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[Type the document title] About Merck

Merck is a global healthcare leader working to help the world be well. Merck was established in Darmstadt Germany in 1668

It has two business sectors which are as follows:

The Pharmaceuticals business sector comprises innovative prescription drugs. Merck is

actively committed to brining therapeutic innovations to patients, and specializes in the treatment of cancer, neurodegenerative diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, infertility, endocrine and metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases and other conditions with unmet medical needs.

The Chemicals business sector offers specialty products for the electronics, printing, coatings, cosmetics, food, pharmaceutical and biotech industries.

They are internationally recognized as a biotechnology leader, with innovative and successful products along with a well-stocked and promising development pipeline.
TIME LINE 1851:Dr. Ernst Christian Friedrich Schering begins developing and selling pharmaceutical products in Berlin. Three years later, the company opened its first production facility. 1891:Merck & Co. opens its doors in United States. The U.S subsidiarys Parent company. Merck, was originally founded in Darmstadt, Germany, in 1668. 1899:The first Merck Manual is published as a guide to physicians and pharmacists.Today, the Merck Manual is published in 17 languages 1933:Merck dedicates its first research laboratories in Rahway, NJ. 1944:A collaboration between researchers at Merck and Rutgers University leads to the discovery of streptomycin. Also in 1944,Merck succeeds in the complex synthesis of cortisone. 11 year s later A team of Schering scientists successfully transforms cortisone into prednisone considered one of the most significant medical advances of the mid-twentieth century. 1853:Merck & Co. Inc merges with Philadelphia-based Sharp & Dohme. 1955:The Schering-Plough Foundation is established. Two years later, Merck establishes the Merck Company Foundation. 1963:Merch introduces the first measlses vaccine and four years later,a mumps vaccine.

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1971:Schering Corporation merges with plough, Inc, to create Schering-plough later merges with Netherlands-based Organon BioSciences,In 2007 1994:50th anniversary of Cooppertone,Schering-plough acquired Coppertone in 1957, the company later worked to help launch the UV index,a U.S. guideline letting consumers know when it is most important to use sunscreen. 2000:Merck and Schering-plough establish joint ventures in the United States to develop and market new prescription medicines in the cholesterol management and respiratory areas. 2009:Merch and Schering-plough combine to create the worlds second-largest pharmaceutical company by market share. Priorities of Merck

As a global leader in healthcare, Merck must meet ever-changing expectations; and we are meeting these expectations by managing our business responsibly.

Merck is working to advance their performance in four priority areas:


Access to Health,

By discovering smart, sustainable ways to expand global access to effective healthcare


Environmental Sustainability,

By discovering environmentally sustainable ways to meet the world's health need now and in the future



By discovering better ways to create a workplace where there employees--and business--can thrive


Ethics & Transparency.

By discovering better ways to build and strengthen trusted relationships, by demonstrating the highest ethical standards and communicating with greater transparency

htt Mercks core focus is to try never to forget that medicine is for the people [and]not for the

profits. The profits follow, and ifremembered they have never failed to appear. The company lives by

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these words expressed by their founder and aligns them within all of its disciplines.p://

Strategies of Merck

Merck was in urgent need of a new blockbuster drug as it had been suffering under the numerous product liability as they were loosing the patents , Merck invested for the development of new product(januvia)
but the pharmaceutical

giant Novartis had initiated its own research and development efforts.

However Merck managed to reach the market first. The strategy that been adopted by Merck was they shaving off time from the traditional drug development timeline by conducting some phases of its clinical trials in parallel rather than sequentially. This case is about how Merck & Co, Inc. (Merck) successfully developed and launched Januvia, its drug for Type 2 diabetes. Merck was in urgent need of a new blockbuster drug as it had been reeling under the numerous product liability lawsuits related to its pain relief drug Vioxx, the expiry of its blockbuster cholesterol drug, Zocor, and the imminent expiry of three more blockbuster drugs. The success of Januvia in the market was significant in the sense that if Merck had adopted the traditional drug development timeline, the drug would not have reached the market before 2010. Merck was a late starter and had joined the race for the new class of diabetic drug (DPP-4 inhibitors) almost five years after the pharmaceutical giant Novartis had initiated its own research and development efforts. However, Merck managed to reach the market first. This was done by shaving off time from the traditional drug development timeline by conducting some phases of its clinical trials in parallel rather than sequentially. Even in the launch of Januvia, Merck showed a lot of urgency and was able to take the brand to the market almost immediately after gaining approval for marketing the drug. As part of its new commercial model (that moved away from the traditional commercial model in the pharmaceutical industry), Merck focused on more targeted communication to doctors through its reps, e-detailing and video detailing. It made extensive use of new media such as the
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Internet. Experts hailed Merck's marketing acumen and said that more companies were expected to follow a similar model in the future.

Appreciate the issues, challenges and opportunities in new product development, particularly in the pharmaceutical industry Understand how Merck successfully launched Januvia using a new commercial model as part of its new corporate strategy Appreciate the importance of another 'P', 'Pace', in the marketing mix in addition to the 4Ps (product, price, place and promotion)

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