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AzCATs COMMUNICATION POLICY AND PROCEDURE The following sets out the policy and procedures to be used to communicate

issues, concerns, and suggestions to AzCATs Management. Prior to utilizing the formal communication process, volunteers, employees, and partners are encouraged to bring their comments to the attention of Management, which will endeavor to take appropriate action. Purpose of Policy This policy is established to ensure adequate and effective lines of communication between AzCATs volunteers, employees, and partners and Management and the Board of Directors. Definitions 1. Business Day 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday 2. Issue Comment, concern, and/or recommendation 3. Manager - AzCATs Volunteer Coordinator or President/CEO, as appropriate 4. Senior Manager AzCATs President/CEO 5. Writer AzCATs volunteers, employees, and partners Step One: Informal (Verbal or e-mail) 1. If feasible, the volunteer, employee, or partner shall first attempt to communicate with Management informally. This may be done either verbally or via e-mail. If communication is initiated via e-mail, the writer shall indicate Communication Policy and Procedure in the subject line. 2. Management shall respond within two (2) business days. If the issue is not addressed to the satisfaction of the writer, he or she may proceed to Step Two. Note: If an informal resolution is not feasible, for example, because the situation can only be addressed at a higher level, then the writer may proceed directly to Step Two. Step Two: Formal Senior Manager (Written, Request for Action Form) 1. If the issue is not satisfactorily addressed in Step One, it may be submitted in writing to the Senior Manager on the Request for Action Form.

2. The subject line on the transmittal e-mail shall read Request for Action Step Two. 3. In accordance with information required on the Request for Action Form, the writer shall clearly and concisely identify the issue and provide a recommendation. The Senior Manager shall respond with a decision in writing within 20 business days of receipt of the Request for Action Form. 4. If the issue is not satisfactorily addressed through Step Two, the writer may bring the issue before the AzCATs Board of Directors using Step Three. Step Three: Formal Board of Directors (Written, Request for Action Form) 1. If the issue is not resolved at Step Two, the writer may present the issue to the Board within ten (10) working days of receipt of the Senior Managers written decision, using the Request for Action Form. 2. The subject line on the transmittal e-mail shall read Request for Action Step Three. 3. The writer shall clearly and concisely identify the issue and provide a recommended solution. The writer shall attach the related Step Two Request for Action Form, along with the Senior Managers response. 4. At its discretion, the Board or its designee may interview the writer, to better understand the nature of the issue, its impact on the organization and operations, and the requested action. 5. The Board shall reply to the writer no later than 20 business days after receiving the Request for Action Form. 6. The decision of the Board is final.

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