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Environment Programme

CONTENTS E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E 2011

Introduction 1. Document Development 2. Methodology Main Environment programme Dimensions: Goals, Objectives, Activities 2.1 Games in Harmony with Nature 2.1.1. Main Challenges and Opportunities presented by the Winter Games 2.1.2. Strategic Goals, Dimensions and their Key Implementation Criteria 2.1.3. Anticipated Outcomes of Implementation of Existing Projects and Main Obstacles to Environmental Strategy Implementation 2.1.4. Environmental Legacy 2.2. Climate Neutral Games 2.2.1. Main Challenges and opportunities presented by the Winter Games 2.2.2. Strategic Goals, Dimensions and their Key Implementation Criteria 2.2.3. Anticipated Outcomes of Implementation of Existing Projects and Main Obstacles to Environmental Strategy Implementation 2.2.4. Environmental Legacy

2.3. Zero Waste Games 2.3.1. Main Challenges and opportunities presented by the Winter Games 2.3.2. Strategic Goals, Dimensions and their Key implementation Criteria 2.3.3. Anticipated Outcomes of Implementation of Existing Projects and Main Obstacles to Environmental Strategy Implementation 2.3.4. Environmental Legacy 2.4. Enlightenment Games 2.4.1. Main Challenges and opportunities presented by the Winter Games 2.4.2. Strategic Goals, Dimensions and their Key Implementation Criteria 2.4.3. Anticipated Outcomes of Implementation of Existing Projects and Main Obstacles to Environmental Strategy Implementation 2.4.4. Environmental Legacy Annexe 1.System of Programme Measures Annexe 2. Glossary Annexe 3. List of Environment programme Stakeholders Annexe 4. List of Environment programme Development Experts Annexe 5. Bibliography

iNTrODUCTiON E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E 2011

of attaining objectives are improved. The main objectives in the development of the Environment programme were the following: The developed document does not claim to have acquired the status of a federal (or regional) target programme (with the additional financial resources, and special federal formatting standards, etc., that would entail). The main function of the Environment programme is to systematize and coordinate the work of the Winter Games stakeholders with regard to environmental commitments made in the Bid Book. As for time-frames, three distinct stages, each of vital importance, present themselves: the preparations for the Games, including the construction of Olympic venues; the staging of the Games, and the welcome we offer our guests; and the post-Games period. This last phase is set to become the touchstone of the Winter Games success, deciding their impact not only on Sochi, but also on Russia as a whole. The Environment programme is aimed at making the Winter Games an instrument of positive change for our country; a demonstration of its capabilities and commitment to environmental protection, sustainable development and environmentally responsible behaviour. The Environment programme draws on the experience of the Vancouver 2010 and the London 2012 Games in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development and, moreover, by expanding on the way sustainable development and the Olympic movements values have been applied and instilled into the Games activities in the past, it places a fundamentally new emphasis on the Sochi 2014 Games they will become the Games of Environmental Enlightenment.

The Games give Russia a unique opportunity to showcase its practices as regards planning, organizing and making efficient use of both the material legacy, and the non-material legacy to be left behind by the Games. According to the Games strategic goals, environmental protection has not been singled out as a specific function. On the contrary, the concept of a green Games and the territorys sustainability underpin the entire preparations for, and staging of, the 2014 Winter Games. The Sochi 2014 Environment programme is based on the Sochi 2014 Environmental Strategy ratified by the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee Supervisory Board on June 2, 2009, and is designed to set out details of four interrelated dimensions of the Sochi 2014 Environmental Strategy through actual objectives and activities: Games in harmony with nature; Climate neutral Games; Zero Waste Games; Enlightenment Games.

To determine actual, measurable, attainable objectives within each strategic dimension; To systematize the work of the main participants in preparations for the Winter Games; To assess the adequacy of activities already underway or planned, with regard to the commitments Russia must meet.

The Sochi 2014 Environment programme is a collection of environmental activities supporting the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi, which have been stipulated by programmes ratified and implemented in advance ; approved by stakeholders in the Games; and supplied with the resources required to facilitate the Sochi 2014 Environmental Strategy and meet commitments contained in the Bid Book. The Sochi 2014 Environment programme is a living Games document that will be further developed as activities are carried out and ways

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The full planning cycle for the Games environmental support consists of three stages (see Diagram 1). At stage 1, all environmental commitments in the Bid Book were systematized. As a result, the Sochi 2014 Environmental Strategy was developed and approved on June 2, 2009, by the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee Supervisory Board. This document laid the foundation for the development of the Environment programme. At stage 2, an Environment programme that secured coordinated goals and actions from all stakeholders was developed. The first stage of the Environment programmes development saw the systematization of environmental protection activities which are already being carried out or whose implementation is merely planned, with regard to every strategic dimension and according to the requirements of the Bid Book in the field of ecology and environmental protection as well as to the Environmental Strategy. One of the main objectives of the Environment programme was to involve the greatest possible number of stakeholders in its development. As a result, 74 organizations took part in its development: the Sochi 2014, i.e. stakeholders, partners, and non-governmental organizations (the list of organizations is shown in Annexe 3); approximately 77 Russian and non-Russian experts (See Annexe 4). At the second stage of the Environment programmes development, a three-day working session, which served as an integrated communication platform, was organized and held. The main goals of the session were as follows:


To verify the environmental challenges presented by the Games, and the goals of the Environmental Strategy in relation to them. 2. To define anticipated outcomes with regard to every goal, and measurable target values with which to assess progress in each strategic dimension (Games in harmony with nature, Climate Neutral Games, Zero Waste Games, and Enlightenment Games). The systems development took into account indicatorbased systems already in existence such as OGI (Olympic Games Impact) and GRI (Global Reporting Initiative). 3. To assess the adequacy of activities already being carried out, or planned, with regard to the Games environmental support, so as to achieve the goals set by the Environmental Strategy. The principles of activities development for every dimension of the Environmental Strategy are shown in Diagram 2.

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I. Environmental Strategy Development

II. Environment Programme Development

III. Substantial Specification of Activities in the Framework of the Environment Programme

Games in Harmony with Nature

Climate Neutral Games

Games in Harmony with Nature

Climate Neutral Games

Games in Harmony with Nature

Climate Neutral Games

Zero Waste Games

Enlightenment Games

Zero Waste Games

Enlightenment Games

Zero Waste Games

Enlightenment Games

June 2, 2009 Approval of the Sochi 2014 Environmental Strategy

July, 2010 Approval of the Sochi 2014 Environmental Program

December, 2010 Approval of Environmental Plans of responsible institutions

Environmental commitments structured The communication platform prepared The document is stakeholders activation instrument

Goals coordinated with stakeholders Integrative roles and responsibility of stakeholder defined Terms and resources defined

Content of projects and Programs till 2015 defined

Action plan till 2015 to implement the Sochi 2014 Environment Programme outlined Coordination and integration mechanisms in place


Analysis of the Sochi 2014 Environmental Strategy Formation of Challenges

Formulation of Challenges

Formulation of Strategic Goals

Formation of Criteria of Goal Achievement

Formation of the List of Activities 1

Bid Book Commitments






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Challenges GAMES IN HARMONY WITH NATURE Strategic Goals

The first step to be taken went towards forming the Games environmental challenges. The main reasons behind their formation were commitments made in the Bid Book, along with an analysis of the existing situation and systemic problems in the Games preparation and staging. Thus, a comparison of the current state (How Things Are) and the future as stated in the Bid Book (How Things Will Be requirements of the Bid Book, expectations among major consumer groups (population, civil society organizations, authorities, etc.)) enabled us to formulate the main problem areas with regard to the Games environmental support, along with a system of challenges. The next step went towards forming the goals of the Environment programme. The basic criteria that helped to determine the final list of goals were the following: 1. 2. 3. The ability to meet existing challenges efficiently. To enhance the Games positive impact to the maximum. To provide for a positive legacy from the Games.

To construct Olympic venues in SPNA Sochi National Park To provide high-quality air during and after the Games A need to increase the extraction of gravel from river beds may at the same time lead to a reduction of river discharge and a decrease in underground water level Additional load on partially or heavily developed territories of water intake zones Excessive water disposal system wear and tear as well as a lack of sewer systems in Sochis regions from the outset To build Olympic venues in sub-mountain and mountain zones with 120 plant species protected at different levels, including 82 species listed in the Russian Red Data Book The need for a comprehensive approach to environmental management and environmental protection A complex geo-environmental situation characterized by increased seismic threat and highly active erosion processes

1. To mitigate the possible negative impact on the environment during

preparations, staging and the post-Games period

2. To compensate for the negative impact on the environment during 3. To

preparations, staging and the post-Games period implement a state-of-the-art, comprehensive approach environmental management and environmental protection to


The organization and staging of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games will lead to new sources of, and an increase in, carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions The XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games are Climate Neutral Games

1. To balance carbon dioxide 2. To reduce carbon dioxide emissions through the upgrading of Sochis
transport system

3. To reduce carbon dioxide emissions by upgrading the energy system

and improving energy efficiency


Large amounts of construction waste produced during preparations for the Games have to be treated and disposed of To recycle large amounts of waste during the Games

1. To minimize waste production, to increase waste treatment and

recycling, and to implement the zero waste concept

The XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games should be perceived by the public as a longawaited and positive event for the city of Sochi and Russia as a whole. In this respect, it is necessary to place high emphasis on: providing the public with reliable information about the Olympic Games projects implementation; the spreading of environmental awareness; and the enhancement of the publics environmental culture The Olympic Games project is being implemented in the area rich with rare and endangered communities and species, many of them are registered in Russian Red Data Books of different levels. This requires the 2014 Winter Games organizers to be more committed and responsible as well as Olympic builders to become more environmentally conscious, professional and knowledgeable The Olympic Games host country should set an example of successful implementation of the sustainable development concept, and environmentally responsible behaviour on the part of organizers and city residents during the preparations for, and the staging of, the Games. The 2014 Winter Games should represent a new, meaningful step towards Russias sustainable development in harmony with nature, and contribute to sustained public interest in the environmentally responsible use of natural resources and a respectful approach to the environment after the Games.

1. To enhance the environmental awareness and culture of the public in

Sochi, the Krasnodar Region and Russia

2. To raise the educational awareness of stakeholders; develop their

professional skills and knowledge in the field of the environment

The final list of challenges and goals was verified by participants during a working session and is shown in Diagram 3

3. To promote a culture of abiding by the sustainable development

principles, and environmental protection solutions, implemented under the framework of the Olympic project

Diagram 3. Diagram showing the Challenges and Strategic Goals of the Environment programme.

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The third step was centred on formulating outcomes that will help determine whether a goal has been achieved or not. At the same time, all the outcomes were tested against the SMART criteria specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound. The next step was to create the scheme of activities required in order for the stated outcomes to be achieved. The final list of activities was compiled according to the following criteria: 1. Activitys contribution to achieving stated outcomes, its significance in reaching goals. Maximize the material and non-material legacy of the Games.

outline only, as they will be described in full in the next programme document Environmental Plans, along with stakeholders action plans for the Environment programmes implementation; the development of the document began in 2010 (Stage III).


If it was deemed impossible for certain of the stated goals to be achieved through activities already undertaken or planned, additional activities were provided. The relevant sections of the Environment programme contain information on every activity, including the initial circumstances, anticipated outcomes, implementation, the institutions responsible, etc. Stage II of the Environment programmes creation was finalized when the document received approval from representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources, SC Olympstroy, Krasnodar Region Administration, Sochi municipality, and business and nongovernmental organizations involved in the project. The Environment programme sets out the mechanisms to be used in its implementation in

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2.1. GAMES IN HARMONY WITH NATURE 2.1.1.Main Challenges and Opportunities presented by the Winter Games The decision to stage the Olympics in Sochi, the commitments made in Section 5 of the Bid Book, Environment and Weather Conditions, and the need to take into account natural characteristics while developing Olympic infrastructure presented a host of challenges to Russia: 1. Construction of Olympic venues in specially protected natural areas such as Sochi National Park; Construction of Olympic venues in subalpine and alpine zones with 120 plant species protected at different levels, including 82 species listed in the Russian Red Data Book; To provide high quality air during and after the Games; An additional load on partially or heavily developed territories of water intake zones; The need to increase gravel extraction from river beds, that may result in changes to river habitats and other harmful consequences; The lack of sewer systems in Sochis regions from the outset: excessive water disposal system wear and tear, the need to reconstruct sewage treatment facilities and deep release outlets; The complex geo-environmental situation, characterized by an increased seismic danger and high level of erosion activities


3. 4.

To handle these challenges, the use of modern eco-friendly and resource-light technologies and solutions must be implemented. Applying such methods will set an example of environmentally responsible behaviour. The success of such activities can and should be showcased all over Russia. The Games open up many opportunities for the upgrading of transport and energy, as well as the citys water supply and disposal systems. The upgrading of the citys life-sustaining environmental systems will decrease the load on the environment and improve it for the future, serving the development of the city and its adjacent territories as a world-class Alpine climate resort. At the preparation stage, various regional and federal environmental protection programmes were initiated, while new specially protected natural areas have been created. All of these measures will serve to protect rare species in danger of extinction.

To manage the alpine and coastal ecosystems of Sochi Region efficiently, it is necessary to have a strategy and an integrated plan for environmental support for the preparations for, and staging of, the Games, approved by all stakeholders, as well as an action plan for every Olympic project stakeholder. A comprehensive environmental monitoring system should provide for the monitoring of the environment at the stages of construction, launch and operation of the Olympic venues. The scope and efficiency of the comprehensive environmental monitoring system is characterized by two key indicators: those monitoring scope and those monitoring frequency. The implementation of a comprehensive management approach will facilitate the creation of the integrated zone of Greater Sochi as an alpine climate resort, a finely balanced combination of natural landscapes and Olympic infrastructure venues.

construction of Olympic infrastructure venues. (For more information about the criteria, see Annexe 1). Staging the Games At this stage, indicators on the environmental quality (air, surface and ground water, etc.), which should comply with both international and national standards to ensure the Games can be staged at the highest possible level, will serve as key criteria (for more information about criteria, see Annexe 1). Post-Games Period The post-Games period should follow the concept of clean ground. This concept provides for the selection of the most efficient option when transforming the Games venues. This would contribute to the sustainable development of the territory and the rehabilitation of new territories, after the temporary infrastructure has been dismantled. Goal 3. To compensate for the negative impact on the environment during preparations, staging and post-Games period The process of creating the infrastructure inevitably affects every aspect of the environment of Sochi Region. In this regard, the Environment programme focuses on comprehensive compensatory activities: recovering landscapes damaged during construction; preserving wildlife populations, species composition and plants and animals habitats. The Games should serve as a catalyst for the creation of new specially protected areas and nurseries for endangered species.


2.1.2. Strategic Goals, Dimensions and Key Criteria for their Implementation In response to the challenges set within the dimension Games in Harmony with Nature, actual strategic goals, and indicators showing the progress made towards them at each stage of the Games, were formulated. Goal 1. To implement a comprehensive approach to environmental management and environmental protection

Goal 2. To mitigate possible negative impact on the environment during preparations, staging and post-Games period The development of Olympic infrastructure requires modern solutions and technology, aimed at striking the finest possible balance between technological progress and the state of natural habitats on the territory. Preparation Criteria that reflect the efficiency of the system of modern environmental protection and resource-light solutions used in the design and



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This will strengthen the SPNA system and environmental framework of Sochi and its adjacent territories. The share of an SPNA total area in the total area of Sochi Region as well as functional zones percentage ratio will reflect the development of the regions environmental framework. Particular attention will be paid to species listed in the Russian Red Data Book (For more information about criteria, see Annexe 1). Initial condition and criteria of goal achievements are as described at Diagram 4.

Goal 1

Implement up-to-date comprehensive approach to management of natural resources and environmental protection

Lack of the integrated system of environmental management in the area of staging the Games Lack of the comprehensive environmental monitoring system in the area of Olympic venues construction

Strategy and plan of environmental preparation and staging the Games support to

Working out a comprehensive environmental monitoring system in the area of Olympic venues construction and maintenance Working out GIS (Geographic Information System) available to Olympic stakeholders

Goal 2

Minimize the possible environmental impact in preparation and delivery of the Olympics in the Post-Games period

Outdated Documents State Standards construction and construction Rules and Regulations for

To apply green standards to design & construction of Olympic venues

16% of institutions responsible for the implementation of Olympic venues construction Program have ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Lack of venues certified under international green standards (LEED or BREEAM)
Diagram 4. Initial Conditions and Criteria for Achievement of Goals.

Starting of May 2009, 100% of institutions responsible for the implementation of Olympic venues construction Program should use green standards
10 Olympic venues certified under international green standards (LEED or BREEAM) To upgrade water supply and disposal systems 80-100% Concept 100% of suppliers and licensees seeking to mitigate environmental consequences of their activities

High percentage of wear and tear of water supply & disposal systems


Goal 3

Compensate the possible environmental impact caused by preparation and delivery of the Olympics in the Post-Games period

Lack of planned measures to compensate for possible damage

To compensate for CO2 emissions & restoration of the river bed & flood lands of the Mzymta river

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2.1.3. Anticipated Outcomes of Implementation of Existing Projects and Main Obstacles to Environmental Strategy Implementation To implement a comprehensive approach to environmental management and environmental protection It is proposed that the comprehensive system of environmental management and environmental protection should include the following elements: Complex assessment of the environmental impact caused by construction of the Olympic venues Timely updates to the assessment of the environmental impact caused by all the venues planned under the Programme for Olympic Venues Construction, adjusted for their location, will contribute to the creation of an action plan capable of mitigating any negative environmental consequences and possible harm, environmental hazard prevention and the prompt development of adequate compensatory activities. Development of an integrated strategy and the Games environmental support programme Both the Environmental Strategy and the Environment programme of the Games will help formulate key goals in the field of ecology and environment protection, determine consolidated actions for Olympic project stakeholders that, in their turn, work out action plans to mitigate negative impact on environment.

Being a main document that regulates the city land use planning, the general plan of a city district the City of Sochi adopted by Sochi Administration helps to eliminate an effect of chaotic real estate development and use the municipal territory environmentally friendly. Regulated perspective city planning will facilitate sustainable development of Sochis territory. Creation and implementation of the comprehensive environmental monitoring system in the area of Olympic venues construction The comprehensive environmental monitoring system is one of the basic instruments of the environment protection policy. Projects of monitoring organization and conducting provided by the Olympic Venues Construction Programme are systemic and encompass all the spheres of environment: atmospheric air, water objects, mineral resources, soils, flora and fauna. Owing to complex geo-environmental situation, high emphasis is placed on monitoring of hazardous weather phenomena: landslides, mudflows, snow slides, erosion processes, etc. The comprehensive monitoring system will enable the tracing of the direct and indirect environmental consequences for the city of Sochi and its adjacent territories. Creation of the information system for Olympic project stakeholders (GIS) The Geographic Information System (GIS) for monitoring of venues on the Games territory, which was created by SC Olympstroy, will systematize information about environmental

conditions on the territory where Olympic venues are being constructed. Data analysis will be used for doing forecasts, modelling possible consequences of hazardous weather phenomena to the environment and Olympic venues, estimating risks and making efficient managing decisions. The GIS will also provide graphic visualization of spatial data and relevant information about the Olympic venues construction territory. To mitigate possible negative impact on the environment during preparation, staging and the post-Games period To mitigate possible negative impact while designing and constructing Olympic venues, there are activities aimed at implementing green standards developed by SC Olympstroy. Implementation of these green mechanisms can start optimization of consumption of energy and natural resources as well as facilitate the update of old State Standards for construction and Construction Rules and Regulations. Starting from May, 2009, green standards are used for design construction of 100% of Olympic venues in accordance with the Olympic Venues Construction Programme. Currently, we are considering a possibility to rationally introduce green standards into technical requirements and specifications of venues that were designed by SC Olympstroy before May, 2009. A number of Olympic venues will be certified under LEED and BREEAM international

environmental standards (it is planned to certify no less than 10 venues). Certification under these standards have secured recognition for environmentally responsible behaviour and construction companies excellence in the field of resource saving technologies, since the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney. To date, steps have been taken to disseminate green construction principles in the Russian Federation. In February 2010, Rostechregulirovanie (the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology) registered the Green Standards certification system in the Unified Register of Voluntary Certification. In the next while, voluntary certification of real estate properties will be provided by the Centre for Environmental Certification Green Standards, founded in December, 2009, with federal state institutions within the jurisdiction of the RF Ministry of Natural Resources among stakeholders. There is also the Council for Environmental Construction that consults on how to make and submit applications for LEED and BREEAM certificates. By including in construction contracts the provisions on the use of financial sanctions following environmental laws violations and on the formation of environmental management systems, we will be able to mitigate a possible damage to environment caused by current intensive construction and business activities. It is anticipated that by 2014 more than 50% of organizations responsible for implementation of the Olympic Venues Construction Programme will have an implemented system of environmental management in compliance with

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ISO 14001 standards. A procurement system, which is implemented by the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee and SC Olympstroy and selects environmentally safe products and services, as well as suppliers and licensees seeking to mitigate environmental consequences of their activities, will contribute to sustainable development and environment protection of the territory. Moreover, the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee implements the environmental management system that complies with ISO 14001 standards and an initiative project designed to include an environmental component in operation plans of the organizations functional areas. Above mentioned activities aimed at implementation of resource saving and environmentally responsible solutions at organizations involved in the Olympic Venues Construction Programme are expected to result in decrease of negative environmental impact in the Games area. For information on anticipated outcomes of the projects planned to update transport and energy systems and, thus, facilitate the improvement of air quality, see Section 2.2. Climate Neutral Games. In order to reduce man-made burden on water objects in the area of construction and staging the Games, Rosvodresursy (Federal Agency for Water Resources) plans to carry out a range of water protection activities. In particular, exposure limits for rivers of the Black Sea basin as well as a plan of water object complex

use and protection regulate the use of each particular water object. In accordance with programme documents regulating the city infrastructure development, a comprehensive approach to water consumption is used. For 13 Olympic Park venues in Imeretinskaya Valley, the plan is to create separate water supply systems, so that drinking water will not be used for technical purposes or everyday needs, which use up to 3 5 thousand cubic metres per day. There are activities aimed at updating the water supply and disposal systems comprehensively, developing the territory in a balanced way, preventing contamination of surface and subsurface water, and reducing the burden on the water intake systems currently in use. The largescale development of this infrastructure will create means of improving Sochis environment and the living standards of its population. The development of water protection zones and coastal refuge belts, stretching 34 km along both banks of the Mzymta River and 6 km along the right bank of the Psou River, will raise the quality of surface and sub-surface water. The Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee has devised a plan to use artificial snow in mountain areas. This will facilitate the development the infrastructure and mechanisms required in order to minimize environmental impact on soil and water, during the staging of the Games and other sporting events. To compensate for the harmful effect on the

environment during the preparations, staging and post-Games period To compensate for the negative environmental impact, the Olympic project stakeholders plan special environmental protection and compensation activities. Currently, sample compensatory activities for carbon dioxide emissions are being developed. It is thought that they will secure a zero carbon balance. For more information on these activities, see Section 2.2. Climate Neutral Games. Russian Railways (RZD) Open Joint-Stock Company has developed a two-stage action plan to recover the river-bed and overflow area of the Mzymta River after Olympic venues construction has been completed. In the first instance, there is a plan to develop a hydraulic model of the Mzymta River with simulations of all the temporary and permanent structures and venues, designed; in accordance with modelling data, to further elaborate on the activities and methods for reshaping, and stabilizing, river-bed morphology. The second stage will include the development of action-oriented recommendations for landscape restoration within a river flood channel, in overflow areas and natural valley levees. This action plan will contribute to the preservation of the Mzymta river habitat, and amenity planting in areas damaged during construction works. Russian Railways (RZD) Open Joint-Stock Company have already carried out a number of compensatory activities, including some aimed at reforestation in the area where the combined

road and railway line, Adler Alpika Servis alpine climate resort, is being constructed. The RF Ministry of Natural Resources is currently working on a methodology for rehabilitating any plants and animals relocated from the areas where Olympic venues are being constructed. This year, the RF Ministry of Natural Resources plans to develop a comprehensive Compensatory Activities Programme for Environment Protection in collaboration with SC Olympstroy, research institutions and the other organizations responsible. The Programme will focus on restoring areas damaged by construction, preserving population levels, species composition, and plant and animal habitats. The Sochi National Park and Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve are developing a Programme for the preservation of rare and endangered animal and plant species endangered by Olympic venues construction works. Successful implementation of these activities will create a functional set of norms and regulations that would improve the efficiency of compensatory activities. The Games will serve as a catalyst for increasing new specially protected natural areas. Following the planned activities, the total area of SPNA will increase by 20,000 ha, which is 6% greater than the total area as of 2007. This indicator will be increased through expanding the area of Sochi National Park and creating a natural ornithological park in Imeritinskaya Valley for the protection of migrant birds, endemic plant species, amphibians and reptiles.

