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0 integrates a range of customizable features into one versatile software suite delivered through a state-of-the-art Webtop interface and designed to meet the demands of all members of a schools community. For Students Leverage the younger generations love of new technology and keep them more interested and involved with their own education. We help students monitor their progress, stay organized, track assignments, and access class resources. Communication options with teachers and other students are expanded through class blogs and discussion groups. For Parents Educators agree that parental involvement is a vital factor in student success. We give parents an easy way to be proactive in their childrens education and involved with the school community. Parents can update their personal account, including contact information, and fill in permission slips and other forms online, relieving significant management burdens for schools. They can sign up to volunteer for events, view their childrens commitments and assignments, communicate with teachers, and receive progress reports. For Teachers We make teachers lives simpler by automating routine tasks and give them powerful tools to make the education process more engaging for students. Our electronic Gradebook goes beyond the standard with a blog, discussion board, customizable quiz generator, and the ability to create and track assignments online. Spiral simplifies and encourages teachers communication with students and parents. For Administrators Spiral gives administrators unencumbered access to data in real time and simplifies its management. We give users ways to self-manage their own data and tasks, which relieves the burden on school administrators and IT personnel. From creating a conflict-free schedule to generating report cards, Spiral eliminates redundant data entry and tasks by automating and expediting normally arduous processes Report from

Process and publish professional report cards, progress reports, transcripts, honor roll certificates, and awards.

Support any combination of grading methods, including letter or number grading, pass or fail, grade points, and class rank. Customize grading periods and inform faculty of grading deadlines. Enhance security: control access to sensitive grade information by determining who can view grades and specifying the grade level(s) to which each teacher has access. Automatically tally and insert attendance figures for every student

Records Use student profiles to capture and display contacts and family information, as well as other data tracked by the school. Maintain organized historical records of students as all data is preserved for each school year. Academic records include a students scholastic performance, attendance, and disciplinary history. All information is updated in real time as new scores, attendance and disciplinary events are created in different modules of the system. Various reports may be generated in the Reports module using information managed in Student Records Introduction School Management system offers functionalities that cover the entire range of School activities. We believe that each School is unique in its requirements and priorities. Hence our offering provides flexibility to the Schools, whether large or medium sized, to choose from various modules to match their specific needs. We also customize modules to suit the School unique requirements. Modularity School Management systemis a comprehensive package that includes various modules which cater to different functional areas of School institutions. The School Management systemoffers you the flexibility to choose and implement only those modules which are required for your institution. User Friendliness The School Management systemis extremely easy to use because of the extensive assistance provided during any data entry operations. The package is menu-driven and help is provided for screens. A comprehensive users manual, detailing different procedures for various tasks, is also provided. Graphical User Interface
School Management System

A good GUI always sets one off on the right track, helping users navigate easily. The easier it is to understand the greater is the chance that more people will feel comfortable with it. School Management systemgraphical user interface enhances all the user friendly features of the system. The point and click features of the mouse reduces excessive usage of the keyboard, thus making most tasks easy-to-do and hassle free. This saves time and makes information easy to store and easy to access when required. Security One of the major concerns of most School is confidentiality of reports and records. Because of the sheer size and magnitude of students data, this is anything but an easy task. School Management provides multiple levels of security in the software, so that data pertaining to various functions of the School remains confidential. Records and information are protected against loss, destruction, tempering and unauthorized access or use. Confidentiality, security and integrity of data and information is thus maintained. Transmission of data and information is timely and accurate. Benefits of School Management System 1. Streamlined operations. The School Management systemprovides manifold benefits to Schools everywhere, whether large or medium sized through maximized documentations and non duplication of records in different departments. Basically it reduces paperwork. 2. Better administration control Availability of timely and accurate information through automated access to updated management information. 4. Optimized Examination Entry, students fees payment,.

School Management System

Login form The system ensures that only authorized individuals gain access to the medical records. For a user to be authenticated to use the School management system, the user must login with a valid username and password issued by the administrator. Enter a valid username and a valid password on the interface shown on the diagram below, and then click on login to gain access to the School management system.

The connection button is used to make connections to the database that holds all the data for the School. Click on the connection button to enter the server name that hosts the database and the database name.

School Management System

System users To get this interface click on Administration menu item on the main menu, then click on Teachers/user menu item. This interface gives the provision for entering users that will be using the School Management system. The figure below shows a list of users who can now log into the system.

Click on add button to add a new user, Change Passsword button to modify the details for the user. Incase the user forget their password, the administrator can reset the old password by click on Reset password. The administrator will then give the user a new password.

School Management System

System user Rights The system resources are only accessible if the administrator has given the user the rights to view a particular module. The diagram below shows the module used by the administrator to give rights to the user.

Give a certain role to a user. Then click on save, to save the changes or cancel to quit without saving.

School Management System

Main Window Layout

This is the interface that connects to all other modules. The interface has a menu and a toolbar (Shortcut bar), that connects to the module that you want. Click on the menu item to gain access to the module that you want. The toolbar has short cuts buttons of frequently accessed modules.

School Management System

System Configurations To get this interface, click on Settings. For the system to operate correctly, there are some initial settings that have to be entered. These include: Class,Students and Fees cost heads

School Management System

Students Entry Module This module is accessible during the registration of a Student. The module has the following features: Admisson Number is automatically assigned to a new student and you can see it on Admission number label. Adding a new student. View records where you can modify details on an existing student. Delete a student incase it was a wrong entry Book student for treatment.

Click on the add button to enter a new student to the School. Click on edit button, to modify an existing students records. Click on delete to remove student from the database.

School Management System

Assigning Subjects to Teachers The system gives the provision for assigning subjects to teachers in various classes.

This is the window that is used for assigning subjects. It is displayed after clicking Teaching details then assign subjects. On this window you are just required to enter a teacher with several subjects in a class but the system will not allow any duplication of subjects.

School Management System


Marks Entry Module This module provides entry of marks scored by students. Every teacher will be required to enter only classes that he/she teaches and after login to the system,the system will be able to filter all that a certain teacher teaches.

After you enter the class id ,a teacher will be provided with a list of subjects that he/she teaches in that class and the system will pick the first admission number from the class list. Then he/she will be required to select the subject type(assign,cat e.t.c), enter the total score of the subject. After you enter marks scored,the system will automatically move to the next student until it finishes with all the students.

School Management System


Processing of Marks This interface is used by teachers to perform marks processing. This will help the teachers to scale down the marks to whatever totals they want.e.g if an exam was marked to be out of 80 and you want to average it to out of 20,then this is where you perform that task.

You can specify if you want to include a certain subject type or not.

School Management System


Fees structure Module

The module is used to add fees structure based on terms. The system will allow entry of one cost head per each term.

School Management System


Fees Payment Module This interface enables entering of fees payments.

-After you enter the students Admission Number (After selecting the term that he/she is making payment for),then the system will diplay all the cost heads that the student has not paid for together with the required fees amount and the outstanding balance. - The system will keep on checking you dont pay more than the required.

School Management System


Payment Receipt Report After you click on save you will get the payment receipt.

If you click on view you will be able to print any past receipt numbers or fees balances per student.

School Management System


Reports This module is displayed when you click on reports.

You will be required to select reports from the report list.

School Management System


Report Forms

School Management System


Score Sheet Reports

School Management System


Fees Structure

School Management System


Marks Analysis Report

School Management System


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