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Applied Drilling Formulas

Basic Drilling Formulas

Directional Drilling Calculation

Drilling Fluid Formulas

Engineering Formulas

Hydraulic Formulas

Well Control Formulas

Lag time Light weight spot fill to balance formation pressure Loss of hydrostatic pressure due to filling water into annulus in case of lost return Pressure required to break circulation Pump out (both duplex and triplex pump) Pump Pressure and Pump Stroke Relationship Stuck Pipe Calculation Ton Miles Calculation Accumulator capacity Amount of cuttings drilled per foot of hole drilled Annular Capacity Annular Velocity (AV) Buoyancy Factor (BF) Convert Temperature Unit Converting Pressure into Mud Weight Drilling Cost Per Foot D-Exponent and D-Exponent Corrected Depth of washout Displacement of plain pipe such as casing, tubing, etc. Equivalent Circulating Density (ECD) Formation Integrity Test (FIT) Leak Off Test (LOT) Formation Temperature How many feet of drill pipe pulled to lose certain amount of hydrostatic pressure (psi) Hydrostatic Pressure (HP) Hydrostatic Pressure (HP) Decrease When POOH Inner Capacity of open hole, inside cylindrical objects Pressure and Force Pressure Gradient Slug Calculation Specific Gravity (SG) Directional Survey - Angle Averaging Method Directional Survey - Radius of Curvature Method Directional Survey - Balanced Tangential Method Directional Survey - Minimum Curvature Method Directional Survey - Tangential Method Dogleg Severity Calculation based on Radius of Curvature Method Dogleg Severity Calculation based on Tangential Method Bulk Density of Cuttings by using Mud Balance Decrease oil water ratio Determine oil water ratio from a retort analysis Determine the density of oil/water mixture Dilution to control LGS Increase mud weight by adding Barite Increase mud weight by adding Calcium Carbonate Increase mud weight by adding Hematite Increase oil water ratio Mixing Fluids of Different Densities with Pit Space Limitation Mixing Fluids of Different Densities without Pit Space Limitation Reduce mud weight by dilution Annular Pressure Loss Critical RPM Calculate Equivalent Circulating Density with Engineering Formula Hydraulic Horse Power (HPP) Cutting Slip Velocity Method#1 Cutting Slip Velocity Method#2 Surge and Swab Pressure Method#1 Surge and Swab Pressure Method#2 Total Flow Area Table Actual gas migration rate in a shut in well Adjusted maximum allowable shut-in casing pressure for new mud weight Calculate Influx Height Estimate gas migration rate with an empirical equation Estimate type of influx Formation pressure from kick analysis Hydrostatic Pressure Loss Due to Gas Cut Mud Kick tolerance factor (KTF) Kill Weight Mud Maximum formation pressure (FP) Maximum influx height Maximum Initial Shut-In Casing Pressure (MISICP) Maximum pit gain from gas kick in water based mud Maximum surface pressure from kick tolerance information Maximum Surface Pressure from Gas Influx in Water Based Mud Trip margin

Nozzle size (x/32) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

1 Nozzle 0.0376 0.0491 0.0621 0.0767 0.0928 0.1104 0.1296 0.1503 0.1726 0.1963 0.2217 0.2485 0.2769 0.3068 0.3382 0.3712 0.4057 0.4418 0.4794 0.5185 0.5591 0.6013 0.6450 0.6903

2 Nozzles 0.0752 0.0982 0.1243 0.1534 0.1856 0.2209 0.2592 0.3007 0.3451 0.3927 0.4433 0.4970 0.5538 0.6136 0.6765 0.7424 0.8115 0.8836 0.9587 1.0370 1.1183 1.2026 1.2901 1.3806

3 Nozzles 0.1127 0.1473 0.1864 0.2301 0.2784 0.3313 0.3889 0.4510 0.5177 0.5890 0.6650 0.7455 0.8307 0.9204 1.0147 1.1137 1.2172 1.3254 1.4381 1.5555 1.6774 1.8040 1.9351 2.0709

4 Nozzles 0.1503 0.1963 0.2485 0.3068 0.3712 0.4418 0.5185 0.6013 0.6903 0.7854 0.8866 0.9940 1.1075 1.2272 1.3530 1.4849 1.6230 1.7671 1.9175 2.0739 2.2365 2.4053 2.5802 2.7612

5 Nozzles 0.1879 0.2454 0.3106 0.3835 0.4640 0.5522 0.6481 0.7517 0.8629 0.9817 1.1083 1.2425 1.3844 1.5340 1.6912 1.8561 2.0287 2.2089 2.3968 2.5924 2.7957 3.0066 3.2252 3.4515

6 Nozzles 0.2255 0.2945 0.3728 0.4602 0.5568 0.6627 0.7777 0.9020 1.0354 1.1781 1.3300 1.4910 1.6613 1.8408 2.0295 2.2273 2.4344 2.6507 2.8762 3.1109 3.3548 3.6079 3.8702 4.1417

