbling through the darkness. entire body, and then not even dawn could save him.
Col crashed to a stop at the base of the slope. His The inquisitor swung his legs savagely from side
right side was numb and every breath brought spasms to side. The force tore at his back, ripping the wound
of shooting pain. The sorcerer-hunter craned a look open and causing the inquisitor to scream in agony.
over his shoulder – he was impaled atop the sharpened His blood fell in a steady stream down the bars of gate,
rods of a broken metal gate, hung up like a bleeding steaming softly as they went.
scarecrow. Col kicked his boots, trying to find pur- Col heard the sound of feet in the mud, and for a
chase in the icy mud, or the gate, or anything, but only moment he wondered if Garrote had returned. Then
succeeded in sending screaming lances of pain through he heard the hiss, not of living breath, but of undead
his entire body. hunger. Long, icy fingers investigated Col, uncertain
Col heard the half-orc’s deep laughter the rogue at first and then with a growing fervor. An iron grip
made his way out of the warehouse and down the cinched around Col’s ankle. Before the fiend could
muddy slope to stand before Garrote. take a bite, Col kicked hard with other boot, crushing
“Now this is a pretty sight. The Butcher Street the monster’s temple.
Almshouse,” Garrote said looking to the moldering The thing screamed, an unholy, ragged cry that
ruins behind Col. “I remember this place. A mansion rang through the night. Col hooked both legs around
once, then a poorhouse used to keep urchins and the back of the zombie’s head and sat up, wrenching
orphans out of sight. High-borns hate to see any- himself off the fence. The zombie fell backwards and
thing so ugly as suffering children. There were at least the pair struck the mud, limbs tangled. Col rolled up
eighty children living here –eighty ugly, pox-ridden atop the zombie and rained blows down on its rotting
souls– locked inside when the old girl burned to the face, his studded gloves mashing the thing’s skull into
ground.” the icy mud.
Garrote smiled. “That’s a lot of ghouls and nasties. Col pulled himself off the corpse, his breath coming
And with you bleeding all over their gate, I’m sure in tattered gasps. Kneeling in the mud, he pulled a
it won’t be long before they come looking for fresh strip off his cloak and used the rag to bind his wounds.
meat.” He needed a real healer, but the bandage would help to
The half-orc picked up Col’s fallen sword from slow the bleeding.
the mud and examined the blade, turning it over in his Dragging himself to his feet, Col staggered off in
hands. “Good dwarven steel. A bit heavy, and poorly the direction Garrote had fled. The inquisitor’s trained
balanced. And this?” Garrote fingered the ruby at the eyes sought out the tell-tale signs: a droplet of drying
base of the pommel. “Your spell focus, I’d wager. I blood, a heelprint in the icy mud, broken blades of
think I’ll keep it as a memento of our evening.” frost-killed grass.
Garrote fingered a tusk. “When I was in the rafters, The inquisitor didn’t have far to go. He found
how did you know where I was hiding?” Garrote at the end of a dead-end alley, his back to a
“Magic.” Col coughed blood and tried to force wall. The half-orc was bleeding from a dozen ragged
down the rolling waves of pain. “My Master taught wounds, and his blade was covered with gore and black
me to sense magic.” ichor. Fallen corpses were scattered down the length of
“Impossible!” the half-orc scoffed. “Wards dis- the alley, but still a mob of ghouls and zombies were
guise all that I own.” converging on the thief, howling with fevered hunger.
“Except for one: you were carrying the gem.” The half-orc’s desperate eyes searched the dark-
Garrote laughed aloud. “Of course. And now,” the ened alley, frantically searching for an escape. His
half-orc gave a mocking bow, “goodnight and good- eyes alighted on Col’s dark form.
bye.” “Inquisitor!” Garrote shouted. The mob of undead
Col listened to the half-orc pad away. Above him, broke in two, eyes flaring red in the darkness. The
the smoke of hearth fires passed beneath the twinkling rogue reared back and hurled the shortsword end over
stars. Every inquisitor wondered what his death would end through the night.
be like. Of all the ways Col had considered, this would
Col snatched the spinning blade from the air and “Garrote!” Col shouted, knowing he would get
waded into the flood of charging undead. The sword no reply. Ripping himself away from the glowing
was a mine fighter’s weapon; it had been forged for eyes, he threw himself at the wall, plunging his sword
vicious, close quarters combat. Its razor edge and heavy through the rotting wooden planks. Pulling himself
tang could cleave limbs and sever heads in situations up on the pommel, Col lashed out with his clockwork
where lighter, or longer, weapons would be worthless. arm, seizing the rafter with a strength born of metal and
The blood-hungry dwarf smiths had never imagined magic. Where a normal hand would have torn free, the
their masterwork would find its way to the streets of clockwork grip held. Pinching the beam with but two
Maus. But in the final analysis, an alley filled with fingers and a thumb, Col wrenched himself toward the
howling ghouls, and a mine shaft flooded with snarling roof.
orcs might have been one and the same. The blood, Gasping with strain and the pain of freshly opened
chaos and the pain were one, and the blade sang with wounds, Col flung his elbow and sword over the
triumph. edge.
Col hewed a bloody line through the undead, strik- Garrote was waiting for him, katana raised in the
ing every blow without an ounce of wasted motion. moonlight.
The ghouls and zombies flung themselves at him with “It’s a lesson I learned a long time ago,” Garrote
savage ferocity, broken teeth bared, soiled claws strug- said. “If you have the chance to kill a man, do it.” The
gling for a purchase, but the hunter rode the wave of vi- blade arced through the night like a falling star.
olence like a wolf turned loose among mongrel dogs. Col released his hold and kicked away from the
The inquisitor burst free of the mob and took his wall. The katana buried itself into the roof and the in-
stand beside the half-orc. They had both slain their quisitor tumbled backwards through the air, crashing
share and more, but the crash of battle had drawn even to the hard alley floor.
more undead. The ghouls were on him in an instant. Cold, soiled
The half-orc’s breath came in quick gasps. “This hands swarmed over him, pinning his arms and legs,
isn’t a fight we can win.” and sending a numbing chill through Col’s bones. His
Col knew he was right. Already there were more sword lay just inches beyond his reach, half-buried in
undead than before; worse, the slow zombies were the muddy mix of blood and ice.
falling first, giving way to quicker and deadlier ghouls Past the snarling faces of the ghouls, the swirl-
and worse. “We have to go up.” ing darkness coalesced around the fiery embers. In
Garrote shook his head up and cut down another moments a shadow-figure stood above him, wrapped
zombie. “They’d tear us off the wall before we made in rotting rags the color of smoke and dark mail carved
the eaves.” from ivory and bone. A skeletal hand reached from the
“Then we’ll have to fight –” robes to steal Col’s soul, then hesitated.
