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The Covenant

The Covenant
The name "Covenant" was taken from the binding pact that forged the peace between the Elites (Sangheili) and Prophets (San 'Shyuum). They allied with each other after a long war, which had thousands of casualties. They are combined forces of alien races, and act as the main antagonists in the Halo universe. The war which had devastated their respective races for years was fought over the Forerunners artifacts on the Elite home world, Sanghelios, with the Elites wishing to preserve them, and the Prophets wishing to use the artifacts to activate them. The Elites held a distinct strategic upper hand, as their militaristic society was ready for a war, but the Prophets had one massive advantage; an immensely powerful Forerunner construct known as the Dreadnought. After the Prophets decided to use the Forerunner Dreadnought against the Elites, the Prophets destroyed the Sangheili forces, while the wise and prudent Elite Commanders, realizing their peril, had their warrior priest dissect forerunner technology to strengthen their ships. Eventually they realized their was no need to fight as the main point of the conflict was now moot. When the Prophets found evidence of the Forerunners and their "Great Journey", hoping to create a peace between them, told the Elites of their discovery and promised to find the means of the Forerunners' transcendence. The Prophets would share this knowledge with the Elites who in turn would protect the Prophets from harm as they searched for transcendent Forerunner artifacts to activate all the Halo Installations. These ideas would be put into the Covenant's founding document, the Writ of Union. At first, the Covenant was only a loose non-aggression pact of two races held together by a common need to avoid mutually assured destruction. But, as their society advanced, so did their technology, culture, and religion. By the time of the Halo games, the Covenant controlled a large part of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way galaxy. They discovered and conquered various races. Their society had evolved into a complicated caste system, with the Prophets governing the Covenant, and the Elites left in charge of the military. The Covenant was a theocracy, based on prophecies about the sacred rings and The Great Journey. The primary belief of the Covenant was that the Halos will allow them passage into the "Divine Beyond", where they might join the Forerunners as gods, while those who did not believe in the Great Journey would be left behind to die by the power of the Halo Rings.

The Covenant is governed by the High Council, which is led by a trio of Prophets and consists of lesser Prophets, Legates and very high ranking Elites, which are known as Councilors. However, near the start of the Covenant Civil War, the Prophets began to replace the Elites with Brutes in various positions within Covenant society, including the protection of the Hierarchs and command of the Covenant Fleets. The Prophets of Truth and Mercy used the Prophet of Regret's assassination at the hands of Master Chief as an excuse to replace the Elite guard with Brutes. The Prophets then secretly ordered the Brutes to commit genocide against the Elites, and thus leading to the beginning of the Civil War. In addition to the High Council, there are three other Councils: the Council of Concordance, the Council of Deed and Doctrine and the Council of Masters. Numerous Ministries exist within the Covenant government as well, each of which possesses a single role.

The Covenant society is based around a caste system of the species below. Many of the alien species conquered by the Covenant are conscripted into, or gradually become part of the alliance. However, during the first contact with the Humans, The Oracle on board the Forerunner Dreadnought revealed to Truth and Regret that Humans are "My Makers", as shown by its luminary. Since the entire Covenant was based on the belief that the Forerunners had transcended, Truth and Regret knew if any of the other races found out what the Oracle told them, the Covenant would break apart.

The Forerunners, a long-since vanished and utterly mysterious civilization, are revered as Gods by the Covenant, although their original nature was certainly not divine. The Covenant belief system is underpinned by the existence of numerous abandoned Forerunner artifacts, objects and installations. Of these, the most notable are the seven Halo rings, said to be the locations at which the Covenant belief of the Great Journey may be begun. The evident technological perfection of Forerunner objects, and the awesome and unknown purpose for which these artifacts exist, has powered the Covenant theology for millennium. It appears that the Covenant's faith is solely qualified by finding the Forerunners' abandoned technology scattered throughout the galaxy. However, much of this Forerunner technology is as obtuse as it is arcane. It can only be guessed at what its true purpose and origin might be. That said, they have been able to incorporate some Forerunner advancements into their weapon and transport technology. The Covenant, then, are mainly driven by their fanatical devotion to religion. The client races are held together by a common belief; the slave races are driven by the religion which they have been forced to accept.

Religion and Culture

The Covenant society and culture is based solely on worshiping the Forerunners and recovering their sacred artifacts. Because of this, they often have to turn to war to achieve their ends, and so the Elites, and later the Brutes, have a very high place in their culture as they protect the Prophets from external and internal threats. In Covenant society, personal vendettas are not tolerated. Because of the Prophet's links to the Forerunners, they possess superior technology, and this, combined with the unique abilities of the client races, helped to push the ever-growing war machine of the Covenant. The client races are nearly enslaved by the Covenant, forced to live a completely different way of life. Their past cultures are all but erased, and the only practical way for them to relive their former cultures is through dreams. Most races are only kept for their varying skills to be exploited, rather than to be a part of a flourishing empire. Hunters, for example, are indomitable ground forces, and so they were conquered by way of orbital bombardment to help the Covenant in close-range combat, rather than from star ships.

History of the Covenant

The Covenant divided their history into eons called Ages. There are at least eight ages, although their exact order is uncertain. The Ages are named according to things that have happened or are happening in them. This also means that the lengths of the Ages vary, with some longer than others. Halo Wars, Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2 take place during the 9th Age of Reclamation, which began during the events in Halo: Contact Harvest. "The First Age: Ignorance and Fear. The Second Age: Rivalry and Bloodshed. The Third Age: Humility and Brotherhood. The Fourth Age: Wonder and Understanding. The Fifth Age: Obedience and Freedom. The Sixth Age: Faith and Patience. The Seventh Age: Journey and Salvation.'' Maccabeus and the Jiralhanae of the Rapid Conversion.

Covenant architecture is known for its curved and sophisticated style, likely for the aesthetic tastes of the higher-ranked castes. Constructed of distinctive purple or white metal, these colors are the main focus of Covenant design and distributed throughout their starships, vehicles, and weapons. The metal they use is unknown to the Imperium but is very strong and resilient.

Like other civilizations, the Covenant maintains a permanent armed forces branch, used to enforce order, conduct atmospheric and space combat operations, and generally project the Covenant's power onto others. Formerly led by the Elites prior to the Covenant Civil War, the Loyalist branches are now led by the Brutes. The military comprises of the Covenant Navy, the Covenant Army and the Special Warfare Group containing the Special Operations Division (SpecOps). It may be noted that even though their technology is much better than the Human's and their numbers are much larger as well, as ground warriors the Covenant are much less capable and are often defeated, at which point they usually retreat to space and glass the planet.

