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Centre for Research a Ed r and ducatio on Social Trans sforma ation (C CREST T) for S
(formerly C Centre of Excellenc Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode) ce t An autonom mous institution un nder Government o Kerala Chev of vayur, Calicut

Tel: +91 4 2355342, 2 495 2351496 Fax : +91 495 2351496 crest.calic m

673 017 Kera India ala Email cex@dataone l:

Centr for Re re esearch & Education for So ocial Tran nsformatio on is an autonomous institution under Government of Kerala, India. s (CRE EST)
CREST has been conceived as a national institute of humanities science an T l s, nd profes ssional studi ies, address sing the nee eds of the S Scheduled a and Backward Comm munities of I India while integrating with the in nformational society. Th l he Centre has been f e formed in th backdrop of the new global econ he p w nomy and th he debate on affirmative action in the priva sector th are takin place in th es ate hat ng he countr ry.CRESTis thesuccesso ororganizat tionoftheCe entreofExc cellence(CE Ex) which was incuba ated by the Indian Instit tute of Mana agement, Ko ozhikode sin nce support of Government of Kerala. The Centr became a t re an 2002 with the s omous instit tution in Ap pril, 2008 an it receives continued support fro nd om autono Schedu uled Castes and Schedul Tribes D led Development Department Governme t, ent ofKerala

Vision and Missio d on

TheC Centrewasestablishedw with thevis sion vetowardscr reatingajust t, tomov equita ableandcarin ngsocietythr rough empow wermentofth hemarginaliz zed andun nderprivilege ed,basedont the princip plesofhuman nism,equality tyand socialj justice. Andamission pthemargina alizedandth he tohelp underp privilegedga ainconfidence e, buildc competencea andachieve excelle enceinallsph heresofhuman endeav vor,fortheirsocial,cultur ral andec conomicdeve elopmentthro ough educat tion,training g,research,an nd consul ltation.

Go ning Coun overn C ncil

Dignit tarieslikethe eGovernoro ofKerala,Ch hiefMinister ofKeralaan ndtheSpeak ker of the Kerala Legislative Asse embly are th Patrons o CREST. T Governin he of The ng cil rable Minist for the W ter Welfare of S Scheduled an nd Counc headed by the Honor Backw Commu ward unities, Kera as Cha ala airman monitors the ac ctivities of th he Centre The Gover e. rning Counci has repres il sentation fro institutio like India om ons an Institu of Mana ute agement Koz zhikode, National Instit tute of Adva anced Studi ies Banga alore, Keral State Co la ouncil for Sc cience, Technology and Environmen nt, Thiruv vananthapur ram and Sree Chitra Thirunal Institu for Medical Sciences & e ute Technology, Thiru uvananthapu uram as we as Minist ell try of Socia Justice an al nd werment, Government of India, N New Delhi, a apart from the Princip pal Empow Secret taries of Sch heduled Cast & Scheduled Tribes Developmen Departme tes nt ent andFinanceDepa artment,Gov vernmentofK Kerala.Sri.A A.P.AnilKum mar,Honorab ble ter for the Welfare of Scheduled and Backw ward Commu unities is th he Minist Chairm manofCREST TGoverningCouncil.

Pr rogra amme es

Pos stGradu uateCer rtificate eCours sefor Pro ofession nalDeve elopme ent

This five months flagship programme of CREST provides employabilit ty ncement ski ills to grad duates and professiona degree h al holders from m enhan ScheduledandOth herBackwar rdCommunit tiesofKeralatocompet teintheope en et sion to profe essional as w as highe learning i well er institutions o of marke for admiss nation repute and to compete in the o nal open market for job opp t portunities i in specia categories. The course covers modules in Em al e mployability E Enhancemen nt, Inform mation Tech hnology, Com mmunication Skills, Qua n antitative an Analytica nd al Skills and Entre epreneurship Developm p ment, General Awarene ess and Se elf lization. The teaching methods inclu theatre, fieldwork an class room e ude nd m Actual sessio ons. The adm mission is open to can o ndidates fro Schedule and Othe om ed er Backw wardCommu unities.Selectedstudents saregivenscholarships tocovertheir living expense. Se everal of ou alumni ha been placed in high ur ave hend jobs i in rate/ public csectorsinI India orabro oador arep pursuinghigh herstudiesi in corpor repute ededucation nalinstitution ns.

Or rientatio onProg gramme eforBT TechStu udents

Inor rdertoimpro ovetheperfo ormanceleve elofSC/STst tudentsunde ergoingBTec ch Degr ree Courses in Kerala, CREST cond ducts one m month inten nsive inhous se orien ntation prog gramme for the candida ates who obt tain admissi ion for BTec ch Degr reecourses..Throughout ttheBTechd degreecoursethecandid datesaregive en mentoringsuppo ortfromthe Centretoim mprovetheir performancelevel.CRES ST ducts mme for can ndidates from Scheduled communitie m d es cond a similar program who have obtain admission for unde ned ergraduate P Programmes at the India an itute hnology Delh (IITD) an National Institute of Technology hi nd Insti of Tech Karn nataka(NITK K)

Pub blications
Centre publ lishes newsletters, The C working papers and re s esearch ts. hes wsletter report It publish a enew in En nglish in ev very four m months highlig ghtingtheac ctivitiesofCR REST.

ent Develo opment Our Manageme ammes attem to help those mpt p Progra involv ved with the developm ment of Scheduledcommu unitiesinKer ralaby tizing the pa articipants o the on sensit proble ems relating to the Sch g heduled comm munities , c conscientizin and ng empow wering the em by imp parting necess saryskills.

