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Heroes and crowd Finished first year student, Faculty of Social Control: Vasily V. Ovchinnikov.

Instructor: Novikova Svetlana Moscow in 2000 About Nicholas Michael Before we consider the work of "Heroes and the crowd" this outstanding scholar Nikolai Konstantinovich Mikhailovsky (1842-1904), havelittle bit about his personality and sociological views. on personality. NK Michael was one of the founders of sociology in our country andeventually became the acknowledged leader of the subjective school. Wrote thatthis Kovalevsky: "... in preparing the n society to accept,criticism and self-construction of Sociology, Mikhailovsky belongscertainly prominent role "[1] about privacy N. Mikhailovsky, scion of a poor noble family,many well-known, he left the autobiographical notes, there wereresearch of his students and colleagues. N. Michael graduatedScience Education in the Mining Institute (however remained withoutdiploma, as he was excluded from the final year for participation in studentdisturbances). Since 1864, began his career as a literary critic and essayistinitially in the "Book Gazette, and later in" Notes of the Fatherland "and afterclosure of the last in a popular magazine "n Wealth", with 1891 --editor of this magazine. Journalism has left a special mark onsociological system of Michael and his manner of the material. AboutWe shall speak separately, in the meantime we note the following fact. His journalism was full of sociological content, hadform of informal conversation with the reader and masterfully blends scientific analysissocial relations, Esopian interpretation of domestic issues of the day,discussion of the next Western scientific innovations and acute attackagainst a figure of n artistic and ideological life. Inworked a similar manner, perhaps only GV Plekhanov. Michael and many other n intellectuals "sixties" is under an intellectual fascination N. Chernyshevskogothe end of his spiritual activities, he honored his memory by protecting against attacksConservative critics, though, and subjected him to the legacy of the positivistaudit. It entered into direct relations with the revolutionaryorganizations, which continued until his death, but that healways managed to skillfully hides from the authorities, and generally alluninitiated. As the VI Lenin, he "never renouncedUnderground, and his struggle with the remnants of feudalism and autocracy wasalways "sincere and talented" "V. He was relentless in criticizingpolitical errors of the Mikhailovsky, showing the theoreticalfailure of his outlook, nevertheless singled out Michael'sLiberal-Populist commentators, noting not only its weaknesses anddelusion, but also the historical merits before the liberation movement "[2]. Since the 90's, when Marxism was an important trend in social thought in , St. Michael, who did not accept Marxism, more and moreis the position of liberalism. During this period, Michael's leadfierce ideological struggle with the first n Marxists, provingunsustainability of capitalism in n conditions, and continuing to preachobsolescent Populist views on the "independence of the n community and thespecial road to socialism "[3]. great influence on the younger generation gets Michael in the 80years, first as an employee and then as a member of the editorial board of the Fatherland Notes. In this journal he put all his important sociological andcritical articles: "What is progress?", "Heroes and the crowd," "Darwin's theoryand social science ", etc. authority of Michael among young intellectuals was immense. Hisworks during his lifetime was reprinted in the collected works (only from pre-revolutionary n sociologists), amounting to tenvolumes in the latest version. Nikolai Konstantinovich Mikhailovsky. "Although he never wrote ascientific monographs, those social and political essays, essays thatcontinuously printed progressive periodicals have made his nameknown and extremely influential, especially among the educatedyouth. Published books, such as "Hero and the Crowd," Once again the hero, "" Againof the crowd "- they were a collections of his journalistic work,caused the greatest impact "[4].

