Final Customer Proje T

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Name of the student Bubbles Thadani Jyoti Punj Prakash Mohini Rathore Preeti Arora Yogendra Singh Chauhan Shubham Kumar

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Sony is one of the most recognized brand names in the world started operation in India in November 1994. In a span of 15 years Sony India has exemplified the quest for excellence in the world of digital lifestyle becoming the countries foremost consumer electronics brand. Son India is recognized as a benchmark for new age technology, superior quality, digital concepts and personalized service that has ensured loyal customers and nationwide acclaims in the industry. Sony is committed to ensuring that both the products and the marketing activities employed truly make a difference to peoples lifestyles and offer them new dimensions of enjoyment. BACKGROUND OF SONY GROUP Sony Corporation referred to as SONY is a Japanese multinational company and its has headquarters is in Tokyo and Japan and it is the worlds fifth largest media company which has turnover of US$77.22 billion. Sony is one of the leading manufacturers of electronics, products for the consumer and the professional markets. The Sony group is a Japan based corporate group which focused on electronics such as AV/IT products and components, Game such as PlayStation, Entertainment such as motion pictures and music, and Financial Services such as insurance and banking sectors. The Sony group consists of Sony Corporation holding and electronics, game, motion pictures, music, financial services and others. Sony was founded after the Ist World War in 1946 in Tokyo under the Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corporation by Masaru Ibaku and Akio Mortia.The company started with less than 210,000 yen which is little more than 1,600$ and begin the researching. In less in a year, the company released the first product which is power megaphone. In 1950, it releases the Japans first tape recorder.

. Masaru Ibaku, the co-founder of Sony

In the late 1945, after the end of World War II the company started the a radio repair shop in a bomb-damaged department store. The next year ,he was joined by his colleague ,Akio Mortia and they founded a company called Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo.The company built the Japans Ist tape recorder called the Type-G.Masaru Ibaku was the co-founder of Sony. SONY ORIGIN The name "Sony" was chosen for the brand as a mix of two words. One was the Latin word Sonus which is the root of sonic and sound and the other was the Sony familiar term used in the 1950s America to call a body. The Ist Sony-branded product, the TR-5 transistor radio, appeared in 1955. ORIGINAL PRODUCTS Sony has a long history of introducing technologies. In 1955, Sony introduced Japan's first transistor radio, the TR-55. Soon after, the company launched a pocket-sized transistor radio. In 1960, Sony released the worlds Ist direct view portable TV, the TV8-301. The company continued improving the TV and within 2 years produced the smallest transistor TV. In 1989, Sony released the Handy cam a portable, easy-to-use, 8 mm camcorder. In 2003, the

company released the world's first Blu-ray disc player. In 2005, Sony Corporation upgraded the Handy cam to the HD Handy cam creating the world's smallest video camera. VAIO VAIO is a sub- brand for many of Sonys computer products. VAIO started in 1996. It was launched in India on 24 October 2004.Although Sony made computers in the 1980s for the Japanese market only, Sony withdrew from the computer business around the turn of the decade. Sony re-entry to rhea computer market, this time globally, under the new VAIO brand, started in 1996 with the PCV series of desktop. The VAIO logo also represents the integration of analog and digital technology. Sony Corporation offered a line of laptops branded as VAIO.As Sony previously had disabled the hardware virtualization on the high end VAIO laptops concern for the users running the malicious code. As the VAIO laptops can utilize the virtualization.

SONY STRATEGY Slightly more than 50% of the electronics segment total annual production during the fiscal year 2006 which was took place in Japan which includes the production of digital cameras,flat panels televisions, personal computers,semi-conductors,video cameras and components such as memory sticks and batteries.Approx 66%of the annual production in Japan was destined for the other regions. Asia excluding the China and Japan accounted for the slightly more than 11%of the total annual production with approx 61%destined for Japan, the U.S .On 10 Dec 2008 Sony Corporation said thatit will cut 8,500 jobs, drop 8000 contractors and it also reduced the global manufacturing sites by 11% to save the $1.1 Billion a year. In the May 2011 Sony Corporation expected to lose a total of 262 billion yen (3.2 billion$)for a year due to the effects of the Japan earthquake. SONY CURRENT CEO On 22 June 2005, Nobuyuki Idea becomes as Sony Corporation new Chairman and the Group CEO and was replaced by Howard Stringer, then Chairman and CEO of Sony Corporation of America, Corporate Executive Officer, Vice Chairman and COO Sony Entertainment Business Group.

STRENGHT Innovation Quality Brand Name Highly specialised integrated product & services A variety of product line

WEAKNESS Maintain multiple function Product Pricing Sales is going down OPPORTUNITIES Sony can capture more market share. Sony may expand its business in more overseas. THREAT Facing tough competition with its competitors. Losing Sales


Dividing the market by grouping the customers with similar tastes and preferences into one segment is called SEGMENTATION Following are the characteristics that are helpful in segmenting laptop market are:-

lifestyle : road warrior , gamer,media enthusiast , students

age : 15-65 age groups through different products

benefits sought : lightweight,flexibility , stylish

social class : upper , upper middle and universal

vals system : achievers , experiencers , innovators .







