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Tim Murphy (PA-18)

Notable Headlines ...................................................................................... 2 Editorials.................................................................................................... 2 Budget Issues ............................................................................................. 2 Business and Consumer Issues .................................................................. 2 Campaign Finance Issues........................................................................... 2 Crime & Public Safety Issues .................................................................... 2 Economic and Financial Issues .................................................................. 2 Education Issues ........................................................................................ 4 Energy Issues ............................................................................................. 4 Ethics Issues .............................................................................................. 4 Foreign Policy Issues Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea ................... 5 Gay and Lesbian Issues.............................................................................. 5 Gun Issues ................................................................................................. 5 Health Care Issues ..................................................................................... 5 Immigration and Border Issues .................................................................. 5 Israel .......................................................................................................... 5 Labor and Working Family Issues ............................................................. 5 National Security Issues............................................................................. 6 Other Social Issues .................................................................................... 6 Stem Cells .................................................................................................. 6 Tax Issues .................................................................................................. 6 Tea Party .................................................................................................... 6 Transportation Issues ................................................................................. 6 Womens Issues ......................................................................................... 6 Miscellaneous ............................................................................................ 6 Campaign 2012 .......................................................................................... 8

Notable Headlines Editorials

Tribune-Review: Murphy is a Weasel In January 2012, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review ran an editorial blasting Murphy as a weasel for his stance on the Employee Free Choice Act. He initially supported the legislation but has since changed his position, saying, I have committed to vote against any legislation to eliminate or weaken the right to a secret ballot. The paper questioned the motivation behind Murphys shift. Gee, think Tim Murphy's epiphany has anything to do with the fact that he faces the toughest re-election challenge of his career? Once a weasel, always a weasel. [, 1/27/12]

Budget Issues Business and Consumer Issues Campaign Finance Issues

Raised $264,000 in Q4 2011; Had $1 Million On Hand In February 2012, reported that Murphy raised $264,000 during the fourth quarter of 2011. Murphy had $1 million in cash on hand. [, 2/01/12]

Crime & Public Safety Issues Economic and Financial Issues

Feinberg to Murphy: Were Bankrupt In January 2012, Evan Feinberg, Murphys Republican primary challenger, wrote an op-ed criticizing Murphy for voting in favor of Obamas debt ceiling deal last fall.

Were already broke, he wrote. Feinberg also accused Murphy of ignoring his constituents. The people of Western Pennsylvania deserve better than a congressman who simply counts up online poll results and votes whichever way the winds of political expediency are blowing, he wrote.
[, 1/24/12]

Voted Against Debt Ceiling Increase In January 2012, Murphy voted in favor of a resolution to reject President Obamas request for an additional $1.2 trillion to the debt ceiling. Murphy said one way to decrease debt is to investigate how federal regulations affect job growth. If we want to grow revenues for the federal government to take care of the things it needs to do, it comes on growing jobs, it comes on using American energy, and thats where we have to continue to work this, Murphy said. [, 1/20/12] Backed Loans Supporting Overseas Business In October 2011, Murphy backed loans to Westinghouse, a company in his district that does business overseas, despite his previous criticism of the Department of Energy for loans to electric car companies manufacturing vehicles overseas. Westinghouse Electric owns facilities in many European locations and Murphy in May introduced legislation in May that would provide loan guarantees of up to $450 million to Westinghouse for the construction of two nuclear power plants in the United States. Murphy said, I stand by my position that protection of U.S. tax dollars is not a bad policy. Never should taxpayers foot the bill so private investors can make a buck in foreign lands. Murphy has received over $40,000 in contributions from Westinghouse employees and the companys PAC. [USA Today, 10/30/11] Considered Signing Discharge Petition by Critz In October 2011, Murphy considered signing a discharge petition put out by Rep. Critz in order to force a vote on his Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act. In signing the petition, Murphy would have to cross his party leadership, causing potential embarrassment for Boehner. Murphy did not vote for the motion to recommit on the House floor. [, 10/14/11] Strong Proponent of China Currency Bill In October 2011, Murphy came out as a strong proponent of the China currency bill but said that he does not plan to sign the discharge position.

