ITCN21021 IntroToProg Course Guide

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Faculty of Engineering and Computer Technology


ITCN 21021 Introduction to Programming Faculty of Engineering & Computer Technology AIMST UNIVERSITY

Lecturer: S. Sivaguru Semester: Semester1, Academic Session 2011/2012

The information in this document is important and should be noted by all students undertaking the Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Approved by Coordinator: Endorsed By Dean:



ITCN 21021 Introduction to Programming

Course GUIDE
Semester 1/ 2011/2012
Course Objective:
This course helps the student to understand about how the computer operates and its relationship with programming. It is aimed to ensure learners equipped with fundamental concepts and techniques of programming that enable them to provide computational solution for a given simple problem in high level programming languages.

Course Outcomes:
CO 1 CO 2 : Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to understand the fundamentals of programming using C. (PO1, PO2, C2, A2) : Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to apply knowledge and skills acquired in fundamental programming techniques such as data storage and manipulation, and program control structures to write, debug, run and test programs in C. (PO3, PO4, C3, A3, P3)

Teaching Panel
Name S. Sivaguru Room # Block Eng. 2nd Floor, Lecturer Room



Consultation Hours
Time 9.00 11.00 am Day Mon & Wed

14 Weeks (September 2011 January 2012)

Students Learning Activities

Week 1 Activities

Lesson 1: Programming Languages (CO1, PO1, PO2, C2, A2) 1 Hour

In the nutshell, these lessons will introduce learners about: Types of Programming Language At the end of Lesson 1, learners are expected to: 1. Know the following types of Programming Languages: First-Generation Languages Second-Generation Languages Third-Generation Languages Fourth-Generation Languages Fifth-Generation Languages Object-Oriented Programming Languages Lesson 2: Introduction to C (CO1, PO1, PO2, C2, A2) 1 Hour In the nutshell, these lessons will introduce learners about: The History of C Introduction to Editors and Integrated Development Environments Writing simple programs in C: Compiling and Running C Programs Introduction to C Preprocessor Directives: Inclusion of header files Printing Outputs Writing Comments in C Programs Including Escape Sequences in C Programs At the end of Lesson 2, learners are expected to: 1. Know the History of C: 2. Know the basics of a Typical C Program Development Environment 3. Know how to write comments 4. Know about Preprocessor directive 5. Know the C Standard Library 6. Understand about the Escape Sequences 7. Know how to write programs in C to print messages on screen To achieve the Course outcomes, students are required to: 1. Attend Lecture 2. Read chapter 1 and 2 of Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel. C How to Program, 3rd or later edition. Prentice Hall The main textbook. 3. Attempt Tutorial 1 2 Hours 4. Attempt Laboratory 1 in Week 2 2 Hours

Laboratory 1 2 Hours Lesson 3 & 4: Simple Arithmetic Calculations in C (CO1, PO1, PO2, C2, A2) 2

In the nutshell, these lessons will introduce learners about: Variables and Memory Concepts: Declaration and Initialization Obtaining input Variable Names and Keywords Data Types and Sizes Constants At the end of Lesson 3 and 4, learners are expected to: 1. Know and understand how to declare variables 2. Know how to retrieve inputs from user 3. Know how to write C expressions to perform arithmetic calculations 4. Know and understand about Assignment operators 5. Know and understand about Library Functions To achieve the Course outcomes, students are required to: 1. Attend Lecture 2. Read chapter 2 of Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel. C How to Program, 3rd or later edition. Prentice Hall The main textbook. 3. Attempt Tutorial 2 in Week 3 1 Hour 4. Attempt Laboratory 2 in Week 3 2 Hours 3 4 Tutorial 2 1 Hour Laboratory 2 2 Hours Lesson 5 & 6: Operators (CO1, PO1, PO2, C2, A2) 2 Hours In the nutshell, these lessons will introduce learners about: Arithmetic Operators Assignment Operators Comparison Operators: Equality and Relational Operators Logical Operators Increment and Decrement Operators Type Conversion Precedence and Order of Evaluation At the end of Lesson 5 and 6, learners are expected to: 1. Know and understand about arithmetic operators used to form C expressions 2. Know and understand about equality operators used to form C expressions 3. Know and understand about relational operators used to form C expressions 4. Know and understand about precedence and order of evaluation when forming C expressions 5. Know and understand about logical operators used to form C expressions 6. Know and understand about increment and decrement operators used to form C expressions

