Strategy Implementation

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ABSTRACT There are sources available for professional researchers that will help in determining the implementation of organizational

strategies. There are many fee-based resources from consultants and such, but there are also a good number of articles and educational resources available for study. What I found are resources that help to teach and explain how to determine organizational components of a business. Below are what sites I was able to find and a very brief explanation as to what I found on those sites. Structure:
These websites are instructional sites that delve into organizational theory. The information that is found on them is helpful in understanding how to determine the type of structure your organization has. The stated purpose of the site is: to understand why organizations have the structure that they do. By "structure" I mean things like degree and type of horizontal differentiation, vertical differentiation, mechanisms of coordination and control, formalization, and centralization of power.1 The Central/Decentralized website is geared at defining a centralized vs. decentralized organizational structure. The information contained in it is useful for understanding the advantages/disadvantages of each as well as how to implement each. Each site is educational in nature and appears to be reliable sources.

Organizational structure: Central/decentral: The following site is a good resource for defining the Chain of Command Principle and

how it is important to a business. This site is encyclopedic and is a good reference. This resource will give someone the tools needed to determine the chain of command and how to represent it.

Principle.html - b I found two good sources outlining what a team, committee and task force are and how to properly establish them. Both contain good, reliable information and will help in understanding the roles of teams, committees and task forces. Teams, Committees and Task forces:

Systems The Tennessee Society of Certified Public Accountants has a good website on how to establish a budget for a small business. The principles established here present a good foundation for any type of firm needing to develop a budget. The financial magazine Inc. also has a good article on how to create an annual budget for a small business. Inc. is a for-profit magazine and has an interest in providing reliable information that is accurate and helpful. The same holds true for the TSCPA in that they have an interest in providing truthful, reliable info. Each of the sites listed below also covers the "How is planning done?" portion of the systems component. Here is a website for a principles of accounting text book that covers subjects such as lines of authority, budgeting principles (responsibility centers, cost centers, profit centers, etc.), budgeting responsibilities and performance measuring tools. This is a very comprehensive site and is very reliable. People There is a book published by the Harvard Business School called "The HR Scorecard: Linking People, Strategy and Performance"2. Understanding your human resources, their talents,

experience, knowledge and skills, is critical in understanding how to value a company and what it is capable of achieving. This book helps managers throughout the firm understand exactly how people create value and how to measure the value-creation process. It discusses and helps to understand/answer the questions listed: What are the skills, experience, and knowledge of the firm's employees? What is their depth and quality? What are their attitudes about the company and their jobs? This is a reliable and objective book on the subject of understanding a firms "People" resource. I also found an article in the Journal, Human Resource Management that discusses how to measure employee attitudes and job satisfaction3.

Culture Another book by the Harvard Business School Press called: "Hidden Value: How Great Companies Achieve Extraordinary Results with Ordinary People4" show how a handful of companies have succeeded not by winning the war for talent but by fully using the talent and unlocking the motivation of the people they already have in their organizations. This book is unbiased and from a reliable source. Key norms of behavior are outlined in the next URL. It discusses what cultural norms are and how they affect businesses. It is a good article and appears to be objective. The significance of business symbols, ie, logos, signs, important artifacts, etc. are discussed on this website. The author of this article discusses in depth the topic of Organizational Behavior with respect to the topic of symbols in organizational culture. This article is very detailed and scholarly. This website is good in that it describes various types of business management styles, how to apply them and under what circumstances would they be best practiced. It includes

several exercises. .htm The University of Wisconsin-Madison has a good resource on Conflict Resolution on their Office of Quality Improvement & Office of Human Resource Development website. On this page, there are details ranging from what is conflict to 8 steps for conflict resolution. This is a reliable source.

Conclusion All of the sites that I was able to find were resources that dealt with how to recognize and implement the organizational components discussed in this SLP. When studied, the student could theoretically be able to recognize these features and traits in a business and be able to create or modify them in a new or existing company. I did not find many sources that were from consultant's websites. As such, what I did find is not advocating for a particular management style over another nor are they advocating that their services should be used to resolve any issues at question. I find that all the sources are reliable and objective and will help in understanding the concepts in this project.

Borgatti, Stephen P. . "Organizational Theory." Analytic Technologies. N.p., 8 Oct. 2001. Web. 20 Dec. 2011. <>. Becker, Brian E., Mark A. Huselid, and David Ulrich. The HR scorecard: linking people, strategy, and performance. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 2001. Print. Saari, Lise M., and Timothy A. Judge. "EMPLOYEE ATTITUDES AND JOB SATISFACTION." Human Resource Management 43.4 (2004): 395-407. Web. 21 Dec. 2011. <>. Reilly, Charles A., and Jeffrey Pfeffer. Hidden value: how great companies achieve extraordinary results with ordinary people. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press, 2000. Print.

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