7 Nozzles 0.2631 0.3436 0.4349 0.5369 0.6496 0.7731 0.9073 1.0523 1.2080 1.3744 1.5516 1.7395 1.9382 2.1476 2.3677 2.5986 2.8402 3.0925 3.3556 3.6294 3.9140 4.2092 4.5153 4.8320

8 Nozzles 0.3007 0.3927 0.4970 0.6136 0.7424 0.8836 1.0370 1.2026 1.3806 1.5708 1.7733 1.9880 2.2151 2.4544 2.7059 2.9698 3.2459 3.5343 3.8350 4.1479 4.4731 4.8106 5.1603 5.5223

9 Nozzles 0.3382 0.4418 0.5591 0.6903 0.8353 0.9940 1.1666 1.3530 1.5532 1.7671 1.9949 2.2365 2.4920 2.7612 3.0442 3.3410 3.6516 3.9761 4.3143 4.6664 5.0322 5.4119 5.8054 6.2126

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Surge and swab pressure method#2

300 600 Hole diameter Drillpipe diameter Drill collar diameter Average pipe running or pulling speed Drill Pipe Length Drill collar length Current Mud Weight Well TVD PV n K Fluid Velocity (Closed Ended Pipe) around drill pipe Maximum pipe velocity around drill pipe Shear rate of mud around drill pipe (Ym) Shear stress of mud around drill pipe (T) Fluid Velocity (Closed Ended Pipe) around drill collar Maximum pipe velocity around drill collar Equivalent flow rate around drill collar Pressure lose around drill pipe Pressure loss around drill collar Total Pressure Loss Surge: Bottom Hole Pressure Surge: Bottom Hole Pressure in ppg Swab: Bottom Hole Pressure Swab: Bottom Hole Pressure in ppg 85 130 9.000 5 6.25 250 12000 800 12.5 9000 45 0.613 1.863 224.1 336.2 201.7 48.1 345.4 518.0 886.8 480.5 71.8 552.2 6402.2 13.7 5297.8 11.3 inch inch inch ft/min ft ft ppg ft

ft/min ft/min

ft/min ft/min gpm psi psi psi psi ppg psi ppg

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Surge and swab pressure method#1

300 600 Hole diameter Drill Collar ID of drill collar Drillpipe diameter ID of drill pipe Average pipe running or pulling speed Drill Pipe Length Drill Collar Length Current Mud Weight Well TVD Select Criteria ---> n K Fluid volocity around drill pipe (Closed ended pipe (plugged flow)) Maximum pipe velocity around drill pipe Pressure Loss around drill pipe Fluid volocity around drill collar (Closed ended pipe (plugged flow)) Maximum pipe velocity around drill collar Pressure Loss around drill collar Total pressure loss Surge: Bottom Hole Pressure Surge: Bottom Hole Pressure in ppg Swab: Bottom Hole Pressure Swab: Bottom Hole Pressure in ppg 85 130 9 6.25 2.5 5 3.5 250 12000 800 12.5 9000 Closed Ended Pipe inch inch inch inch inch ft/min ft ft ppg ft

0.613 1.863 224.1 ft/min 336.2 ft/min 540.7 psi 345.4 ft/min 518.0 86.0 626.7 6476.7 13.8 5223.3 11.2 ft/min psi psi psi ppg psi ppg

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Cutting Slip Velocity Method#2

300 600 Flow rate Hole diameter Drillpipe Diameter Diameter of cutting Density of cutting Mud Weight n K Viscosity Annular Velocity Cutting Slip Velocity Net cutting rise velocity 32 49 600 11.50 5 0.75 21.5 9.2 0.614 0.694 82.40 137.1 76.93 60.1 gpm inch inch inch ppg ppg Input Cells Calculated Cell Back to the first page

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cp ft/min ft/min ft/min

Moving Up Falling Down Good

Cutting Slip Velocity Method#1

Flow rate Hole Diameter Drillpipe OD PV MW Diameter of cutting Density of cutting Annular Velocity Cutting Slip Velocity Net cutting rise velocity 600 11.5 5 17 9.2 0.75 21.5 gpm inch inch cps ppg inch ppg Moving Up Falling Down Good Input Cells Calculated Cell Back to the first page

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137.1 ft/min 85.34 ft/min 51.7 ft/min


Maximum pit gain from gas kick in water based mud Expected formation pressure Pit volume gain Kill Weight Mud Annular Capacity Maximum pit gain 3620 20 14.5 0.1215 98.5 psi bbl ppg bbl/ft bbl

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Maximum Surface Pressure from Gas Influx in Water Based Mud Expected formation pressure Pit volume gain Kill Weight Mud Annular Capacity Maximum Surface Pressure 6378 25 13 0.0459 1344 psi bbl ppg bbl/ft psi

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Hydrostatic Pressure Loss Due to Gas Cut

Mud weight Annular Capacity Pit volume gain Hydrostatic Pressure Loss Due to Gas Cut 12 0.0352 15 266 ppg bbl/ft bbl ft

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Calculate Influx Height Pit volume gain Annular Capacity Influx height 12 bbl 0.0459 bbl/ft 261 ft

