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2 theSun | THURSDAY OCTOBER 30 2008

news without borders RUKUN NEGARA: THE PRINCIPLES


TO achieve greater unity TO maintain a TO create a just society in TO ensure a liberal approach TO build a progressive society
among Malaysians democratic way of life which the wealth of the nation to her rich and diverse which shall be oriented to modern
shall be equitably shared cultural traditions science and technology

MB looked beyond race contacted theSun yesterday, hit out at

in PKNS top job

PAS, saying their action goes against
their “PAS for all” slogan which promised
to uphold Islamic principals of fairness
and equality for all.
“Low has been there for the last 33
years and from what I understand that
by Maria J. Dass PAS Selangor commissioner Datuk she is good at her job and a capable Dr Hassan Ali had on Tuesday expressed person to carry out this duty.”
the party’s displeasure over Low’s ap- He said the lack of meritocracy and
SHAH ALAM: “It is better if we give pointment and said the party will be appointments based on qualifications

Scary pictures on ciggie

the job to someone who will rake in looking for a suitable candidate to re- has caused Malaysia to lag behind and
millions for the benefit of the Malays place Low after meeting Abdul Khalid. lose out a lot in terms of investment and
than to appoint a Malay who is more Hassan said this had nothing to having the best minds.
interested in giving out contracts to
This was Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul
do with Low being a woman and a
Chinese. He said there are two other
deputy GMs who are also suitable for
He said PKNS is not a religious or
race-based organisation but one that is
aimed at helping the citizens.
boxes from January
Khalid Ibrahim’s response to those who the job, and asked why they were not » Wanita MCA chairman Datuk PUTRAJAYA: From January, cigarettes
sold in Malaysia will have to carry
Meanwhile, the no-smoking areas
opposed his appointment of Low Siew considered. Paduka Chew Mei Fun urged Abdul
Moi as acting general manager of the Former mentri besar Datuk Seri Dr Khalid to be firm in his professional view picture warnings about the danger of at shopping complexes now include
Selangor State Development Corpora- Mohd Khir Toyo had also said Abdul and stand over the appointment. smoking that are designed to put one five-foot ways around the building.
tion (PKNS). Khalid’s decision undermined the ca- “He should not be influenced by PAS off the puffs. “The amendments are made to
He said it was better for someone pabilities of Malays to run a company or any quarters and then compromise The cigarette box will also carry fulfil the government’s commitment
who can genuinely help the Malays like PKNS. on his decision on the appointment of information on cigarette content, to the provisions in the World Health
to hold the position than for a Malay At the state assembly yesterday, Low,” she said in a statement. statement on the prohibition of sale Organisation Framework Convention
who cannot deliver the benefits to the while raising a motion on the state She said the appointment of top to people below 18, the name and on Tobacco Control to which Malaysia
community. “If there is a Malay man- planning and development policy up to government posts should not be based address of the manufacturer or im- has been a party since December
ager who cannot benefit the Malays, 2025, Kampung Tunku assemblyman on skin colour or gender. porter, date of manufacture and the 2005,” Liow said.
then this is something we should view Lau Weng San also commented on Chew criticised the statements number of sticks per pack following He said those found breaking the
seriously,” he said. the opposition to Low’s appointment, made by Hassan and Khir, saying their the gazetting of the Control of Tobacco regulations would be fined or jailed.
He also issued this poser to those saying there needs to be a revamp of behaviour will not increase the coun- Products (Amendment) Regulations So far this year, 2,622 smokers had
who challenged the decision: “People PKNS. “There is no point for a Malay to try’s competitiveness and encourage 2008 on Sept 15, said Health Minister been slapped with compound fines
are angry because we changed the head the GLC if the rights of Malays are economic growth. Datuk Liow Tiong Lai. totalling RM564,000 while 1,946 cases
people, but they are not angry about pawned off to non-Malays.” » Social Action Initiative Foundation “By June 1, cigarettes which do not
have the all these must be withdrawn
had been brought to court, he said.
Liow also announced a plan to
the billions lost? Which is better? Think Lau said the facts showed that chairman Tan Sri Robert Phang said it
about this.” between 2004 and last year, 75% of all is sad that Low’s appointment has been from the market,” he said, referring to impose a floor price for all cigarettes
He reiterated that Low, who was development projects were given to challenged or question by PAS repre- a deadline for compliance. to check smoking among youths.
due for retirement this month, was non-Malays, either directly or indirectly. sentatives. “I hold the view, so long as the Following the amendment, the use He said the industry and the cabi-
picked for her 33-year experience in He said PKNS today is building bun- person is experienced and professionally of false, confusing and deceptive de- net, in its meeting on Sept 17, agreed
the company. galows for the rich instead of low-cost qualified, he or she should be given the scriptors and terms which could create to the introduction of the minimum
He said she was aware that her homes for those who need it. “We need fair opportunity to lead a corporation, misconception such as “low tar”, “light”, price. They are now in the final stage
appointment was temporary and that to fix these,” Lau said. “A state GLC even one set up to upgrade the social “ultra-light” and “mild” is banned with of drafting the Control of Tobacco
she would be there until a suitable should also help and benefit all people economy status of bumiputras.” immediate effect, he said. Products (Sale of Tobacco Products)
bumiputra candidate with proper quali- in Selangor, regardless of race.” He urged the government to do way The new regulations also saw Na- Regulations 2008 to implement it.
fications and experience, preferably in with the old school of thought but to tional Service training centres being Liow said the minimum price would
real estate and housing development, Other responses: embrace the sincerity and commitment turned into no-smoking areas and this probably be not less than 30 sen per
could be found. » Klang MP Charles Santiago, who to serve. is applicable to all trainees, staff and stick. – Bernama

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