AFTER SALES SERVICE- The after sales service of SONY VAIO laptops is not as good as
compared to other brands such as dell, hp. This is the problem which is faced by Sony VAIO customers due to which the sales of laptops has gone down. Customers need is that they want good features, quality, price along with which they also need a good after sale service also. But seeing the feedback, the after sale service of Sony is not good. They charge very high for getting the laptops repaired. Some of the customers feedbacks are:The after sales service is not good and after warranty it is costly and difficult to get the laptop repaired. Yes its expensive to get Sony stuff fixed once the warranty period is over but as long as you are in the warranty period, they are very professional about after sales. It is clearly seen from the above feedback that Sony vaio laptops provide services only till the warranty expires after that they charge very high. We can say that the maintenance cost of VAIO is too high. This is a electronic product. It can be damaged any time. And Indian people are price conscious so if they invest such a huge amount they wanted to be sure about each & every prospects of the product. So, Sony VAIO is lacking in after sales service.

Suggestions to overcome the problem

Every year, consumers purchase millions of computers and peripherals. And every year, millions of those devices break down. For anyone who plans to buy a piece of hardware, the overall reliability of a vendor's products and the quality of its service are important considerations. Unfortunately, much of the information that people use in deciding which product to buy is fragmentary. Sony should improve its service, not only till the warranty period but also after that it should be very professional about the service. They should not charge too high for the repair of laptops. This creates a negative impact in the minds of the consumers and hence decreases the sales.


Q.1) How did you find our product and services?

Media Internet Word of Mouth Others

10 11 6 0

12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Media Internet Word of Mouth Others No. of respond

Our Survey shows that maximum people get information by media & internet.

Q.2) which brand do you prefer for Laptop? DELL SONY VAIO HP ACER OTHERS 6 5 7 1 1

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Dell Sony VAIO HP Acer Others No. of respond

Our Survey shows that the demand of HP is comparatively higher than other brand. Dell & VAIO is giving a tuff competition to HO.

Q.3) Rate following attributes and also rate SONY VAIO on following attributes out of 10?

Price Style Portability Brand Name After Sales Service

Weightage 7 8 6 8 9

Score(VAIO) 5.10 6.50 5.21 7.01 3.23

Score(HP) 6.50 6.25 5.25 7.57 7.01

Score(DELL) 6.01 6.15 5.15 7.15 7.25

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Price Style Portability Brand Name After Sales Service Weightage Score(VAIO) Score(HP) Score(Dell)

According to this survey we can say that Sony VAIO is good in price, style, portability, brand name but there is some dissatisfaction in after sales service. The rating of after sales service is very low according to attributes.

Q.4) How would you rate Sony Vaio? Very Bad Bad Average Good Very Good 0 3 7 9 1

18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Very Bad Bad Average Good Very Good

Maximum people rated Sony VAIO as average or good where only one people said that Sony VAIO is very Good.

Q.5) How would you rate the after sales service of SONY VAIO?

Very Dissatisfying Dissatisfying Neutral Satisfying Very Satisfying

8 7 3 2 0

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Very Dissatisfying Dissatisfying Neutral Satisfying Very Satisfying No. of respond

Maximum people said that the after sales service of SONY VAIO is not satisfying. Very small NO. of respondent said that it is satisfying.

The BCG matrix is a chart that had been created by Bruce Henderson for the Boston Consulting Group in 1968 to help corporations with analyzing their business units or product lines. This helps the company allocate resources. It is broadly used as an analytical tool in brand marketing, product management, strategic management, and portfolio analysis.BCG matrix offers a very useful map of the organizations product or services strengths and weaknesses. ATTRIBUTES PRICE STYLE PORTABILITY BRAND AFTER SALES SERVICE WEIGHTAGE 7 8 6 8 9 Total- 38 SCORE 5.10 6.50 5.21 7.01 3.23 Avg.score27.05/5=5.41 SCORE/AVG.SCORE(A) 0.94 1.20 0.96 1.29 0.59 A/SCORE 5.42 5.41 5.42 5.43 5.47 Total=27.15

Customer satisfaction percentage- 27.15*100/38= 71%

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0






This matrix shows that the SONY VAIO is going well and many of its attributes is in good area but there is a attributes which is in bad area that i.e, aftersales service. SONY has to work on after sales service to capture more market share.

MAJORING CONSUMER SATISFATION INDEX Attributes Price Style Portability Brand Name After Sales Service Importance of attributes 7 8 6 8 9 TOTAL- 38 Score(VAIO) 5.10 6.50 5.21 7.01 3.23 Score(HP) 6.50 6.25 5.25 7.57 7.01 Score(DELL) 6.01 6.15 5.15 7.15 7.25

Attributes Price Style Portability Brand Name After sales Service total ATTRIBUTES 0.18 0.21 0.15 0.21 0.23

WEIGHTAGE VAIO 0.91 1.36 0.78 1.47 0.74 5.26

HP 1.17 1.31 0.78 1.51 1.65 6.42

DELL 1.08 1.29 0.77 1.50 1.67 6.31

After the calculation of CSI, We can say that VAIO is growing well and GIVING a tough competition TO ITS Competitor. But Of course HP is leading and Dell is giving a tough competition in this Particular segment.

