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Fr id a y , 16 S e p te m b e r 2011 HO M E



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A dog named Whisk

D e m i HEW A MA NNA

A few weeks back, I asked one of my good friends whether I could drop by for a little while being Saturday and all. She said no worries and that she has a surprise for me. I had so many things going on in my head wondering what the surprise could be as they had just moved to a new place with their little family: 4 cats (Buttons, Hudson, Remote and Pinky) and Patsy - their naughty but very nice dog. As I was approaching their place, I saw a strange little doggy in their garden and my first reaction was oh, neighbour s dog has crept in under the gate. But then as I drew closer I was shocked to see the state of the dog. When my friend Piumie came to open the gate for me, she was like come in I will tell you the story. I got the usual greetings from Patsy but that day I was paying attention to the new comer. I was introduced to Whisky who was the new addition to their family. Making myself comfortable and while patting a very hyper Patsy, I was ready for the story. It all began Whis ky with his new when Steven (my friend s husband), was surfing family P iumie and Steven Facebook, he came across the story of Whisky on Adopt a Dog page in which he is a member. Reading the story, he called up the person behind the Adopt a Dog campaign - Oshadie Korale and got more information on him. Both Steven and Piumie agreed to bring him home. Whisky was a dog who lived liked a prince with his owner. His owner was a gentle old soul (who passed away a few weeks back). She loved Whisky like he was her own child and pampered him and gave him everything he deserved and most of all loved him with all her heart. Sadly she was diagnosed with cancer and she knew in her condition she could not take care of her little boy. She had heard about Oshadie and her good work and wanted her niece to call up Oshadie and give Whisky to her so that she could find him a good home. For five whole months, the old lady thought that Whisky was in a new home, missing her but safe and sound in a good home. But that was not the case. For five whole months Whisky was at the old lady s niece s house where he endured torture everyday. This so called niece gave Whisky to eat and drink water only ONCE A WEEK. My friend told me that he is deaf in one ear because they have hit him so hard that the ear has got crushed and is pasted together leaving just a tiny hole, with no way of separating it. In the other ear, it seems they have held a power hose to it making the water go deep into the ear causing a terrible ear infection that has made him almost deaf in that ear as well. Two weeks ago, the old lady felt that something was not right with her little boy and she asked if Whisky was with Oshadie, and when she found he was not, she was in distress and knew her boy was suffering. She in her last days of memory wrote down Oshadie s name and number and asked that Whisky be immediately be given to her. The very next day, the lady passed away and on that day, the niece called up Oshadie and said, My aunt died today and she has left her dog to you please come and collect it . When Oshadie asked about Whisky, all she said was, it is a deluxe dog around two years old. Oshadie together with her brother and another friend went to this woman s place. As she arrived, she was shocked to see what was in front of her. She saw a dog, with fur that was once white as snow, all ragged and muddy lying lifeless on the floor and who did not at all look two years old! She thought he was not breathing until she went near him. Next to Whisky was a plate that had fungus growing all over and another bowl that was dry like a desert.

Oshadie s brother was so angry that he asked the woman why she fed him only once a week and said if you did not feed him at all, he would have died of starvation and dehydration and it would make your lives easier and also the dog s. The woman replied saying that she cannot take care of the dog as she and her husband are trying to have a baby. Baby? Readers, do you think that this woman deserves a baby after treating another living being like that? If she treats a dog like that, I wonder how she will treat her baby if he or she does something wrong. I just don t want to imagine that. Anyway, Oshadie carried Whisky to the vehicle and took him to the Vet where she usually takes her other animals to. It was the doctor who checked Whisky from top to bottom and said he is at least seven years old and that he too has cancer in his back. Of course, the cancer is a result of the abuse he sustained at the Niece s house. Is there any surprise in that Readers? No human would survive such torture and I am sure no other animal would also at that age...and as my friend said, I believe it is the way that he was brought up with all the love in the world that he survived and lived on a prayer that one day someone will take him away from all this misery. Whisky s personality is such that he is friendly with everyone but does know to guard his family. Piumie told me that he already marked his corners in the house and that no one except for Steven and her is allowed to come there when he is in his corner. Piumie was told that Whisky could not eat lot and she gave him only a handful but he could not even eat and finish that. The cats ate more than him and this showed how much his stomach had shrunk due to months of starvation. If it was not for people like Oshadie and my friends, I know that Whisky would not be with us today. And there are more animals like Whisky who are being tortured and abused in every manner possible. And these animals do nothing to the humans to be treated in this manner. When they are born, they are taken away from the mother, mother is either killed or chased away from the vicinity and her pups are wrapped in plastic bags or boxes and thrown to drains or garbage dumps to starve to death or be eaten alive by other creatures. Children who are orphaned on purpose or accidentally do get a place to grow up in with food and shelter but what about these animals? Aren t they living and breathing creatures too? Don t they also have the right to live in this world just like any human being? And what is it with people who adopt dogs only if they have a good breed? I mean if you go to adopt a child will you look at its breed, race or colour to see whether if the child is presentable in your life? Animals are not toys, they are not trophies and they are not born to be a price tag for you...they are born to live a life of purpose just like you and me. Next time you see a dog or a cat on the road and you think of throwing a stone or boiling water - remember its definitely going to come back to you someday in some way! Footnote - by Whisky s new parents: Whisky is such a loving, calm dog. He was obviously much loved by his late mistress and we firmly believe it was this love, which he received from her, that gave him the will to live - if only to be reunited with her once again. The people who ill treated him deserve the same treatment if not worse for what they have done to him. Every single person who has met him and seen the condition that he is in, has felt nothing but sympathy and admiration towards Whisky, and disgust and contempt towards the inhuman, selfish, absolute third-class trash people who ill treated such an innocent and DOCILE animal. To all those people out there who ill-treat animals, we have only one thing to say. There is a thing called Karma in this world, and believe me, you will be rewarded by the Universe! And to those people out there who teach their little children to be cruel towards animals, remember, Karma will visit you in a much worse way. How can anyone expect kindness amongst humans, if people cannot treat innocent animals with the kindness and respect that they too deserve same as any other living being?


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