About sociological views. considering his sociological views known to occurchallenges, both external and internal order. First of all, the structurehis sociological views did not identify the chronological order of hisworks as they appear in the light. More recently he has started from the end, with the upperfloors, not showing the foundation and the general architectural plan of the entire building. Thus, in one of his first sociological articles "What is progress?" (1869) he gives his famous "formula of progress, which, assumingof the internal logic of the positivist construction of sociological theoryin those years would have to marry doctrine. That is why during furtherimplementation and completion of its concept, he explained copied, gavedifferent interpretations of this formula. It should be mentioned dispersionjudgments, assumptions, conclusions, scattered in hundreds of articles, reviews, reviews (many of which they were never completed). Sociological concept Michael N. "course of journalistic work was torn to shreds" (S. Yuzhakov), the author tried several times to reduce everything into an integrated whole, insingle treatise, but the idea was not realized. However, this inconveniencecompensated by the clarity and the immutability of the basic assumptions of the theory ofa quarter century. Sam H. Michael has repeatedly emphasized thatready to subscribe to any of his youthful articles. The followingnote the extremely controversial nature of the big critical andcommentator of literature about it (for today - many hundreds of names). In the discussion of his views was attended by representatives of alldirection in n sociology: the Marxists (Plekhanov, VI Lenin. B.Gorev), neo-Kantians (P. Struve, B. Kistyakov-sky), all positivistsshades (N. Kareev, M. Kowalewski, E. De Robertis, S. Yuzhakov, P. Lavrov, L, Obolensky, N. Reinhardt and others). Michael's views influencedn sociology multifaceted and where he was right, and where hewrong. Incidentally, a number of his ideas in these days looks more vital,than it seemed to his critics in his time. The debate went on differentissues and all the time given alternative answers: Who is Michael --social scientists or moralizing publicist? His theory belongs topsychological branch of positivism or naturalism? Can I bring inwhole of his judgments, or they are fundamentally mosaic? The phenomena of social psychology, they are clearly noted by organically fitin the logic of its design or by accident? Variety of interpretiveresponses is quite striking. However, in the first decades of XX century. appearedattempt a systematic exposition of his views. The best are:benevolent belongs IE Kolosova, and sharply polemical S. Paradiseand Berdyaev. But he and Michael helped motley estimates ofhis works can be selected and an impressive collection of vzaimozacherkivayuschihfrankly contradictory provisions, are just one illustration --almost simultaneously but in different works, he said: "Scientificsociology must be biological "and" I like no one did much tocombat biological positions in sociology ". about his work" The heroes and the crowd ? " The immense erudition in various fields of knowledge granted a permission to him to drawtheir data and from biology and from psychology, and of political economy, andof criminology, and still do not know where, not to mention the literature,criticism and journalism, and then cleverly bring together categories of phenomena, inApparently, one of the other extremely remote, and firmly generalize these phenomena informulas, opening new horizons. Michael critic alwayssupplemented Mikhailovsky-creator in the field of sociology. Theory Michael, "Heroes and the crowd," well begun, but, sorry, the remainderunfinished treatise. I will add one more thing, a model of how weMichael criticized people who do not believe that could come from Nazarethanything good can serve as the assertion of one critic, though byborrowed the basic idea of his treatise in Tarda. Simplechronology shows that Michael's for the whole eight yearswarned book Tarde "laws of imitation. The book "Heroes and the crowd? Michael appeared in the light in 1882, but the book Tarda only in 1890. In In 1882 it was a new theme, but it is quite an original interpretation ofremains until now. Than that: reading the theory Tarda, St. Michaelmanaged with its more extensive and fruitful point of view to show thatwas insufficient in the theory of French sociologist. Heroes and the crowd "in generalOne of the first time and very important still meaningfully treatises inof collective psychology, which, like the psychologyindividual, drew him the same, besides, and life, andliterary interests, rather than an abstract sociological theory. "[5]