Covenant technology is repeatedly referred to as more imitation rather than innovation, unlike their human enemies. Some may say that their technology is far more advanced than that of humanity. Their technology is based largely on mimicry of the leftover Forerunner artifacts they have discovered; their weaponry is mostly plasma based and most of their vehicles are capable of hovering. Most of the Covenant's hand-held weapons (except the Fuel Rod Gun, Needler, Carbine, Brute Shot and later the Mauler, and Spiker) use magnetic coils to direct the usually unstable plasma. While Covenant technology is far more advanced than humanity's, the Covenant seems to be ignorant of how precise or powerful their technology can be. Covenant slipspace engines, for example, are more precise and faster than a human engine, but the Covenant use their engines slower and less precisely than they can be used. This is because the Covenant don't bother to learn the principles behind the technology they use. These Plasma Torpedoes are said to be a much more powerful torpedo, breaching a larger Covenant ship's shields and hull in one shot. Covenant starships use Repulsor Engines for propulsion in space.

Covenant Weapons
The Covenant boasts a large arsenal of Directed-Energy-Weapons, largely plasmabased (though they also utilize lasers and particle beam weapons). Most of the Covenant's weaponry uses a form of magnetic channeling. The plasma that is used in Covenant weapons are mined from deep inside the Unggoy planet Balaho. When it was depleted, the devices of cloning were already advanced, so they were capable of making millions of tons of plasma in a single day. Plasma-based weaponry is extremely effective against the Covenant's own Energy shields. The amount of shots that can be fired tends to be very high, but power cannot be recharged without a recharge station nearby, and firing many shots in a short duration can cause the weapon to overheat, which reduces energy efficiency as well as forcing a temporary cooling period in which the weapon cannot be fired. Once the Plasma reserves are used up, the weapon is useless. With the introduction of the Brutes as the major military caste within the Covenant, their weaponry has found widespread use. Utilizing crude projectile-like metal spikes in place of plasma, human-based hand held Shotguns "Maulers", explosive grenade-like launchers, and sharp blades, they are more primitive, yet brutal - fitting, considering the nature of their creators, the Brutes. There are three known types of dedicated melee weaponry used by the Covenant. The first, and certainly most well known, is the Energy Sword, used solely by the Sangheili. Creating a solid blade of superheated plasma, it has both ceremonial and martial value to the Sangheili warriors, and its possession is closely monitored. Secondly is the Gravity Hammer, used by Jiralhanae, which seems to be the cultural equivalent to the sword rather than using a blade of plasma, it can generate a gravitational field, doing devastating damage. The third is used by Unggoy and Kig-Yar an Energy Cutlass, a crystal similar to those fired by the Needler, used in melee combat, capable of embedding in a target and exploding. The Jiralhanae Brute Shot, Mauler and the

Spiker are also extremely capable in melee combat.

Covenant Vehicles use advanced antigravity technology for propulsion, as well as utilizing Plasma Cannons as offensive weaponry and are mainly being constructed out of a high-strength purple metal. Though often faster than their human counterparts, Covenant vehicles are more unstable over uneven terrain where the sudden changes affect its handling. All Covenant vehicles are made from a purple or dark blue type of metal, and all Covenant vehicles are nicknamed after some kind of supernatural entity by the humans, except for Scarabs and Locusts. The reason behind this form of naming is not known. Recently, Brute vehicles and technology have been incorporated into the Covenant's arsenal. Though more primitive, they serve the Brutes' need for power. Brute vehicles are not named after spiritual entities, and rather than being a series of Covenant vehicles are regarded as native Jiralhanae technology.

The Taming of the Hunters

The Taming of the Hunters was an event in the history of the Covenant. It seems that the Taming began during the Covenant Age of Doubt when they were actively scouring the galaxy for Forerunner technological remnants, as well as for races that had Forerunner relics apparently somewhere on their home worlds. They stumbled upon the Hunters, a hive creature biologically constructed of multiple worm-like creatures, fusing into one body and one consciousness. The Covenant, appreciative of the Lekgolo's prowess, saw that their home planet had Forerunner relics on it and so offered them the chance to join the Covenant. This offer was flatly rejected and so it broke out into war. The Hunters won most, if not all, of the ground battles against the Elites, because of their sheer size and ferocity and apparently also killed an Arbiter at some point. Seeing no other way to win, the Covenant threatened to wipe out the Hunter race by means of orbital bombardment, forcing the Hunters to surrender. Hives of Lekgolo were found in orbital rings surrounding their planet, a gas giant filled with Forerunner treasures. But the relics had been the Lekgolos food for millennia; the orbital rings around the giant were actually composed of digested-anddestroyed Forerunner relics that the Lekgolo had been consuming. Initially, the Covenant Fleets, especially the Sangheili, wanted to destroy the Lekgolo for desecrating the holy Forerunner relics. They tried to eradicate the Lekgolo but found that it was impossible. Since the Lekgolo lived in the sacred relics that the Elites were trying to preserve, they faced destruction of their sacred relics along with their enemies. It was found that they could be tamed and put to better uses as part of the Covenant Hierarchy. Individual colonies of Lekgolo exist in the Covenant as Mgalekgolo, Hunters whose armor defines the appendages the worms' take form of. Often, colonies become so large, that they cannot fit in a single suit of armor so they split up and form a bonded pair, evidenced by the shoulder spikes worn by pairs of Mgalekgolo.

Forces of the Covenant

This section of the supplement details the forces used by the Covenant their weapons and the units you can choose. Each entry describes the unit and gives the rules to use them in your of Warhammer 40,000. The Forces of the Covenant section describes all of the troops and vehicles fielded by the Covenant. The Covenant armory, including details and rules for all the advanced and deadly weapons used by the Covenant, follows immediately afterwards. Covenant Special Rules The units in the Covenant army list use a number of special rules that are common to more than one Covenant unit. Given here are the details of those rules. Agile Covenant vehicles are quite fast and maneuverable, but dont have the straight line of speed of fast vehicles. They can move up to 6 and fire all weapons, or up to 12 and fire one weapon. It may not move more than 12. It can turn freely as it moves, as normal. Inspiring Prophets and Arbiters lead their warriors on their great quest, with a depth of faith and self-belief unmatched by the lesser races. A model with this rule very presence inspires his troops to extraordinary acts of valor. As such, if a model with this rule is included in a Covenant army, then any friendly Covenant unit within 18" of him counts its opponents as a preferred enemy. Unique Equipment Some items of Covenant Wargear are unique to particular units, while more than one unit uses others. If an item is unique, it is detailed in the entry for its owning unit; otherwise it is detailed in the wargear section.

But put an ear to the stones Of this Holy City Inside their voices echo still: Seven rings begin the journey!

