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welcome to passport seva 5000 For english press 1, Hindi me jankarikeliye 2 dhabaay 5001 For Information on Applying / Renewal of passport Press 1 5017 For Information on Tatkal Passport services Press 2 5018 For Status Enquiry Press 3 5019 For Other information Press 4 5020 At any point of time during this call; to go back to previous menu press 7,to go back to main menu press 8,to speak to a passport seva associate press 9 . 5021 8 For information on the fee structure press 1 5024 9 To find out your designated Passport Seva Kendra press 2 5025 10 For list of supporting Documents press 1 5027 11 To Schedule an appointment at Passport Seva Kendra press 3 5029 12 (Second )To find out your designated Passport Seva Kendra press 4 5030 13 For more options press 5 5031 14 You can also apply for passport through District Passport Center and Spe ed Post Center. 5032 15 To know about your designated District Passport Center press 1. 5033 16 To know about your designated Speed Post Center press 2. 5034 17 Please enter your 6 digit PIN code 5035 18 The PIN Code entered is 5036 19 If this is not correct, please press 1, otherwise press 2 5037 20 Please wait while the status is retrieved 5038 21 To find out your designated Passport Office press 5039 22 For passport Application Status Press 1 5040 23 For Police Clearance Certificate Status Press 2 5041 24 Please enter your Application Reference Number 5042 25 The Application Reference Number entered is 5043 26 Please enter the last 10 digits of your file number. For example if your File Number is BN4064441956310 , please enter 4441956 310 5044 27 The File Number entered is 5045 28 Please enter the Date of Birth of the applicant in ddmmyyyy format. For example if the date of birth is 22nd June 1962 please enter 22061962 5046 29 The Date of Birth entered is 5047 30 For ECNR related request Press 1 5048 31 For Grievance related request press 2 5050 32 For information on Police Clearance Certificate form press 3 5051 33 To know about the Passport Seva Kendra office timings press 4 5052 34 To know about list of Holidays Press 5 5053 35 To check the status of existing Grievance Press 1 5054 36 Please enter the Service Request Number 5056 37 The Service Request Number entered is 5057 38 Please wait while the details are retrieved 5059 39 We are unable to retrieve the details, please wait while we transfer you to a Passport Seva Associate 5060 40 I am sorry, that was an invalid input. Please try again 5061 41 I am sorry, I did not received any input. Please try again 5062 42 Sorry, we are unable to process your request. Kindly call after some tim e 5063 43 To go back to the previous menu press 7, to go back to main menu press 8 , to speak to a passport seva associate press 9 5064 44 Please note down the address of your designated Passport office 5065

45 Please note down the addresses of your designated Passport Seva Kendras 5066 46 for Gujarathi press 3 5002 47 You have exceeded the maximum number of attempts 5067 48 "For detailed information, we request the applicant to visit www.passpor . However for applicant's convenience please note the steps to be followed: - Register yourself and create a User ID. - Download the e-Form - Fill & upload the eform to generate the ARN. -Schedule the appointment at the PSK as per the availability. - Carry the print out of appointment receipt, all requisite documents in origina l along with self - attested photocopies, and required fee in cash to Passport Seva Kendra. -Reach Passport Seva Kendra at least half an hour before the scheduled appointme nt time. " 5068 49 For detailed information, we request the applicant to visit www.passpo 5069 50 "For detailed information, we request the applicant to visit www.passpor . Please note that rules for tatkal application may differ from one Regional Passp ort Office to another. How ever for applicant's convenience please note the steps to be followed: - Register yourself and create a User ID. - Download the e-Form - Fill & upload the eform to generate the ARN. -Schedule the appointment at the PSK as per the availability. - Carry the print out of appointment receipt, all requisite documents in origina l along with self - attested photocopies, and required fee in cash to Passport Seva Kendra. -Reach Passport Seva Kendra at least half an hour before the scheduled appointme nt time. " 5070 51 To repeat the same menu, press * 5071 52 to replay the same message press * 5073 53 to continue press 1 5076 54 Thankyou for calling passport seva helpline. 5077 55 To go back to previous menu press 7 5078 56 To go back to main menu press 8 5079 57 To speak to a passport seva associate press 9 5080 58 For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associ ate 5074 Status codes Scripts for Passport Application 59 Passport application has been submitted by applicant along with fees and supporting documents. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passp ort Seva Associate (01) 5100 60 Passport has been granted to applicant and police verification initiated . Passport will be dispatched within 3 working days on receiving the Clear Police Verification Report. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passpor t Seva Associate (02) 5101 61 Passport has been granted to applicant and police verification initiated . Passport will be dispatched within 3 working days after post police verificati on. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (03) 5102 62 Passport has been granted to applicant. Passport will be dispatched with in 3 working days. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (04) 5103 63 Applicant s details have been sent for police verification . For more info rmation please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (05) 5104 64 Police have completed the verification process. Passport will be dispatc hed within 3 working days. For more information please press 9 to speak to our P

