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Technical Note 538: Increasing the Log Level for the Actuate e.

Reporting Server and Actuate ReportCast or Active Portal

Last Modified: Area(s): Release(s): Database(s): App Server OS(s): Latest release tested against: Keywords: 27 August 2004 Reports and Charts V7 (Enterprise), V7 (MidMarket), V7 (Professional) All Supported Databases All Supported Platforms V7 (Enterprise) AC_LOG_LEVEL, ENABLE_DEBUG_LOGGING, ENABLE_ERROR_LOGGING, Actuate Server, log level, logging

Background This technical note details the steps to enable increased logging in: Actuate version 4 with Siebel 2000 and Actuate version 5 with Siebel 7.0.x Actuate version 6 with Siebel 7.5.x and Actuate version 7 with Siebel 7.7 Click on a link above to navigate to the appropriate section for the Siebel application version and Actuate version you are running. Summary Actuate Version 4 with Siebel 2000 and Actuate Version 5 with Siebel 7.0.x Logging is enabled through a parameter in the log.conf file. Complete the steps detailed in the following sections to increase the log levels on the Actuate e.Reporting Server and Actuate ReportCast.

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Technical Note 538: Increasing the Log Level for the Actuate e.Reporting Server and Actuate ReportCast or Active Portal

Actuate e.Reporting Server In the Actuate e.Reporting Server, the log.conf file resides in the Actuate_Server_Home\etc folder.

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Technical Note 538: Increasing the Log Level for the Actuate e.Reporting Server and Actuate ReportCast or Active Portal

1. Set the AC_LOG_LEVEL parameter in the log.conf file to 0 for maximum tracing. The default value for the AC_LOG_LEVEL parameter is 8000 for minimum tracing.

2. After changing the log level, restart the Actuate services. Log files are generated in the Actuate_Server_Home\log folder with the following naming convention: admserv.exe.<DateTimestamp>.log reqserv.exe.<DateTimestamp>.log pobserv.exe.<DateTimestamp>.log viewsrv.exe.<DateTimestamp>.log fctsrvr.exe.<DateTimestamp>.log

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Technical Note 538: Increasing the Log Level for the Actuate e.Reporting Server and Actuate ReportCast or Active Portal

Actuate ReportCast In the Actuate ReportCast, the log.conf file resides in the ReportCast_Server_Home\etc folder.

1. Set the AC_LOG_LEVEL parameter in the log.conf file to 0 for maximum tracing.

2. After changing the log level, restart the Actuate ReportCast Server 5 service.

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Technical Note 538: Increasing the Log Level for the Actuate e.Reporting Server and Actuate ReportCast or Active Portal

Log file is generated in the ReportCast_Server_home\log folder with the following naming convention: webagentsrvr.exe<DateTimestamp>.log. Actuate Version 6 with Siebel 7.5.x and Actuate Version 7 with Siebel 7.7 Complete the steps detailed in the following sections to increase the log levels on the Actuate e.Reporting Server and the Actuate Active Portal. Actuate e.Reporting Server 1. Log into System Administration using the Management Console.

2. Select the Servers tab that appears in the left pane. Drill down on the server name. Select the Advanced tab.

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Technical Note 538: Increasing the Log Level for the Actuate e.Reporting Server and Actuate ReportCast or Active Portal

3. Click the Change button to modify the diagnostic logging settings.

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Technical Note 538: Increasing the Log Level for the Actuate e.Reporting Server and Actuate ReportCast or Active Portal

4. Modify each log section as necessary (review screenshot below). Field Level Size Number of log files Description 8000 is the default value and provides minimum tracing. 0 provides maximum tracing. If this is increased, the log file size increases and will not be overwritten frequently. If this is increased, the number of log files for each type of log is increased.

5. After changing the log levels, restart the Actuate Process Management Daemon service.

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Technical Note 538: Increasing the Log Level for the Actuate e.Reporting Server and Actuate ReportCast or Active Portal

Actuate Active Portal In Active Portal, the web.xml file resides in the Actuate_Active_Portal_Home\Web-INF folder.

1. Stop the Tomcat Server/Actuate HTTP service. 2. Open and modify the web.xml file as shown in bold:
<context-param> <param-name>ENABLE_ERROR_LOGGING</param-name> <param-value>true</param-value> </context-param> <context-param> <param-name>ENABLE_DEBUG_LOGGING</param-name> <param-value>true</param-value> </context-param> <context-param> <param-name>ERROR_LOG_FILE_ROLLOVER</param-name> <param-value>MONTHLY</param-value> </context-param> <context-param> <param-name>LOG_FILE_LOCATION</param-name> <param-value>/export/home/siebel/actuate/activeportal/logs</paramvalue>

3. Clear the Tomcat /Actuate HTTP service cache by deleting the Standalone folder in the Tomcat_Home\Work folder or the Actuate_HTTP_Server\Work folder. 4. Restart the Tomcat Server/Actuate HTTP Server service. 5. Perform an action for Active Portal to trace.

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Technical Note 538: Increasing the Log Level for the Actuate e.Reporting Server and Actuate ReportCast or Active Portal

Logs are generated in the location specified in the LOG_FILE_LOCATION parameter of the web.xml file. NOTE: In the above exert of the web.xml file, the LOG_FILE_LOCATION parameter value is shown in a Unix file system naming convention. In Windows, the naming convention may be similar to d:\actuate7\activeportal\log. NOTE: Once this level of detail is no longer needed, set the log level back to 8000 to avoid a significant performance impact on the Reports Server.

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