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The Enwironrnental Nervsletter of San Luis Obispo Count5r's North Coast

Vol. I, No. 8 . Spring 1998


The Cambria Land Thust

Grant fi40,200
Receivedto Expand Recycling

Sponsorcdby CADepa*ment of Conservation

Dspotit \f V. -r^, .l L{vqree'rWatP/tsfurs efu $$$$ tarnBA'
Thanrpz Ca,m)>rin Ope,w SPa<'et r VahrPrBenerag,e Coatairwry ONLY

StateRecommendsPurchaseof Strawbenf/ Canyon 12 acres

betweeil Greens/ace Cambria and Parks loint project Commission model public/nonprofit is of partnership
A precedent-setting grant of $250,000to purchase open space in the fines is on a list o"f58 recommended prbjects relea'sedApril 23 by the Califomia Resources Aqencv (CRA).-{.!though the money has ndt officially been granted as of this "Recommended publication's deadline, being on the dgency's Projects" list is viewed by thosEinvolved as sood sien that Cambria will receive asa good sign that Cambria wiII receive ffitf",' ,lilY{Xregjld

Greenspace has received $40.200from The Califomia Department of Conservation to expand local collection of CA R-edemptionValue (CRV) beverage containers throu gh its exlsting Communi-fy Benefit Recvtlinq Proqram. Some of the Tunds- from the grant will be used to purchase two new recycling iollection receptacles foi placement in S'an Simeon Acres, which has no recycl ing of any kind currently-, according to Greenspace Director evndi Butterfield,

who preparedthe successful srant aoolicaLion. granf application. pickup Remaining grar funds-will be-used-andto prrrchase.? grant
truck and commercial scale to aid in collection; funds will algo 1 go to hire a part time emulovee to pick up and weieh recvclables . also be A Nei&hborhood Recrlchns hdvoiate o.osrlNeighborhood Recycling Advocate program afso will I created.Each volunteer Advodate will be traine? to hold meetings
Continued on Page 2, see RECYCLE

all oimost 5f the funds requested. Creenspace and PROS (Cambria's Parks, R-ecreation and Open Space Commission)filed iointlv for the grant, which is issued bv'the CnA's En'Jironmental Enhancerirent and Mitigation grant cycle.The grant Program,7998-99 will-fund thebulkbf the iosts need-ed to purchase 12 forested acres in the ShawberryCanyonareaof LodgeHill, leaving Creenspace raise a-t least to in $25,000 requiredmatchingfunds from the community. "This is a benchmark project for our
community that will serve as a model for future orjen space acquisition bv partnerships of governmehtal agencie's Rick Greenspace's Hawletl and preiident Barbara Wellington, pendins o!,PRos' discuss the

fii"ir-nti{,.d"";ffi ;iilJ'ild"C;il:i';:J#ifXt:,:Il|*i,
space," said Rick Hawley, Greenspace bethe link"in perimeter a firsi trailaVound Cambria. ExecutiveDirector. Lacking any indicationfrom the CRA, it is expectedthat the final decisionon the grant will be issuedin July orAugust.

Complaint Asks for Changein Summer Pumping of SantaRosaCreek

Greenspace is preparinq a complaint to the California State Water Reiources Coritrol Bbard, Division of Water Rights, asking that standards for pumping of Santa Rosa Creek duiing the dry season be changed to protEct three endangered specie-s. Greenspaceis"askinsihat the stateboard chanse the monitorins level of the Santa RoJa Creek wells to five fee"tfrom three feei during the summer months. Currently, water can be extracted in the lower basin of the creek until the rironitoring wells fall below three feet. By changing the monitoring levels to five feet, Greenspace maintains-tha--t pools which lerve as habitat to endang-ered specieswill not dry up, as they do with current pumping levels during times of diought. Alsb, a change in monitoiinf levels will piotect the acquifer from salt watei intrusion. Th-ethree species at issue, all of which are federally listed, are the indigenous steelhead trout (threatened) red l-egged frog (endangered). En-dangereil (endang6red) and .tidewater goby means rne specres rs rn qanger or exuncuon. In requesting the change in dry season pumping practices, Greensdace is Tollowins fhe policies outlined in its3dnta Rosa Creek Enhancement Plin, pr-epared in7993 with a major grant from the California Coastal Cdnservancy. The plan's four foals
Continued on Page 2, see PUMPING

Boardasked tightenrestrictions, to WaterResources species protectcreek habitat threeen-dangered for