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Kill Mud Weight Shut in Drillpipe Pressure Current Mud Weight Hole TVD Kill Mud Weight 500 9.5 9000 10.6 psi ppg ft ppg Input Cells Calculated Cell Back to the first page

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Acutal gas migration rate Increase in pressure Mud Weight Acutal gas migration rate 200 psi/hr 12 ppg 321 ft/hr Input Cells Calculated Cell Back to the first page

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Estimate gas migration rate with an empirical equation. Current Mud Weight Vg Vg 12 ppg 0.14 ft/sec 510 ft/hr Input cells Calculated cells Back to the first page

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Estimate Type of Influx (kick) Shut in casing pressure Shut in drill pipe pressure Height of influx Current Mud Weight Influx weight Type of influx 1050 750 450 14 1.2 Gas Influx psi psi ft ppg ppg Input cells Calculated cells Back to the first page Reference Website


Formation Pressure from Kick Analysis Shut in drill pipe pressure Hole TVD Current Mud Weight Formation Pressure 550 6000 10.2 3732 psi ft ppg psi Input cells Calculated cells Back to the first page

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Adjusted maximum allowable shut-in casing pressure for new mud weight Leak off test pressure Casing shoe TVD Original Mud Weight Current Mud Weight New MASICP 1000 4500 9.5 12 415 psi ft ppg ppg psi Input cells Calculated cells Back to the first page

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Maximum possible influx height when equal to maximum allowable shut in casing pressure Maximum Allowable Shut-In Casing Pressure (MASICP) Mud gradient Influx gradient Maximum possible influx height 874 0.52 0.12 2185 psi psi/ft psi/ft ft

ng pressure Input cells Calculated cells Back to the first page Reference Website


Maximum Initial Shut-In Casing Pressure (MISICP) Leak off test pressure Current mud weight Casing shoe depth Maximum allowable shut in casing pressure 15 12.2 4000 582.4 ppg ppg ft psi Input cells Calculated cells Back to the first page

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Maximum formation pressure that can wistand when shut in the well. Kick tolerance factor Mud weight Hole TVD Maximum formation pressure 1.68 10 10000 6,074 ppg ppg ft psi Input cells Calculated cells Back to the first page

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Maximum surface pressure from kick tolerance information Kick tolerance factor Bottom hole, TVD Maximum pressure 1.68 ppg 10000 ft 873.6 psi

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Kick tolerance factor (KTF) Casing shoe TVD Well depth TVD Maximum allowable mud weight Current mud weight Kick tolerance factor (KTF) 4000 10000 14.2 10 1.68 ft ft ppg ppg ppg Input cells Calculated cells Back to the first page

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Trip margin calculation Mud Yield Point Hole Diameter Drillpipe Diameter Trip Margin 10 8.5 4.5 0.2 lb/100 sq ft in in ppg Input cells Calculated cells Back to the first page Reference Website


Lag Time Calculation Pump speed Pump Output Annular Volume Lag time in minutes Lag time in strokes

300 0.102 250 35 2451

GPM bbl/stroke bbl minutes strokes

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Ton Mile Calculation Round-trip ton-mile Mud Weight Measured depth (D) Drillpipe weight drill collar weight drill collar length HWDP weight HWDP length BHA weight in air Length of BHA Block weight (Wb) Average length of one stand (Lp) Buoyancy factor Buoyed weight of drill pipe (Wp) Buoyed weight of BHA (drill collar + heavy weight drill pipe + BHA) in mud minus the buoyed weight of the same length of drill pipe (Wc) Round-trip ton-mile (RT TM) Drilling or Connection Ton-miles Ton-miles for one round trip of last depth before coming out of hole. (T2) Ton-miles for one round trip of first depth that drilling is started. (T1) Ton-miles for drilling (Td) Ton-miles for Coring Operation Ton-miles for one round trip at depth where coring operation stopped before coming out of hole (T4) Ton-miles for one round trip at depth where coring get started (T3) Ton-miles for drilling (TC) Ton-Miles for Setting Casing Mud weight Casing weight Depht of casing set Travelling block weight Length of one joint of casing Buoyancy factor Ton-Miles for Setting Casing Ton-Miles for Short Trip Ton-miles for one round trip at the deeper depth(T6) Ton-miles for one round trip at the shallower depth (T5) Ton-miles for drilling (TC)

10 5500 13.3 85 120 49 450 8300 94 95000 94 0.847 11.27

ppg ft lb/ft lb/ft ft lb/ft ft lb ft lb ft lb/ft

26,876.24 lb 258.75 Ton mile

230 ton-miles 195 ton-miles 105.00 ton-miles

200 ton-miles 190 ton-miles 20.00 ton-miles

10 25 5200 95000 42 0.847 50.73

ppg lb/ft ft lb ft ton-miles

200 ton-miles 190 ton-miles 10.00 ton-miles

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d Exponent
Rate of penetration (R) Rotary drilling speed (N) Weight on bit (W) Bit Diameter (D) D-exponent, dimensionless 90 110 20 8.5 1.20 f/hr rpm klb inch

