Felsőfokú Angol Nyelvtan Könyv

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Felsfok Angol nyelvtan knyv 211.

oldal Ez utbbiakat- a birtokos nvmst s a 's genitivust- gyakran hasznljuk a mondat elejn: His coming late was more than inconvenient. Jim's laughing at my accent is getting on my nerves. 2,3 A leggyakrabban hasznlt, gerund alakot tartalmaz mondattpusok: Finding the way wasn't easy. It wasn't easy finding the way. The most difficult thing was finding the way. We spent hours finding the way. Gerund kvetheti a prepozckat mellknevek s igk vonzataknt: He was not interested in buying the cottage. He apologized for being late. I am sorry for keeping you waited. They ran all the way home without stopping. Ige+trgy+gerund: I like children playing in the garden. Can you justify so many lives being put at risk? Ezt a szerkezetet hasznlhatjuk pl. a kvetkez igkkel: avoid, can't help, dislike, dread, enjoy, excuse, (not) forget, hate, imagine, involve, justify, like, love, mean, mention, mind, miss, prefer, prevent, remember, resent, resist, risk, save, stop, tolerate, understand. 2,4 A gerundot megelzheti determinns, mellknv s hatrozsz is: THIS constant arguing drives us crazy. The dancing went on late into the night. He was fined for DANGEROUS driving. He risked COMPLETELY spoiling the evening. I'll find time for SOME swimming at the weekend. I've still got A BIT OF shopping to do. THE playing of ball games is prohibited in this park. 212.oldal: 2,5 A gerund present alakjaival egyidejsget, perfect alakjaival pedig elidejsget fejezhetnk ki: I enjoyed talking to him. I remember having visited the town before. Tagadsban a not megelzi a Gerundot: It was difficult not smoking during the conference. I like not being responsible for the business. 2,6 IT, THERE, HAVE + gerund: It was no good arguing with them. Is it worth taking a taxi? It wouldn't be much use asking them again. It will be quite an experience going rafting for the first time. It was a nuisance being without electricity for a few days. There isn't any problem parking your car there. You won't have any problem parking your car there. We had fun skiing down the slopes. A PARTICIPLE A mellknvi s hatrozi igenevek igbl kpzett mellknevek. Az angolban a kvetkez

alakokban lteznek: Aktv Egyszer jelen Folyamatosjelen Befejezett Mlt idej playing having played Played Passzv Played being played having been played

Az aktv alakokat brmelyik igbl, a passzvokat azonban csak trgyas igkbl hozhatjuk ltre. 3,2 A leggyakrabban hasznlt mellknvi s hatrozi igenvi szerkezetek: 1,rzkelst kifejez igk ( pl. see, hear, watch, feel) mellett, trgy +participle szerkezetben. I watched the children PLAYING hide-and-seek. 213.oldal 2, A mveltet szerkezetben a have s a get+ trgy mellett. I'll have a coat MADE by her. Why don't you get it PAINTED? 3. Jelzi mellkmondatok rvidtse. This is the road (which is) LEADING to the harbour. There is a man (who is) HIDING behind that tree. We live in a house (which was) BUILT in the last century. Paintings (which were) PAINTED by Turner are beautiful. The cars (which are) MADE in Sweden are excellent. 4. Idhatrozi mellkmondatok rvidtse. ENTERING the house, they found him dead. (When they entered....) HAVING FINISHED the book, I wnt for a walk. 5. Okhatrozi mellkmondat rvidtse. BEING very rich, the could afford it. NOT HAVING RECEIVED an answer, I wrote to him again. 6. Mdhatrozi mellkmondatok rvidtse. She was sitting at the table TYPING letters. He came into the kitchen LAUGHING. 214.oldal Az egyszer mondatok- SIMPLE SENTENCES 1. Az angol a magyarral ellenttben kttt szrend nyelv, ami a gyakorlatban azt jelenti, hogy az egyes szavak mondatrszi szerept csak ritkn kpes grammatikailag jellni, s ezrt a szavak mondatban elfoglalt helye hatrozza meg mondatrszi szerepket. Ugyanaz a szintagma betltheti egyszerre tbb mondatrsz szerept is attl fggen, hogy milyen mondatrszek elzik meg illetve kvetik. Alany: My parents live near here. Trgy: I always phone my parents in the evening. lltmny: nvszi rsze: They are my parents. 2. Az egyszer, vagyis egy tagmondatbl ll kijelent mondatok felptse ltalban egyenes szrend, vagyis a kvetkez smt kveti: ALANY + LLTMNY + TRGY + HATROZ Az angolban a magyartl eltr mdon az alanyt mindig meg kell neveznnk valamilyen szval. 3. Bvtmny nlkli, pusztn csak alanyi s lltmnyi rszbl ll mondatok:

ALANY+CSELEKV TRGYATLAN IGE We They It has are skating. have left. been snowing. Mi korcsolyzunk. k elmentek. Esett a h.