even need to mention the name of Mikhailovsky, due to the fact that hiswork "and the crowd of Heroes" (1896) gave impetus to the debate that led to the Michael's revolutionary Marxists, and in the most acute form Lenin. Michael's interest in social psychology was associated withdevelop attitudes of Populism and therefore in the center of his attention --problem of mass psychology. "He justifies the need for thisarea in a special branch of science, since none of the existingsocial sciences is not engaged in the study of mass movements as such. "Collective, mass psychology is only beginning to be developed --Michael wrote - and history itself can be expected from her great service. "Accordinghis opinion, for the establishment of this important area of research analysismechanisms of altered mental status and behavior of large socialGroups. "[6] Another, opposite, the view that" the defeat of the People's Will "andthe ensuing political and public reaction led Michael the ideological crisis which put it in his theory of "heroes andcrowd, "explains the mechanism of collective action, the tendency of man toimitation. "[7] ? Heroes and the crowd ? As Michael misses his work to his readersset of evidence, "mixed picture: Vasili Andreyev, Blanca Castile, Miletus girls, Napoleonic soldiers, sheep and goats, Jacobarmless children, Heliconiinae and leptalisty, chameleon ... "[8], and evaluate thoseexplanations that are given this material in various fields of knowledge. Hebelieves that "the only way to be able to solve the great mystery,expressed by the words, characters and the crowd. " objective of this work is to study Michael's mechanics relationsbetween the crowd and the man whom she recognizes the great, but not infinding a measure of greatness. Therefore, a notorious villain, a fool, a nonentity,madman - for this work are equally important within a given task,as the world's genius or an angel in the flesh, if the crowd was behind them, if itthem sincerely, and not by external impulses, to obey, if it is themimitated and prayed, I repeat that this does not depend on the purpose andconsiderations heroes, as if these goals were not in themselves valuable and useful. "Sometimes greatness, illuminating the distant historical horizons. Sometimes,that the great man his immortal side, his idea lived a century, andAge influence on the crowd, pulling her along. But it also happens that the greatflash of a man falling star, only for a moment becomes an idol andideal of the crowd, and when he will be a momentary excitement, he drowned inthe ranks of the ignorant masses. Obscure company commander throws in a minuteexcitation on the enemy's battery, and draws his example timidsoldiers, and then again becomes a man to whom price - a penny. Youmake it difficult to call him a great man, although, perhaps, agreeaccept a certain amount of greatness in his outburst. But in any case, whatdifference in the interest of our task, between the company commander, whotime in his life could inspire and win over the soldiers, and happy, "Great military leader, whose appearance before the front every time isin the soldiers enthusiasm and willingness to face death? No difference orvery small. We can, of course, be noted in the latter case, somecomplication of mental moments, which are not in the first. " He appealed, at first glance, to various unrelateda phenomenon: mass movements and mental epidemics of the Middle Ages,hypnotism, somnambulism, soul-pathological phenomenamass "of automatic imitation", etc. All these phenomena Michaelleads to the common denominator, proposing to them a common cause: the suppressionindividuality. "As later acknowledged a variety of critics andcommentators, this was done to them extraordinarily interesting and original. Mostimportant here - an introduction to the scientific use of problems and methods of socialpsychology, the nearest, along with the political economy of an ally of sociology, particularlyall the examples of studying the behavior of the crowd. "Michael tried to give andidentification of the main characteristics of behavior (anonymity, suggestibility,anonymity), its classification, control the crowd, lead it, and son. This is the main topic of his unfinished article "Heroes of the crowd" (1882g.), "Scientific letters" (1884g.) and subsequent publications in the 90 years. ?Hero" from Michael's "It's not the first lover of the novel and not a mancommits a great feat. " The hero may, perhaps, be one and the other, butnot that it is the devil. Hero of the Mikhailovsky "just the first

