Use Case Name2-Update2

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1. Use Case Name: Register Account Description When an actor wants to create an account, the Register Account use case allows the User to create a login and become a member. Pre-conditions 1. The actor must not be logged in to the system 2. The actor must have a valid email address Basic flow 1. The user selects the "Register Now" link 2. The user is shown a screen to enter the required information in order to create an account. 3. The user must enter a valid username, password, confirm password, first name, last name, email address, gender, preferred age range for match, location and CAPTCHA-like generated security code 4. The user submits form 5. The system validates the registration data and responds with a success notification. 6. The system sends an activation link to the user based on the email submitted. Alternative Flow If the user chooses to cancel the account creation, the processing is discontinued, and the user is notified that the account creation has been cancelled. If during Create Account, the system determines that the User entered invalid User Account information, the following occurs: 1. The system describes which entered data was invalid and presents the User with suggestions for entering valid data. 2. The system prompts the user to re-enter the invalid information. 3. The user re-enters the information and the system re-validates it. 4. If valid information is entered, the user account Information is stored. 5. If invalid information is entered, the entered information is invalid alternative flow is executed again. This continues until the user enters valid information, or chooses Cancel (see the user chooses to cancel account creation alternative flow above). Invalid user account information: - Missing information items - Username already exists in the system - User account information entered does not comply to its definition in the glossary - Not well formed e-mail address - Offending words in any part of the user account information Post-conditions 1. If the user entered valid data, the data is stored in the user account. Confirmation message with an activation link are sent to the appropriate email address. 2. If the User entered invalid data or chose to cancel the account creation request. In either case, no account will be created


Use Case Name: Activate Account Description When the user wants to activate an account Pre-conditions 1.The actor must visit the activation link sent to the email address provided during registration Basic flow 1. The user visits the activation link 2. The system approves the account 3. The system redirects the user to the login page Alternative Flow None Post-conditions 1. If the user clicks on the link, he/she can login to his/her account and use it 2. If the user does not follow the activation link, he/she is not authenticated and remains in the anonymous user role


1. 2.

Use Case Name: Retrieve Lost Password Description When the User forgets his/her password Pre-conditions 1. The actor must be registered 2. The actor is viewing the Login page Basic flow 1. The actor selects Forgot Password link. 2. The system displays the password recovery page. 3. The Actor enters his login name. 4. The system checks the database using the login name for the actors email address 5. The system submits a new temporary password and emails it to the actor 6. The system submits the new password to the database 7. The system sends the new password to the Actors email address provided when the account was created Alternative Flow If the actor login name is not found:The system displays a webpage indicating that the login name was not found. The system redirects the actor to the registration page Post-conditions 1. Actor has successfully received an email with his password 2. The user can login in using the password Use Case Name: Login Description When the user wants to login in to the system Pre-conditions


1. Basic flow 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

User has an active account

The user selects the Login link The system prompts the user for his/her username and password. The User enters his/her username and password. The user hits the Login button The system validates the entered information, making sure that the entered username and password are valid for one user account in the system, and that the required password is entered for the entered username. Alternative Flow If the User entered an invalid username and/or password, the following occurs: 1. The system describes the reason(s) why the User failed authentication. 2. The system presents the User with suggestions for changes necessary to allow the User to pass authentication. 3. The system prompts the User to re-enter the valid information and/or ( see use case Retrieve Lost User Password) Post-conditions 1. If the user enters valid information, he/she is signed in and the system displays all features available for the role the user is associated with as defined in his/her user account 2. If the user enters invalid data, he/she is not authenticated and remains anonymous user(visitor) 5. Use Case Name: Search Matches Description When the Actor wants to search for matches Pre-conditions 1. The actor is viewing the Search for Match page Basic flow 1. The user browses search for match form 2. The user selects his/her gender 3. The user selects the gender of the match he/she is seeking 4. The user selects the age range for the match 5. The user enters the location(country and zip code) for the match 6. The user click the Search button Alternative Flow If during search matches, the system determines that the actor entered invalid location (county or zip code), the following occurs: 1. The system describes which entered data was invalid and presents the actor with suggestions for entering valid data. 2. The system prompts the user to re-enter the invalid information. 3. The user re-enters the information and the system re-validates it. 4. If valid information is entered, the system process the actors search query and submits it to the database 5. If invalid information is entered, alternative flow is executed again Post-conditions 1. If matches are found, the system displays the ordered matches found

2. If database returns no matches, the system displays the message No match found 6. Use Case Name: Logout Description When member wants to logout of the system Pre-conditions 1. The member must be successfully logged in the system Basic flow 1. The user selects the Logout button 2. The member session is terminated 3. The user returns to the login page Alternative Flow None Post-conditions 1. The member session is terminated 2. The user view is changed to visitor 3. The system displays the login page


Use Case Name: Change Membership Level Description When the user wants to change his/her membership level Pre-conditions 1. The member must be logged in Basic flow 1. List of benefits for each membership level is displayed along with cost of each membership level 2. Member selects the desired membership level 3. Member selects a stored payment method 4. Member submits the request 5. The system validates the information with external credit card system 6. A Confirmation page is displayed 7. Member confirms and submits 8. Membership is updated Alternative Flow 2(a) If no change in membership level is detected confirmation page Is not displayed, instead a no-change message is displayed 3(a) If no default payment method is on file, member is taken to the create payment method page. Payment method is validated, encrypted and stored. If validation of credit card information fails, user is presented with a message indicating failure, and is redirected to re-enter credit information. Post-conditions 1. Membership is updated if a change has occurred. 2. Credit card is charged if an upgrade has occurred Use Case Name: Cancel Membership Description When the user wants to cancel membership