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d Exponent Corrected
Rate of penetration (R) Rotary drilling speed (N) Weight on bit (W) Bit Diameter (D) Initial mud weight in ppg (MW1) Actual mud weight in ppg (MW2) D-exponent, dimensionless 90 110 20 8.5 9 12 0.90 f/hr rpm klb inch ppg ppg

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Dilution to Control LGS 1st case: Dilution by adding base fluid or water Total barrels of mud in circulating system Percent low gravity solids in system Percent total low gravity solids desired Barrels of dilution water or base fluid 2nd case: Dilution by adding drilling fluid Total barrels of mud in circulating system Percent low gravity solids in system Percent total low gravity solids desired Percent low gravity solids bentonite and/or chemicals added in mud Barrels of dilution water or base fluid 2000 7 3.5 2 4666.7 1000 6 4 500.0 Input cells Calculated cells Back to the first page




Decrease oil water ratio

% by volume oil % by volume water % by volume solids Total mud volume, bbl % original oil in liquid phase % original water in liquid phase % new oil in liquip phase % new water in liquid phase Water added per 100 bbl of original mud Total volume of water added into the system 56 14 30 300 80% 20% 70 30 10.00 bbl 30.00 bbl Input cells Calculated cells Back to the first page

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Increase oil water ratio % by volume oil % by volume water % by volume solids % original oil in liquid phase % original water in liquid phase % new oil in liquip phase % new water in liquid phase Oil added per 100 bbl of original mud

51 17 32 75% 25% 80 20 17.00 bbl

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Determine oil water ratio from a retort analysis % by volume oil % by volume water % by volume solids % oil in liquid phase % water in liquid phase Oil/Water ratio 56 14 30 80% 20% 80/20 Input cells Calculated cells Back to the first page



Determine the density of oil/water mixture Percentage of oil Percentage of water Density of oil Density of water Final density 80 20 7 ppg 8.33 ppg 7.27 ppg Input cells Calculated cells Back to the first page

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Mix different fluid density: Case#2 unlimit space Mud Weight#1 Mud Weight#2 Volume of Mud#1 Volume of Mud#2 Total volume Final Mud Weight 10 14 200 300 500 12.4 ppg ppg bbl bbl bbl ppg Input cells Calculated cells Back to the first page

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Mix different fluid density: Case#1 limit space Mud Weight#1 Mud Weight#2 Final Mud Weight Final Volume Volume of Mud#1 Volume of Mud#2 10 14 12 300 150 150 ppg ppg ppg bbl bbl bbl Input cells Calculated cells Back to the first page

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Reduce mud weight (dilution)

Strating volume (V1) in bbl Start drilling fluid weight in ppg (W1) Final drilling fluid weight in ppg (W2) Density of light weight fluid in ppg (Dw) Light weight fluid required in bbl 200 13.8 10 7.2 271.4 bbl ppg ppg ppg bbl Input cells Calculated cells Back to the first page

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Increase Mud Density by adding Current Mud Weight, ppg New Mud Weight, ppg Total mud in the system Sacks of Barite per 100 bbl of mud Total sacks of barite required

10.0 13.0 500.0 186.7 933.3 ppg ppg bbl sacks sacks

Volume of mud in bbl increase due to mud weight increase by adding Current Mud Weight, ppg New Mud Weight, ppg Total mud in the system Volume in bbl increase per 100 bbl of mud Total volume increase in bbl 10.0 13.0 500.0 11.11 55.56


ppg ppg bbl bbl bbl

Starting volume in bbl of original mud weight required to achieve a predetermined final volume of desired mud weight Current Mud Weight in ppg New Mud Weight in ppg Final volume in bbl Starting volume in bbl 10.0 13.0 100.0 90.00 ppg ppg bbl bbl

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mined final volume of desired mud weight with



Increase Mud Density by adding Current Mud Weight, ppg New Mud Weight, ppg Total mud in the system Sacks of Barite per 100 bbl of mud Total sacks of barite required

10.0 13.0 500.0 298 1492 ppg ppg bbl sacks sacks

Volume of mud in bbl increase due to mud weight increase by adding Current Mud Weight, ppg New Mud Weight, ppg Total mud in the system Volume in bbl increase per 100 bbl of mud Total volume increase in bbl 10.0 13.0 500.0 31.58 157.89


ppg ppg bbl bbl bbl

Starting volume in bbl of original mud weight required to achieve a predetermined final volume of desired mud weight Current Mud Weight in ppg New Mud Weight in ppg Final volume in bbl Starting volume in bbl 10.0 13.0 100.0 76.00 ppg ppg bbl bbl

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mined final volume of desired mud weight with



Increase Mud Density by adding Barite Current Mud Weight, ppg New Mud Weight, ppg Total mud in the system Sacks of Barite per 100 bbl of mud Total sacks of barite required 10.0 13.0 500.0 200.5 1002.3 ppg ppg bbl sacks sacks