"Breaks the ice" as the French say, he makes a decisive step, whichanxiously waiting crowd, that with the rapid force jump one way or anotherside. And important not in itself a hero, but only caused them massivemovement. "By itself, it may be, as already mentioned, and a madman, anda scoundrel and a fool, nothing interesting. For me it is very important inavoid various possible misunderstandings, the reader has established itself in thismeaning of the word "hero" and that he did not expect from the heroes, certainly somethingsome "heroic" is an ambiguous meaning, which is commonlyconnected with this word. "This was the objective, he began to sketch the murder Ambrose. The same purpose, he reminds the reader of a single, highlyscene from "War and Peace" - scene of the murder Vereshchagin. Michael believesthat the best historical example of the institutions of the crowd under the influence ofexample, he could not find In this extract from the novel's true hero was that "the soldiers whoSuddenly, with a "distorted with anger face" first struck Vereshchagin. This wascan be (and even likely), the most stupid man in the whole team. But inAnyway his blow did what they could not make any patrioticcheers Rastopchina ... nor overbearing appearance of the graph, or its directorders. "The crowd followed the example of the soldier, Vereshchagin was killed. " Vereshchagin ruined uncontrollable desire in a certain waymob imitate the hero. A hero was in this case, one of dragoons, inwhich had the courage or cowardice to strike the first blow. If the readerdo not like is the use of the word "hero", then I apologize, butother suitable words I could not find. This, of course, does not prevententhrall the crowd and truly great people. By themselves, the motives, migratedhero's heroism, for us indifferent. Let it be a dull obedience (as was probably from our dragoon) or a passionate desire for goodness and truth,deep personal hatred or ardent love - is important to us heroonly in its relation to the crowd, just as the engine. Without a doubt, a lotexists in the history of cases in which personal motives of the characters throw light on theentire episode, and then of course we can not abandon the study of thesemotives. But the task of the book still confined to the mutual relations?? iyami twofactors: the hero and the crowd. Michael tried to raise and answer the question that allamount of science did not even try. He tried to get a clear idea of these relationships and determine the conditions ofof whether these conditions is the nature ofhistorical moment, this social system, the personal qualities of the hero,mental attitudes of the mass or any other elements. - It can be said - A question not begun. "It depends primarily on the extreme fragmentationknowledge, in virtue of which every scientist with a noble stubbornness runsfig tree, his specialty, but not willing or able to takeconsideration what is happening under the fig tree nearby. Lawyer, historian,Economist, completely unfamiliar with the results, the general spirit and methodsphysical sciences, there is so uncommon that weit just become accustomed to and do not find there is nothing strange. There are, however,area of knowledge, more or less familiarity with which the mostcondescending people should think, to recognize the binding for the historian,economist or a lawyer. This - area of psychic phenomena. Supposepsychology and to the present day is not yet fully established scientificappearance does not constitute a complete chain of mutually supportive anduniversally accepted truths. But no matter how many in this area disputed,hypothetical and conditional, psychic phenomena as something known to allnevertheless, to be able to appreciate the psychological factorsdifferent political, legal and economic theories. Whatever concept one or the other economist nor was the human soulfor their personal items, but also in its areas of science, he argues, so thatsingle person has spiritual engine desire to buy as much as possiblecheaper, and sell as dearly as possible. For a jurist of the motifsrights are exhausted by the desire to commit crimes and suffer for thempenalties, etc. Since the human soul is actually infinitelycomplicated, it is clear that the phenomena invisible with these conventional, specialpoints of view, escape analysis, although in life make themselves felt, couldbe very frequent and very strongly. These mass movements. Kindly remember the whole cycle of the existing so-called socialScience - and you will see that neither one of them can not be assigned dutiesstudy of mass movements as such, ie, their significant andindependent features. True, the criminal law knows, for example, complicitythe crime, rebellion, insurrection, political economy, knows the strike,emigration movement, international law knows war, battle. Butcriminal law knows the subject from the perspective of guilt and criminality,political economy - in terms of economic impactinternational law - in terms of

