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Q&A Session for DC Partner SE VT - Day 1 Session number: 208031807 Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 Starting time:

9:10 AM ________________________________________________________________ Aaron Malinowski (amalinowski@computex-inc.com) - 8:08 AM Q: Can we get the ability to get audio from the client rather than the phone plea se? Chris King - 8:09 AM A: From the communicate menu, use integrated VoIP ________________________________________________________________ Dan Freedman (dan@ednetics.com) - 8:10 AM Q: Join Teleconference under Integrated VoIP menu option is greyed out. Chris King - 8:14 AM A: Not sure why it's greyed out. We'll have to look into that. Please d ial in for the time being ________________________________________________________________ Namal Raigama (namal@datavox.net) - 8:42 AM Q: Just send us the power point please. You can not get this going for 40 min. We have things to do. Hector Salas - 8:53 AM A: Our deepest apologies for the technical issues. The presentations are on the community at www.cisco.com/go/dcpartnervt ________________________________________________________________ Vincent Corbett (corbet_v@bellsouth.net) - 8:42 AM Q: i was just removed from the webex Hector Salas - 8:51 AM A: We are experiencing technical difficulties with Webex this morning. We apologize for the inconvenience ________________________________________________________________ Mohammad Alammouri (malammouri@matcoltd.com) - 8:46 AM Q: you will provide video recording also ? if yes when it will be available on th e community site ? Hector Salas - 8:57 AM A: We are recording the Webex and the link for the recording witll be mad e available later today at www.cisco.com/dcpartnervt ________________________________________________________________ Joe Gentile (joe.gentile@onx.com) - 8:50 AM Q: Can you publish an agenda with session times please. What you're presenting d oesn't match the agenda that was published last week Hector Salas - 9:03 AM A: All content and recordings will be posted at www.cisco.com/go/dcpartne rvt ________________________________________________________________ Patrick Saldou (psaldou@eplus.com) - 8:53 AM Q: I know that we are now off schedule but could you please send out a schedule o f the different sessions that are going to be covered? Hector Salas - 9:03 AM A: All content and recordings will be posted at www.cisco.com/go/dcpartne rvt ________________________________________________________________

Patrick Saldou (psaldou@eplus.com) - 8:57 AM Q: Can the M1 card be in the same VDC as the F2 card? Chris King - 9:05 AM A: No, F2 cards must be in their own VDC ________________________________________________________________ Ken Hosford (ken.hosford@ironbow.com) - 9:13 AM Q: how does fabricpath compare to otv? Wei Wu - 9:23 AM A: FP is used to scale layer 2 domain, OTV is a DCI technology used to co nnect same subnets from different Data centers. ________________________________________________________________ Mike Korenbaum (mkorenba@cisco.com) - 9:07 AM Q: F1 cards can be in the same VDC as M1 cards though? Wei Wu - 9:23 AM A: yes ________________________________________________________________ Craig Weinhold (craig.weinhold@cdw.com) - 9:07 AM Q: Does FP have any polarization issues? Are there guidelines about when to use p ort-channels and when to use ECMP? Wei Wu - 9:30 AM A: port-chanels would be used if you want to bundle more than 1 link toge ther to another switch, it gives you more bandwidth than single links, with sing les links you can have up to 16x ECMP paths to next hop, each path being 10GE Wei Wu - 9:32 AM A: with port-channels, you can have 16 ECMP paths too, but each path woul d be up to 16x 10GE for 160GE. ________________________________________________________________ Craig Weinhold (craig.weinhold@cdw.com) - 9:26 AM Q: How well does FP support sloppy network topologies? I.e., daisy-chaining multi ple FP switches, leaf switches that also act as spines, and so forth? Wei Wu - 9:36 AM A: this will work too, the most efficient design would be like the slides with spines at core and leafs connecting to multiple spines, FP is flexible

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