Volume of mud in bbl increase due to mud weight increase by adding Current Mud Weight, ppg New Mud Weight, ppg Total mud in the system Volume in bbl increase per 100 bbl of mud Total volume increase in bbl 10.0 13.0 500.0 13.64 68.18


ppg ppg bbl bbl bbl

Starting volume in bbl of original mud weight required to achieve a predetermined final volume of desired mud weight Current Mud Weight in ppg New Mud Weight in ppg Final volume in bbl Starting volume in bbl 10.0 13.0 100.0 88.00 ppg ppg bbl bbl

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mined final volume of desired mud weight with


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Pressure required to break circulation

Pressure required overcoming the muds gel strength inside the drill string. 10 min get strenght of mud, lb/100 sq ft Inside diameter of drill pipe in inch Length of drill string in ft Pressure required to break circulation inside drill string 12 3.32 11500 138.6 lb/100 sq ft in ft psi

Pressure required overcoming the muds gel strength in the annulus. 10 min get strenght of mud, lb/100 sq ft Outside diameter of drill pipe in inch Hole diameter in inch Length of drill string in ft Pressure required to break circulation inside drill string 12 4 6.5 11500 184.0 lb/100 sq ft in in ft psi

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Light weight spot fill to balance formation pressure Current mud weight, ppg Overblance with current mud weight, psi Weigth of light weight pill, ppg Height of light weight pill, ft, in annulus 13 300 8.3 1227 ppg psi ppg ft

Input cells Calculated cells Back to the first page Reference Website You must ensure than height of light weight pill in the annulus must less than 1227 ft in order to prevent wellcontrol situation. 27 ft in order to prevent wellcontrol situation.

Loss of hydrostatic pressure due to filling water into annulus in case of lost return Current Mud Weight in ppg Water Weight in ppg TVD in ft Annular Capacity in bbl/ft Water filled into annulus in bbl Feet of water in annuls Hydrostaic Pressure decrease Equivalent Mud Weigth at TD 13 8.6 6000 0.1422 140 984.5 225.3 12.3 ppg ppg ft bbl/ft bbl ft psi ppg Input cells Calculated cells Back to the first page

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Displacment of plain pipe such as casing, tubing, etc. OD ID Displacment in bbl/ft 9.625 inch 8.835 inch 0.01417 bbl/ft Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page Reference Website


Stuck Pipe Calculation Stretch in inch Free point constant Pull force in Klb Depth of stuck pipe 5 inch 28634.51 100 Klb 1431.73 ft Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page

Free Point Constant (FPC) calculation Outside Diameter 9.625 inch Inside Diameter 8.835 inch FPC 28634.51 Sutck Pipe Calculation (in case of not know Free Point Constant (FPC)) Stretch in inch Pull force in Klb Outside Diameter Inside Diameter Depth of stuck pipe 5 100 9.625 8.835 1431.73 inch Klb inch inch ft

Accumulator Capacity Suface Application Volume per bottle Pre-charge pressure Minimum System Pressure Operating Pressure Usable Volume per bottle Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page

10 1000 1200 3000 5.00

gal psi psi psi gal


Subsea Application Volume per bottle Pre-charge pressure Minimum System Pressure Operating Pressure Pressure gradient of hydraulic fluid Water depth Usable Volume per bottle

10 1000 1200 3000 0.445 1500 4.38

gal psi psi psi psi/ft ft gal


Calculate inner capacity of open hole, inside cylindrical objects such as tubulars, drill pipe, drill collars, tubing, casing etc Calculate capacity in bbl/ft Hole size, Casing ID, Tubing ID, etc Capacity in bbl/ft Calculate capacity in ft/bbl Hole size, Casing ID, Tubing ID, etc Capacity in ft/bbl Calculate capacity in gal/ft Hole size, Casing ID, Tubing ID, etc Capacity in gal/ft Calculate capacity in ft/gal Hole size, Casing ID, Tubing ID, etc Capacity in ft/gal Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page

6.125 0.0364

6.125 27.4392

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6.125 1.5306

6.125 0.6533

pe, drill collars, tubing, casing

Annular capacity between casing or hole and drill pipe, tubing, or casing.
Calculate annular capacity in bbl/ft Hole size, casing ID in inch Drill pipe size, DC size or casing/tubing OD Annular capacity, bbl/ft Calculate annular capacity in ft/bbl Hole size, casing ID in inch Drill pipe size, DC size or casing/tubing OD Annular capacity, ft/bbl Calculate annular capacity in gal/ft Hole size, casing ID in inch Drill pipe size, DC size or casing/tubing OD Annular capacity, gal/ft Calculate annular capacity in ft/gal Hole size, casing ID in inch Drill pipe size, DC size or casing/tubing OD Annular capacity, ft/gal 8.5 5 0.04590 Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page

6.125 3.5 40.743

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6.125 3.5 1.031

6.125 3.5 0.970

Cost Per Foot Calculation Bit cost (B), $ Rig cost (CR), $/hr Rotating time (t), hrs Round trip time (T), hrs Footage per bit (F), ft Cost per foot , $/ft 27000 3500 50 12 5000 48.80 Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page