Prophets are the highest caste, it is the Prophets who lead the Covenant and exert complete control over religious and political affairs leaving the task of conquest to Elites and the subordinate races. Their higher understanding of the Forerunner gives them great egos and religious powers over the Covenant. The fact that the Covenant is religious zealots makes it all the more easily to control them. Their true name is San'Shyuum, but they are addressed as Hierarchs or Holy Ones by the other races of the Covenant. Prophets are physically frail yet mentally agile. While the Hierarchs are confined to levitating thrones, they are more than capable of defending themselves. Normally guarding each Prophet is a throng of Honor Guard Elites. Should their guards fail; they also possess a high-powered energy weapon mounted on the underside of their thrones. After their home world was destroyed, the majority of the Prophet population began to reside within High Charity and its surrounding fleet

0-1 Prophet 115 points HQ: A Prophet is a HQ choice for a Covenant Army
WS 2 BS 3 S T W 2 3 2 I 2 A Ld 1 10 Sv -


Unit Composition: 1 Prophet Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Gravity Throne Personal Energy Shield Special Rules: Independent Character Inspiring

Options: A prophet may exchange his Sentinel Beam for one of the following: - Fuel Rod Gun..+25 Points - Gravity Cannon.+30 points A Prophet may take any of the following: - Sacred Icon.+5 points - Mark of Shame+10 points - Oracle..+15 Points

Gravity Throne:
Senior Prophets utilize special mobility devices that strongly resemble thrones. The Gravity Throne has four effects: A gravity throne comes equipped with a Sentinel Beam. Any upgraded weapons become assault weapons. Models equipped with a gravity throne counts as being armed with a jetbike and lastly, A prophet with a Gravity Throne may not join any friendly units.

The rank of Arbiter is the highest possible honor bestowed upon a Covenant Sangheili by the Hierarchs during a time of need, and is also the highest rank in religious significance, although the Councilor is superior in political or military rank. The Arbiter acts as a sort of field general, going on missions for the Prophets and during incidents such as the Taming of the Hunters, the Grunt Rebellion, and most recently, the threat of the Heretics. The Arbiter is sent on the most perilous and suicidal missions in times of when he is needed. On those missions, the Arbiter is expected to die (which they do, in most cases) and become another great martyr of the Covenant on their path to the Great Journey. Many members of the Covenant, especially Grunts, see the Arbiter as their "Savior", and their peers consider him as the "Will of the Prophets" or, in his military role, the "Blade of the Prophets". Every Arbiter was "created and consumed in times of extraordinary crisis", and has been martyred in the undertaking of his momentous or most of the time suicidal tasks, as said by the Prophet of Mercy. The corpses (or perhaps only memorials of some sort) are housed in identical caskets stacked upon each other in the great Mausoleum of the Arbiter;

0-1 Arbiter 120 points HQ: An Arbiter is an HQ choice for a Covenant Army
WS 6 BS 4 S T W 4 4 4 I 6 A Ld 3 10 Sv 4+


Unit Composition: 1 Arbiter (Unique) Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Plasma Sword Plasma Grenades Plasma Pistol Active Camouflage Special Rules: Stubborn Inspiring Options: An Arbiter may have the Mark of Shame for +20 points.

The Mark of Shame The Mark of Shame is given to those who have either disgraced or turned away from the Covenant. The Mark of Shame is imprinted permanently on the body of the person by means of branding. After being branded, the person is normally executed soon thereafter, although exceptions have occurred through political machinations or rouge elements. Regardless of how such individuals live on past their branding, such heretics and criminals do not last long on their own and will often form covens of those sympathetic to their cause. A model with the Mark of Shame adds +1 to its wounds and attacks characteristic. In addition, only one heavy support choice may be taken.

The Elites (Covenant: Sangheili), are the core of the Covenant military. Standing 8' 6", the Elites are excellent soldiers, very loyal to the Prophets, brilliant tacticians, and disciplined, aggressive fighters. Faster, stronger, and tougher than any human they fight in relatively small numbers but often lead squads of Grunts. All Elites, regardless of profession or rank, are fairly capable fighters. The most skilled swordsmen are forbidden to marry, instead being encouraged to breed as often as possible so as to preserve their "swordsman genes". Elites wear armor of varying color, which signifies their rank and relative strength. Sangheili have a quadruple-hinged jaw, with an upper jaw and four mandibles lined with sharp, pointed teeth. Elites have hands with only four digits; two middle fingers and two opposing thumbs on the outside for grasping. Their legs are unguligrade, allowing them to run very quickly and jump large distances. Finally, they are extremely strong, able to match the strength of a fully indoctrinated Adeptus Astartes. The Sangheili have a strong warrior culture, fighting for the glory of combat and to uphold the 'Covenant Oath'.

Elites 20 points per model Elites: An Elites squad is an Elites choice for a Covenant Army
WS 4 4 4 BS 3 4 4 S T W 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 2 3 I 5 5 5 A Ld 1 8 2 1 8 9 Sv 4+ 4+ 4+

Elites Elite Major. Elite Cmdr

Transport: Elites may take a Shadow as a dedicated transport vehicle. Options: The entire unit may be upgraded to majors for +10 points per model. The entire unit may be armed with one of the following: - Sacred Armor.+3 points per model - Active Camouflage+10 points per model - Antigravity Pack..+20 points per model Up to four elites may replace their Covenant Carbines with: - Plasma Rifle+5 points per model - Plasma Pistol+10 points per model - Honor Guard Pike..+10 points per model - Plasma Sword.+15 points per model The commander may exchange his plasma pistol and plasma sword for a Twohanded Plasma sword and personal energy shield for +25 points.

Unit Composition: 4-9 Elites 1 Elite Commander Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Covenant Carbine Energy Garrote Plasma Grenades Commander is armed with a Plasma Sword and Plasma pistol Special Rules: Stubborn

Brutes (Covenant: Jiralhanae) resemble rhinoskinned gorillas and stand at 9 tall. They possess immense strength, and have incredible endurance, putting them on the same level as the Sangheili. In contrast to the strict and rigid caste system of the Sangheili, Brutes are organized tribally and are led by their chieftain. The Brutes have a long-standing rivalry with the Elites, due in great part to the Brutes' unquestioning loyalty to the Covenant religion and, in turn, the Prophets. Brutes primarily act as occupying muscle, but it is not unknown for Jiralhanae to assume leadership roles in similar function as Sangheili. In battle, Brutes are normally deployed in packs and are able to work together and fight as such. When their pack is killed, a remaining Brute will often go berserk, abandoning its weapon and charging the enemy to deliver a succession of melee attacks. Brutes often utilize their own, less-sophisticated weaponry in comparison to the plasma and radiation-based weapons used by most of the Covenant; Brute-engineered weaponry relies on projectiles, chemical-based ammunition, or powerful gravity effects.

Brute Pack 35 points per model Elites: A Brute Pack is an Elites choice for a Covenant Army
WS 3 4 BS 3 3 S T W 5 5 3 5 5 3 I 3 3 A Ld 2 7 3 8 Sv 5+ 5+

Brute Chieftain

Unit Composition: 2-9 Brutes 1 Brute Chieftain Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Spiker Spike Grenades Chieftain is armed with a Gravity Hammer and a Brute Energy Shield Special Rules: Fearless Feel No Pain

Options: The entire unit may exchange their Spikers for Maulers for free. The entire unit be armed with one of the following: - Incendiary Grenades+5 points per model - Brute Chopper.+20 points per model - Brute Jump Pack+20 Points per model Up to three Brutes may replace their Spikers or Maulers with: - Brute Shot..+15 points per model - Brute Plasma Rifle+20 points per model One Chieftain per army may be upgraded to a Great Chieftain for +50 points

Brute Great Chieftain:

If you select a Brute Great Chieftain, no Elites (Sangheili) or Hunters may be selected in your army list. This includes Elites or Elites as unit characters. A Brute Great Chieftain allows 2 Brute packs to be taken as troops and counts as an HQ choice instead of an Elite.