7. Know some of the commonly used keywords in C To achieve the Course outcomes, students are required to: 1. Attend Lecture 2. Read chapter 2 of Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel. C How to Program, 3rd or later edition. Prentice Hall The main textbook. 3. Attempt Tutorial 3 1 Hour 4. Attempt Laboratory 3 in Week 5 2 Hours 5 Laboratory 3 2 Hours Lesson 7 - 8: Control Flow (CO2, PO3, PO4, C3, A3, P3) 2 Hours In the nutshell, these lessons will introduce learners about: Statements and Blocks If Selection Structure If-Else Selection Structure Else-If Selection Structure At the end of Lesson 7 & 8, learners are expected to: 1. Understand and able to design algorithm by using pseudocode and flowchart 2. Know how to construct single-if, multiple-if statements To achieve the Course outcomes, students are required to: 1. Attend Lecture 2. Read chapter 3 of Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel. C How to Program, 3rd or later edition. Prentice Hall The main textbook. 3. Attempt Tutorial 4 in Week 6 2 Hours 4. Attempt Laboratory 4 in Week 8 2 Hours 5. Attempt Laboratory 5 in Week 9 2 Hours 6 Lesson 9: Control Flow (CO2, PO3, PO4, C3, A3, P3) 1 Hour In the nutshell, these lessons will introduce learners about: Conditional Operator Switch: Multiple-Selection Structure At the end of Lesson 9, learners are expected to: 1. Know how construct switch for multiple-selection statements 2. Know when to apply break in switch To achieve the Course outcomes, students are required to: 1. Attend Lecture 2. Read chapter 4 (topic on switch) of Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel. C How to Program, 3rd or later edition. Prentice Hall The main textbook. 3. Attempt Tutorial 4 2 Hours 4. Attempt Laboratory 5 in Week 9 2 Hours 7 Mid-Semester Break

8 9 10

Mid-Semester Examination (CO1, PO1-5%, PO2-5%) Laboratory 4 2 Hours Laboratory 5 2 Hours Assignment 1 2 Weeks Lesson 10 - 11: Repetition Structures (CO2, PO3, PO4, C3, A3, P3) 2 Hours In the nutshell, these lessons will introduce learners about: While Repetition Structure Counter-controlled While Sentinel-controlled While Nested Control Structure in While At the end of Lesson 10 - 11, learners are expected to: 1. Know how to construct repetitive structures using while 2. Know how construct counter-controlled and sentinel-control repetitive structures 3. Know how construct nested repetitive structures 4. Know how to apply Logical and Equality operators in their programs To achieve the Course outcomes, students are required to: 1. Attend Lecture 2. Read chapter 3 of Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel. C How to Program, 3rd or later edition. Prentice Hall The main textbook. 3. Attempt Tutorial 5 1.5 Hours 4. Attempt Laboratory 6 in Week 11


Assignment 1 Due Laboratory 6 2 Hours Lesson 12 - 13: Repetition Structures (CO2, PO3, PO4, C3, A3, P3) 2 Hours In the nutshell, these lessons will introduce learners about: For and Do-While Repetition Structures At the end of Lesson 12 - 13, learners are expected to: 1. Know how to construct repetitive structures using do-while and for 2. Know how construct counter-controlled and sentinel-control repetitive structures 3. Know how construct nested repetitive structures 4. Know how to apply Logical and Equality operators in their programs To achieve the Course outcomes, students are required to: 1. Attend Lecture 2. Read chapter 4 of Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel. C How to Program, 3rd or later edition. Prentice Hall The main textbook. 3. Attempt Tutorial 6 1.5 Hours in Week 13 4. Attempt Laboratory 7 in Week 12


Laboratory 7 2 Hours Assignment 2 2 Weeks


Lesson 14: Repetition Structures (CO2, PO3, PO4, C3, A3, P3) 1 Hour In the nutshell, these lessons will introduce learners about: Break and Continue At the end of Lesson 14, learners are expected to: 1. Know when to apply break in repetitive structures and switch 2. Know when to apply continue in repetitive structure To achieve the Course outcomes, students are required to: 1. Attend Lecture 2. Read chapter 4 of Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel. C How to Program, 3rd or later edition. Prentice Hall The main textbook. 3. Attempt Tutorial 6 1.5 Hours 4. Attempt Laboratory 8 in Week 14


Assignment 2 Due Laboratory 8 2 Hours Assignment 3 1 Week Assignment 3 Due


Independent String Library Functions Study Header Files IDEs Compilers PRESCRIBED TEXT 1. Main reference resources 1. Additional reference resources 2.

Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel. C: How to Program, 6th ed. Prentice Hall, 2009. Al Kelley, Pohl I. C by Dissection: The Essentials of C Programming, 4th edition. Addison-Wesley, 2001. Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie. The C Programming Language, 2nd edition. Prentice Hall, 1988. 3. H.H. Tan, Tim DOzario. C Program Design For Engineering, 1st edition. McGraw-Hill, 1998. 4. E. Balagurusamy. Programming in ANSI C, 3rd edition. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2002.

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