]oint Projectwith CDF to Reduce Fire Risk, Improve Public Access

Department Forestry workwith of Califurnia to
Greenspace improaing on Strawberry Canyon preserae
In a cooperative effort, Greenspacewill direct work being performed by the California Department of Foresky and FirE Prevention(CDF) to reduce the danger of fire risk on our 3.8acre forest preservein Strawberry Canyoh. Greenspaceis providing management coordination and materials and

CDF is providing the labor to remove nonnative vegetation and to improve the existingfo-ot trail through the bines. TheCDF"crew will alsorEmovddead tree limbs that might provide fuel for fires; stack dead vEgetationinto small piles and burn or remove from the site;
cut pathways through larfie downed trees along the trail; and impiove th6 trail as ieeded with waterbars and tdrracing. The crew will remove invasive, exotic species like pamfas grass that choke out pine seedlings and other native plani spe-ciesl "We enjoy air excellent working relationship with-CDF, as is evidenced by this joint project,""said Execufive Director Rick Hawley.

In a tip of the hat to our growing reputation as a leader in the CElifornia ReLeaf has selected fieht to'save Cambria's fo"rest, CXmbria as the site for its sixth annual statewide meeting' As one of 60 member organizations that comprise the Releaf Network, Greenspace wiII serve as host for the event, set for Aue. 8-1dat the C'ambria Pines Lodge. Some 120 delegatesfrom all Sver the state will exchangeinfoimation and ideas related to the Releaf mission, which is""a statewide campaign to expand, enhance and preserve urban and community forests tn California." California Releaf is a proiect of The Trust for Public Land, a national land conservatibn organization that has protected, to date, over 950,000 acres of u*rban, rural and wildland open spaces for public enjoYment.

CAfor throughout to Greenspace host 120delegate{from program this irust for PublicLands forestrestoration

ReLEAFto Hold Annual StatewideMeeting In Cambria

to contract study wins Greenspace $10,000 trees infected of disposal disease

The California Department of Forestry (CDF) has award-ed contract to conducf a feasibility study for Creenspacea $10,000 "Cipturins, Handlins, Utilizing and Disposing of Infected the -Cank-er Zone of Pine Material Within Ihe Coastal Pitch Infestation." Pine Pitch Canker, a deadly tree disease affecting Monterey Pines and other conifers,has rio cure and has spread throughout the cou ntv and state. Expertshave predicted this diseasewill kill approxiniately 85 perient of Cahbria's native forest in the coming decade._ The studv will deal with what is to be dons with the thousands of tons of infected pine materials, including whole tlees, firewood, RECYCLE (Continued from Page 1) Iogs, chiFs, branches, needles and with their neighbors, to explain and encourageparticipation in the coies that will be produced in the near future in San Luis ObisPo Community Benefit Recytling Program, and to give thoservho Countv. want to pirticipate a six-gallon iir-home collection bin' Door to Our Thnnks "We;re enthusiastic about the hangers aird imprinted pencils w ill a Iso help to promote awa reness proqram. Blair McCormick potential this study will have in of the awav dead Blair cut and hauled As a'n a"ttention-getting way to promote recycling, the grant slowine the spread and reducing on at trees, no cost, our Slerling provides funds tocoistruct a combindtionmetal sculpfure/recycling the imiact of pine pitch canker ii Forestpreserae. bin that will be placed in a high-visibility downtown location. our county- and elsewhere "Our research indicates that at least 50,000 CRV beverage throuqhout ealifornia," said Rick containers enter Cambria each week, and only a small portion of " these are recycled, Butterfield said. benefitt of this proiect will be: to generate programs that will program all money orovide income^for area businessei and residents and provide Sheemphisized that with the Creenspace TheGreenspace lambria.-The staysinCambria. Greenspace fhe basis for economically self-sustainingdisposal programs; to med frdmsellins the eamedfromsellingthe recyclables plastic beverage I Drosram collecti recycllb*Igglaq9r'mgtal and plastic b,",,tt19,' extend the life of local landfills by diverting pine materials; and :ogram collects"recvctdble glass,-metal and plastic,beve?ase foniainers marked wiih CRV (California Redemption Value) and to provide recvcled pine materials such as processedchips and and open3pace pocket cofirpostedmaterials for useby publ ic and government agencies' uili tn" -o"ev earnedto buy and preserve fund programs imeoh oarks in Cambria and I Cambria and San Simeoirand to firnd programs at the oarks The study will identify opfions for han?ling, disposing-and Cambria Youth Center. using infecled tree materials that minimize the spread ot the Those interested in volunteering for the Neighborhood Recycling disease. Advocate program, contact Ricklla wley at 927-4964. The final reportwillpropose an appropriate program includ ing model polici6s and ordin'ances wliiih c-anbe direttly aPPlied to ( Continued from Page 1) PUMPING infected areas within San Luis Obispo County. lt will also be restoration of the creek are: to acquire and preserve open- used as a model by other local govemments and communities' for soace along Santa Rosa Creek; enhance the natural resourcesof bill it's lower rEach; develop and maintain an information base on approues for Committee StateSenate community awareness and enjoyment the creek; and to increas^e trees resistnnt to research find pitch canker of the creek. of the natural approval follows in the State Assembly and it is signed by If Necessarv to the preservation and restoration "to develop will provides funds the ebvernor, 58.1712 resources df tne pait of the creek that runs through town.and designed to eradiiate and control the fungus known yearround flow; -eui.ttes ends at Moonstohe Beach are: restoration of protection and enhancement of riparian habitaU preservation as pitch canker]and to perform control work on state and private bnd restoration of natural floodplain functions and the Santa larids within zones of infestation," according to State Senator Rosa Creek laqoon; reduction of erosion and sedimentation; Bruce McPherson (R-Santa Ctuz) author of the bill. The state Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CDF) imorovement 6f the quality and quantity of water from the watershed; and incre-asethe diversity of specieshabitat' would control t'hestudies funded by the bill' The bill has passed ,tpber 'A tutt copv of the GreenspaceSanta RosaCreek Enhancement the Senate committee with many-legislators calling for more than the orieinally requested $2-million to be allocated to the Plan is available at the Cambria Library or from Greenspace' search for a"pitch cankier resistant strains of the affected trees' "Perhaps rite can allocate some of these funds to helg develop a forest nianagemet't plan for Cambria," Hawley said. a Greenspace'is founding member of the statewide Pine Pitch Canker Task Force.

