Soft Islamic US Conquest

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BENADOR: Happening Silently: Islam Aggressive Invasion of America

Wednesday, 21 December 2011 07:15 Eliana Benador An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last. Sir Winston Churchill When Historians will look back to these times in the History of Contemporary America, they will certainly wonder, how come the Superpower of the World was conquered without a drop of blood running in the streets... If you like this article, please subscribe to our daily newsletter Another major Muslim conquest, the one that took place in Spain between 711 and 718, entered History marked by bloody battles in different cities where revolts and resistance opposed the invasion and takeover by the Islamic invaders. They did not take it over smoothly as they are now doing throughout our territory.

How is this happening...? This is being facilitated by two major contemporary elements non-existent in the past. One, cyberspace... the magical element that, like a ghost, can permeate all borders, silently tearing down all barriers... Another, the polluting pest of globalism, which facilitates the absorption of foreign elements as immigration- by a mindset influenced by liberal attitudes of well-being, neighborly camaraderie, where my house is your house placing blinders in front of the perils ahead. As it is, the invasion now is taking over the television sets and so, also silently, insidiously, entering American homes.

Naturally, there is one of the greatest business leaders from the Muslim world, and most specifically from the Saudi royal family who is keeping busy grabbing our cyberspace and media thanks to unbelievable shopping sprees that the wires brought yesterday, announcing that His Royal Highness, Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal has invested 300 million dollars in... Twitter!!! Last time the Prince appeared on Cavutos program on Fox he explained that he keeps close watch on his investments. Therefore, he may have realized that WSJ and Fox were a bit too controlled by American standards, thus a drastic change was introduced in the politics of the Wall Street Journal, loosening its leash just enough to accommodate American audiences. The leash was loosened in everything except, of course, his bte noire, Israel, a position that has turned the Wall Street Journal as anti-Israel and anti-Jew as its anti-Jewish Israeli counterpart, HaAretz. On the other side, it was interesting to read John Espositos apologia regarding All American Muslims television series. All American Muslims is the golden pill to introduce the life of Muslims in our midst, conquering and entering our minds in a rather surreptitious way. It has the right dose of inoffensive approach, accordingly distancing themselves from the black head-to-toe burqa-hijab fundamentalist Muslim lady attire one has come to identify with the Saudi-style that I have personally watched rally in the fancy streets of New York Park Avenue a few weeks ago and where a sea of black-burqad Muslim women rallied together with their men asking the New York Police Department to respect us and we will respect you... [or else...] The three episodes of All American Muslim, bring about some main conclusions:

The producers have greatly endeavored to present ordinary Muslims, who initially seem quasi-assimilated but who in the end go back to a more fundamental approach to their religion whether its adopting the hijab or head-cover or by fasting during Ramadan, that involves daily abstinence from food and water, from sunrise to sunset... and more. There is a conspicuous effort to aim for victory even if it is in the context of sports, which they train for in almost a military manner: ... we must win... The subtle takeover of law enforcement in their city of Dearborn, where the police is mostly made out by Muslims and is headed by a Muslim, who try to show how fairminded they are in applying justice while they protect their own... The danger of American assimilation or conversion to Islam which is shown to be as easy as 1-2-3 and by the same token, extremely dangerous as at no moment one sees an explanation of sharia laws -for instance, no mention is made of which would be causes for amputation or beheading, or honor killing, and so on.

John Espositos article while defending that The vast majority of Muslims reject extremism and terrorism and are loyal citizens like the vast majority of other Americans... fails to address the issue of terrorism as all of them do, from the current president of the United States to different authorities within the American government and the Saudis or even Prince Alwaleed.

There is no question or demand of accountability from the Muslim world to solve their problem of the political-religious-ideological terrorism, root cause of the massacre of 9/11 perpetrated by Muslim terrorists against America, screaming Allah hu Aqbar or in English: Allah is great! Muslim state-condoned-terrorism has never stopped. Sure Americas First Amendment protects freedom of religion. But the Founding Fathers and signatories of the Constitution undoubtedly would not have included rights in it for members of a religion that demands the destruction, persecution and invasion of the United States of America and at best, the establishment of a shadow Constitution parallel to the American one, namely Islamic sharia law. No, that most certainly was not in the minds of Americas Founding Fathers.