assport Seva Associate (06) 5105 65 Police have completed the verification process. Report is under review b y Ministry of External Affairs. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (07) 5106 66 Applicant s passport has been dispatched through speed post. For more info rmation please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (08) 5107 67 Applicant s passport has been dispatched through speed post. For more info rmation please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (09) 5107 68 Applicant s passport has been delivered through speed post. For more infor mation please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (10) 5108 69 Applicant s passport has been returned back undelivered by postal departme nt. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (11) 5109 70 Ministry of External Affairs has raised objection on the submitted appl ication. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Asso ciate (12) 5110 71 Show cause Notice has been issued to applicant. For more information ple ase press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (13) 5111 72 Applicant s reply to show cause notice has been received. Decision on your show cause notice could take upto 4 weeks. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (14) 5112 73 In response to show cause notice received by Passport Office, applicatio n has been sent again for re-verification to the police . For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (15) 5113 74 Applicant s appeal to Chief Passport Officer has been received. Applicant will be intimated the date for hearing within Eight weeks. For more informatio n please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (16) 5114 75 Chief Passport Officer has fixed a Date for hearing the applicant s case. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (17) 5115 76 Applicant s case was taken up and will be disposed off within Three weeks . For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (1 8) 5116 77 Applicant s passport has been Impounded / Revoked. For more information pl ease press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (19) 5117 78 Passport application has been refused. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (20) 5118 PCC Status Query Codes 79 PCC application has been submitted by applicant along with fees and supp orting documents. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport S eva Associate (50) 5210 80 PCC has been granted to applicant and police verification initiated. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (51) 5211 81 PCC has already been granted to applicant. For more information please p ress 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (52) 5212 82 Police have completed the verification process. PCC can be collected at PSK applied. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva A ssociate (53) 5213 83 Police have completed the verification process. Report is under review b y Ministry of External Affairs. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (54) F100 84 In response to show cause notice received by passport office applicatio n has been send again for re-verification to the police .For more information pl ease press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate "(55) 5214 85 Applicant s reply to show cause notice has been received. Decision on your show cause notice could take upto 4 weeks. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (56) F101 86 Application has been sent again for re-verification to the police . For

more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (57) F102 87 Applicant s appeal to Chief Passport Officer has been received. Applicant will be intimated the date for hearing within Eight weeks. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (58) F103 88 Chief Passport Officer has fixed a Date for hearing the applicant s case. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (59) F104 89 Applicant s case was taken up and will be disposed off within Three weeks. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (60 ) F105 90 PCC application has been refused. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (61) 5215 Grievance status code scripts 91 Your grievance has been received and is pending further action. For mor e information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (21) 5119 92 Work on your grievance is under progress. For more information please pr ess 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (22) 5120 93 To process the grievance more information is required. For more informat ion please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (23) 5121 94 Your grievance has been escalated to next higher level for redressal. Fo r further information on your grievance, please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (24) 5122 95 Your grievance has been addressed. To know the details, please press 9 t o speak to our Passport Seva Associate (25) 5123 96 Your grievance has been closed due to non receipt of required informatio n. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate ( 26) 5124 97 Your grievance has been re-opened based on the request. For more informa tion please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (27) 5125 98 Your grievance has been rejected. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associaten (28) 5126 Application (Contd ) 99 Passport printing has been stopped due to some adverse information again st applicant. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (29) 5200 100 Passport will be dispatched within 3 days. For more information please p ress 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (30) 5201 101 Passport application has been verified by the Verifying Officer and sent for Granting. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (31) 5202 102 Passport application is not clear has been rejected by the Verifying Off icer. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associat e (32) 5203 103 Passport application has been sent by Verifying Officer to CSE(passport seva associate) for correction. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (33) 5204 104 Passport application has been sent by Verifying Officer to APO for furth er actions. For more information please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva As sociate (34) 5205 105 Passport application has been cancelled. For more information please pre ss 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (35) 5206 106 Passport application has been retained. For more information please pres s 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (36) 5207 107 Passport Granting has been rejected by the granting officer.For more inf ormation please press 9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (37) 5208 108 Passport granting has been put on hold.For more information please press