Q What are the work ethics in the organization, Which make it customer centric organization? Ans.-Ethical business conduct and compliance with applicable laws and regulations are fundamental aspects of Sony's corporate culture. To this end, Sony has established a Global Compliance Network comprised of the Compliance Division at the corporate headquarters, a global compliance leadership team, and regional offices around the world; adopted and implemented the Sony Group Code of Conduct; and set up Compliance Hotline systems through its Global Compliance Network -- all in order to reinforce the Company's worldwide commitment to integrity and help assure resources are available for employees to raise concerns or seek guidance about legal and ethical matters Q What is the nature of organization and who is the customer? Ans.Sony Corporation commonly referred to as Sony, is a Japanese multinational conglomerate corporation. Sony is one of the leading manufacturers of electronics, products for the consumer and professional markets. Sony Corporation is the basically an electronics business unit and the parent company of the Sony Group. Sony's principal business operations include Sony Corporation (Sony Electronics in the U.S.), Sony Pictures Entertainment, Sony Computer Entertainment, Sony Music Entertainment, Sony Ericsson, and Sony Financial. Q: What are customers needs and expectations? ANS: The Six Basic Needs of Customers 1. Friendliness Friendliness is the most basic of all customers needs, usually associated with being greeted graciously and with warmth. We all want to be acknowledged and welcomed by someone who sincerely is glad to see us. A customer shouldnt feel they are an intrusion on the service providers work day! 2. Understanding and empathy Customers need to feel that the service person understands and appreciates their circumstances and feelings without criticism or judgment. Customers have

simple expectations that we who serve them can put ourselves in their shoes, understanding what it is they came to us for in the first place. 3. Fairness We all need to feel we are being treated fairly. Customers get very annoyed and defensive when they feel they are subject to any class distinctions. No one wants to be treated as if they fall into a certain category, left wondering if the grass is greener on the other side and if they only received second best. 4.Contol Control represents the customers need to feel they have an impact on the way things turn out. Our ability to meet this need for them comes from our own willingness to say yes much more than we say no. Customers dont care about policies and rules; they want to deal with us in all our reasonableness. 5. Options and alternatives Customers need to feel that other avenues are available to getting what they want accomplished. They realize that they may be charting virgin territory, and they depend on us to be in the know and provide them with the inside scoop. They get pretty upset when they feel they have spun their wheels getting something done, and we knew all along a better way, but never made the suggestion. 6.Information Tell me, show me everything! Customers need to be educated and informed about our products and services, and they dont want us leaving anything out! They dont want to waste precious time doing homework on their own they look to us to be their walking, talking, information central. As your customer base grows it's imperative that you maintain the same level of service that you provide when you first earned your customers business. You have to anticipate their needs before they announced them, and put those actions in place. Meeting these expectations will cement your relationships, increase their satisfaction and retain their business. Here are six customer expectations that are the cornerstone of outstanding services and increased sales: 1. Customers Expect Solid Information. Providing your customers with tangible information lets them know that you value them and respect their ability to make sound decisions. When they feel that they're respected, they're more open and willing to do more business with your company. One way to ensure they receive beneficial information is to ask probing questions during your conversations to

uncover needs they may not have voiced. For instance, ask about the objectives they've set for their company, and the problems associated with attaining them. 2. Customers Expect Options. Customers don't want to be told that there's only one way or one solution. They'll respond positively when they're given options. Options are essential because they create dialogue and discussion. Open dialogue can lead to more sales. 3. Customers Expect Single Source Service. Customers don't want to be transferred to every unit of your business to have their problems solved. They want to be able to do business with you with the slightest amount of discomfort. You must be easy to do business with. This means taking ownership of your customers requests, problem, etc., and ensuring that their needs are met to their satisfaction. 4. Customers Expect Superior Communication. They may not be the best communicators, but they expect communication excellence from you. So, if you tell them that you will call them back at a certain time, make sure that you do. Your responsiveness will create a bond of trust, and a communication comfort level. 5. Customers Expect Consulting. As the expert on your business' products and services, you are your customer only contact to determining how to use your product and/or service to get the best RETURN ON INVESTMENT (ROI). You must take the time to ask pertinent questions aimed at finding how your customer is using your product and/or service. This will demonstrate your ability and knowledge as well as your intent to spend the necessary time with them to meet their specific needs. 6. Customers Expect A Seamless Relationship. The best businesses are those that believe in going the extra mile for their customers. They know that they have to reinforce why it's in the customers best interest to continue doing business with them. Building a relationship with your customers built on mutual trust and respect takes time and effort, but remembers retention is the best method of building profit. Stay in touch with your customers by keeping them informed of new events, product updates, passing on information that may be of interest, calling to say hello, etc.

The most important aspect of any company is to satisfy customer needs. So in the project we analysed that the sale of Sony vaio is lacking behind because of customer support services. The company should understand that satisfying what customer want is very important Any problem may lead to decrease in the brand equity and goodwill of the company Therefore providing best services and taking quick action is very vital part of customer support service. Thank you


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