Col stopped mid-sentence. The assault had been “You.” The revenant’s voice could have been mis-
relentless, but now the zombies and ghouls paused, taken for the distant howl of the northwind. The icy
hanging just out of sword range. It was as if they were hand traced the lines of Col’s lips, cheeks and brow.
waiting, commanded by something more powerful The inquisitor tried to scream, but only moaned, his
than their insatiable hunger. The inquisitor’s squinted, entire body frozen from the ghouls’ deadly touch.
but all he could make out was a darkness, deeper than “Which scion’s spawn are you?” the shadow
the night sky. The icy air grew even colder and Col felt demanded, waving the ghouls back.
a chill brush his heart. “Go!” “I’m Col, inquisitor of the Wizard’s–”
“Eh?” “No,” the revenant pressed the bones of its finger
“Go!” Col ordered. He dropped to brace the half- to Col’s lips. It seemed to consider for a moment, the
orc. Garrote didn’t need to be told again. He pushed flickering embers burning into Col’s steel-blue eyes.
off from Col’s shoulders as the inquisitor stood, vault- “A bastard-childe, after all this time,” the creature
ing to the eave. Garrote caught a beam and swung out declared, laughing. “The Lost Barons? Impossible.
of sight. And yet–”
The opaque darkness was closer now, and Col The revenant rose away from Col and turned to
could make out a pair of eyes, burning gently like confront the ghouls. “This one is already damned,”
dying embers.
it declared. “His cold flesh is not for you. Find other wandered the street; Garrote was safe, hidden in the
prey this night.” The ghouls loped away, and the rev- shadow of the chimney, so long as he kept quiet. Still
enant turned back on Col, its hand wreathed in blue the sight of the dead grated at his sensibilities, and
flame. as the wine had its way with him, he found himself
“Forget,” the revenant ordered, “and learn what it longing to taunt the undead.
means to hunger.” It plunged a shadow-fist into Col’s What a night it had been, what with the dogged in-
chest. Icy pain shot through the inquisitor, arching his quisitor, hordes of walking dead, and a gem belonging
spine in anguish. Col’s vision went red, before dark- to a long dead mage. When dawn came, Garrote swore
ness and its sweet release swept over him. he would eat the largest meal of potatoes and ham he
could find, and sleep for a week. His masters in the
* * * * * Guild could wait for their pretty little bauble –
Col awoke in the alley. The supernatural numbing The half-orc scrambled to his feet. The cask of
of the ghouls’ touch had been replaced by the natural wine, forgotten, pitched off the edge of the roof and
chill of a late autumn night. He sat up slowly, head crashed against the hard stone cobbles, several stories
pounding, back wracked with pain. below.
The fall, Col realized. He had lunged for the roof “Col,” Garrote swore. The inquisitor – only the
and then the half-orc had sent him sprawling. He must devils knew how he had found him – was standing at
have cracked his head in the fall, but then what had the end of the roof peak, sword in his off-hand, wind
happened to the ghouls and the swirling darkness? whipping at his long cloak.
The inquisitor stood on shaky legs, dragging his sword “Damn, inquisitor, you just don’t know when to
behind him. stay down.” Garrote leveled his long katana at Col.
The furious pounding in his head grew worse. Col “A dozen times you’ve escaped death tonight, and yet
leaned against the alley wall, trying to force the pain you cast away fate’s bounty like slop to hogs.”
down. The noise in his head was a heartbeat, but not The inquisitor strode down the peak of the slate
his own. Garrote? The inquisitor stilled his thoughts roof, not bothering to raise his weapon.
and listened. Yes, it did belong to the half-orc. But “The something different about you,” Garrote
how? And how long had he been unconscious? The mused. “Colder, as if that were possible.” The half-
rogue should have long since vanished. orc shrugged and took up a fighting stance. “You’ll be
Unless– colder yet when I’m done.”
Col smiled through the pain. It was still Spirit Eve. “Give me the focus,” Col said, “or die.”
Every inn and hostelry in the North would be locked “You can best me in a running battle, inquisitor,”
tight until dawn. The half-orc had been caught in a Garrote conceded. “But no man alive in the North can
own trap of his own making. beat me to first blood. And friend, one strike’s all I’ll
Once again the inquisitor started after the half-orc, need.”
following by the heartbeat echoing in his ears. Col came at Garrote, and the half-orc lashed out
with a lightening-quick feint. Col blocked the first,
* * * * * but was off balance for the half-orc’s second strike. He
fell to the slate shingling, katana hissing overhead, and
began sliding towards the edge.
“Only in Maus,” Garrote swore aloud. Every tavern
he found had turned him away, refusing to unbolt the Col seized Garrote’s ankle with his metal fist.
doors. Dodging undead, the half-orc had broken into a Garrote yelped and lost his balance, sliding after the
wine shop, taking a cask of wine and a loaf of bread he inquisitor. The rotting roof gave way beneath them,
found behind the counter. Now he sat at the peak of a and pair fell crashing into the inn room below.
steep roof, warming himself by the heat of a chimney, They landed on a rough-sawn table, breaking it in
waiting for dawn. two and scattering the drunken revelers. They both
“Only in Maus,” Garrote repeated, tearing a hunk came up, blades in hand, slashing at each other as they
of bread from the dried loaf and washing it down with
a swallow of wine. Below him ghouls and nasties

tumbled into the crowd. They broke apart, swords flashing in the smoky torchlight, the crowd forming a circle
around them.
Both warriors were hurt and bleeding. Col’s back wounds had reopened, and the half-orc sported a long,
shallow gash across his belly. Each warrior was exhausted, every last reserve of will long spent. Col fell back
into a fighting stance, his eyes dulled and blurred.
“Cease!” Garrote shouted, backing away. “This is idiocy!”
“Surrender yourself and the focus.”
“I can’t do that,” Garrote protested.
“Then we die,” Col answered dryly.
“Have you no woman, no love?” Garrote demanded, backing over benches and tables. “No fat, sweaty wife
with a mob of ugly children awaiting your return? Have you nothing to live for?”
“Only this,” Col said, advancing on the half-orc, “ and the rule of the Cabal.”
The half-orc stopped up short, regarding the inquisitor in disbelief.
“I have committed every sin worthy of punishment,” Garrote whispered angrily. “I’ve bedded hundreds
of whores between here and Ten, killed entire tribes of Afridhi in their sleep, stolen a king’s ransom from the
Regent of the Mines, and lost it in the same night. I’ve pissed on the sacred groves of the Westryn Elves, slain
ogre-lords atop the Kerman Peaks, spit in the face of barons and made love to their wives. And still I crave
Garrote regarded Col with disgust. “Life is wasted on you, inquisitor.”
The half-orc reached inside his belt pouch and tossed the Star of Terra into the air. At the same moment the
inn’s massive doors were wrenched open, revealing the first rays of sunlight. The crowd erupted with cheers at
the sign of day.
The emerald spun in the air, flashing brightly in the sunlight. Col caught it in his glove and looked back to
the half-orc, but Garrote had already made his escape, vanishing into the wave of cheering revelers that flooded
the streets of Maus.
Col watched in silence, his sword resting against the ground. The Star of Terra, set by the Cabal as bait for
ambitious sorcerers, had been recovered. And yet, he felt anxious and empty, as if he had failed somehow.
The inquisitor took a seat at a table in the corner of empty tavern. A barmaid began the herculean task of
cleaning up after the night’s revels, collecting the spilled and broken mugs.
Col took a small mug and a half-empty bottle of wine. “I’ll keep these.”