well-known, constantly vibrating,so to speak, a code of decency. In this mass movement as a socialphenomenon in its intimate, independent features, as a phenomenon that has itslaws under which it arises, goes and stops, remains " " great and magnificent temple of science, but there are too manyseparate chapels, each of which is its special,special religious rite, without attention to what is done in another. Broad, general character of the steps of science over the past quarter century, manycurtailed the autonomy of individual chapels, but we still have afar from the ideal of true cooperation of various fields of knowledge. Ifwould need the evidence, then perhaps the best evidencethis kind would have been the fate of the issue, we are now occupying. " in the history of human thought is often that the practiceanticipates the science of well-known truths, and enjoy them, not their ownunderstanding for one or another practical purpose. Science, for example, onlynow recognizes the nature of artificial catalepsy or hypnotism, and yetshe was already familiar to the ancient Egyptian priests, not to mention a number offollow charlatans and magicians. She was familiar to them, of course, onlyempirically, as a fact, and the reasons for the fact they have not thought about orsearched for them in some arcane area. Such examples of the history of thoughtknows the set. And as a practical application of the lever on the immeasurable, cansay, the time it was preceded by a scientific study, and the mechanicsmass movements empirically known and practically used it is ourvery distant ancestors. "Military men, perhaps, first drew attention to the irresistibletendency to follow the crowd dramatic example, in whatever it was. Eatlot of military and historical anecdotes about panic or madcollective courage under the influence of energetic example. "Under the influence oftheories crowd N. Michael, G. Tardieu and G. Le Bona werestudy of social psychology of soldiers, the devil collective behavior (fight, retreat, panic), gruppoobrazuyuschey role of "failure" and commands, and son. [9] Another example of imitation in this imitation of Michael's deathexecutions. Facts of this podrozhaniya he takes from the works of Englishman Mittermaier,he wrote: "Experiments show that executions often have a deleterious effect onvisitors and encourage them to themselves to murder, and leads the Britishstatistics and specific examples. Another phenomenon of imitation, "only partially subordinated Sciencecriminal law, and partly protruding far beyond it, which,perhaps precisely because of its boundary between two or moreareas of knowledge, and perhaps because of its dramatic and grimcharacter somewhat more studied with interest by us. Meansuicide. Here the value of example and role model not subject to anydoubt ". One example is Michael's story of surviving on Plutarchstrange epidemic of suicide Milesian girls: unhappy imposed oncommit suicide one after another, without any apparent reason. Imitation insuicide comes sometimes to the point that the act is repeated in onethe whole situation in the same place, the same tool as the first suicide. "Without a doubt, any common causes must have existed: ifpeople hang themselves, it means that their lives are not red. But the discontent was stillnot so strong as to outweigh the temptation to absent orpresence of the hook. He, he, this hook is mysteriously attracted to himencumbered and mournful, and when the hook was removed, the burden and sorrow ceasebe intolerable. " Michael quoted a French psychiatrist:" It has long been recognizedthat suicide is easily drawn into an epidemic, and that the propensity to this actcan be transmitted from one individual to another by means of moral contagion,existence is just as certainly as undoubtedly infectiousnesscertain diseases ... Is some mysterious attraction, similarall-powerful instinct, which prompted us almost beyond our consciousnessrepeat the acts which we have witnessed and that a strong effectour senses or imagination. Regarding the death penalty and the importance of imitation suicidesestablished long ago, long before Michael, and is in his opinionuncertain. But until now we have no explanation, but only a descriptionphenomenon. All of the above facts are more podrozhany onlycases morally contagious or unconscious imitation. "The epidemic and it is imitative nature of some nervous diseasesacquainted everyone who had seen quite a usual phenomenon that for onecrazy woman should have several ... All kinds of seizures and convulsions generallystrong effect on the audience and very often cause a whole lineimitators. Such, for example, the origin of "konvulsionerov?.