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SPNA expansion and optimization will facilitate the creation of a biosphere testing ground combining Teberdinsky Natural Biosphere Reserve and the Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve. The testing ground will consolidate the habitats of unique NorthWestern Caucasian ecosystems and create an environmental corridor between SPNAs in the region. . This project will facilitate the successful reintroduction of the Persian leopard population, a process being supervised by international experts and charities. By 2014, the plan is to breed 30 species of Persian leopard and reintroduce more of their number into the wild. This project also seeks to restore the population level of hoofed animals in order to provide the restored Persian leopard population with a sustainable food supply.

Environmental procurement policy aimed at sustainable development and environment protection

To preserve environmental quality norms


To develop and implement green standards for design and construction

To carry out a set of compensatory activities


Sochi a world class Alpine climate resort

To expand a total area of SPNAs and reintroduce populations of extinct and rare species
To upgrade water supply and water disposal systems

hydrosphere Rich green legacy for Sochi residents and Russian citizens

Flora and fauna


Activities in the framework of Climate Neutral Games dimension

To share positive experience of largescale projects carried out in the framework of the Games in Harmony with Nature dimension

Comprehensive Environmental Monitoring 2007-2009



Staging the Games

Post-Games Period

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2.1.4. Environmental Legacy To mitigate potential negative environmental impact caused by the design, construction and maintenance of Olympic venues, activities have been planned with a view to implementing environmentally friendly and resource-light technologies, along with a comprehensive approach to environmental management and environmental protection. The upgrading of the water supply and disposal systems, including the creation or reconstruction of sewer networks, water pipelines, water intake systems, sewage treatment facilities, and deep release outlets, is being undertaken with a view to sustainable water consumption in Sochi and its adjacent areas. As a result, the man-made burden on water facilities will be decreased. Projects aimed at expanding and creating SPNAs in Sochi Region will help to develop the citys environmental framework and extract its full potential in terms of tourism. Special methods and programmes for biodiversity preservation during the construction of new facilities will set a good example for solving similar problems in the future. (See Table 2.1)
Games in Harmony with Nature Material Legacy Up-to-date comprehensive approach to environmental management and environmental protection Non-material Legacy

Implemented comprehensive environmental monitoring system No less than 50 % organizations responsible for the Olympic Venues Construction Programme that implemented the environmental management system and certified under ISO 14001 standards

Experience in implementation international sports event







Comprehensive scheme for environment protection and Sochis civil defence General plan of the city district The City of Sochi up to 2032 The 2014 Sochi Organizing Committees positive experience in implementation of the environment procurement policy Positive experience of the 2014 Sochi Organizing Committee and responsible organizations in construction of Olympic venues and development of the environmental management system in compliance with ISO 14001 standards

To mitigate possible negative environmental impact caused by design, construction and maintenance of Olympic venues

To compensate for the negative environmental impact caused by design, construction and maintenance of Olympic venues

No less than 10 Olympic venues certified under LEED and BREEAM international green standards 3,5 km-long bank protection structures on the Mzymta Water protection zones and coastal shelter belts (34 km long) on both banks of the Mzymta River Water protection zones and coastal shelter belts (6 km long) on the right bank of the Psou River Separate water supply systems at Olympic venues 5 water intakes Water supply networks (more than 100 km long) 4 sewage treatment facilities with capacity of more than 200 thousand cubic m per day Water disposal networks (more than 90 km long) 2 deep release outlets of Bzugu and Adler water treatment facilities Preserved subtropical ecosystems (about 90% of Sochi Region)

System of additional environmental requirements and guidelines for design and construction (green standards) Exposure limits for rivers of the Black Sea basin Scheme for comprehensive use and protection of water venues in rivers of the Black Sea basin Experience in making separate water supply systems at Olympic venues A one-third reduction in water leakage through the disposal system as compared to 2007

The total area of the Sochi National Park increased by 21,000 ha The Natural Ornithological Park with a total area of 200 ha Reintroduced population of the Persian leopard on the territory of the Sochi National Park and Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve (about 30 animals) A nursery for Western Caucasian aboriginal, rare and endangered species of trees and shrubs

Unique experience in reintroduction of a endangered species (Persian leopard) The RF Ministry of Natural Resources elaborated the methodology for rehabilitation of relocated plants and animals, which were endangered during Olympic construction The RF Ministry of Natural Resources developed the Programme for preservation of rare and endangered animal and plant species in the Sochi National Park and Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve, if these species are endangered by Olympic venues construction.

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2.2. CLIMATE NEUTRAL GAMES 2.2.1. Main Challenges and opportunities presented by the Winter Games In acquiring the right to stage the Winter Games in Sochi, the Russian Federation entered into several commitments (see Annexe 1) and thus, faced a number of challenges: 1. One of the key causes of global climate change on the Earth is an increase in greenhouse gas emissions, including carbon dioxide emissions. Large-scale events inevitably lead to an upsurge in energy consumed, excessive use of extra resources at construction sites, and also new activities and sources of carbon dioxide emissions Taking into consideration the best environmental support practices from previous Games, we need to reduce our carbon footprint, measure emissions and take steps to compensate for the carbon dioxide emitted into the air.

and actions but also, to a great extent, as ways of upgrading infrastructure in Sochi.

by transport. (For more information about criteria for this strategic goal, see Annexe 1). Initial conditions and criteria of goal achievements are as shown at Diagram 6.

2.2.2 Strategic Goals, Dimensions and Key Criteria for their Implementation The challenge of holding climate neutral Games prompted actual strategic goals and criteria (indicators) showing the extent to which goals have been achieved during the phases of preparations, staging and the post-Games period. Goal 3. To reduce carbon footprint through upgrading the energy system and raising energy efficiency Upgrading of the energy system will result in an energy balance shift towards more effective energy sources (gas). There will be an increase in alternative and renewable energy sources used for energy supply of the Olympic Park. Cutting-edge technologies applied to design and construction of Olympic venues (green standards) will raise energy efficiency. (For more information about criteria for this strategic goal, see Annexe 1). Initial conditions and criteria of goal achievements are as shown at Diagram 6.

Goal 1. To achieve a neutral carbon dioxide balance To achieve neutral carbon balance, measuring of carbon dioxide emissions (determination of emission sources, development of a measuring pattern, etc.) and other compensatory activities will be carried out. (For more information about criteria for this strategic goal, see Annexe 1). Initial conditions and criteria of goal achievements are as shown at Diagram 6.

. 2.

Climate neutral projects on such a large scale are unprecedented in modern Russia. The Games in Sochi give Russia a unique chance to showcase to the global community a success story in terms of neutralizing the greenhouse effect and adhering strictly to carbon dioxide reduction standards. It is worth noting that all these opportunities are valuable not only as compensatory activities

Goal 2. To reduce carbon footprint through upgrading Sochis transport system A large number of transport upgrading projects should be, first of all, aimed at raising transport efficiency in terms of environment protection as well as at an increase in traffic capacity of the city transportation hubs. Compliance with environmental standards will prevent uncontrolled carbon dioxide emissions caused

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Goal 1

Neutralize CO2 Balance

Large-scale climate neutral projects (such as the Games) have never been carried out in the Russian Federation

To achieve neutral carbon balance to measure total emission in accordance with a developed pattern, compensation of 100% emissions.

2.2.3 Anticipated outcomes of implementation of existing projects and main obstacles to Environmental Strategy Implementation To achieve a neutral carbon dioxide balance In order to achieve neutral carbon dioxide levels, city development documents stipulate the creation of a carbon footprint measuring model and programmes to reduce emissions and greenhouse gas absorption in Sochi. Currently, the model for measuring emissions is being developed by the Institute of Global Climate and Economics of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring and the Russian Academy of Sciences (a sub-division of the RF Ministry of Natural Resources). To date, an approved joint operating plan for an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions, a reduction in their volume and increase in their absorption, in order to satisfy the neutral carbon level concept. Also, there will be guidelines for environmental protection activities aimed at reducing pollutant emissions in atmosphere in the area of staging the Games. To further develop the model for carbon footprint measuring, there will be sample compensatory activities for achieving neutral carbon balance. These sample compensatory activities are developed by the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee. Under compensatory activities, it means energy efficiency activities that can be carried out in compliance with Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (JIP or joint implementation

Goal 2

CO2 emission cut due to improved transport system of Sochi

Sochis municipal transport system does not include up-to-date environmentally friendly motor transport 16% there is a suburban trains system in Sochi

100% of hydrocarbon fueled vehicles for the Games participants and guests are equipped with Euro 4 compliant engines 100% of the Games participants and guests will be transported by low emission vehicles (Euro 4 compliant engines, railway transport, alternative fuel vehicles, etc.)

projects, a green investment scheme and emission trading) as well as forest management and agricultural activities (amenity planting for carbon dioxide absorption, etc.), change of technological processes at manufacturing enterprises, change of fuel balance towards low emission energy sources and other carbon footprint compensation mechanisms. Once they have been developed, compensatory activities will not just be applied to limited areas only. On the contrary, it will be possible to carry them out anywhere on Earth. SC Olympstroy has developed a green standards system to be used at all Olympic venues designed after May 1, 2009. By following the green standards for Olympic venue construction, SC Olympstroy and the other organizations involved will reduce their carbon footprint during construction. Thus, the development of the carbon footprint measuring model, guidelines for emission reduction, and models for carbon footprint compensation, followed by compensatory activities, will enable the achievement of neutral carbon levels. In October 2009, the Global Environment Fund supported by the RF Ministry of Natural Resources, SC Olympstroy, and the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee began to implement the project Considering Environmental Factors at the Preparatory Stage and during the Sochi 2014 Olympics: Strategy and Action Plan for Creating a Green Legacy. Key project components are the following: to minimize environmental footprint and neutralize

Upgraded transport system of Sochi

Goal 3

Cut Co2 emissions by improving energy system and increasing energy use efficiency

75-80% power shortfall in Sochi power district A huge share of environmentally inefficient energy sources Not widespread use of green standards that include energy saving

100% Olympic venues designed after May 1, 2009, comply with green standards in energy efficiency Positive dynamics of the use of environmentally efficient energy sources in Sochi power district

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carbon dioxide emissions. The project objective is to develop a strategy and an action plan for making an inventory of climate change factors in regard to the following key components, among others: promotion of green construction standards, planning for energy saving and energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy sources, low carbon emission public transport, a carbon footprint compensation programme, information and outreach programmes for the general public.

facilities, the number of traffic jams will be reduced, traffic speed increased, the volume of harmful emissions reduced, and safety levels raised. Moreover, the citys transportation firms will acquire new buses. One of the most ambitious projects is the construction of the combined road and railway link, Adler Alpika Servis Alpine climate resort. It will dramatically alter passenger turnover between the mountain cluster and the Black Sea coast in favour of railway transportation, which is more environmentally friendly compared to the motor transportation that currently dominates the area. In addition, in order to upgrade railway transportation, there will be seven railway stations, two freight yards and 110 km of railway lines built or reconstructed. These will facilitate the development of railway transportation in Sochi Region, increase traffic flow and reduce time spent waiting. The environmental efficiency of the transport network is demonstrated in the following example: by 2014, Krasnaya Polyana ski resort will have a cableway with a total capacity of 6000 passengers per hour and transport infrastructure fully integrated into the resort. Sochi is situated along the coast of the Black Sea. This location creates a range of opportunities for maritime transport development. The plan is to develop port infrastructure significantly, so as to provide services to both passengers and cargo. In addition, more than 35 vessels will be procured.

They will travel back and forth alongside most of the Black Sea coast. Maritime transport will become a viable alternative to motor vehicles and reduce the harmful environmental impact on Sochis atmosphere. The air transportation projects provide for the upgrading of an aerodrome and of airport facilities. As the demand for air services continues to grow, these steps will enhance the quality and rate of the service provided, and make air travel safer, not least on the environmental front.

and emissions of other pollutants into the atmosphere. SC Olympstroy has designed a Green Standards System for private investors and state companies. Green standards include a range of requirements and guidelines for energy efficiency. By following these standards while constructing the Olympic venues, the institutions responsible will significantly enhance energy efficiency. Moreover, this will reduce the carbon footprint left by construction.

To reduce carbon dioxide emissions by updating Sochis transport network In accordance with infrastructure development documents, a large number of projects are planned with regard to reconstruction or development of new transport infrastructure in Sochi, i.e. railways and main roads, road junctions, transportation hubs and more. By 2014, public road facilities will have been significantly upgraded: a 120 km of road bed will have been constructed or reconstructed, 10 km of road junctions constructed; automated traffic management systems constructed or reconstructed. To provide the Games participants and guests with transportation, there is a plan to procure a large number of low carbon emission vehicles, many of which will cater for people with disabilities. The Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee is developing an Olympic transportation model for Sochi, and operational transportation plans for the coastal and mountain clusters. By developing public road

To reduce carbon dioxide emissions by updating the energy network and improving energy efficiency As Sochi power district generates less electricity than it consumes, there are six projects planned for the creation of new generating capacity and the development of existing generating capacity. The capacity introduced will use environmentally efficient fuels as energy carriers, i.e. gas and water power. Besides, more than twenty 110 kW and 220 kW electricity substations will be constructed and upgraded. This, together with 1,600 km of new power lines, will enhance energy efficiency. At present, many boiler plants in the city use fuel oil, which is harmful for the environment. In this regard, the plan is to replace fuel oil with environmentally efficient natural gas at 10 boiler plants within the city. These measures will dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions,

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CO2 measuring model

Development of mechanisms for compensated emissions inventory in the Russian Registry of Carbon Units

Currently, the plan is to measure greenhouse gas emissions based on data about 2 emissions resulting from energy supply, heating, gas supply, fuel and transport companies' activities, etc. (See Diagram 8). Temporary frameworks for measuring 2 emissions will be determined for individual activities at the stage when detailed implementation plans for the Environment programme are developed. It is envisaged that emissions will be at their highest by the time the Games are staged. However, the carbon footprint caused by some activities will be measured during the preparation stage and the post-Games period. The Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee is developing a carbon emissions compensation model. It is envisaged that the majority of emissions will be compensated through partners activities. Aside from them, CO2 compensation activities may also involve legal entities and individuals, able to contribute to neutralizing the Games carbon balance. All compensation activities will be closely related to the activities of key players in the state carbon market, with Sberbank (Savings Bank of the Russian Federation), the RF Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and the Russian Registry for Carbon Units among them. In accordance with RF Government Decree 843 dated October 28, 2009, Sberbank was appointed the national carbon units operator in charge of receiving, transferring and procurement of carbon units. The Ministry of Economic Development is engaged in drawing up application forms and selecting projects in

Staging the Games, CO2 emissions

Inventory of compensated emissions

Guidelines for activities aimed at reducing emissions

Planning for and implementation of compensatory activities and actions based on forecast data of CO2 measuring model

Neutral carbon balance

Emissions Reduction

Transport system upgrading

Positive experience in both implementation of energy efficiency standard and green transport use

Dissemination of positive experience in implementation of the climate neutral project (database)

Energy system upgrading

Upgraded transport and energy systems



Staging the Games

Post-Games Period

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accordance with Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The implementation of projects in accordance with Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change can make a significant contribution to carbon dioxide emissions compensation. Thus, the carbon balance can be neutralized by measuring the carbon footprint left by the Games, on the one hand, and emissions compensation by the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committees partners and volunteers (legal entities and individuals), on the other hand. Emission compensation activities must be registered by state regulators of the carbon market. A preliminary scheme for neutralizing the carbon balance is shown below (Diagram 8).

CO2 Emissions Functional activities of: - Energy supply organizations and electrical networks operations Heating supply organizations Fuel companies Transport companies others

Inventory of CO2 Emissions

CO2 emissions measuring model (RF Ministry of natural recourses)

CO2 Emissions Compensation Functional activities of: - Sponsors (individuals and legal entities) - Stakeholders if projects carried out in compliance with Article 6 of Kyoto Protocol (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change) - Carbon Exchanges - Other mechanisms of CO2 emissions compensation



Data exchange

State Regulators of Carbon Market

Russian Registry for Carbon Units Functions: Register, introduce, preserve, receive, transfer, procure, cancel and withdraw SBERBANK Functions: Receive, transfer and procure carbon units Ministry of Economic Development and Trade Functions: Define application forms, select projects in compliance with article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

Diagram 8. Preliminary Scheme for Neutralizing Carbon Balance

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2.2.4. Environmental Legacy A large number of projects have been planned with a view to upgrading the infrastructure of the city and the region. Plans for energy infrastructure development include the creation or reconstruction of generating capacities, electric substations, power lines, boiler plants, etc. The upgrading of the energy network will help overcome the electricity shortage in the Sochi power district. The transport development projects provide for the creation or reconstruction of key transportation hubs, an increase in traffic capacity and enhanced transport system safety. (See Table 2.2.).

Climate Neutral Games Material Legacy Transport Non-material Legacy

Combined motor- and railroad Adler Alpika Servis Alpine climate resort includes 4 newly built railway stations (Imeritinskiy Kurort, Esto-Sadok, Alpika-Service, Olympic Park) and one reconstructed railway station (Adler), a 48 km long electric railway line, a 46 km long motor-road; Redeveloped passenger terminals at the following railway stations: Dagomys, Sochi, Matsesta, Khosta; 2 freight yards constructed in Imeritinskaya Valley; More than 63 km of railway lines laid or re-laid; 120 km of highways constructed; 10 motor interchanges constructed; Integrated, automatic traffic management system venues developed; A model of traffic flow at the Games created; Fully operational airport facilities; Fully operational air traffic management facilities with a capacity of 1,300 passengers per hour for domestic flights and 2,500 passengers per hour for international flights; Sochi sea made fully operational, along with its coastal infrastructure (including the freight zone); 8 sea terminals, and their coastal infrastructure, redeveloped; New vessels for city passengers shipping; Working yachting facilities in Imeritinskiy port;

Experience in constructing a combined road and rail link under severe geological conditions (a mountain river valley); High road traffic safety standards in Sochi as a result of implementation of the integrated traffic management automation system; Experience in creating a state-of-the-art, efficient model of traffic flow to be used for preparing and staging large-scale events; High capacity at airport facilities;

Energy System
Generating capacities constructed or redeveloped (including the Adler Thermoelectric Plant with a minimum of 360 Mw), the Sochi Thermoelectric Plant (with a minimum of 80 Mw), a hydroelectric power plant on the River Mzymta (no less than 72 Mw) and also the Dzhubginskaya Thermoelectric Plant and the Kudepstinskaya Thermoelectric Plant; 10 boiler plants upgraded (with natural gas to be used instead of fuel oils); More than 20 electric substations constructed or redeveloped; More than 1,680 km of electricity cables installed or re-installed.

An energy surplus in the Sochi power district; Use of environmentally efficient energy sources; An increase in energy efficiency; Consumers of heating and energy resources will be equipped with modern instruments for registering and regulating consumption of energy resources A reduction in the amount of energy lost during transportation, distribution and consumption; Enhanced energy efficiency within production and services; Renewable energy sources to constitute part of the energy balance in the Krasnodar Region

Successful experience in implementing a climate neutral project; An applied methodology for measuring carbon dioxide emissions; Successful experience in cataloguing environmental factors when preparing and staging large-scale events.

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2.3. ZERO WASTE GAMES 2.3.1. Main Challenges and Opportunities presented by the Winter Games One of the key challenges of such ambitious projects as the Olympic Games is to find a way of using the vast amount of waste produced during the construction and staging of the Games. Waste treatment is one of the most vital objectives of the environmental support strategy for the Games. Solid waste landfills in the Adler and Lazarevsky regions of Sochi are unsafe and cannot be used for waste disposal. Landfills emit methane and other greenhouse gases that have a negative impact on adjacent territories and pollute underground water. Waste is simply dumped there, without being sorted and recycled. The technologies employed in the collection, storage and utilization of waste are outdated and do not correspond to the natural and climatic conditions in the territory, nor do they meet the requirements on resort and recreational areas. Biological waste recycling capacities do not meet the citys needs, particularly as regards waste treatment facilities for food, garden and park, and silt waste. A large amount of construction waste needs to be recycled and disposed of. In Sochi, waste disposal must not be the only way in which waste is utilized.