“Suit yourself,” she said, wiping down the table. The barmaid hoisted a tray of mugs and dirty plates onto
her shoulder and left for the kitchen.
Col poured himself a glass, absently spinning the gem on the table before him. Muffled sounds of revelry
and celebration made their way into the inn, borne on the crisp morning air, but inquisitor remained where he
was, mulling his wine, the gem, and the half-orc’s parting words.


Game Specific Information welded the door shut. Explorers finding a way past the door
will discover a staircase leading down into darkness.
for A Night in Maus The dungeon below houses a series of death traps
culminating in seven cells where the Gray Mage imprisoned
What follows represents the game mechanic details his rivals. The Gray Mage is long dead, but his prisoners
associated with events, locations and charac- remain, trapped in stasis fields. They represent a veritable
ters found in A Night in Maus. Players and GMs can rogues’ gallery from Blackmoor’s dark age, fiends long
review this material to get a better insight not only to the presumed dead. If the stasis fields were disturbed and the
character’s motivations, but also for ways to craft adven- villains released, it would herald a new age of chaos and
tures from the story’s plotline. bloody violence for the North.

The Shattered Tower The Order of the Inquisitor: By the

Lording over the rocky shores of the Black Sea, the Shattered Sword and the Spell
Tower is a remnant of a bygone age. Xavier, the Gray Mage, Few are called to life of the sorcerer-hunter. Serving as an
built the tower to be his stronghold in the North, only to inquisitor is a lonely existence fraught with danger, a life
watch it be destroyed during the Mage Wars, the upper third spent tracking down and apprehending those who would
of the tower shorn off and scattered across the rocky beach defy the will of the Cabal. And when an outlaw refuses to be
and nearby hillside. These massive granite blocks can still brought to justice, an inquisitor is forced to be both judge and
be found, bearing sigils and runes that are as crisp as the day executioner. Many inquisitors carry heavy hearts, their spirits
they were hewn. laden with the blood-soaked memories of those they have
Now the tower stands empty. Looters have picked the slain. Because of this, and because of the dangers renegade
ruins over, carrying away any wealth that might have survived sorcerers can pose to friends and family, inquisitors nearly
the tower's destruction. It is common for local boys and girls always work alone, forsaking filial ties and living under
to prove their courage by slipping into the tower on moonlit assumed names. They ply their deadly trade in the service of
nights. the Cabal and die as they lived: by the sword and the spell.
Unbeknownst to most, the legacy of the Gray Mage Fully one half of all inquisitors begin their lives as
continues. orphans. Every year a team of Cabalistic wizards tour
First, while it is true that the material contents of the the orphanages and almshouses of the North, examining
tower were destroyed, the tower's walls still hide gates the thousands of dirty, feral children that find themselves
permitting access to extra-planar spaces created by the Gray abandoned and alone. Those that show promise as wizards
Mage. The Wizard's Cabal is aware of these demi-plane are accepted into the Cabal’s ranks; of these, the rare few that
alcoves, though it has explored only a handful of them. At also demonstrate physical prowess are chosen to be trained as
least two dozen such spaces exist, most accessible through inquisitors. Orphans are ideal for this purpose because they
either warded windows or secret doors hidden on the outside have no ties outside of the Cabal, and no one to mourn their
of the tower. Some of these chambers even connect to one passing. The Cabal becomes their family, its will their law.
another, making for a virtual tower in the absence of the real These young boys and girls are taken deep in the
one. Exploring the ethereal remnants of the Shattered Tower Stormkiller mountains, to the fastness named Ravenguard.
would be an adventure worthy of doughty adventurers indeed, There the children are inducted into a monastic life where
for who can say what ageless monsters and magics lurk they train daily, honing their bodies, spirits and minds. In the
inside? life of an inquisitor, a single error is an invitation to death,
Secondly, the granite blocks that made up the tower, long so the Masters drill their charges without mercy. Those
presumed to be harmless curiosities, have begun to warp the that fail to meet the impossibly high standards become the
villagers living near the ruins. Those effected exhibit physical warriors and wizards that watch over Ravenguard’s young
deformities and the penchant for cruelty and xenophobia. wards; those that pass the Masters' tests are inducted into the
This transformation is a slow process, taking place over mysteries of the Inquisition.
multiple generations, but already a handful of small cults have This final ceremony is a dour, grim affair. Initiates are
sprung up in the hills. These cults are often limited to a single led to a dark grotto beneath Ravenguard, where they are
extended family, the eldest ruling the others with a tyrant's given their final lesson: that no inquisitor should be afraid to
fist. Dark rumors of human sacrifice and blood rituals have die –– by embracing death they gain the courage to succeed
surfaced as far away as the city of Maus. where all other fail. Each initiate inters their world possession
The purpose of this transformation is unclear but the in a dusty tomb. Then the orphan is given a new name chosen
results are not. Within another two generations the villagers from a roster from fallen brothers and sisters, and the crimson
will manifest real signs of profane corruption: horns, stubby mantle of the Inquisitor. From that day on, their every breath
tails, hooves, powerful physiques, unexpected arcane talents, is beholden to the Cabal.
and a profound lust for evil.
Finally, hidden at the base of the tower, beneath piles of
shattered stone, slate, and rubble, is a round iron door, plated
in lead and silver. The same force that shattered the tower also

Using Inquisitors in your Game is unshakable, and she holds herself to the highest standards
of Good and Law. She has undertaken a handful of missions
With their high base attack bonus and levels in arcane spell
for the Cabal and remains convinced that the few that ended
casting, even the lowest level inquisitor can pose a formidable
in violence were anomalies. Dedicated, idealistic, and eager
challenge to sorcerers and renegade wizards; higher level
to serve the people of Blackmoor, she is ready to put her skills
inquisitors are among the deadliest men and women in the
to the test in defense of the North.
North. GMs should use inquisitors with care, as even a
Warder, female human Ftr4/Wiz4/Inq4: CR 12; Medium
helpful NPC inquisitor can quickly overshadow lower level
Humanoid; HD 4d10+4d4+4d8+24; hp 82; Init +6; Spd 30ft.;
AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17; Atk +2 long sword +16
Most inquisitors work alone, or with a few trusted
melee (1d8+7/19-20x2) or mighty composite longbow +12
henchmen. On rare occasions, five or more Inquisitors are
ranged (1d8+3/x3); Full Atk +2 long sword +16/+11 melee
called together to form a Dire Hunt. This is done only under
(1d8+7/19-20x2) or mighty composite longbow +12/+7
the direct authority of the Cabal. A Hunt is granted access to
ranged (1d8+3/x3); SQ Arcane defense +2, arcane reaver,
the powerful artifacts and magical reserves of the Cabal, and
detect magic, dampen magic, summon familiar, scribe scroll;
is directly supported by a team of wizards and clerics drawn
AL LN; SV Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +12; Str 16, Dex 15, Con
from the ranks of the Ravenguard. Dire Hunts have been
14, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 8.
called on only three occasions in the history of Blackmoor,
Skills and Feats: Climb +10, Concentration +7,
each time to combat dread powers that threatened to consume
Gather Information +4, Handle Animal +1, Intimidate +10,
the entire North.
