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4 theSun | FRIDAY OCTOBER 24 2008

news without borders

MPs fume over ‘same old excuse’ on athletes

THE Dewan Rakyat debate in sports. well as Hasan Sani,” he said. which it does not. Badminton and
became heated after Deputy Youth
and Sports Minister Wee Jeck At the Dewan Rakyat Saifudin Nasution Ismail
(PKR-Machang) said he did not
Saifudin Nasution said attention
should be given to soccer because
bowling are where we have been
Seng’s answer to a question did not agree that the size of athletes had it was popular, so much so that Datuk Seri Abdul Ghapur
go down well with the MPs, both smaller in stature than their any bearing on their performance. at one time he could remember Salleh (BN-Kalabakan) interjected
from the Barisan Nasional and the counterparts from South Korea He asked why popular sports the names of the players and the to say that “we have raised this
Opposition. and Japan as well as Arab and such as soccer were now on the positions they played in. problem over the last 10 years”.
Replying to a supplementary European countries. decline in the country and why the Now, he said, the footballers Many other MPs then started
question from Alexander Nanta Datuk Mohamed Aziz (BN- ministry did not give the matter were not known to many people standing up to say their piece,
Linggi (BN-Kapit), Wee said Sri Gading) interjected to say that serious attention. and Malaysia had dropped to 29th forcing Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar
Malaysian athletes fared badly in the reply was something he had “The size of athletes does not position in the game in Asia. Amin Mulia to intervene and say
the international arena because, heard over and over again during matter in this case. Abdah Alif and Replying to Saifudin Nasution, that their views could be conveyed
among other things, they were his three terms as MP and asked Wan Zawawi Yusof were small in Wee said: “There are sports in to Wee outside the house.
mentally ill-prepared and were how Malaysia was going to excel stature. And so was Bakri Ibni as which Malaysia excels and in – Bernama

1/3 of MPs want to debate ISA,

says Kit Siang Karpal claims Nazri
SEVENTY-SEVEN MPs, including one from Barisan Nasional, have
signed a petition calling for a debate on the Internal Security Act,
insulted the blind
DAP MP Lim Kit Siang said.
“The issue is important and it has the support of 74 Pakatan
» From Front Page under Article 44.
Karpal: Don’t main-main.
Rakyat MPs, two independent MPs and one Barisan MP,” he said. differences in opinion,” he This is serious matter.
Lim said the petition would be sent to Prime Minister Datuk Seri said, suggesting Wee could Pandikar Amin: I am
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. be “blind” for not being able serious.
“We will send this letter to the prime minister immediately so that to see the nature of their Karpal: You are not
he takes into account the wishes of the 77 MPs, which is more than relationship. serious.
one-third of Parliament,” he said. That was when Karpal Pandikar Amin then an-
“The Parliamentary Caucus to Abolish the ISA has collected the raised a point of order, claim- nounced the two-day suspen-
signatures of 77 MPs in a petition directed to the prime minister to ing Nazri was being “kurang sion on Karpal. The opposition
prioritise the motion brought by Teresa Kok to discuss and debate ajar” for insulting the blind. stalwart, however, refused to
the ISA (in Parliament).” However, Pandikar Amin budge.
Lim called for the issue to be the first on the agenda when Parlia- said Karpal should not simply Both Lim Kit Siang (DAP-
ment reconvenes after Deepavali. use the Standing Orders when Ipoh Timur) and Opposition
it was on his favour as fellow Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibra-
PAC sets two days to probe Pakatan Rakyat member Wee him tried to get the Speaker to
Eurocopter deal had also accused Nazri of be- reconsider his decision.
ing corrupt and that was also Pandikar Amin said he
THE Public Accounts Committee (PAC) will convene on Wednes- offensive. would only agree to retract if
day and Thursday to scrutinise and gather all feedback on the The two then had an ex- Anwar could guarantee him
acquisition of 12 Eurocopter EC725 helicopters. change of words: that similar incidents would
PAC chairman Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid said the committee Karpal: Can the noble not happen in future. To this,
would seek explanations from all related parties. warrior (referring to Pandikar Anwar said he will discuss it
“The meeting will also seek technical and financial feedback, Amin) make sure that the blind with other opposition leaders
as well as the methods used by the government in deciding the is not insulted in the House by to make sure there would not
acquisition of the helicopters. Then, we will make the conclu- a kurang ajar minister? be a repeat and asked Nazri
sion,” he told reporters after officiating at Malaysia Audit Day Pandikar Amin: Enough, to do the same by talking to
2008 in the National Audit Academy in Bandar Enstek, Nilai. don’t prolong this. BN chief whip Datuk Seri Najib
Karpal: This is not prolong- Abdul Razak.
ing matter. This is an insult to “It is difficult for me to
the disabled and I represent make a decision and then
Muslims must be tried the disabled in this House. Can
the minister retract his word?
retract it. But if I could get the
support from the MPs, (I can
separately, says Zulkifli Pandikar Amin: He was
not insulting the disabled as a
reconsider),” Pandikar Amin
ZULKIFLI NORDIN (PKR-Kulim- Syariah cases and there should whole, he was just addressing However, Nazri said he
Bandar Baru) said Muslims be a Syariah division under the Wee and this kind of practice could not tell Najib to guaran-
must be tried in a separate court Federal Court. (name-calling) has been a tee the same thing, adding that
which uses the Syariah law and He also agreed with a sugges- culture here. Pandikar Amin was actually
there must be a separate Bar tion by Dr Mohd Puad Zarkashi Karpal: That was another taking action against Karpal
Council for Muslim lawyers. (BN-Batu Pahat) that there matter. because he was challenging
Debating the 2009 Budget, he should be a Syarie Attorney- Pandikar Amin: You must the chair.
said it is timely to uphold the dig- General’s Department as this not interrupt anymore. In fact, Pandikar Amin then said
nity of the Syariah court with the would separate the prosecution Karpal is wheeled out of the Dewan Rakyat after being you also uttered the word since a consensus could not
creation of an Appeals Court for from enforcement divisions. suspended for two days by Pandikar Amin yesterday. kurang ajar just now. Enough. be reached, he maintained his
Otherwise, I will use my power decision.

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