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Debate: Global warming is a scientific myth, not a fact Defend the motion Arguments Global warming is part of a natural

cycle Basis of the argument


Benefits brought by global warming will outweigh the problems The predictions are uncertain.

Climate has fluctuated a lot through the ages. There were times (A.D. 1000 to 1400) when global climate was warmer than the 20th century. Therefore, warming is just part of a natural fluctuation. Natural factors such as changes in the shape of the earths orbit, tilting of the earths axis and volcanic activity may also affect the amount of solar radiation received by the earths surface. The amount of CO2 generated by human activity is much smaller than natural sources. Global warming may moderate the climate in cold regions, reducing cold-related deaths and increasing food production. There is no absolute confidence on how much it will warm and what the local and regional impact will be. Lack of accurate data to prove the present temperature change is not part of the long-term temperature fluctuation. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions based on the predictions may not be reasonable as it is costly and will wreck the economy. Advanced technologies in the future might be able to solve the problem. An increase of 1.4C to 5.8C over the next century is hardly a concern as change is small, even less than the current daily temperature range of many places. Human civilizations have survived through climate change in the past.

The amount of warming is insignificant

Humans can easily adapt to climate change Against the motion Arguments Human activity are responsible for warming over the past few centuries

Basis of the argument Compared to the slow changes of the natural factors, the rate of temperature increase since 1900 is too fast. This shows a close relationship between human activity and climate change.

Warmer periods in the past caused by natural factors are insufficient to assume that the current warming is natural. In pre-industrial times, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere was relatively stable. Since then, the amount of CO2 has increased rapidly due to human activity Climate studies have shown that warming over the past few decades can be explained only if human activity is included. Greenhouse gases will remain in the atmosphere for several centuries. Delayed action would make it more difficult to stabilize its concentration at levels that would prevent severe consequences. The environment is not always resilient, and outcomes such as species extinction are irreversible. Global warming may push some species toward extinction. Advanced technologies that reduce greenhouse gases may never be developed. Future warming will have a greater impact at higher latitudes and over continents than the global average. Many climate and archeological studies prove that the fall of various civilizations, such as Classic Maya, were partly caused by climate change. Poor countries may not have resources to adapt to the changes.

We should act in advance to prevent dangerous and irreversible climate change

The increase seems small, but the impact is large. Humanity survives, but individual civilizations have collapsed.

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