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Chapter 4.11 Balancing Redox Equations This section is intended to be a supplemental resources for students.

A stepwise process to balance oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions is introduced. Students should use these slides to practice balancing redox reactions. The number of electrons transferred will be used for the Electrochemical cell reactions in Chapter 16


OFB Chapter 12

This section 4.11deals with Oxidation, Reduction, and electron transfer Balancing Redox Reactions All reactions take place in either Acid (H+) or Basic (OH-) conditions Very important to remember the problem you are working. Is it acidic or basic conditions? We will be adding H2O and H+ for acid reactions or H2O and OH- for basic reaction in order to properly balance the reactions Practice, Practice, Practice


OFB Chapter 12

The Oxidation States Method


Oxidation Number Change


Electron Change
Loss of Electrons Gain of Electrons Picks Up electrons Supplies Electrons Loses Electrons Gains Electrons

Reduction Oxidizing Agent, does the oxidizing Reducing Agent, does the reducing




Substance Oxidized


Substance Reduced





OFB Chapter 12

Step 1 Write two unbalanced halfequations, one for the species that is oxidized and its product and one for the species that is reduced and its product Step 2 Insert coefficients to make the numbers of atoms of all elements except oxygen and hydrogen equal on the two sides of each half-equation. Step 3 Balance oxygen by adding H2O to the side deficient in O in each halfequation Step 4 Balance hydrogen.
For half-reaction in acidic solution, add H+ on to the side deficient in hydrogen. For a half-reaction in basic solution, add H2O to the side that is deficient in hydrogen and an equal amount of OH- to the other side


OFB Chapter 12

Step 5 Balance charge by inserting e(electrons) as a reactant or product in each half-reaction. Step 6 Multiply the two half-equations by numbers chosen to make the number of electrons given off by the oxidation equal to the number taken up by the reduction. Then add the two half-equations and cancel out the electrons. If H+ ion, OH- ion, or H2O appears on both sides of the final equation, cancel out the duplication Step 7 Check for balance


OFB Chapter 12

Balancing Redox Reactions

Dithionate ion reacting with chlorous acid in aqueous acidic conditions

S2O62-(aq) +HClO2(aq) SO42-(aq) + Cl2(g)

Will have: Oxidation half reaction Reduction half reaction
11/13/09 OFB Chapter 12 6

Step 1 Write two unbalanced half-equations, one for the species that is oxidized and its product and one for the species that is reduced and its product

S2O62-(aq) +HClO2(aq) SO42-(aq) + Cl2(g) S2O62- SO42Dithionate

(we will see eventually that this is the oxidation reaction)

HClO2 Cl2
Chlorous acid (we will see eventually that this is the 11/13/09 reduction reaction)OFB Chapter 12

Step 2 Insert coefficients to make the numbers of atoms of all elements except oxygen and hydrogen equal on the two sides of each half-equation.

S2O62- 2SO42-

2 HClO2 Cl2


OFB Chapter 12

Step 3 Balance oxygen by adding H2O to the side deficient in O in each half-equation

2H2O + S2O62-
(Need 2 Os) (6Os)


2HClO2 Cl2

+ 4H2O
(Need 4 Os)


OFB Chapter 12

Step 4 Balance hydrogen.

For half-reaction in acidic solution, add H+ on to the side deficient in hydrogen. For a half-reaction in basic solution, add H2O to the side that is deficient in hydrogen and an equal amount of OH- to the other side

Dithionate ion reacting with chlorous acid in aqueous acidic conditions

2H2O + S2O62-
(4 Hs)

2SO42- + 4H+
Need 4 Hs

6H+ + 2HClO2 Cl2 + 4H2O

Need 6 Hs (2 Hs) (8 Hs)


OFB Chapter 12


Step 5 Balance charge by inserting e- (electrons) as a reactant or product in each half-reaction.

2H2O + S2O62-2

Oxidation reaction, electrons are lost on the product side


2SO4 + 4H
-4 +4

+ 2eNeed -2

6H+ + 2HClO2

+ 6eNeed -6

Cl2 + 4H2O
Zero charge Reduction reaction,
electrons are gained on the reactant side
11/13/09 OFB Chapter 12 11

.Step 6 Multiply the two half-equations by numbers chosen to make the number of electrons given off by the oxidation equal to the number taken up by the reduction. Then add the two half-equations and cancel out the electrons. If H+ ion, OH- ion, or H2O appears on both sides of the final equation, cancel out the duplication

Oxidation Reaction has 2 electrons Reduction reaction has 6 electrons Multiply the oxidation reaction by 3. This will give 6 electrons on both sides of the reaction

3 times

2H2O + S2O62

2SO42- + 4H+ + 2eOFB Chapter 12 12

.Step 6 Multiply the two half-equations by numbers chosen to make the number of electrons given off by the oxidation equal to the number taken up by the reduction. Then add the two half-equations and cancel out the electrons. If H+ ion, OH- ion, or H2O appears on both sides of the final equation, cancel out the duplication