The citys unique location within the territory of Sochi National Park and near the Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve, combined with its special landscape featuring mountain slopes and a marine coast, do not provide sufficient space for the dumping and disposal of waste. The Bid Book (Article 5. Environment and Weather Conditions) includes the following commitments: To create a new solid waste collection and recycling system; To construct modern facilities for recycling solid waste into environmentally friendly construction materials; To construct a new landfill for waste liquidation between the Buu River and the Khobza River. Among the Sochi 2014 Environmental strategy commitments are the following:: To implement a zero waste concept in Sochi; To implement a zero waste concept at the Olympic venues; To adapt the waste treatment system to municipal needs. By taking into account previous Games best practices in the environmental support strategy for the Games, we seek to prepare and stage the Games in accordance with the zero waste concept, which is aimed at reducing uncontrolled waste treatment, re-use and recirculation, and meet the Environment Strategy commitments.

To date, there have not been any complete cycles of separate waste collection, treatment and recycling. Pilot projects have turned out to be unsuccessful due to a shortage in the capacity for collection and treatment and thus, have come to an end. Sochi 2014 Winter Games give us a chance to showcase to the global community a success story in implementing projects for separate waste collection, treatment and recycling. The construction of waste treatment facilities, the procurement of equipment and special machines for waste collection, transportation and dumping, and the separate waste collection system being developed in the city in accordance with Bid Book commitments will provide Russia with unique experience in waste management. The plan for transforming an outdated waste utilization system into an efficient system of waste regulation, adapted to municipal needs (in accordance with Environmental Strategy commitments), will be an achievement that facilitates the reduction of waste and greenhouse gas emissions. By improving awareness and changing environmental behaviour among the general public, we will have contributed to implementing the zero waste concept.

One of the strategic goals of the Zero Waste Games dimension is to minimize waste production, and increase waste treatment and recycling, so as to implement the zero waste concept. According to this concept, those manufacturing or consuming materials should either make maximum use of them, or preserve them in order to reduce waste to zero. It is common knowledge that even the latest treatment technologies are unable to make many materials re-usable. The measures planned with a view to achieving these goals are the following: 1. To minimize waste production; 2. To develop a waste management system and modern infrastructure for waste collection, transportation, sorting, recycling and disposal.

The implementation criteria are the following: creation of the waste management system incorporating separate waste collection, transportation, recycling and disposal; creation of a new landfill for safe waste disposal; 100% separate waste collection (by volume) in the Sochi National Park area during the Games; maximum treatment and recycling of

2.3.2 Strategic Goals, Dimensions and their Key Implementation Criteria

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waste produced in the construction of Olympic venues; To develop technical facilities for separate waste collection, transportation, recycling and dumping; minimization of the proportion of nonrecyclable matter among solid household waste (in terms of mass) in Sochi during the Games; development and application of green standards for waste management at the design and construction stages of Olympic venues; by 2014, covering 60% of Sochis population with information and Enlightenment campaigns, including those promoting separate waste collection.


Minimize production, increase the level of waste recycling and reusing to achieve "Zero Waste" principle
As Is To Be

The existing technologies for DSW collection, storage and disposal are outdated and not adequate for nature and climatic conditions of the territory. In addition to that they do not meet resort and leisure requirements Zero solid domestic waste recycle

Public utilities have no up-to-date equipment for collecting and transporting (removing) and disposing solid waste in landfills

Working system of waste treatment, transportation and recycle Completely separate waste collection in Olympic park during the Olympics 99% of solid household waste that will appear during the Games will be segregated Services for collecting, removing and disposing solid waste in landfills are fully equipped by 2014 50% (by weight) of solid household waste fractions disposed during the Games

Modern landfills for safe disposal of domestic waste in Sochi, existing landfills are in alert condition and bear negative impact on the environment

Construction of safe disposal landfill for solid domestic waste in between rivers Boo and Khobza Remove emergency state landfills from Adler and Lazarevsky districts of Sochi

No building refuse management system introduced in Sochi, neither building refuse recycle and reuse system present

Construction waste management program for 100% Olympic venues 90% of building refuse to be recycled during the construction of Olympic venues Recycle of all wood wastes: uprooting, chipping and other wastes while Olympic venues construction by SC Olympstroy on the territory of mountain cluster in Sochi

Scheme 9. Initial state and criteria to fulfil the objectives

No treatment installations of waste water silt sediment in Sochi.

Waste water silt sediment treatment at installations Sochi

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2.3.3 Anticipated Outcomes of implementing existing projects and main restrictions on Environmental Strategy implementation Minimize waste generation, and increase efficiency of waste recycling and re-use, to uphold Zero Waste principle Waste recycling commitments are to be actively upheld at the preparation stage before the Games. 1. Minimization of waste generation. The prevention of excessive waste generation, as per the requirements outlined in Agenda 21 to be monitored by SC Olympstroy and ANO Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee. This means choosing products and services with minimal packaging, purchasing recyclable and reusable goods that are rigid and can easily be dismantled and either recycled or upgraded. Suppliers and licensees will be assessed on the costs of implementing their waste reduction solutions and on their commitment to providing a high level of environmental safety in goods, during the entire life-cycle of the goods. The amount of waste generation will be reduced as a result of the compulsory requirements known as Green Standards, developed by SC Olympstroy and approved in the minutes #22 of SC Olympstroy supervisory council dated April 29, 2009; and version of minutes #27 dated September 24, 2009. In terms of waste disposal all those involved in the preparations for the Games commit to the

collection and treatment of construction waste, with maximum use of its useful properties. Construction waste is to be located on the construction site territory only. Effective waste disposal will be achieved by means of separate waste collection arrangement on sites. Direct incineration of unprocessed waste on site is to be banned. The Green Standards are being implemented on 62 Olympic venues with approved project documentation, 10 of which comply with LEED and BREEAM Environmental Standards. OJSC Krasnaya Polyana has already introduced separate waste collection on facilities of STC Gornaya Karusel. The separate disposal and maximum use of inert waste for restoration of existing solid domestic waste landfills are envisaged for the Biathlon and Ski Complex, the Mountain Olympic Village and the Figure skating and Short track Centre. Wood waste is to be chipped and used for land reclamation. Waste is to be sorted into core categories: construction waste, domestic waste and scrap metal. Construction waste and domestic waste is collected into separate containers and regularly removed from sites for disposal. Scrap metal is to be taken to the ferrous metals processor. Local building materials are to be used in construction. Supply is to be supported by building industry companies in the Krasnodar Region. A Waste survey is to be arranged on the territory of Krasnodar Region in order to achieve constant monitoring of waste generation and take measures to reduce it.

Involving the local population, through a mass media campaign advocating a responsible attitude to waste, will make a significant contribution to upholding the Zero Waste Principle. In order to spread the idea of minimizing waste generation, Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee has introduced the concept of Green Office, envisaging separate waste collection. Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee is demonstrating its experience in environmental management of waste control, by introducing the certification system ISO 14001 (the Project is at the stage of forming the basics of environmental management in an organization).

implemented in the General scheme. Technical support for the waste management system is envisaged as part of the systems formation, and the arrangement of separate collections of domestic and equivalent waste on the territory of Sochi, with tourist routes and recreational spots taken into account. To date Sochi administration has purchased 30% of the fleet required for the collection, transportation (removal) and disposal of domestic waste. The remaining portion is planned under the programme Sochi a hospitable city. As for the recycling of solid domestic and equivalent waste in Khostinsky district of Sochi, the plan is to build a complex for the collection, transportation and recycling of solid domestic waste by environmentally friendly means. Project documentation for the complex is currently under approval. JSC Maikop paper and board factory has already showed willingness to buy paper waste. The dedicated complex for disposal of medical and chemical waste that is being engineered will cover the current shortfall in capacity. The disposal of waste water silt sediment in the Sochi treatment installations will be carried out by incineration. An agreement to build such a plant on the territory of treatment installations in the Adler district has been signed by those taking part in the investment project. SC Olympstroy has developed and implemented a programme for managing construction waste. 90% of construction waste is currently processed with the help

2. The creation of a waste management system and modern infrastructure for the collection, transportation, sorting, recycling and disposal of waste. In order to create the waste management system the following key conceptual documents were developed: General scheme for cleaning the city of Sochi, a complete project for the unified flow of waste transportation and recycling. The General scheme for cleaning the city of Sochi is aimed at upholding the Zero Waste Principle. It envisages a complex balance within the waste management scheme. The project of the unified scheme for waste transportation and recycling contains certain measures to be

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of mobile and fixed treatment locations. The recyclable material gathered is used to recultivate the Plastunsky loam-field. All wood waste accumulating during land recultivation on the territory of the mountain cluster is to be directed to the wood waste processing complex. Safe waste disposal will be guaranteed by restoration of the existing solid domestic waste landfills in Adlersky and Lazarevsky Sochi regions that are currently in a state of alert, and by the construction of domestic waste between the two rivers of Boo and Khobza. As of April 2010, the Adlersky landfill had been closed for waste disposal, and a tender opened for its restoration. Lazarevsky landfill will be closed until the end of 2010. Project exploration work is being carried out on the new landfill between the rivers Boo and Khobza. In order to uphold the Zero Waste Principle and guided by Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee a Zero Waste working group has been formed including of members of: Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee, SC Olympstroy, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, Krasnodar Region Administration, Sochi City Administration and OJSC Sochinsky Waste Recycling Complex.

Scheme 10. The main dimensions and expected results of the Zero Waste Games
I Develop the General Cleaning Strategy for Sochi Develop a unified system for waste transportation and recycle in Sochi II III Function of the separate waste collection system Information campaign Utilization and disposal of waste Separate collection of waste Share positive experience of working by Zero Waste Principle IV

Refurbish container sites

Purchase overalls for separate collection of waste Construct new DSW landfills and restore the old landfill

Waste management system

Build waste recycling capacities Waste recycling

Waste transportation (removal)

Minimize waste generation Minimize waste generation by Sochi residents Participants of the preparation for the Games to comply with the Green Standards in waste management Partners live up to waste generation minimizing commitment



2011 - 2013

Staging the Games

Post games time 9

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2.3.4 Environmental legacy The gap between the current, unsatisfactory waste management in Sochi and the high level of the stated commitment for the 2014 Games will create the conditions for a considerable legacy after the Games. Waste is inevitable in terms of production and use in the city, which means that the environmental legacy of Zero Waste Games will affect every aspect of the citys life in one way or the other. At this unique event, with wide media coverage of the preparation stage, the waste management practices on display could be taken up by a city, region or even by many other countries. After the Games material legacy will remain in Sochi: waste processing and disposal locations, an equipment fleet and a new and modern landfill. The non-material legacy will be the general positive experience in waste management system projects implementation and in environment management system implementation.
Zero Waste Games Material Legacy Non-Material Legacy

Institutional legacy - the revolutionary change of the waste management practices in Sochi, mind changing attitude of the population in terms of waste handling and the experience of living by the Zero Waste Principle on the selected territory (see table 2.3.).


2.4. ENLIGHTENMENT GAMES 2.4.1. The main challenges and opportunities presented by the winter games The Enlightenment Games dimension sets a number of challenges for the Olympics organizers: 1. The Host Country is to show the world an example of a success story in implementing the sustainability concept, and in environmentally responsible behaviour on the part of organizers and the city's residents during the preparations for and delivery of the Olympics. 3.

The Olympics should be seen as a positive and long-awaited event for the city and the whole country. In that regard, organizers should put extra efforts into providing citizens with information on the projects implementation, including details on the environmental state of the city, and the stimulation of environmentally committed behaviour during preparations for the Olympics, etc. The Olympic project is being implemented in a setting that showcases the widest range of rare and extinct groups and species of plants and animals, the majority of which feature in Russias Red Data Book. This fact demands additional responsibility on the part of Olympic organizers, greater commitment to environmental awareness, and professional eco-oriented skills and knowledge featured by the personnel of construction companies that work in Olympics venues.

General ignorance of environmental issues in the earlier stages of the Olympic project led to environmentally unwise management at Olympic venues, which resulted in negative public reaction at the preparation stage. It is now obvious that organizations, involved in the preparation process, should have direct responsibility for preserving the environment, showcase an eco-friendly behaviour and use all the means possible to promote eco-friendly solutions and actions, without breaking the acknowledged right of every individual to live in healthy environment. In accordance with the Bid Book (Section 5. Topic Environment and Meteorology, page 14-15) it was stated that the Sochi 2014 Organising Committee will support environmental education campaigns that are called to meet the following goals: Include the following topics in the academic programmes of all educational institutions: environment protection, sustainable use of natural resources, and sustainability. Improve social and humanitarian aspects of environmental education; Improve the environmental awareness of state institution managers, including heads of law enforcement agencies and judicial authorities; Improve knowledge of environmental law

New system of waste transportation and recycling in Sochi. Equipment and special vehicles for collecting, transporting (removing) and disposing solid waste in landfills There are no emergency landfills for solid waste in Sochi Complex for recycling medical and biological waste featuring the capacity of 150 kg/hour Landfill for safe disposal of household waste in the confluence of the Boo and Kobza rivers Sludge burning plant in the area of sewage treatment facilities in Adler district

Showcase of the project for selective waste collection, recycling and reusing waste Experience in "Zero Waste" concept implementation in Sochi Positive experience in "Zero Waste" principle implementation for Russia and the whole world. Experience in introducing selective waste collection and waste disposal into Sochi-based organizations Experience in minimization of waste generation in Sochi Experience in implementing environmental management system in the area of waste management in organizations in Sochi Problem with sewage sludge disposal for Sochi has been resolved

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among business organization managers, and implement environmentally oriented management guidelines; Distribute publications that improve environmental awareness among the general public.

art media technologies and promote the Olympics-based showcases of sustainability in harmony with nature. 3. The showcases of eco-responsible behaviour and commitment to sustainability and environmental protection in preparation and delivery of large-scale events, as well as implementation of mega projects, may be promoted and used in other cities and regions. These showcases include the following: implementation of environmentally effective construction technologies (Green Standards); commitment to compensation for damage and negative consequences that occurred while the venues were being built; implementation of an environmental management system, complying with the ISO 14001 standard, in responsible executivesof the Olympic venues construction programme; development of a carbon compensation model; development of a general scheme for clearing waste from the city to secure the Zero Waste principle, etc. The Olympics will make it possible to replicate the educational programmes developed in other Russian regions and cities (Olympics Education System Sochi 2014), etc.

following criteria: 2.4.2. Strategic Goals, Dimensions and Key Criteria for their Implementation The Olympic challenges set certain strategic goals. These goals, if achieved, will help the Olympics make a serious improvement in the environmental awareness and behaviour of the population of Sochi, the Krasnodar Region and the country as a whole, and promote commitment to sustainability and environmentoriented solutions, implemented under the Olympic project. There should be an approved Olympic Education System called Sochi-2014 and an independent non-commercial organization named Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee. In addition to that, public education programmes (including environmental ones) should be implemented throughout the city.

The Olympic Project will provide Russia with a number of unique benefits: 1. In the post-Olympic period Russia will experience a new level of sustainability in harmony with nature, as well as an upsurge in public interest in the sustainable use of natural resources and respect for the environment. During the preparations for the Olympics the organizers will create conditions that will help citizens be more environmentally savvy, aware, and responsible, as well as create environmentally committed pattern of behaviour. Under the Environmental Strategy (page 46) the organizers are planning to perform the following: implement a network of educational programmes, including programmes for children and young people in Sochi; hold environmental conferences, round tables and forums; support educational activities organized by local libraries and implement a mass distribution programme for environmental literature; use the whole gamut of state-of-the-


Goal 1 Improve environmental awareness and eco-responsible behaviour among the citizens of Sochi, Krasnodar Region and the country as a whole The key factor that will signify achievement of this goal will be the improvement in environmental awareness and behaviour among the residents of Sochi, the Krasnodar Region and Russia, which will be demonstrated by sociological studies (such studies may be undertaken as part of the project, Olympic Games Impact study (OGI indicators So29 Public Opinion Polls, after it has been redeveloped in accordance with the need to monitor changes in citizens' environmental awareness and behaviour). An improvement in environmental awareness and behaviour will be the result of the measures and projects being undertaken or planned. These measures and projects will feature the


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As regards content, the Olympic Education System can be divided into the following types of education (see scheme 11): Public (out-of-class); Academic (under the education programme); Special Olympic education (Russian International Olympic University RIOU.

Scheme 11. Olympic Education System in Russia

Educational campaigns developed under the Olympic Education System are held according to the three main channels: School-desk (activities carried out in educational institutions, outside the classroom), Screen (mass media), and Stadium (sporting events). Olympic Education System provides 9 main target groups: Influential Figures Olympic Personnel Sochi Residents Students Schoolchildren Pre-school Children Athletes People with Disabilities Foreign Guests

Education program for top managers will help to deliver high-quality management for various events, including Sochi 2014 Games Special education models provide the existing education plans and lessons with knowledge in sport, environment protection and sustainability, as well as Olympic and Paralympic movement Comprehensive system of various field programs and measures (including environmental ones) for 9 target groups by three implementation channels

SPECIAL Olympic education

Influence Figures

ACADEMIC Olympic education

Students School-children Pre-school children Influence figures Olympic Personnel Sochi Residents Students School Children Athletes People with Disabilities Foreign Guests

PUBLIC Olympic education





The Sochi 2014 Olympic Education System has been approved by the International Olympic Committee. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is developing a scheme of measures that will assist implementation of the system in Sochi, the Krasnodar Region and other RF regions.


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At this stage Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee has developed the following aspects: the structure and content of a comprehensive educational and tutorial system, to be included in the programme of public Olympic education. the structure and content of a programme entitled Olympic Education in Schools: COMMITMENT, PHILOSOPHY, AND PROFESSION. the number of Olympic-related environment events to be implemented by the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee including

2012 16,000 people; 2013 24,000 people. The scope of information and educational campaigns of the Sochi population by 2014. Availability of the implemented educational programmes and events for the Sochi population. Attendance of the permanent city exhibition on development plans for Sochi. The amount of the institutions included in the plan of measures for supporting municipal libraries: equipment, major overhaul, etc. The amount of Sochi events related to the environmental holidays. Create special environmental TV show on the local TV station. Organize permanent environmental enlightenment system, based on state national parks and nature parks: organize educational and scientific centre with the capacity of minimum 18.2 thousand people a year; organize an information centre for visitors of sightseeing complex under the Khosta Taxus and Buxus Forest , with the capacity of minimum than 38.5 thousand people a year; organize entertainment facility Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve, with the capacity of minimum 30 thousand visitors a year. Goal 2 Improve environmentally-oriented educational level, professional skills and knowledge of the participants of the preparation and implementation stages of the Olympics

The improvement in environmentallyoriented educational level, professional skills and knowledge for the participants of the preparation and implementation stages of the Olympics will help to minimize risks of law violations related to environmental law infringement, taking place during the Olympic venues construction. The following criteria are the key ones to reach the goal: Working project called Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee Green Office.

executivesof the Construction Programme for Olympic Venues, which contains additional environmental requirements and recommendations to Olympic venues design and construction. The number of responsible executivesthat are working under the Olympic Venues Construction Programme and have implemented the environmental management system, and are certified as complying with ISO 14001 standard series (ISO 14001:2001; GOST R ISO 140012007). The Work Group for the Best Available Technology (BAT) should hold meetings to assess whether the project designs for Olympic Venues comply with the best available technologies. The number of venues built by responsible executives(including SC Olympstroy) that have implemented an environmental management system and comply with ISO 14001 standards.

Development of Programme that will recognize the achievement in the sphere of implementing environmentally-effective and innovative solutions, while designing and building Olympics venues. Responsible executives should provide quarterly reports in which they prove they comply with the environmental requirements and risks, as well as minimize their environmental impact and use green standards while designing and building Olympic venues. A series of seminars to raise environmental awareness level among state organizations authorities and executives, including judicial and law-enforcement authorities. The number of contracts, signed by SC Olympstroy and responsible

projects specified in the agreement for interaction with an international organization United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); an Environmental Camp for secondary school and university students, Games volunteers; an Interactive System for mapping Sochis natural wonders and landscape. A series of environmental enlightenment publications Green Art, a cultural and environmental project - the festival of environmental art (music, cinema, painting, theatre) etc. The amount of preschool children, pupils, students of Sochi, involved in educational programmes created to explain children and youth the ideas and ideology of the Games: 2011 8,000 people;

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Goal 3 Promote commitment to sustainability and the environment-oriented solutions implemented under the Olympics project According to the majority of those participating in the implementation of the Olympic project, the Games will help Russia to implement up-todate, environmentally responsible solutions for the design, construction and use of venues. Measures that are being implemented within the Olympic project should become striking examples of a commitment to sustainability and environmental protection. They should be broadcast in other Russian regions and cities and, as a result, significantly improve environmental awareness and behaviour. These are the measures for the following dimensions: Games in Harmony with Nature, Climate Neutral Games, and Zero Waste Games. Detailed criteria and target values are contained in Annexe 1. Initial state and criteria for fulfilling objectives are represented in Scheme 13.

Scheme 13. Initial state and criteria to fullfil the objectives.

Goal 1

Enhancing environmental awareness and culture among Sochi residents and all over Russia

AS IS Russian program educational system without Olympic Education

TO BE Olympic education programs, including eco-oriented modules, are introduced in Russian education institutions Improvement in environmental consciousness and behavior among the residents of Sochi, Krasnodar Region and Russian Federation, following the results of the delivery of the Olympics. Organization of the permanently working environmental enlightenment system based on state reserves and nature parks

Improvement in environmental consciousness and behavior among the residents of Sochi, Krasnodar region and the Russian Federation, following the results of the delivery of the Olympics Organization of the permanently working environmental enlightenment system based on state reserves and nature parks

Goal 2

Improve environmentally-oriented educational level, professional skills and knowledge of the participants of the preparation and implementation stages of the Olympics
AS IS TO BE Today the number of violations of environmental law during Olympic venues construction is decreasing Not less than 50% of responsible executives, working under the Olympic venues construction program, will be certified to comply with ISO 14001 standards 100% of organizations, working under the Olympic venues construction program have an experience of implementing green solutions at design and constructions stages

There were records of environmentally unwise management at the Olympic venues construction during the earlier stages of Olympic Project Implementation When the Olympic project was started, only 16% of responsible executives, working under the Olympic venues construction program, were certified to comply with ISO 14001 standards Russia had no widespread practice of Green Standard implementation at design and construction stages

Goal 3

Provide commitment to environment and sustainability oriented solutions implemented within the Olympic project

AS IS Russia cannot boast with large scale successful environmental-oriented projects (that can be compared with the Games).