"il'""Hft "?iiiti\"''"i Hawlev.Greenspaces*".,,lll3Bil::ffi

Board of Directors

Director,Art Van Rhyn, President; lacqueKelly; RichardHawlev,Executiae Bates,Treasurer; Adelson,Secreiary;Cathie President;Lqnda Attoe,\iice Wavne Parker. and Cyiai nutterfield; Brownell, Debbie Iim

Celebrating Our 10thAnniversary

5 acres+ openspfce, in pocket parks, community garden, community recycling program . . muchmoreto come! .
What began as a grass roots group dedicated to saving Santa ; roots Rosa Creek, which runs .throu-gh the center of Cambria, has evolved into one of the state's most respectedland trusts with a membership oI more than 400. Rick Hawlev, who now serves as our Executive Director, was one of the original founders of Greenspacein 1988. In the past decade, our hission has expanded to: preserving and enhancing the land and water resourcesof the North Coast area of San Luis Obispo County, and to protecting open space and 'flora indigenoirs species"of and fauna t w wh L c h with-in Cambiia and surrounding areas. Creenspaceis supportedby a glowing qYeewspace LS number oTconcerned people throughout LO aeaYs oLd,l California and the wbrld who con-=sider

YourViews Count!Where Write: to

. California Coastal Commission, Peter Douglas, Director, 725 Front St., Ste.300,SantaCruz, CA 95060 . California State Senator jack O'Connell, State Capitol, Room 2187, Sacramento, 95814 CA . California StateAssemblyman Tom Bordonaro fr., State Capitol, Room 3141,Sacramento, CA 95814 . US Representative Lois Capps, 1118Longworth HOB, Washington, DC 20570-0522 r US SenatorDiane Feinstein,331 Hart Office Bldg.,Washington,DC 20510 . US SenatorBarbaraBoxer,112Hart Office Bldg., Washington,DC 20510; gov e-mail: senator@boxer.senate.

SecondAnnual PosterContestUnderway
Students at Cambria's Grammar and Middle Schools are creating a new series of fire prevention nosters. Art Van Rhvn will reproduce th'e winning posters'as handpdinted siens. Anvoneinierested in donaiing mateiials for'the signs, please contact Jacque Kelly at 927-5587.

the natural beauty that surrounds Cambria to be a legacy worthy of preservation for future generationsto enioy. Many thanks tci all of you for your interest and support.

Community GardenFully Subscribed

Teresa Lees neu) is gardenmaster
All the plots in Greenspace's biointensiveCommunity Gardenare
subscribed. Also, a new gardensuDscrlDecr. Also/ new garqen-

master,TeresaLees,is promising to make this season best yet at-the the b-est at vet bustling garden. Leesbrings experi . Leesbringsa wealth of experience to her new post/ rncluctrng agrrher ne# post, includiirg , cultural studies at UCLA, Cal Pblv cultural studies UCLA. Cal SanLuis Obispo,and PitzerCollege, Claremont Cblleges.She earned a bachel,or's 4qgr"E in international

l- c*"".p-" ;;""ht;;.i";;;"a".,mr".

