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8 theSun | THURSDAY OCTOBER 30 2008

news without borders

MP: Conduct due diligence on Khazanah investing in this company, not a benefit from this aid. However, Dr Mohd Puad to listen to their plans, apart from
At the Dewan Rakyat sen more, looking at its previous
track record and its future which
“Although this move would add
to the government’s expenditure,
Zarkashi (BN-Batu Pahat) said
Second Finance Minister Tan Sri
determining ways to help them.
Tan Ah Eng (BN-Gelang
by Husna Yusop is not guaranteed,” he said during the cost could still be borne if part Nor Mohd Yakcop has said it will Patah) asked the government to the debate on Budget 2009. of the subsidy savings is used for not result in cash outflow. review the RM300 fee for renewal
While expressing hope for welfare purposes,” he said. Khalid accused the government of international passports which
A BACKBENCHER suggested the price reduction move by Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim of not using its funds wisely while she said is too expensive.
that the government conduct an hypermarkets to be more than a (PKR-Bandar Tun Razak) said comparing the situation with the Mohd Yusmadi Yusoff
immediate survey or due diligence cosmetic cut of 1% or 2%, Chua the government’s decision to allow US$700 billion bailout plan by the (PKR-Balik Pulau) called on the
on Khazanah Nasional Bhd to was concerned that the prices its investment agency ValueCap US government which he said will government to re-evaluate itself and
determine whether the company would go up again when the petrol Sdn Bhd to borrow RM5 billion be deposited into the banks and accept the fact that there is a need
should continue its business or not. price increases later. from Employees Provident Fund will not be taken out. to review the country’s economic
Chua Tee Yong (BN-Labis), a He said the government should to defend share prices is unwise He also suggested a meeting situation and proposed budget.
first-time MP and the son of former consider using the savings from and unprofitable. He said the move between the federal government “The 2009 Budget was huge
health minister Datuk Dr Chua Soi petrol subsidy to give out cash would only lead to bigger cash and all mentris besar and chief at a time of world economic
Lek, said Khazanah has invested money to low-income families outflow as foreign shareholders ministers to discuss efforts to crisis. This is an issue of crisis of
RM5.16 billion but did not get any rather than focusing too much on would be able to sell their shares alleviate the impact of the global governance. It is fundamental for
returns, citing high depreciation as petrol price reduction. and bring the money back to their economic crisis and ways to the government to re-evaluate
a factor, and the company has not “The welfare line should be own countries. stimulate the economy. its decisions. Refusing to do this
given out dividends nor generated increased to RM1,000 (monthly “The best way is to deposit He said the federal government would only put our economic
income since 1994. income per household) so that money in selected companies also should meet up with small situation in fantasy by having a
“I hope the government stops some 390,000 more families would through a special scheme,” he said. and medium-scale entrepreneurs budget of denial,” he said.