TO BE Successful experience in Olympic project support may be used in the other Russian cities and regions


The population of Russia is not sufficiently informed on the existing technologies, and eco-oriented project solutions, used at design and construction stages

100% availability of public reports based on environmental and sustainability issues and provided by Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee via internet resources and other information channels

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2.4.3. Anticipated Outcomes of Implementation of Existing Projects and Main Obstacles to Environmental Strategy Implementation Improve environmental awareness and ecoresponsible behaviour of the citizens of Sochi, Krasnodar Region and the country in the whole. Implementation of the existing Enlightenment projects and education programmes, developed under the Sochi 2014 Olympic Education System, will help children and youth better understand the following Olympic ideas: Olympism/Paralympism; voluntary work; environmentally responsible behaviour; tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities; cross-cultural conduct etc. Subsequently, principles and mechanisms set forth in the Olympic Education System will help to achieve the following goals: improve approaches to teaching sports in Russia; create models that will make sport popular among the public and encourage citizens, above all young people, to lead an active life; create a new generation of Olympic movement experts and enthusiasts; improve environmental awareness and behaviour among the population; develop Russias creative and hospitality industries. The following measures will increase the general level of environmental awareness and behaviour among the general public: prepare information and educational messages (including those

promoting selective waste collection) and broadcast them through various media outlets (TV, radio, city papers, Internet, outdoor advertising, information leaflets, mass cultural events, and public events) as part of the project entitled Sochi Hospitable City. Sochi-based TV and radio channels and publications will be partners in this project. They will provide the back-drop for special educational modules and marketing campaigns that will distribute video and printed materials in public places. Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee is cooperating with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). This cooperation will help to combine the efforts of the two institutions in providing environmental support for the Olympics, develop environmental education and improve environmental competence and awareness with the help of the Olympics. The Scientific Centre for Environmental Education, based on NIIgorlesekol FSI, will help to accomplish the following: develop the environmental priorities of the international Olympic movement; develop environmental behaviour; enlighten the general public; and improve the skills of experts working in the construction and maintenance of health resorts and sports facilities, as regards the environmentally safe use of natural resources, environmental protection and sustainability. The main results expected of the centre are as follows:

Improve the knowledge of the target group representatives who undergo training and retraining. Among these are the following employees: employees of the government agencies for construction, transport and environmental safety, as well as for tourism and sport. employees of design and construction organizations involved in Olympic and leisure infrastructure construction; teachers in high schools and public schools; tourist site owners; visitors to specially protected natural sites etc. Develop and implement programmes to improve the skills required in making use of ecology and natural resources; Develop user-friendly information materials on environmental enlightenment and ecotourism (digital models of the territory, animated models showing the landscapes dynamics, multi-media presentations for SPNA visitor centres and entertainment facilities, etc.); Develop ecotourism projects in the region, including solutions for specially protected territories;

larger number of individuals receiving environment education: from 20,400 people a year (according to current data as of December 31, 2008) to 38,430 people a year (as of December 31, 2014). Earth Day (April 22) World Environment Day (June 5); Car-free day (September 22) International Black Sea Day (October 31). Dedicated environmental local TV programme (Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee) will improve environmental awareness of the city's residents.

The information centre and sightseeing network of Khosta Taxus and Buxus Forest will help to increase the number of environmental education services delivered to the population. The main goals of the information centre and sightseeing network: enhanced quality of environmental education services;

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Improve environmentally-oriented educational level, professional skills and knowledge of the participants of the preparation and implementation stages of the Olympics In 2009 Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee in Moscow and Sochi-based offices were transferred to resource and energy saving mode. This measure is a part of the Sochi 2014 Environmental Strategy and of the programme called for increasing environmental awareness and commitment. In addition to that, a waste management scheme was introduced in these offices. The main results of the projects are as follows: Restrictions on the use of paper media have been introduced: FSC paper use for internal document flow; duplex printing; Introduction of energy saving rules; Introduction of water saving rules; Separate waste collection and disposal system was introduced (primarily for waste paper). To decrease the risks of environmental law violation the following measures should be introduced: dedicated programme to acknowledge the progress in eco-efficient cutting-edge solutions; quarterly reports on complying with environmental requirements and on minimized environmental impact; Responsible executivesin the Programme for Olympic Venues Construction are now implementing environmental management systems and certify them to comply with ISO 14001 (standard ISO 14001:2001; GOST R ISO

14001-2007). At this stage Olympstroy SC, Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee and several other responsible executivesin the Programme for the Olympic Venues construction implement environmental management system that complies with ISO 14001:2004 standard. This step will help to make the whole management system from choosing a contractor and designing it, to organizing the construction and use of facilities accord with the principles of sustainability, comprehensive use and preservation of natural resources. The main goals of environmental management system implementation are as follows: Reduce negative environmental impact; Make enterprises more environmentally efficient; Decrease the amount of waste and recycle it. Starting from May 2009 all contracts between responsible executivesin the Programme for Olympic Venues Construction and contractors of Olympstroy SC contain additional environmental requirements to construction. These measures will trigger the optimization process for energy and natural resources consumption, and decrease the risk of violations of the Bid Book requirements for green construction. The Work Group for the Best Available Technology (BAT) should hold meetings to assess whether the project designs for Olympic Venues comply with the best available technologies. These meetings will help to improve the quality of the sites being built and the environmental awareness of the responsible executives' employees. .

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Scheme 14. The main fields of activity and expected results of the Enlightenment Games
Delivery of the Olympics and Paralympics

Preparation for 2014 Winter Games

Post-Games Period

Creating base of showcases of positive experience in delivering the Climate Neutral Project* Creating base of showcases of positive experience in delivering the Games in Harmony with Nature** Creating base of showcases of positive experience in delivering Zero Waste Games*** Creating base of showcases of positive experience in delivering the Enlightenment Games Environmental education al and scientific center Information center for visitors and sightseeing complex of Khosta Taxus abd Buxus forest Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve Information and enlightenment projects of Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee Enlightenment programs for creating friendly environment for the Games Information campaigns (incl. promotion of selective waste collection) Support for municipal libraries Implementation of Environmental Management System & its certification to comply with ISO 14001 standard Introduction of additional environmental requirements in construction Methodology of relocated plants and animals rehabilitation Improvement of environmental awareness & behavior of the residents of Sochi and Krasnodar region Improvement of environment-related education level, professional skills & knowledge of the participants of the Games preparation and delivery stages 2009 2010 2011 *Please, refer to Climate Neutral Games section ** Please, refer to Games in Harmony with Nature section *** Please, refer to Zero Waste Games section 2012 2013 Promote the commitment to sustainability & environment protection solutions implemented under the Olympic project according to the following dimensions: -Games in Harmony with Nature; - Climate Neutral Games; - Zero Waste Games

Delivery of the Games

The chance to show the world positive example of preparation and delivery of 2014 Winter Olympics

Improvement of environmental awareness & behavior of all Russian population


2015 onwards

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2.4.4. Environmental Legacy A considerable amount of projects and events for improving the infrastructure of the Sochibased environmental Enlightenment system are planned to take place while Sochi will be preparing for the Olympics. The organizers for the 2014 Olympics and Paralympics, together with authorities and nonfor-profit organizations, are making all efforts to spread the information, increase environmental awareness, promote environmentally responsible models of behaviour and healthy lifestyle. In addition to that, they implement motivation system for Sochi residents and guests who will be encouraged to use upto-date approaches for waste collection and sorting, etc. The Olympic project responsible executives will gain sufficient environmental experience which will trigger the use of eco-effective innovative solutions at design and construction stages of sites across all Russia (see table 2.4.).

Enlightenment Games Material Legacy Population Enlightenment Non-material Legacy

Organize an environmental, educational and scientific centre based on "NIIgorlesekol" FSI with a minimum capacity of 18.2 thousand people a year. Deliver a visitor capacity of 38.5 thousand people a year at the Khosta Taxus and Buxus Forest, the information centre should be rebuilt. Develop recreational facility called "Kavkazskiy (Caucasian) State Biosphere Reserve". This will increase the capacity to reach the level of minimum 30 thousand visitors a year. Public education programmes have been developed and implemented (including environment programmes) under the "Sochi 2014" Olympic Education (Enlightenment) System.

Development of the human potential of Sochi (the environmental awareness and behaviour of local residents have been considerably improved) according to the results of information and Enlightenment projects. Approved techniques for educational programmes in educational institutions (pre-school institutions, schools) and for information campaigns on a municipal level. Responsible Executives in the Olympic Venues Construction Programme have acquired the experience for applying environmental requirements and recommendations to design and construction. Implementation of principles and mechanisms set forth in the Olympic Education System, will help to achieve the following goals: improve the approaches for teaching sports in Russia; create models that will make sports popular among the population and encourage citizens, above all the youth, to lead an active life; create a new generation of Olympic movement experts and enthusiasts; improve environmental awareness and behaviour of the population; develop the creative and hospitality industries in Russia.

Education and professional skills improvement in participating organizations

Developed programme, recognizing the achievement, in design and construction, of promoting innovations and improving cooperation, in the most effective environmental risk management

The experience of using state-of-the-art, environmentally friendly materials and engineering solutions, gained by construction organizations Environmental management system has been successfully implemented, and its implementation has complied with the ISO 14001 standards

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BidBook requirements (BB)andSochi 2014 Environmental Strategy(ES) Implementation ofamodern approachto managementof natural resourcesand environment protection(ES) Enhancement ofthe integrated environmental planfortheCity ofSochi(BB, section5. Environment and Meteorology) Challenge Anticipated outcome (from2014 onwards) Statusatthe launchofthe OlympicProject Measure Deadline/status Implementation asof2010 Criterion(before 2014) Institution responsible

Amodernand comprehensive approachto naturalresources managementand environmental protectionneeds, tobeappliedto theconstructionof Olympicvenuesin SPNAterritory (SochiNational Park). Acomplex geographicaland environmental situationwhichis alsomarkedby increasedseismic

Goal1:Implementamodern,comprehensiveapproachtomanagingnaturalresourcesandprotectingtheenvironment Sochi2014 Keypolicygoals 20092010/ Developmentof Lackofa Acomprehensive Theprojecthas relatedtoecology Organizing Environmental comprehensive systemofnatural Committee and been Strategyofthe strategyfor resources environmental implemented WinterOlympics managementand environmental protection (Sochi2014 supportstrategy environmental Organizing fortheGames protection: Committeemaster Keygoalsofthe plan) Environmental Strategy Sochi2014 Everystrategic 2010/The Developmentof implemented Organizing dimensionofthe projecthas Sochi2014 Comprehensive Committee Olympicshas been Environment environmental measurable programme(Sochi implemented monitoringsystem figures.Thereare 2014Organizing isusedinthearea measuresthatcan Committeemaster ofconstruction helptoachieve plan) anduseofOlympic thesefigures venues.The informationis Substantial 2010/The TheSochi2014 Sochi2014 timelyprovidedto amountofdetail scope Organizing Organizing themain

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Strictcontrols and environmental monitoring" (ES) Evaluationand monitoringof seismic conditionsin Sochiregion (BB,section5. Environment and Meteorology) "Transferof competition orientedand non competition oriented venuesandof the management systems"(ES)

threatandhigh levelsoferosion

participantsin preparationand deliveryofthe Games Geographic information system(GIS)will beavailableforall theparticipantsof theOlympic project.Thiswill helptoarrange environmental datafromOlympic venues constructionsites andcreatemodels ofenvironmental risks.GISwillserve asabasisfor furthermonitoring ofnaturalhazards inSochiregion Random constructioneffect shouldbe eliminatedand landsshouldbe usedaccordingto environmental standardsinthe municipaldistrict

onEnvironment programme projects(Sochi 2014Organizing Committee masterplan)

statementof theprojectis being developed

CommitteesPlan forEnvironmental supportstrategy fortheOlympics shouldbe developed

Committeein cooperationwith theUNEP

Lackofa comprehensive environment protectionscheme forSochi

Developa comprehensive schemeforthe environmental protectionand civildefenseof Sochi(RF Government DecreeNo991as of12.29.2007)

December 2008/The projecthas been implemented

Acomprehensive schemeforthe environmental protectionand civildefenseof Sochishouldbe introduced.The schemeshouldbe sufficientto developthe


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The"SochiCity" generalplandoes notlistthe essential alterationsto territorialcity planning,required duetothefact thatthecitywon thebid. Thereisnosystem forreportingon compliancewith theenvironmental protection requirements,or onthe minimizationof ecologicalrisks and environmental impactinthe designand constructionof Olympicvenues Developgeneral planofurban districtcalled "SochiCity"(RF Government Decreeasof 12.29.07No991) September 2009/The projecthas been implemented

territorial planning documents Ageneralplanfor theurbandistrict knownas"Sochi City"shouldbe introduced


Quarterlyreports 2010/The projectisatthe shouldbe approvalstage introduced.They willreflectthe extenttowhich organizationsare complyingwith environmental requirements, minimizing ecologicalriskand environmental impact,andusing greenstandardsin thedesignand constructionof Olympicvenues (Minutesofthe meetingon

TheRFMinistryof Organizations NaturalResources shouldsubmit quarterlyreports providingproofof theircompliance withthe environmental requirements,and showingthatthey areminimizing ecologicalrisks and environmental impact,and adoptinggreen standardsinthe designand constructionof Olympicvenues.

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11.20.09atthe officeofDmitry Kozak,Deputy PrimeMinisterof theRussian Federation;No 96740) Thereisnosystem Developand forcomprehensive implementa systemof environmental monitoringofthe comprehensive environmental territorieswhere monitoring Olympicvenues (includingby arebeingbuilt satelliteand groundbased observation)to monitorthestate ofthe environmentof SochiNational Parkandits environs,including theUNESCO WorldNatural HeritageVenue knownasthe "Western Caucuses",during theconstruction anddeploymentof variousbuildings (RFGovernment

December2011 /Theprojectis attheapproval stage

Thefollowing shouldbe monitored: atmosphericair, bodiesofwater, soil,biodiversity ofnaturalhabitats Allaspectsof nativehabitats shouldbe providedwithan (advanced) correctionsheet

FederalAgencyfor Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring

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Decreedated 12.29.07No991) Developa monitoring programmefor waterfacilities locatedinthe Olympics constructionarea inSochi(RF Government DecreeNo991 dated12.29.2007) Alandfillshouldbe setup.Experts shouldmonitor thesubsoiland geological processesinthe constructionsites forsport, transportfacilities andpublicutilities (RFGovernment Decreedated 12.29.2007,No 991) Expertsshould carryoutscientific researchesto assessand monitorhazardous

April2011/The projectisatthe approvalstage

FederalAgencyfor WaterResources

March2011/ Theprojectis being implemented

FederalAgencyfor MineralResources

December2011 /Theprojectis being implemented

FederalAgencyfor MineralResources

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Thereisno geographic information system(GIS)for monitoringthe Olympicvenue areas

naturaland industrial phenomena (landslides,erosive processes)(RF Government Decreeasof 12.29.2007No 991) GISshouldbe developedinthe areaswhere Olympicvenues arebeingbuilt(RF Government Decreeasof 12.29.2007No991

December2010 /Theproject documentsare being developed

SCOlympstroy ThecreatedGIS willinclude acquisition, storage, assessmentand graphic visualizationof geographicdata anddetailsonthe constructionsites ofOlympicvenues relatedtothese data

Mandate sustainable design proceduresfor allOlympic

Constructionof Olympicvenuesin theSochiNational Park,SPNA's territory

Goal2.MinimizethepossibleenvironmentalimpactofthepreparationsanddeliveryoftheOlympics,intheafter Gamesperiod Theorganizers shouldpreserve theexistingnear byareasand naturalbiotopes andrebuildthe Outdated standardsand equipment frameworkof constructionGOST standardsand Expertsshould createandapply "GreenStandards" tomaterialsand technologiesinthe designand 20092013/ Implementation oftheproject beganinMay 2009andis ongoing StartingfromMay 2009allcontracts drawnup between executivebodies intheProgramme SCOlympstroy

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venues(BB, Section5. Environment and Meteorology) Highly disciplined approachthat ensuresa minimalnet impactupon theregions fragile environment (BB,Section5. Environment and Meteorology) "Environment orientedand resourcesaving solutionsin designand constructionof Olympic venues"(ES)

damagedonesto preserve biodiversity

constructionof Olympicvenues. The aforementioned requirementsand recommendations "CleanSite": shouldbeincluded 1)Conversionof inagreements theOlympic signedwith venues contractorsand 2)Disassembling executive temporary companies infrastructureand buildingOlympic landscapingthe venues(Minutes resultingfree ofthemeetingon areas 03.26.09atthe officeofDmitry Kozak,Deputy PrimeMinisterof theRussian Federation;RF Government DecreeNo 1243) Olympicvenues Russialackssites Atleast10 certifiedtocomply shouldbecertified Olympicvenues withinternational tocomplywith arecertifiedto "GreenStandards" "GreenStandards" complywith (LEEDorBREEAM) (LEEDorBREEAM) international (Minutesofthe "GreenStandards" 01.15.10meeting (LEEDorBREEAM) attheofficeof DmitryKozak, SNIPs (construction normsandrules) Russiahasno widespread practiceofusing "GreenStandards" indesignand construction

forOlympic Venues Constructionand contractorsfrom SCOlympstroy havecontained additional environmental requirementson construction.

2014/ organizerswill providealistof Olympic venues,thatare plannedtobe certifiedto complywith international

Applicationsfor certificationof compliancewith international "GreenStandards" (LEEDorBREEAM)

SCOlympstroy andresponsible executivesof Olympicvenues construction

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Atleast50%of responsible executivesinthe Programmefor OlympicVenues Construction, whichhave implemented environmental management systemand compliedwithISO 14001standards (ISO14001:2001 standard;GOSTR ISO140012007)

16%of responsible executivesinthe Programmefor OlympicVenues Construction, whichhave implementedthe environmental management systemand compliedwithISO 14001standards (ISO14001:2001 standard;GOSTR ISO140012007)

DeputyPrime Ministerofthe Russian Federation;No 96) Setforththe following provisionsin contractsfor Olympicvenues construction: financial sanctionsshallbe appliedtoa contractorifsaid contractorisfound byanauthorized agencytohave violated environmentallaw (includingthrough theuseof materials producedinaway thatcontravenes environmental law) environmental management systemsshouldbe createdand certifiedas complyingwith

"Green Standards" (LEEDor BREEAM)

2010/The projectisatthe negotiation stage

Atleast110 venueswillbe builtby responsible executivesusing theenvironmental management systemandthe certificateof compliancewith ISO14001 standards

SCOlympstroy andresponsible executives constructingthe Olympicvenues

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Sochi2014 Organizing Committeeshould create environmental management systemthat complieswithISO 14001standard

Sochi2014 Organizing Committeehasno environmental management systemthat complieswithISO 14001standard

ISO14001 standards(ISO 14001:2001 standard;GOSTR ISO140012007)in accordancewith thecertification scheduleapproved bySC Olympstroy (Minutesofthe meetingof 15.01.10atthe officeofDmitry Kozak,Deputy PrimeMinisterof theRussian Federation;No 96) 2012/The Createan projectisbeing environmental implemented management systemcomplying withISO14001 standardISO 14001shouldbe implementedin Sochi2014 Organizing Committee("Sochi 2014Organizing Committee" tacticalplan)

"Sochi2014 "Organizing Committee" shouldcreatean environmental management systemcomplying withISO14001 standard

Sochi2014 Organizing Committee

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Providersand licenseesofgoods andserviceswill minimizetheir environmental impact

FederalTarget Airqualityshould Programmefor behighduringand aftertheGames the Development programmeof Sochiasan alpineclimate resortprovides financingofall measurescalled

Airqualityshould complywithWHO standards (measuredbyEn5 "AirQuality") Maximum allowable concentrationof pollutantsinthe groundlevel

MACfordaily average concentrationof nitrogendioxide andsuspended substancesis higherthan normal(2009 monitoringdata fromthestate

100%ofsuppliers Sochi2014 20102014/ Environmental andlicenseesare Organizing Requirements policyinthearea Committee,SC committedto topurchases ofpurchasing Olympstroy minimizingtheir (Minutesofthe11 arebeing environmental implemented August2009 impact meetingatthe officeofDmitry Kozak,Deputy PrimeMinisterof theRussian Federation;No 9_4598.The minutesfeature theresultsofthe first environmentally relatedvisitbythe IOC)(Theprojectis alsoreflectedin theZeroWaste Games Dimension.) MeasurestoimprovetransportationandenergysystemreflectedintheClimate NeutralGamesDimension

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forpreserving andimproving airquality(BB, Section5 Environment and Meteorology)

shouldnotbe exceeded

Thereisahigher demandfor bouldersand pebblesquarried fromstreambeds, whosehydrologic regimemayalter

Thehydrological regimeofbodies ofwater,located intheareas affectedbythe Olympicvenues, shouldbe preserved

institution "DedicatedCentre for Hydrometeorology andMonitoringof theEnvironment oftheBlackSea andtheAzovSea) Thereareno acceptable exposurelevels andnoschemefor comprehensive useandprotection ofbodiesofwater acrosstheriver basinsoftheBlack Sea

Developaproject whichwill prescribethe acceptable exposurelevels (AEL)forriversof theBlackSeabasin (RFGovernment Decreeasof 12.29.2007No 991) Aschemeforthe comprehensive useandprotection ofbodiesofwater acrosstheriver basinsoftheBlack Seashouldbe developed(RF Government Decreeasof 12.29.2007No 991) Bankprotectionin

September 2010 /Theprojectat approvalstage

ApprovedAEL systemforrivers oftheBlackSea basin

FederalAgencyfor WaterResources

September 2010 /Theprojectis being implemented

Aschemeforthe FederalAgencyfor WaterResources comprehensive useand protectionof bodiesofwater acrosstheriver basinsoftheBlack Sea

December2011 Theplanisthat


D i m E N S i O N : g a m E S i N H a r m O N Y w i T H N aT U r E E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E 2011


Additionalloading forpartiallybuilt upareasorfully builtupareas

Waterqualitythat meetstheWHO standards (measuredbyEn3 indicator,"Water Quality")

Waterprotection areasand coastlandsof bodiesofwater arenotfully developed

Mzymtariver (SochiNational Park)(RF Government Decreeasof 12.29.07No991) Waterprotection areasand protective coastlandsof bodiesofwater shouldbefully developed(RF Government Decreeasof 12.29.07No991)

/Project documentation atapproval stage

3.5kmofbank protection facilitieswillbe builton theMzymtariver


Separatewater consumptionat Olympicvenues willhelptosave 3,0005,000m3 ofdrinkablewater every24hours

Separatewater consumptionis notwidely implemented

Water consumption shouldbe separatedinto serviceandutility purposes,and othertechnical needs.This