3 Sponsoring$100 O Benefactor$1000

newsletters and other information on our conservation activities. Circle categories and indicate payment method below:

Family $25 n Contributing $50 Patron $250 D Srrstaining$50

D New Member O

Membership Renewal

Gar denmaster Teresa Lees

agricultural development from UC D-avisand has taughi at a number of SouthernCalifornia schools.

Enclosed is my $-donation Name

(100% tax deductible)

CommuniW Benefit Givins

Greenspace franv tax deductibte offers wav{to help' ake'y comhunitya better m our plalce :
Conservation Easements and Property: Landowners can grant Creensp-ace a permanent easement- or donate property to"help control tuture development. Donate-a-Park A lot or funds to purchase a lot can create a permanent open space/park. Fund-a-Bench: A gift of $1000 erects a bench with dedication plaque in one of our pocket parks. Fund Specific Projetts: Grelenspace always has projects ready to go or in need of ongoing financjal suppoit. Gifts of cash cari be earmarked for effortdlike purchasing wildlife habitat or producing this quarterly newsletter. Name-a-Park: you can permanently name an existing pocket park with a memorial pla{ue, for a gift of $5000. ' Scholarships: Greendpac-e will offe'r annual scholarships to local graduating high school itudents interested in environmental issues. Stock, Altwbrk, Land, etc.: Current market value (as opposed to original purchase price) is tax deductible. United Neighboihoods: Guided by Greenspace,neighbors iointly pledge to help purchase a parcel of land in f,reir neifhborhbod a's a permanent open space/natural area. (7997 purchase of 3.8 acres inStrawberrv Canvbn is the model.) For more informaLion on giving to your community through " Greenspace,call Executive Directo"rRic"kHawley at92i-4964.

Address City/State/Zrp Phone

D I'd like to sive a $ Name Gift Membership to:

Address City/State/Zip
D D D Please send acknowledgment to the recipient I want my gift membership to be anonymous Bill me next year to renew this gift membership

O Check Enclosed D Card #


Exp. Date


O 3 D Deferred Giving - "Gifts that keep on giving" ConservationEstatePlanning Tax Advantages,ConservationOptions for Landowners

Sendto: GREEENSPACE, Cambria Land Trust The Post Office Box 1505. Cambria, CA93428 . 805-927-4964 FAX 805-927-5702
I 1 - -

Where to Find Greenspace Pocket o. . I-ATKS & ForestPreserves .t

T f l
t\ carP YEI.ER l-

Wilton Street Park** (Lodge Hill): Four wooded lots near northwest intersection of Burton Drive and Wilton, adiacent to Hiehwav One. Wooded lot, acrossfrom Pocahantaslark ind Com m un ity Carden. Purchased by Greenspace. Two memorial benches. Pocahontas Park/Communitv 'Burton Garden (Lodee Hill)' On five lots, corner of Drive afrd Wilton, adiacent to Highway One. Donated by the Allen Peters familyl On6 memorial bench.-



-/ . EmersonRoadPreserve**(LodgeHill):3wooded \ o lots, on Emerson at Ludlow. Dohated by Thomas Marshall. .t



( o D o r k i n eS t r e e P a r k * * L o d e e i l l ) : O n D o r k i n e H t Donated Emersonand"Sandown. St., betVveen

bv Neal and Diane Green. Three memorial bi:nches. o Strawberry Canyon Forest Preserve** (Lodge H i ll ):4 acri:son Birrton Drive, a t Kay St. Acqu i red by 71 donors and Greenspace. Priitine foriest in excellent condition.

Monterey Bay Sanctuary

a a



( T h e S t e r l i n s F o r e s t L o d e e H i l l ) : H a l f a c r ep o c k e t preseru"] on Pineridge, between and fo"rest .'park 1- Bradford and Ellis. Donated by Katie and Walter e Sterling. ** You can name one of thesepnrks after a louedone, through the Greenspace Adoitt-a-Pdrk Program. Or throughour Fund-a-Bench insto[la memorialb'ench, l r g g r a m . P l e a s e c a l l G r e e n s p a c ef o r f u r t h e r lnJOrffiAilOn.
The Cambria Land Trust @ Copyright 1998Creenspace,

CAMP trEq Pttts

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U.S.Bulk Rate PAID Permit 37 No. Cambria, CA 93428 Non-Profit Organization

The Cambria Land Trust

Post Office Box L505 Cambria, CA93428 -4964 Telephone: 805-927 FAX 805-927-5102

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