Newsletter Autumn14 2011

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Helping children be the best they can be Dear Parents, Governors and Children, OUR NEXT HOLIDAY Our

next holiday is Christmas, and school will close at 3.30 p.m. on Friday 16th December. We will re-open at 8.45 a.m. on Tuesday 3rd January. WELL DONE Well Done to Sofia Vasconcelos who graduated on Wednesday to Purple Belt in Tae Kwon Do Well Done to Caitlin Russell who has passed her Sta Level 4 in swimming Well Done to Emily Russell who has passed her Sta Level 3 in swimming and achieving her 5 metres swimming badge. Well Done to Keira Parkin who has passed her ASA Swimming Stage 2 Well Done to Cole Underwood and Lewis Yates for achieving their Orange belt in Martial Arts CHRISTMAS IN POLAND Czesc Jestesmy czterema dziewczynami I mamy na imie Kinga , Roksana , Weronika I Daria. To jest nasz drugi wpis o tym jak w Polsce swietuje sie Boze Narodzenie. W Polsce swientujemy wigilie 24 grudnia.Gdy pierwsza gwiazdka jest na niebie jest czas na kolacje wigilijna. Tradycja jest taka ze powinno byc jedno kszeslo wolne przy stole dla niespodzewanego goscia. Najpierw dzielimy sie oplatkiem i skladamy zyczenia. A potem siadamy do stolu. Tradycia jet taka ze jest 12 roznych potraw na stole jak barszcz czerwony, zupa grzybowa, karp, pierogi z grzybami i z kapustom, kompot z suszu i makowiec. Po kolacji kazdy dostaje prezeny ktore sa ukryte pod chonka. Mikolaj zostawia je tam w Wigilie kiedy nikt nie patrzy. Niektorzy ludzie czekaja do polnocy zeby pojsc do kosciola na pasterke. W dzien Bozego Narodzenia odwiedzamy rodzine i spedzamy razem milo czas. Hi! We are four girls called Kinga, Roksana, Weronika and Daria and every week we will make a diary entry for the Newsletter in English and Polish. This week we are going to tell you how people in Poland spend their Christmas. In Poland we start celebrating on Christmas Eve on 24 December. When the first star appears in the sky it is time for supper. The tradition is there should be one spare chair at the table for an unexpected guest. The first thing we do is to share a thin wafer wishing all the best to each other. Then it is time to eat supper. Traditionally there are twelve different kinds of dishes including beetroot soup, mushroom soup, carp, dumplings with mushrooms and sourkraut, dried fruit compote and poppy seed cake. After the supper everyone gets presents which are hidden under the Christmas tree. Santa leaves them on Christmas Eve when nobody is looking. Some people wait until midnight to go to church for the midnight Mass. On Christmas Day we visit our family and have a good time together. BREAKFAST CLUB RE-OPENS MONDAY 9TH JANUARY Breakfast Club will re-start on Monday 9th January (the second week back after Christmas). We thought you would appreciate as much notice as possible in case this change affects your childcare arrangements.

RECEPTION NATIVITY IN DONCASTER FREE PRESS We are pleased to let you know that the photograph of our Wriggly Nativity production is included in this weeks edition of Doncaster Free Press.

CROSSING LITTLEMOOR LANE AND PARKING We now have a new Crossing Patrol Warden, so please impress on your children that they should use the warden when they try to cross the road. Again we are asking that you park sensitively when you bring and collect your children, bearing in mind not blocking our neighbours drives or double parking and causing problems for children trying to cross the roads. Additionally, please do not park ON the pavement, as buggies and wheelchairs need the space on the footpath, as well as it being dangerous for children if you try to drive on the path. Thank you for your co-operation.

UPDATE TO EMERGENCY NUMBERS We are experiencing difficulties at the moment contacting parents when their child is ill, or left behind from an after-school club or activity. Please make sure, if you change your mobile number, or even move house, that you let school know. Thank you.

CONTRIBUTIONS TO OUR NEWSLETTER We are encouraging the children to contribute to our weekly newsletter with stories, pictures and items of interest they have done in the classroom our outside school. The contributions this week are from Year 3, Violet & Ruby classes. Look out for more class contributions in the coming weeks

THANK YOU AND MERRY CHRISTMAS We would like to wish all Parents, Governors and Children a very happy holiday. Many thanks to all those who have supported us in many and various ways this year, fundraising, attending meetings, sending in all the bits and pieces we request over the term. Your children value your involvement in their education as do we, and we hope we can continue this relationship into the New Year. On behalf of the staff, we would like to wish you all a good Christmas break and may you all have a prosperous New Year. We look forward to seeing you all back on Tuesday 3rd January.

Body. The human body has more than 20 internal organs. Vitamin D helps your body to absorb calcium. Your nervous system needs nutrients like any other part of your body you need meat, fish, fresh and juice , ,green vegetables, milk, eggs, wholegrain cereals. BAD FOOD are Alcohol, tea and coffee.

Liver Your liver is the largest organ it weighs about 1.5kg. Your liver cleans your blood and plays on important part in digestion.

Heart. Your heart is a powerful muscle which pumps blood around your body. How does your heart beat? The pump on the right side of the heart receives blood that has been pumped around the body. This blood is dark and red and has used up most of its oxygen. An adults heart beats 70 times a minute.

By Daniel Mannion and Jessica Sawbridge.

Kidneys Kidneys clean the blood by filtering waste matter and straining off any water your body

Brain. Oxygen is vital to the brain because brain cells die if they are starved of oxygen. Unlike many cell, they can never be replaced.

Skeleton Everyone has a skeleton made up of many bones. We need calcium to keep our bones healthy. Our spin allows us to bend, twist and stand upright.

Teeth. Different teeth do different jobs, front teeth for cutting and grinding. Canines are for cutting and tearing. The back teeth are for crunching and grinding. The back teeth are call molars. Teeth help us to pronounce certain sounds when we talk.

Lungs. You have two lungs one in each side of your chest. When we breathe air into our lungs, our bodies take a gas called oxygen. The oxygen passes from the lungs into the blood and is then carried around the body. The lungs allow our body to take in fresh air and get rid of stale air.

Muscles. We have over 630 muscles in our whole body. Our eye muscles move about 100.000 times each day. We have over 30 muscles in our face. Every time we move its our muscles doing the work. We couldn't walk, talk, play games, or eat anything without them.

Brain Eyes Ear Lungs heart Stomach Liver Kidneys Large Intestine Small intestine

Your heart beats around 100,000 times per day and night.

The brain is the boss of your Your brain body controls One of the main jobs of the kidneys is to filter the waste out of the blood. An adult has 32 teeth, 4 of them are wisdom teeth. everything you do. Teeth are covered in a hard substance called enamel.

Your lungs take oxygen from the air when we breathe to help us live.
This is your heart

A child has 28 teeth, these are called the baby teeth.

You have four different valves that control the flow of your blood.

A child has 28


An adult has 32 teeth, 4 of them are wisdom teeth.

Teeth are for eating and talking.

You need to drink milk because it strengthens your teeth

Teeth are covered in a hard substance called enamel.

Your teeth help you talk

Your molars are for chomping and grinding.

Canines are for ripping and tearing.

Your heart beats around 100,000 times per day and night. You have four different valves that control the flow of your blood. Your heart is located a little to the left in your chest.

This is your heart

The brain is the boss of your body.

Your brain controls everything you do.

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