An aide for Murphy spoke about the petition and said that Murphy doesnt plan to sign it because its now being used more as a political weapon against Republicans than as a process measure to effect a policy change. The obstacles preventing the U.S. from holding China accountable for currency manipulation aren't found in the House or with Republicans for that matter. Murphy requested that Congress take up his bill, the Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act, which would hold China accountable for illegal currency manipulation. He said, Congress and the White House cannot stand by as factories shutter and millions of good-paying manufacturing jobs continue to disappear. Enacting H.R. 639 would send a message immediately that America intends to remain the largest manufacturing nation in the world. [The Hill, 10/10/11]

Education Issues Energy Issues

Led Charge on Solyndra Issue, But Supported Similar Programs in the Past In November 2011, Murphy took an active role in investigation of Solyndra, but was criticized for hypocrisy after his support for Westinghouse Electric, which received $450 million in federal loan guarantees and contributed $40,000 to Murphys campaign. Murphy defended his support of federal assistance for alternative energy by saying, Its simply not the same as Solyndra. That was an economic stimulus issue that changed the rules, that I did not vote for. And the economic stimulus bill changed it so they didnt have to come up with the money up front to cover some of the costs of the loan. [, 11/17/11]

Ethics Issues
Accused of Misusing Official Newsletters for Campaign Purposes In January 2012, Republican candidate Evan Feinberg accused Murphy of using official newsletters for campaign purposes. I received one in my home here in Upper St. Clair, and its talking about all the things that Tim Murphy is doing to create jobs and all of these new programs that he is supporting. Its really just a campaign piece, Feinberg said. [, 1/26/12] Led Charge on Solyndra Issue, But Supported Similar Programs in the Past

In November 2011, Murphy took an active role in investigation of Solyndra, but was criticized for hypocrisy after his support for Westinghouse Electric, which received $450 million in federal loan guarantees and contributed $40,000 to Murphys campaign. Murphy defended his support of federal assistance for alternative energy by saying, Its simply not the same as Solyndra. That was an economic stimulus issue that changed the rules, that I did not vote for. And the economic stimulus bill changed it so they didnt have to come up with the money up front to cover some of the costs of the loan. [, 11/17/11]

Foreign Policy Issues Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea Gay and Lesbian Issues Gun Issues Health Care Issues
Introduced Legislation to Cover Infusion Therapy under Medicare In June 2011, Murphy introduced the Medicare Home Infusion Therapy Act, which calls for coverage of infusion-related services, supplies and equipment under Medicare Part B, while coverage of the drugs would remain under part D. Murphy said, Medicare still forces patients to enter a hospital for treatment where it costs Medicare thousands of dollars versus only hundreds within the home. Entering a hospital for infusion therapy is also less convenient for the patient who is then needlessly exposed to more health risks. There is a better way, and by passing this bill we can save taxpayers money and improve the quality of life of Medicare beneficiaries. [HomeCare, 6/23/11]

Immigration and Border Issues Israel Labor and Working Family Issues
Received $45,500 in Labor Campaign Contributions

In November 2011, Murphy received $45,500 in labor contributions. [Politico, 11/17/11]

National Security Issues Other Social Issues Stem Cells Tax Issues Tea Party
Tea Party Prepared to Challenge Murphy for Nomination In June 2011, Politics PA reported that several conservative activists are sowing the seeds of a Tea Party challenge to Rep. Tim MurphyPeople affiliated with the PA Coalition for Responsible Government, among other Allegheny County conservative groups, are working behind the scenes to highlight Murphys moderate record on labor issues. The AFL-CIO gave Murphy a voting score of 48%, the highest of any PA Republican and 5th highest for Republicans national. Since his 2002 election, Murphy has received $477,700 from labor union PACs, though the AFL-CIO gave its endorsement to Murphys opponent in 2010. Murphys party loyalty score is 89% for this session. [Politics PA, 6/20/11]

Transportation Issues Womens Issues Miscellaneous

Feinberg Endorsed by Associated Builders & Contractors, Inc.