9 to speak to our Passport Seva Associate (38) 5209 New Status Codes 109 Application has been submitted along with applicable fees and supporting documents 7001 110 Police Verification has been initiated. Your passport will be dispatched after Clear Police Verification Report is received at Regional Passport Office. You would receive an sms or email once the passport is dispatched 7002 111 Police Verification has been initiated. You would receive an sms or emai l once the passport is dispatched. 7003 112 Passport application has been granted. You would receive an sms or email once the passport is dispatched. 7004 113 Application is under review at Passport Seva Kendra. 7005 114 Application is under review at Regional Passport Office. 7006 115 Police Verification for your application is under processing. 7007 116 Letter has been dispatched. For More information please visit www.passpo 7008 117 Application has been sent to police for reverification. Your passport wi ll be dispatched after Clear Police Verification Report is received at Regional Passport Office. You would receive an sms or email once the passport is dispatch ed. 7009 118 Application has been sent to police for reverification. You would receiv e an sms or email once the passport is dispatched. 7010 119 Police has completed verification process and Police Verification Report has been found as Adverse. You would receive a Show Cause Notice. Please reply to the notice at the earliest 7011 120 Passport has been dispatched via Speed Post. 7012 121 Police has completed verification process and Police Verification Report is found as clear. You would receive an sms or email once the passport is dispa tched. 7013 122 Police has completed verification process. Your passport will be dispatc hed after Clear Police Verification Report is received at Regional Passport Offi ce. You would receive an sms or email once the passport is dispatched. 7014 123 Police has completed verification process. You would receive an sms or e mail once the passport is dispatched. 7015 124 Your passport processing has been put on hold due to procedural reasons. Please visit the Regional Passport Office with requisite original documents . 7016 125 Passport has been delivered over the counter at Regional Passport Office . 7017 126 Penalty has been imposed on this application. For further assistance, pl ease visit the Passport Seva Kendra where application has been submitted. 7018 127 Penalty has been imposed on this application. For further assistance, pl ease visit the Regional Passport Office. 7019 128 Your file has been closed and no further processing shall take place in this case. 7020 129 Application has been forwarded to Regional Passport Office for further a ction. Please visit RPO in person along with requisite original documents. 7021 130 Applicant is requested to collect the passport over the counter at Regio nal Passport Office. 7022 131 Show Cause Notice has been sent to the applicant. Please reply to the no tice by providing the required explanation. 7023 132 Request for counter delivery of passport has been received and is under processing. 7024 133 Applicant's reply to Show Cause Notice has been received and is under re view at Regional Passport Office. 7025 134 Passport has been delivered through Speed Post. 7026 135 Passport Delivery Status is Failed to Deliver. Regional Passport Office has not received the passport. Please contact the nearest India Post Office.

7027 136 Delivery status is 'Returned Undelivered'. For further assistance please contact the Regional Passport Office 7028 137 Passport application has been granted. Passport can be collected over th e counter. Passport not collected over the counter within two working days shall be delivered to the applicant via speed post. The applicant would receive an sm s or email once the passport is dispatched. 7029 138 Application has been rejected. 7030 139 Passport has been cancelled. Please contact Regional Passport Office for further queries. 7031 140 Police Verification Report for your passport application is under review at Regional Passport Office. Passport will be dispatched, after Police Verifica tion Report is found clear. You would receive an sms or email once the passport is dispatched. 7032 141 Police Verification Report for your passport application is under review at Regional Passport Office. You would receive an sms or email once the passpor t is dispatched. 7033 142 Request for counter delivery of passport has been rejected. You would re ceive an sms or email once the passport is dispatched. 7034 143 Request for counter delivery of passport has been approved. Please colle ct your passport from the Regional Passport Office. 7035 144 Police Verification has been initiated. Your passport will be dispatched after receipt of 'Clear' Police Verification Report. You would receive an sms o r email once the passport is dispatched. 7036 145 The application is pending with Passport Seva Kendra where it was submit ted. 7037 146 The application is under review at Passport Seva Kendra where you have s ubmitted the application. Please visit the Passport Seva Kendra along with all r equisite priginal documents . 7038 147 Your application is under review with Regional Passport Office. Please v isit the Regional Passport Office with all requisite original documents. 7039 148 " Your application is under review at Passport Seva Kendra where you have submitte d the application. Please visit the Passport Seva Kendra along with your passpor t size photograph and all the requisite original documents." 7040 149 Your application is under review with Regional Passport Office. Please v isit the Regional Passport Office along with your passport size photograph and a ll the requisite origianl documents. 7041 150 Your application is pending with Passport Seva Kendra, where you submitt ed the application, for data entry modification. 7042 151 Your application is under review at Passport Seva Kendra where the appli cation was submitted. Please visit the Passport Seva Kendra for completion of fu rther processing. 7043 152 Your application is under review at Regional Passport Office. Please vis it the Regional Passport Office for completion of further processing. 7044 153 Your application is under review with Regional Passport Office or Passpo rt Seva Kendra, where you submitted the application. Please visit Regional Passp ort Office or Passport Seva Kendra with all requisite original documents. 7045 154 " Police Verification Report for your passport application is under review at Regi onal Passport Office. Passport will be dispatched after Police Verification Repo rt is found clear. You would receive an sms or email once the passport is dispat ched. " 7046 155 Objection has been raised on your application. 7047 156 File closure has been initiated for your Police Clearance Certificate an d a File Closure letter has been dispatched to you. Please reply to the letter, providing required details as mentioned in the letter. In case you have responde d, you need not reply again. 7048

