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Project Profile

Project Title Organization Front end Back end : : : : Online Attendance System. B & B Institute of Technology. Java. MS Access Mr. Jiten Parmar. Abhishek Patel Biren Patel Avanish Rajput (2150404315) (2150404325) (2150404326)

Project Guide : Submitted By :

Submitted to

Computer Department, B & B Institute of Technology, Vallabh Vidyanagar 388 120.

Introduction to Project
1) This project Online Attendance System provides a facility to fill attendance of student entire the network. 2) The word Online doesnt mean any Online on the Internet but it is referred to as Instant Problem Solving within the local network. 3) This application can be useful in Organizations or an institute that contains some local networks or Intranet. 4) In our application there are mainly 2 types of users. (a) Administrator (HOD). (b) A student (a) There will be a centralized Teacher or a Guide who is present for problem solving. He works from the server side. (b) Number of Students who acts as clients. Requesting the solutions for their problems from Guide. 5) Students can send requests for the Solution of their questions, doubts or other problems from the Client side that is referred by Guide on the server side. Guide can send appropriate reply message to student in form of a response. 6) The Conversation is in form of Simple Text Messages similar to simple chat applications as well as in form of real time transmission.

Providing a better approach of Problem Solving. The application works on Local Intranet or LAN within an Institute. So several students and guide can interact with each other without Being present at one single place (i.e. a classroom or a lab). Provides multicasting as well as broadcasting of the messages so more than one student can refer to the same problem and answer.

Student to student communication is not present due to the fact that students may discuss on topics other than study and there may be a misuse of the facilities provided


JAVA is most widely used programming language these days. Because of its pure Object Oriented nature the applications can be considered using Object Oriented approaches and thus providing better way of programming. JAVA is widely accepted language because of its support for network programming. JAVA provides security, platform independence and other features that make it easy for network applications. It contains a class called SOCKET which is important for client server connectivity in the network. Thus for our project we find JAVA as a suitable language.

Why Microsoft Access 2000?

Due to the following reasons we preferred to use MS access 2000 as Back end for our project. We are working on Windows 2000 platform. MS Access 2000 is a windows product and easily compatible with windows environment. It is mostly available on windows. For our application there is not much use of database. DBMS operations like multiple transactions, concurrency control etc. are not needed in our system. We need to store only simple database like student or teachers profile information , online list. For such simple database involvement it would not be affordable to use other complex DBMS like Oracle. It is easier to use, connect and understand.

About JDBC: JDBC (Java Database Connectivity). This is the main way JAVA handles database. It is implemented as a set of native classes to play and capture sound and video files in many formats including WAV. It is quite an elaborate scheme , capable of simultaneously controlling many channels of audio and video and synchronizing them, The JMF classes reside in package. JMF is not a part of the standard JDK/JRE. One has to download the jar files separately. So any client must also download and install JMF separately from the application. Documents are also to be downloaded separately. JMF is one of the basic requirements of our project. Using JMF it is possible to stream audio on the network.

Requirement analysis
For any project to take place it is very important to first verify what are the requirements and how the system will come up with those requirements. Requirement analysis provides a way to deal with various aspects related with requirements. We considered the technical requirements of the project by checking technical feasibility by specifying technical requirements.

Hardware and software requirements:Minimum system requirements: 64 MB RAM. 4 GB hard disk drive Pentium 2 processor. Mouse Keyboard

Preferred System Requirements: 256 MB of RAM 40 GB of HDD Pentium 4 Processor Mouse Keyboard

Software requirements : Java, Java Development kit jdk1.4 or higher. Microsoft Access 2000

Network Configuration: It is required that all the computers within application area are connected through a local network or intranet.





Sir / Admin

Server Online Attendance



Registration Details

Accepted data

Sir / Admin

Response message

Validation Checking For Registration




Username, password

Sir / Admin

Verification For Login Details


Response message





Sir / Admin

Client/Server Connection

Database (Server)

Record Set Reply Reply



Registra tion

Sir / Admin


Submit queries

Respons e


Gantt chart :
Gantt chart is quite useful diagram to measure the schedule of the project time. It is also called a time line chart. We can represent all our project activities with respect to the calendar time. Different activities take different time durations from start to finish.


