Glossary Management System (Proposal) 1

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Project proposal


Group Number: 06.

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of CSC301GC2 Project.

Advisor: Mr.K.Sarveswaran.

V.Nishanth P.Jeevitha 2009/CSC/05. 2007/SP/010.

P.Arththika 2009/SP/062.

Date: 25/11/2011.

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A glossary is an alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge with the definitions for those terms. It includes a term and its definition in the target language. We have decided to do the group project of Glossary management system for Rapid Application Development course unit. The aim of the project is to develop & evaluate a user friendly, secure & easily maintainable system to give a proper guidance for manage the details of glossary and create the new suggestion for the glossary from the user. It is an online based system.

Most people have problems with unfamiliar glossaries. Our system helps them to easily identify the meaning of glossary and most people have idea about the glossary. They can express their suggestion. And maintain the glossary details.

User can register to suggest a glossary in the system.

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User can suggest a new glossary or suggest a new meaning for an existing glossary. User can suggest Tamil or Sinhala meaning. All suggestions are checked by administrator. Then, if a suggestion is acceptable, it will be added to the glossary. User can search the glossary & view the glossary meaning with author of the suggestion.

Meet the Client o Meet the client and get the details and requirements of the system. Analyze the requirements of the system. Identify the necessary hardware and software. Create the database and ER diagram. Develop the system. Meet the client o Questioning them for more details. o Know their satisfaction and problems. Fulfil the system.

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Implementation plan
We develop our system using PHP, HTML & MYSQL.

Time line
Ten weeks

Week 1: - 14.11.2011 20.11.2011. Week 2 :- 21.11.2011 27.11.2011. Week 3 :- 28.11.2011 04.12.2011.

Select project group and project title. Meet the Client. Write the proposal. Analyze the requirements of the system. Build a high-level prototype of the application. Gather additional, more detailed requirements from the client using the prototype & software design.
Develop the project. Develop the project ,Validate, Show it to the client & get feedback.

Week 4 :- 05.12.2011 11.12.2011.

Week 5 :- 12.12.2011 18.11.2011. Week 6 :- 19.12.2011 25.11.2011. Week 7 :- 26.12.2011 01.01.2012. Week 8 :- 02.01.2012 08.01.2012.

Show the client , get feedback & add missing features according to the feedbacks.

Submit the project and get customer satisfaction, feedback and additional requirements and reconstruct the project.

Week 9 :- 09.01.2012 15.01.2012. Week 10 :- 16.01.2012 22.01.2012.

Validate , Testing & prepare documentation. Submit the project, documentation & report.

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