Grunts (Covenant: Unggoy) serve as the primary infantry of the Covenant's military forces, yet are the lowest creatures in the caste system. In addition to their primary role in the Covenant military as cannon fodder, Grunts are used for labor, and on rare occasions exceptionally intelligent Grunts may be trained as Deacons, helping to see that the Covenant's religious doctrine is followed. Grunts do not breath the same atmosphere as the rest of the Covenant species. In order to survive in oxygen-based environments, they must wear an apparatus allowing them to breathe methane gases. Standing at approximately five feet tall, cowardly, and possessing little in the way of armor or relative endurance, a single Grunt is rarely a match for most opponents, instead relying on numbers to overwhelm opposition. If not being led by an Elite or a Brute, Grunts will often panic and retreat at the sight of an enemy. Grunts, like the Elites, come in a variety of different colors, indicating rank.

Grunts 4 points per model Troops: A Grunts squad is an Troops choice for a Covenant Army
WS 3 BS 3 S T W 2 2 1 I 3 A Ld 1 5 Sv 6+


Unit Composition: 10-20 Grunts Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Needler Transport: Units of 12 or fewer models may take a Shadow as a dedicated transport vehicle. Character: The unit may be accompanied by single Elite at +20 points or a Brute for +35 points. See the entry for the respective leader for his wargear and options.

Options: The entire unit may be armed with Plasma Grenades for +2 points per model. If the unit numbers 10 then it may have Ghosts for +10 points per model. For every ten Grunts, two grunts may exchange their Needlers for Plasma Pistols for +10 points. One Grunt may exchange his Needler for a Fuel Rod Gun for +25 points. Two Grunts, not armed with a special weapon, may form a heavy weapons team with a weapon from the following list: - Plasma Missile+15 points - Shade Turret+25 points - Plasma Cannon.+40 points

Jackals (Covenant: Kig-Yar) were originally recruited as replacements for the Grunts, though their temperament made such a transition impossible. They are higher in status, if not necessarily rank, than the Grunts. They have superior senses compared to both humans and other Covenant races, resulting in their role as either scouts or snipers for the Covenant. When deployed as ground troops, Jackals are equipped with arm-mounted energy shields and a plasma pistol. Some Jackals carry a high-powered particle beam rifle, the Covenant analog to the human sniper rifle. Jackal snipers are capable of cutting down all but the hardest of targets with one or two well-placed rounds. Traditional Jackal culture is based on piracy, raiding others for what they need. When the Covenant absorbed the Jackals, they accepted the Covenant cause grudgingly, paying only occasional lip service to the Covenant religion.

Jackal Scouts 8 points per model Troops: A Jackal Scouts squad is a Troops choice for a Covenant Army
WS 3 BS 5 S T W 3 3 1 I 3 A Ld 1 6 Sv -


Unit Composition: 3-5 Jackals Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Particle Beam Rifle Plasma Pistol Point Defense Gauntlet Special Rules: Night Vision/Acute Senses Scouts Infiltrate

Options: The entire unit may exchange their Particle Beam Rifles for: - SpikerFree - NeedlerFree - Covenant Carbine.+5 points per model - Plasma Rifle.+10 points per model Point Defense Gauntlet An arm mounted energy shield field generator, it is built to protect against incoming fire. These shields confer a 5+ cover save against shooting only and may not be used after shooting a two-handed ranged weapon.

Drones (Covenant: Yanme'e) are the only insectoid race within the Covenant. They talk in a chirpy, clicking noises, but it is not certain if this is a hive communication or individual conversation. Their exoskeleton is pale green and thick in texture. Because of their mobility, they can sometimes be difficult to kill, often flying in large groups and attacking from multiple angles. However, their overall resistance to damage is quite low and they possess no energy shielding or other such defenses. Drones are suited for aerial combat, and like most of the Covenant races breathe the same atmosphere as humans; however, Drones apparently do not require air and can withstand the vacuum of space, since they can maintain Covenant warships in space. They prefer to stay at a distance and use long-range tactics. They have the useful ability to cling to walls and ceilings, which does not impede their ability to attack. Despite their preference to attack from longrange, Drones are skilled close-range combatants if pushed, utilizing their climbing claws in close-quarters. Drones have been noted to land on vehicles and use their claws for vicious and surprisingly powerful attacks against the occupants. Drone Swarm 7 points per model Fast Attack: A Drone Swarm is a Fast Attack choice for a Covenant Army
WS 3 BS 3 S T W 3 3 1 I 6 A Ld 1 7 Sv -


Unit Composition: 10-30 Drones Unit Type: Jump Infantry Wargear: Needler Special Rules: Hit and Run Counter Attack Character: The unit may be accompanied by single Elite at +25 points. The character is automatically equipped with an Antigravity pack. See the entry for Elites for his wargear and options.

Options: For every 10 Drones, one Drone may exchange his Needler for a Plasma Pistol for +10 points.

Spirits are angular, tuning fork/U shaped spacecraft with two parallel personnel bays along the exterior of each "prong". They are known to be used to transport Elites, Jackals, Grunts, and Brutes. Hunters have been reported being seen coming out of the bays. Spirits have been known to ferry Covenant vehicles within the blue colored energy field between their prongs, usually Ghosts and Wraiths, or other small objects such as supply canisters. Around the time of the First Battle of Sol, it would seem that the Spirits were completely replaced with the more heavily built Phantoms, though, since great numbers were probably produced, were still used in the Battle of Onyx. It is speculated that the Spirit is not designed for combat drops, but is instead a Cargo transport, though it is armed with a light plasma cannon. The lack of effective offensive or defensive weaponry coupled with the small troop carrying capacity of the Spirit tends to support this

Covenant Spirit 115 points Fast Attack: Covenant Spirits are a Fast Attack choice for a Covenant army.
Armour Side 11


BS 3

Front 12

Rear 10

Unit Composition: 1 Spirit Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer) Wargear: Plasma Cannon Plasma Missile Launcher Advanced Propulsion Fire Points: A Spirit has three fire points: One in the rear and one on each side. Transport Capacity: The Spirit may transport up to 12 models. Brutes count as 2 models each.

