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A computer network is a network of computers and hardware device connected by a wires.Computer networks consists of some other important parts.

THE COMPUTER NETWORKS : A computer network is a group of computers connected to each other by a transmission medium . computers can share data , programs , and hardware devices when they are part of a network. A computer that is not part of a network is called a stand-alone computer .

-THE Hub : A hub connects all computers in a network.Cables from all computers areconnected to the hub . Whena computer sends a message to another computer, the message is first sent to the hub . The hub then sends the signals to all the computers on the network. This is a waste because every computer does not need the message . A hub is also called a repeater . -THE Switch : A switch is better than a hub .A switch knows the address of each computer on the network . when a signal from a sending device reaches the witch , it sends the message only to the computer that needs the message. -THE ROUTER : a router helps us to send a message from one network to another . A router connects two networks . when a message reaches a router , the router first identifies the network of the receiving computer . Then it send the message to the address of the receiving computer on that network . TYPES OF COMPUTER NETWORKS : There are many types of computer networks . Peer-to-peer network : In a peer to peer network, there is no central computer or server .Each computer is connected to every other computer and no computer is more important than the other. Client/server network : In a client/server network ,there is a server or central computer .the server stores data and program that can be shared by other smaller computers connected to it .these ddata and programs are called resources . the smaller computers that share these resources are called clients. LAN :

LAN: A local area network (LAN) connectscomputers in the same building . All the people who need to share information work in the same room or building . LANs are found in schools, colleges and offices MAN: a metropolitan area network (MAN ) combines two or more LANs. It connects computers in different parts of a city .It is larger and faster than a LAN. It is also more expensive WAN : A wide area network (WAN) combines many LANs and MANs .It connects computers in different cities or areas .A WAN is larger than a MAN .it uses a lot of cables . Satellite connections are faster but they are very expensive We will discuss some special types of networks . THE INTERNET : The internet is a special type can link all the LANS in the world to create a worldwide network . The internet uses large and powerful servers. THE INTRANET : An intranet connects computer within an office.It does not link computers In one building only .it connects computers in different cities . The intranet uses internet technology . It is faster than LAN or WAN and can carry more data . But it does not combine differnet lans .it is a single network The EXTRANET : Sometimes,a company needs to share data with customers or suppliers .it can do this by creating an extranet is created when a company lets its customers and suppliers connects to its internet NETWORK tOPOLOGIEs : Topology means arrangement. We can arrange computers in different ways in a network . These different arrangements are called network topologies . There are three main network topologies. The bus topology: in a bus topology ,all the computers are connected to the server by a single cable called a backbone .when we send a signal from our computer to the server, the server sends it to all computers. Only the reciving computer accepts the message . This slows down the network . if there is a problem with the cable at any point , the signals cannot reach the server or the client. THE ring topology :

The ring topology : In a ring topology , there is no server .All the computers and devices are connected in a loop . Each computer or device is called a node . Computers send signals round the loop , by pasing them from one computer to another , just like a game of passing the parcel ! Computer in a bus topology do not pass data from one to other . They receive it as it travels along the cable . if one computer breaks down , the other computers can still work normally. Ring topologies are faster and cheaper than bus topologies , but if a cable or a computer breaks down ,all the computers become disconnected. THE star topology : in a star topology ,each computer is a connected to a hub or a server by a separate cable . in this way ,data does not travel needlessly .if one computer or cable breaks down, the other computers can still work normally .

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