Backbencher ‘teaches’ deputy Judicial reform

minister to answer questions
DEPUTY Culture, Arts and Heritage Minister Teng
at forefront of
Boon Soon’s patience was tested when a backbencher
tried to “teach” him how to answer questions. govt agenda,
Datuk Mohamad Aziz (BN-Sri Gading) said he
wanted concrete, strong, firm and bold explanation
from the ministry on its action against the Penang
says Abdullah
government for being disrespectful by proposing to KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk
use various languages on its road signs. Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said
When Teng started to explain about the national yesterday Malaysia’s effort in judicial
cultural policy, Mohamad cut him short, saying: “This reform remains at the forefront of the
is not about policy! This is about action towards a state government’s agenda.
government which has breached the constitution!” He said that in April this year, he
Teng then said he was trying to say the policy had announced the establishment of
is based on Islam as the main factor but Mohamad an independent judicial appointments
interjected him, saying: “I’m not talking about Islam, commission and the work on the relevant
I’m talking about language!” legislation was progressing well.
When the Opposition MPs teased him for trying to “The government aims to table the
teach a deputy minister, he said: “We can teach the min- relevant legislation to establish the com-
ister. No problem. Ministers are also human beings.” mission by the end of the year, InsyaAl-
Teng finally said the usage of language on road lah,” he said when delivering his keynote
signs is under the jurisdiction of a state government address at the 21st LawAsia Conference
and its local authorities, not the federal government. at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.
The three-day conference was organ-
ised jointly by the Malaysian Bar Council
Criteria used for Apex and and the Law Association for Asia and the
THES different, says Khaled Pacific (LawAsia).
THE criteria used to choose a local university to Abdullah said the judicial appoint-
undergo the Accelerated Programme of Excellence ments commission is not merely desir-
(Apex) is different from that used by the Times able in Malaysia but a necessity.
Higher Education Supplement (THES), Higher Edu- “The present system of judicial ap-
cation Minister Datuk Seri Khaled Nordin said. pointments has given rise to questions
“For Apex, we evaluate the universities based on on the judiciary’s integrity and cred-
their previous successes and future capabilities. The ibility. Such a commission will provide a
yardstick used was both qualitative and quantitative. structured, transparent and merit-based
For THES, it is based on assessments sent out to some appointment process,” he said.
200,000 lecturers, and of this, less than 2% responded. Abdullah said bodies similar to a
“We were very thorough in Apex whereby inter- judicial appointments commission are
views and audits were also carried out to check the already a feature of jurisdictions such as
accuracy of the information given,” he said in reply Thailand, Hongkong and India.
to a supplementary question by Mohd Yusmadi “A judicial commission will be a vital
Yusoff (PKR-Balik Pulau). step in the right direction. Implementing
and operationalising it of course will be a
challenge, and already there have been
257,411 birth certs without divergent views on the functioning and
father’s names composition of the commission,” he said.
THE National Registration Department has issued
257,411 birth certificates which do not carry the
fathers’ names from 2000 until July, Home Minister
Deferment does not mean However, the prime minister said
when personal and organisational in-
terests were set aside, he believed that
Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar said.
“The father’s name could not be recorded in
the birth certificate of illegitimate children, namely
cancellation: PAC chief Malaysia could arrive at a solution that is
best for the country.
“Once the commission is formed, it
is up to the judges themselves to make
children born out of wedlock, except at the joint KUALA LUMPUR: The Public Accounts Committee “Today (the meeting) is on the technical side (of
request of the mother and the person who admit- the judiciary an institution that we can
(PAC) is going ahead with the meeting to scrutinise the deal); tomorrow, it’s on the financial aspect. We
ted to being the father. all be proud of. A system is only as good
the proposed purchase of Eurocopter helicopters as will only get the overall picture after the briefings,”
“This was in keeping with the provisions of Sec- as the people who operate within it, and
the deal is still on the table. he said. I am confident our judges will rise to the
tion 13 of the Registration of Births and Deaths Act PAC chairman Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid said the Azmi said the tender process for the helicopter is
1957,” he told R. Sivarasa (PKR-Subang). occasion,” he said.
deferment of the purchase of 12 Eurocopter EC725 still at an early stage. Abdullah also said the LawAsia Con-
Cougar helicopters to replace the Nuri aircraft does “A letter of intent is just an intent. It’s not even an ference was aptly themed “Challenging
No plan to hike rail not mean the government is cancelling the deal. order; it’s only an intention to buy,” he said, referring Asia” as it was held at a time of great
transport fares “It’s a deferment ... it’s not a question of cancelling to the letter of intent which the Finance Ministry had upheavel worldwide – when the financial
RAIL operators have not submitted any proposal the deal. Deferment is not cancellation,” said Azmi issued to Eurocopter. crisis which began in the United States
to raise fares, said Deputy Transport Minister Datuk when asked on the rationale of the PAC meeting He said that the deal has not reached the price and spread to Europe, extended its reach
Lajim Ukin. He said the ministry was empowered to when the government had already announced that negotiation stage yet. to this region.
revise the fare rates for only rail transport services the deal had been put on hold. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad He said although the financial crisis
such as the commuter, light rail transit (LRT) and Earlier the PAC received a briefing on the acquisi- Badawi announced on Tuesday that the government was still an early stage, the debate had
monorail. “A revision of fare rates for bus service tion of the EC725 helicopters following outcry among had put on hold the purchase of the helicopters at already begun on how countries should
comes under the jurisdiction of the Commercial certain quarters that the price is exorbitant. a cost of RM1.679 billion until the global economic balance regulatory oversight with market
Vehicle Licensing Board,” he said in reply to Chua Azmi said the briefing is organised by the Defence situation stabilised. competitiveness in the banking, finance
Tian Chang (PKR-Batu). Ministry and attended by the ministry’s Secretary- The PAC meeting continues today. and investment fields.
Lajim said a new LRT route, stretching 42km General Datuk Abu Bakar Abdullah and Royal Malay- Meanwhile, DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang has urged “Beyond the context of the current
from Kota Damansara to Cheras and expected to sian Air Force Chief Gen Tan Sri Azizan Ariffin. Azmi to withdraw from the inquiry, saying Azmi was financial crisis, there are still other ar-
be ready in 2014, was expected to draw more than “We do our part, which is within the framework of a minister in the cabinet which decided to replace eas of importance to Asia, such as the
300,000 passengers daily as well as reduce traffic our duty as the PAC committee. We have everybody Nuri helicopters with a new fleet on July 18 last year. performance of the real sectors of the
congestion in Kuala Lumpur. – Bernama here together with opposition members. – Bernama economy and institutional reform and
renewal,” he said. – Bernama

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