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[root@sswapsgp MediaServer]# ./runISUP Starting Processes...[ DONE ] Sleeping..........

[ DONE ] [root@sswapsgp MediaServer]# [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] *********************** *********************************** [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Telesoft MediaServer v1.0.0.0 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] PYRO NETWORKS PVT LTD [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] *********************************************** *********** [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Reading Application Configuration Parameters [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] DB_HOST= [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] DB_USER=simswap [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] DB_PASSWORD=simswap [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] DB_NAME=simswapp [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] ALARM_HOST= [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] ALARM_PORT=16000 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] ALARM_ENABLE=NO [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] MAX_TIME=10 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] DATABASE_ENABLE=NO [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] CLI=9848663308 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] ONA=national [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] DNA=national [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] TDAPI_PORT=4001 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] NUM_CARDS=1 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] SERVER_PORT=15000 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] PROTOCOL=ISUP [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] TYPE=VOICE [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Initalizing timer with value 4 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Reading Stack Configurations parameters [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=TRUNK_CONFIG Params:: CARD_ID=0 TRUNK_ID=0 FRAMING_FORMAT=0 CRC_MODE=0 LINE_BUILD_OUT=0 LOSS _THRESHOLD=3 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=TRUNK_CONFIG Params:: CARD_ID=0 TRUNK_ID=1 FRAMING_FORMAT=0 CRC_MODE=0 LINE_BUILD_OUT=0 LOSS _THRESHOLD=3 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=TRUNK_CONFIG Params:: CARD_ID=0 TRUNK_ID=2 FRAMING_FORMAT=0 CRC_MODE=0 LINE_BUILD_OUT=0 LOSS _THRESHOLD=3 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=TRUNK_CONFIG Params:: CARD_ID=0 TRUNK_ID=3 FRAMING_FORMAT=0 CRC_MODE=0 LINE_BUILD_OUT=0 LOSS _THRESHOLD=3 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=TRUNK_CONFIG Params:: CARD_ID=0 TRUNK_ID=4 FRAMING_FORMAT=0 CRC_MODE=0 LINE_BUILD_OUT=0 LOSS _THRESHOLD=3 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=TRUNK_CONFIG Params:: CARD_ID=0 TRUNK_ID=5 FRAMING_FORMAT=0 CRC_MODE=0 LINE_BUILD_OUT=0 LOSS _THRESHOLD=3 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=TRUNK_CONFIG Params:: CARD_ID=0 TRUNK_ID=6 FRAMING_FORMAT=0 CRC_MODE=0 LINE_BUILD_OUT=0 LOSS _THRESHOLD=3 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=TRUNK_CONFIG Params:: CARD_ID=0 TRUNK_ID=7 FRAMING_FORMAT=0 CRC_MODE=0 LINE_BUILD_OUT=0 LOSS _THRESHOLD=3 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=MTP_LINKSET Params:: LINKSET_ID=0 OPC=1615 DPC=8133 NI=2 NUM_LINKS=2 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=MTP_LINKSET Params:: LINKSET_ID=1 OPC=1617 DPC=11000 NI=2 NUM_LINKS=2 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=MTP_LINKSET Params:: LINKSET_ID=2