Knowledge (arcana) +8, Listen +3, Ride +7, Search +14,
Spellcraft +8, Spot +4, Survival +12; Improved Initiative,
Sample Inquisitors Investigator, Iron Will, Parry Arrows, Power Attack, Track,
Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization.
Following are baseline statistics for three ranks of inquisitor
Possessions: Composite longbow, 20 arrows, spell focus,
NPCs: the Novitiate, a young inquisitor freshly inducted
bracers of armor +1, longsword +2, ring of protection +1,
into the Cabal’s order; the Warder, an experienced and canny
studded leather +2.
investigator; and the High Preceptor, a dreaded sorcerer-
Typical Wizard Spells Prepared (4/4/3; base DC = 13
hunter, feared across the North.
+ spell level):0—daze, light, read magic, resistance; 1—
These statistics provide quick NPCs with a minimum
charm person, mage armor, magic missile, sleep; 2 ––detect
amount of work. If a specific inquisitor will become a staple
thoughts, melf’s acid arrow, web.
NPC in your game, use these statistics as a starting point.
Typical Inquisitor Spells Prepared (4/3/2; base DC = 13
+ spell level):1—command, obscuring mist, magic weapon,
Novitiate, female human Ftr4/Wiz3/Inq1: CR 8; Medium
true strike; 2—blur, cat’s grace, see invisibility; 3—hold
Humanoid; HD 4d10+3d4+1d8+16; hp 60; Init +4; Spd 30ft.;
person, minor globe of invulnerability.
AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15; Atk +1 longsword +10 melee
(1d8+6/19-20x2) or mighty composite longbow +6 ranged
A typical warder has spent several years in the service
(1d8+3/x3); Full Atk +1 longsword +10/+5 melee (1d8+4/19-
of the Cabal, and it shows. She has ridden to the ends of
20x2) or mighty composite longbow +6/+1 ranged (1d8+3/
the North, defeated renegade spellcasters of every race and
x3); SQ arcane defense +1, detect magic, summon familiar,
power, and outlived most of her peers. She is merciless
scribe scroll; AL LG; SV Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +9; Str 16,
warrior and a powerful spellcaster, and there is nowhere a
Dex 10, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 8.
renegade can hide that she cannot find him. Her face is gaunt,
Skills and Feats: Climb +10, Concentration +7,
her skin leathern, and her eyes carry the stormy weight of one
Gather Information +3, Handle Animal +1, Intimidate +7,
who has been to hell and back. She lost her idealistic naiveté
Knowledge (arcana) +7, Listen +3, Search +8, Spellcraft
years ago, but has come to understand if she does not put
+7, Spot +4, Survival +4; Improved Initiative, Investigator,
down wicked spellcasters with grim efficiency, innocents will
Iron Will, Power Attack, Track, Weapon Focus (longsword),
suffer. She carries on, not because the Cabal’s rule is just and
Weapon Specialization (longsword).
good, but because there is no better way of keeping peace on
Possessions: Mighty composite longbow, 20 arrows,
the savage frontier.
spell focus, bracers of armor +1, longsword +1, studded
leather +1.
High Preceptor, female human Ftr5/Wiz5/Inq7: CR
Typical Wizard Spells Prepared (4/3/2; base DC = 12 +
17; Medium Humanoid; HD 5d10+5d4+7d8+34; hp 118;
spell level): 0—daze, light, read magic, resistance; 1—charm
Init +7; Spd 30ft.; AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17; Atk +4
person, mage armor, sleep; 2 ––detect thoughts, web.
longsword +22 melee (1d8+9/19-20x2) or mighty composite
Typical Inquisitor Spells Prepared (2/1; base DC = 12 +
longbow +17 ranged (1d8+3/x3); Full Atk +4 longsword
spell level): 1—command, true strike; 2—blur.
+22/+17/+12 melee (1d8+9/19-20x2) or mighty composite
longbow +17/+12/+7 ranged (1d8+3/x3); SQ Arcane defense
A typical novitiate is passionate about her duty to
+3, arcane invisibility, arcane reaver, detect magic, improved
Blackmoor and her belief that by apprehending rogue
dampen magic, spell resistance 17, summon familiar, scribe
sorcerers and renegade wizards, she is insuring the safety of
scroll; AL LN(e); SV Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +13; Str 16, Dex
the common man. Her faith in the righteousness of the Cabal

17, Con 14, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 10. Game Specific information from
Skills and Feats: Climb +10, Concentration +15,
Gather Information +8, Handle Animal +2, Intimidate A Night in Maus, Part Two
+13, Knowledge (arcana) +16, Listen +3, Ride +8, Search
+12, Spellcraft +16, Spot +4, Survival +12; Deflect Spell,
Improved Initiative, Investigator, Iron Will, Parry Arrows, Spirit Eve in Maus
Power Attack, Track, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization. On the 14th of Eaiwe dead leaves rustle, planets fall into
Possessions: Amulet of natural armor +2, 10 arrows of alignment in the southern night sky, the Negative Energy
slaying (arcane spellcasters), bracers of armor +4, mighty plane slides inexorably closer to the Prime, and the dead of
composite longbow, keen longsword +4 of spell storing, ring Blackmoor walk the earth once more.
of spell turning, ring of protection +2, spell focus, wand of Every community in the North celebrates Spirit Eve
fireballs (13 charges). in its own way, but the citizens of Maus take special pains
Typical Wizard Spells Prepared (4/4/3/2; base DC = 13 + celebrating the Eve of the Dead, and for good reason: with its
spell level): 0—daze, light, read magic, resistance; 1—charm enormous population and long history, more dead rise here
person, mage armor, magic missile, sleep; 2––detect thoughts, than anywhere else in the North.
melf’s acid arrow, web; 3––haste, fly. In the two weeks leading up to Spirit Eve, the entire city
Typical Inquisitor Spells Prepared (5/5/4/2; base DC = is abuzz with energy. Children and their mothers make sugar-
13 + spell level):1—cause fear, command, obscuring mist, candy skulls to place on the graves and memorials of dead
magic weapon, true strike; ; 2—bear’s endurance, blur, cat’s ancestors. The tradition stems from a folk tale in which a
grace, see invisibility; 3—dispel magic, hold person, minor young boy, caught abroad on Spirit Eve, encounters his dead
globe of invulnerability, spell immunity; 4––dimensional father. In the story the boy sates his father’s hunger with a
anchor, scrying. candy. Priests and undead-hunters are quick to note that the
A high preceptor is one of the deadliest hunters to story is apocryphal; on Spirit Eve, the undead hunger only for
ever stalk the northlands. She has come full circle in her the living.
philosophy, believing in the absolute necessity of her work. The eve of the 14th, the mighty city of Maus becomes
She is convinced that the iron grip of the Wizard's Cabal is a barren wasteland of empty streets and vacant byways.
the only way to maintain peace and stability in the North, and Taverns, inn and hostelries refuse to open their doors;
will go to any ends to achieve it, even ignoring individual even the Church of Odir closes its mighty bronze and gold
freedoms and liberties for the greater good. sanctuary. Churches hold all night vigils for their flocks, with
With immediate access to the eldritch resources of the priests conducting ceremonies that stretch until dawn. Inns
Wizard’s Cabal and her own considerable store of magic and taverns hold all night vigils of another sort, often hiring
items, she can acquire nearly any magic item (short of an a priest or bard to sing and pray through the night, luring
artifact) in one week or less. Her importance to the Cabal customers with the promise of a night of safety and revelry.
means that she is rarely sent on missions, but when she does, When priests are in short demand, gold-grubbing bards
she goes equipped with her prey specifically in mind. Grim, have been known to double or triple their performance rates
efficient, deadly and direct, there is little that can stand in her on this night, and it is not uncommon for popular skalds to
way. come out of retirement simply to perform on Spirit Eve.
