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Newsletter of the American Fellowship Church
December 2011 Issue #10

Do You See What I See?

The blessing I see for this Christmas: Our troops are out of Iraq with most coming home for Christmas! I pray that they will return to satisfying lives, free from their trials in Iraq, or at least with appropriate treatment for their trauma. I pray that they and all of you have a safe and Merry Christmas and Joy throughout the holiday season. Reverend Theodore H. Swenson, Founder American Fellowship Church, since 1975 ______________________________________________________________________________________________

A Time to Care & Share!

Beyond the rush of cars, the crush of shoppers, the rustle of over-full shopping bags, there is a silence in many homes this season, a certain emptiness in many neighborhoods. If we could look closely, we would see that emptiness in the eyes of anxious parents, hungry youngsters, frail and lonely seniors, here in the land of plenty. Why? Oh, so many reasons. Its complicated. But what to do? Its simple. SHARE! Let us share what we can, as much as we can, whenever we can, whatever we can spare. Food banks are hungry for our donations. Services for persons and families-in-need -Salvation Army, Gospel Missions, other charitable outreach programs will gratefully receive and distribute donations. Oh, yes! For warmth, a check of our closets and clothing drawers will remind us of sweaters and jackets, socks and shoes, hats, scarves and gloves we no longer need, yet still wearable, some nearly new. Let us CARE & SHARE! May Gods gift of the Divine Child inspire our giving.
Adoration of the Magi from 'The Dunois Hours' c1450

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May there be inner peace today, and may you trust with joy youre exactly where youre meant to be.

Hanukkah - Festival of Lights

Hanukkah (Chanukah) celebrates an ages-old defeat of the invading Greek-Syrian army by the Maccabees, a small but strategic and brave band of Jews. When the Jews reclaimed the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, they found only enough of the consecrated oil remained to keep the eternal lamp lit for one day more. Miraculously, the lamp continued to burn for eight full days and nights, long enough to make new pure oil. Hence, the miracle of the oil. 1.

May you remember the possibilities for all things. May there be inner peace today. May there be inner peace today. and may you use the gifts you have been given and pass on what you have seen. May you be content just knowing you are the child divine. May there be inner peacetoday. And if you let this presence settle in your homes and allow the soul freedom to love, to dance, to sing, to praise, to love, to dance, to sing, to praise There will be inner peace today. There will be inner peacetoday. There will be inner
St. Teresa of Avila / Amanda OConnor

For that reason, Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, is celebrated for eight days. Its symbol, the menorah, is a nine-branched candelabrum eight branches which represent the eight days of grace when the lamp remained lit in the temple, plus an additional branch in the center for the candle used to light the others. On the first night of Chanukah one light is lit, and on every successive night an additional light is added. This year, 2011, Hanukkah begins at sunset on Tuesday, December 20, ending at sunset. Wednesday, December 28. To each Rabbi in our AFC ministry and your congregants, we wish a Happy and Peaceful Hanukkah.
For information about our Ministers Training, Well-Being, Bible Study, and Counseling, courses

A Timely Reminder
To remain a minister in good standing with the American Fellowship Church you must hold an unexpired minister ID/license card and be in "regular communion" with the Church. In this context, regular communion simply means: 1. you must contact us at least once a year, and 2. if any of your contact information changes your name, physical address, or email - you must notify us within two weeks of the change. Please keep in touch and keep up the good work!

Our Thanks
to YOU, our Spiritual Scoop readers. We welcome you to the American Fellowship Church, your on-line neighborhood church, always as close as your computer keyboard and your iGadget. The American Fellowship Church is here to support your ministry, ethically and practically. For certificates and other documentation, for training courses and professional development, we are your primary source and resource.
The Spiritual Scoop is published monthly / seasonally for the ordained ministers of the American Fellowship Church by the Church Board of Directors. Please address all correspondence to

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