began with the fact that the grave of a righteous man, with one of the Jansenisthis admirers had a fit of convulsions. This example has infected the other,and two years later konvulsionerov believed already to eight. Thisstruggled in dreadful convulsions not only Jansenist, but also completely extraneouspeople accidentally having witnessed a seizure. Also remarkable thatSome konvulsionerov, assumes the pose of the crucified Christ and its tributarythen in the cataleptic state, in the well-known places of limbs, namelywhere Christ was "gvozdyanye ulcers, redness and swelling appeared. Since, therefore, with the half-conscious imitation of the crucified Christ,These people were then followed this increased pressure imitationwhich to some extent play even godparents wounds. " Some epidemiological follow Michael's generally referred toamazingly incredible! In the XV century, almost all womenmonasteries in Germany, and partly of other countries, went a curious epidemic:nuns bite. In a similar case nuns mewed like a cat. Some historical examples of imitation, which leads Michael, bordering with something mysterious and at first glance notprobable. Earlier I have already mentioned, when people at the timeconvulsions of the body appeared stigmata. One example of Louise Lato. "Shebeen, serious and even meticulously study. However scientistsbecame first in the stalemate. Virchow stated publicly that if this is not cheating, thenmiracle, something inexplicable means of science. Yet all studiescertify that the deception is not here, at least onhemorrhages, reproducing the wounds of the crucified Christ. Finally, regardingOne study has been dressed up an entire committee of scientists, which, recognizingundoubted authenticity stigma, explained their unconscious imitation. Louise Lato, the girl is very mystically inclined, led asceticlife, and thought it was always focused on the suffering of Christ. ByFridays, when it began seizures, she imagined herselfpresent on Calvary, and then that, by looking at the image of the crucified Jesus appears in place of stigma first pain, then swelling, fever,small bubble and, finally, bleeding! " That's really in truth is impossible to prove, but we can see! The superiorityMind over matter! But this is not the topic of this essay. process, when the most susceptible or even more suitablyminded individuals caught expressing his emotional disposition oftheir faces and in their positions, others have already received a doubled, tripled,decuple impulse to imitate. "Intuitively, this process definesinfection Espinas. Speaking about the WASPS, he wondered howguard wasps tell his friends about the impending danger. And thisquestion leads him to a more general question: how, for example, angertransmitted from one individual to another? The only way the visualexperience, is responsible Espinas, by observing the angry subject. Agitated wasp buzzing in a special way and in general very energeticallyexpresses the state of his consciousness. Other wasps hear that distinctive noisethe presentation of which they are beginning to get excited just those partsnervous system, which they usually get excited when they themselvesexactly the same buzz. We have already seen above that the representation "is obtaineda kind of ripple effect. "The weaker the centralization of thought, the easier it is committed similarmovement. Our wasps see that their companion flies into the nest, flies,buzz, in a word - expressed anger and concern themselves beginning to take off andworry. And this is not fake, but real anger. Vigorous externalexpression of any feeling to a certain extent this is the mostfeeling. Thus, an actor, immersed in their own words and gestures, experiences andcorresponding state of consciousness. Thus, a person Vechta for fun,feels, however, something resembling a real sense of struggle. So,monkeys, cats, dogs, starting to play and imitation in this fight, end upthis fight. So wasp. Mechanics, consequently, the entire processfollowing: experience in a special way buzzing and moving restlesslywasps exciting to those of the nerve centers in the WASPS-spectator,which they are excited when they themselves are just as worried, butoutward expression of anger is finally a real anger, andinstantly seizes all a bunch. " Michael even takes a peculiar law, in which anger wouldgrow in proportion to the size of the electorate. "Imagine meetingput in 300 people, to whom he spoke. Assume further thatexcitement felt by the speaker, can be expressed by the figure 10 and thatthe first explosion of his eloquence, he tells each of the three hundredlisteners, at least half of his agitation. Eachstudents will express it with applause or intense attention: in the pose,facial expression of each will be

