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Major, I would like to congratulate you on your recent graduation from the Bendu Order.

Im sure whatever deeper connections to the force that you developed were worth the trip. However, danger now stalks the New Republic. With Admiral Ackbars retirement, and Borsk Feylyas rise to power, our armed forces lack any direction. The last act of the Admiral was to create the Rapid Response Task Force as well as, by the request of Commander Luke Skywalker, to resurrect Renegade Squadron and add you as a member. As such, I am assigning Renegade Squadron to the Remember Alderaan, flagship of the RRTF. From there, I will send along missions that will be worth your time. I grant you a class X ship license, so that you can land, no questions asked in New Republic ports and your ship will never be searched unless you permit it. As long as you do not explicitly break any laws, you will not appear in New republic records and you will never be followed or observed by New Republic personnel. However, this license comes with some drawbacks. Because this ship will not exist in New Republic logbooks, and the clearance level is well beyond

regular military, you cannot rely on military assistance in New Republic sectors. You and the rest of Renegade Squadron do not exist within military records except in the RRTF, and the RRTF has been stripped from New Republic Fleets and from official military records as well. Essentially, the RRTF is a ghost fleet, appearing when and where necessary, making its own missions and determining how best to act, and not under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Defense. Effectively, renegade Squadron will be the covert Deep Ops of this ghost fleet, and the only official link to the New Republic will be me. Good Luck Captain, head back to Coruscant for now, I will contact you once more with the location of the fleet so that the two of you can rendezvous and your promotion will become official. It is good to have capable people like you on our side. General Crix Madine

Captain, I have sensed a great distress in the force. A great danger mustering on your borders. A mind, full of calculations, thinking years ahead but always mindful of the past. Eyes, red eyes in the dark. A great war is approaching, I can sense it. You may not believe in everything that the Bendu tried to teach you, but believe this at least; the coming months will test the will of the entire galaxy. There will be much death at the hands of the few, while the government of the many will be blind to the coming darkness. Prepare; there is still time to steel yourself and your comrades. I cannot maintain this form for very long. Look to the lost fleet. Look to the lost worlds. The invisible and the forgotten are what will carry the day. May the Force be with you Captain.

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