OPC=1617 DPC=12000 NI=2 NUM_LINKS=2 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=MTP_LINK Params:: BOARDNO=0 LINK_ID= 0 LINKSET_ID=0 SLC=0 TRUNK=0 TIMESLOT=16 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=MTP_LINK Params:: BOARDNO=0 LINK_ID= 1 LINKSET_ID=0 SLC=1 TRUNK=1 TIMESLOT=16 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=MTP_LINK Params:: BOARDNO=0 LINK_ID= 2 LINKSET_ID=1 SLC=0 TRUNK=6 TIMESLOT=1 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=MTP_LINK Params:: BOARDNO=0 LINK_ID= 3 LINKSET_ID=1 SLC=1 TRUNK=6 TIMESLOT=2 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=MTP_LINK Params:: BOARDNO=0 LINK_ID= 4 LINKSET_ID=2 SLC=0 TRUNK=7 TIMESLOT=1 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=MTP_LINK Params:: BOARDNO=0 LINK_ID= 5 LINKSET_ID=2 SLC=1 TRUNK=7 TIMESLOT=2 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=MTP_ROUTE Params:: ROUTE_ID=0 LINKSET_ ID=0 PRIMARY_FLAG=1 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=MTP_DESTINATION Params:: DESTINATION_ID =0 PC=8133 NI=2 ROUTECOUNT=1 ROUTE_IDS=0 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=MTP_DESTINATION Params:: DESTINATION_ID =1 PC=8131 NI=2 ROUTECOUNT=1 ROUTE_IDS=1 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=MTP_DESTINATION Params:: DESTINATION_ID =2 PC=11000 NI=2 ROUTECOUNT=1 ROUTE_IDS=2 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=MTP_DESTINATION Params:: DESTINATION_ID =3 PC=12000 NI=2 ROUTECOUNT=1 ROUTE_IDS=3 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=ISUP_CONFIG Params:: NUM_OF_CCT_GRP S=6 NUM_OF_CCTS=192 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=ISUP_CCTGRP_CONFIG Params:: GID=0 OPC=1615 DPC=8131 NI=2 BASE_CIC=1 BASE_CID=1 CICMASK=0x7fff7f ff [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=ISUP_CCTGRP_CONFIG Params:: GID=1 OPC=1615 DPC=8131 NI=2 BASE_CIC=33 BASE_CID=33 CICMASK=0x7fff7f ff [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=ISUP_CCTGRP_CONFIG Params:: GID=2 OPC=1615 DPC=8131 NI=2 BASE_CIC=65 BASE_CID=65 CICMASK=0x7fff7f ff [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=ISUP_CCTGRP_CONFIG Params:: GID=3 OPC=1615 DPC=8131 NI=2 BASE_CIC=97 BASE_CID=97 CICMASK=0x7fff7f ff [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=ISUP_CCTGRP_CONFIG Params:: GID=4 OPC=1615 DPC=8131 NI=2 BASE_CIC=129 BASE_CID=129 CICMASK=0x7fff7f ff [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Key=ISUP_CCTGRP_CONFIG Params:: GID=5 OPC=1615 DPC=8131 NI=2 BASE_CIC=161 BASE_CID=161 CICMASK=0x7fff7f ff [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::InitialiseFirmWare() Initiali zing TDapi Firmware with Port Number 4001 Library Version Dual Plane Converged 19.19 Initialising FlexLM... Version of FlexLM Library = [@(#)Telesoft Technologies Ltd Software Licensing Li brary Version 002, FLEXlm Version 10.1] FlexLM Running: Located Telesoft Technologies Licensing Directory [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::InitialiseFirmWare() Setting debugging level to 255 Success [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::provIns() Maintenance is In S ervice [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::registerApplication() Hosted Application Instance 1 Registered [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::registerApplication() Registe ring Card 0 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::registerApplication() Hosted Application Instance 2 Registered

[Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::provIns() MTP is In Service [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::provIns() Configure Mtp Stack OPC=1615, OPC NI=2 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::provIns() Configure Mtp Links et ID=0, DPC=8133, DPC NI=2 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::provIns() Configure Mtp Links et ID=1, DPC=11000, DPC NI=2 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::provIns() Configure Mtp Links et ID=2, DPC=12000, DPC NI=2 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::provIns() Configure Mtp Route Route_ID 0, Linkset_ID 0, primaryFlag 1 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::provIns() Configure Mtp Route Destination ID 0, PC 8133, PC NI 2 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::provIns() Configure Mtp Route Destination ID 1, PC 8131, PC NI 2 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::provIns() Configure Mtp Route Destination ID 2, PC 11000, PC NI 2 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::provIns() Configure Mtp Route Destination ID 3, PC 12000, PC NI 2 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::provIns() Define Mtp Port for User Part isup_0 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Starting the Server Serivces [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Creating a ServerSocket on Port 15000 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Setting up for IPV4 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Server Service Thread created [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Binding to the Server Socket [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] ProcessMessage Thread created [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Server Socket SD :10 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Listening on port :15000 for SD :10 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Waiting for a client [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] Process Messages Thread Created [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configureCard() Reset Card 0, status OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configureCard() Configuring 1 , Card(s) [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configureCard() Configuring 8 , Trunk(s) [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configureCard() Configure Car d 0, trunk 0 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configureCard() Configure Car d 0, trunk 1 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configureCard() Configure Car d 0, trunk 2 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configureCard() Configure Car d 0, trunk 3 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configureCard() Configure Car d 0, trunk 4 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configureCard() Configure Car d 0, trunk 5 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configureCard() Configure Car d 0, trunk 6 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configureCard() Configure Car d 0, trunk 7 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::registerCardInd() Connected t o card 0 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTrunkRsp() Configure tr unk 0, card 0, status OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTrunkRsp() Configure tr unk 0, card 0, rxTrunksConfigured 1, trunksConfigured 8 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTrunkRsp() Configure tr