In the soul-weary slums known as the Shallows, the holy
New Magic:
day takes on a sinister air. Without priests or bards to ward
Candle of the Magi, Major/Minor: This candle resembles against the walking dead, the poor of the city have created
a small black beeswax candle shot through with threads of rituals of their own. At dusk on Spirit Eve they don the hides
blue and silver. The candle can hold a single arcane spell with and heads of animals. Then they howl, rut and drink through
an area effect; when taper burns out, the spell is released, the night, believing that the undead will mistake them for
centered on the candle’s location. The caster need not provide animals and pass them by.
any material components or focus, or pay an XP cost to Evil cults are quick to take advantage of this custom.
cast the spell. The candle will burn for 1d12 rounds before With low-born dressed in grisly masquerade, undead stalking
snuffing out, and if the flame is put out prematurely, the spell the alley ways, and the Guard unable to patrol the streets,
is lost and the candle rendered useless. black-robed occultists can commit their dark rites in the
A minor candle can hold any arcane spell with an area Shallows without fear of interruption.
effect, up to 3rd level. A major candle can hold any arcane And if, in the morning, a few whores or beggars turn up
spell with an area effect, up to 6th level. A spellcaster can use missing, the people of Maus have learned to look the other
a scroll to put a spell into the candle. way.
Faint/Major evocation; CL 5th/8th; Craft Wondrous Item,
imbue with spell ability;Price 2,000 gp/5,000 gp.
Wandering Monsters on Spirit Eve
Check for wandering monsters once every 10 minutes spent
outside, or whenever the characters make a significant amount
of noise. Roll 1d6; an encounter occurs on a 1 or 2. If an

encounter is called for, roll 1d12 to determine the creature(s) -1; Spd 30 ft.; Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft; AC 11, touch 9, flat-
encountered. footed 11; Base Atk +1; Grp +2; Atk/Full Atk Slam +2 melee,
Note that if ongoing combat draws additional undead, (1d6+1) or club +2 melee (1d6+1); SA -; SQ Single actions
things can get ugly very quickly. Going abroad on Spirit Eve only, damage reduction 5/slashing, darkvision 60 ft., undead
can turn into a challenge for even an experienced party. traits; AL NE; SV Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +3; Str 12, Dex 8, Con
-, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1.
Roll (1d12) Result Skills and Feats: Toughness.
1 1d4 wraiths Skeleton: CR 1/3; Medium Undead; HD 1d12; hp 6; Init
2 1d8 shadows +5; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +0;
3-4 1d4+2 ghouls Grp +1; Atk Scimitar +1 melee (1d6+1/18-20) or claw +1
5-6 1d8+4 zombies melee (1d4+1); Full Atk Scimitar +1 melee (1d6+1/18-20)
or 2 claws +1 melee (1d4+1); SA -; SQ Damage reduction
7-8 1d4 wights 5/bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to cold, undead
9-10 1d8+4 skeletons traits; AL NE; SV Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2; Str 13, Dex 13,
11 1d4 mohrgs Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1.
Skills and Feats: Improved Initiative.
12 1d4 vampire spawns
Wight: CR 3; Medium Undead; HD 4d12; hp 26; Init +1;
Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +2; Grp
Wraith: CR 5; Medium Undead (Incorporeal); HD 5d12; hp
+3; Atk/Full Atk Slam +3 melee (1d4+1 plus energy drain);
32; Init +7; Spd Fly 60 ft. (good); AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed
SA Create spawn, energy drain; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., undead
12; Base Atk +2; Grp -; Atk/Full Atk Incorporeal touch +5
traits; AL LE; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; Str 12, Dex 12,
melee (1d4 plus 1d6 Constitution drain); SA Constitution
Con -, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 15.
drain, create spawn; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., daylight
Skills and Feats: Hide +8, Listen +7, Move Silently +16,
powerlessness, incorporeal traits, +2 turn resistance, undead
Spot +7; Alertness, Blind-Fight.
traits, unnatural aura; AL LE; SV Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +6;
Skills: Wights have a +8 racial bonus on Move Silently
Str -, Dex 16, Con -, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 15.
Skills and Feats: Diplomacy +6, Hide +11, Intimidate
+10, Listen +12, Search +10, Sense Motive +8, Spot +12,
Mohrg: CR 8; Medium Undead; HD 14d12; hp 91; Init +9;
Survival +2 (+4 following tracks); Alertness, Blind-Fight,
Spd 30 ft.; AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +7; Grp
Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative.
+12; Atk Slam +12 melee (1d6+7) or tongue +12 melee touch
(paralysis); Full Atk Slam +12 melee (1d6+7) and tongue +12
Shadow: CR 3; Medium Undead (Incorporeal); HD 3d12;
melee touch (paralysis); SA Improved grab, paralyzing touch,
hp 19;Init +2; Spd Fly 40 ft. (good); AC 13, touch 13, flat-
create spawn; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., undead traits; AL CE; SV
footed 11; Base Atk +1; Grp -; Atk/Full Atk Incorporeal
Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +9; Str 21, Dex 19, Con -, Int 11, Wis
touch +3 melee (1d6 Str); SA Create spawn, strength damage;
10, Cha 10.
SQ Darkvision 60 ft., incorporeal traits, +2 turn resistance,
Skills and Feats: Climb +13, Hide +21, Listen +11,
undead traits; AL CE; SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +4; Str -, Dex
Move Silently +21, Spot +15, Swim +9; Alertness, Dodge,
14, Con -,Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 13
Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility.
Skills and Feats: Hide +8*, Listen +7, Search +4, Spot
+7; Alertness, Dodge.
Vampire Spawn: CR 4; Medium Undead; HD 4d12+3; hp
Skills: Shadows have a +2 racial bonus on Listen and
29; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13; Base
Spot checks and a +4 racial bonus on Search checks. *A
Atk +2; Grp +5; Atk/Full Atk Slam +5 melee (1d6+4 plus
shadow gains a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks in areas
energy drain);
of shadowy illumination. In brightly lit areas, it takes a -4
SA Blood drain, domination, energy drain; SQ +2 turn
penalty on Hide checks.
resistance, damage reduction 5/silver, darkvision 60 ft., fast
healing 2, gaseous form, resistance to cold 10 and electricity
Ghoul: CR 1; Medium Undead; HD 2d12; hp 13; Init +2; Spd
10, spider climb, undead traits; AL CE evil; SV Fort +1, Ref
30 ft.; AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +1; Grp +2;
+5, Will +5; Str 16, Dex 14, Con -, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 14.