ALANY+ LTIGE + NVSZI KIEGSZT He They The soup She 215.oldal 4.Trgyi bvtmnnyel rendelkez mondatok: ALANY + LLTMNY(TRGYAS IGE) + TRGY I She They He The Swans He like couldn't catch have has seen have got can 't bear dancing. the ball. a car. me. a son. cats. is are was is drunk. architects. cold. kind. rszeg. k ptszmrnkk. A leved hideg volt. kedves.

5. Hatrozi bvtmnnyel rendelkez mondatok: ALANY + LLTMNY(trgyatlan ige) + HATROZ We They Sarah I He They The film used to live will come was born have been waiting is sleeping complained lasts together. with us. in 1968. for you. upstairs. about the noise. (for) three hours.

6. Alanybl lltmnybl, trgybl s hatrozbl ll mondatok: ALANY + LLTMNY(trgyas ige) + TRGY + HATROZ She I She He I has met received drives has left 'll put them a wire her car the bag it recently. from them. carlessly. on the plane. on the shelf.

7. Jelzvel bvtett egyszer mondatok: ALANY+ LLTMNY + LLTMNYI KIEGSZT This Her husband The garden The castle on the hill will be can't be used to be is your room. American. beautiful. in ruins.

Jim's sister 216.oldal

must be


8. Mondat ketts trggyal: ALANY + LLTMNY + TRGY + TRGY I have given them my address. He will show us the city. She told the kids a story. He won't lend me the car. Az ilyen tpus mondatokat megfogalmazhatjuk mskppen is, ha a magyarra -nak/ -nek ragos nvszval fordtott mondatrszt a szemllyel kifejezett, azaz az indirekt trgyat- hatrozv alaktjuk. ALANY + LLTMNY + TRGY + HATROZ I have given my address to them. He will show the city to us. She told a story to the kids. He won't lend the car to me. A ketts trggyal bvthet, leggyakrabban hasznlt angol igk: ask, bring, buy, cost, find, get, give, leave, lend, make, offer, owe, pass, pay, play, promise, read, refuse, sell, send, show, sing, take, teach, tell, wish, write. Trgyatlan ige + fnvi igenv ALANY + LLTMNY + TO + INFINITIVE He hesitated to phone the police. She wanted to stay here. I 'd like to work for that firm. Trgyas ige + fnvi igenv ALANY + LLTMNY + TRGY + TO + INFINITIVE I He They We She 217.oldal Trgyas ige + ING ALANY + LLTMNY + GERUND we enjoyed playing football. They don't like swimming. rzkelst kifejez trgyas ige + ING ALANY + LLTMNY + TRGY + ING 'd like has asked told expected warned you me us the parcel you to read it. to help them. not to leave. to be delivered. not to be late.

We I She

heard spotted was watching

him him the plane

singing. waving. landing.

rzkelst kifejez trgyas ige + igenv ALANY + LLTMNY + TRGY + INFINITIVE I They 218.oldal A TAGADS KIFEJEZSE NEGATION, THE NEGATIVE 1. Tagads tagad szval A tagadst az angol nyelvben leggyakrabban- az ers s gyenge alakkal is rendelkez not/n't tagadszval fejezik ki. A tagadsz hasznlatra vonatkoz legfontosabb szably, hogy az angolban a magyarral ellenttben-csak egyszeres tagads vagy tagad forma lehet egy mondaton bell. A tagadsz helye az igealakokban a ltige vagy a segdige, az sszetett igei alakokban pedig az els elem utn van. Ltige utn: He wasn't very keen on the idea. She isn't interested in my offer any more. Az am alak ltigvel nem tudjuk sszevont alakban hasznlni a tagadszt, s mivel az utkrdsek mindig kt sztagbl llnak, az am igealakot tartalmaz mondatok utkrdsben az aren't formt hasznljuk: I am late again, aren't I? Segdige utn: I haven't been invited. I wouldn't have done it. He hasn't been here since then. She doesn't seem to be annoyed. Isn't he fed up with them? I couldn't have come any earlier. A helyesrsi tudnivalk: A rvidtett alak tagadszt egyberjuk a ltigvel vagy segdigvel. A teljes alakban hasznlt tagadszt a cannot kivtelvel mindig klnrjuk a segdigtl vagy ltigtl. A may segdige utn nem hasznljuk sszevont alakban a not tagadszt. Az lltmnyra vonatkoztatott tagadszt viszonylag ritkn hasznljk teljes alakban. 219.oldal saw watched him me cross the street. unpack.

