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TYPES OF NARRATIVES 1.JOURNALISTIC: Hayley Williams said that the boys from her band are very irresponsable.

They are spending most of their time drinking,going to different parties instead of making music.She also mentionated that probably very soon they will have to go in tour,so the boys have to be ready and more responsable. 2.LEGAL: Last week I was walking my dog and suddenly two people came from nowhere and they took away my dog.After this bad incident I went to the police department and I told them exactly what happened and they told me that this problem will be solved quickly. 3.NEWS: Coldplay collaborated with Rihanna to modernise their sound.The british rockers with the S&M singer on new track Princess of China as they wanted to try mixing together different styles of music to fit in better with todays pop landscape.WWW.CONTACTMUSIC.COM 4.ENCYCLOPEDIA: Only a sprinkling of well-educated black Africans have any chance of enjoying the climate of political and personal freedom afforded by CANADA.JOSEPHINE C. HAIDOO THE CANADIAN ENCYCLOPEDIA 5.DOCUMENTARY: The children from Africa are most of them very sad and ill because they do not have enough water.They are abandoned and trumatised, thats why they need support, attention, water and especially medicines.So, we should all help these poor children. 6.CARTOONS: The rabbit:lets go and play in the playland with the others! The cat:ok, but let me ask my mom first, because otherwise she will get worried. The rabbit:you are very responsable! You are such a good kitty! The cat:O! Yes I know that! 7.COMICS BOOK: Part one:the great hero must save the world.He is trying to get on the other side because there are all his friends and his family.He made it!now everyone is happy because their city is safe again. 8.DICTIONARY: Selfish=a person who is dominated by selfishness. Villain=a person who is doing bad things.Http//

9.MEDICAL: Last month when I was in France with my friends in a short trip, something bad happened: It was a nice evening, I was with my cousin, we both went to different clubs that the middle of the night I decided to go home so,I went on his motorcycle.Suddenly, a dog appeared in front of us.My cousin got scared, and we bumped into a fence.I fell and broke my arm! 10.TALK SHOW So, today we will talk about the rock music, because we all noticed that it has a great influence on teenagers, but what am I saying? Everybody is listening rock music,not only the teenagers.The truth is that rock music is very cool and innovative. 11.VOICE MESSAGES HI! I am andreea, where are you?why dont you answer on the phone?i got something very important to tell you!Please call me after you receive this message.bye! 12.LITERATURE It was a sunny afternoon.Emma was walking her puppies.A boy who was atanding on a bench in the park saw her and also he ask for her phone number.She fell in love with him!They lived happily ever after! 13.VIDEOCLIP In the first part of this video the singer is wearing some nice blue jeans, a very nice shirt and some cool boots.In the second part, she is wearing different type of clothes.This video is very is captivating, it has a lot of action. 14.DREAMS I had a dream last night,i have to say that it was very scary.I dreamt that I was kidnaped by aliens.They look very weird, they had four hands and their skin was green,I think they were martians.They look scary and cute at the same time. 15.PICTURE In this beautiful picture there is a little girl and little boy who are playing.The girl is playing with her dolls and the boy is playing with his cars.They are so cute.Also they look very happy because they are laughing. 16.FILMS Bella Swan has always been a little bit different. Never one to run with the crowd, Bella never cared about fitting in with the trendy, plastic girls at her Phoenix, Arizona high school. When her mother remarried and Bella chooses to live with her father in the rainy little town of Forks, Washington, she didn't expect much of anything to change. But things do change when she meets the mysterious and dazzlingly beautiful Edward Cullen.(SUMMIT ENTERTAINMENT,HTTP//WWW.IMDB.COM) 17.BALLET

The action takes place in a small town in Germany.In Mr.Stahlbaums house reigns the festive atmosphere of Christhmas Eve.The children sit next to the Christmas tree and start a lively march.After the adults danced,there comes their uncle who is also their godfather. 18.PHOBIAS I coud say that i am afraid of spiders, whenever i see one of those I almost past out.Since I was a little girl i have this phobia.One time a spider climb on my hand, I cried for almost 2 hours.I do not like to see spiders because it is making me nervous. 19.DESEASE HISTORY+EVOLUTION Last year I suffered from appendicitis.I stayed in the hospital 2 months because something went wrong while i was on surgery.Things got a little bit complicated and that is why I had to stay there so much time.Now I am feeling better, I do not have any kind of problems anymore. 20.SONGS In this song the story is quite simple.The singer talks about the love of her life.She is upset because her boyfriend doesnt want her anymore, and she is decided to do everything just to keep him for her. 21.CIRCUS PERFORMANCE Last week when I was at the Cirque de soleil which took place in Paris,France, I saw something incredible.They were spinning in different ways and doing all kind of moves It was a great demonstration. 22.PAINTINGS In my friends painting there is a great combination of colours, only a few people could understand the meaning of it.I can say that I can recognise an art piece so in my opinion this painting is very interesting and it is telling us a lot of things. 23.PUPPET SHOWS Today, I went to a puppet show and I have to say that I had a really great time.The puppet with the red hair was making fun of her friend,the one with green clothes, they argue a lot about a certain subject which was very funny. 24.SIGHTSEEING OBJECTIVE Yesterday when I came back from school I Saw a plain while it was crushing.A few people got out of it but others couldnt get out unfortunately.I cant say that I saw everything very clearly but I saw the importnt things that happened there.It was a little bit scary for me seeing all those things. 25.TV SHOW The tv show that I saw this morning it was a little bit boring,thre was no action no interesting subjects,absolutelly nothing that could keep me nervous and anxious.There was two young girls who were talking about how to feed the birds.It was boring.

26.BIBLE CONFESSION In the bible says that we should live our lifes in peace and harmony because that is the only way we could reach for salvation.And also says that we should take care of our souls. 27.OPERA PERFORMANCE Last night at the opera happened a lot of interesting things.The voices of all those magnific people really impressed me.I went there for the first time in my life.I would like to go there again.

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