The Banshee is a fast, personal aerial assault craft used by the Covenant. It is equipped with two wings which terminate in a propulsion jet and an anti-gravity pod leaving behind a signature exhaust trail while flying. The Banshee is capable of reaching a speed of over 100 km/h, and is extremely maneuverable. It is also able to perform highly aerobatic maneuvers. The Banshee is the Covenant's low-altitude attack craft, favored by Elites and later Brutes for air support during ground operations, it is armed with two weapon pods mounted to either side of the fuselage, both of these pods contain a light Plasma Cannon that fire in the 100-250 KW Range and a Fuel Rod Cannon. The Banshee is a atmospheric aircraft with a low flight ceiling estimated to be around 100-300 meters, this makes the Banshee vulnerable to anti-aircraft fire and well aimed infantry. Though small arms fire may disrupt or disable the pilot, only heavy weapons, such as the Rocket Launcher are capable of inflicting enough damage to destroy the vehicle. The Banshee is never seen being piloted by one of the "inferior" Covenant races, such as Jackals and Grunts.

Covenant Banshee 65 points per model Fast Attack: Covenant Banshee squadrons are a Fast Attack choice for a Covenant army.
Armour Side 11


BS 4

Front 12

Rear 10

Unit Composition: 1-3 Banshees Unit Type: Vehicle Squadron (Skimmer, Open-topped) Special Rules: Agile Wargear: Fuel Rod Cannon Plasma Missile Launcher Advanced Propulsion

Hunter Pack
Hunters (Covenant: Lekgolo) are incredibly dangerous foes, deployed more like equipment than soldiers. They stand 12' tall or 8' while contracted, and are brought in for demolition or heavy defense. Their massive size, nearimpenetrable armor, large shields (which double as melee weapons), and arm-mounted fuel rod gun essentially make them walking tanks in combat. Hunters are the most populous members of the Covenant, nearing two trillion in number. This is because each Hunter entity is actually a conglomerate colony of sentient orange symbiotic eels, held together by their armor. Small breaches in the armor at their torso and necks reveal this, also serving as weak points for the creatures. This grouping allows the normally unintelligent eels to work together, dramatically increasing their overall intelligence and strength. These eels can be grouped into different "shells" for different purposes; the Hunters seen by most races outside the covenant are specifically designed for use within the Covenant military, and are provided in limited numbers.

Hunter Pack 130 points Heavy Support: A Hunter Pack is a Heavy Support choice for a Covenant Army
WS 4 BS 4 S T W 8 8 4 I 2 A Ld 2 8 Sv 2+


Unit Composition: 2 Hunters Unit Type: Monstrous Creature Wargear: Fuel Rod Gun Special Rules: Fearless Slow and Purposeful Vulnerable to Blasts/Templates Eternal Warrior Options: The Hunters may be Bonded for +50 points.

Bonded Hunters that fight in pairs that are considered to be "bonded"; that is, both hunters are actually part of a single colony that is too large to fit inside a single suit of armor and thus must occupy two suits. Bonded Hunters will have spikes on their suit to represent this bond. Hunters that are bonded gain the Eternal Warrior universal special rule.

Engineers (Forerunner: Huragok) are the scientific engineering backbone of the Covenant and its economy. Engineers float via air sacs and their tentacles are able to split into many fine cilia, with which they are able to manipulate machinery. Their motivations are unknown, but they appear to draw no distinction between friend and foe, preferring to spend their time inspecting or repairing technology. They are extremely apathetic to any sort of combat, and will just float along with their one desire: to fix things. Engineers can even repair themselves or others of their kind assuming there is no significant damage, allowing them to theoretically extend their lives indefinitely

Engineers 25 points per model Engineers do not occupy a slot on the Force Organization Chart, but are chosen as a Troops choice. They cannot hold ground or contest objectives.


WS 0

BS 0

S T W 3 3 2

I 1

A Ld 1 7

Sv 4+

Unit Composition: 1-3 Engineers Unit Type: Beast Special Rules: Repair

Repair If an Engineer is in base contact with a vehicle in the beginning of his Shooting phase, he can attempt to repair a single Weapon Destroyed or Immobilized result instead of shooting. Roll a D6 on the roll of a 4+ the result is negated. This could allow a previously destroyed weapon to fire in that Shooting phase. On the roll of a 1, the Engineer will attempt to repair an opponents immobilized or damaged vehicle within 18 instead. Move the Engineer directly in base contact with the enemy vehicle and make a roll to repair.

The Brute's analog to the Spectre, with the main body resembling the Brute Chopper, the Brute Prowler also has rails on the bottom that resembles a sled. Unlike the Spectre, the Prowler is incapable of moving horizontally. What it lacks in speed and maneuverability it makes up for its ability to crash through difficult ground unimpeded and into enemy ranks.
The Unggoy Rebellion In what is now known as the second Age of Conflict, the Unggoy population burgeoned rapidly, threatening the KigYar with whom they shared many habitats. The overwhelming Unggoy forced many Kig-Yar to relocate, destroying many of their eggs in the process. In an effort to exact revenge, the Kig-Yar poisoned many Unggoy infusion resources, which would quickly ignite into a full conflict. The High Council rejected the Minister of Fortitudes request to have the matter further investigation. The battles quickly escalated into a short, but aggressive war, forcing the High Council to act. During the righteous pacification of the heretical insurgence, an Arbiter was elected to end the uprising. It would prove ineffective as the Arbiter was consumed by the insurrection. Only the immediate repositioning of the Covenant fleet to glass the Unggoy home world, Balaho, would end the conflict.

Brute Prowler Squadron 45 Points Heavy Support: A Brute Prowler Squadron is a Heavy Support choice for a Covenant army.
Armour Side 11


BS 3

Front 11

Rear 10

Unit Composition: 1-3 Brute Prowlers Unit Type: Vehicle Squadron (Open-topped) Wargear: Prowler Gun Stabilizers Options: A Brute Prowler may exchange its Prowler Gun for a Brute Cannon for +25 points per model

The Covenant Type-52 Troop Carrier (abbreviated Type-52 TC), also known as the Phantom, was a much more formidable drop ship than the previously seen Spirit. It boasts two Plasma Cannons and an unnamed turret similar to one of a Shade's barrels. Phantoms are equipped with a miniature gravity lift; while the lifts can be used to deploy infantry, though they are seldom used with the deployment of Hunters being an exception, presumably due to their size. Instead, in hot landing zones, troops will quickly exit through the large doors on either side of the vehicle. The Phantom is roughly equivalent to the Imperial Guard Valkyrie in terms of function and performance. Unlike the Spirit Drop ship, Phantoms serve more as troop transports than cargo transports. Each Phantom boasts superior firepower, which they use to clear the drop area of enemy forces, and the capability of reaching greater speeds and maneuverability than their predecessors.

Phantom 180 points per model Heavy Support: A Phantom is a Heavy Support choice for a Covenant army.
Armour Side 12


BS 3

Front 14

Rear 12

Unit Composition: 1 Phantom Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer) Wargear: Two Plasma Cannons Shade Turret Plasma Missile Launcher Fire Points: A Phantom has three fire points: One in the rear and one on each side. Transport Capacity: The Phantom may transport up to 27 models. Brutes count as 2 models each.