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Pump Pressure and Pump Stroke Relationship Basic Calculation Current Circulating Pressure, psi Old Pump Rate, SPM New Pump Rate, SPM New Circulating Pressure, psi Advanced calculation (Determine factor) Pressure 1, psi Flow rate1, gpm Pressure 2, psi Flow rate2, gpm Factor Current Circulating Pressure, psi Old Pump Rate, SPM New Pump Rate, SPM New Circulating Pressure, psi 2700 320 500 130 1.872 2500 40 25 1037.0 2500 40 25 976.6 Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page

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Hydraulic Horse Power (HPP)

Circulating Pressure, psi Flow rate, GPM Hydraulic Horse Power (HPP) 3500 800 1633.61 Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page

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Formation Temperature
Surface Temperature, F Temperature Gradient, F/ft Formation Depth in TVD, ft Formation Temperature, F 90 0.015 12000 270 Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page Reference Website


Critical RPM to prevent pipe failure due to high vibration Just rough estimate 15% accurate Length of one joint of drill pipe, ft OD of drill pipe, inch ID of drill pipe, inch Critical RPM 32 4 3.5 172

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Calculate Equivalent Circulating Density with Engineering Formula Mud weight Reading at 300 Reading at 600 PV Pump rate, gpm Hole diameter, in Drill pipe OD, in Drill pipe length, ft Drill collar OD, in Drill collar length, ft TVD, ft n K Annular velocity around DP, ft/min Critical velocity around DP, ft/min Annular velocity around DC, ft/min Critical velocity around DC, ft/min Pressure loss around DP Pressure loss around DC Total annular pressure loss ECD at 10000' TVD in ppg 12.8 44 74 30 200 6.35 4 11913 5 100 10000 0.750 0.410 201.5 Lamina Flow 322.0 319.8 Lamina Flow 448.9 406.9 9.0 415.9 Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page


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Annular Pressure Loss Mud Weight in ppg Length in ft Flow rate in GPM Dh, in Dp, in velocity, ft/min P loss annular in psi 13.0 8000.0 320.0 6.50 4.00 298.7 531.65 Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page

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Direcional Survey Calculation Angle Averaging Method Survey1 Survey2 7482 7782 4 8 10 35 28.97 ft 12.00 ft 298.36 ft

Depth (ft) Inclination (degree) Azimuth (degree) North East Vertical

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Direcional Survey Calculation Radius of Curvature Method Survey1 Survey2 Depth (ft) 7482 7782 Inclination (degree) 4 8 Azimuth (degree) 10 35 North East Vertical 28.74 ft 11.90 ft 298.30 ft Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page

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Direcional Survey Calculation Balanced Tangential Method Survey1 Survey2 Depth (ft) 3500 3600 Inclination (degree) 15 25 Azimuth (degree) 20 45 North East Vertical 27.10 ft 19.37 ft 93.61 ft Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page

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Direcional Survey Calculation Minimum Curvature Method Survey1 Survey2 3500 3600 15.00 25.00 20.00 45.00 0.22605 1.00428 27.22 19.45 94.01 radians ft ft ft

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Depth (ft) Inclination (degree) Azimuth (degree) RF North East Vertical

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Direcional Survey Calculation Tangential Method Survey1 Survey2 Depth (ft) 3500 3600 Inclination (degree) 15.00 25.00 Azimuth (degree) 20.00 45.00 North East Vertical 29.88 ft 29.88 ft 90.63 ft Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page

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Calculate dogleg severity between 2 survey points based on Radius of Curvature Method
Depth (ft) Inclination (degree) Azimuth (degree) Dogleg severity Survey1 Survey2 4231 4262 13.5 14.7 10 19 8.05 degree/100 ft Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page

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ature Method

Calculate dogleg severity between 2 survey points based on tangential method

Depth (ft) Inclination (degree) Azimuth (degree) Dogleg severity Survey1 Survey2 4231 4262 13.5 14.7 10 19 3.23 degree/100 ft Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page

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Determine force with given pressure and area Pressure 500 psi 2 Area 3 in Force 1500 lb or Determine force with given pressure and diameter Pressure 500 psi Diameter 3 in Force 3534.3 lb

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Leak Off Test Pressure Converted to Equivalent Mud Weight (LOT)

LOT pressure (psi) Mud Weight (ppg) Shoe Depth (TVD) LOT equivalent mud weight 1600 9.2 4000 16.9 psi ppg ft ppg Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page


Pressure Required Formation Integrity Test (FIT)

FIT required (ppg) Mud Weight (ppg) Shoe Depth (TVD) Pressure required (psi) 14.5 ppg 9.2 ppg 4000 ft 1102.4

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Equivalent Circulating Density (ECD), ppg

Annular pressure loss(psi) Mud weight (ppg) TVD (ft) ECD 400 10 8000 11.0 psi ppg ft PPG Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page

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Specific Gravity (SG)

Specific gravity using mud weight, ppg
Mud weight (ppg) SG Pressure gradient (psi/ft) SG Mud weight (lb/ft3) SG SG MW (ppg) SG Pressure Gradient (psi/ft) SG Mud weight (lb/ft3) 13 ppg 1.56 0.50 psi/ft 1.15 90.00 lb/ft3 1.44 1.50 12.50 ppg 1.50 0.650 psi/ft 1.50 93.600 lb/ft3

