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William Christou Period 1 Chapter 21 Wiesners 1A).

The Palais Royal- Henri Monnier B) This portrait seems to be an illustration of higher-class individuals at a social gathering of some sort. They seem to be of some importance since there are soldiers nearby. C) Henri Monnier was obviously an artist who was probably employed by people in high standings; he probably was a bourgeoisie, since artists were paid handsomely by their patrons back in the day. D) The servant was paid by the high-standing citizens, so he would probably want them to look better in the picture. E) The high-standing citizens should enjoy their social gatherings while they last, because they will be put to an end through revolution. 1) A) Rue du Fer-a-Moulin, 1870 B) The document shows a barren road, worn down through use. B) This author was proletariat, or maybe was a sympathetic bourgeoisie, or NoblE) Regardless, the author was trying to demonstrate the hard times. D) The author may have been biased towards the cause of the proletariat, using this painting as a sort of propaganda. E) Its ironic, because the roads and highways were improved under the absolutist government of France, which the people had rebelled against in 1790. 2) A) Average Price of a Hectoliter of Wheat in France, 1725-1790 B) This document shows the prices of wheat before the French Revolution. The trend is an increase in price. C) The author is unknown, probably just some court official. D) This data may have even been improved, as the nobility may have reported their production above what it really was, therefore having lower prices of wheat. E) This re-affirms the notion that the French Revolution was in part, caused by frustration over a lack of food, and rising bread prices. 3) A) Bread and the Wage Earners Budget B) This document shows the average wages compared to the price of bread in that time period. C) The author is unknown, it could have been collected as historical data after the time period to prove a point, or just current day information. D) If it was written in the period of the French Revolution, it easily could have been used as propaganda by the Committee of Public Safety, or the rising Third Estate.

E) This just illustrates how high the prices of bread really were, and justifies the expectations of Fair Price. 4) A) Trades of the Bastille Insurgents, 1789 B) This document shows the occupations of the people who marched on the Bastille. C) The author of this document was probably a revolutionary, seeking to show how men of all trades could come together to defeat a common enemy. D) The author could of possibly added many non-existent protesters to the list, as it seems hard to gather this data in the fervor of battle. E) The jobs seem to all only make a meager living for the Third Estate, which makes lots of sense considering who they were. 5) A) Arthur Youngs Report from France B) This article says that the Third Estate are blood thirsty and savage, and that blood thirst was directed towards the other two estates. C) This document was almost certainly written by a member of the first Estate, due to his lack of compassion for the revolutionaries cause. D) He is biased towards his own Estate, he views the revolutionaries intention as unjust and unneeded, as liberalism was a shocking ideal in its hey-day. E) This probably reflects the general feeling that was around of the Revolution in France before the Third Estate started to gain traction. 6) A) The Bookseller Hardy on the Background of the Bastille Attack B) This document says that some members of the Kings administration saw this political and financial crisis coming. C) The author was post-revolution, so he must have been supportive of the Revolution. D) His bias makes him blame the nobility and kings decisions for the Revolution in France. E) Its ironic that some of the nobility knew what was coming, because one would think if they knew what unspeakable violence was about to happen, they would leave. Group A) Illustrations. Group C) Revolutionaries Documents 1, and 2. Documents 5, 6 and 7. Group B)Economic charts: Documents 3 and 4

1) A) The German Peasant Revolt of 1525: The Bundschuh Banner

B) This document showed how once again, many German princes used Luther as an excuse for their insurrection. C) The author was probably a revolutionary themselves, since they provided a first-hand sketch of the occurrence themselves. They could have also been a noble that happened to be present. D) If the author really was a peasant, then he probably would have wanted to make his revolt look much more peaceful than it actually was, since it was in the name of the revolution. E) Luther was against the uprising of peasants against their masters, so this probably would not of had his support. 2) A) The Twenty-Nine Demands of Ketts Rebellion 1549 B) The document is a demand to return to a fairer system of agriculture, so they would not be turned into poor, wage less peasants who had to glean. C) The authors of this document were peasant rebels. D) The demands were 100% biased in their favor, since advances in agriculture actually turned out to be good economically, only they would benefit from this. E) Its ironic that the Peasants are unhappy now, because if they were to be around when the Enclosure movement happened, they would way more unhappy. 3) A) Ludwif Fabritiuss Account of the Stepan Razin Revolt. 1670 B) This document tells a story where a group of soldiers were convicted in court, and beaten to death by rebels. C) The author was probably a slightly-enlightened despot, since he was sympathetic to the serfs, and ultimately gives them justice in his story. D) This author could have made this story more fantastic, to garner public interest, and to show the serfs that he respected them. E) This story was probably aggrandized by the author, because it just seems a bit to unrealistic to be true. 4) A) Note on What Occurred Before and During the Devastation of the Chateau of Cuirieu During the Great Fear of July- August 1789 B) The document is an account of a raid on a Chateau in France during the Great Fear. C) The author is of the upper two estates, he casts the peasants in an unfavorable light with his snobbish descriptions. D) This man must have been biased towards the nobles, and this was evident through his rhetoric. E) This demonstrates how the members of the First Estate freaked out during the Great Fear, and tried to strike the other two estates first. 5) A) Riot in Savoy: LeSieur Vuy at Gets, March 14, 1717

B) This document is a personal account of a man being assaulted by a crowd during a riot. C) This author is most definitely a noble, since the crowd was a crowd of the third Estate. D) He is probably biased towards making himself look more like the victim in this story, since he might have done something to provoke this vicious attack. E) This showed how even as far back as 1717, tensions were high, and dissatisfaction with the absolutist government ran high as well. Pictures Firsthand accounts of Organized Document 1. violence: Documents 4 and 5 Revolution Document 2, and 3.

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