Covenant vehicles (with a few exceptions) use anti-gravity propulsion, making their vehicles float a few feet above the ground. Typically, Covenant vehicles are painted a deep, solid purple, a stark contrast to the more camouflageoriented designs of other races vehicles. The three main Covenant vehicles are the Wraith, the Shadow, and the Spectre. Essentially a massive mortar launcher, the Wraith functions as the Covenant's main battle tank. The Wraith's primary weapon is its plasma-based mortar launcher, which launches slow moving but highly powerful blasts of plasma. The shots arc when fired, allowing the Wraith to hit objects outside its line of sight. A pair of plasma cannons also allows the Wraith to hit fast-moving targets. The Wraith also possesses a hovering method of propulsion allowing it to dodge in ways that many other races cannot match. The Shadow is the Covenant's primary APC. Protected inside its sleek hull, Covenant strike forces can be rapidly inserted into even the thickest of battlefields. A rapid-fire plasma cannon is mounted high on its front section to fend off enemy infantry. The Spectre is a high-speed vehicle with a rapid-fire plasma turret on the rear. It can also carry two passengers aside from the gunner. The Spectre sacrifices maneuverability for speed, possessing a boost for extra speed but poor lateral motion while moving.

Covenant Vehicles Variable Heavy Support: Covenant Vehicle squadrons are a Heavy Support choice for a Covenant army.
Armour Side 12 11 10

Wraith Shadow Spectre

BS 3 3 3

Front 12 11 10

Rear 12 10 10

Wraith..140 points per model Shadow35 points per model Spectre55 points per model Wargear Wraith: Plasma Mortar or Fuel Rod Cannon Internal Guidance System Plasma Missile Launcher Shadow: Plasma Cannon Energy Field Spectre: Plasma Missile Launcher or Plasma Cannon Advanced Propulsion Transport Capacity: The Shadow may transport up to 12 models. Brutes count as 2 models each.

Unit Composition: 1-3 Covenant Vehicles Unit Type Wraith: Vehicle Squadron (Skimmer, Tank, Open-topped) Shadow: Vehicle Squadron (Skimmer, Open-topped) Spectre: Vehicle Squadron (Skimmer, Tank, Open-topped) Special Rules: Agile

This section of lists the deadly weapons and equipment used by Covenant armies, along with all the details youll need for using them in your games of Warhammer 40,000. Note that weapons and equipment that may be used by more than one type of model or unit are detailed here, while equipment that is unique to a single model or unit is detailed in the appropriate entry in the Forces section.

Plasma Pistol: Commonly used amongst the lowest of the rank and file, the Covenant Plasma pistol is a deadly weapon. It has the following profile: Range 12 12 Str 3 5 AP 5 3 Special Pistol Pistol, Gets Hot!

Plasma Grenade: The Covenant plasma grenade has an unknown internal mechanism, which enables it to distinguish between scenery and opponents. These count as plasma grenades in all respects. Spike Grenades: The Spike Grenade is a high-powered grenade packed with high explosive. Against vehicles, the Spike Grenade counts as a Melta-bomb in all respects. Fuel Rod Gun: The Fuel Rod Gun is used by both the strongest and weakest of the Covenant species. It is carried on the shoulders of many Grunts, and a modified version is directly attached on the right arm of Hunters. The Fuel Rod Gun is a two handed weapon and has the following profile: Range 24 Str 8 AP 3 Special Heavy 1, Small Blast

Plasma Rifle: Unlike most plasma weapons, this weapon cannot be over charged without special modification, although as with all plasma weapons will overheat after several shots are fired in succession and be useless once the plasma is used up. It has the following profile: Range 18 Str 5 AP 5 Special Assault 2

Brute Plasma Rifle: A special modification of the normal Plasma Rifle used by Brutes. Over-charged and modified to fire rapidly it will overheat quicker, but is substantially more powerful. It has the following profile: Range 18 Str 7 AP 2 Special Assault 2, Gets Hot!

Covenant Carbine: The Covenant Carbine is a high-powered midrange projective weapon. While its origins remain unconfirmed, it is sufficiently different from most other Forerunner and Covenant weapons that it can be assumed to be an Elite design. It is a two-handed weapon with the following profile: Range 24 Str 4 AP 5 Special Rapid Fire

Spiker: Also known as the Spike Rifle, Brutes almost always use this weapon, due to its heavy weight, although some Jackals have been known to use the weapon as a midrange rifle. The Spiker also utilizes two knife-like blades attached below the barrel. A model equipped with a Spiker counts as having two close combat weapons. It is a two-handed weapon with the following profile: Range 24 Str 4 AP Special Rapid Fire

Needler The Covenant Needler uses a small, football-shaped crystal that seems to function as the clip. Firing semi-homing crystal shards that explode approximately two seconds after they come in contact with an organism or ten seconds after being launched, enough of these deadly rounds can make a mockery of most forms of personal shielding. The Needler is a twohanded weapon and has the following profile: Range 12 Str 2 AP Special Assault 3, Rending

Particle Beam Rifle: The particle beam rifle or beam rifle is the Covenant equivalent of the human sniper rifle. Generally only used by Jackal Snipers, it is a two-handed weapon with the following profile: Range 12 Str X AP 6 Special Heavy 2, Sniper, Pinning

Brute Shot: The Brute shot is a rocket-propelled grenade launcher exclusive to the Brutes. The Brute shot has a massive blade attached where the stock would be on human weapons, which is used for melee attacks. A model equipped with a Brute shot counts as having two close combat weapons. It has the following profile: Range 18 Str 5 AP 5 Special Assault 1, Blast

Gravity Hammer: The Gravity Hammer is a weapon wielded by high-ranking Brutes. It is something of a rank symbol, similar to the Plasma sword of the Elites; only the most important Brutes are permitted to wield Hammers. The Gravity hammer can distort gravity to some extent, as its name implies, repelling grenades and even vehicles with a single blow. A Gravity Hammer is a two-handed close combat weapon. A Gravity Hammer counts as a Thunder Hammer in all respects. Plasma Sword: While the blade is composed of plasma, the swords hilt is a magnetic field generator that projects two envelopes of magnetic energy, which contain the swords plasma. A plasma sword is a single-handed power weapon. Larger versions exists, counting as two-handed power weapons that adds +2 strength. Honor Guard Pike: Those Sangheili that are awarded the privilege of personally serving their hierarchs and protecting them against heretics are awarded this weapon. A model with a Pike counts as having a Poisoned Weapon that always wounds on 4+. Incendiary Grenade: Better known as the Firebomb, this is a weapon exclusive to the Brutes. A glowing orange cylinder, the Firebomb explodes on impact, releasing flaming explosive gel from its insides. These count as Frag Grenades in all respects.