unk 1, card 0, status OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTrunkRsp() Configure tr unk 1, card 0, rxTrunksConfigured 2, trunksConfigured 8 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTrunkRsp() Configure tr unk 2, card 0, status OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTrunkRsp() Configure tr unk 2, card 0, rxTrunksConfigured 3, trunksConfigured 8 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTrunkRsp() Configure tr unk 3, card 0, status OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTrunkRsp() Configure tr unk 3, card 0, rxTrunksConfigured 4, trunksConfigured 8 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTrunkRsp() Configure tr unk 4, card 0, status OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTrunkRsp() Configure tr unk 4, card 0, rxTrunksConfigured 5, trunksConfigured 8 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTrunkRsp() Configure tr unk 5, card 0, status OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTrunkRsp() Configure tr unk 5, card 0, rxTrunksConfigured 6, trunksConfigured 8 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTrunkRsp() Configure tr unk 6, card 0, status OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTrunkRsp() Configure tr unk 6, card 0, rxTrunksConfigured 7, trunksConfigured 8 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTrunkRsp() Configure tr unk 7, card 0, status OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTrunkRsp() Configure tr unk 7, card 0, rxTrunksConfigured 8, trunksConfigured 8 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTrunkRsp() Start Card 0 , trunk 0 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTrunkRsp() Start Card 0 , trunk 1 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTrunkRsp() Start Card 0 , trunk 2 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTrunkRsp() Start Card 0 , trunk 3 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTrunkRsp() Start Card 0 , trunk 4 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTrunkRsp() Start Card 0 , trunk 5 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTrunkRsp() Start Card 0 , trunk 6 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTrunkRsp() Start Card 0 , trunk 7 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::startTrunkResponse() Start tr unk 0, card 0, OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::startTrunkResponse() Start tr unk rxTrunkStarted 1, trunksConfigured 8 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::startTrunkResponse() Start tr unk 1, card 0, OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::startTrunkResponse() Start tr unk rxTrunkStarted 2, trunksConfigured 8 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::startTrunkResponse() Start tr unk 2, card 0, OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::startTrunkResponse() Start tr unk rxTrunkStarted 3, trunksConfigured 8 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::startTrunkResponse() Start tr unk 3, card 0, OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::startTrunkResponse() Start tr unk rxTrunkStarted 4, trunksConfigured 8 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::startTrunkResponse() Start tr