Atk Bite +2 melee (1d6+1 plus paralysis); Full Atk Bite +2
Skills and Feats: Bluff +6, Climb +8, Diplomacy +4,
melee (1d6+1 plus paralysis) and 2 claws +0 melee (1d3 plus
Hide +10, Jump +8, Listen +11, Move Silently +10, Search
paralysis); SA Ghoul fever, paralysis; SQ Darkvision 60 ft.,
+8, Sense Motive +11, Spot +11; Alertness, Improved
undead traits, +2 turn resistance; AL CE; SV Fort +0, Ref +2,
Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Toughness.
Will +5;Str 13, Dex 15, Con -, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 12.
Skills: Vampire spawn have a +4 racial bonus on Bluff,
Skills and Feats: Balance +6, Climb +5, Hide +6, Jump
Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and
+5, Move Silently +6, Spot +7; Multiattack.
Spot checks. Vampire spawn are vulnerable to all attacks
and effects that repel or slay vampires. For details, see the
Zombie: CR 1/2; Medium Undead; HD 2d12+3; hp 16; Init
Vampire entry in the MM.
Clockwork Prosthetics: Of Man and little more than curiosities. Determined characters might
win a limb as the gift from a noble patron, or even build one
Machine themselves. This second option is an exhaustive endeavor,
Artificial arms and legs represent the culmination of requiring at least 10 ranks in both Knowledge: Engineering
clockwork science. Even the simplest of limbs are unique and Craft:Clockwork.
works of art, and as such are never simply for sale. Certain Typically, the abilities of these limbs are limited to the
High Thonian nobles may commission the creation of realm of human potential. A clockwork limb has a Strength
clockwork limbs, but even this relationship is closer to that of score ranging from 1 to 18; regardless of its rating, a limb can
patron and master-artist, than customer and merchant. only function up to the ability of the wearer. The exception
This rarity has contributed to the mystique surrounding to this is any act in which the limb is isolated, e.g. pinching or
clockwork limbs. Every night bards can be heard telling crushing something in its grip.
tales of clockwork warriors smashing down stone walls with Magical limbs ignore these limitations, and are treated
their steel fists, enduring attacks from all sides, vaulting to instead as wondrous items, obeying all the rules regarding
the tops of high towers, and carrying off the flaxen-haired their creation and use.
princess. Likewise priests are quick to admonish any science If a limb were ever made that was backed with a
that would give mere mortals the strength, quickness and reinforced skeletal-frame, it would also ignore these
endurance of gods. While clockwork limbs are truly miracles shortcomings. Such a framework has not yet been created,
of science, they fall disappointingly short of their legends. but High Thonian nobles are always pressing the boundaries
University tinkers have found that the problem lies not of clockwork science.
with the limb, but with the muscle and bone to which it is The rarity of clockwork limbs cannot be overstated.
attached. A limb is only one part of a complex physiological Magical clockwork limbs or body-replacements are unheard
system; hips and shoulders must still anchor and support of, and should be treated with the same awe and respect as
whatever feat the limb is attempting, and meat shreds long artifacts. GMs should include them in their game only with
before metal. the greatest of care, and even then, only at high levels.
Some High Thonians visionaries have proposed solving
the problem by replacing even more of the human skeleton
with a metal frame. Their theories hold that a cohesive The Merchants’ Guild
clockwork skeleton would be easier to build and maintain
than a mishmash of limbs. To date, such theories remain Rogues rob with bow and steel,
just that, thoeries, and not even the most eccentric theorist Kings with tax and royal seal.
has claimed to make experiments with clockwork skeletons.
Outside of the university halls, such theories are regarded But Merchants are the worst, 'tis said,
by the common man as either foolishness or blasphemy. To rob you with your daily bread.
replace a limb lost in war is a service to mankind; to elect to -childrens’ rhyme
replace a skeleton with metal is to challenge the widom of the
Gods. The vast majority of the business conducted by the
The second solution to the problem of physiology is even Merchants’ Guild is mundane, legitimate and mind-numbingly
more esoteric than the first. Certain Cabal wizards have met dull. Ruled by a council of guild masters representing the
with clockwork tinkers to discuss the possibility of merging interests of merchants in major cities across the north, the
clockwork science and magic. Theoretically every clockwork Guild spends most of its time monitoring trade, negotiating
limb is already a masterwork item, and thus should readily tariffs and taxes with representatives of the Regency Council,
take to magical enhancement. This offers a potential solution and otherwise insuring the smooth exchange of goods and
to the physical limitations of the both the clockworks and the services. But as cities grow on the frontier, so too grows the
human. barons’ reliance on the Guild.
The challenges created by this solution are no less The lands of the North are still too wild and unsettled to
difficult than the first. The number of clockwork tinkers support large populations – the farmlands of the North simply
talented and skillful enough to create clockwork limbs can be cannot grow enough food to provide for their cities. The
counted on one's hands, and none of these geniuses have the Merchants’ Guild makes up for this shortage by importing
arcane knowledge required to create wondrous items. Finding foodstuffs and manufactured goods, which are exchanged
a master-tinker and archmage willing to work together long for raw materials harvested from the frontier. The North’s
enough to create an enchanted clockwork limb seems as reliance on the Guild for peoples’ daily bread gives the
doubtful as the odds of replacing an entire skeleton with merchants extraordinary bargaining power, and where power
mithril gears and adamantine springs. and greed walk hand in hand, corruption is sure to follow.
As a group, the Guild isn’t evil, simply indifferent. The
sharp-eyed scriveners and their well-fed Masters know that
Using Clockwork Limbs in Your Game
everything has a price. While some might accuse the Guild
Characters will find it difficult to acquire clockwork limbs. of cruelty, the truth is that the Guild is neither cruel nor kind.
Since each limb is unique and fitted for a specific individual, Every decision made by the Masters is held accountable
and are too intricate to retrofit, “looted” limbs amount to
by the bottom line; if an action is profitable, they pursue it, upstanding Guild members and the less-savory citizens of
heedless of ethical complications. the North’s underworld. In many ways, Garrote is typical of
With their deep coffers and massive treasuries, the Guild mid-rank Guild assassins. Talented, driven, and accustomed
has enough coin to field an army that would threaten any to high-stakes danger, these men and women live and die by
single baron, but the Guild’s machinations are too subtle and the blade. Garrote is different from his peers in that he has no
far reaching for such brute tactics. The true strength of the delusions about his place in the Guild heirarchy. He knows
Guild lies in its mundane record keeping. Know what a man that the Guild will use him until he is no longer valuable, and
buys, and you know the man is a truth embraced by the Guild. then discard him like so much ghetto-trash. Garrote plans on
Their scriveners keep meticulous records of everything taking the lion’s share and being gone long before then.