Mauler: The Mauler is a mixture of a revolver and a shotgun. The Mauler is a lighter weapon that only requires one hand to wield and fires a spread-shot blast. Unfortunately, this means that it is generally ineffective at longer ranges. It has the following profile: Range 12 Str 5 AP Special Assault 2

Sentinel Cutting Laser These weapons are derived directly from the Sentinels that protect many Forerunner installations. Sentinel Cutting Lasers always wound on a roll of 2+. They have the following profile: Range 12 Str X AP 3 Special Heavy 1, Melta

Other Equipment
Ghost Jetbike: The Ghost is a small, single-seat, groundattack vehicle. Though the Ghosts are formidable in combat, they offer little protection to the pilot and can be destroyed, discouraging reckless attacks. The Ghost counts as a jetbike in all respects and is armed with a twin-linked plasma rifle. In addition, it confers the Scouts universal special rule. Gravity Throne: Senior Prophets utilize special mobility devices that strongly resemble thrones. The Gravity Throne has four effects: A gravity throne comes equipped with a Sentinel Beam. Any upgraded weapons become assault weapons. Models equipped with a gravity throne counts as being armed with a jetbike and lastly, A prophet with a Gravity Throne may not join any friendly units. Active Camouflage This stealth technology is often incorporated in tangent with a personal energy shield, offering a great deal of protection. A model equipped with active camouflage may treat its armor save value as a Cover Save instead. Energy Garrote: The Energy Garrote is a weapon occasionally used by Covenant Special Ops Elites in order to kill enemies quickly and quietly. It is a small, two-piece cylinder that splits apart in the middle. A green energy arc appears between the two cylinders and is used to choke and burn an enemy quietly from behind. The energy garrote counts as a close combat weapon in all respects. Gravity Cannon Only used by High Prophets, this weapon is mounted to the front of a Prophet's Gravity Throne. There are two mounted in the front. Each fires a reddish-gold beam similar to a fuel rod gun. It is twin-linked and has the following profile: Range Template Str 9 AP 1 Special Heavy 1 Plasma Cannon The mounted plasma cannon, also known as the portable plasma cannon, utilizes magnetic coils to direct the usually unstable plasma energy. The mounted plasma cannon has the following profile: Range 36 Str 7 AP 2 Special Heavy 1, Blast

Shade Turret The Shade is a stationary gun turret, which can fire three fairly slow, high-powered bolts of plasma, which can travel long distances before cooling. Extremely effective against most opponents, but can be risky to use against large numbers of enemies. The Shade turret has the following profile: Range 24 Str 6 AP 3 Special Heavy 3

Brute Chopper

Ghost Jetbike

A Sacred Icon of the Covenant

Personal Energy Shield: This device protects its wearer by generating a personal energy shield, providing its wearer a 4+ invulnerable save. Antigravity Pack: Antigravity packs are used by Sangheili to maneuver in low-gravity or zero gravity situations. It provides extreme mobility, and in no way hinders their combat effectiveness. There are also variants that use their equipment to give them a tactical advantage planet side, flying above and shooting from the air, confusing and demoralizing the enemy. A model equipped with an Antigravity pack counts as being equipped with a Jet Pack and may Deep Strike in missions that allow it. Oracle: The Covenant refers to the Monitors; highly advanced Artificial Intelligence constructs created by the Forerunners 100,000 years ago to service and maintain their installations, as Oracles. Monitors are extremely intelligent, yet completely devoted to their original function. A model accompanied by an Oracle increases his ballistic skill characteristic by 1. Oracles are purely decorative models. Brute Jump Pack: The Brute jump pack is a piece of equipment used by the Jiralhanae, which allows for accurate and precise jumps from location to location, giving the Brutes the mobility and tactical flexibility that they often lack. Unlike the Antigravity Packs used by Elites these do not provide them with a permanent airborne presence or the ability to accurately fight and hover. It is designed for use on a terrestrial environment where after the initial jump they can rely on gravity to bring them back to ground, whereas in Zero Gravity environments they would simply be blown out into space. A model equipped with a Brute Jump Pack counts as being equipped with a Jump Pack, becoming Jump Infantry. Brute Chopper: The Brute Chopper is a large and stubborn vehicle, basically one massive engine strapped to the front-end of an otherwise tiny frame. Furthermore, the

cockpit is relatively open, aside from the large engine blocking the front. It makes up for this in speed, which can be temporarily doubled to surprise opponents. The Brute chopper counts as a bike. They are armed with two twin-linked maulers. Sacred Armour: Sacred Armour is gifted only to those Sangheili that have personally been selected to guard their Hierarchs or join the High Council. In battle, such individuals who have earned this honor are always utterly convinced of the Covenants destiny and are filled with intense zealotry. A model equipped with sacred armor increases its Weapon Skill characteristic by +1. Sacred Icon: A Sacred Icon is a holy symbol of the Covenant that embodies the faith and resolution of the Covenant. A model equipped with a Sacred Icon adds +1 to the Covenant combat resolution score of any assault in which it participates. Brute Energy Shield: The Brute Energy Shield confers the user with a brief period of invulnerability. When activated the Brute is covered in shining bands. It is known to be generally only possessed by Brute Chieftains, giving chieftains a brief period of time where they may chase after their enemies with their Gravity Hammers unhindered, giving them a significant tactical advantage. During one Assault Phase per game, the Brute Chieftain has an invulnerable save at 3+.

Special Issue Equipment

One of the following Special issue equipment may be used once per game. Portable Gravity Lift Once deployed, the Portable Gravity Lift unfolds and projects a bluish-purple gravity beam that propels the player into the air. When placed near a wall, a Covenant unit can use this device to quickly navigate over obstacles that would normally hinder their movement. The Portable Gravity Lift confers the Move through Cover Universal Special Rule for one movement phase. Regenerator The Regenerator emits a green field of energy, which restores a units shield as well as an enemys. There is, however, a small delay before beginning the recharge, which means those utilizing this device are still vulnerable for a short period. The Regenerator may be used during any one Assault Phase: All armor saves, enemy and allied units alike, may be rerolled. This includes invulnerable saves, which are treated as one value better than their original value. Power Drain The power drain creates a short-range magnetic induction effect, which causes disastrous failure of powered field systems within a set radius, and is designed primarily to interfere with common varieties of field-based shielding, vehicle and power generation. It also has a damaging effect on biological systems and can wound or kill most bipeds in its resulting explosion. The Power Drain may be used during any one Assault Phase: All armor saves, enemy and allied units alike, are treated as one value worse than their original value. Invulnerable saves are completely useless against a Power Drain and may not be used. Flare The Flare merely creates a blinding white light rather than hurts. Neither friendly nor enemy units may receive any modifiers for charging or for having additional close combat weapons for one assault phase.