Re esearch Project ts

CRES undertak ST kes researc ches that a are of relev vance to th Schedule he ed comm munities of Kerala and disseminate the knowl es ledge thus g gained to civ vil socie etythroughs seminars,wo orkshops,pu ublications,a andthroughe electronican nd othe ermedia.

olloquia a,Works shops,N Nationa alSemin nars, Co SpecialLe ectures

The Centrecond ductsregular rworkshops, ,nationalsem minarandsp peciallecture es ering abroad drange ofis ssues.Theth hemesinclud dedhigherst tudies abroa ad, cove cultu studies in India, Soc Exclusion etc. The C ural cial Centre condu ucts an annu ual lectu ureinmemoryofDr.K.R R.Narayanan, ,formerPres sidentofInd dia.Everyyea ar arep putedschola arfromIndiaorabroadis sinvitedtospeakonissu uesconfronte ed byth hemarginalizedcommun nitiesofthec country.Ital lsoorganizesregularjoin nt organize by the In lectu ures ed ndian Institut of Management Kozhikode and th te he CRES STwhichisb beingconduc ctedtobrin ngtothewide ersocietythe elatesttrend ds inre esearchonissuesconcern ningIndiana andGlobalso ocialrealities s

Hig gherEd ducation n&Plac cement tCell

CRES ST has set u a placeme cell for c up ent candidates w successf who fully complete the P Post Gradua Certificat Course for Profession Developm ate te nal ment. The Ce ell advises and sup pports the candidates for higher studies and employmen d nt ortunities.In naddition,it conductsre egularworkshopsonjob opportunitie es oppo and higher educ cation with the support of the British Council, and the Unite t ed State esIndiaEducationalFoundation(USI IEF)

Fac es cilitie
rningRe esource eCentre e&Libr rary(LR RC) Lear
The LRC is comput C terized with Library Ma anager 6.5.7, a Library M , Management t System. It has acce essioned boo in vario subjects areas like Information oks ous n uantitative Methods, M Management, Personality y Technology, Analytical and Qu pment, Engli ish Communication Sk kills, Entrepr reneurship, Accounting, Develop Sociolog gy,Fictionetc c.

Int ternship opportun nities a at REST CR

Infor rmation nTechn nologyL Lab

The IT L is equip Lab pped with sta ateofthear Hardware and Software resources rt s capable of providin support for diverse c ng f computing r requirements It has the s. e Network Operating Syst tems runnin on world class late highend ng d est d latest N Computers.Awider rangeoflatestsoftwaret toolsandoff ficeautomati ionpackages s havebee enmadeavailableforthe eusers.

Ttakesinter rnsfromrep puted CREST institu ution from I India and ab broad forsh horttermass signmentsla asting up to four mont o ths to assist the t facult ty in stud dent counse eling, small group tutorials, and unicationskil lls. providingcommu

Tie up wi e ith SA ASNET and ICS SSR

T ociate Partn of ner CREST is an Asso Swedish South Asian Stu udies NET) in their Network, (SASN mus Mundu us Cooper ration Erasm Window program mme. The In ndian cilofSocial ScienceRese earch Counc (ICSSR),NewDelh hihasestabli ished KeralaChapte erofitsSout thern theK Regio onalCentrein nCREST

Fac culty

ulty members are accom mplished and diverse co oming from a variety of f The facu educatio onalbackgro oundsandpo ossessingwid derangeofp professional experiences. Thefacu ultyconsistsofexpertsin nSociologya andSocialAn nthropology,SocialWork k, Social P Psychology and Behavior Science, A ral Applied Economics, Com mmunication, Managem ment and E Entrepreneu urship Development, Ac ccounting a and Finance, Analytic calandQuan ntitativeSciencesandInf formationTe echnology.In nadditionto o these, experts from reputed ins stitutions fro India an abroad ar invited to om nd re o dtoconductworkshops. providesessionsand Executive D Director Centre for R Research and E Education for So ocial Transforma ation (CREST)
Chevayur, C Calicut 673 0 Kerala Ind 017 dia Tel: +91 49 2355342, 23 95 351496 Fax : +91 495 23514 + 496 Email: cex@ crest.calic om

Info ormatio Port on tal

The Centre h hosts a p portal ationandlin nksto providinginforma us higher educ cation variou job and h oppor rtunities in I India and ab broad for SC C/ST student from Kera It ts ala. canbeaccessedat


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