The concerned parties in this matter include the current American president and Islamophile, Mr. Obama as well as his entire Administration, and Muslim authorities, like the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) which is an association of 56 Islamic states promoting Muslim solidarity in economic, social, and political affairs; the Muslim Brotherhood; Saudi government and its royals, among them Mr. Alwaleed bin Talal, who finance the Brothers among many other investments of different kinds. At this point, it is of interest to mention that John Esposito, the above-mentioned author and Muslim apologist, is none other than the Founding Director of the Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. close to the White House in many ways...

Thus, those concerned parties are failing to present the American people, victims of the 9/11 massacres and many other terrorist attacks, with an aggressive counter-terrorist plan, independent from our armies or efforts, to fight any and all Muslim terrorism. Americans should also consider a connection of cause and effect, between Muslim terrorists and so-called moderate Muslims. First of all, because of strong Muslim family values, there is no way that families and/or friends may not know when someone is a terrorist and ready to give their lives to explode themselves in the middle of innocent civilians or any other kind of attack. In such case as the 9/11, 19 Muslim terrorists, a majority of which were Saudis -must have had families and/or communities to help and support them enthusiastically, to achieve such great honor to attack the Superpower of the Earth. Therefore, if there are moderate Muslims who resent having Muslim terrorists, as everyone knows, they should show their good will by organizing resistance and opposition to terrorism being exported in the name of their religion, just as revolutions have taken place through History to modify, alter or change destinies of societies and countries.

Muslim infiltration of American societies is well underway and there is no way that the American public can trust even their think tanks, as they are also pressed by financial needs and therefore have to look for some light and hope. And where else to find it than in some suave Muslim characters that speak of democracy in Islam in the foreseeable future... Great way to receive financial contributions when after all, there is hope in sight, at the end of the tunnel even when they all know its a fraud to believe so.

Sadly, Americans are paying little attention to some important facts. Recently, a Saudi woman was condemned to be beheaded in Saudi Arabia for practicing sorcery and witchcraft. FYI: in all news mention is being made that witchcraft is used as an alibi by Saudi authorities, when someone is considered a threat to Islam... Given that rape, murder, armed robbery and drug trafficking are all punishable by death under Saudi Arabia's Islamic sharia law, and given that the American government is actively encouraging and facilitating Saudi students immigration to our country, what assurances do we have that sharia law will NEVER be established in any American city at all? Or is it happening already??? Has anyone heard what counter- and anti-terrorism programs are Islamic countries enforcing, if at all, in order to stop Muslim terrorism altogether even before we can continue to facilitate Muslim student- or any Muslim immigration towards America...? All American Muslim is manipulating our social conscience and debilitating our patriotic approach to defend America -for, what is there to defend when they choose to present us unusually assimilated Muslims. But in reality we know that the truth is the black-burqa style of women, matching the most fundamental version of Islam. This is not about Islamophobia. No. This is about defending our rights to make sure our country has the necessary safeguards to protect our life values upon which America was founded. So, it is now necessary to stand up and defend Lowes, support them and support all other industries that could be targeted by the imposition of retrograde mores in our country. Employees and family members of employees working for Lowes as well as, for instance, the alcohol industry, the fashion industry and others, should rally for the survival of the American dream. When Americas military has become first target of Muslim terrorism, then something is terribly wrong and must be corrected without wasting any minute. Trouble is that this Administration, as well as others have done, is promoting the destabilization of our society by bringing in all kinds of Muslims, including the ones that are not shown on All American Muslims and who support terrorism, but who are now telling us they are as Americans as you and I. Born-Americans need to know that it is their right, our right and our duty to demand from our representatives to stand up to defend the Constitution now, and not a minute later. True American leaders should have stimulated American birth rate. America has been based so far on immigration -but not suicidal immigration. This week, Americans are about to begin their religious celebrations, and they are making sure to leave a present for generations to come. They know the current American government has

demanded to remove all mention of "Muslim" terrorism from the records of 9/11, as if it would be possible to simply erase it by the order of treacherous leaders. Christmas is barely pronounced in this Christian country, as if it was a sin to mention their religion. By their inaction, Americans are making sure to leave the most impressive present to their children, grand-children and great-grandchildren. It's a golden wrapped present to be opened in the years to come: a pandora box filled with poisonous snakes that will bite them to their death simply because their parents, grandparents and great-grandparents betrayed then, thanks to their indifference and inaction. Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas, America. Visit Eliana's blog at - Follow her

Goodwill Ambassador Eliana Benador is a national and international global strategist and the former CEO and founder of Benador Associates. You can find her at the Goodwill Ambassador or at her website. Follow her on Twitter, or her political page on Facebook and her business page on Facebook. If you liked this article, please subscribe to our daily newsletter

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