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VLSI Module


Introduction of Digital electronics Digital signals and basic circuits Number system Boolean algebra Combinational logic design, standard representation for logic functions K- map representations and simplification for logic functions Combinational logic design using MSI chips Mux D- Mux Decoder Encoder Adder Sub tractor Sequential logic design 1-bit memory cell Application of Flip-flops and their characteristics Synchronous ad asynchronous counter

Clocked sequential circuits State machines

HDL Programming


Introduction and overview of VERILOG History and major capabilities Development flow and Verilog modules Description of different modeling Data flow Behavior Structural design Simulation of the design. Language element, identifiers, comments, format, System task Function Compiler directives Data types: Net, Wire and tri types, wor and trior nets, wand and triand nets, tri register nets, vector and scalar nets, integer, integer register and time register Operators: Arithmetic and logical, signed and unsigned operators, conditional operator, shift operator, concatenation operator, bit wise operator and relational operator Gate level modeling Multiple input output gates Tri state gates

Pull gates Array of instance and implicit nets Structural statement Module instantiation, unconnected ports, external ports and other examples Data flow modeling, continuous assignment Net declaration assignment Delays and net delays Behavioral modeling Procedural construct Initial statement Always statement Timing control Delay control Event control Sequential statement Parallel block statement Conditional statement Introduction to User defined primitives (UDPs) Combinational UDPs Sequential UDPs Level triggered UDPs Edge triggered UDPs Introduction to System Verilog Programming


History Capabilities Overview Features of VHDL Language abstractions Concurrent VHDL Signal assignment Transport and inertial delays Concurrency Concurrent control statements Behavior and data flow modeling Data Types and synthesizable data type Advanced data types Subtypes Multi dimensional array Relational and arithmetic operators Vector assignment Bit string and literal Slice of array Sequential VHDL Concurrent and sequential data processing Processes Sequential Control statements

Clocked sequential processes Synchronous and asynchronous process Postponed process Libraries Packages Subprograms Functions Procedures Structural VHDL Components declaration and specification Generic components Configurations State Machine Moore machine Mealy machine State machine with clocked output Different level of test benches Case study


Introduction of MOS device N- Mos P-Mos CMOS

Structure of MOS cells and their transfer characteristics Device sizing Ratioed Logic Non ratioed logic CMOS as a switch Estimation of parasitic values Rise and fall times Power dissipation Design of complex circuit Fabrication steps


Introduction to PLDS Introduction to PAL, Introduction to PLA Introduction to FPGA, FPGA architecture Different devices of XILINX series FPGA and logic synthesis Translation Area optimization Timing optimization Technology mapping Timing analysis

Design format Reporting files FPGA implementation


Introduction of ASIC Design Flow Diagram Specifications Schematic cell Design. Design Rule Checks, Micron Rules Lambda rules of the design Fabrication methods of circuit elements Layout design of different cells Diff. Library cell designing, NAND, NOR, NOT, X-OR etc Circuit Extraction Electrical rule check LVS Post-layout Simulation Parasitic extraction Antenna effect Electro migration effect Body effect

Inductive and capacitive cross talk Drain punch through, etc. Design format Timing analysis Backanotation Post layout simulation Spice modeling simulation technique Analysis of analog and digital circuits, circuit elements, operating point, AC and DC analysis. Transfer Characteristics, Transient responses, Noise analysis of current and voltage

Embedded System design Module



System Components/Services Introduction to Process Management Multiprogramming, threading, tasking and processing CPU Scheduling Basic concept Scheduling criteria Scheduling Algorithm

Multi-Process Scheduling Real Time Scheduling System Components/Services Process Synchronization Semaphores Critical Region Monitors Deadlocks Deadlock Characterization Method for handling deadlocks Deadlock prevention Deadlock Avoidance Introduction to memory management Logical Address Physical Address Swapping Memory Management Contiguous Allocation Paging Segmentation Segmentation with paging Virtual Memory Pages (291-317) Demand Paging Page Replacement Page-Replacement Algorithm Thrashing

File-System Interface Pages (337-360) Direct Memory Access Pages (406-420) Application I/O Interface Kernel I/O Subsystem Secondary Storage Structure Pages (431-444) Disk Structure Disk Scheduling Disk Management Swap-Space Management Disk Reliability Network Structure Motivation Topology Network Type Distributed Operating System Pages Comparison of different operating system(window NT/Linux/Unix)


