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Theme: How To Live the Virtue of Honesty as a Filipino Youth and Student

By VIVERLY E. MATA H-O-N-E-S- T-Y, Honesty! So easy to spell, very easy to pronounce! But is living it up as easy as spelling it out. Let us examine our conscience and ask ourselves, Do my actions spell out honesty? What is honesty? Weve been encountering this virtue in many stories of life, from books, televisions, and magazines. You may even surf the internet and you can find many features of honesty. Weve been hearing this wonderful lesson from radios and stories of our folks. My mother keeps on advising me to tell the truth always, no matter what. My grandmothers voice is echoing over my head, Be fair apo, be honest to give him his share! Our teachers in school never stop reminding us that Honesty is the best policy. The quotation in every classroom is boldly written An honest centavo is better than a stolen peso. Those words clearly define to me what honesty is. It is being truthful. The truth that sets us free and gives us peace of mind. Though we may hear nowadays that the world is absurd - that everything has changed, that honesty is going out of style, still, we see people who are returning wallets and other valuable possessions to the real owners. We are a living witness when a child returned also the money she found in front of their house; a man retrieved his laptop he has left in a restaurant through the honesty of the waiter; and many other stories of the like. We applaud, praise, thank and even give them rewards. On the other hand, it always saddened us to hear news about people who are tempted to accept bribes to keep the truth, to protect their families from scandal. Though we may think that they are being selfish, yet, we try to understand them. But deep within our hearts, we pity them. We ask ourselves, How can they sleep at night without their conscience bothering them? Its sickening us to find out that justice is not served. Its deafening us the bombardment of unresolved issues of graft and corruption, robbery, snatching, forgery, leakage on exams, cheating on taxes etc. etc. Lies after lies. If it not addressed properly, expect that we would live in a world where we no longer trust each other. HE- would continue feeding his family with a stolen peso. She- must undergo psychiatric test to be proven credible witness. Theywould speak out for truth if the price is right. We- will be forced to sit in a lie detector test to prove our sincerity. Contracts would be signed if theres grease money under the table. And worst, I may even doubt my own self! Can you imagine living in a world of lies? How can we expect our future generations to be honest, If we, the youth of today, are already a product of dishonesty? Is there still a way out? Yes, of course! Instead of lamenting the absurdity of life, I will start to transform my own little corner. It is not possible ! I may not change the whole universe, but I can do my share> I wont wait anyone to do it for me. I will do it myself. I will start honesty at home; and do it again and again until it becomes a habit and eventually I will find myself reacting to all situations with all honesty, without anyone reminding me. God created me for a unique purpose, that is to propagate honesty, for such wonderful virtue is like a chocolate to which all are attracted!

As a student, attempts to imitate others dishonesty no longer will I make. I wont fool my parents with my allowance and Ill them my real standing in school. I wont even dare to peek into my classmates test papers. Instead, Ill study hard. I will earn my marks from the sweat of my brows, even if that would mean burning the midnight oil. I will be honest in everything I do, in every opportunity that comes my way, no matter how small it may be. I know I can do it with Gods help. I mean to myself a change. If I can do it, you can do it too. Right? Temptations are everywhere. But Jesus himself showed us how to conquer them. He has given us examples how to be strong in time of tests. We have been given eyes to see and mind to think. Look beyond the garments they wear and not be deceived. God has given us the freewill to do what is right. Let us then choose to be righteous. Be honest- even others are not; even others will not; even if others cannot. Let us then pray for one another to be enlightened when these temptations come. Our world hungers for honesty. We thirst for truth and peace of mind. Unless we act, we will all perish in a life of doubt, hesitation, suspicion and sleepless nights. Shall we allow it? Of course not! Lets all strive to do our part and stop blaming each other. Make a solemn oath to ourselves that nothing and nobody could ever dictate us to reveal the truth. Let us change for the better. Forget not, Dr, Rizals words that - We, the youth of today, are the hope of tomorrow. We are being challenged by our times, by our elders. Should we frustrate them? Let honesty be very contagious! Spell it out then with all our words, with all our actions. Now is the time. Can you do It? Yes you can! Yes, we will !

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