bought and sold in the North. These records provide intimate
knowledge about the hidden dealings of barons and kings. Garrote, male half-orc Rog5/Ftr2/Asn2: CR 9; Medium
If one baron is secretly girding for war, the Guild knows. Humanoid (half-orc); HD 5d6+2d10+2d6+9; hp 62; Init +7;
If another is coveting his neighbor’s reasources, the Guild Spd 30ft.; AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14; Base Atk/grapple
knows. And if the two should go to war, the Guild will +6/+9; Atk +9 melee (1d10+5/17-20, +2 keen katana); Full
provide weapons and armor for both. Atk +9/+4 melee (1d10+5/17-20, +2 keen katana); SQ sneak
In keeping with their philosophy of profit above all, the attack +4d6, trapfinding, evasion, trap sense +1, uncanny
Guild maintains a network of black markets, fences and fixers dodge, death attack, poison use, +1 save vs. poison, improved
that spans the entire North. Stolen goods, deadly poisons, uncanny dodge; AL LE; SV Fort +5, Ref +10, Will 0; Str 16,
dark artifacts, assassinations, and even slaves can all be had Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 9.
for the right price. The Guild is careful to keep a discreete Skills and Feats: Appraise +6, Balance +8, Climb +9,
distance from these operations, but the trail of soiled gold Disguise +3, Hide +17, Intimidate +7, Jump +7, Listen +7,
coins inevitably leads back to their coffers in Blackmoor and Move Silently +17, Search +10, Sense Motive +11, Sleight
Maus. of Hand +8, Spot +7, Tumble +7; Combat Expertise, Exotic
The Guild’s plans span whole decades. A ghetto-shark Weapon Proficiency, Improved Initiative, Quick Draw,
aims to make a quick profit in a single night. The Guild Stealthy, Two-Weapon Fighting.
aims to make continuous profits over several lifetimes, by Possessions: Reaper (+2 keen katana), +1 studded
establishing deep roots and foundations that can endure leather of stealth moves, thieves’ tools.
any crisis (and even the dedicated efforts of do-gooding Typical Assassin Spells Preapared (2; base DC = 12 +
"adventurers"). spell level): 1 –– sleep, true strike.
After Marfeldt’s legendary looting of the Guild coffers
thirty years ago, many have come to assume that the Guild
lacks the power or will to pursue those who pray on them. Game Specific information from
Nothing is further from the truth. The Masters see annoying A Night in Maus, Part Three
do-gooders and petty thieves as just another business expense;
hiring an assassin is expensive work. So long as their losses The Lost Noble Houses
are small, the Guild chooses to ignore them. But if, at any In the long and violent history of the North, many noble
time, those losses grow too great, the Guild moves with the families have risen like shining stars, only to vanish after a
speed and finality of an executioner’s axe, calling in their best generation or three. It is impossible to say just how many
bounty hunters and assassins, and erasing all traces of those noble lines have been lost before the march of the ages, but
foolish enough to cross the Guild. this much is known: though a family may be stripped of
its fortunes and holdings, many are the wandering knight-
Garrote the Halfblooded, Guild Assassin errants laying claim to a house’s former glory. Some of
The half-orc called Garrote was born in the infamous these claimants might be pretenders to the throne, low-born
slavepits of the Blackhand orcs, where he fought for every warriors hoping to elevate their station, but others may be
scrap of food and shred of respect. Forced to serve in the legitimate heirs, burning with the desire to reclaim their
death-marked Ebon Company, Garrote distinguished himself house’s lost glory.
simply by being the only survivor on seven separate missions. The Rule of Blood declares that not even a king can
Rising through the ranks of the Ebons, Garrote proved a quick divest a family of their rights as nobles. A king can take away
learner as well as a survivor. On the eve of his sixteenth a family’s lands and wealth, which is often just as effective as
birthday, Garrote stole into the slave master’s tent and taking away their noble rank. This practice this has created
strangled the ogre-lord in his sleep. Fleeing with the slave the Lost Houses, noble blood-lines with no recognized
lord’s sword, Garrote swore that he would never call another representatives.
creature master again. The half-orc wandered for several The reasons for a noble house’s demise are as varied as
years, earning his keep as a sellsword, bounty-hunter, and the houses themselves. Often, with no heir-apparent, a house
reaver. simply dies out. On occasion, a power-hungry king strips a
The world has never shown Garrote any kindness, and prominent baron of his rich lands, awarding them to toadying
he offers none in return. Presently Garrote sells his services and simpering puppets. Other times tragedy strikes, and a
to the Merchants' Guild, working as an intermediary between house’s only heir is killed by disease, dies in war, or falls

before an orcish blade. And sometimes, a strong noble line is Tybir: Lord Tybir the White, Paladin-Mage of legend,
wiped out by a competing house, struck down by assassins, disappeared during an assault against the Temple of the Frog.
treachery and profane spells in a single night. His family declared that that they would not rest until his fate
From time to time a young scion will emerge, declaring was known, and sent generation after generation of heirs in
herself to be the living descendent of a lost house. Each claim search of their lost founder. The last of the line carried this
is thoroughly investigated by the regency, the high sages and dark legacy on to its end, and was devoured by the Great
crown-astrologers. In every case, the burden of proof rests Dismal Swamp twenty years ago.
upon the claimant, but if the claims prove to be true, the scion Khores: It is said that the power-hungry lords of Khores sold
is awarded her rightful title and any lands or holdings that are their souls to demons and worse. Whether or not this is true,
her due. none can say, but it is known that the entire family vanished
Often these lands have been lost to the wilds or absorbed without a trace in a single night, leaving only a wailing babe.
by other noble houses, creating great strife amongst the The Wizard’s Cabal took the child in their care, and the child
established houses. For this reason, other noble houses will has not been heard of since.
spare no cost attempting to establish reasonable doubt against
claims, even going so far as sending assassins to do away
with persistent scions. New Feats
As is it said amongst the Slayers, “If a House has been
lost once, it can be lost again.” HIDDEN BLOODLINE [special]
You are a member of one of the lost noble houses of
What follows is a list of the more notable lost noble houses. Blackmoor.
This is by no means a complete list, nor the final word on Prerequisite: Must have at least one High Thonian
the matter. In a frontier as rugged and wild as the North, the ancestor.
codification of noble genealogy is a subject best left to sages. Benefit: +3 nobility points.
Special: Hidden Bloodline can only be taken at character
Soderlen: The scions of House Soderlen, master magicians creation, and only becomes active after the character earns 1
and sorcerers, disappeared in final days of the Mage Wars. It level in noble, and petitions the Council of Barons to reinstate
is said that some clue to their demise still lurks in the spider- her family’s titles and ancestral holdings. (This alone should
haunted ruins of their mountain fastness. be a quest of enormous magnitude.) With the character’s
Osborg: The sole heir of House Osborg was stolen from his bloodline once again recognized, she inherits all the dangers
crib in the dark of winter. Exhaustive searches, mundane that comes with being an upstart young blood in a society of
and magical, failed to locate the child; it was whispered that jealous, scheming, power-hungry true bloods.
that the Emperor of Thonia bore an unrequited love for Lady
Osborg and that his royal thieves stole the child in attempt to
blackmail the lady into accepting his love. New Monster
Mesina: House Mesina, commonly referred to as the Black
House, bears a special place in the annals of history as the ANCESTRAL REVENANT
only noble house to have been eradicated in open war. A Medium-Size Undead (Incorporeal)
house of dread assassins, House Mesina was accused of Hit Dice: 8d12 (52 hit points)
collaborating with dark powers and even, it is said, the Egg Initiative: +9 (+5 Dex , +4 improved initiative)
of Coot. The other noble houses banded together and took Speed: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
up arms against the house. After a long and bloody siege, AC: 19 (+5 Dex, +4 Deflection), touch 15, flat-footed 14
the last Mesina stronghold fell to the combined might of the Base Attack/Grapple: +6/-
Barons, who razed the citadel to ashes and salted the earth Attack: Incorporeal touch +9 melee (1d10+3 plus 1d6
with the bodies of the dead. Constitution drain)
Berstad: Lady Berstad and her three sons vanished while Full Attack: Incorporeal touch +9/+4 melee (1d10+3 plus
traveling in the Duchy of Ten. No trace of them or their escort 1d6 Constitution drain)
was ever found. Space/Reach: 5ft. by 5 ft.