unk 4, card 0, OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::startTrunkResponse() Start tr unk rxTrunkStarted 5, trunksConfigured 8 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::startTrunkResponse() Start tr unk 5, card 0, OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::startTrunkResponse() Start tr unk rxTrunkStarted 6, trunksConfigured 8 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::startTrunkResponse() Start tr unk 6, card 0, OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::startTrunkResponse() Start tr unk rxTrunkStarted 7, trunksConfigured 8 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::startTrunkResponse() Start tr unk 7, card 0, OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::startTrunkResponse() Start tr unk rxTrunkStarted 8, trunksConfigured 8 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:08 2011] StackConfigMaint::startTrunkResponse() Configur e Timing for cardId 0, with A_PRIMARY_MASTER, CT_INTERNAL, CT_NONE, CT_NONE, CT_ NONE [Tue Mar 29 10:11:10 2011] StackConfigMaint::provIns() ISUP is In Service [Tue Mar 29 10:11:10 2011] StackConfigMaint::provIns() Configuring 6 Circu it Group(s) 192 ISUPCircuit(s) [Tue Mar 29 10:11:10 2011] StackConfigMaint::l1StatusInd() Card 0 Trunk 0 Layer 1 Non-operational [Tue Mar 29 10:11:10 2011] StackConfigMaint::l1StatusInd() Card 0 Trunk 1 Layer 1 Non-operational [Tue Mar 29 10:11:10 2011] StackConfigMaint::l1StatusInd() Card 0 Trunk 2 Layer 1 Non-operational [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::l1StatusInd() Card 0 Trunk 3 Layer 1 Non-operational [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::l1StatusInd() Card 0 Trunk 4 Layer 1 Non-operational [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::l1StatusInd() Card 0 Trunk 0 Layer 1 Non-operational [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::l1StatusInd() Card 0 Trunk 5 Layer 1 Non-operational [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::l1StatusInd() Card 0 Trunk 0 Layer 1 Operational [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTiming() Configure Timi ng Status OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTiming() Configure Sign alling Stream 0 Timeslot 16, L2_ITUT_MTP,USER_END,RATE_64KBS,0, 1 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTiming() Configure Sign alling Stream 1 Timeslot 16, L2_ITUT_MTP,USER_END,RATE_64KBS,0, 1 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTiming() Configure Sign alling Stream 6 Timeslot 1, L2_ITUT_MTP,USER_END,RATE_64KBS,0, 1 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTiming() Configure Sign alling Stream 6 Timeslot 2, L2_ITUT_MTP,USER_END,RATE_64KBS,0, 1 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTiming() Configure Sign alling Stream 7 Timeslot 1, L2_ITUT_MTP,USER_END,RATE_64KBS,0, 1 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::configTiming() Configure Sign alling Stream 7 Timeslot 2, L2_ITUT_MTP,USER_END,RATE_64KBS,0, 1 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::configureSignallingRsp() card 0, Configure Signalling type 1, Stream 0, Timeslot 16, status OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::configureSignallingRsp() card 0, Configure Signalling type 1, Stream 1, Timeslot 16, status OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::configureSignallingRsp() card 0, Configure Signalling type 1, Stream 6, Timeslot 1, status OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::configureSignallingRsp() card 0, Configure Signalling type 1, Stream 6, Timeslot 2, status OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::configureSignallingRsp() card

0, Configure Signalling type 1, Stream 7, Timeslot 1, status OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::configureSignallingRsp() card 0, Configure Signalling type 1, Stream 7, Timeslot 2, status OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() card 0 S tart Signalling type 1, Stream 0, Timeslot 16, status OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() Configur e MTP Link 0, cardId 0, Stream 0,Timeslot 16, SLC 0 ,LINKSET_ID 0 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() Card 0 Activate Link 0 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() card 0 S tart Signalling type 1, Stream 1, Timeslot 16, status OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() Configur e MTP Link 1, cardId 0, Stream 1,Timeslot 16, SLC 1 ,LINKSET_ID 0 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() Card 0 Activate Link 1 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() card 0 S tart Signalling type 1, Stream 6, Timeslot 1, status OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() Configur e MTP Link 2, cardId 0, Stream 6,Timeslot 1, SLC 0 ,LINKSET_ID 1 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() Card 0 Activate Link 2 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() Configur e MTP Link 3, cardId 0, Stream 6,Timeslot 1, SLC 1 ,LINKSET_ID 1 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() Card 0 Activate Link 3 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() card 0 S tart Signalling type 1, Stream 6, Timeslot 2, status OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() Configur e MTP Link 2, cardId 0, Stream 6,Timeslot 2, SLC 0 ,LINKSET_ID 1 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() Card 0 Activate Link 2 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() Configur e MTP Link 3, cardId 0, Stream 6,Timeslot 2, SLC 1 ,LINKSET_ID 1 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() Card 0 Activate Link 3 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() card 0 S tart Signalling type 1, Stream 7, Timeslot 1, status OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() Configur e MTP Link 4, cardId 0, Stream 7,Timeslot 1, SLC 0 ,LINKSET_ID 2 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() Card 0 Activate Link 4 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() Configur e MTP Link 5, cardId 0, Stream 7,Timeslot 1, SLC 1 ,LINKSET_ID 2 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() Card 0 Activate Link 5 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() card 0 S tart Signalling type 1, Stream 7, Timeslot 2, status OK [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() Configur e MTP Link 4, cardId 0, Stream 7,Timeslot 2, SLC 0 ,LINKSET_ID 2 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() Card 0 Activate Link 4 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() Configur e MTP Link 5, cardId 0, Stream 7,Timeslot 2, SLC 1 ,LINKSET_ID 2 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::startSignallingRsp() Card 0 Activate Link 5 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::destStatusInd() Destination 0 Unavailable [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::destStatusInd() Destination 1 Unavailable [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] StackConfigMaint::destStatusInd() Destination 2

