GK Rath - Win 2000 Pro Installation Guide

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8y CK Fath

26 - June 2005
WIndows 2000 ProfessIonaI InstaIIatIon CuIde

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

Welcome to WIndows 2000 ProfessIonal Install CuIde. ThIs guIde Is step by step
and fully graphIcal.
What you wIll requIre to do thIs walkthrough Is:
1. A WIndows 2000 ProfessIonaI C0
2. A Computer wIth C0-PDh access
To start the Install, fIrst check that the fIrst boot devIce In your system 8DS Is
set to the C0FD| 0rIve.
( To jnd out how to access the l0S lease rejer to your motherboard
manual or the manujacturer oj your Lato. (The system bos can usually
be entered on boot, usually by ressny the F1, F2, F8, F10 or 0EL key.
Make sure you save the settnys bejore extny))
lj you are unsure or don't want to enter the l0S then ust test the
comuter by uttny the C0-R0M n the drve and reboot your comuter.
Ths s the recommended way to nstall wndows.
lj you have roblems settny the bos jor C0-Rom to boot jrst then you can
download the Wndows 2000 boot dsks jrom here

Now Insert the WIndows 2000 ProfessIonal C0 and reboot your computer. The
fIrst menu wIll now appear, It wIll say Press any key to boot from C0.... at
thIs poInt press the space bar on the computer.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

WIndows wIll start to Install. ThIs may take some tIme as WIndows copIes fIle In
preparatIon to Install

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

Now press ENTEF to start the nstall.

Now the user Agreement, read and Press F8 to contInue, If you dIsagree press
ESC, setup wIll then exIt.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

Now as there Is already InformatIon on the hard drIve, you wIll get the next
menu, select 0 to delete the drIve.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

Now press ENTEF to confIrm you are goIng to delete It.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

Now If you are 100 certaIn that you can loose 100 of the contents of your
harddrIve then press L to fInalIze the deletIon process.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

Now you wIll be gIven the optIon to setup the hard drIve, If you wIsh to use
maxImum space then just press ENTEF to contInue, otherwIse use C to setup
smaller partItIons.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

Now select how you wIsh to have the hard drIve formated. Use the followIng as
a guIde for duel bootIng.
NTFS for WIndows 2000 or XP
FAT for WIndows |E and 98
Press ENTEF once choIce Is made to start format.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

0rIve wIll now format; thIs can take some tIme dependIng on hard drIve sIze.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

Setup wIll now examIne the 0rIves....

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

and then copy fIles to the InstallatIon folder.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

Next setup wIll InItIalIze the WIndows 2000 confIguratIon.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

Dnce down setup wIll be requIred to reboot, make sure you have to floppIes In
the drIves, and press ENTEF to speed thIngs up.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

0ue to the WIndows 2000 C0 beIng In drIve, the followIng message wIll appear
Press any key to boot from C0, do not press anythIng, just waIt for the
message to pass.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

WIndows Install wIll start agaIn.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

8e patIent.....

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

SometImes It Is best not watchIng.....

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

Now the setup wIzard. (|ouse Is now actIve) Press NEXT to contInue.....

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

and now you get to waIt agaIn, be patIent the nstallIng 0evIces part of the
Install can take forever.
8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

Now regIonal setup, clIck on the top customIze.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

Change your Locale under Ceneral.

Add your nput Locale under NPUT LDCALES (Unless the one present Is

0elete the nput Locale you no longer want and clIck DK to contInue and then
NEXT once happy wIth settIngs. 0on't worry though as all these settIngs can
be confIgured In the Control Panel once In WIndows.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

Now Input your Name and DrganIzatIon..... then clIck NEXT to contInue.

Now Input your Product Key, thIs Is 25 characters long and can be found In the
WIndows 2000 packagIng or on the sIde or back of your machIne. ClIck next to
contInue. f you get any errors then double check what you have Inputted and
make sure you have used the correct letters and numbers.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

Now set you computer name (How It wIll be dentIfIed on the network), and
also set the admInIstrator password, you wIll need to confIrm thIs. ClIck NEXT
to contInue.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

Next select your TIme Zone to the area you are In. Then clIck NEXT to

(C|T+5:J0 [Calcutta, ChennaI, |umbaI E New 0elhI)

The Network wIll now Install.

For Network settIngs, leave at typIcal and clIck next, these can be confIgured
at a later date. ClIck NEXT to contInue.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

f your computer Is on a network than clIck on YES.... and Input the
workgroup name, otherwIse leave at ND... and clIck NEXT

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

|ore components wIll now Install.

Next the Start menu, regIstry components....

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

System wIll save settIngs and remove temp fIles....

and fInally clIck on FNSH to complete the WIndows 2000 Install.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

WIndows wIll now contInue to load....

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

and then reboot your computer for fIrst boot. 0ue to the WIndows 2000 C0
beIng In drIve, the followIng message wIll appear Press any key to boot from
C0, do not press anythIng, just waIt for the message to pass.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

WIndows wIll contInue to load for fIrst tIme......

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

The WIndows 2000 splash screen.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

Now It begIns startIng.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

Now the Network 0 wIzard wIll appear. ClIck NEXT to contInue.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

f you are usIng thIs computer on you own use WIndows always assume the
followIng user.... optIon, ThIs wIll create an account In the name you set
prevIously In PersonalIze your computer. Set a password If need be.
f you have multIple users then select Users must enter a user name and
password..., thIs means you wIll have to log In as AdmInIstrator, then set up
the user accounts from the Control Panel from wIthIn wIndows.
ClIck NEXT when fInIshed.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

Now complete the Network setup by clIckIng FNSH.

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

Now the logon screen, thIs wIll vary dependIng on how you set the logIn, and If
you set a password or not, you may need to use CTFL ALT 0EL for the logIn as
AdmInIstrator, If you dIdn't set a password then the system wIll logIn
automatIcally as long as the WIndows always assumes.... optIon was selected.
ThIs screen shot Is the WIndows always assume the followIng user.... optIon

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005

Dnce you have logged In you wIll arrIve at the desktop, It Is tIme to Install
drIvers, setup network/Internet, Install servIce packs, setup user accounts, etc

8y CK Fath
26 - June 2005


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