Kappa Alpha Theta - Iota Chapter: Letter From The President

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Volume 2, Issue 2

Kappa Alpha ThetaIota ChapterCornell University

December, 2011

Kappa Alpha Theta Iota Chapter

Letter from the President
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Ingrids Jog For Jil Rock The Casa Charity Auction Alumnae Homecoming Bruncheon Thetas Abroad Spotlight on Theta Announcements 3 4 5 6 2 2 3

A Message from Hannah Geiser

The women of Kappa Alpha Theta have been quite busy this fall semester planning sisterhood and social events, while continuing our excellence in scholarship and leadership. Over the past few months we have continued to exercise our widest influence for good by co-sponsoring a myriad of charity dinners and philanthropy events, as well as hosting our well as hosting our own fundraiser, Rock theaCASA. In own fundraiser, Rock the CASA. In light of sisters light of a sisters recent diagnosis of Stage IV, nonrecent diagnosis of Stage IV, non-smokers, lung cancer, sisters of the Iota smokers, lung cancer, sisters of the Iota Chapter teamed Chapter teamed up up with the BonnieAddario Lung Cancer foundation to with the Bonnie J. J. Addario Lung Cancer foundation sponsor a 5K, Jog for sponsor a 5K,of IngridJill in Honor of Ingrid Nunez, to to Jill in Honor Jog for Nunez, to raise money and awareness for lung raise money event raised over $49,000 and brought cancer. The and awareness for lung cancer together 680 people for such a worthy cause. The event also is featured in the upcoming Theta Magazine, so make sure you get a chance to read it! Over a weekend full of festivities, we welcomed the parents of the Iota Chapter to Cornell during our annual Parents Weekend. Not only was it was a great opportunity for parents to meet their daughters friends, but it allowed us to show our parents the strength behind our sisterhood.

Download the current newsletter online at http://www.kappaalph atheta.org/chapters/io ta/

As the semester comes to a close, the current officers are preparing to pass the torch to the next set of leaders. A group of 24 amazing women have been elected to lead our chapter to the next level, and I know they will do an amazing job. Loyally,


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Theta Runs for Jog for Jill in Honor of Ingrid Nunez

Special Article by Maggie Henry 14
Photo Credits to Caroline Gross 12

This past spring Ingrid Nuez 14, a sister of the Iota Chapter, was diagnosed with Stage IV non-smokers Lung Cancer. And after hearing Jill's story, Chapter President, Hannah Geiser, and VP Administration, Carolyn Levitan, were inspired to organize a 5K during the Iota Chapter's Parents' Weekend in honor of Ingrid. On Sunday, September 25th, the sisters of Kappa Alpha Theta's Iota Chapter joined together with nearly 700 members of the Cornell community to support the efforts of the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation with a 5K race. Known as the Jog for Jill in honor of a student at University of California, Berkeley, the Bonnie J. Addario Foundation organizes these events as fundraisers for Lung ancer research. The chapter has come together in support of our sister and friend: "I never feel as though I'm fighting this cancer alone because I have over 100 girls who are there for me whenever I need someone," Ingrid said. Jog for Jill raised $47,658 and counting. Please feel free to donate to continuing efforts at http://jogforjillcornell.kintera.org/faf/home/default.asp?ievent= 484940.

(From Upper Left) Alli Hill 14, Taylor Daugherty 12, Gabby Gordon 12 (From Lower Left) Sarah Cohen 13, Beth Jacobs 12, Ingrid Nunez 14, and Molly Glantz 12

Rock the Casa 2011

On Saturday, August 27th, the sisters of Kappa Alpha Theta hosted members of the Cornell community for another exciting outdoor fundraiser philanthropy event, Rock the CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates). CASA is a nonprofit network supporting and promoting court appointed volunteer advocacy for abused and neglected children. The event was held from 1 to 4pm, and both Greeks and non-Greeks enjoyed the beautiful weather outside. Brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon and Delta Chi helped out with the barbecue and provided other food, drinks, and music for the event.

Sisters celebrate the event in front the Theta House

Our philanthropy chair, Marion Smith, described this years CASA as successful, "This year, we welcomed people back to school with our annual philanthropy event, Rock the CASA! The weather was beautiful and many of our friends showed up to support us. There was also live music (Cornell's own Debbie's Granola, Dylan Owen, The Chordials, and Zach Alexander), as well as a dunk tank, a raffle, and tons of delicious barbeque. Not only were we were thrilled with how the event played out, we managed to raise over $1300 for CASA!"