KrasnodarRegion 34kmof Administration developedwater protectionareas andcoastlandsfor bothbanks Mzymtariver 6kmofdeveloped waterprotection areasand coastlandsforthe rightbankof Psouriver 120water protectionsigns havebeen installed TheDailyamount SCOlympstroy 20102013/ Theprojectisat ofseparatewater consumption(for negotiation serviceandutility stage purposesand othertechnical needs)will constitute3,000 September 2010 /Theprojectis being implemented

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Watersupply andsewage improvement: createnew, morereliable watersupply sourcesand modernsewage treatment facilities"(BB, Section5 Environment and Meteorology)

Highdepreciation ofsewerage systemandlow levelofthe existingsewage systemofSochi

Acleanandsafe publicwater supply(measured bytheEn2 indicator"Public WaterSupply") Reducewaterloss by1/3inthewater disposalsystem comparedwith 2007 Implementationof asuccessfulpolicy toimprovethe sewagetreatment efficiency (measuredbythe En19indicator "Sewage Treatment")

Watersupply systemis depreciatedby 56%(accordingto theresultsofthe 1stageofthe "OlympicImpact Researchfor2005 2009"En2 indicator"Public WaterSupply") Sewagesystems arepoorly developedinSochi districts

principleshouldbe introducedatall Olympicvenues (Minutesofthe meetingon 01.15.10atthe officeofDmitry Kozak,Deputy PrimeMinisterof theRussian Federation;No 96) Development projectsforwater supplynetwork facilities(water intakes,water conduits,water supplynetworks) (RFGovernment Decreedated 12.29.2007No 991) Projectsforwater supplynetwork facilities (treatment facilities,sewage networks,sewers, pumpstations, deepwater dischargesystems andotherunits)

5,000m3/24 hourperiod(at13 venues)

200112013/ Project documentation atapproval stage

Morethan100km KrasnodarRegion administration, ofmajorwater Sochi supplynetworks Administration, "RosaKhutor,the SkiResort Development Company"JSC,SC Olympstroy

20112013/ Project documentation atapproval stage

Morethan90km ofmajorwater discharge networks

KrasnodarRegion administration, Sochi Administration, "RosaKhutorSki Resort Development Company"JSC,SC Olympstroy, TheKrasnodar

D i m E N S i O N : g a m E S i N H a r m O N Y w i T H N aT U r E E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E 2011


(theRF Government DecreeNo991 dated12.29.2007)

Infrastructureand mechanismsthat provide sustainableuseof artificialsnowand minimizethe impactonsoiland waterduringsport eventsand Olympics

Sochidoesnot haveapracticeof using infrastructureand mechanismsthat provide sustainableuseof artificialsnowand minimizethe impactonsoiland bodiesofwater duringsport eventsand Olympics

Theplanistouse artificialsnowin mountainareas, whileminimizing theimpactonsoil andbodiesof waterduringthe Olympicsand othersporting events

2011/The project documentsare being developed

Infrastructureand mechanismsthat provide sustainableuseof artificialsnowand minimizethe impactonsoiland bodiesofwater duringsport eventsand Olympics

RegionalExecutive Departmentfor thePreparations forthe2014Sochi Olympics, KrasnodarRegion Construction Department Sochi2014 Organizing Committee

Theorganizers willdevelopa compensation programmeto minimizethe environmental impactof

Constructionof Olympicfacilities insubalpineand alpineareaswith 120typesofplants protectedat variouslevels,

Goal3:CompensatepossibleenvironmentalimpactcausedbypreparationanddeliveryoftheOlympicsinthepost Gamesperiod Developcarbon Developedcarbon Sochi2014 2011/The Preservationofthe Nomeasuresto compensation compensatefor compensation project highqualityof Organizing model commencement modelfortotal atmosphericairin thepossible Committee datehasnotyet amountof2 SPNAareaofSochi impactplanned arrived NationalParkby 100%emission compensation(the

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infrastructure development inSochi"(BB, section5. Environment and Meteorology) The preservation andcreationof newanimal habitatsinand aroundSochi NationalPark andthe CaucasianState Reserve"(BB, Section5 Environment and Meteorology) "SochiSPNA system improvement" (ES)

including82types includedinthe RedDataBookof Russia

plannedmodelfor delivering"Zero CarbonBalance"is describedin section2.2.3)

Stabilizationofthe streamchannel morphologyfor theMzymtariver Restored landscapesnear thefloodchannel oftheMzymta river,onthe bottomlandsand channelbanksof thevalley

Nomeasuresto compensatefor thepossible impactplanned

Programmefor restorationofthe Mzymtabedand bottomland afterconstruction ofOlympicvenues, locatedintheriver bedand bottomland

20102013/ Theproject documentation isbeing developed

Organizersshould preventthe decreaseofthe amountofspecies compositions,and deteriorationof

Nomeasuresto compensatefor thepossible impactplanned

Expertsshould develop techniquesto rehabilitate transferredplants andanimals,

April2010/The projecthas been implemented

1)Hydraulic modelofMzymta andmain recommendations forrecoveryand treatmentofthe riverbed morphologybased onthismodel 2) Recommendations forrestoring landscapeswithin thefloodchannel ofMzymtariver, onthe bottomlandsand channelbanksof thevalley Readytouse rehabilitation techniquesforre locatedplantsand animals,which maybedirectly

RussianRailways JSC

TheRFMinistryof NaturalResources

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thehabitat (especiallyforrare andextinct species)causedby constructionand useofOlympic Venues

whichmaybe directlyimpacted acrossthe mountainsand plainswherethe Olympicswillbe held(RF Government Decreeasof 12.29.2007No 991) Comprehensive programmeof environment protection compensation measures

affected throughoutthe mountainsand plainswherethe Olympicswillbe held

20112013/ Theproject commencement datehasnotyet beenreached

Accordingtothe resultsofthe firststageofthe project"Olympic

Organizersshould developthe programmethat willpreserverare

July2010/The project implemented

Theorganizers shallcarry through,infull, theplanned compensation measuresto implement rehabilitation techniquesforre locatedplantsand animals,which maybedirectly impactedacross themountains andplainswhere theOlympicsare tobeheld Developed programmefor preservingrare andextincttypes

SCOlympstroy TheRFMinistryof NaturalResources

TheRFMinistryof NaturalResources

D i m E N S i O N : g a m E S i N H a r m O N Y w i T H N aT U r E E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E 2011


ImpactResearch for20052009" (En8indicator "Endangered species").Sochi districtfeatures 121animaland plantspecies featuringinthe RedDataBookof Russia.

Todaythereare ThePersian leopardpopulation virtuallyno Persianleopards toberestored intheWestern Caucasus,sothe populationcannot berestored naturally

A6%expansionin speciallyprotected naturalareasby comparisonwith

Accordingtothe resultsofthe 1stageofthe project

andendangered typesofanimals andplantsinSochi NationalParkand Kavkazskiy (Caucasian)State BiosphereReserve underthe Programmefor constructionof Olympicvenues (RFGovernment Decreeasof 12.29.2007No 991) Implementthe programmefor restoringthe populationof Persianleopardin SochiNational Parkand Kavkazskiy (Caucasian)State BiosphereReserve (RFGovernment Decreeasof 12.29.07No991) Developaproject forenhancingthe areaofSochi NationalParkby

ofanimalsand plantsinSochi NationalParkand Kavkazskiy (Caucasian)State BiosphereReserve underthe Programmefor constructionof Olympicvenues

February2010/ Firstspeciesareto TheRFMinistryof bebredby2014 NaturalResources Theprojectis being implemented

TheRFMinistryof Comparedwith July2010 NaturalResources /Theprojectis 2006,Sochi beingapproved NationalPark's territoryshouldbe

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2006 Totalamountof Sochidistrict's SPNAconstitutes 99% NatureReserves, NationalParks,% (preservedarea, speciallyprotected area recreationalarea customerservice area, householdarea, Wildlife preserves natural monuments (outsideSochi NationalPark) (measuredbyOGI En7indicator "ProtectedAreas") Improvementof theregion's environmental framework

"OlympicImpact Researchfor2005 2009"( En7indicator "ProtectedAres") SochidistrictSPNA accountsfor93% NatureReserves, 24.3% Nationalparks, 54.9%(preserved area,15% specially protectedarea, 10% recreationarea, 25.2% customerservice area,3.7% Householdarea, 1%) Wildlifepreserves, 3% Natural monuments (outsideSochi NationalPark), 0.1% ThereisnoSPNA toprotectthe migrantbirds, endemicplant species, amphibiansand

usingnearby territoriesthat have environmental protectionvalue (RFGovernment Decreeasof 12.29.07No991) Performfunctional zoningoftheSochi NationalPark territory(RF Government Decreeasof 12.29.07No991)

expandedby 21,000ha

2009/Project hasbeen implemented. Theannexed territory requires functional zoning

Afunctional zoningmapof SochiNational Park

TheRFMinistryof NaturalResources

Organizespecially protected environmental territoryof regional importance

March2012/ Theprojectis underapproval

Aminimumof200 haofnature ornithological parkhasbeen created

KrasnodarRegion Administration; KrasnodarNatural resourcesand state environmental

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nature ornithologicalpark intheImeriti lowland(RF Government Decreedated 12.29.2007 No991) Createnursery Thereisno nurserygardenfor gardenfornative bornrareand rareand endangered endangered speciesofWestern speciesnativeto WesternCaucasus Caucasustrees andshrubbery(RF treesandshrubs Government Decreedated 12.29.07No991) Projectaimedat developmentof ecotourismin Sochiregion reptilesofthe Imeritinskaya lowland

control Department

October2011 /Theprojectis being implemented

Anurseryforrare TheRFMinistryof NaturalResources andendangered speciesnativeto thetreesand shrubberyofthe WesternCaucasus

20112013/ Sochi2014 Organizing Committee Environment programme realization ActionPlan Aseriesofproject 20112013/ Sochi2014 onbiodiversity andsustainability Organizing promotioninSochi Committee regionrealization Environment

Raisingawareness Sochi2014 abouttheunique Organizing Committee environmentof theSochiregion

Sochi2014 Organizing Committee

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programme realization ActionPlan 20112013/ Aseriesof publications/books Sochi2014 onthebiodiversity Organizing Committee andunique landscapesofthe Environment programme Sochiregion realization ActionPlan


Sochi2014 Organizing Committee

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BidBook requirements (BB)andSochi 2014 Environmental Strategy(ES) Challenge Anticipatedoutcome Statusatthe (from2014onwards) launchofthe OlympicProject Measure Deadline/stat usasof2010 Implementation Criterion(before 2014) Institution responsible

"Undertake measuresfor preventing carbon pollution"(BB, section5, "Environment and Meteorology") "Createnew enlarged transport corridorsthat canenhance roadcapacity, whilereducing congestions and,therefore, carbon emissions"(BB,

Organizationand deliveryoftheXXII OlympicGamesand XIParalympic Gameswillincrease thenumberof emissionsources whichwillleadto theincreaseof CO2/greenhousegas emissionlevels

Goal1.Neutralize2Balance Todeliver"Neutral Russiacannot CarbonBalance", boastwithlarge totalamountof scalesuccessful emissionsshouldbe climateneutral calculatedaccording projects(thatcan tothemodelbeing becompared developed.In withtheGames) additiontothat,all emissionsshouldbe compensated(the plannedmodelfor achieving"Zero CarbonBalance"is describedinsection 2.2.3.) Nottoexcessthe Vancouverlevelof CO2emissionscaused bytheoperationof

Provideinventory ofgreenhousegas emissions.Develop theconceptand programmefor reducingemissions andincreasing absorptionof greenhousegases toprovidethe declared"Zero CarbonBalance" (RFGovernment Decreeasof 12.27.07No991)

December 2014 /Organizers haveapproved the cooperation planfor greenhouse gasinventory andfor reducing emissionsand increasing absorptionof greenhouse gasesto providethe declared"Zero Carbon Balance"

Adeveloped RFMinistryof modelfor Natural countingthetotal Resources volumeof2 emissionsin Sochi; adeveloped conceptand programmefor reducing emissionsand increasing absorptionof2

D i m E N S i O N : C L i m aT E N E U T r a L g a m E S E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E 2011

OlympicVenues (whatistakeninto account:1the amountofCO2 emissionscausedby operationofOlympic Parksportfacilities, builtunderthe programmeforthe Olympicvenues constructionand developmentof Sochiasamountain climaticresort.2 emissionsduringthe Gamesandtotal amountof participantsand guestsofthe Games).Measuredin tonesofCO2 equivalentper person Theamountof minimized2 emissionscausedby theconstructionof Olympicvenues. Measuredintonesof 2equivalent (Minutesof the 11.08.2009 meetingatthe officeof DmitryKozak, DeputyPrime Ministerofthe Russian Federation;No 94598) 2011/The project commenceme ntdatehas notbeen reached

section5, "Environment and Meteorology") Limitcitytruck traffic"(BB, section5, Environment and Meteorology) Strictcontrol overthequality ofgasolineand othertypesof fuel,usedin thecity(BB, section5, Environment and Meteorology) Buildnew terminalin international airport"(BB, section5, Environment and Meteorology) Acquirenew vehicles, including alternativefuel runbuses, equippedwith

Developedmodel tocompensate forthetotal volumeofCO2so astodeliverthe ZeroCarbon Balance Fullydeveloped December Develop recommendation recommendations 2010 sforarangeof /Organizers forthesystemof haveapproved environmental environmental protection the protection undertakings measures,aimedto cooperation aimedatreducing planfor reducethe airborne greenhouse pollutingairborne gasinventory, emissionswhere emissionsacross theOlympicsare theOlympicvenues andfor tobeheld reducing territories(RF emissionsand Government increasing Decreedated absorptionof 12.27.07No991) DevelopCO2 compensation model

Sochi2014 Organizing Committee

RFMinistryOf Natural Resources

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devicesthat prevent environmental pollution"(BB, section5, Environment and Meteorology) Use sustainability principlesto create transport system(BB, section5, Environment and Meteorology) Createanduse onecomputer transport management systemto prevent congestions andthus reduce airborne emissions"(BB, section5, Environment and Meteorology) Useelectric,

Environmental factorsaretobe takenintoaccount inpreparationand deliveryofSochi 2014Olympics: Strategyand operatingplanto form"Green Legacy"

greenhouse gasesto providethe declared"Zero Carbon Balance" (Minutesof themeetingat theofficeof DmitryKozak, DeputyPrime Ministerofthe Russian Federation;No 94598) Global 20112013 Fullydeveloped Environment environmental recommendation Fund(GEF) sandoperating planswithinthe following dimensions: "Green Construction" policy,energy efficiencyand energysupply planning, technologiesfor theuseof renewableenergy sources,useof vehicleswithlow

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carbonhydride emissions, compensationfor methane emissions,a strategyfor providingthe publicwith information, explanatory materialand encouragement Measurescalled tominimize2 emissionsare implementedin Olympicvenues constructionsites Reportson2 emission minimization duringthe Olympicvenues construction

hybridand biofuelvehicles where possible"(BB, section5, Environment and Meteorology) Usecertified energyand heatsaving equipment, wherepossible (BB,section5, Environment and Meteorology) "Usegasin boilerstations insteadofcoal andblack oil"(BB,section 5,Environment and Meteorology) Decrease energy consumption byusing renewable energysources (BB,section5, Environment and

Minimize2 emissionsinthe constructionof Olympicvenues

Environmental factorsaretobe takenintoaccount inthepreparation anddeliveryofthe Sochi2014

20082013/ Themajority ofprojectsfor building Olympic venuesare being implemented. measuresfor minimization ofemissions arebeing implemented inthework process 20112013 /Theprojectis atapproval stage

SC Olympstroy andother responsible executives

Fullydeveloped environmental recommendation sandoperating plansunderthe following

Global Environment Fund(GEF)

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Meteorology) Improveand redesign severalpower substationsand powerlines,to increasethe efficiency coefficientof thegenerator andpowerline (BB,section5, Environment and Meteorology) Reducethe numberof sourcesandthe amountof substancesthat polluteSochi atmosphere (ES) Uninterrupted workofSochi transport system"(ES) "Organizers shallusethe mostmodern solutionsto providepower fortheGames" (ES)

Olympics:Strategy andoperatingplan forformingthe "GreenLegacy"

headings:"Green Construction" policy,energy efficiencyand energysupply planning, technologiesfor useofrenewable energysources, useofvehicles withlowmethane emissions, compensationof methane emissions,the strategyfor providingthe publicwith information, explanationsand encouragement activities

Goal2.2emissioncutduetoimprovedtransportsystemofSochi April2013 Today,Sochilacks Combined(road Areductioninthe andrailway)Adler /Preparation Euro4public volumeofCO2 stagesare Roadmountain transport emissionsperkm performed; climaticresort vehicles; covered(during project "AlpikaService" suburbantrains transportation) documentatio withthesecond areused. comparedtothe natapproval railway figuresforprevious constructiononthe stage "En13Road years'figures(in

Fourrailway stationsbuilt Imeretinski Kurort,Esto Sadok,Alpika Servis.Olympic Parkandone rebuiltstation

Russian RailwaysOJSC

D i m E N S i O N : C L i m aT E N E U T r a L g a m E S E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E 2011

2014,figuresforCO2 Congestion"* emissionscausedby transportationof Olympicsparticipants andguestsaretobe used.Fortheyears 2007,2008,2009, 2010,2011,2012, 2013:figuresforCO2 emissionsfrom standardurban publictransportation aretobeused,over thesameroute). Measuredintonnes of2perpersonper km 100%ofpassenger transportation (Olympics participantsand guests)duringthe Gamesshouldbe conductedonlow emissionvehicles(at least"Euro4" internalcombustion engines,railway transport,alternative energysourcesetc.) 100%ofhydrocarbon fuelledroad waySochiAdler Veseloe(design andexploration) (RFGovernment Decreeasof 12.29.07No991) Comprehensive reconstructionand constructionof transporthubs, roadcorridorsand junctions(RF Government Decreeasof 12.27.07No991, Decreeby KrasnodarRegion Administration dated19August 2009N723) Adler; 48kmof electrified railroad; 46kmofroad built. 120kmofroads; 20092013/ 10roadjunctions. Themajority ofprojectsare being implemented (development ofproject documentatio nand construction) FederalRoad Agency, Krasnodar Region Administration Sochi Administration, SC Olympstroy, Russian RailwaysJSC Krasnodar RegionOlympic Games Executive Department, Krasnodar RegionRoad Management Department Krasnodar Region Administration, Sochi Administration

"Energysupply andtransport systemshould be comprehensive inaregional infrastructure" (ES)

Facilitiesof comprehensive automatedroad traffic management systeminSochi(RF

20092013/ Theprojectis atthestageof the development ofproject

Atleast15% increaseofthe averagespeedof thestreetand roadnetworkin Sochi;

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transportfor Olympicsparticipants andgueststobe poweredbyatleast Euro4internal combustionengines Expertsshould reducethefirst figuresforveryslow traffic(<10km/h) andcongestionin 2010,acrossthe routestobeusedto transportOlympics participantsand guestsduringthe deliveryofthe Games.(OGI"En13 roadcongestion"). Measuredinhoursof congestionperday. Expertsshould reducethefirst figuresforveryslow traffic(<10km/h) andcongestionin 2010,acrossthe routestobeusedto transportOlympics participantsand guestsduringthe deliveryofthe Government Decreeasof 12.27.07No991, Decreebythe KrasnodarRegion Administrationas of19August2009 N723) Purchasespecial vehiclesand passengerroad vehiclesfor2014 XXIIWinter OlympicsandXI WinterParalympics inSochi(theRF Government Decreedated 12.27.07No991) Projectsaimedat improvingairfield andairport facilitiesinSochi (RFGovernment Decreeasof 12.27.2007No991) documentatio nfor automated roadtraffic management system Atleast15% reductionof vehicleemissions; Atleast10% reductionoffuel usedbyvehicles.

June2013 /Theproject commenceme ntdatehas notbeen reached

2000 environmentally efficientvehicles bought(buses andminibuses); 1250disabled peoplefriendly busesbought.

OlympicGames Transport Directory

20072013/ Thebuildingof airterminal complexis broughtinto service

Implementprojects February

Newairtraffic controlsystem withthecapacity of1300 passengersper hourininternal lines,and2500 passengerper hourin international airlines Workingseaport

Sochi International Airport,JSC, FederalAir Transport Agency,


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Games.(OGI"En13 roadcongestion"). Measuredinkmper day. forcreatingand improvingport infrastructureand neighbouringcoast infrastructure.Buy newships.(RF Government Decreeasof 12.27.2007No991) 20112013 /Thefirst stageofthe cargoport constructionis broughtinto service(2mln tonesayear) intheoutletof Mzymtariver Sochiseaport construction willbegin The construction of8Sochi seaport terminalswill begin called"Sochi", anditscoast infrastructure (includingcargo district); Eight(8)rebuilt seaterminalsand theircoast infrastructure; 37shipsof varioustypes boughtto transport passengersacross thecity Workingyacht complexin "Imeretinsky" port. Trafficflowmodel forpreparation anddeliveryof Games Transportmaps ofSochi rechflot, CommercialSea PortofSochi JSC,Doninvest JSC,Imeretinsky PortofSochiJSC

XXIIOlympicsandXI Paralympics climateneutral project

20082010/ Theprojectis being implemented "UnifiedTransport 20102011/ Theprojectis MapsCreation" being project implemented 20102011/ Project:"Micro simulationoftraffic Theprojectis infrastructureand being implemented trafficflowsin "Olympic TransportModel" project

Sochi2014 Organizing Committee

Sochi2014 Organizing Committee

Expertshave createdmicro simulationof traffic

Sochi2014 Organizing Committee

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sportsandnon sportssites, includinghubs" infrastructureand trafficflowsin sportsandnon sportssites, includinghubs OperatingTraffic Sochi2014 Organizing MasterPlanfor MountainCluster Committee

Project: "Developmentof OperatingTraffic MasterPlanfor MountainCluster" Project: "Developmentof OperatingTraffic MasterPlanfor CoastalCluster" Project: "Developmentof OperatingTraffic MasterPlanfor CoastalCluster"

20092010/ Theprojectis being implemented

2010/The projectis being implemented

OperatingTraffic MasterPlanfor CoastalCluster developed

Sochi2014 Organizing Committee

2010/The projectis being implemented

OperatingTraffic MasterPlanfor CoastalCluster developed

Sochi2014 Organizing Committee

Goal3.Cut2emissionsbyimprovingtheenergysystemandincreasingefficiencyofenergyuse Adlerthermal August2012 Constructionand Useof"Green Thepercentageof plantminimum /Adler improvementof Standards"not energysaving thermalplant 360mW; generating widespreadin facilitiesdesigned (construction Sochithermal capacities(RF Russia andbuiltin plantminimum beganin Government accordancewith 80mW; September "GreenStandards"of TheSochienergy Decreedated Hydroplanton 2009); 12.27.07No991) districtlacks thetotalamountof Mzymtariver December sufficientenergy venues(onlythose

RussianEnergy ProjectsLtd, OJSCThethird generation companyofthe wholesale electricity market,INTER

D i m E N S i O N : C L i m aT E N E U T r a L g a m E S E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E 2011

venuesaretakeninto accountthatarepart oftheProgramme forOlympicvenues constructionand developmentof Sochiasamountain climaticresort): 100%ofvenues forSCOlympstroy (designedafter 05.01.2009); 100%ofvenues forcontractorswho signedtheir contractsafter 05.01.2009 Environmentally efficientsourcesin Sochienergydistrict willincreasetheir shareinthetotal energyproduction. Theseenergysources usegas,waterand suntoproduce power.Measuredin %byyears(2007 2014) Increaseofthe amountofthe consumedenergy thatwasproducedby renewablesources 7580% Highvoltagelines for110and220 kilovolts experience regularbreaks (locatedinone section.Adverse weather conditionsarethe reasonforthe breaks) Morethan90%of 110and220kv substations require reconstruction andreequipment "En14Energy consumptionby thetypeof source" 2009 2ndstageof theSochi ThermalPlant construction ofthe2nd stagehasbeen completed Hydroplanton theMzymta riverthe projectis being implemented; October2013 Dziubinskaya thermalplant preparation stagepriorto construction; December 2013 Kuydepstinska yathermal plantSC Olympstroy isascertaining aninvestor 20102012/ Themajority ofprojectsare atthestage whenproject documentatio minimum82mW; Dziubinskaya thermalplant poweryettobe determined Kuydepstinskaya thermalplant thepoweristobe determined RAOUESJSC, OJSC Sochinskiye HydroPlants, OJSCRosneft Petroleum Company,SC Olympstroy

Improvement projectsfor municipalboiler stations(RF Government Decreedated

Ten(10) improved municipalboiler stationsthatnow usegas.