Pre-conditions The member must be logged in Basic flow 1. The member clicks the Cancel Membership link 2. The system requests for member to enter his/her username and password 3. The member enters username and password 4. The member clicks the Submit button 5. A Confirmation page is displayed 6. Member confirms and submits 7. Membership is cancelled and visitor landing page is displayed Alternative Flow 5(a) If when the confirmation page is displayed the member chooses not to confirm the cancel membership, the processing is discontinued, and the user is notified no membership changes were made. Post-conditions 1. If membership is cancelled, all references to member account are removed from the database and the member is redirected to visitor landing page 2. If when the confirmation page is displayed the member chooses not to confirm the cancel membership, the processing is discontinued, and the user is notified no membership changes were made. Manage Photo Gallery Some of use case candidates associate with manage photo gallery include a. Upload photos b. Organize Photos into galleries c. Review thumbnails d. Expand thumbnails e. Delete photo f. Create New Gallery

N-solutions will expand on the upload photos use case to give a feel for the level of detail in the other use case above 9. Use Case Name: Upload Photos Description When a member wants to upload his/her photo gallery Pre-conditions 1. The member must be logged in the system Basic flow 1. The member clicks the Upload Photos link 2. The system displays a list of locations where the photos can be uploaded from 3. The member selects the location of the photo 4. The member selects the list photos to be uploaded and clicks the OK button 5. The system displays a list of galleries where the photos can be uploaded to 6. The member selects gallery that photos should be uploaded or creates a new gallery. 7. The member provides brief photo information 8. The member clicks on the Submit button 9. The system submits the photo database to the administrator for approval 10. The system displays a message that the photos have been submitted for approval Alternative Flow 1. If no photos uploaded to the website, then display photo unavailability message. Post-conditions 1. Photo database changes submitted for approval and a confirmation message displayed. 2. If no photos uploaded to the website, then display photo unavailability message. Use Case Name: Manage Personal Profile Description This use case occurs when the member wants to change his/her profile information Pre-conditions 1. The member must be logged in Basic flow 1. User selects Edit Profile 2. The system displays categories of profile which include:a. Personal details b. Basic information c. Interests d. Physical appearance e. Professional life f. Profile photos g. Lifestyle 3. User selects category 4. System displays detail of specific profile 5. User changes his/her profile details and confirms 6. Application closes the category page Alternative Flow


2(f-1) If the user uploads a profile photo, the system submits the photo database to the administrator for approval. The system displays a message that the photos have been submitted for approval. 5(a) If user cancels the profile update, application continues to 6 without updating details Post-conditions 1. If the user uploads a profile photo, the system submits the photo database to the administrator for approval. The system displays a message that the photos have been submitted for approval 2. If the Member only chose view the profile but not edit, no changes are made in the database 3. For other changes, the system saves the changes and displays a message that profile has been successfully updated 11. Use Case Name: Chat Description This use case will allow for live communication/chat between members (who are either buddies or not in the banned/blocked list) through a web interface Pre-conditions 1. The member must be logged in the system 2. Members must be either buddies or not in the banned/blocked list 3. The member must visible for chat by other members Basic flow 1. The member (chat host) selects to view online members 2. The system displays a list of online members 3. The chat host chooses other member(s) to invite for chat 4. The system sends a chat request to the invited user 5. The system displays the invitation form to the invited user 6. The invited user chooses to join chat 7. The system closes the invitation form 8. The system displays the chat window for the chat host and invited host Alternative Flow 1. 6 (a) If the invited user chooses not to join chat, the system continues to 7 without display the chat window Post-conditions 1. The invited members can chat with the host member privately


Use Case Name: Send Message Description When a member wants to send a message Pre-conditions 1. The member must be logged in the system 2. The authenticated member must be viewing another members profile Basic flow 1. The member(sender) selects send message 2. The system displays the send message window 3. The member indicates subject 4. The member types a message

5. The member submits the message Alternative Flow 1. 5(a). If the member(sender) cancels, the system deletes the typed message Post-conditions 1. The message is sent to the designated member(receiver) 2. If the sender cancels, no message is sent 13. Use Case Name: Add to Buddy List Description When a registered member adds another member to his/her personal buddy list Pre-conditions 1. The member must be logged in the system 2. The member must be viewing another members profile Basic flow 1. The user selects the option Add to Buddy List 2. The user may enter a message to the contacted user 3. The user clicks on add friend 4. The system sends a contact request to the contacted member 5. The contacted user approves the contact request 6. The system adds both profiles to the friends lists of each other 7. The system sends an approval message to the user who initiated the contact Alternative Flow 5a. The contacted user rejects the contact request 6a. The system rejects the user who initiated the contact Post-conditions The selected profile is added to the users buddy list Use Case Name: Delete Buddy


Description A subscribed member removes a member profile from his/her buddy list. Pre-conditions 1. The member is logged in 2. The buddy profile to remove is on the users buddy list Basic flow 1. The user selects manage buddy list 2. The system displays the list of buddies 3. The user selects remove from buddy list for the profile he/she wants to delete from his buddy list 4. The user confirms to delete the selected profile

5. The system removes the selected profile from the users buddies Alternative Flow 5a. The user cancels the deletion of the selected profile Post-conditions The selected profile is removed from the users buddy list

Admin Functions Non-Functional Requirements Non-functional requirements specify the systems quality characteristics or quality attributes 1. Usability The user is expected to have basic computer skills to effectively use the system 2. Reliability 3. Security Encryption of data transfers both internally and across external systems 4. Performance Encryption of data transfers both internally and across external systems Constraints on the system:

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