Kappa Alpha Theta The Iota Story

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Thetas Parents Charity Auction

Special Article by Maggie Henry 14

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Theta The Iota Story

The weekend of September 23rd brought parents of the sisters of the Iota Chapter from around the country (and beyond!) to Ithaca for Kappa Alpha Theta's Parents Weekend. That Saturday, the 24th, VP Public Relations, Lindsay Rosenblum, and Chapter President, Hannah Geiser, hosted a fantastic dinner and silent auction at the Statler Hotel on campus for sisters and their families. Families volunteered to donate items to the silent auction, ranging from fun baskets with Theta gear for our incoming littles to Purity Ice Cream gift certificates to a weekend at the Plaza Hotel in New York City. The auction raised $3,915 for Kappa Alpha Theta's nationally Elizabeth Henry 13 and her dad Tim Henry endorsed charity, CASA. According to current VP Administration (and chapter President-elect) Carolyn Levitan, the Iota Chapter has donated over $10,000 to CASA in the last 6 months, through other fall charity events like Rock the CASA. A big thank you to Lindsay, Hannah and all the sisters and families who helped to continue our tradition of service!

Thetas First Thetas Parents Charity Auction

Thetas Parents Charity Auction

Alumnae Homecoming Brunch!

Theta hosted the very first alumnae pre homecoming brunch on Saturday, September 17th, as a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with both the alumnae and the current chapter members. The brunch was held at the Theta chapter house on 519 Stewart Avenue. Around 20-25 Theta alumnae participated in this reunion event, as Alex Hildreth 11, described, We are all so grateful for the experience. As a first time event, Thetas Homecoming Brunch was indeed a success and will be held again in 2012. So please keep an eye out for your invitation email in the mail in 2012!

Theta Class of 2011 are enjoying the brunch at the Theta House

There are no rules about what you can and cant do anymore. I love a biker jacket worn over a gown. Its about experimentation and a sense of creativity. Women are more empowered than theyve ever been. Food For Thought -Tory Burch, A Renowned Fashion Designer & Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae

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Iotas Spotlight
Kristen Powers 14
Major: Economics and German Studies Hometown: Rochester, NY Positions in Theta: Vice President of Administration 2012-2013 Activities: Junior Associate: Society for Women in Business, Brother of a professional business fraternity: Delta Sigma Pi Future goals: Post graduation, I hope to live and in New York City and work in finance. In the long term, I'd like to open up a bakery with my two older sisters.

Carolyn Levitan 13
Major: Psychology and Government Hometown: Boston, Massachusetts Positions in Theta: President 2012-2013, Vice President Administration 2011-2012, Vice President Finance (interim) 2011-2012 Activities: Psychology 1101 Teaching Assistant, Psychology 3470 Teaching Assistant, Member of Order of Omega Greek Honor Society, Slope Day Programming Board Future Goals: I am hoping to pursue a career in either marketing or legal consulting. I would also like to attend law or graduate school in the near future.

Lexy Cook 12
Major: Biology & Society Minor in Nutrition & Health Hometown: Healdsburg, CA Positions in Theta: Risk Manager & Philanthropy Committee Chair 2010-2011 Activities: Cornell Elderly Partnership (volunteer at nursing homes), Collegiate FFA (help junior high/high school students in leadership and career development), Cornell Varsity Wrestling team manager, employee of Advantage Sport & Fitness, Cornell Ambassador, Founding Member of Greek Inter Varsity, Assistant Sports Information Director for Cornell Athletics, Cayuga Medical Center volunteer Future Goals: I hope to go to graduate school for training in clinical health care. I would like to become an advanced practice neonatal nurse practitioner,.

Gabby Gordon 12
Major: Hotel Administration Minor in Real Estate Hometown: Lincolnshire, IL Positions in Theta: Intramurals Chairman 2010-2011 Activities: Cornell Information and Visitor Relations, Tour Guide Teaching Assistant, School of Hotel Administration Ye Hosts Honorary Society, VP Internal Affairs Club Managers Association of America, VP Internal Affairs Future Goals: I hope to open my own business someday--preferably a hotel or something in the services industry. My passion for hospitality and my commitment to service push me to reach for excellence in this industry. My long, long, long term goal is to open my own inn on a lake where I can just relax and enjoy the simple things in life.

If you would li ke mor e infor mation about these Spotli ght candidat es, Contact Debby Gu @ hg238@cornell.edu

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Thetas Abroad
Talie Schwager 13
London, UK

Kristen Steves 13

Rome, Italy

October 10, 2011.