Unavailable [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] Unavailable [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] Layer 1 Non-operational [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] Layer 1 Non-operational [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] Layer 1 Operational [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] Layer 1 Non-operational [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] Layer 1 Non-operational [Tue Mar 29 10:11:11 2011] Layer 1 Operational [Tue Mar 29 10:11:12 2011] Layer 1 Non-operational [Tue Mar 29 10:11:12 2011] Layer 1 Operational [Tue Mar 29 10:11:12 2011] Layer 1 Non-operational [Tue Mar 29 10:11:12 2011] Layer 1 Operational [Tue Mar 29 10:11:12 2011] Layer 1 Non-operational [Tue Mar 29 10:11:12 2011] Layer 1 Operational [Tue Mar 29 10:11:12 2011] Layer 1 Non-operational [Tue Mar 29 10:11:12 2011] Layer 1 Operational [Tue Mar 29 10:11:12 2011] Layer 1 Non-operational [Tue Mar 29 10:11:13 2011] Service [Tue Mar 29 10:11:13 2011] Service [Tue Mar 29 10:11:13 2011] Available [Tue Mar 29 10:11:13 2011] or the card [Tue Mar 29 10:11:13 2011] [Tue Mar 29 10:11:13 2011] pe:1 Stream 0 Timeslot:1 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:13 2011] [Tue Mar 29 10:11:13 2011] pe:1 Stream 0 Timeslot:2 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:13 2011] [Tue Mar 29 10:11:13 2011] pe:1 Stream 0 Timeslot:3 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:13 2011] [Tue Mar 29 10:11:13 2011] pe:1 Stream 0 Timeslot:4 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:13 2011] [Tue Mar 29 10:11:13 2011] pe:1 Stream 0 Timeslot:5 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:13 2011] [Tue Mar 29 10:11:13 2011] pe:1 Stream 0 Timeslot:6 [Tue Mar 29 10:11:13 2011]

StackConfigMaint::destStatusInd() Destination 3 StackConfigMaint::l1StatusInd() Card 0 Trunk 1 StackConfigMaint::l1StatusInd() Card 0 Trunk 6 StackConfigMaint::l1StatusInd() Card 0 Trunk 1 StackConfigMaint::l1StatusInd() Card 0 Trunk 2 StackConfigMaint::l1StatusInd() Card 0 Trunk 7 StackConfigMaint::l1StatusInd() Card 0 Trunk 2 StackConfigMaint::l1StatusInd() Card 0 Trunk 3 StackConfigMaint::l1StatusInd() Card 0 Trunk 3 StackConfigMaint::l1StatusInd() Card 0 Trunk 4 StackConfigMaint::l1StatusInd() Card 0 Trunk 4 StackConfigMaint::l1StatusInd() Card 0 Trunk 5 StackConfigMaint::l1StatusInd() Card 0 Trunk 5 StackConfigMaint::l1StatusInd() Card 0 Trunk 6 StackConfigMaint::l1StatusInd() Card 0 Trunk 6 StackConfigMaint::l1StatusInd() Card 0 Trunk 7 StackConfigMaint::linkStatusInd() MTP Link 0 In StackConfigMaint::linkStatusInd() MTP Link 1 In StackConfigMaint::destStatusInd() Destination 0 Configuring the DTMF transmitter and receiver f Unblock circuit : 1 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 2 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 3 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 4 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 5 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 6 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 7

[Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue

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[Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1

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10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:17 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:18 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:19 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:20 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:21 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:22 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:23 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:24 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:25 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:26 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:27 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:28 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:29 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:30 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:31 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 0 Timeslot:1 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 0 Timeslot:2 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 0 Timeslot:3 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011]

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0 Timeslot:25 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 0 Timeslot:26 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 0 Timeslot:27 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 0 Timeslot:28 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 0 Timeslot:29 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 0 Timeslot:30 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 0 Timeslot:31 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:1 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:2 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:3 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:4 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:5 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:6 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:7 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:8 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:9 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:10 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:11 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:12 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:13 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011]

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1 Timeslot:14 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:15 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:17 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:18 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:19 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:20 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:21 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:22 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:23 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:24 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:25 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:26 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:27 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:28 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:29 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:30 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 1 Timeslot:31 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:1 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:2 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:3 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011]