Deployable Cover Also known as the Stationary Shield Generator, the shield operates as a oneway shield - the user is able to fire through the shield from behind it with projectile weapons. This gives the user an enormous tactical advantage in exchange for being exposed from behind and to the left and right. Declare you are using this Deployable Cover confers a 3+ cover save during the opponents next Shooting Phase. The effects of this do not work if the enemy shoots from behind or flanks. Cloaking Device In appearance, it resembles a large deactivated energy sword handle (albeit one that glows and has a slightly bluish smoking effect) when not being used. Once activated, it has the same function as Active Camouflage. Declare to you opponent you are using the Cloaking device; in your opponents next shooting phase, all friendly models in the unit may treat their armor save value as a cover save.

Cloaking Device

Portable Gravity Lift

Standard Chassis
Flare /Power Drain


Vehicle Upgrades
The Covenant adapts their vehicles for particular roles on the battlefield. Vehicles have these upgrades listed in their profile in their army lists entry. Internal Guidance System: A Lekgolo community resides within the vehicle; helping to control its movement. A vehicle with an Internal Guidance System may choose to fire at Ballistic Skill 4 as long as the vehicle has not moved more than 6. Stabilizers: A vehicle with stabilizers ignores Shaken and Stunned results altogether. Plasma Missile Launcher: The Covenant have learnt to imitate many forms of technology which far surpasses that of other race, and it is this knowledge that allows them to make wide use of plasma missiles. The plasma missile has the following profile: Range 48 Str 4 AP 4 Special Heavy 2, Blast

Advanced Propulsion: The vehicle has a number of secondary engines that can be used to boost to greater speeds. It may move an additional 6, in lieu of shooting.

Plasma Mortar: The plasma mortar is too large and dangerous for covenant infantry to handle, but is a perfect compliment to the Wraith. It has the following profile: Range G48 Str 8 AP 2 Special Ordnance, Large Blast

Prowler Gun: Prowler Guns are essentially larger versions of the Brutes preferred weapon, the Spiker. It has the following profile: Range 24 Str 4 AP Special Heavy 4

Energy Field: An energy field protects the vehicle. Whenever the vehicle suffers a glancing or penetrating hit you may force your opponent to reroll the result on the Vehicle Damage tables. However, you must accept the second result, even if it is worse! Fuel Rod Cannon: The Fuel Rod Cannon is simply a larger, mounted version of its more compact relative. It is twin-linked and has the same profile as the Fuel Rod Gun. Brute Cannon: The Brute Cannon is a massive, turret mounted rocket-propelled grenade launcher. It has the following profile:


Wraith Range 18 Str 8 AP 4 Special Heavy 2

Shadow APC

The Scarab is the most frightening weapon in the Covenant arsenal. Repurposed heavy mining equipment, the Scarabs mining laser can inflict massive damage across the battlefield. With anti-air turrets on top and a colossal laser, the Scarab is the most feared Covenant vehicle. It can climb over any terrain and although a slow, it is often the center of any battle it finds.

Points: 550
Incredible expensive and slow to build, the Scarab is often seen late in battles and is often a deciding factor


Heavy Mining Laser

Size Comparison

UNIT: 1 Covenant Scarab TYPE: Super-heavy Walker STRUCTURE POINTS: 4 Wargear: Heavy Mining Laser Internal Guidance System BS 3 Front 14 Armour Side 13 Rear 13

Heavy Mining Laser: This vehicle used to use its large plasma beam cannon to drill into rock so the ore could be easily reached by smaller mining vehicles. However, the Covenant quickly saw that this vehicle could break through enemy lines with ease. It has the following Profile: Range 24 Str D AP 1 Special Heavy 3

A Covenant Scarab has a Transport Capacity of 20 infantry models. OPTIONS: The Covenant Scarab can be armed with up to four gun turrets (counting as twin-linked Plasma Cannons) at a cost of +25 points per weapon. These have the AntiAircraft rule (use normal BS when firing at flyers).

The Locust, like the Scarab, is another converted mining vehicle repurposed for military use. The Locust uses a powerful mining laser to inflict great damage to buildings. Although slow and expensive, the Locust is still a serious threat to Imperial forces, and buildings. \\\\ It has an incredible range and can hit enemy forces when even their longest range units cannot strike back.

Points: 220

Mining Laser

Size Comparison

UNIT: 1 Covenant Locust TYPE: Super-heavy Walker STRUCTURE POINTS: 2 Wargear: Charged Plasma Cannon Internal Guidance System OPTIONS: The Covenant Locust can be equipped with a Shield Amplifier for +100 points. A locust with a Shield Amplifier has two void shields. BS 3 Front 12

Armour Side 12

Rear 11

Charged Plasma Cannon: It has the following Profile: Range 48 Str 8 AP 3 Special Heavy 1, Blast

Overdrive: Specifically designed to take down static targets, it can go into "Overdrive", which allows it to divert energy from its shield generator to the main cannon increasing its damage. Once per game, the Covenant Locust may increase the strength, armor penetration, and number of shots by the number of void shields left. Once this action is performed, the void shields are used up.

TROOP TYPES WS BS S T W I A Brute Chieftain Cmdr Drone Elite Engineer Grunt Hunter Jackal Major Prophet 3 4 4 3 4 1 2 4 3 4 2 3 3 4 3 3 0 3 4 5 4 3 5 5 4 3 4 3 2 8 3 4 2 5 5 4 3 4 3 2 8 3 4 3 3 4 2 1 2 2 1 4 1 2 2 3 3 5 3 5 1 3 3 3 5 3 Ld Sv RANGED WEAPONS Rang e Brute Cannon 18 Brute Plasma 24 Rifle Brute Shot 18 Covenant Carbine Fuel Rod Gun Gravity Cannon* Mauler Needler Particle Beam Rifle Plasma Pistol Plasma Rifle Prowler Gun Sentinel CLaser* Spiker *This weapon has the armoury. 24 24 Temp . 12 12" 36 12 18 12 12 S 8 7 5 4 8 9 5 2 X 7 5 4 X AP 4 2 6 5 1 1 Type Heavy 2 Assault 2, Gets Hot! Assault 1, Blast Rapid Fire Heavy 1, Blast Heavy 1

1 7 5+ 2 9 4+ 2 9 4+ 1 7 1 7 4+ 1 7 4+ 1 5 6+ 2 8 2+ 1 6 2 8 4+ 1 10 4+

COVENANT VEHICLES BS Spectre Wraith Shadow Prowler Banshee Spirit Phantom 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 FRONT SIDE 10 12 11 11 12 12 14 10 12 11 11 11 11 12 REAR 10 12 10 10 10 10 10

24 4 additional

Assault 2 Assault 3, Rending 6 Heavy 2, Sniper, Pin. 2 Pistol, Gets Hot! 5 Assault 2 Heavy 4 3 Assault 1, Melta Rapid Fire rules. See its entry in

SUPPORT WEAPONS Range Plasma Cannon 36 Plasma Missile Plasma Mortar Shade Turret 48 G48 24

S 7 4 8 6

AP 2 4 3 3

Type Heavy 1, Blast Heavy 2, Blast Ord. 1, Large Blast Heavy 3

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