Gyakoribb vltozat: He won't object. They haven't finished. He isn't coming. We aren't ready. He wouldn't notice it.

Ritkbb vltozat: He'll not object. They've not finished. He's not comung. We're not ready. He'd not notice it.

A not tagadsznl hangslyosabb tagadst fejezhetnk ki a no alak tagadszval. Long time NO see. = I haven't seen you for a long time. He is NO good at chess. = He isn't good at chess. I've got NO money on me. = I haven't got any money on me. NO teachers went on strike. = None of the teachers went on strike. Tovbbi pldk: There's NO doubt about it. It's NO more attractive. We had NO idea about it. She is NO friend of mine. Megjegyzsek: Hasznlhatjuk hangslyos tagadsra a NOT szt is: He said NOT a word. = He didn't say a word. Amikor a tagads nem az lltmnyi rszhez kapcsoldik, a tagadsz csak not alakban szerepelhet, s ilyenkor kzvetlenl a tagadott mondatrsz eltt ll: A tagadott mondatrsz Trgy: Hatroz: Alany: Jelz: 220.oldal A tagads vonatkozhat a tagmondatok kztti logikai viszony jellegre is: He wept, NOT because he was frightened but because he was alone. Kztereken, feliratokon, a sajt nyelvben stb. gyakran hasznljk a no alak tagadszt a tilts kifejezsre is. NO dogs in the restaurant. NO smoking please. A no alak tagadszt tartalmaz mondatok jelentse gyakran pp ellenkezje a sz szerint rtendknek: She is no fool. It was no easy part to play. He was wearing no ordinary hat. = = = She is intelligent. It was very difficult. His hat was very unusual. Pldamondat Ask him, NOT me. It was working, but NOT properly. NOT all scientists are optimistic. NOT everybody agreed with this theory. NOT many people have their own airplane. He has NO Thursdays free. He looks NO older than fifty. We had NO chance of winning. NO honest man would lie.

Beggars are a not unusual sight here. 2. Tagads nvmsokkal

Beggars are fairly usual here.

A tagadst kifejezhetjk a no- eltag tagad nvmsokkal is. Az egyszeres tagads szablya miatt azonban az ilyen nvms utn mr nem hasznlunk tagad formt ugyanazon a tagmondaton bell. I think NOBODY is perfect. There was NOTHING in my pocket. NOTHING could be more interesting. NOTHING more was heard from him. Negotiations were getting NOWHERE. 3. Tagads egyb mdon 221.oldal Grammatikai tagads nlkl is tagadnak szmtanak azok a mondatok, amelyek n. non-assertive szavakat tartalmaznak. Ezeknek a szavaknak a hangalakja nem sugallja ugyan a tagadst, m jelentsk miatt mgis tagad formnak szmtanak. Ilyenek pl. : Seldom, rarely, scarcely, barely, hardly, if, unless, deny, fail, forget, avoid, stop, prevent, unaware, never, ever, few, little, only, unless, against, without de ide tartozik pl. a kzpfok mellknevet tartalmaz mondatszerkezetek egy rsze is. They're RARELY at home, are they? He'll NEVER come, will he? Tell me IF you have any trouble. I've HARDLY met anyone since then. LITTLE time has been spent there. There's SCARCELY any coffee left. He was AGAINST any changes. He SELDOME says anything. He HARDLY EVER makes mistakes, does he? She swims BETTER than anybody I know. He DENIED that he'd ever seen me. FEW people have come to visit him. I can do it WITHOUT anybody's help. ONLY two of us had any experience. NO-ONE seems to notice her new hairdo. They had seen NO ONE all afternoon. He said NOTHING. We found it NOWHERE. NOTHING surprises you, does it?

