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Every night, I have the same dream: a man behind a door with a tattooed erection and no reflection.

Every night, I have the same dream: Madonnas at the crossroads, dressed like future spies; they shine their lips with android sperm. Every night I have the same dream: white crows in an empty sky; when I call, they descend, the young trees bend, and the dream is always dry. Diaries celebrate rituals; cerebrate, heroin, Jim chooses shooting whores over shooting hoops, or, horse chooses him, Pascals dream; a painter who every night dreamed she was a king, IS a king, who every night DREAMED he was a painter, every DAY I have a different dream. We labor every day in a landmark, THE landmark for the poor; renovating landmarks is slow work, revealing layers of limestone, of fungus, termites, decay, of fungus, thick, bright technicolored, even enough to scare even the most heroic doser! YES! Dread drudges, food of the gods, from the gods, but this is riDICulous! In ancient Athens, Athena rode through the streets in a chariot of fire; gods walked the earth BECAUSE GODS WALKED THE EARTH. Only a god can save us now. Fritz on Martin deemed eternally, fritz on gods grave, Martin in his black forest altar. We labor every day in a landmark, at debates altar, in Sheridans shadow, awaiting neither god nor dog, son of god, son of Sam, son of a fuck but then who is it? IN utero IN vitro, in for a penny, wanna pound another NAIL for the cause, another NAIL in gods coffin. If only god could save us now, might be time to call out the dogs; a symphony of canine advice on killing prostitutes, killing vice, this place is KILLING me We labor every day under the onus of fungus, under the weight of gods food, inhaled not ingested, invitations not easily refused. Wonder why gods chosen chose this land, why god promised their land, why god never choose us when picking sides for basketball. With god on your side, doing gods work, no obstacle too large, no cost too high, no genocide too great. Allah be praised, Hosanna in the highest! Yahweh lights the way, while Sheridan backtrails, to villages, emptied of warriors, filled with easy pickings, major general jumbo sex pillages slice dices scalps rapes, delivers the Midwest, delivers on a promise, delivers the promised land to the chosen people; our numbers up, eviction papers came in the visage of the architect, hell-bent on preservation, restoration, rejuvenation, renovation, gutpicking, spills Sheridans guts. We labor every day in a landmark, land marked with blood, red blood spilled by the red-blooded, the redblooded still spill so much blood, seems like the mark of being red-blooded is to spill blood: Southeast Asian blood, South American blood, South Pacific blood, Nazi, Fascist, Communist, Terrorist blood; so much blood spilled on the promised land, so much promise unfulfilled, too much bloodlust fulfilled. We labor every day in a landmark, ringed with limestone, singed by ferocious fungi and inferdened by a century lived among the ghosts of centuries past, slaughtered so that so many could learn, burdens shared with learners ignorant of owed debt, lives lived in blissed-out innocence of lives lost for promises made by a dead god, destiny made manifest in the villagers visages, filled with horror, hatred bred of occupation, nurtured through massacre; stoked by the fires set when backstabbers trekked back through the trails of exiting warriors, a sure sign: resistance is futile; assimilation dangled, citizenship offered; submit, submerge, trail of tears without reserve, removed to reservations, assured forever, unless.fuel found, coal that is, black gold just show us where it is; maps overlaid, laid over Indian country like addictions tracks laying over the veins of nuclear junkies, laying bare uranium veins, laying waste to land promised to the people, not gods chosen, maternal items first, why god never chose them when choosing sides for holy wars.