Specific gravity using pressure gradient, psi/ft Specific gravity using mud weight, lb/ft3 Convert specific gravity to mud weight, ppg Convert specific gravity to pressure gradient, psi/ft Convert specific gravity to mud weight, lb/ft3

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Converting Pressure into Mud Weight

Convert pressure, psi, into mud weight, ppg using feet as the unit of measure
Pressure (psi) TVD (ft) MW (ppg) Pressure (psi) TVD (m) MW (ppg) 5000 psi 8000 ft 12.0 PPG 5000 psi 2500 m 11.7 PPG

Convert pressure, psi, into mud weight, ppg using meters as the unit of measure

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Barrels of slug required for a desired length of dry pipe Desired length of dry pipe (ft) Drill pipe capacity (bbl/ft) Current MW (PPG) Slug Weight (PPG) Hydrostatic pressure required to give desired drop inside drill pipe Difference in pressure gradient bw slug and current MW Length of slug in drill pipe (ft) Slug Volume 400 0.015 11.5 12.5 239.2 0.052 4600 69.00 ft bbl/ft ppg ppg psi psi/ft ft bbl

Weight of slug required for a desired length of dry pipe with a set volume of slug Desired length of dry pipe (ft) Slug Volume (bbl) Drill pipe capacity (bbl/ft) Current MW (PPG) Slug length (ft) Hydrostatic Pressure required (psi) Weight of slug (PPG) 400 30 0.015 11.5 ft bbl bbl/ft ppg

2000.0 ft 239.2 psi 13.8 ppg

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Hydrostatic Pressure (HP)

Hydrostatic pressure using ppg and feet as the units of measure
Mud weight TVD (ft) Hydrostatic Pressure (psi) Pressure gradient (psi/ft) TVD (ft) Hydrostatic Pressure (psi) Mud weight (lb/ft3) TVD (ft) Hydrostatic Pressure (psi) Mud weight TVD (m) Hydrostatic Pressure (psi) 12 ppg 10000 ft 6240.0 psi 0.5 psi/ft 10000 ft 5000.0 psi 80 lb/ft3 10000 ft 5555.2 psi 12 ppg 5000 m 10236.7 psi Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page

Hydrostatic pressure, psi, using pressure gradient, psi/ft

Hydrostatic pressure, psi, using mud weight, lb/ft3

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Hydrostatic pressure, psi, using meters as unit of depth

Annular Velocity (AV) in ft/min

Formula 1: AV = pump output, bbl/min annular capacity, bbl/ft Pump out put (bbl/min) 10 bbl/min Annular capacity (bbl/ft) 0.13 bbl/ft Annular Velocity (AV) 76.92 ft/min Formula 2: Flow rate in gpm and diameter between 2 diameters Flow rate (gpm) 800 gpm Bigger diameter (in) 10 in such as hole size, casing ID, etc Smaller diameter (in) 5 in such as drill pipe OD, tubing OD, etc Annular Velocity (AV) 261.33 ft/min Formula 3: flow rate in bbl/min and diameter Flow rate (bbl/min) 13 bbl/min Bigger diameter (in) 10 in such as hole size, casing ID, etc Smaller diameter (in) 5 in such as drill pipe OD, tubing OD, etc Annular Velocity (AV) 178.43 ft/min

Annular velocity (AV), ft/sec

Formula 1: Flow rate in bbl/min and diameter between 2 diameters Flow rate (bbl/min) 13 bbl/min Bigger diameter (in) 10 in Smaller diameter (in) 5 in Annular Velocity (AV) 2.97 ft/sec Pump output in gpm required for a desired annular velocity, ft/mim Annular Velocity (ft/min) 120 ft/min Bigger diameter (in) 10 in Smaller diameter (in) 5 in Required pump rate (gpm) 367.35 gpm Strokes per minute (SPM) required for a given annular velocity Annular Velocity (ft/min) 150 ft/min Bigger diameter (in) 10 in Smaller diameter (in) 5 in Pump out put (bbl/stk) 0.1 bbl/stk SPM required 109.29 spm

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Pump out
Triplex Pump, bbl/stk
efficiency (%) Liner diameter (in) Stroke length (in) PO (bbl/stk) 97 6 in 12 in 0.10183 bbl/stk Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page

Duplex Pump , bbl/stk

efficiency (%) Liner diameter (in) Rod diameter (in) Stroke length (in) PO (bbl/stk) 85 6 2 12 0.11236 in in in bbl/stk

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Buoyancy Factor (BF) Buoyancy factor using mud weight, PPG

