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BE THE BEST - By Odundo Elijah Nyakina McWadhiayah They searched for good, and so They sat down and

thought, About it But what did they think about? Being good in society But when they were asked To write the past tense Of the word think In an exam, They thought, thought, thought, and Wrote thanks in an exam For when you think you are good Then you are no better, be the best What if you are not Good in counselling and Home-based care? Be the best in generosity For when you think you are good Then you are no better, be the best What if you are average in Voluntary work and communal activities? Dont say you are good For it may be above or below averages For when you think you are good Then you are no better, be the best Hey, you there And you here Exercise caution change Yes change, change, a change As good as rest

For when you think you are good Change and be better When you think you are better, change And be the best Be careful my friend For you may be a victim Pull, pull, pull up your socks And always be the best For when you think you are good, Then you are no better, be the best. TAKE THE WRETCH OUT OF THE ROT - By Odundo Elijah Nyakina McWadhiayah In God we trust Not only for our past But a must in our tracks To fast is task But it doesnt taste to put God to test Out as rust lest you blot So worst as to burst in lust Just trust God for steadfastness To be alert and just First and not last among the fast Lest you are cast out as cursed Let a cat be cat And a rat be rat Not a bat without any buts. Dont fret about this, Treat it in bits to fit Its best to be at the crest

Yet its not too late to rate your fate Lets trot out tit for tat For the rest of the debate is just But a bet. 2003 LAST TOUCH - Elijah Nyakina Odundo MacWadhiayah In a rumble of gamble, I trembled and fumbled in mumbles Yet none was humble to my grumbles All over sudden you came Just before I crumbled At a time of stress, Distress and pressure You brought to my leisure A pleasure that had more treasure Beyond measure I could gesture Your nature that captures and nurtures The fracture that had a chapter In my stature Your presence brought noble pebbles of comfort A treble of love was the result For this was the best time To treadle away the preambles Leaving my heart in rhythm of longings Yet I have myself to blame For failing to claim and tame you In time, when you came Maybe lame I was In this game of fame

Was this any mess? In my time frame, still Everything is the same The missile of your strength Has rocked me To my soul you have a favour To my heart this is rated Maybe one day, in a way It will mingle That together we dance a jig To rekindle the candle once more For all of us to have a vision Of this last touch All I need is a whisper. 2003 Can we? By Odundo McWadhiayah In the midst of fashion and caution Youve minced me in passion Yet, its too much to take precaution For the two that match need no poison The cake that bakes is not fake For my sake, before you take a break Let us bet So strange yet its entangled Let them grumble in all angles As they fumble and crumble in that rumble Lets reach the pitch where theres no hitch As they itch, get on with the stitch

And let us bet Im sure this is not a shock For already, you are soaked Like tendrils, lend me your tenderness To send a trend that renders me to remember Those magnificent and sparkling eyes that arouses, That smiles which is magical, And the nature that does more than logical So, why cant we-bet? Must I say if I can play and stay? Will I dry the hay or fry the eggs in the tray? For how long shall my brain drain in this pain? Should I train my mind to strain not in vain? Yet, from this strain of disdain I cant refrain till I gain Still, you reign as rain in my veins Maybe softly, I need to tread However, how aboutbetting? Just like a bray of a horse The ray has paved the way for the try I must taste this test not in haste But with fate and date So juicy and mouth-watering yet so delicate is this fruit Though greater is the appetite Im in control of peeling off For I must retain the nutrients Till I gain maximum utility This is why Im betting For sure, Im not dreaming This is no trap but beaming reality Are we in the same gear? Not until we bet this year

The last is preserved for the best So if you listen to this, Youll ever cherish this, And never will you perish in tricks Yet I need not say much too soon This is why I had to say only this Just to let you know That I can bet But will you hear me?

LAST TOUCH Odundo Elijah Nyakina McWadhiayah In a rumble of gamble, I trembled and fumbled in mumbles Yet none was humble to my grumbles All of a sudden you came Just before I crumbled At a time of stress, Distress and pressure You brought to my leisure A pleasure that had more treasure Beyond measure I could gesture Your nature that captures and nurtures The fracture that had a chapter In my stature Your presence brought noble pebbles of comfort A treble of love was the result For this was the best time To treadle away the preambles Leaving my heart in rhythm of longings Yet I have myself to blame For failing to claim and tame you In time, when you came

Maybe lame was I In this game of fame Was this any mess? In my time frame, still Everything is the same The missile of your strength Has rocked me To my soul you have a favour To my heart this is rated IF SHE DARES, DONT CARE - Odundo Elijah Nyakina McWadhiayah I loved you, but in vain Thought I have your love But your love is halved Cared about you Yet you dared me Couldnt sleep even a day Without thinking of you Yet you leaped several days Spending with my rivals Spent so much on you To make you What you are With no reward in return! Yet youve eloped with A player? Hes reaped a lot from you Milked you dry demanding Your best But giving his worst

When I offer my romance You overshadow it With arrogance When I need your kiss You turn me down with a hiss When we walk together You stop, talk, talk, and talk As I stop, to get your attention, Briskly you start walking What more can I say? Alone, I am left Staring helplessly, seeing nothing But separation As night follows day You keep on moving away From me The further you move, the closer I want to get to you In and out of my life, Anytime you walk Against my wish Tell me, did I ever Ask for this? What havent I done To deserve this? Why must you buy My time, when Ive not yet sold Your love?

I wish I wouldnt have Known you In the first place Maybe by now, Id be Settled down attached For how long will I Keep the gates of my heart Open to you? Why did you choose To go with the padlock And leave me with the key? Maybe silent prayers Are answered GOD, may you Erase her from The confidential files Of my heart. Unto thy hands, I am LORD Give me the desires Of my heart If she dares, do I need to care? January, 2004 McWadhiayah Productions. DROWNED IN THE FAVOURITE - By Odundo Elijah Nyakina McWadhiayah Have you ever fallen in love? Do you really love me? You seem not to care, do you?

Dont ask me such For it will turn to be a narrative Is that rhetoric? A test? An essay? Or a complaint? No I cant answer that Maybe its love, maybe void. So if you say you love me Wait until I get disappointed in the same Then Ill shift my attention to you Not because I love you But because loneliness I hate. I know you wont like my words For you expect from me Those ideal words of romance Those sweet-swaying words Of prominence and dominance Yet not dominance in romance But dominance of ignorance In arrogance Forgive me if I hurt you For these are the same words That I told the other swimmer And she felt withdrawn Then turned me down Said too dramatic was I Yet, she wanted someone romantic Dont you now see? You say you want to love me And give me happiness But I want no love All I want is to act out Youre presumed portion of love

And display to you The sadness and happiness Of this notion Dont you see? We are like chalk and cheese But let me see Did you say you wanted to love me? Free I guess Oh, yeah, thats an offer too good to refuse After all, what do I lose? Taking and keeping without giving Simple Until such a time Turbulence there will come That she will have nothing else to offer Your eyes will open Then you will realise that Floating or sinking changes not The nature of the pool Not even flooding tears Can move the stagnant pool Then you will walk out Wasted, tired and torn apart Just like the rest You will go as you came To give others the chance To swim in the same pool As sure as death You will start mouthing Spitting accusations and allegations Against the silent pool Struggling to gain publicity

And win Peoples sympathy For what? Tell me now What does the pool gain When a swimmer swims in it? When in need of swimming Is it not you who came to me? Then how do I take the blame Now that drowned you are? To what extent do I get responsible? You should thank me In fact For being there for you In hour of need After all, I never loved you Yes, you owe me an apology Will you stop this mouthing? Or else, Ill get bored. 2003

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