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2 Timeslot:4 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:5 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:6 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:7 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:8 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:9 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:10 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:11 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:12 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:13 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:14 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:15 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:17 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:18 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:19 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:20 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:21 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:22 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:23 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:24 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011]

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2 Timeslot:25 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:26 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:27 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:28 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:29 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:30 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:31 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:1 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:2 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:3 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:4 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:5 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:6 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:7 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:8 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:9 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:10 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:11 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:12 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:13 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011]

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3 Timeslot:14 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:15 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:17 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:18 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:19 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:20 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:21 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:22 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:23 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:24 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:25 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:26 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:27 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:28 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:29 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:30 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:31 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:1 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:2 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:3 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011]

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4 Timeslot:4 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:5 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:6 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:7 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:8 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:9 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:10 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:11 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:12 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:13 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:14 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:15 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:17 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:18 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:19 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:20 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:21 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:22 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:23 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:24 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011]

Unblock circuit : 133 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 134 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 135 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 136 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 137 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 138 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 139 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 140 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 141 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 142 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 143 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 145 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 146 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 147 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 148 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 149 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 150 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 151 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 152 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 153 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty

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4 Timeslot:25 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:26 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:27 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:28 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:29 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:30 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:31 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:1 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:2 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:3 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:4 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:5 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:6 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:7 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:8 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:9 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:10 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:11 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:12 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:13 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011]

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5 Timeslot:14 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:15 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:17 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:18 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:19 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:20 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:21 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:22 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:23 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:24 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:25 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:26 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:27 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:28 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:29 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:30 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 5 Timeslot:31 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 0 Timeslot:1 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 0 Timeslot:2 10:11:13 2011]

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[Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue

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[Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue [Tue pe:1 [Tue

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10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:3 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:4 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:5 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:6 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:7 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:8 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:9 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:10 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:11 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:12 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:13 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:14 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:15 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:17 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:18 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:19 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:20 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:21 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:22 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:23 10:11:13 2011]

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10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:24 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:25 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:26 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:27 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:28 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:29 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:30 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 2 Timeslot:31 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:1 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:2 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:3 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:4 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:5 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:6 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:7 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:8 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:9 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:10 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:11 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:12 10:11:13 2011]

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10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:13 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:14 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:15 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:17 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:18 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:19 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:20 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:21 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:22 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:23 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:24 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:25 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:26 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:27 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:28 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:29 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:30 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 3 Timeslot:31 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:1 10:11:13 2011] 10:11:13 2011] 4 Timeslot:2 10:11:13 2011]

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ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 153 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 154 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 155 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 156 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 157 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 158 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 159 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 161 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 162 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 163 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 164 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 165 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 166 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 167 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 168 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 169 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 170 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 171 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 172 ENABLE DTMF: on CARD ID:0 Termination Point Ty Unblock circuit : 173

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38, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 24, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 24, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 54, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 54, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 4, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 4, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 34, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 34, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 20, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 20, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 50, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 50, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 46, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 46, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 28, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 28, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 58, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 58, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 12, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 12, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 42, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 42, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 72, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 72, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 68, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 68, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 62, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 62, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 76, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011]

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76, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 92, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 92, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 106, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 106, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 98, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 98, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 84, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 84, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 114, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 114, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 88, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 88, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 118, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 118, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 102, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 102, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 122, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 122, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 152, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 152, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 136, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 136, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 126, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 126, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 156, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 156, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 110, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 110, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 140, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011]

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140, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 170, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 170, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 148, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 148, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 178, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 178, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 132, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 132, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 162, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 162, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 186, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 186, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 190, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 190, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 174, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 174, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 182, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 182, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 166, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 166, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 5, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 5, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 13, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 13, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 35, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 35, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 21, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 21, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 29, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011]

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29, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 43, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 43, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 51, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 51, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 9, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 9, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 39, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 39, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 25, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 25, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 55, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 55, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 1, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 1, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 17, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 17, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 47, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 47, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 63, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 63, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 1, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 1, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 2, status Local Block, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 2, status Unavailable, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 3, status Local Block, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 3, status Unavailable, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 4, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 4, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 5, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011]

StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId

5, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 6, status Local Block, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 6, status Unavailable, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 7, status Local Block, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 7, status Unavailable, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 8, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 8, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 9, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 9, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 10, status Local Block, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 10, status Unavailable, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 11, status Local Block, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 11, status Unavailable, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 12, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 12, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 13, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 13, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 14, status Local Block, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 14, status Unavailable, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 15, status Local Block, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 15, status Unavailable, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 17, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 17, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 18, status Local Block, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 18, status Unavailable, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 19, status Local Block, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 19, status Unavailable, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 20, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 20, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 21, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011]

StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId

21, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 22, status Local Block, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 22, status Unavailable, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 23, status Local Block, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 23, status Unavailable, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 24, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 24, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 25, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 25, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 26, status Local Block, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 26, status Unavailable, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 27, status Local Block, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 27, status Unavailable, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 28, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 28, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 29, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 29, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 30, status Local Block, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 30, status Unavailable, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 31, status Local Block, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 31, status Unavailable, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 65, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 65, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 59, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 59, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 81, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 81, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 77, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 77, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 73, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011]

StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId

73, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 89, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 89, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 111, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 111, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 103, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:14 2011] 103, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 93, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 93, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 107, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 107, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 119, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 119, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 127, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 127, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 69, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 69, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 99, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 99, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 85, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 85, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 129, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 129, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 115, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 115, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 133, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 133, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 149, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 149, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 157, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011]

StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId

157, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 141, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 141, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 123, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 123, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 153, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 153, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 137, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 137, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 167, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 167, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 171, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 171, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 179, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 179, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 163, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 163, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 191, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 191, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 145, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 145, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 175, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 175, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 187, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 187, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 183, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 183, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 2, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 2, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 10, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011]

StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId

10, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 26, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 26, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 18, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 18, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 6, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 6, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 36, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 36, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 22, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 22, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 40, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 40, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 56, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 56, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 66, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 66, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 52, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 52, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 78, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 78, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 30, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 30, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 60, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 60, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 14, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 14, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 44, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 44, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 74, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011]

StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId

74, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 70, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 70, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 86, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 86, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 108, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 108, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 100, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 100, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 94, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 94, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 124, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 124, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 116, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 116, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 82, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 82, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 130, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 130, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 90, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 90, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 120, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 120, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 104, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 104, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 134, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 134, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 154, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 154, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 138, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011]

StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId

138, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 150, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 150, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 146, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 146, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 168, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 168, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 158, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 158, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 142, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 142, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 172, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 172, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 180, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 180, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 164, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 164, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 188, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 188, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 184, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 184, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 3, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 3, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 19, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 19, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 7, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 7, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 23, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 23, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 15, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011]

StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId

15, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 37, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 37, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 45, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 45, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 53, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 53, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 11, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 11, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 41, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 41, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 27, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 27, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 57, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 57, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 31, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 31, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 67, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 67, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 33, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 33, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 33, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 33, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 34, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 34, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 35, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 35, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 36, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 36, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 37, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011]

StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId

37, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 38, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 38, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 39, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 39, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 40, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 40, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 41, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 41, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 42, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 42, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 43, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 43, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 44, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 44, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 45, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 45, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 46, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 46, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 47, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 47, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 49, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 49, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 49, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 49, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 50, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 50, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 51, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 51, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 52, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011]

StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId

52, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 53, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 53, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 54, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 54, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 55, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 55, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 56, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 56, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 57, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 57, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 58, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 58, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 59, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 59, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 60, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 60, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 61, status Local Block, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 61, status Unavailable, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 62, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 62, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 63, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 63, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 79, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 79, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 83, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 83, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 61, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 61, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 91, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011]

StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId

91, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 75, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 75, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 105, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 105, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 71, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 71, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 101, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 101, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 87, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 87, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 97, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 97, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 113, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 113, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 95, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 95, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 125, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 125, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 109, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 109, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 139, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 139, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 121, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 121, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 135, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 135, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 143, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 143, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 151, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011]

StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId

151, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 159, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 159, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 131, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 131, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 161, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 161, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 117, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 117, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 147, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 147, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 177, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 177, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 165, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 165, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 181, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 181, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 155, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 155, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 185, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 185, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 169, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 169, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 189, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 189, status Available, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 173, status Unblocked, [Tue Mar 29 10:11:15 2011] 173, status Available,

StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::blockingStatusInd() circuitId StackConfigMaint::circuitStatusInd() circuitId

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