I couldn't get a grant UNLESS I had teach experience. Forget that I EVER told you anything about it. UNAWARE of any hostility, he went hunting alone in the jungle. Megjegyzsek: 1. Noha az angol nyelv egyik alapszablya az egyszeres tagads, a beszlt nyelv. 'substandard' vltozatban termszetesen ltezik ketts, st hrmas tagads is (Double/ Multiple Negation): SUBSTANDARD: I didn't say nothing. I haven't got no money. No one never said nothing. I never said nothing to nobody. I'm not coming neither. We couldn't fix it nohow. I ain't never done nothing to nobody. 222.oldal STANDARD: I didn't say anything. I havent got any money. No one ever said anything. I never said anything to anybody. I'm not coming either. We couldn't fix it anyhow. I've never done anything to nobody.

2. Retorikai rtelemben a ketts tagads lltst jelent s pp ezrt helyesnek kell tekintennk az ilyen tpus mondatokat : Ketts tagads: Jelentse: She is not ununtelligent. She is intelligent. You can't not respect their decision. You have to respect their decision. Nobody has no friends. Everybody has some friends. Not many people have nowhere to live. Most people have somewhere to live. 3. Bizonyos nyelvi elemeket elssorban tagad mondatban hasznlunk: NOT.....EITHER/ANY... He doesN'T drink whiskey, EITHER NOT...AT ALL I didN'T like it AT ALL. There was Nowhere AT ALL to park. She does NOT live here ANY more.

Hasonl jelentssel rendelkeznek: not in the least, not a bit, not by any means, not nearly, far from, absolutely no-....., no......ehatever. He was NOT IN THE LEAST tired. His novel is NOT NEARLY complete. I had ABSOLUTELY Nobody to trust. It was NOT a success BY ANY MEANS. He is FAR FROM being honest. You have NO excuse WHATEVER.

Mr nmagukban hordozzk a tagadst a ktszavak s determinnsok kzl a neither, nor s a none: NEITHER boy is to blame. I chose NEITHER of them. He NEITHER knows NOR cares what happend. NONE of them is/are alive. 5.A tagads kommunikcis szempontbl gyakran szembelltst hordoz magban. Az lszban ilyenkor a hangsly s az intonci is rzkelteti az elenttet. 223.oldal I didn't read SOME of the articles. = Ted doesn't teach HIStory. = My FATHER isn't retired. = I didn't see NO one. = We can't do Nothing. = Don't just say Nothing. = He didn't WRITE to Sally yesterday. = NOT MANY people came. = I read others. He teaches something else. Somebody else is. I saw someone. We must do something. Don't be silent. He phoned her. Few pwople came.

6.Hangslyos jellege miatt a negatv jelentst hordoz hatroz igen gyakran a mondat elejre kerl. Utna fordtott szrendet hasznlunk. AT NO TIME did the company break the law. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you hitch-hike here. NEVER in my life have I wanted to be a teacher. SELDOME did we have enough time for ourselves. ONLY in summer is the weather hot enough to swim in the lake. NO WAY am I going to let it happen again. HARDLY EVER did she give me a hand.

NO SOONER had I sat down than the phone rang. NOT SINCE my childhood had I been back to that village. RARELY does crime pay so well as you seem to think. SCARCELY EVER has our nation suffered so much obloquy. LITTLE need I dwell upon the joy of that reunion. 7.A leggyakrabban hasznlt llt('assertive') s tagad('non-assesive') nyelvi formk: LLT I've had SOME lunch. I was speaking to SOMEone. She was SOMEhow surprised. They SOMEtimes help us. She's arrived ALREADY. John is coming TOO. He's STILL here. I like them A GREAT DEAL/A LOT. He's been A LONG WAY. We were away A LONG TIME. I saw ONE or OTHER of them. 224.oldal A KRD MONDATOK INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES 229.oldal AZ UTKRDS QUESTION TAGS 233.oldal A RVID VLASZOK SHORT ASWERS 235.oldal A BIRTOKLS KIFEJEZSE POSSESSION 245.oldal AKTV S PASSZV (SZENVED) SZERKEZET ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE 251.oldal KETTS PASSZV SZERKEZETEK DOUBLE PASSIVES 253.oldal A MVELTETS CAUSATION,CAUSATIVE TAGAD She hasn't had ANY (lunch). I haven't spoken to ANYone. I wasn't in ANY way surprised. They RARELY/NEVER/HARDLY EVER help us. They don't EVER help us. They haven't arrived YET. He isn't coming EITHER. He isn't here ANY more/longer. I don't like them MUCH. He hasn't been FAR. They weren't away LONG. I didn't see EITHER of them.

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