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SGOGVGS Devesso 1 ABE dedieirHes Whedirdd Pino? 1. S08 BSOSYSo 2, HOSTESS oNyO 3. s8o5%0 4, S08 BROFSto 2. FoG¥ ScSn¥ES* HS gosso? T erdzeo 2, S200 3, dixdOdo59 4p 400 a8verES® wSsod ASCH NO? 2. CBOSS Sere 3, Sortoes Soemen 4, 02ar Stormer 4, Sotires Sito oN’ 40h Sadho 1. derhhabo BE DT 2. Serkedo hergods 8. MBabo SBE 4, Op§ ead 5. SrmOargES DSroMr asairhois wdavos Sodio Shirt ages Ed 1, 28) S8eren 1. cord 2.4) 3. B85 Sve 4, Bhd 6. Seo? oe 99 G23 GhQ? 1, 86 2. Tyan 3, Sed 4, od 7, dan Seas SG) gdpions d¥,H Sete? 1, SoSe 2, Ssonen 3, wood 4, 08) 8. HpSmer SrSyeo tamGed' Isged Aas BY 1.9 2HDS 3. 2605 2. & 2035 4.3 2ods 9. 20S erohypS Hod adie signs ‘wy Ss SEBS SSrhosad S58? 1, a80So0 Hod AsOSerNs 2, ASB800 Mod Kis Soos’s 3, BASSe0 M08 MKS Sood s 4, 88 Mob asoserNs 10, Bopase? Hom-pH OS Ste sotidrodze Sg Dua sa da? 1. Asaows 3 S8Q IL GSos axsad asyQd’ nomdl 245 Sroct eon? : 18d 3, ares 2. sins 4, OY 2. Does 4, wreaks 12, BOS Rtiyh8 ahBe* Sass Zo 1. rao 2. S&H Bor 3 Sitog 4, emto& 13, RySoWjo Tard Angie WHYS wieey SOs Gay 57 1 rEsond RQ 2. TRrdG Sed SQ 3, SD Pay 4, TTS THE PAY JA, Gr¥od GSrdo As) Frodo’ dN0yosntreoy eS 207 1 0d 23h 3, afase 4, oa 16. BANSOP 20005 HB? 1 arb Bay 2. sotars@ 3. Beto 4. Sondords SKd0 16, BAS eiio Orssy? 1. Boe? Hoss 2. pordenc 3. ese 4, PrPdie arog, 11, “di” wm Soryin GOO BO aco? 1. HARD 2. san 3. 69 4. Doard 18. Bar ciparond od GOs Sw? 1. Be 2, SPairoh 3, crxeg 4. GOS 19, mg SOG Stions ate? 1. wags 2. SxoSpeot 3. aerPtyiot 4. Gagrot 20. Bods (Nos Siios Ite? 1, Stroked 2. DSGHS 3, e&yoh 4, SoaieSexoh 21. SHOES Spo 5 age’ 408? 1. Stagd ae 2. ervo aep 3. otart Bee 4 StS dep 22, mobd ants Sorbo ages SvosRsa? 1. S08 2. Sod6S 3. Sys eigsro 4. her Sisto 23. PSSSENE YDS DAS Igpr SHod? 1.1943 2 1945 3.1946 4. 1947 24, Soiibo acyoto Hobs spre 256? 1, Rger - F - OS -B 2, P -O5 - B - soborrrod s 8. Ser - HE 4. & -a5 - 5 - deed SS 25, G&S SESE SekQo omg? 1,585 26537 3.539 4, 545 26. P8Saro wol? 1, Bebo FR Kthdeciren SQosbo 2. warsorio em HereK Sty Dabso 8, © HewPor SmeyRS’ srvivo 4, Gehdso 8S OOHS Herd Geto dadobo 27. 2S UQE Spxyo* Swady Colle oir ... 1. B§ea GoKo 2. aa Soko 3, Se SOKO 4. Sysdrah dono wO;GY Sows? Sosod Agger D mgod! San0n? 1, Sow 2, SOBs 8. GSSeae 4, 38SsBore 29. 20 Amore So¥o D okayted? Svepeduded? 1.1975 2. 