3 times

2H2O + S2O62

2SO42- + 4H+ + 2e-

6H2O + 3S2O62

6SO42- + 12H+ + 6e13

Now add bothOFB Chapter 12reactions Re-Ox

.Step 6 Multiply the two half-equations by numbers chosen to make the number of electrons given off by the oxidation equal to the number taken up by the reduction. Then add the two half-equations and cancel out the electrons. If H+ ion, OH- ion, or H2O appears on both sides of the final equation, cancel out the duplication

6H2O + 3S2O62 6SO42- + 12H+ + 6e6H+ + 2HClO2 + 6e Cl2 + 4H2O


6H2O + 3S2O62- + 6H+ + 2HClO2 + 6e 6SO42- + 12H+ + Cl2 + 4H2O + 6e11/13/09 OFB Chapter 12


Step 7 Check for balance

2H2O + 3S2O62- + 2HClO2

Left side H O S Cl 6 24 6 2

6SO42- + 6H+ + Cl2

Right side H O S 6 24 6

Cl 2 If it doesnt balance, look for simple mistakes first Omitted subscripts

11/13/09 OFB Chapter 12 Omitted superscripts 15

Find the (integer) stoichiometry coefficients for the correctly balanced version of the following reaction

Cr2O72- + H+ + I Cr+3 + H2O + I3-


OFB Chapter 12


Step 1 Write two unbalanced half-equations, one for the species that is oxidized and its product and one for the species that is reduced and its product

Cr2O72- + H+ + I Cr+3 + H2O + I3Cr2O72- Cr+3

I- I311/13/09 OFB Chapter 12 17

Step 2 Insert coefficients to make the numbers of atoms of all elements except oxygen and hydrogen equal on the two sides of each half-equation.

Cr2O72- 2Cr+3

3 I- I3-


OFB Chapter 12


Step 3 Balance oxygen by adding H2O to the side deficient in O in each half-equation

Cr2O72- 2Cr+3 + 7H2O

(7Os) (Need 7 Os)

3I- I3(No Oxygen, okay)


OFB Chapter 12


Step 4 Balance hydrogen.

For half-reaction in acidic solution, add H+ on to the side deficient in hydrogen. For a half-reaction in basic solution, add H2O to the side that is deficient in hydrogen and an equal amount of OH- to the other side

Dichromate ion reacting with iodide ion in aqueous acidic conditions

Cr2O7214H + 2Cr+3 + 7H2O Need 14 Hs


(14 Hs)

3I- I3(No Hydrogen, okay)

11/13/09 OFB Chapter 12 20

Step 5 Balance charge by inserting e- (electrons) as a reactant or product in each half-reaction.

6e- + 14H+ + Cr2O72Need -6 +14 -2

2Cr+3 + Reduction reaction 7H2O +6 3I- I3- + 2e-3 -1 Need -2

Oxidation reaction
11/13/09 OFB Chapter 12 21

.Step 6 Multiply the two half-equations by numbers chosen to make the number of electrons given off by the oxidation equal to the number taken up by the reduction. Then add the two half-equations and cancel out the electrons. If H+ ion, OH- ion, or H2O appears on both sides of the final equation, cancel out the duplication

Reduction reaction has 6 electrons Oxidation Reaction has 2 electrons Multiply the oxidation reaction by 3 this will give 6 electrons on both sides of the reaction

3 times

3I- I3- + 2e11/13/09 OFB Chapter 12 22

.Step 6 Multiply the two half-equations by numbers chosen to make the number of electrons given off by the oxidation equal to the number taken up by the reduction. Then add the two half-equations and cancel out the electrons. If H+ ion, OH- ion, or H2O appears on both sides of the final equation, cancel out the duplication

3 times

3I- I3- + 2eequals

9I- 3 I3- + 6 e11/13/09 OFB Chapter 12 Now add both Re-Ox reactions 23

.Step 6 Multiply the two half-equations by numbers chosen to make the number of electrons given off by the oxidation equal to the number taken up by the reduction. Then add the two half-equations and cancel out the electrons. If H+ ion, OH- ion, or H2O appears on both sides of the final equation, cancel out the duplication

6e- + 14H+ + Cr2O72 2Cr+3 + 7H2O 9I- 3 I3- + 6 eequals

6e- + 14H+ + Cr2O72- + 9I 2Cr+3 + 7H2O + 3 I3- + 6 e11/13/09 OFB Chapter 12 24

Step 7 Check for balance

14H+ + Cr2O72- + 9I 2Cr+3 + 7H2O + 3 I3Left side H Cr O I 14 2 7 9 Right side H Cr O I 14 2 7 9


OFB Chapter 12


Basic Solution Method 1

At Step 4
Instead of adding H+ on the deficient side as did with the acid solution method Add H2O on the H deficient side and add an equal amount of OH- on the other side.