It is my first week at the University of Oxford. Gloomy weather - as expected. Workload that could last a lifetime - as expected. I am enthusiastic about the year ahead of me but I still have some reservations, missing the comfortable lifestyle I had at Cornell. Fresher's week was over by this time and I had met some great, interesting people. I guess I would call them my friends, or as much as my friends as they could be up until this point. I walk into Vaults and Garden, the cafe in which I had been drinking my daily triple shot skinny no-foam cappuccinos. I make some small talk with the owner, who knows me by now, and proceed to my creaky wooden table in the corner against the stonewall. Small talk was all I'd been doin' since I got here and as lovely as it is to meet new people, having the same conversations about where I am from and what subjects I am reading this term was becoming quite trite. And lonely. I unpack my unnecessarily full backpack, put on my noise-cancellation headphones and hit the books. Naturally, I stick out like a sore thumb with my corny red computer case and my "Cornell" and "Theta" stickers smacked onto it. As I try to find any excuse not to work, I look around and can't help but notice a woman glancing over at me. Right before she leaves, she comes over to my isolated table. "Excuse me, in what school are you a Theta? she asks softly. I immediately perk up. For the first time in about two weeks, I felt a cultural connection with somebody who was not just another American visiting student or a British student who traveled to New York City once. It turns out that Cyndee is a Theta alumna from our very own Alpha chapter at DePauw University. This minor interaction lifted my spirits that day. As clich as it may be (and it is), it is pretty reassuring to know that even across the pond, in the most unlikely circumstances, you'll find someone you can connect with. I'm happy that in my case, I found a Theta.

Studying abroad in Rome, Italy this semester has renewed in me a passion for learning and experiencing new things on a entirely different level. Prior to my arrival in this bustling, historic metropolis, I had always been a tourist in foreign placesonly staying long enough in one place to see a few sites and eat few local meals Living independently in a foreign place is both challenging and rewarding. I have been challenged by the many language and cultural barriers; in fact, many times I feel life a child again, wide-eyed and curious. I have to approach each day with an acceptance for change and yearning to embrace new life lessons. My experience has been extremely rewarding. I have been rewarded with many incredible relationships and travel experiences that are irreplaceable. Ironically, there are four Theta sisters from other Universities in my program- one being my roommate. Even while thousands of miles from Cornell, I can still be surrounded by Theta Love. Visiting France, Turkey, Greece, Portugal, Switzerland, and many other Italian regions, has provided me with a new appreciation for diverse cultures and customs; these travels have also instilled in me a renewed fondness and value for my home in America. My abroad experience can be summed up by the common Italian phrase L' Arte Arrangiarsi, which means "The art of getting by." This motto has become a new way of life, one that involves less planning and more doing; less impatience and more peace; less need for luxury and more appreciation for the simple things in life.

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To Our Alumnae
of every member of Iota, I would like to offer our deepest gratitude to our alumnae. We truly appreciate getting to know each and every one of you through your emails, letters, and various events such as the Alumnae Homecoming brunch and the Reunion Weekend held in June. This year, I would like to introduce our incoming Alumnae and Foundations Liaison, Maggie Henry. Maggie is truly a talented and a passionate sister who will continue to strengthen the alumnaes relations of the Iota chapter. You may reach Maggie at mch228@cornell.edu in the future. If you have any questions, feel free to email Debby Gu, Alumnae & Foundation Liaison at hg238@cornell.edu, Diane Miller 88, Advisory Board Chairman at djm15@cornell.edu, and Christine Weiss 03, Membership Advisory Advisor at cnw3@cornell.edu. Do you know a women attending Cornell and potentially participating in Panhellenic recruitment? If you would like to recommend her as a potential new member, you may complete an on-line Letter of Reference form at www.kappaalphatheta.org, or you can print the form or send a letter to Kappa Alpha Theta c/o Andrea Pimienta, Reference Chairman 519 Stewart Ave. Ithaca, NY 14850 As always, we sincerely appreciate your support of the Iota chapter and value your membership and contribution. If you would like to become more involved with the Iota chapter, we urge you to send us your pictures, memories, advice, favorite Theta traditions, and any general feedback or questions. Please visit our newly revamped website courtesy of our incoming Technology Chair, Rebekah Alexander 13, at https://www.kappaalphatheta.org/chapters/iota/page/home. And remember, you are always welcome at the Iota chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta! Debby Gu Alumnae & Foundation Liaison hg238@cornell.edu

Alpha Theta The Iota Story behalf On

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