Krasnodar Region Administration, Sochi Administration Krasnodar

D i m E N S i O N : C L i m aT E N E U T r a L g a m E S E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E 2011

basedonOGI indicator"En14 EnergyConsumption bytheTypeof Source" 12.27.07No991, Decreebythe KrasnodarRegion Administration dated19August 2009N723) Constructionand reconstructionof powersubstations (110and220kW) (RFGovernment Decreedated 12.27.07No991) nisbeing approved regionEnergy Complex Department

20092012/ Themajority ofprojectsare being developed,or theirproject documentatio nisbeing developed

Morethan20 substationshave beenbuiltor reconstructed

Constructionand improvementof powerlines(RF Government Decreedated 12.27.07No991)

Constructionand improvementof powerlines(RF Government Decreedated 12.27.07No991)

20112013/ Themajority ofprojects havereached thestage whereproject documentatio nisbeing approved 20112013/ Themajority ofprojects havereached thestage whereproject documentatio nisbeing

Morethan1680 kmofpowerlines installedorrelaid

Morethan1680 kmofpowerlines installedorrelaid

OJSCFGCUES, OJSCHolding IDGS,OJSC Kuban Generating Company,OJSC KubanPower Energyand Electrification, SC Olympstroy OJSCFGCUES, OJSCKuban PowerEnergy and Electrification, OJSCHolding IDGC,SC Olympstroy OJSCFGCUES, OJSCKuban PowerEnergy and Electrification, OJSCHolding IDGC,SC Olympstroy

DimENSiON: ZErO waSTE gamES E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E 2011


Thecreationof anewwaste collection/recyc lingsystem(BB section5, Environment and Meteorology); Constructionof amodernsolid wasterecycling plantinSochi thatwillrecycle wasteanduse ittoproduce ecofriendly building materials(BB, section5, Environment and Meteorology); Constructionof anewlandfillto disposeof wasteinthe Theconsiderable amountofwaste, whichwillappearin preparationand deliveryofthe Games,shouldbe disposed Goal.Minimizeproduction,increasethelevelofwasterecyclingandreusingtoachieve"ZeroWaste"principle October2009 Ageneralscheme TheKrasnodar Developthe Aworkingsystemof Theexisting forclearingwaste Regional generalschemefor /Theproject technologiesfor wastetreatment, Executive fromSochito hasbeen clearingwaste DSWcollection, transportationand implemented upholdthe"Zero Departmentfor fromSochito storageand recycling Waste"principle. the upholdthe"Zero disposalare Preparations Inaddition,the Waste"principle 100%separatewaste outdatedand forthe2014 organizerswill (RFGovernment inadequatewith collectioninthe SochiOlympics developa Decreedated Olympicparkduring regardtothe comprehensive 12.29.07No991 naturaland theOlympics. balancescheme climatic formanaging conditionsofthe 99%ofsolid wastefromthe territory. householdwaste alpineclimate Moreover,they createdduringthe resortofSochi. donotmeet Gameswillbe Theschemewill resortandleisure segregated. helptoprovide requirements inventoryof Servicesforthe productionand collection,removal consumption anddisposalofsolid wasteand wasteinlandfillsto forecastthe befullyequippedby amountofsuch 2014 waste.Assess modernwaste disposalpractice ofSochi.Develop waste management

DimENSiON: ZErO waSTE gamES E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E 2011

strategyofSochi. Developgeneral wastedisposal schemeofSochi. Sochi Administration willdevelopthe packageofdraft regulationsthat ensurethe implementation ofthedeveloped wastedisposal schemeand strategy Existingunified schemeofwaste removaland recyclingacross theterritoryfor preparationand deliveryofthe OlympicsSochi

areabetween theriversBoo andKobza(BB, section5, Environment and Meteorology); ImplementZero Wasteprinciple inSochi(ES); ImplementZero Wasteprinciple inOlympic venues(ES); Adjustthe wasterecycle systemforthe needsofthe city(ES)

Theprojectofthe unifiedschemeof wasteremovaland recyclingacrossthe territoryfor preparationand deliveryofthe OlympicsinSochi (Decreebythe KrasnodarRegion Administration dated19August 2009,N723) Accordingtothe Createsystemof selectivecollection resultsofthe firstprojectstage ofhouseholdwaste "OlympicImpact anditsequivalents

2010/Project hasbeen implemented

Departmentof Housingand UtilityServices ofthe Krasnodar Region Administration

20102013/ DatedApril 2010,officials havenotmake

Reequipmentof containersites (improvement, reequipment)

Krasnodar Region Administration, Sochi

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Researchfor 20052009"(En18 indicator:Solid WasteRecycling) absolutelyno solidhousehold waste inSochi consideringtourist routesandpublic entertainmentsites "Sochia HospitableCity") adecisionto allocatefunds fromfederal budgettothe programme called"Sochi a Hospitable City",under whichthe measureis planned 991units Equipmentfor selectivewaste collection:90 unitspurchased Informationand education campaignsshould beprovidedfor Sochipopulation (atleastfor70% ofresidents)by 2014 Thepercentage ofecooriented advertisementin variousmedia: minimum10% ofthegeneral amountofsocial city advertisement Servicesfor collectingand transporting (removing)and disposingsolid wasteisequipped by30% Administration

Publicutilities havenomodern equipmentfor collectingand transporting (removing)and disposingsolid

Purchase equipmentand specialvehiclesfor collecting, transporting (removing)and disposingsolid wasteinlandfills

November 2008/Project hasbeen implemented

Krasnodar Region Administration, Sochi Administration, Krasnodar RegionHousing Department

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(RFGovernment Decreedated 12.29.07No991) Householdwaste Solidwastelandfill inLazarevsky landfillsin district(projectand Lazarevskyand Adlerdistrictsare surveywork, demolitionand inemergency stateandimpact recultivation)(RF theenvironment Government Decreedated 12.29.07No991) Solidwastelandfill inAdlerdistrict (projectandsurvey work,demolition andrecultivation) (RFGovernment Decreedated 12.29.07No991) Accordingtothe Complexforbio wastedisposal resultsofthe firstprojectstage (designandsurvey "OlympicImpact work,construction) (RFGovernment Researchfor 20052009"(En33 Decreedated 12.29.07No991) indicator,New facilitiesfor wasterecycling and sewage treatment). wasteinlandfills

Removeemergency landfillsfromAdler andLazarevsky districtsofSochi

November 2013/ Polygon closure plannedfor December 2010

4.85haofDSW landfillshouldbe closedand recultivated

Construction DepartmentOf TheKrasnodar Region Administration, Sochi Administration

100%biological waste,including medicalwaste, recycledinSochi

Adlerlandfillis closedin2010. Venue recultivation projectis beingrealized

8.85haofDSW landfillshouldbe closedand recultivated

Construction DepartmentOf TheKrasnodar Region Administration, Sochi Administration Construction DepartmentOf TheKrasnodar Region Administration, Sochi Administration

May2013/ Project documentatio natapproval stage

Createacomplex withthewaste recyclecapacity of150kg/hour

DimENSiON: ZErO waSTE gamES E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E 2011

Duringthis period,newbio wasterecycling facilitieswerenot created. 50%(bymass)of recycledfractionsof soliddomesticwaste acrossSochiduring thedeliveryofXXII 2014Olympicsand Paralympics Inaccordance withtheresultsof thefirststageof theproject OlympicImpact Researchfor 20052009(En18 indicatorSolid wasterecycling). Solidwasteisnot recycled Complexfor collecting, removingand recyclingofsolid domesticwaste andmakingeco friendlyitemsout ofthiswaste.The complexissituated inKhostinsky district(designand research, construction)(RF Government Decreedated 12.29.07No991) Soliddomestic wastelandfillinthe confluenceofthe BooandKobza rivers(designand research, construction)(RF Government Decreedated 12.29.07No991) Current Status:Land allotmentis done07.2009; siteisatthe designstage. Wastesorting lineisinstalled Constructionof theNo1Complex forrecycling domesticsolid wastewiththe capacityof180 thousand tones/yea OJSC Sochinsky Waste Recycling Complex

Creationofalandfill forsafedisposalof soliddomesticwaste intheconfluenceof theBooandKobza rivers

Sochilacks landfillsforsafe disposalofsolid domesticwaste

May2012/ Researchand design

Constructionof newlandfillwith thecapacityof 200,000 tonnes/year. Constructionofa Complexfor recyclingsolid wasteNo2 featuringa capacityof100

OJSC Sochinsky Waste Recycling Complex

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tonnes/year SC Management Olympstroy Programmefor construction wasteduring preparationstage oftheOlympics

Management Programmefor constructionwaste forallOlympic venues

Sochilacks systemsfor recyclingand reusingof construction waste

90%ofconstruction wasteatthe constructionof OlympicVenuesof SCOlympstroyin Sochi

Developand implement management programmefor constructionwaste (Minutesofthe11 August2009 meetingatthe officeofDmitry Kozak,Deputy PrimeMinisterof theRussian Federation;No 9_4598.The minutesfeature theresultsofthe first environmentally relatedvisitofIOC) Mobilepointfor recycling constructionwaste andstationpoint forrecyclingand useofconstruction wastefor recultivationof exhausted Plastunskoye depositofbrick earth(designand research,

September 2009/The projecthas been implemented

February2010 /Theproject hasbeen implemented

SC Creationof Olympstroy Mobilepointfor recycling construction wasteandstation pointwiththe capacityof200 m3/hour

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construction) (DecisionoftheSC Olympstroys supervisorycouncil datedMay29, 2009,ProtocolNo 23) Facilityfor Recyclingofallwood recyclinganduse wasteproducts: ofwoodwaste uprootedmaterial, (complexfor woodcuttingsand recyclingwood, otherwoodwaste uprootedmaterial, whenbuilding andotherwood Olympicvenuesof waste)for SCOlympstroyon recultivationof theterritoryofSochi landareasinthe MountainCluster territoryofSochi NationalPark (designand research, construction) (DecisionoftheSC Olympstoys supervisorycouncil datedMay29, 2009,ProtocolNo 23) Constructionof Recyclingthesewage Inaccordance withtheresultsof sludgeburning sludgefromSochi the1ststageof plantinthe treatmentfacilities territoryof project

April2010/ Projecthas been implemented

SC Creationofthe Olympstroy facilityfor recyclingwood wastefeaturing thecapacityof50 m3/hour

2010/Parties signedthe memorandum oncreationof

Creationofa sludgeburning plantinthe territoryofthe

DegremontSA, OOOEurasian EcoProjects

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OlympicImpact Researchfor 20052009(En33 indicator:New facilitiesfor sewagerecycling andtreatment) Thereareno facilitiesfor sewagesludge recycling. Increasingnumberof Russialacksthe Sochiresidentswho widespread understandtheidea practiceofGreen Standardsuse ofseparatewaste whilebuilding collection Thereisno widespread practiceof separatewaste collection Treatmentfacilities investment inAdlerdistrict projectfor plant construction sewagefacilities inAdlerdistrict withthecapacity of400tones/24 hours.Humidity: 75%.

Growingamountof venuesthatuse GreenStandardsin termsofwaste management, including separatecollection andmaximumuseof

GreenOffice project,Sochi2014 Organizing Committee(ANO "Organizing CommitteeSochi 2014sstrategy plan)(Theproject isalsoreflectedin thedimensions: ClimateNeutral Gamesand Enlightenment Games) Implement additional environment orientedmeasures and recommendations todesignand constructionin

2009/The projecthas been implemented

Wasteshouldbe collectedand recycled separately

Sochi2014 Organizing Committee

20092013/ Theevent havebeen implemented sinceMay 2009

Startingfrom May2009100% ofthecontracts signedwith responsible executives, workingunder Olympicvenues

SC Olympstroy

DimENSiON: ZErO waSTE gamES E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E 2011

inertwastefor recultivationofthe existingDSW landfills;useof milledwoodwaste torecultivatedsoil; separatingwasteby maincategories (constructionwaste, domesticwaste, scrapmetal); collectionof domesticand constructionwaste inseparate containersand regularremovalof suchwastefrom constructionsites Controlandmonitor wastegeneration contractssigned withexecutive companiesworking undertheOlympic venues construction programme,and withcontractorsof SCOlympstroy (ProtocolNo 94598dated11 August2008)(The projectisalso reflectedinthe dimensions:Games inHarmonywith NatureandClimate NeutralGames.) Nowastesurvey conductedinthe region Createand maintainregional surveyonwaste (RFGovernment Decreedated 12/29/07991) Developand implement Environmental requirementsfor goodspurchasing, worksandservices, deliveredaspartof preparationto July2012 construction programmeand SCOlympstroy contractors containadditional environmental requirementsto construction

Regionalwaste surveycreated. Amountofwaste generation measured. Sochi2014 Organizing Committeeand SCOlympstroy committo purchasegoods andservices primarilywithlow

Krasnodar Region Administration

Minimizewaste generationwhile deliveringservices forSochi2014 Organizing CommitteeandSC Olympstroy

Nopurchasing environmental requirements appliedinSochi

March2010/ Requirements developedand being implemented

Sochi2014 Organizing Committee,SC Olympstroy

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Sochi2014Winter Olympicgames (Minutesofthe meetingarewith theDeputy Chairmanofthe Governmentofthe RFD.Kozak:#DK P94598dated August11,2009 afterthefirstvisit oftheIOCon environment)(The projectisalso reflectedinthe GamesinHarmony withNature.) Createworking groupon developmentand implementationof ZeroWaste Principleduring thepreparationfor theGames (Minutesofthe meetingarewith theDeputy Chairmanofthe Governmentofthe RFD.Kozak:#DK P9_4598dated August11,2009 afterthefirstvisit wasteorno waste technologies;use everyrecycled processesand materials possible,abstain from useofsynthetic materialwhere possible.

WorkingtoZero WastePrinciple duringthe preparationforthe Games

Implementation December ofZeroWaste 2009/ Workinggroup Principle created

Sochi2014 Organizing Committee,SC Olympstroy, TheRFMinistry ofNatural Resources, TheRFMinistry ofRegional Development, Krasnodar Region Administration, Sochi Administration

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oftheIOCon environment) Noenvironmental Developmentand implementationof management systemavailable anenvironmental management inSochi2014 system,complying Organizing withISO14001in Committeethat theSochi2014OC wouldcomply (TacticsplanSochi withISO14001 2014Organizing Committee)(The projectisalso reflectedinthe GamesinHarmony withNature.) ZeroWaste Concept development

WasteManagement systemoperationas partof environmental management,Sochi 2014Organizing Committee

2012/till October2010: basesof environmental management aredeveloped. Beginningof January2011: development and implementatio nofthe system

Waste management systemaspartof environmental management, Sochi2014 Organizing Committee

Sochi2014 Organizing Committee

20112013/ Sochi2014 Organizing Committee Environment programme realization ActionPlan

Sochi2014 Organizing Committee

20112013/ Municipalpilot projectonseparate wastecollection Sochi2014 launch Organizing Committee

Sochi2014 Organizing Committee

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Environment programme realization ActionPlan 20112013/ Sochi2014 Organizing Committee Environment programme realization ActionPlan

Activitiesto minimize generationofnon recyclablewaste

Sochi2014 Organizing Committee

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BidBook requirements (BB)andSochi 2014 Environmental Strategy(ES) Incorporationof ecologyissues, environmental stewardship, conservation andsustainable development intoacademic programmesof institutionsatall levels(BB) Strengtheningof socialand humanitarian aspectsof environmental education(BB) Toraise environmental Challenge Anticipated outcome(from 2014onwards) Statusatthe launchofthe OlympicProject Measure Deadline/status asof2010 Implementation Criterion(before 2014) Institution responsible

Peopleshouldview theOlympicsasa longawaitedand positiveeventfor thecityandthe countryasawhole. Inthisrespect,we shouldpayextra attentionto providingreliable andcredible informationonthe developmentsof theOlympicProject, enhance environmental awarenessand promote environmental culture.

Goal1.EnhancingenvironmentalawarenessandcultureamongSochiresidentsandalloverRussia Developingand DevelopingSochi 20092010/ Russianschoolsand Russian approvalofthe Olympic 2014Olympic education universitieshave Sochi2014Olympic Education Education introducedOlympic systemdidnot Education (Enlightenment) System implyOlympic education (Enlightenment) approvedby system(Sochi education programmesthat system 2014Organizing IOC. includemoduleson programmes Implementation Committee environmental Trainingand planisbeing TacticalPlan) issues. educational developedby programmes theMinistryof (including Educationand Accordingto Changesinthe environment Scienceofthe Gamesimpact environmental programmes)have Russian consciousnessand Assessment beenintroducedin Federation cultureamong Sochi,Krasnodar Accordingtothe Sochi,Krasnodar Regionandother resultsofthe RegionandRussia partsofRussia. firststageofthe residentsshowa GamesLegacyin positive 1.1. Developing 20092010/ 20052009 momentum methodolog Structuraland Project(So32 accordingtothe conceptual yfor Indicator resultsof

ANO Organizing Committee Sochi2014 Sochi2014 Organizing Committee

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awarenessand promote environmentally responsible behaviour(ES) Promote Sustainable Development valuesusingall influence instrumentsofa globalsport event(ES)1 Significantshift of environmental consciousness amongSochi residentsandall overRussia(ES)

sociologicalsurveys (thesurveycanbe carriedoutwithin GamesLegacy Project)(OGI indicatorsSo29 publicsurveys, afterthesurveyis updatedaccording tothe requirementsset outformonitoring ofchangesinthe environmental consciousnessand culture). Environmental consciousness growthisachieved byimplementing thefollowing projects: Introducing Sochi2014 Olympic Education (Enlightenment )system Environmental Campforhigh schooland university students

Olympics/ Paralympics Educational Activities),in 2009the following numberof eventswas carriedout: InKrasnodar Region9 events(1158 participants) Russian Federation15 events(668 participants)

educational programmes (incl. environmen t programmes )(ANO Organizing Committee Sochi2014 Tactical Plan) 1.2. Producing samplesof educational materials (Sochi2014 Organizing Committee Tactical Plan) 1.3. Monitoring implementa tionof educational programmes (independen texperts) (Sochi2014 Organizing Committee Tactical

model developedfor thetraining packagepartof thepopular Olympic education 2010/ Actionplanhas beenworkedout 2010/ Actionplanhas beenworkedout

Sochi2014 Organizing Committee Sochi2014 Organizing Committee

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Interactive systemfor mappingSochi naturalobjects andmonuments launch Environmental awareness publications GreenArt environmental artfestival cultural environmental project(music, film,visualarts, theatre) JointSochi 2014Organizing Committeeand UNEPprojects andeventsas partofthe environmental supportfor 2014Winter Olympics Educational programmesto providefriendly environmentfor theGames

Plan) 1.4. Developing methodolog yfor educational programmes (including environmen tal education) (Sochi2014 Organizing Committee Tactical Plan) 1.5. Producing samplesof educational materials (Sochi2014 Organizing Committee Tactical Plan) 1.6. Monitoring implementa tionof educational programmes (independen texperts)

2010/ Structuraland conceptual model developedfor theOlympic Educationin Schools: ENERGY, PHILOSOPHY, CAREER." 2010/ Actionplanhas beenworkedout 2010/ Actionplanhas beenworkedout

Sochi2014 Organizing Committee Sochi2014 Organizing Committee Sochi2014 Organizing Committee

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Awareness campaignto promote selectivewaste collection (Sochi2014 Organizing Committee Tactical Plan) 1.7. General supervision overANO Russian Internationa lOlympic University (independen tevaluation of educational programmes )Sochi2014 Organizing Committee TacticalPlan 1.8. Youth Programs, including Onecountry One School Program, YouthCamp (Sochi2014 Organizing Committee 2010/ Actionplanhas beenworkedout 2010/ Actionplanhas beenworkedout Sochi2014 Organizing Committee Sochi2014 Organizing Committee

Positivedynamics foractivity indicatorswithin informationaland educationalprojects andevents(number ofprojects/events peryear)is measuredusingSo 32Indicator Olympics/ Paralympics Educational Activities

DimENSiON: ENLigHTENmENT gamES E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E 2011

Tactical Plan)

Raise environmental awarenessand promote environmentally responsible behaviour(ES) Promote Sustainable Development valuesusingall influence instrumentsofa globalsport event(ES)1 Significantshift of environmental consciousness amongSochi residentsandall overRussia(ES) Incorporationof ecologyissues, environmental

GreenArt environmental artfestival cultural environmental project(music, film,visualarts, theatre)

20102014/ Theprojectis being implemented. Preparationsfor GreenCarnation Environmental FilmFestivalare inprogress.