In February 2012, Associated Builders & Contractors, Inc. announced their endorsement of Evan Feinberg. Evan Feinberg is the pro-worker, pro-jobs candidate in PA-18. The incumbent, Tim Murphy, supports job-killing measures that damage our local economy and endanger the livelihood of the 2 million ABC employees nationwide. Our members are proud to support the candidate that stands with Western PA job creators. [Pittsburg Post-Gazette, 2/07/12] Observer Reporter: Attacking Maggi for Property Tax Vote is Unfair In February 2012, the Observer Reporter published an editorial defending County Commissioner Larry Maggis prior vote to raise property taxes, calling it unfair. Shortly after entering office in 2004, Maggi for voted for a 22 percent tax increase. The Observer Reporter noted, however, that Maggi had no other choice. He should never have been voting on the county's budget because, by law, the budget should have been passed by the previous board before he entered office. Citing out-of-control deficits, the paper opined, There was no way out except to raise the property tax. Even Diana Irey's proposal to hold spending levels and cut programs would still have required a tax increase of about 17 percent. With 2003 bills piling up and costly litigation a real possibility, Maggi could only have voted with Bracken Burns for the 3.9-mill increase or held out for a slightly lower increase.
[Observer Reporter, 2/07/12]

Feinberg Backed by FreedomWorks In February 2012, FreedomWorks, a well-funded Tea Party group, announced it would support Evan Feinberg in his primary challenge against Murphy. [The Hill, 2/06/12] Opposed Restrictions on Marketing Unhealthy Food to Kids In July 2011, Murphy was among a group of lawmakers who wrote to federal agencies complaining that proposed guidelines restricting the marketing of unhealthy food to children represented an alarming regulatory overreach. [, 12/22/11] Spent $27,618.68 on Printing From July-September 2011, Murphy spent $27,618.68 on printing, including a one time printing cost of $24,038 from The Franking Group. [2011 3nd Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 10/5/11] Spent $333.50 on Bottled Water From July-September 2011, Murphy spent $333.50 on bottled water from Crystal Springs and Deer Park.
[2011 3nd Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 10/5/11]

Spent $20,795.27 on Travel and Reimbursed Himself $1,086.48 in Travel Expenses

From July-September 2011, Murphy spent $20,795.27 on travel and was reimbursed $1,086.48 for private auto mileage, taxis, parking, tolls, and meals. Disbursements included $15,391.89 on the Citibank Government Card for travel subsistence and lodging. [2011 3nd Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 10/5/11] Received 59% Score From Heritage Action for America In August 2011, Heritage Action released a scorecard that encompassed 30 key votes and 5 cosponsorships. Murphy received a 59 percent score from Heritage Action for America in 2011. [Heritage
Action for America, accessed 8/29/11]

Campaign 2012
Received $2,000 from Exxon Mobile On December 20, 2011, Murphy received $2,000 from Exxon Mobile Corporation PAC. This contribution brings Murphys total from Exxon Mobile to $5,000 year-to-date. [Tim Murphy for Congress, 2011 Year-End
FEC Report, Filed 1/30/12]

Received $3,000 from PNC Bank On December 20, 2011, Murphy received $3,000 from PNC Bank PAC. This contribution brings Murphys total from PNC bank $5,000 year-to-date. [Tim Murphy for Congress, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed

Received $1,000 from Koch Industries On November 23, 2011, Murphy received $1,000 from Koch Industries PAC. This contribution brings Murphys total from Koch PAC to $3,500 year-to-date. [Tim Murphy for Congress, 2011 Year-End FEC Report,
Filed 1/30/12]

Received $5,000 from Paul Ryan On November 20, 2011, Murphy received $5,000 from Rep. Paul Ryans Prosperity PAC. [Tim Murphy for
Congress, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/30/12] Spent $12,335 on Food, Beverages, and Room at Latrobe Country Club On October 1, 2011, Murphy spent $12,335.55 on food, beverages, and room from the Latrobe Country Club. [Tim Murphy for Congress, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/30/12]

Spent $4,100 on Christmas Cards On December 13, 2011, Murphy spent $4,131.46 on Christmas cards from Cold Spark Media. [Tim
Murphy for Congress, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/30/12]

