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TRIGGERED initially by the collapse in US highest since September 2003. This jump
subprime mortgages last year, the current
credit crisis has buffeted Wall Street and
European stock markets, paralysed banks
on both sides of the Atlantic and humbled
US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson. Last
Unintended benefits of in joblessness prompted Chicago Federal
Reserve Bank President Charles Evans to
comment publicly that “unemployment
rarely goes up this much without a recession

Malaysia being a tortoise

Thursday, Paulson expressed regret for To counter a recession in Japan that
mistakes leading to the biggest financial many economists now see as inevitable,
crisis in seven decades. the Diet in Tokyo passed a supplementary
The credit crisis, however, underscores budget worth ¥1.8 trillion (RM62.6 billion),
the few benefits of Malaysia being a tortoise. a sum that could blow out the government’s
With the financial typhoon now roaring already ballooning debt.
through the US and Europe likely to gather linked products, a South China Friday, the HSI plummeted to close Underlining the gravity of the situation,
strength, Malaysian policy planners have Morning Post article suggests. at 14,554.21. Prime Minister Taro Aso announced a
little cause for complacency. Although the number of This year, all major East Asian further emergency spending package would
As a tortoise, Malaysia has been spared investors in both territories bourses, including Bursa Malaysia, be implemented if needed. He said he would
the turmoil affecting thousands of investors is small, their angst is highly entered negative territory. As rather sacrifice the government’s earlier
in Hongkong and Singapore. This is because visible. a laggard, the KLCI suffered a pledge to restore fiscal balance than allow
policymakers like Bank Negara Malaysia In Hongkong, hundreds less precipitate decline. Based Japan’s economy to contract.
emphasise developing ringgit-based lending held demonstrations recently on last Friday’s closing price, the Across the Causeway, Prime Minister
and ringgit-based investment products while protesting against banks that KLCI has fallen by 37.4% from Lee Hsien Loong acknowledged last week
resisting the temptation to be financially sold them these toxic assets. In end 2007, a smaller margin than Singapore had entered into a technical
trendy. Singapore, an AFP report says that experienced by comparable recession.
In contrast, regional hares like Singapore
and Hongkong offered investors innovative
about 600 retirees and middle
class investors – angered by a
MakingSens indices in Singapore, Jakarta,
Thailand and Hongkong, all of
Admittedly, Malaysia’s economy is
broader-based and probably more resilient
US dollar investment products, including possible loss of their life savings by Tan Siok Choo which have tumbled by more than than its southern neighbour. And because
derivatives. Touted to yield higher returns – held an unprecedented rally 45%. the direct impact of the credit crisis in this
with minimal risks, these derivatives last Saturday. Although Malaysian country has been minimal, individuals and
became virtually worthless when Regulators in Hongkong and Singapore, policymakers are having a less stressful time corporations in this country may be less
issuers – like US investment giant Lehman however, face a dilemma. Distressed than some of their regional counterparts, anguished and may continue to spend and
Brothers – became bankrupt. financially and emotionally, investors must there is little cause to celebrate. News reports invest.
Derivatives are complicated financial be offered some relief in a manner that from the US, Japan and Singapore suggest What needs to be remembered is financial
instruments, like options and futures doesn’t undermine the involved financial the worst is yet to come. typhoons are indiscriminate – elephants,
contracts, that derive their value by institutions’ financial health. In contrast, In the US, the carnage that decimated hares and tortoises may be thrown off-
reference to an underlying asset or index. Malaysian regulators have been largely Wall Street has now spread to Main Street. balance by the gale force winds now roaring
Some 43,700 investors in Hongkong spared this agony. Last Friday, Commerce Department data through East Asia.
bought HK$12.7 billion (RM5.8 billion) of Because Bursa Malaysia is a tortoise, showed US home construction slid for the
Lehman’s mini-bonds – high-risk, credit- investors experienced less volatility. True, third consecutive month in September, Opinions expressed in this article are the
linked derivatives – and HK$3 billion (RM1.4 the Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (KLCI) falling 6.3% to a seasonally adjusted 817,000 personal views of the writer and should
billion) of similar, equity-linked derivatives never reached the stratospheric highs of the annual rate, the lowest level in 17 years. not be attributed to any organisation she
while some 10,000 Singaporeans purchased Hang Seng Index (HSI) last year. On Oct 30 Additionally, the US jobless rate hit 6.1% is connected with. She can be contacted at
S$201 million (RM482 million) of Lehman- last year, the HSI soared to 31,638.22; last in August and again in September, the

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