GreenCarnation EnvironmentalFilm Festivaltobeheld in2010. Environmental FashionTheatre Project2011. MusicontheWater Environmental Festival2012.Art tourProject Masterpiecesfrom theTretyakov Gallery(Moscow)in thestreetsofSochi

Sochi2014 Organizing Committee

Educational programmesto providefriendly

20112013/ Sochi2014 Organizing

Numberofpre schoolers,school anduniversity

Krasnodar Regionand Sochi

DimENSiON: ENLigHTENmENT gamES E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E 2011

environmentfor theGames. Target audiences:pre schoolers,school anduniversity students Committee Environment programme Realization Actionplan studentsin enlightenment projects: 20118000 201216000 201324000 Administration Sochi2014 Organizing Committee preparing enlightenment program Contentwithin Sochi2014 Olympic Education (enlightenment) System

stewardship, conservation andsustainable development intoacademic programmesof institutionsatall levels(BB) Strengtheningof socialand humanitarian aspectsof environmental education(BB) Raise environmental awarenessand promote environmentally responsible behaviour(ES) SochiNational Parkwillopen an Createapermanent Environmental enlightenment environmental infrastructural educationsystem

Awareness campaignto promote selectivewaste collection

Create environmental educationaland

By2014atleast70 %ofSochi populationsshould beinvolvedin educational programmes Environmental advertisingsharein variousmassmedia atleast10%of publicservice advertisinginthe city December2011 Meeting /TheConceptof commitmentsto create environmental 20112013/ Sochi2014 Organizing Committee Environment programme Realization Actionplan

Krasnodar Regionand Sochi Administration

TheRFMinistry ofnatural resources

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onthebasisof nationalnature reservesand nationalpark visitorcapacityof anenvironmental educationaland researchcentreas aresultofthe measures implemented minimum18.2 thousandvisitors annual visitorcapacity fortheKhosta TaxusandBuxus Forest Information Centreasa resultofthe measures implemented minimum38.5 thousandvisitors annually visitorcapacity forEnclosure Complexofthe CaucasianState Biosphere Reserve recreation baseinstate reservesand naturalparksis depleted educationaland researchcentre isbeing reviewedinthe Ministryof Natural Resourcesand willbe approved. Project documentation isundergoing evaluationby state construction authorities December2011 Accordingtothe KhostaTaxus Memorandumof andBuxusForest TheProjectis beingdesigned Environmental Understanding Information signedwiththe Centreforthe UNEPANO visitorsand Organizing touristservices: Committee construction Sochi2014, survey, willtakepartin reconstruction thefollowing (RFGovernment events: decreeNo991of GlobalForum December29, forSportsand theEnvironment 2007) (GForSE); Todevelop December2011 recreational TheProjectis researchcentre onthebasisof FGUNII gorleskol(RF Government decreeNo991of December29, 2007) Environmental EducationalAnd ResearchCentre accordingtothe timescheduled

Environmental Information Centretoraise localresidents andvisitors environmental awarenessand toprovidea permanent educational resource(BB)

Toraise environmental awarenessand promote environmentally responsible behaviour(ES)

Meeting commitmentsto reconstruct informationcentre forKhostaTaxus andBuxusForest visitorsaccordingto schedule

TheRFMinistry ofNatural Resources CaucasianState Biosphere Reserve

Meeting commitmentsto

TheRFMinistry ofNatural

DimENSiON: ENLigHTENmENT gamES E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E 2011

facilityasa resultofthe measures implemented minimum30 thousandvisitor annually - World EnvironmentDay (June5); - International BlackSeaAction Day(October31) - EarthDay(April 22); - CarFreeDay (September22) facilitiesinthe Enclosure Complexofthe CaucasianState Biosphere Reserve(RF Government Decreedated December29, 2007;991) Toholdeventsto celebratevarious environment daysinSochi beingdesigned develop recreational facilitiesof EnclosureComplex oftheCaucasian StateBiosphere Reserve Resources CaucasianState Biosphere Reserve

20112014/The projectwillbe implementedat thestageofthe Environmental SupportPlan development

Nolessthantwo environment celebrationevents peryear World EnvironmentDay (June5); InternationalBlack SeaActionDay (October31) Aspecial environment programmeata localtelevision station

Aspecial environment programmeata localtelevision station

Termsofactivity implementation arenotdefined /Theprojectwill beimplemented atthestageof the Environmental SupportPlan development

Sochibranchof Russias NationalSociety forNature Conservationis readyto coordinate celebration eventsatSochi education institutions Sochi2014 Organizing Committee

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Goal2.Raisethelevelofenvironmentaleducation,professionalskillsandknowledgeamongOlympiproject preparationandrealizationparticipants Rulesforpaperuse Sochi2014 Sochi2014 Toimplement Decreasing andenergy&water Organizing theGreenOffice Organizing dynamicsin Committee projectofSochi Committee2009 efficiencyare violationsof successfullyapplied 2014Organizing / environmentallaws Projecthasbeen ontheeveryday Committee duringOlympic basisatSochi2014 implemented venues Atearlystagesof (Sochi2014 Organizing Organizing construction theOlympic Committee Committee project TacticalPlan) implementation, Thesystemofwaste Thisprojectis duetolackof separatecollection alsorelatedto public hasbeen ZeroWaste awareness, introduced Olympicvenues Gamesand constructionwas ClimateNeutral poorlymanaged Games dimensions intermsof environment. Thisprovokeda Aseriesof Seminarsheld Sochi2014 20112013/ negativepublic Organizing Seminarsaimed Sochi2014 responsetothe Committee Organizing atraising Games Committee environmental preparation. awarenesslevel Environment programme amongstate Realization organizations Actionplan executivesand judicialandlaw enforcement authorities Responsible Lackofa Todevelopthe 2009/ Theprogrammefor Sochi2014

Toimprove environmental awareness amongstate organizations' executives, including officersflaw enforcement agenciesand judicial authorities(BB) Toimprove business executives knowledgeof environmental lawsand incorporate environmentally grounded management principles(BB) Toraise environmental awarenessand promote environmentally responsible

TheOlympicGames projectisbeing implementedinthe arearichwithrare andendangered communitiesand species,manyof themareregistered inRussianRedData Booksofdifferent levels. Thisrequiresthe 2014WinterGames organizerstobe morecommitted andresponsibleas wellasOlympic builderstobecome more environmentally conscious, professionaland knowledgeable.

DimENSiON: ENLigHTENmENT gamES E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E 2011

institutionsgetan experienceinusing greenstandards fordesignand construction 100%of organizations responsiblefor implementationof theOlympicvenues construction programmeare experiencedin usinggreen standards1 Nolessthan50%of organizations responsiblefor implementationof theOlympicvenues construction programme incorporatedthe environment management systemandare certifiedunderISO 14001standards (ISO14001:2001; GOSTRISO14001 2007) widespread practiceofusing greenstandards fordesignand constructionin Russia. Bythestartof theOlympic project,only16% oforganizations responsiblefor implementation oftheOlympic venues construction programmewere certifiedunder ISO14001 standards(ISO 14001:2001; GOSTRISO 140012007) programmefor acknowledging theprogressin ecoefficient cuttingedge solutionsat Olympicvenues designand construction stages(Sochi 2014Organizing Committee TacticalPlan) Toimplementa systemofannual reportson compliancewith environmental requirements andon minimized environmental impact(Minutes oftheNovember 20,2009 meetingatthe officeofDmitry Kozak,Deputy PrimeMinister oftheRussian Federation; 96740) Projecthasbeen acknowledgingthe progressineco implemented efficientcutting edgesolutionsat Olympicvenues designand constructionstages hasbeen developed. Organizing Committee


2010/ Projectisbeing implemented

Annualreportson complyingwith environmental requirements,on minimized environmental impact,andon greenstandardsuse fordesignand constructionof Olympicvenues Sessionshavebeen held

TheRFMinistry ofNatural Resources

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Workinggroups sessionsonbest existingpractices (BEP)inorderto analyzethe extenttowhich Olympicproject solutionsmeet best technologies (available) 20102013/ Projectisbeing implemented Meetingsheld TheRFMinistry ofNatural Resources, Rostechnadzor, SC Olympstroy, organizations responsiblefor implementation oftheOlympic venues construction SCOlympstroy and organizations responsiblefor implementation oftheOlympic venues construction programme

20102013/ Toimplement theenvironment Projectisbeing implemented management systemin organizations responsiblefor implementation oftheOlympic venues construction programme.To certifythese organizations underISO14001 standards(ISO 14001:2001; GOSTRISO 140012007) (Minutesofthe 15January,2010 meetingofthe

Nolessthan50%of organizations responsiblefor implementationof theOlympicvenues construction programme incorporatedthe environment management programmeandare certifiedunderISO 14001standards( ISO14001:2001; GOSTRISO14001 2007)

DimENSiON: ENLigHTENmENT gamES E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E 2011

RFGovernment; 96 Theprojectis alsorelatedto theGamesin Harmonywith Nature dimension Toinclude additional environmental requirements andguidelines fordesignand constructionin contractswith organizations responsiblefor implementation oftheOlympic venues construction programmeand SCOlympstroy (Minutesof August11,2008; 94598) Theprojectis alsorelatedto Gamesin Harmonywith Nature,Zero WasteGames,

20092013/The project implementation startedinMay, 2009

SinceMay,2009, 100%ofcontracts signedwith organizations responsiblefor implementationof theOlympicvenues construction programmeandSC Olympstroy contractorsinclude additional environmental requirementsfor construction


DimENSiON: ENLigHTENmENT gamES E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E 2011

ClimateNeutral Games dimensions

TheOlympicGames Todisseminate hostcountryshould materials setanexampleof contributingto enhancementof successful implementationof public thesustainable environmental development awareness(BB) concept, Toraise environmentally environmental responsible awarenessand behaviourof promote environmentally organizersandcity residentsduring responsible behaviour(ES) preparationforand stagingtheGames. The2014Winter Gamesshould representanew steptowardsanew, meaningfulstep towardsRussias sustainable developmentin harmonywith natureand contributeto

Goal3.PromotecommitmenttosustainabilityandenvironmentorientedsolutionsimplementedwithintheOlympic project Preparationand 2010/Projectis Thereporthasbeen Sochi2014 Lackof Anopportunityto Organizing madeavailableto publishingofGRI implemented successful useapositive Committee thepublic reportson examplesof experienceofthe environmentand largescale Olympicproject sustainable environment environmental orientedprojects developmentof supportinother citiesandregionsof implementation theSochi2014 Games:2007 inRussia. thecountry. 2008.(Sochi 2014Organizing 100%accessviathe Russian Internetandother populationisnot Committee awareofexisting TacticalPlan) information technologies, channelstoSochi environmental 2014Organizing Thereporthasbeen Sochi2014 Preparationand 2010/ Committeepublic projectsolutions publishingofGRI Theprojectis Organizing madeavailableto usedfordesign reportson Committee thepublic being reportson andconstruction environmentand implemented environmentand ofOlympic sustainable sustainable venues development developmentof issues. theSochi2014 Games:2009 2010.(Sochi 2014Organizing Committee TacticalPlan)

DimENSiON: ENLigHTENmENT gamES E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E 2011

Preparationand publishingofGRI reportson environmentand sustainable developmentof theSochi2014 Games:2011 2012.(Sochi 2014Organizing Committee TacticalPlan) Preparationand publishingofGRI reportson environmentand sustainable developmentof theSochi2014 Games:2013 2014.(Sochi 2014Organizing Committee TacticalPlan) Todevelopa communication projectandan information resource coveringgreen standards incorporationin 2012/ Theproject commencement datehasnotyet beenreached Thereporthasbeen Sochi2014 Organizing madeavailableto Committee thepublic

sustainedpublic interestin environmentally responsibleuseof naturalresources andarespectful approachto environmentafter theGames.

2014/The project commencement datehasnot beenreached

Thereporthasbeen Sochi2014 Organizing madeavailableto Committee thepublic

20102014/The projectisbeing designed

Tocreatea continuallyedited andupdated webpagewithin websitesofSC Olympstroyandthe RFMinistryof NaturalResources,

SC Olympstroy, TheRFMinistry ofNatural Resources

DimENSiON: ENLigHTENmENT gamES E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E 2011

constructionand disseminating bestpracticesin designand construction. Theinformation resourceshould beavailabletoa broad communityof interested stakeholdersand individuals whichwillcover greenstandards incorporation. Preparationand publishingofan illustratedalbum TheSochi2014 GreenVenuesas anobjectofthe Sochi2014green legacy.Preparation andholdingofan international conferenceonthe greenstandards useforconstruction ofOlympicvenues andinfrastructure venuesaswellas environmental performance evaluation

g L O S S a r Y. a N N E x E 2 . E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E 2011

2 emissions emissions of carbon dioxide into Earths atmosphere, caused by anthropogenic load. Climate Neutral Games within the framework of the goals and objectives set in the Environment programme, this dimension of the Environment programme implies neutralizing CO2 emissions caused by the Games (for neutralization conditions see section 2.2 of the Environment programme), as well as reducing CO2 emissions by upgrading transport and power systems and improving energy efficiency. Climate Neutral Project a project that is evaluated on the basis of the impact it has on the Earths climate; its impact is compensated by measures decreasing the projects effect. The project environmental footprint is usually calculated using an equivalent of CO2 air-borne emissions as the basic index. Code of Conduct for Sochi Residents is a code containing certain rules of conduct for Sochi residents, who need to follow these rules in order to achieve the goals set for the city, the main objective being to prepare for the Games and develop Sochi as a mountain climate resort. Enlightenment Games within the framework of the goals and objectives set in the Environmental Strategy, this dimension of the Environmental Strategy implies raising environmental awareness and culture among the public, providing educational and training programmes for the personnel of companies involved in the 2014 Winter Olympics, and introducing sustainable development principles and environmental solutions to be practiced in the post-Games period. Environment the surroundings in which an organism functions, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, people and their interactions. Environmental Education is a learning process that systematically and purposefully fosters emotional, ethical and moral attitude towards nature and enhances environmental awareness and culture. Enclosure Complex of the Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve to be presented to the visitors as part of the Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve. Environmental Consciousness individual and group ability to understand the inextricable connection between man and nature, as well as human dependence on integrity and relative stability of mans natural habitat, and power to put this understanding into life. Environmental Culture an integral part of human culture, consisting of a system of social relations, moral standards and means of interaction with the natural environment handed down from generation to generation; Environmental Culture is formed in peoples consciousness through continuous environmental education and enlightenment; it encourages a healthy lifestyle, societys spiritual growth and sustainable social and economic development, providing nations and individuals with environmental security. Environmental Enlightenment the spreading of environmental awareness and dissemination of information about the environment, natural resources and environmental security, in order to lay down the groundwork for environmental culture to flourish. Environmental Management System part of a general management system that includes the organizational structure, planning, distribution of responsibilities, processes and resources required to develop, implement, evaluate and maintain environmental policy. Environment programme an environmental support programme to be implemented at the preparatory stage and during the Sochi XXII Winter Olympics and XI Winter Paralympics Environmental Strategy Sochi 2014 Environmental Strategy Framework Convention on Climate Change, UN FCCC a convention signed by more that 180 countries, including Russia, all the former republics of the Soviet Union and all industrialized countries, on the general principles the countries should abide by in order to prevent climate change. The Convention was produced at the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 and came into force on March 21, 1994 (Russia ratified the FCCC in 1994). Games XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Winter Paralympic Games of 2014 in Sochi. Games in Harmony with Nature a dimension of the Environmental Strategy that calls for a modern, multi-faceted approach in order to implement the goals and objectives of the Environmental Strategy in modern environmental management: to provide sustainable development of the area, and to

Organizing Committee Sochi 2014 Autonomous Non-commercial Organization Organizing Committee of XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Winter Paralympic Games of 2014 in Sochi. Bid Book the main document submitted by the Russian Federation during the election campaign for the host city of the 2014 Winter Olympics; the Bid Book outlines the major principles that will form the basis of the XXII Winter Olympics and XI Winter Paralympics: specific undertakings given by the Russian Federation and a performance guarantee. Biocoenosis (bio + Greek koins common) a group of plants, animals and microorganisms living closely together and forming a natural ecological unit on a plot of land or in water, forming specific relations both between themselves and towards abiotic factors in their environment. Caucasian (Kavkazskiy) State Biosphere Reserve a specially protected natural area located on the northern and southern slopes of the Western Caucasus, within the Mostovsky and Maikopsky districts of the Republic of Adygea, the Lazarevsky, Khostinsky and Adler districts of the Krasnodar Region and the Urupsky district of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic; the Reserve was created to preserve mountain forests and the alpine belt in the West Caucasus, with their unique species and endemic plants, as a subject for research and an educational tool.

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Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve located on the south-western slope of Bolshoi Akhun Mountain, 2 km from the Khosta settlement. The Forest occupies 301 hectares. Endemic plants, such as English Yew (Taxus baccata) and Box tree (Buxus colchica), are preserved in this undisturbed forest. Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement adopted in Kyoto in December 1997 (Japan) and linked to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC). Under the Protocol, industrialized countries and emerging economies commit themselves to a reduction or stabilization of greenhouse gas emissions in 2008-2012, by comparison with the year 1990. The Protocol was opened for signatures on 16 March and closed on 15 March 1999. Landfill a specially designed waste disposal site that minimizes the possible harmful effect that disposed waste may have on the environment. LEED and BREEAM Environmental Standards international standards that provide reflect introduction of energy-efficient and eco-friendly technologies in the design, construction and maintenance of venues. Olympic Games Impact (OGI) Indicators these are economic, social, cultural and environmental indicators that reflect the Games efficiency and their environmental footprint. The indicators are read annually. Olympic Project all the projects to be implemented at the preparatory stage and during the Games. Power Supply Facilities power engineering facilities generating various types of energy. Principles of Olympism 6 basic principles of Olympism (from the Olympic Charter): 1. Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles. 2. The goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of man with view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity. 3. The Olympic Movement is the concerted, organized, universal and permanent action, carried out under the supreme authority of the IOC, of all individuals and entities who are inspired by the values of Olympism. It covers the five continents. It reaches its peak with the bringing together of the world's athletes at the great sports festival, the Olympic Games. Its symbol is five interlaced rings. 4. The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship. Solidarity and fair play. The organization, administration and management of sport must be controlled by independent sports organizations. 5. Any form of discrimination with regard to a country or a person on grounds of race religion, politics, gender or otherwise is incompatible with belonging to the Olympic Movement. Belonging to the Olympic Movement requires compliance with the Olympic Charter and recognition by the IOC.

minimize and make up for possible harmful effects during the design, construction and maintenance of the Olympic Venues and Facilities. Games Legacy material and non-material benefits and values that live on in the area after the Games, leaving it better developed by comparison with the pre-Olympics period. Global Climate Change changes in climate over significant periods of time, throughout the whole planet or in particular regions. Green Standards additional requirements and recommendations, developed by SC Olympstroy and to be implemented during the design and construction of the Olympic Venues. ISO 14001 Certificate is a generally accepted international standard that sets out requirements for an efficient Environmental Management System (EMS). The Standard is meant to balance profitability and the reduction of environmental impact. Joint Implementation Projects (JIP) the joint implementation mechanism defined in article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol allows for the carrying out of joint investment projects aimed at reducing anthropogenic emissions and/or increasing absorption of greenhouse gases, between industrialized countries and emerging economies that have quantitative liabilities under the Kyoto Protocol (Parties of the Annexe I to UNFCCC). Khosta Taxus and Buxus Forest is a unique natural monument, a separate branch of the


Recycling collection and reuse of waste, production waste and garbage recovery after processing. Russias Red Data Book an annotated list of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi. SC Olympstroy State Corporation created to construct Olympic venues and develop Sochi as a mountain climate resort. Specially Protected Natural Areas (SPNA / OOPT) according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation On Specially Protected Natural Areas of 14 March 1995, Specially Protected Natural Areas (SPNA/OOPT) are defined as parts of land, water, surface and airspace above them where natural landscapes and properties with high conservation, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational, or sanative value are located which are completely or partly withdrawn from economic uses according to government acts and for which a special protection regime is established. Specially protected natural areas are in state/ public ownership. Separate Collection of Waste method of

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significance that occupies north macro slopes of the Greater Caucasus in the upper part of the Teberda river basin. The Park was created to restore flora and fauna of the Teberda area by naturalizing new beneficent animals, new trees, herbs and brushwood. Volunteer a person ready to devote their time and efforts for the benefit of society or a particular project. Volunteers act of their own free will (voluntarily) and are not motivated by money. Waste Disposal the isolation of waste that is not to be stored in special waste deposits, to prevent harmful substances from entering the environment. Waste Utilization reusing waste in new technological cycles, for beneficial purposes. Zero Waste Games within the framework of the goals and objectives set in the Environmental Strategy this dimension of the Environmental Strategy implies minimizing production, increasing the recycling rate and reusing waste so as to implement the Zero Waste principle. . Zero Waste Principle encourages manufacturers and consumers to ensure maximum utilization and reuse of products, thus reducing waste generation to zero (Robin Murray, Target Zero Waste).