OFB Chapter 12


Find the (integer) stoichiometry coefficients for the correctly balanced version of the following reaction conducted in a basic solution

Ag2S + Cr(OH)3 Ag0 + HS- + CrO42-


OFB Chapter 12


Step 1 Write two unbalanced half-equations, one for the species that is oxidized and its product and one for the species that is reduced and its product

Ag2S + Cr(OH)3 Ag0 + HS- + CrO42Ag2S

Oxidation State of Ag +1

Ag + HS0 Reduction reaction

Cr(OH)3 CrO42Oxidation State of Cr


+6 Oxidation reaction
OFB Chapter 12 28


Step 2 Insert coefficients to make the numbers of atoms of all elements except oxygen and hydrogen equal on the two sides of each half-equation.


2 Ag + HS-

Cr(OH)3 CrO42Already Balanced


OFB Chapter 12


Step 3 Balance oxygen by adding H2O to the side deficient in O in each half-equation

Ag2S 2Ag + HS(Oxygen not needed)

H2O + Cr(OH)3 CrO42(need 1O) (3Os) (4Os)


OFB Chapter 12


Step 4 Balance hydrogen.

For half-reaction in acidic solution, add H+ on to the side deficient in hydrogen. For a half-reaction in basic solution, add H2O to the side that is deficient in hydrogen and an equal amount of OH- to the other side

This problem is in aqueous basic conditions

H2O + Ag2S
Needs H

+ OH 2Ag + HS

(1 H) (need O)

5OH- + H2O + Cr(OH)3

Add OH(2 H) (3 H)

CrO4211/13/09 OFB Chapter 12

+ 5H2O
Needs H

Step 5 Balance charge by inserting e- (electrons) as a reactant or product in each half-reaction.

2e- + H2O + Ag2S

Need -2
Reduction reaction

2Ag + HS- + OH-1 -1

5OH- + H2O + Cr(OH)3


reaction 42- + 5H2O Need -3 Oxidation CrO -2

+ 3e-


OFB Chapter 12


.Step 6 Multiply the two half-equations by numbers chosen to make the number of electrons given off by the oxidation equal to the number taken up by the reduction. Then add the two half-equations and cancel out the electrons. If H+ ion, OH- ion, or H2O appears on both sides of the final equation, cancel out the duplication

Reduction reaction has 2 electrons

2e x 3 = 6e
Oxidation Reaction has 3 electrons

3e x 2 = 6e


OFB Chapter 12


.Step 6 Multiply the two half-equations by numbers chosen to make the number of electrons given off by the oxidation equal to the number taken up by the reduction. Then add the two half-equations and cancel out the electrons. If H+ ion, OH- ion, or H2O appears on both sides of the final equation, cancel out the duplication

3 times Reduction Reaction =

6e- + 3H2O + 3Ag2S 6Ag + 3HS- + 3OHReduction reaction

2 times Oxidation Reaction =

10OH- + 2H2O + 2Cr(OH)3 2CrO4OFB + 10H Oxidation reaction Chapter 12 2O



+ 6e-


.Step 6 Multiply the two half-equations by numbers chosen to make the number of electrons given off by the oxidation equal to the number taken up by the reduction. Then add the two half-equations and cancel out the electrons. If H+ ion, OH- ion, or H2O appears on both sides of the final equation, cancel out the duplication

Now add both Re-Ox reactions

6e- + 3H2O + 3Ag2S 6Ag + 3HS- + 3OH10OH- + 2H2O + 2Cr(OH)3 2CrO42- + 10H2O + 6e11/13/09 OFB Chapter 12 35

Now add both Re-Ox reactions

6e- + 3H2O + 3Ag2S 6Ag + 3HS- + 3OH10OH- + 2H2O + 2Cr(OH)3 2CrO42- + 10H2O + 6eequals

6e- + 3H2O + 3Ag2S + 10OH- + 2H2O + 2Cr(OH)3 6Ag + 3HS- + 3OH- + 2CrO42- + 10H2O + 6e11/13/09 OFB Chapter 12 36


7 10OH- + 2H O + 2Cr(OH)

6e- + 3H2O + 3Ag2S +

6Ag +53HS- + 3OH- + 2CrO42- + 10H2O + 6e3Ag2S + 7OH- + 2Cr(OH)3 6Ag + 3HS- + 2CrO42- + 5H2O
11/13/09 OFB Chapter 12 37

Step 7 Check for balance

3Ag2S + 7OH- + 2Cr(OH)3

6Ag + 3HS- + 2CrO42- + 5H2O

Left side Ag S O H Cr 6 3 13 13 2 Right side Ag S O H Cr 6 3 13 13 2


OFB Chapter 12


Find the (integer) stoichiometry coefficients for the correctly balanced version of the following reaction conducted in a basic solution Solution

3 Ag2S + 2 Cr(OH)3+ 7 OH 6 Ag + 3 HS- + 2CrO42- + 5H2O


OFB Chapter 12


Chapter 4.11 Redox reactions

Practice We will use the number of electrons transferred again in Chapter 16


OFB Chapter 12


Balancing Disproportionation Reactions

Same Steps For example

Cl2 ClO3- + Cl Step 1


Cl2 ClO3 Reduction:


Cl2 ClOFB Chapter 12


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