1986 3.1982 4, 1988 30. Ste aZd vir... 1.28 aged PokassoBS S'e 2, agSS* Setrowd Srey 3. Gebay scrcho Sod pty) eOSor™ dodst20 4. (Seba ecrdivo, wie) DEMS sotseo 81. Oo (FERA) Died! Fam etes"s SOS Sho da? 1, FBMA 2, PMLA 3, FEMA 4. FRMA 82. 20165 DobS Ady Isyk adiisoay00? 1, 085 2. 305 3. 965) 4 saGrdads® 83, wdyoragso DoE axddrr Dotsre eS8iorS dgpte Gir kyo Dadian? 1, 2011, Bgoo8 26 2 2012, asso 1 8 2012, S@46 6 4. 2012, aS 14 94, SomhaoS SxahGy rE SISe)S Giavo 22 ey deren $05? T98 2.41 3, 42 4, 45 35. Ho wiitin§ Seq) (E820) S ogos* argo Bstitooe? 1, a&forpo8 2, Srivsd GT 3, wo 4. SO Bord 96. Somonbe? Gaston Iaysed Suge rd 22) Rares bos Troe? L15 Som Frm —-2. 25 Sow Pre 3.35 Sods Fare 4. 45 Sow Haren 7. TuRCIy SEMOtS wissrnye’ og dkdiros* Romrated Hoge eGrTre: Soy? 1.21 2.23 3. 4.15 88, (RS Somond SojoS BUD Toe ? 1. 3 sossyre 2, 5 Bosayre 3, 4 BosS\oreo 4.2 sosayoro 39, UPSISS BO Bodo Miso ADI ssrdio mr? 1. 288 2. Sartdrdy 3, POLAR’ 4. Bocas 40, UPSssomrond soarts Bhs aQiiss ousnegoy WOEO 2508 wodddiro? 1 PH SHOT 2. otto wdpspe 3, Bda55 Sorran8' ws" 4, 085 6658 Al, (MSSomand Sowts Tas nZiise dsydo'r BdaN Soorand ehred sord? 1, S006 25 2. Son’ 25 3, eg 25 4. d@36 25 42, Somond OF Sogods IS Turse Ses oor unset BOSE LOyecstc wONed? 1, 875 creryon SiN 2. 995 Crerpon NSE 3.735 Grerjon SS8e 4. 795 Taro Sie 43, 4 Sto8 SGD wh eons Sate dooresd'r 88 Seino? 1. 30 Seven 2. 2 Boa 3. 45 Soren 4. 3 3000 44, SOBSATS SaFo Motierw Sons 1.1101 2. 1178 3. 1128 4. 1158 45, SarieTe Somond Hype GATES ageck we GSAS oysar 1 eons 2, e8tas 3. Saresd 4. Bots 46, VOGSAES Anganssrom shows Gay SES" Ig sod AD dpe SATDERts? 1.1964 2.1981 3. 1971 4, 1986 41. 48. 51. 52. wosdses? Somonbers oursen O49 ROVOOS OMNsoK Site? 1. 735 S300 2, 74S S889 3, 725 BiSte9 4, 715 S500 SRSo soHedsS’ xsemonder I eaon? 1. 21,795 2. 21,695 3. 21,895 4, 21,995 . MSGS Seasear SpSrooHS IS? 1. (rgod*D Hae 2, ePsvoS'D OBgh Legocier 3. (POS) Sirgen 4, (Pwod'D Biome acjodm dab desma’ vmdys Seis? 1. 18 SoSesjore 2. 25 Bose\ore> 3. 21 Sosesyores 4, 20 Boseyore VEG EIS S8joF wges sedsdermds, WdHIE Tojdd dwt Tow? 1, en SOAS esiy peo 2, dey OSE 3. OY Sommand Sao 4, Somond Suiprn STS wo GSSES! aS SBoS IDE dst dvgtres? 1 yrssses 2, Soman’ SUM TEPSSS 3; der Somand wOSS £, R805, woM Edie suo Jo Smcvoc PH Bomands Its wtigye Sirante? 1 Sowand Sophegreros6 2. Urs Somond sedse 3, BS BOS 4. (Pd SomronbE'D 5 SomonbordS' Dotts vod ‘worm somand! 69D mgod! heodte? 1 SHSSE 2, roa 3. aSS5 somras’ 4, Socrond S05)

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