something intense. And each willtherefore, to see not only an emotional speaker, and and many morestress-attentive or excited his fellow audience. Itspectacle will, in turn, reinforce what is said in parliament "Movement" (zepzayop). Suppose that each student receives onlyhalf of the universal excitement. Then his emotion is expressed notfigure 5 and figure 750 (21 / 2 multiplied by 300). As far as thespeaker, the center, to which all sides returned to the flowexcited their excitement with exaggerated force, then it may evencompletely suppressed by this thread, as it often happens with inexperienced,neprisposobivshimisya speakers. It is clear that in realityavalanchelike growth disturbances may not be so fast, because not everysame three hundred students sees from his seat 299 excited comrades. But the general law of the process yet that is precisely the ". Thus, the phenomena of stigmatization and other strikingcases, the influence of imagination on the plant and animal life Mehaylovskysees a transitional stage between mimichnostyu, on the one hand, and manifestationsimitation in the small affairs of life and in the recorded history andpsychiatry moral Epidemic - with the other. An example of the same speaker,carried away listeners, even to utter oblivion of reality,the transition from single cases of imitation of Christ, executed,executioner, maternity, etc. to the mass movements and to a certain extentclarifies the very process of infection. try razobratsya Here's Michael's convinced us of the extraordinary strength and prevalencethis "mental motor", the unconscious or mimovolnogoimitation, we can only resolve the question of the conditions under whichtendency to imitate is present and absent, appears and disappears,expressed with greater and lesser power: under what, therefore, the conditionsdevelops what he calls "the crowd" - yielding a lot, ready to go "The hero" anywhere, and it was painfully hard and shifted tofoot to foot in anticipation of his appearance. "From what people amounted to" mob "? What is the secret of theirirresistible desire to imitate? Moral whether their qualitydetermine this desire, or mental, or what other features? " In the fourth part of his article," Heroes and the crowd, the Mikhailovskydilemma: "or imitation has nothing to do with sympathy,or sympathy can not justify the theory of moral sentiments,however, he is not concerned with the systems of morality, but because he believes thatcan restrict the simple observation that the difference between sympathy andimitation is not so sharply. Arguing on imitation, it is "even in the best of theirpainful forms, there is only a special case of delusion of consciousness andweakness of will, due to some special circumstances. Obviously, in these special circumstances should be the key tocomprehension of all the various phenomena. having found the key, we open a distant prospect in the depths of history andin the area of practical life, because we learn how, when and why the crowd was andgoes for heroes. " Michael tries to reach the causes of the phenomenon, it occursquestion: "what is common between the living conditions of the modern Yakut orTrans-Baikal Cossacks, for example, Italian XIV century, vehemently and atobediently like mad tarantella, or a crusader, almost automaticallyadjacent to the campaign? Why in all these cases, the reflex gets it?? odrazhatelny nature, and not some other? In response, we obtain orsimple result: "imitative, the desire to come in unison with the surroundingpeople have a significant property rights, an essential feature of hispsycho-physical nature, this device in the neuro-cerebralmechanism "(Kandinskiy. comprehensible psychological studies). Or weoffer some sketchy explanation of how a large publicaccident like a coward, stroking, or the invasion of foreigners to paralyzeconsciousness and will of contemporaries " Hypnotism seventh chapter of his article, Michael begins with a discussion of amusingCarnet Mr. Kandinsky, and with all due respect to Michael's author, heobserves that "the second part of this book, entitled" neuropsychicContagem and mental epidemic ", is entirely devoted to the business before us heresubject, as shown, and the very title. This is a very interesting sketch. Butcurious that Mr. Kandinsky single word does not apply mimichnosti andpatronizing-imitative origin of organic forms, is tohim in some way "completely foreign official agencies. Aboutphenomena of stigmatization is mentioned in passing, in a nutshell. Mostcurious - is the author's attitude to

hypnotism. Hypnotic experiments inseems especially dear to Mr. Kandinsky as a polemical weaponagainst the "wonders of Spiritualism". Honorable ultimate goal, but Michaelobserves that in a treatise devoted entirely to imitation, almost -barely mentions the enormous role that imitation plays in itselfof the hypnotic sessions. "Meanwhile here that, perhaps, lieskey to understand the whole mystery "heroes and the crowd ?". The fact that hy-Nautica, along with the delusion of consciousness, stronglyincreased reflex irritability, precisely because it is suppressedknown activity of the brain - the cortical layer of the cerebral hemispheres,hypnotic is completely dominated by the experimenter. However, thisstate of weak-willed and unconscious toys in the hands of another personhas its own degrees. There are, for example, hy-Nautica capable and incapableanswer to his question. It is obvious that the first still workingsome parts of the brain is not functioning at the second. Further, someunconsciously imitate all the movements produced before them, but notexecute commands addressed to them, if these orders are notaccompanied by movement, so to speak, prompting properties. Suchhypnotic would, perhaps, for you, if you give him orders, but he willis for you, imitate you, and not because your order cameat. There, on the contrary, and those who actually obey the mostabsurd orders, for example, drinking ink, shoved his hands into the fire, etc., notneeding that in front of them do the same. Clearlyobey immersed in a less deep sleep (if possible in this caseuse that word) than imitating, for the first still capableaccept orders. All this is achieved odnoobr

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