Aris: House Aris was wiped out during the years of the Special Attacks: Constitution drain, create spawn
Creeping Death, a peculiar magical plague that struck down Special Qualities: Undead traits, unnatural aura, daylight
only High Thonians, and left low-born untouched. The powerlessness, incorporeal, turn resistance, darkvision 60 ft.,
dedicated elders of House Aris were instrumental in defeating spell resistance 20
the plague, and it is feared that if the Creeping Death were to Saves: Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +6
strike again, nothing would stand in its way. Abilities: Str -, Dex 20, Con -, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 18
Kordgard: Lord Kordgard of the Iron Mask was banished Skills: Hide +13, Intimidate +12, Intuit Direction +6, Listen
to the dungeons of Castle Blackmoor, his lands and holdings +12, Search +10, Sense Motive +8, Spot +12, Knowledge:
divided amongst the other Barons. His crimes were never Noblility + 10
openly declared, and ––with the family scattered to the four Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative
winds–– it is doubtful they will ever come to light. Environment: Any land or underground

Organization: Solitary, council (5-10)
Treasure: None
Challenge Rating: 8
Alignment: Usually lawful evil
Advancement: By character class

Sometimes mistaken for wraiths, ancestral revenants are the manifestations of wicked nobles that suffered violent deaths. Made
up of darkness and whispy shadows, they can take form as they appeared immediately after death, garbed in tattered and soiled
finery. Their eyes flicker like dying embers, and flare when they catch sight of their prey.
Most undead cares little for the affairs of mankind, arising at dusk only to sate their endless hunger for the living. A
revenant, however, still considers itself to be part of its noble house, and the urge to participate in intrigue and machinations can
override its hunger. Revenants carry grudges from feuds and wars long since ended, and remain true to their old loyalties.
Dark rumors whisper that some of the more successful houses are secretly ruled by ancestral revenants, the ancestors
guiding their beloved houses from beyond the ages and from beyond the grave.

Ancestral revenants cling to unlife. They will not endanger themselves by heedlessly attacking a superior opponent. Otherwise
they are implacable in combat, slaughtering foes as if to demonstrate their power over the living. The lust for violence can be
interrupted if the revenant is confronted by one of noble blood. The revenants love to parlay with other nobles, simply because
it makes them feel as if they were alive once more.
Create Spawn(Su): Any humanoid slain by a revenant becomes a wraith in 1d4 rounds. Its body remains intact and
them and remain enslaved until its death. They do not possess any of the abilities they had in life.
Constitution Drain(Su): Living creatures hit by a revenant’s incorporeal touch attack must succeed on a DC 14 Fortitude
save or take 1d6 points of Constitution drain. The save DC is Charisma-based. On each such successful attack, the revenant
gains 5 temporary hit points.
Daylight Powerlessness(Ex): Revenants are utterly powerless in natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell) and flee
from it.
Unnatural Aura(Su): Animals, whether wild or domesticated, can sense the unnatural presence of a revenant at a distance
of 30 feet. They will not willingly approach nearer than that and panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked as long as they
are within that range.

Index High Inquisitor 32 Shard Mishaps 72
Sildonis 23
I Skelfer 5-9, 11, 14
A Skelfer’s Sojourn 9, 10
Inquisition Hunter 35
Afridhi 3, 18, 19 Inquisition Spy 38 Spellcraft 59
Ando Zodav 31 Inquisitors 28 Spells 73
Arcane Dominion of Raddai 6, 9 Investigation 50 Spellwise 12, 22, 23
Arcane Inquisition 24, 34 Spell Components 73
Arcane Numbers 66 K Spell Focus 59, 60, 68
Arcane Warriors 27, 28 Spell Point 59
Kargas 4-6 spell point 58
arcane warriors 10, 12, 14 Kingdom of Blackmoor 19, 27, 28
Archlis 7, 17 Spell Points 57
King Funk 17, 18 Spell Shards 71
Ard’s School of Wizardry 31 Kvale Dram 22
Ardenn 22, 27- 28, 30, 31 Stormkiller Mountains 25
Kyoryl Maloune 23, 24 Surrinya Vadaley 5-6
Baron Aleford 20 Mage Wars 5-7, 9, 11, 12, 20
Baron Alvarez 16 Thonia 15
Magical Law 27 Thonian Empire 3, 7, 19, 23
Battle of the Neck 19 Magister 28
Blackmoor 7, 16 Toska Rusa 20
Marfeldt 16 Tower of Mages 22, 28, 31, 33
Black Sea 4, 15 Maus 24, 27
Booh 19 Mengar Torerdyn 24 U
Bramwald 19 Merchant Guild 33
Bystanders 6 Metamagic Feats 60 Ursula Zov 19, 22, 25
Ministry of Knowledge 22 Uther Andahar 16, 23
Ministry of the Mystical Arts 22
Cabal Magister 34 Ministry of War 22
Castle Blackmoor 31 Misauga River 14 Valley of the Ancients 20
Celia Skiimae 22 Veda Sonrean 23
clockwork 25 N Vestfold 10, 12, 17, 21, 22, 27, 30
Col 25 Navigate 50
Cooperative Magic 66-67 W
Northern Barons 18
Crystal Peaks 17 War Wizard 46
O White Mage 10, 12, 15
Oath of Conduct 27 Wild Magic 7, 8
Dogsur-Kythae 25 Overcasting 62 Wizard’s Cabal 11, 13, 19, 34, 66
Dragon Hills 7-8 Wizard’s Watch 15, 16
Duchy of Ten 14, 17, 40 P Wizard King 5, 6, 7, 9

E Peshwah 3, 16, 17 Z
Petrus Galliar 17
Egg of Coot 15-16, 19, 22 Profector 40 Zugzul 19
Eldritch Underground 14, 21
Ellierre Vadaley 8 R
F Raddan 7
Raddan Goss 5
Failed Rituals 65 Radiah Zurren 12-14
Feats 53 Regency Council 19
Focus Gem 70 Research 52
Researcher 42
Ringlo Hall 24
General Amvaras 21 Rituals 64
Glendower 20
Gryssburgh 5 S
Scale of Magical Energy 8
Secondary Casters 64

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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Rules Document Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary
Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: The Wizards’ Cabal by Dave Arneson, Dustin Clingman, Ari Marmell, Christopher Reed, Jeff Quinn, Harley Stroh,
Copyright 2005 Zeitgeist Games, Inc. (contact, or see©2005 Zeitgeist Games, Inc.
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