We carried our project implementation in various steps. After designing we come out with coding phase. Here we implemented various functionalities of the project. Some important implementations are as below. 1) Implemented JAVA MS access database connectivity. Here, we provided the way to connect database with our application. For this connectivity we used jdbc: odbc driver. 2) Implementation of Registration Process. From the registration from a new user either a guide or a Student will try to provide basic information required for registration. The process will check the validation of data either those are as per criteria or not. If found correct then the registration is successful else the user will be given a message that registration is not successful. Registration will check for constraints like no of characters per user name , passwordtype of input, avoiding the user id that is already existsetc. 3) Implementation of Login Process.

Once a user is registered with the system then he/she can use the application by the login process. Entering the correct username and password details into the login form, the user will be logged in that means the user can be online and can interact with an online guide.


4) Client-Server connectivity. The actual message transfer between a student and a guide will be in either a text or an audio form. For this there should be some connection between student pc and a guides computer. We achieved this with Client/Server connection by using SOCKET class in java. SOCKET class in java is responsible for making client/server connectivity within the network. We recognize the user by considering the IP address of the machine where the user has been logged in.

5) Confirmation message. The transmission of the confirmation message will be in from of text messages and will be in uni direction that is from server to client. We have provided a way in which the solution of any quires for retrieving & storing records in the database by any online client & concurrent updates will be visible to all client who are online. 6) Use of JDBC. JDBC (Java Database Connectivity). This is the main way JAVA handles database.


Screen Layouts Login form:

Description: This is Login form for guide Login.


Student Education Detail Form:

Description: By using this form student Educational Detail (registered subjects, dept., batch) are filled.


Subject Information:
Description: This form is used to fill subject information of particular dept. Also you can remove subject from the records of subject.


Student Detail:
Description: This form is use to fill student personal detail.


Sir Detail:
Description: This form is use to fill sir details i.e. which subjects lact and/or lab they going to take.


ATTENDANCE DETAIL: By using this form sir can fill attendance of students
for their offered subjects only.



Which provide different option like entry, view, search, report , help.


Data dictionary:
1.Table name: stu_detail:
Description: This table contains basic information about student.

Field na me
Uid Pwd Fname Lname

Data Type Size



Text Text Text Text

10 10 15 15

User ID Password First name Last name

Primary key Not null Not null Not null

2.Table name: guide_detail

Description: This table contains information about Guide.

Field na me
Uid Pwd Fname Lname Sub

Data Type Size



Text Text Text Text Text

10 10 15 15 15

User ID Password First name Last name Subject of guide

Primary key Not null Not null Not null Not null

3.Table name: online_list

Description: Contains list of all online students. Field name Uid IP Data Type Text Text Size 10 20 Description User ID IP address of user Remark ---



By doing this project of online teaching, we got an in depth knowledge of JAVA Java SOCKET class programming in Client/Server applications. Use of media with JAVA. In addition we learnt very useful non technical aspects that are quite important for a software developer. These are.. How the clear requirements are necessary before starting the project.

Time management, development problem solving nature, Systematic approaches that a good software engineer should have. Finally a most valuable thing is the experience. We knew how we can develop a software on own, it will provide a good self confidence and an idea to do better in the industry.


Future enhancements
Future enhancements are quite important regarding the improved functionality of any system. We have provided the scope for the future enhancements. In our proposed system we have provided following functionalities. 1) Both way student(s) communication by text messages between a guide and

2) One way transmission of audio messages from a guide to student(s). 3) No communication between two students. We can provide additional functionalities in future like :1) Transmission of voice messages from both sides. 2) We can provide video transmission both ways and thus can achieve video conferencing too. 3) Inter-student communication so students can share their ideas among them.


Bibliography Books:
The Complete Reference Java2 By Herbert Schildt. Java How to program By Deitel & Deitel. Java 2.0 By Ivan Bayross.

Websites: JMF Java Glossary.htm/


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