Every night, I have the same dream, we labor in a landmark, under obligations weight, through a fungus fog; new refrigerator up through the previous generations suicide, likely out of shame for our course, shifting under Sheridans shadow, obligations onus, a solar anus spewing poisonous particulates, like shamans drinking acolytes urine, poisons purge, potency ensured; inhaled, not ingested, insidious, irresistible, moths drawn to fiery deaths, debaters drawn with very fine camel hair brushes, broad strokes from the bright lights like the frigid light from withIN, with the fire down beLOW, down to the short strokes gripped by the short hairs, hair of the dog biting my ass again. A word to the wise, apparently insufficient, here we go again: I open the fridge, way too frigid, in Stones garage, light shining, indeed, bright, at the back, almost reach it, little help, boost from Avery, probably a little TOO late, still, slipping sliding, way too frigid, like sins ice age, sliding, ice tunnel, images timmeled, treasons troops, teasers lighting the way, ice melts, tunnel ends, a torrent of ice water, falling, falling, water warm falls, hurls me in a pool, I feel it reflecting, waterfall, rocks, suns, sky, not me, naturally I check, tattooed and erect, marvelous detail I marvel; in the distance an dog barks and I follow the sound, across the mountain meadow, lush green, beautiful, when I crest the berm, a shepherd, by the looks of his flock, not that Im staring or anything, a shepherd, falling asleep while his flocks forage; do androids dream of electronic sheep? Do shepherds dream of android sperm? Deep asleep awakened when a long thick snake crawls in his throat, CHOKING, GAGGING, dog barking furiously, I arrive just after another, antiquated dress: bowler hat, bushy moustache, long forehead, mischevious, sparkling eyes, a wink to me, a knowing smile, and a voice that booms across the meadow: BITE BITE BITE! instructions chattered to a now bluish shepherd chewing on chestnuts dropped from trees planted by sages ages ago. Times conundrum: bite or choke, the shepherd bites hard, spews the asp head, gasps, gulps, disappears; in his place, a gateway; a moment, without hesitation, bushy moustache, shakes off the previously undetected debaters sitting on his back, dripping lead from words, traces of molten lead dripping from his collar, trailing down debaters chins with shit-eating grins once dethroned, goes off on trails of rocks hidden behind bushes; hot on capital T Truths trail, hot off the presses, surely possesses nothing but the truth; so help them god, Hosanna in the highest! I LEAP through the doorway before it disappears, too long to follow the other one who travels back to subvaneous flat rock, awaiting another of Zarathustras visits, I up to another land, a different promise, to Allahs children, from the Midwest to Middle East, America centered in Central Asia, darkness surrounds, with caves mouths in real mountains, and, fires a lumin at Allahs armies bowing, praying face east to the Kabad, Mecca, face east, fear west, fight the worst of gods children; with god on our side, annihilation assured, rest assured, Armageddon at hand; I have a dream, the same dream every night and the dream is always dry. I stumble in the dark towards the fire light, fall into fires light, fall out of faith, into hellfire, burning flesh, eternally; where would you rather spend eternity? Listening to hellfire and brimstone at gods right hand? or listening to hells holy choir, screeching electric guitar music, Jimis guitar permanently ablaze; synapses firing, bullets flying, on my belly, lying soaked in a southeast paddy, sounds like cicadas, humans dimmed; cant see the trees for the forest, cant see the forest for the jungle, out of differences light, out of the jungles clearing, out of forests, into paddies, pads, Im, PADDIES as far as the eye can see; out of sight, out of mind, time out of mind, out from Humanitas, across rivers, never the same twice, beacon hill, bunker, hill; like an emperor, I came I OVERsaw I conquered; empires on a hill, overlooking fiefdoms; mapmakers standing on a mountain, overlooking hills, historians, looking over maps, reigning in disciplines, raining on parades, struggling for imperialism, dizzying distant frontiers, shattering local contours, rooms spin, faces blur, bodies merge, out of many, one, from none, all, a book for no one, crowds cheer, tins collapse, darkness and cobwebs, fire afflicts of hallucinatory gods, words on walls, chains abyssal, bombs drop, people drop, villages burn, cities burn, too many, too many TOO MANY; lets disparage, lose sight, [sarcasm] as if insight bears insight, [/sarcasm] bear a little witness, lay bare wounds, wounds covered over tactfully; in a distance a dog barks and our topic gags, bites, spews, and the night gives way to light, bright light, here comes the sunshine, California here we come, generations gaze follows, night falls, prayers end, arms gathered, alms always already elsewhere, unhinged, maps drop, too many too many, TOO MANY!

Out further into the night; same nightmare, different list: Frankfurt, Tokyo, Los Angeles, NYC, blood flows, seas parted, reverie startled, solutions: so simple, MUST be a dream, [sarcasm] from every mountaintop, freedom rings, freedom rings, FREEDOM RINGS! [/sarcasm] Checks returned, marked insufficient, masking malice, liberty gags, bites, spews, South Africa MUST be freed! Walls collapse, fear returns eternally, pawned beets, fallen bears, Islam occupied, intelligence lost, agency found! Without agents, history ends; dissent withers, winners win; W hides a rock behind a bush and cant find it! Fritz writes a moment on the water and calls it woman; politicians stand on shores, as plans crash like veins, planes crash like firebombs, towers rage, red-blooded blood runs like rivers through the GUTTERS! HATRED PATRIOTISM RAGE! AFGHANISTAN RAGE! SHOCK AND AWE! SHOCK AND FUCKING AWE! BAGHDAD RAGE! Bunkers busted, Bush busting out, washed clean by cannibal blood in baptismal water, reborn, singe shorn, flesh torn, debate argues abysses, courage slaves dizziness, giddiness at the edge of abysses, debate always argues abysses; look into the abyss and the abyss looks back at you; beware dynamite sinking, easily found, impossibly forgotten, writing, reading, hearing abysses demands courage, acts as bold as love, then cries Mary; Andora opens and the music stops just as the timer goes off; hey Joe, dont forget your gun: this is my rifle, this is my gun, this is for fighting, this is for fun, ready, set, your turn.

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