Introduction to Real time systems and Real Time Operating Systems Real Time OS Concepts Installation of RTLinux / RTLinux Architecture, Module Concept, Linking a module with the kernel) Introduction to basic kernel API Real Time FIFO, Inter Process Communication between RT Task and Linux Process

IPC using shared memory, Mail boxes, Hard & Soft Interrupts, Interrupt Handling in Configuring and Compiling RTLinux. Introduction to RTAI Comparison of various Real Time operating Systems

Linux Shell Programming

History Overview Additional Features of Linux Getting Acquainted with the Linux Environment The Linux File System The Shell Command Line Standard I/O Redirection Pipes Components of a GUI Vi Editor Features Command Mode Input mode Searching and Substituting for a String Misc. Commands Bourne Again Shell

Simple Shell Script Job Control Directory Stack Manipulation Processes Parameters History Command Line Expansion Shell Programming Pages Control Structures Functions TC Shell Features Redirecting Standard Error Word Completion Variables Control Structures Advanced Shell Programming Programming Tools Background Make utility System Calls


Introduction to SE

The software process SDLC Describe and compare different SDLC models Project management Software implementation and maintenance Structured programming, language standards Software testing SQA, ISO, CMM Configuration management Software process and project metrics Design concepts


Difference between C and C+ Linux C++ Debugging Class and Objects Constructors and Destructors Inheritance Multiple Inheritances Friend functions and Classes Polymorphism Overloading functions Copy Constructors Run Time Polymorphism Virtual Functions Class and Function Templates Exception Handling

Namespaces File Handling STL RTTI Advanced Typecasting Concurrency & Misc. Implement concurrency in C++.

Introduction to Data Structures

Algorithms and Abstract data types, Complexity of Algorithms Linked lists types, implementation and applications Stacks Implementation and applications Queues types, implementation and applications Various Searching and Sorting Algorithms Trees types, implementation and applications Graphs implementation and applications


File System Management File concepts, Allocation and protection Mechanisms I/O and Secondary Storage Management Linux Architecture and System Call interface Processes & Signal API and POSIX thread API

IPC Mechanisms (Pipes, FIFOs, Semaphores, Shared Memory) IPC Mechanisms (Message Queues and Sockets) Memory Management in Linux, Interrupts and Timers Introduction to kernel module programming



Processor Architecture (Princeton and Harvard) RISC & CISC Microcontrollers Features & Memories Internal Architecture Addressing Modes Overview Instruction Set Data Movement Instructions Memory Instructions Arithmetic & Bit Operation Instructions Hardware Features Reset & System Clock /Oscillators Timers, Input Capture & Output Compare Modes Application Design Power, Oscillator & Reset Circuitry I/O Ports Interfacing LEDs, Switches & LCD Parallel Interface Interfacing Hardware to Microcontroller Types of ADC and DAC Example Interfacing of ADC & DAC to Microcontroller Serial Interface through RS232 I2C SPI Communication CAN Interface & USB Interfacing


Introduction to 16/32-bit Processors The ARM Architecture, Overview of ARM, Register Set and Modes ARM Processor Core ARM7TDMI & ARM 9TDMI, Data Path and Instruction Decoding

ARM Instruction Set Introduction to Exceptions Conditional Execution, Branch, Branch Link and Branch Exchange ARM Development Environment Assembler and Compilers Linkers and Debuggers Software Interrupts Data Processing Instructions Multiple Register Transfer Instruction Thumb Instruction Set Mixing ARM & Thumb Instructions Architectural Support for High Level Language Data Types Floating Point Data Types Expressions, Conditional Statements and Loops Memory Hierarchy Memory Interfacing Memory Size & Speed Cache Architectural Support for Operating System ARM System Control Coprocessor CP15 Protection Unit Registers ARM MMU Architecture Synchronization Context Switching Enhanced DSP Extension


Introduction to Device Driver Kernel configuration (adding modules) Types of device drivers Building and running modules Building character drivers Debugging techniques Interrupt Handling Memory Handling

Project Work :

Project Work : ( 4 WEEKS ) Embedded and VLSI application.

Submission of Application

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