Thesun2008102817 Whatheysay

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theSun | TUESDAY OCTOBER 28 2008 17

speak up!

of all
visible in public life, the more corruption
there is.
Chong: Very widespread in Umno,
according to party disciplinary board
chairman Tengku Ahmad Rithauddeen. He
said it is worse than ever now and maybe
it has reached a stage where it has become
the BN is still in power. Who knows with too difficult to eradicate.
all the struggle for power going on in Azman: And he also said he is
Umno and other parties, some dissatisfied embarrassed to have to admit that less of
BN MPs – 30 plus – may decide to cross such problems in MCA and Gerakan. And
the floor to the opposition coalition, the ministers are involved.
Pakatan Rakyat. That will end the tradition Mohan: So what you guys are saying
of Umno president being the prime that it is not going to be easy for Abdullah
minister. Isn’t that right Cikgu? to fulfil the pledge he made about five
Zain: Absolutely! Not forever I hope. years ago. So maybe he, too, in the end will
Sometimes I wonder whether Umno have to admit to his unfinished perjuangan
politicians realise that their president (mission or struggle).
becomes prime minister through the tacit Chong: If you cannot root out
consent of the other parties in the ruling corruption in Umno – just Umno – how
BN. can you root out corruption in the rest of
Chong: And so PKR leader Datuk Seri the country? They just emulate Umno, the
Anwar Ibrahim gets his wish to be prime premier party.
minister. Zain: Umno top leaders are reluctant
Zain: Simply because he is the to act tough to end it. Short of wrenching
acknowledged leader of the Pakatan it out like you would a rotten tooth, no
Rakyat coalition. And that too because his amount of warning or advice is going to
party has slightly more seats than DAP and work.
PAS. Should DAP and PAS gain more seats Azman: Maybe they don’t want it to
than the PKR in the next general election, happen as they are all involved. The stakes
somebody else may be PM. for them are just too high, unlike in
Mohan: As usual, we have been MCA and Gerakan. The winners get
sidetracked. We were talking about to be prime minister and deputy prime
Abdullah’s need for time to complete his minister of the country. Others get to be
reforms, chief of which is rooting out ministers.
corruption, and we have been talking Mohan: Others get contracts.
about the power transition plan and the Zain: Yes. But it is enough just to be
possibility of the BN government falling delegates. Many will be rich by the time
instead. the party election is over. More so this time
Azman: I suppose it is easy to be when the wooing period is three months
sidetracked to other subjects when instead of the usual one month.
talking about corruption because it is not Chong: Why don’t you campaign to be
something easy to root out. People have chosen a delegate, Cikgu? I am sure your
been talking about this for decades. It is division will choose you, seeing that you
still there. It is almost like everybody is are one of the founder members of the
on the take. Many people cannot help party.
observing that the more Islam becomes Zain: Even for that I need money.

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