MW (PPG) BF 13 0.802 Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page

Buoyancy factor using mud weight, lb/ft3

MW (lb/ft3) BF 100 0.796

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Amount of cuttings drilled per foot of hole drilled

a) BARRELS of cuttings drilled per foot of hole drilled:
Porosity(%) Hole diameter (in) BBL/ft Porosity(%) Hole diameter (in) cu-ft/ft Hole diameter (in) Hole capacity (bbl/ft) Footage drilled (ft) Porosity(%) Cutting Density (gm/cc) Solid generated(pounds) 25 6.125 0.027333 25 6.125 0.153462

bbl/footage drilled b) CUBIC FEET of cuttings drilled per foot of hole drilled: cu.ft/footage drilled

c) Total solids generated:

6.125 0.036444 100 25 2.2 2104.651 pound

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Pressure Gradient Calculation

Pressure gradient, psi/ft, using mud weight, ppg
MW (ppg) Pressure gradient (psi/ft) MW (lb/ft3) Pressure gradient (psi/ft) MW sg Pressure gradient (psi/ft) Pressure gradient (psi/ft) MW (ppg) Pressure gradient (psi/ft) MW (ppg) Pressure gradient (psi/ft) Specific Gravity 9 PPG 0.468 psi/ft 80 lb/ft3 0.556 psi/ft 2 0.866 psi/ft 0.5 psi/ft 9.62 PPG 0.5 psi/ft 72.00 lb/ft3 0.5 psi/ft 1.155

Pressure gradient, psi/ft, using mud weight, lb/ft3 Pressure gradient, psi/ft, using mud weight, specific gravity (SG) Convert pressure gradient, psi/ft, to mud weight, ppg Convert pressure gradient, psi/ft, to mud weight, lb/ft3 Convert pressure gradient, psi/ft, to mud weight specific gravity (SG)

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Convert temperature, Fahrenheit (F) to Celsius (C)

F C 347 175.0 Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page

Convert temperature, Celsius (C) to Fahrenheit

C F 26.667 80.0

Convert temperature, Celsius (C) to Kelvin (K)

C K 23 296.2

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Convert temperature, Fahrenheit (F) to Rankine (R)

F R 150 609.7

Accumulator Pre-charge Pressure P start P final Volume removed Volume total Average pre charge pressure 3000 2000 25 200 750 Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page

Bulk Density of Cuttings by using Mud Balance Procedure to obtain RW: 1. Cuttings must be washed free of mud. In oil base mud, diesel oil can be used instead of water. 2. Set mud balance at 8.33 ppg. 3. Fill the mud balance with cuttings until a balance is obtained with the lid in place. 4. Remove lid, fill cup with water (cuttings included), replace lid, and dry outside of mud balance. 5. Move counterweight to obtain new balance. This value is Rw = resulting weight with cuttings plus water, ppg. RW, ppg SG 14 3.13

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h cuttings plus water, ppg.

How many feet of drill pipe pulled to lose certain amount of hydrostatic pressure (psi) when pull dry.
Hydrostatic pressure to lose Casing capacity Pipe displacement Mud weight Feet of drill pipe pulled 200 0.0873 0.01876 12 1171 psi bbl/ft bbl/ft PPG ft Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page

How many feet of drill pipe pulled to lose certain amount of hydrostatic pressure (psi) when pull wet.
% of volume in drill pipe out of hole Hydrostatic pressure to lose Pipe displacement Pipe capacity Casing capacity Mud Weight Feet of drill pipe pulled 100 200 0.0055 0.01876 0.0873 12 833 % psi bbl/ft bbl/ft bbl/ft PPG ft

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static pressure (psi) when pull dry.

static pressure (psi) when pull wet.

Hydrostatic Pressure (HP) Decrease When POOH

When pulling DRY pipe
Stands pulled Length per stand Pipe displacement Casing capacity Mud Weight BBL displace HP decrease (psi) 10 91 0.0055 0.0873 12 5.01 38.18 stands ft bbl/ft bbl/ft PPG bbl psi Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page

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When pulling WET pipe

% of volume in drill pipe out of hole Stands pulled Length per stand Pipe displacement Pipe capacity Casing capacity Mud Weight BBL displace HP decrease (psi) 100 10 91 0.0055 0.01876 0.0873 12.0 22.08 218.52

stands ft bbl/ft bbl/ft bbl/ft PPG bbl Psi

Depth of washout

Method 1: Strokes pumped till pressure increase Internal capacity of drill pipe Pump output Depth of washout

The concept of this method is to pump plugging material to plug the wash out. We wil pump till pressure increase then we can calculate back where the washout is. 400 0.00742 0.0855 4609 strokes bbl/ft bbl/stk ft Input cells calculated cells Back to the first page

Method 2: Strokes pumped till material seen Internal capacity of drill pipe Annulus capacity Pump output Volume from bell nipple to shale shakers Depth of washout

The concept of this method is to pump material that can be easily observed from drill into annulus and over the surface. We can calculate the depth of washout bases on t internal drill pipe volume and annulus volume. 2500 0.00742 0.0455 0.0855 10 3850 strokes bbl/ft bbl/ft bbl/stk bbl ft

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mp plugging material to plug the wash out. We will know how many stroks can calculate back where the washout is.

mp material that can be easily observed from drill pipe pass through wash out We can calculate the depth of washout bases on the combination volume of s volume.



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