collecting waste by sorting it into common types so that the raw materials from which the items are made can be recycled as new products. Soil Recultivation the artificial restoration of vegetation cover and soil fertility, after its destruction by mining, the dumping of waste, or the construction of roads, canals, dams etc. Sochi National Park a specially protected natural area of federal significance, located in the Greater Sochi area, stretching from the border with the Tuapsinsky District between the mouths of the Shepsi River and the Magri River in the north-west, to the border with Abkhazia along the Psou River in the south-east, and between the Black Sea to the water divide of Greater Caucasus. The Park was created to preserve and restore natural sites and objects of major environmental, scientific, aesthetic and recreational value. Spontaneous Landfill an unauthorized waste disposal site, where waste is dumped instead of being stored in specially equipped facilities (polygons, sludge depositories, tailing pits, rock dumps etc.) Sustainable Development is a process of change in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of technological development, personal development and institutional change are all in harmony and enhance both current and future potential to meet human needs and aspirations. Teberdinsk State Natural Biosphere Reserve specially protected natural area of federal



g L O S S a r Y . a N N E x E 3 . O r g a N i Z aT i O N S P a r T i C i P aT i N g i N T H E E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E . E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E 2011 1 Ministry of the Regional Development of the Russian Federation 2 Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation 3 Krasnodar Region Administration 4 Sochi City Administration 5 Russias Olympic Committee 6 Federal Supervisory Natural Resources Management Service 7 FGU (Federal State Institution) Sochi National Park 8 FGU Research Institute of Mountain Silviculture and Forest Ecology 9 Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring 10 Federal Water Resources Agency 11 Federal Subsoil Resources Management Agency 12 Federal Road Agency 13 Federal Marine and River Transport Agency 14 Federal Air Transport Agency 15 ANO Olympic Games Transportation Directory 16 Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision 17 North Caucasus Department for the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision 18 Kuban Water Basin Department, FGU Kubanmonitoringvod 19 SC Olympstroy 20 FGUP (Federal State Unitary Enterprise) NII Atmosphery (Research Institute for Atmospheric Air Protection) 21 OJSC Sochinsky Waste Recycling Complex (OJSC Tonnelny otryad 44 No 44 Tunnel Brigade) 22 JSC GEOPOLIS Firm (solid waste landfills) 23 FGU UralNII Ecologia 24 Imeretinsky Port Sochi 25 Doninvest 26 OJSC Sochi Commercial Sea Port 27 OJSC Sochi International Airport 28 Gazprom Energy Holding 29 OJSC The Third Generation Company of the Wholesale Electricity Market 30 OJSC INTER RAO UES 31 OJSC Rusgidro 32 OJSC LUKOIL 33 OJSC ROSNEFT Oil Company 34 OJSC FGC UES 35 South Generation Company TGK-8 36 OJSC Kuban Power Energy and Electrification 37 OJSC Holding IDGC 38 OJSC Rosa Khutor Ski Resort Development Company 39 OJSC Krasnaya Polyana STC Gornaya Karusel 40 RogSibal 41 OOO Gazprom Sotsinvest 42 OJSC Russian Railways 43 FGU Kh. Shaposhnikov Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve 44 Environmental Problems Laboratory, Sochi Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences 45 Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience Russian Academy of Sciences (IEG RAS) 46 A.Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution Russian Academy of Sciences 47 Greenpeace Russia 48 No More Litter Environmental movement 49 50 NGO Sochi Environmental Community Council 51 Psou Local Government Body 52 Municipal Educational Institution of Vocational Training Sochi Ecological-Biological Centre 53 Environmental Watch on North Caucasus 54 National NGO Russian Geographic Society 55 Sochi branch of the National NGO National Society of Nature Conservation 56 Esto-Sadok Estonian Community 57 Ahshtyr Settlement Local Committee 58 Imeretinskaya Valley Residents' Council 59 OO Sochi Community Urban Planning Council 60 Sochi Public Chamber 61 OJSC Giprogor 62 Krasnodar Regional Branch of the NGO International Academy of Environmental Sciences 63 National NGO Green Patrol 64 ChernomorKurortProject 65 NGO Transparent World 66 Institute of Global Climate and Ecology (IGCE) Roshydromet and Russian Academy of Sciences 67 WWF Russia 68 Lomonosov Moscow State University Geography Department 69 The Coca-Cola Export Corporation Russian Office 70 OJSC Aeroflot Russian International Airlines 71 JSC Moscow McDonalds 72 Samsung Electronics 73 OJSC MegaFon 74 Lomonosov Moscow State University Centre for In-service Training for Specialist in Environmental Studies (MSU ECOCENTRE)


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Vladimir Abramov Environmental Engineer, OJSC Sochi International Airport Vyacheslav Babourin Professor, School of Economic and Social Geography, Department of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University Nadezhda Barinova Citizens Environment programmes Coordinator, KEDR Constructive Ecological Movement of Russia Maxim Barkasov Expert, ANO Regionalistica Evgeniy Belan Deputy Director of Kuban Water Basin Department, FGU Kubanmonitoringvod Mikhail Bespalov Chief Expert, OOO Centre of Ecological Initiatives Project Bureau Irina Bogza Chairman of Board of Directors, OOO Doninvest Ekaterina Bulat Chief Expert, Waste Monitoring and Supervision Department, Environmental Monitoring Office, Federal Supervisory Natural Resources Management Service Sergei Vasilyev Deputy Director General JSC SHANECO GROUP Alexei Viktorov Deputy Director for Research, Sergeyev Institute of Environmental Geoscience Russian Academy of Sciences (IEG RAS) Elena Vikulova Department of Research Programmes, International Cooperation and Information Resources, Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring Anastasiya Volkova Chief Expert, Integrated Projects Management Department, OJSC Roszheldorproject Ekaterina Voronina Chief Expert for Educational Projects, NGO Transparent World Artashes Gazaryan Expert, UN Habitat, UNEP Territorial Development, External Expert for ANO Regionalistika Leila Borisovna Head of the Economic and Forecasting Department, Sochi City Administration Mikhail Gitarsky Head of the Department for Greenhouse Gases Emissions Monitoring in energy Sector and Industries, Institute of Global Climate and Ecology (IGCE) Roshydromet and RAS Sergei Goncharov Chief Expert of the Environmental Certification and Olympic Legacy Subdivision, Environmental Certification and Methodological Support Department, SC Olympstroy Maria Goryachko Associate Professor, School of Economic and Social Geography, Department of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University Nikolai Goudkov Head of the Environmental Culture and Methodological Support Subdivision, Environmental Certification and Methodological Support Department, SC Olympstroy Mikhail Dyomin Head of Technical Regulation and Environment Management,

OJSC FGC-UES 21 Yana Deryugina Environmental Engineer, OJSC Kubanenergo 22 Dmitry Dmitriyev Head of the Business Process Monitoring Department, OJSC Rosa Khutor Ski Resort Development Company 23 Kirill Dyakonov Head of Physical Geography and Landscape Science Department, Department of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University 24 David Chernushenko President, Green & Gold Inc., Ottawa, Canada 25 Polina Evseyeva Project Manager, OOO Centre of Ecological Initiatives Project Bureau 26 Lyudmila Epishina Chief Environmental Safety Expert, OOO GlavUKS 27 Svetlana Zhiglova Chief Expert of the Environmental Safety Group, Department of Project Planning and Monitoring, OOO Gazpromsotsinvest 28 Alexei Zhmailo Chief Expert, Environmental Management, Environmental Protection, Ecology and Forest Management, Sochi City Administration 29 Dmitry Ivanov Chief Expert OOO Green Patrol 30 Igor Isayev Chief Expert, Thermal, Mechanic and Artificial Fiber Equipment, Design and Supply Sector, Capital Development Department, OJSC OGK-3 31 Dmitry Kavtaradze Professor, Head of Natural Resources Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University 32 Alexei Kalachev Chief Expert, Environmental Safety and Environmental Management Department, SC Olympstroy 33 Andrei Karavayev Deputy Head of the Education and Science Department, Sochi City Administration 34 Yurgita Kershite External Expert, ANO Regionalistika 35 Tatyana Kleyeva Chief Expert of the Environmental Certification and Olympic Legacy Subdivision, Environmental Certification and Methodological Support Department, SC Olympstroy 36 Lyudmila Kletskaya Chief Expert OOO Centre of Ecological Initiatives Project Bureau 37 Olga Kolesnikova Business Development Director, ANO Regionalistika 38 Dmitry Kolosov Head of Environmental Support Management, ANO Organizing Committee Sochi 2014 39 Olesya Konopelko Chief Expert-Expert, Specially Protected Natural Areas Monitoring Department, Rosprirodnadzor, Sea Monitoring, Permitting Activities and specially Protected Natural Areas Administration 40 Mikhail Kuznetsov Chief Expert, Nature Conservation, Safety, Industrial Safety and Environmental Monitoring Department, OJSC Russian Railways 41 Anna Kurchakova Chief Expert, JSC SHANECO GROUP 42 Aleksandr Livshits CEO, JSC GEOPOLIS Firm

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43 Aleksandr Markov Executive Officer, Green Patrol 44 Anna Migal Expert, Regionalistika 45 Denis Milko Officer, Lomonosov Moscow State University Centre for Inservice Training for Specialist in Environmental Studies (MSU ECOCENTRE) 46 Olga Mochalova Head of the Environmental Protection Department, OOO Centre of Ecological Initiatives Project Bureau 47 Ekaterina Myrikova Analyst, Regionalistika 48 Aleksandr Nakhutin Deputy Director of Science, Institute of Global Climate and Ecology (IGCE) Roshydromet and Russian Academy of Sciences 49 Anton Nikolayev Expert, Regionalistika 50 Pavel Nikolenko Deputy Director, Capital Development Department, Sochi City Administration, Curator of Environmental Protection Measures within Federal Programme 51 Evgenyi Nozdrachev Creative Director, Ecowiki Project 52 Ekaterina Nosacheva Chief Expert, Regulation and Environment Audit Subdivision, Environmental Certification and Methodological Support Department, SC Olympstroy 53 Natalia Onischenko Advisor to the President of Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee 54 Mikhail Orlov Professor, Officer at Lomonosov Moscow State University Centre for Inservice Training for Specialists in Environmental Studies (MSU ECOCENTRE) 55 Elena Oseledets CEO, OOO Centre of Ecological Initiatives Project Bureau 56 Viktor Osipov Director, Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience Russian Academy of Sciences (IEG RAS) 57 Nadezhda Parakhina Chief Expert, Security and Environment Office, OJSC INTER RAO UES 58 Nadezhda Pupysheva Chief Expert, ScanEx Research and Development Centre 59 Denis Ryltsev Acting Deputy Director of Research, FGU NIIgorlesecol, Sochi 60 Svetlana Serebryakova Chief Expert, ANO Regionalistika 61 Elena Smirnova Deputy Director General NGO Transparent World 62 Sergei Spektr Head of the State Subsoil Monitoring Centre, Federal State Unitary Geological Enterprise Hydrospecgeologiya 63 Denis Stark Leader of No More Litter Environmental Movement 64 Bulat Stolyarov Director, ANO Regionalistika 65 Lyudmila Suprunova Chief Advisor, Supervisory Department, The Krasnodar Regional Executive Department for the Preparations for the 2014 Sochi Olympics 66 Svetlana Ushakova Head of the Energy Efficiency Department, OOO Centre of Ecological Initiatives Project Bureau 67 Oleg Fadeyev Chief Environmental Protection Expert, OJSC Giprogor

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Sergei Tsymbalov Head Environmental Engineer, Glavstroy Vladimir Chuprov Energy Programme Director, Greenpeace Russia Boris Shenfeld Director, FGU UralNII Ecologia Yuri Shestopalov Deputy Director, Automobile and Road Supervision, Federal Agency for Transport Supervision Rostransnadzor Sean O`Beirne Director, Sustainable Environmental Solutions (Pty) Ltd, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa lj Vitali Scherbina Associate Professor, Sochi University of Recreation and Tourism Herv Lethier Head of EMC2I, Geneva, Switzerland Aleksandr Yurtayev Deputy Chairman of the Regional Council, Russias National Society of Nature Conservation Alla Yusupova Head of the Sochi Branch, Russias National Society of Nature Conservation Ekaterina Yakovleva Environmental Manager, OOO Environmental Centre IFPA

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Prime Minister of the Russian Federation; -12-1693. 16. Minutes of the meeting on January 15, 2010 at the office of Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation; -9-6. 17. Minutes of the meeting on January 28, 2010 at the office of Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation; -9-442. 18. Minutes of the meeting on March 17, 2009 at the office of Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation; -12-1380. 19. Minutes of the meeting on March 26, 2009 at the office of Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation; -12-43. 20. Minutes of the meeting on March 30, 2009 at the office of Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation; -12-1693. 21. Minutes of the meeting on April 21, 2009 at the office of Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation; -9-59. 22. Minutes of the meeting on May 6, 2009 at the office of Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, -9-64. 23. Minutes of the meeting on June 4, 2009 at the office of Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation; -9-3113. 24. Minutes of the meeting on June 30, 2009 at the office of Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation; -9-95. 25. Minutes of the meeting on July 2, 2009 at the office of Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation; -9-96. 26. Minutes of the meeting on August 11, 2009 at the office of Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation; -9-4598. 27. Minutes of the meeting on October 12, 2009 at the office of Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation; -9-5862. 28. Minutes of the meeting on October 15, 2009 at the office of Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation; -9-144. 29. Minutes of the meeting on November 20, 2009 at the office of Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation; -9-6740. 30. Minutes of the meeting on November 13, 2009 at the office of Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation; -9-161. 31. Minutes of the meeting on December 9, 2009 at the office of Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation; -9-7330. 32. Minutes of the meeting on September 16, 2009 at the office of Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, on protecting the environment while building the Adler Krasnaya Polyana integrated highway; N -9-132. 33. Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation N 70 of March 24, 2009 On development of a unified system of environmental data analysis and a

1. 2. 3. 4.




8. 9.


11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Framework Convention on Climate Change, UN FCCC, 1994. Kyoto Protocol (linked to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC), December 1997. Federal Law of December 30th, 2008, N 309- On amendments in the Article 16 of the Federal Law On Environmental Protection. Governmental Regulation of the Russian Federation of October 28, 2009 N 843 On measures to implement the Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Governmental Regulation of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2009 N 613 On amendments in the Governmental Regulation of the Russian Federation of December 29th, 2007 N 991 and repealing of the paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Governmental Regulation of the Russian Federation of November 6th, 2008 N 807. Governmental Regulation of the Russian Federation of December 31st, 2008 N 1086 On amendments in the Governmental Regulation of the Russian Federation of December 29th, 2007 N 991. Governmental Regulation of the Russian Federation of December 29th, 2007 N 991 (version of March 25, 2010) On the programme of Olympic objects construction and development of the city of Sochi as an alpine climate resort (along with the Programme of Olympic venues construction and development of the city of Sochi as an alpine climate resort). Draft Governmental Regulation of the Russian Federation On Specific Feature of Environmental Impact Audit of the Olympic venues. Krasnodar Region Law On Validation of the regional target programme Energy Saving in Krasnodar Region for 20092010 adopted by the Legislative Assembly of Krasnodar Region on December 24th, 2008 (in force as Krasnodar Region Law of April 3rd, 2009 N 1718-). Krasnodar Region Administrations Regulation of August 19th, 2009 N 723 On Validation of the Regional target programme Providing of Olympic venues construction and development of the city of Sochi as an alpine climate and balneotherapeutic resort. Draft of Sochi - a Hospitable City 2010 Programme. City Target Programme Sochi 2009-2013 Social and Economic Development. Mayor of Sochi decree of February 2, 2009 N 43. City Target Programme of anti-recession measures in the housing and communal services of the city of Sochi. Mayor of Sochi decree of March 24, 2009 N 106. City Target Programme The Clean City for 20092011. Mayor of Sochi decree of November 16, 2009 N 383. Minutes of the meeting on March 30, 2009 at the office of Dmitry Kozak, Deputy

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Ministry of Natural Resources experts 45. Minutes of the meeting on March 10, 2009 of the SC Olympstroy Coordinating Council working group. 46. Minutes of the meeting on September 11, 2009 of the SC Olympstroy Coordinating Council working group. 47. Minutes of the extended meeting on August 3, 2009 of the SC Olympstroy Supervising Councils Environmental Coordination Council. 48. Minutes of the working session on May 5, 2009 SC Olympstroy on environmental protection. 49. Minutes of the working session on April 22, 2009 SC Olympstroy on environmental protection. 50. SC Olympstroy . Work specifications for research of flora and fauna resources and their habitats in order to develop and implement measures of reducing the environment impact in performing construction works as well as compensatory measures. -13.020.99--103-09. 51. Minutes of the working session on March 3, 2009 on environmental protection in performing Olympic construction works by SC Olympstroy . 52. Minutes of the working session on February 18, 2009 on environmental protection in performing Olympic construction works by SC Olympstroy . 53. Minutes of the working session on February 6, 2009 on environmental protection in performing Olympic construction works by SC Olympstroy . 54. Minutes of the working session on January 29, 2009 on environmental protection in performing Olympic construction works by SC Olympstroy . 55. Minutes of the working session on December 12, 2008 on environmental protection in performing Olympic construction works by SC Olympstroy . 56. Minutes of the interdepartmental meeting with the participation of NGOs: Environmental guidance for Olympic venues construction by the SC Olympstroy. Sochi, February 18, 2009. 57. Minutes of the extended meeting chaired by S. Ananyev on selecting certification system (LEED or BREEM standard) and defining certification procedures for the venues enlisted as Olympic Venues subject to certification as fitting in with the international green standards (LEED, BREEM) N -06-36 of March 29, 2010. 58. Minutes of the September 24, 2009, October 15, 2009, December 17, 2009, February 25, 2010 and March 25, 2010 meetings of the Waste Management section of the Environmental Protection working group of the Presidents Council on physical fitness and sport development. Organizing Committee of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi and XXVII World Summer Universiade 2013 in Kazan. Moscow, Sochi.





38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.


subsystem of project management and control of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. Deputy Minister of Civil Defence, Emergencies and Disaster Relief of the Russian Federation Alexander Chupriyans letter of August 31, 2009 N 43-3259-14 to the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee. Letter from the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation of April 8, 2010 N 0512-47/4781 In the execution of instructions from the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 10, 2010 N -9-1444 and March 31, 2010 N -9-1984 on measures to provide environmental guidance in the preparation and staging of the Olympic Games 2014 and on the results of the 2nd mission of the UNEP and the Ministry of Natural Resources experts. Letter from the Department of the Krasnodar Region for Implementation of Authority in Preparation of the Winter Olympics-2014 of December 9, 2009, N 81-10023/09-08 On guidelines for of detailed plans in the field of environmental protection. Letter from the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation of January 21, 2010 N 12-47/825 On the plan of actions following the instructions by Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation of December 9, 2009 N -9-7330 . Minutes of the meeting on October 16, 2009 at the office of Yuri Trutnev, Minister of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. Minutes of the meeting on July 2, 2008 at the office of Yuri Trutnev, Minister of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. Minutes of the meeting on March 20, 2009 of the protected area section of the Ministry of Natural Resources working group. Minutes of the meeting on April 6, 2009 of the Ministry of Natural Resources working group N 01-15/1-. Letter from the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation On the minutes of the December 25, 2008 meeting of the working group N 2. Letter from the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation of September 3, 2009 N 05-12-53/12418 On the draft plan of actions on greenhouse gas emissions inventory, reduction and compensation to ensure the Zero Carbon Balance principle implementation. Instructions of Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2009 N -12-4598. Letter from the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation of April 8, 2010 N 0512-47/4781 In execution of instructions of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 10, 2010 N -9-1444 and of March 31, 2010 N -9-1984 on measures to provide environmental guidance of preparation and staging of the Olympic Games 2014 and on the results of the 2nd mission of the UNEP and the

g L O S S a r Y. a N N E x E 5 . B i B L i O g r a P H Y. E N v i r O N m E N T P r O g r a m m E 2011

Applied and Experimental Ecology, Kuban State Agrarian University. Krasnodar, 2007. 78. Performance Report under the Municipal Contract No -12-09 of December 15, 2009: Project of Joint Procedure for Waste Transport and Recycling within the territory of the Sochi 2014 Olympics. OOO Flagman March 16, 2010. 79. Performance Report under the Municipal Contract No 02--08 of September 19, 2008: Developing Master Plan for Sochi City Treatment to achieve Zero Waste Principle, including integrated balance scheme for waste management at Sochi Mountain Ski Resort. JSC GEOPOLIS Firm. Moscow Sochi, 2009. 80. Report on the first stage of the Project: Games Impact in 2005-2009: Statistics and Methodological Data. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Moscow December, 2009. 81. Final Report on the second stage: Environmental Requirements Code for Products and Services Supply Standards within the Preparations for Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics., JSC SHANECO GROUP on commission from SC Olympstroy, Moscow, 2010. 82. OOO Yugvodokanal Investment Programme on Constructing and Upgrading of Water Supply and Water Disposal Systems for Sochi Municipal Unit in 2009-2010. 83. Master Plan for Sochi Urban District. FGUP RosNIIUrbanistiki, OJSC Giprogor under the contract order by SC Olympstroy . St. Petersburg, 2009. 84. SC Olympstroy Presentation: Measures to be Implemented According to the Design Solutions when Constructing Olympic Venues in Order to Regulate Environmental Impact and Provide for Environmental Safety. April 2,.2010. 85. SC Olympstroy Presentation: Olympic Venues Construction: Cleaning and Waste Management Plan. 86. Riverbed and Floodplain Restoration Plan for the Mzymta River after completing construction works at the Olympic Venues located at the riverbed and the floodplain. OJSC Russian Railways. 87. Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee Master Plan 88. Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee Tactical Plan, ANO Organizing Committee Sochi 2014. 89. Coordinated schedule for Olympic Venues construction. SC Olympstroy: of December 17, 2009. 90. Considering Environmental Factors at the Preparatory Stage and during Sochi 2014 Olympics: Strategy and Action Plan to Form Green Legacy - Project Concept. Global Environment Fund.

59. Sport and the Environment Strategy. International Olympic Committee. 60. Agenda 21 for the Olympic Movement. International Olympic Committee, the Sport and Environment Commission, 1999. 61. Sochi 2014 Bid Book. Moscow, 2006. 62. Sochi 2014 Environmental Strategy, Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee. 63. Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Ecoline, (Russian translation) 2002. 64. Green Standards additional environmental requirements for Olympic venues designed and constructed by SC Olympstroy. 65. List of venues and events not included into the Programme of Olympic venues construction and Sochis development as an alpine climate resort. Approved by the SC Olympstroy s Supervising Council (minutes of the May 29, 2009 meeting N 23, in force as minutes of the July 7, 2009 meeting N 25, July 30, 2009 meeting N 26, September 25, 2009 meeting N 28 and October 30, 2009 meeting N 30). 66. SC Olympstroy Waste Management Programme. 67. Report by the UNEP travelling group of experts of April 7-10, 2008. 68. Report by the UNEP second travelling group of experts of January 28-30, 2010. 69. Report on the results of IOC Environmental Experts visit to Sochi 2014 June 23-25, 2009. 70. Report on the results and guidelines for action. Krasnodar Region Natural Resources and State Environmental Monitoring Department. Compiled be N. Tereschuk, A. Cherkashina. Krasnodar, 2009. 71. Report by Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee On Measures to Provide for Cultural Olympics, Introducing Olympic Education and Personnel Training for 2014 Sochi XXII Winter Olympics and XI Winter Paralympics. Sochi 2010. 72. Letter from the WWF Russia and Greenpeace Russia on compliance with the environmental standards in preparation of the Olympics Games in Sochi. 73. Letter from the WWF Russia of February 15, 2010 Further participation of the WWF in the environmental monitoring of the Sochi 2014 Olympics is in question. 74. Letter from the WWF Russia and Greenpeace Russia of May 4, 2009 on compliance with the environmental standards in preparation of the Olympics Games in Sochi. 75. Igor Chestins expert statement about the project of combined road (railway and highway) from Adler to the Alpika-Servis alpine climate ski resort (design and research works, construction) and its impact on protected areas. 76. Special HydroMetCentre and the Black and Azov Sea Environmental Monitoring Centre: Monitoring Data. 77. Report on Environmental Situation of the Azov and Black Sea Coast and Regional Health-resorts and Working out Proposals. Second stage: Research Institute for


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