Democrat Attacked for Tax Increase by NRCC

In January 2012, Washington County Commissioner (and Murphy challenger) Larry Maggi was the target of attacks by the NRCC for his approval of a $3.9 million property tax increase in 2004. Make no mistake, if Larry Maggi voted to increase property taxes by 22 percent during his first weeks as a county commissioner, whats to say he wouldnt try to raise taxes again during his first weeks in Congress? Maggi may appear to have his talking points down, but if elected, hell just be a rubber-stamp for more of the job-crushing Obama policies - like raising taxes - that have hurt Western Pennsylvanians, said Nat Sillin, NRCC spokesman. [Pittsburg Post-Gazette, 1/24/12] Op-ed: Club for Growth Attacks on Murphy a Bad Idea In January 2012, The Hill published an op-ed, written by political consultant John Feehery, which criticized recent attacks on Murphy by the Club for Growth. Murphy is another reliable conservative vote. He doesnt rock the boat, he doesnt lead insurrections from the left, he doesnt vote for tax increases. He did throw a vote or two to labor, but he did that because labor is kind of a big deal in Pennsylvania, the author wrote. [The Hill, 1/17/12] Targeted by Club for Growth In December 2011, Murphy was targeted by the Club for Growths political action committees. Club for Growth Action and Club for Growth PAC, collectively, spent more than $500,000 to air ads targeting Murphys support of earmarks. [, 1/03/12] Rand Paul, Tom Coburn Hinted at Backing Primary Opponent In December 2011, Senators Paul and Coburn suggested that they might back Paul staffer and former Coburn staffer Evan Feinberg in his primary bid against Murphy. Paul said, I think hes a very smart young man and we havent made a final decision whether were going to actually be actively involved in the campaign but I do wish him luck and I think he'd be a great congressman. Coburn said, Ill have an announcement after the first of the year on that I don't know [Murphy] well enough. [The Hill, 12/13/11] Feinberg: Tim Murphy: Arlen Specter Republican In December 2011, Murphys GOP primary opponent Feinberg called Murphy an Arlen Specter Republican. Feinberg said, Tim Murphy is an Arlen Specter Republican. Arlen Specter was the epitome of selfish, career politicians who make a mockery of our political institutions while turning their backs on their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. They do not hesitate to throw taxpayer dollars at special interests that fund their campaigns. They wont let political party get in the way of political survival. In

addition, Feinberg criticized Murphy for voting for bailout and for voting for bills such as card check. [, 12/12/11] Sen. Toomey Stayed Neutral in Murphy-Feinberg Primary In November 2011, Sen. Toomey said that he would not take sides in the GOP primary between Murphy and former Tom Coburn and Rand Paul staffer Evan Feinberg. A spokesman for Murphy emphasized Murphy and Toomeys close working relationship and said, Rep. Murphy is focused on fighting President Obamas runaway spending policies in Washington. Hes been proud to support and work with Senator Toomey and looks forward to continuing to do so in the future.
[, 11/04/11]

Received Primary Challenger In October 2011, Evan Feinberg, a 27-year-old staffer for Rand Paul, announced his decision to run against Murphy in the Republican primary. Feinberg in a statement said, The people of Southwestern Pennsylvania deserve a representative who shares their principles and values and will put the next generation before the next election. America is on the brink of fiscal ruin and Tim Murphy has been a willing and enthusiastic contributor to our countrys fiscal catastrophe. Murphys voting record is clear: he is for Big Government, Big Bailouts and Big Labor. [The Hill, 10/12/11] Will Receive Primary Challenge From Rand Paul Aide In October 2011, Evan Feinberg, an outgoing staffer for Senator Rand Paul said that he planned to file paperwork to challenge Tim Murphy in a primary. Murphy is a five term congressman and has $720,000 in the bank. [Roll Call, 10/4/11] RedState Wanted Primary For Murphy In 2011, the website RedState wanted a primary for Murphy because he did not support their views. Murphy voted against the RSCs balanced budget, has voted to keep funding for the NEA and energy efficiency programs. In addition, he voted for both versions of the $1 trillion debt increase and the recent continuing resolution that went against the Republican budget. He has a score of 58% from Heritage Action for America. [Post Gazette, 10/4/11] RedState: Murphy Should Be Primaried In October 2011, RedState called for a primary challenge to Murphy and featured a list of items where Murphy has strayed from conservative doctrine.


RedState cited Murphys votes on the 2004 Medicare Part D plan, funding PBS, supporting SCHIP, and supporting AmeriCorps as times when he has strayed from Republicans. [,


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