157 "Police Verification for your Police clearance certificate application i s under processing. " 7049 158 Request for closure of your application has been received and file closu re process initiated. 7050 159 "Police clearance certificate can be collected from the Passport Seva Ke ndra where it has been applied. You would receive an sms or email once the Polic e clearance certificate is ready for collection. " 7051 160 Police clearance certificate can be collected from the Regional Passport Office. You would receive an sms or email once the Police clearance certificate is ready for collection. 7052 161 Police Verification has been initiated. After Clear Police Verification Report is received at Regional Passport Office, Police clearance certificate can be collected from the Passport Seva Kendra where it has been applied. You would receive an sms or email once the Police clearance certificate is ready for coll ection. 7053 162 Police Verification has been initiated. After Clear Police Verification Report is received at Regional Passport Office, Police clearance certificatecan be collected from the Regional Passport Office. You would receive an sms or emai l once the Police clearance certificate is ready for collection. 7054 163 Police Verification for your Police clearance certificate application is under processing. After receipt of 'Clear' Police Verification Report at Region al Passport Office, Police clearance certificate can be collected from the Passp ort Seva Kendra where you submitted the application. You would receive an sms or email once the Police clearance certificate is ready for collection. 7055 164 Police Verification for your Police clearance certificate application is under processing. After Clear Police Verification Report is received at Regiona l Passport Office, Police clearance certificate can be collected from the RPO. Y ou would receive an sms or email once the Police clearance certificate is ready for collection. 7056 165 Police clearance certificate application has been granted. Police cleara nce certificate can be collected from the Passport Seva Kendra where you have su bmitted the application. You would receive an sms or email once the Police clear ance certificate is ready for collection. 7057 166 Police clearance certificate application has been granted. Police cleara nce certificate can be collected from the Regional Passport Office. You would re ceive an sms or email once the Police clearance certificate is ready for collect ion. 7058 167 The application has been sent to police station for reverification. Afte r receipt of 'Clear' Police Verification Report at Regional Passport Office, Pol ice clearance certificate can be collected from the Passport Seva Kendra where a pplication has been submitted. You would receive an sms or email once the Police clearance certificate is ready for collection. 7059 168 " The application has been sent to police station for reverification. After receip t of 'Clear' Police Verification Report at Regional Passport Office, Police clea rance certificate can be collected from the Regional Passport Office. You would receive an sms or email once the Police clearance certificate is ready for colle ction. " 7060 169 Police has completed verification process and Police Verification Report has been found as Clear. Police clearance certificate can be collected from the Passport Seva Kendra where you have submitted the application. You would receiv e an sms or email once the Police clearance certificate is ready for collection. 7061 170 Police has completed verification process and Police Verification Report has been found as Clear. Police clearance certificate can be collected from the Regional Passport Office. You would receive an sms or email once the Police cle arance certificate is ready for collection. 7062 171 Police has completed verification process. After receipt of 'Clear' Poli

ce Verification Report at Regional Passport Office, Police clearance certificate can be collected from the Passport Seva Kendra where you have submitted the app lication. You would receive an sms or email once the Police clearance certificat e is ready for collection. 7063 172 Police has completed verification process. After receipt of 'Clear' Poli ce Verification Report at Regional Passport Office, Police clearance certificate can be collected from the Regional Passport Office. You would receive an sms or email once the Police clearance certificate is ready for collection. 7064 173 Police Verification Report for your Police clearance certificate applica tion is under review at Regional Passport Office. After Police Verification Repo rt is found to be clear, Police clearance certificate can be collected from the Passport Seva Kendra where you have submitted the application. You would receive an sms or email once the Police clearance certificate is ready for collection. 7065 174 " Police Verification Report for your Police clearance certificate application is under review at Regional Passport Office. After Police Verification Report is fo und to be clear, Police clearance certificate can be collected from the Regional Passport Office. You would receive an sms or email once the Police clearance ce rtificate is ready for collection. " 7066 175 Request for closure of your application has been rejected. Police cleara nce certificate application is under review at Passport Seva Kendra. 7067 176 Request for closure of your application has been rejected. Police cleara nce certificate application is under review at Regional Passport Office. 7068 177 For More information please visit 7069 178 Unable to retrieve status please visit 7070

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