Compagnie Alt Exhibits

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Compagnie du Froid - Alternative Exhibits

Alternative Exhibit 1 Example of Standards for the 1996 Profit Plan France Italy Spain

Standards Percentage of volume from specialties Selling prices (in French Francs) Ice-cream (per litre) Specialties (per litre) Manufacturing costs (in French Francs) Dairy (per litre) Other ingredients ice-cream (sugar, flavor, etc. per 100 grams) Other ingredients specialties (sugar, flavor, etc. per 100 grams) Labor (wage per hour) Labor hours ice-cream (litres per hour) Labor hours specialties (litres per hour) Volume Dairy ingredients - ice-cream (% of volume) Other ingredients - ice-cream (grams per litre) Dairy ingredients - specialties (% of volume) Other ingredients - specialties (grams per litre)




17.40 32.10

17.45 32.00

17.30 31.80

10.70 6.00 8.60 37.80 110 12

10.40 5.80 8.45 35.40 85 12

10.20 5.90 8.30 31.70 110 12

75% 48 93% 73

78% 54 95% 73

75% 48 93% 73

Compagnie du Froid - Alternative Exhibits

Alternative Exhibit 2 French Region, 1996 Results Volume ('000) Sales Data Sales ice cream (volume in litres) Sales ice cream to Spain (litres) Sales "specialties" (litres) Revenue from distribution Total sales Cost of Goods Sold Cost ice-cream Dairy ingredients (litres) Other ingredients (100 gr.) Labor (hours) Cost "specialties" Dairy ingredients (litres) Other ingredients (100 gr.) Labor (hours) Contribution margin Other costs Supervision, energy, maint, Depreciation Operating margin Selling and Administrative Expenses Delivery expenses Depreciation of trucks Selling expenses Advertising Administrative salaries and exp. Allocated central office expenses Profits Before Interest and Taxes Identifiable Assets Cash (average) Accounts receivable (average) Plant and Equipment (net of Fr. 8,956,000 depreciation) Total Identifiable Assets Conditions for tourism Average summer temperature 4,015 600 405 5,020 Actual French Francs ('000) 69,821 8,280 13,183 250 91,534 Volume ('000) Profit Plan French Francs ('000) 69,600 0 14,285 0 83,885 Variance

4,000 0 445 4,445

221 8,280 1,102 250 7,649


3,443 2,123 41.39

37,288 12,972 1,623

3,000 1,920 36.36

32,100 11,520 1,374

5,188 U 1,452 U 249 U

368 307 32.93

3,985 2,634 1,291 31,741

414 325 37.08

4,430 2,795 1,402 30,264

445 161 111 1,477


9,072 1,823 20,846

8,611 1,823 19,830

461 U 0 F 1,016 F

3,544 1,992 4,448 4,177 3,161 754 2,770

3,360 1,978 4,210 4,455 3,074 619 2,134

184 14 238 278 87 135 636


551 2,474 18,451 21,476

366 2,266 18,399 21,031

185 U 208 U 52 U 445 U

29.2 C

29.8 C

Compagnie du Froid - Alternative Exhibits

Alternative Exhibit 3 Italian Region, 1996 Results Volume ('000) Sales Data Sales ice cream (volume in litres) Sales "specialties" (litres) Total sales Cost of Goods Sold Cost ice-cream Dairy ingredients (litres) Other ingredients (100 gr.) Labor (hours) Cost "specialties" Dairy ingredients (litres) Other ingredients (100 gr.) Labor (hours) Contribution margin Other costs Supervision, energy, maint, Depreciation Operating margin Selling and Administrative Expenses Delivery expenses Depreciation of trucks Selling expenses Advertising Administrative salaries and exp. Rent Allocated central office expenses Profits Before Interest and Taxes Identifiable Assets Cash (average) Accounts receivable (average) Plant and Equipment (net of Fr. 12,493,000 depreciation) Total Identifiable Assets Conditions for tourism Average summer temperature 2,478 274 2,752 Actual French Francs ('000) 43,315 8,732 52,047 Volume ('000) Profit Plan French Francs ('000) 42,753 8,640 51,393 Variance

2,450 270 2,720

562 F 92 F 654 F

1,955 1,375 30.90

20,079 8,003 1,098

1,911 1,323 28.82

19,874 7,673 1,020

205 U 330 U 78 U

255 196 21.92

2,619 1,670 779 17,799

257 197 22.50

2,673 1,665 797 17,691

54 5 18 108


4,431 427 12,941

4,459 427 12,805

28 F 0 F 136 F

1,226 771 1,342 5,028 2,242 475 754 1,103

1,286 771 1,227 5,185 2,178 475 619 1,064

60 0 115 157 64 0 135 39


421 1,393 10,791 12,605

366 1,470 10,785 12,621

55 U 77 F 6 U 16 F

29.8 C

29.7 C

Compagnie du Froid - Alternative Exhibits

Alternative Exhibit 4 Spanish Region, 1996 Results Volume ('000) Sales Data Sales ice cream (volume in litres) Sales "specialties" (litres) Total sales Cost of Goods Sold Cost ice-cream Dairy ingredients (litres) Other ingredients (100 gr.) Labor (hours) Cost "specialties" Dairy ingredients (litres) Other ingredients (100 gr.) Labor (hours) Transfer from France Contribution margin Other costs Supervision, energy, maint, Depreciation Operating margin Selling and Administrative Expenses Delivery expenses Depreciation of trucks Subcontracted transportation Selling expenses Advertising Administrative salaries and exp. Rent Allocated central office expenses Profits Before Interest and Taxes Identifiable Assets Cash (average) Accounts receivable (average) Plant and Equipment (net of Fr. 6,516,000 depreciation) Total Identifiable Assets Conditions for tourism Average summer temperature 3,565 391 3,956 Actual French Francs ('000) 60,355 12,391 72,746 Volume ('000) Profit Plan French Francs ('000) 63,664 13,038 76,702 Variance

3,680 410 4,090

3,309 U 647 U 3,956 U

2,262 1,447 28.51

22,778 8,581 909

2,760 1,766 33.45

28,152 10,419 1,060

5,374 F 1,838 F 151 F

353 269 31.53

3,555 2,179 1,005 8,280 25,459

381 299 34.17

3,886 2,482 1,083 0 29,620

331 F 303 F 78 F 8,280 U 4,161 U

8,455 1,526 15,478

8,375 1,526 19,719

80 U 0 F 4,241 U

2,957 1,657 299 3,067 5,496 2,514 392 754 (1,658)

2,872 1,612 0 3,228 5,490 2,422 392 619 3,084

85 45 299 161 6 92 0 135 4,742


381 1,039 18,883 20,303

366 1,649 18,599 20,614

15 U 610 F 284 U 311 F

28.5 C

30.2 C

Compagnie du Froid - Alternative Exhibits

Alternative Exhibit 5 1996 Ice-cream Transfers Betweeen France and Spain Cost of ingredients Volume transferred (in '000 litres) Actual Costs (in French Francs) Dairy Ingredients Other Ingredients Labor Allocated fixed costs (in French Francs) Other costs Depreciation S&A expenses 5% profit margin Total transfer price Cost per litre Total (in '000 Francs) 600

10.83 6.11 0.35

8.08 2.81 0.35

4,848 1,686 210

1.48 0.30 0.12 0.66 13.80

888 180 72 396 8,280

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