SH Ankh Push Pi

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Botanical Name: Convolvulus pluricaulis

Indication: Shankhapushpi or Convolvulus pluricaulis is an indigenous plant commonly mentioned in Ayurveda, an ancient system of Indian medicine, as a rasayana which is mainly advocated for use in mental stimulation and rejuvenation therapy. Little human research has been published in the Western medical literature regarding this plant. One study shows shankhpushpi to have anti-ulcer effects due to augmentation of mucosal defensive factors like mucin secretion and glycoproteins. Another study showed that shankhapushpi may be helpful in improving symptoms of hyperthyroidism by reducing the activity of a liver enzyme The whole herb is used medicinally in the form of decoction with cumin and milk in fever, nervous debility, loss of memory, also in syphilis, and scrofula. Shankhapushpi is used as a brain tonic. Is used as a tonic, alterative and febrifuge. It is a sovereign remedy in bowel complaints especially dysentery. The plant is reported to be a prominent memory improving drug. It is used as a psychostimulant and tranquilizer. It is reported to reduce mental tension. The ethanolic extract of the plant reduces total serum cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids and nonesterfied fatty-acid. Description: Shankpushpi is used traditionally to treat nervous debility, insomnia, fatigue, low energy level. The whole herb is used medicinally in the form of decoction with cumin and milk in fever, nervous debility, loss of memory. Shankhapushpi is used as a brain tonic. Is used as a tonic, alterative and febrifuge. It is a sovereign remedy in bowel complaints especially dysentery. The plant is reported to be a prominent memory improving drug. It is used as a psychostimulant and tranquilizer. It is reported to reduce mental tension. The ethanolic extract of the plant reduces total serum cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids and nonesterfied fatty-acid. There is a pertinent reference in Ayurvedic literature about the use of the drug as brain tonic in hypotensive syndromes. The pharmacological studies of the herb have shown varying degree of its hypotensive and tranquilizing effects. Clinical studies have exhibited demonstrable beneficial effects in the patients of anxiety neurosis. The herb induces a feeling of calm and peace, good sleep and a relief in anxiety, stresses, mental fatigue, producing a significant reduction in the level of anxiety, neuroticism arising due to various levels of stresses.

The herb appears to produce its action by modulation of neuro-chemistry of the brain. Further, the herb is non-toxic and its use does not produce any side effects. On the other hand, there is invigorating effect in improvement of health and weight gain. Ayurvedic classics namely Charak, Sushrita, Astang Sangrah and Astang Harida provide ample reference for management of various diseases. According to Ayurvedic concept, Rasayan therapy simultaneously effects the body and mind and brings about physical and phschic improvement. This therapy prevents the effects, ageing, develops intelligence and increases the body resistance agains diseases. There is an imperative need for in-depth scientific investigations on the specific ideology of medicines and the procedure of Rasayan Chikitsa discussed in Ayurveda. The World Health Organisation has laid down that ""Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely absence of disease or infirmity"". Rasayana drug in Ayurveda may be equated with modern immunomodulator drugs since they possess similar properties and perform similar functions. A twining perennial herb, Convolvulus pluricaulis occurs in the plains of Northern Indian and Bihar. The whole plant is one of the most important Medha Rasayana drugs in Ayurveda. Its use improves the balance and vitiation in Kapha-vatapitta doshas and the herb is astringent and bitter. Chemical studies of whole plant have shown the presence of glycosides, coumarins, flavonoids and alkaloids. Shankha pushpine, (the alkaloid) has been identified as active principle. B. sitosterol glycoside, Hydroxy Cinnamic acid, Octacosanol tetracosane alongwith glucose, sucrose also have been isolated from the plant drugs Cost : You can buy this product at very discounted rates this season it means 60 capsules or powder 500 gm @ 16.50 $ Quantity

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Shankhpushpi: Properties, Benefits and Natural Remedies

by Acharya Balakrishna

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Published on 04-14-2011 06:21 AM Number of Views: 4238 1 Comment

Shankhapushpi or Convolvulus pluricaulis is an indigenous plant commonly mentioned in Ayurveda, an ancient system of Indian medicine, as a rasayana which is mainly advocated for use in mental stimulation and rejuvenation therapy. Little human research has been published in the Western medical literature regarding this plant. One study shows shankhpushpi to have anti-ulcer effects due to augmentation of mucosal defensive factors like mucin secretion and glycoproteins. Another study showed that shankhapushpi may be helpful in improving symptoms of hyperthyroidism by reducing the activity of a liver enzyme. The whole herb is used medicinally in the form of decoction with cumin and milk in fever, nervous debility, loss of memory, also in syphilis, and scrofula. Shankhapushpi is used as a brain tonic. Is used as a tonic, alterative and febrifuge. It is a sovereign remedy in bowel complaints especially dysentery. The plant is reported to be a prominent memory improving drug. It is used as a psychostimulant and tranquilizer. It is reported to reduce mental tension. The ethanolic extract of the plant reduces total serum cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids and nonesterfied fatty-acid. Shankpushpi is used traditionally to treat nervous debility, insomnia, fatigue, low energy level. The whole herb is used medicinally in the form of decoction with cumin and milk in fever, nervous debility, loss of memory. Shankhapushpi is also used as a brain tonic. Is used as a tonic, alterative and febrifuge. It is a sovereign remedy in bowel complaints especially dysentery. The plant is reported to be a prominent memory improving drug. It is used as a psychostimulant and tranquilizer. It is reported to reduce mental tension. The ethanolic extract of the plant reduces total serum cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids and nonesterfied fatty-acid. There is a pertinent reference in Ayurvedic literature about the use of the drug as a brain tonic in hypotensive syndromes. The pharmacological studies of the herb have shown varying degree of its hypotensive and tranquilizing effects. Clinical studies have exhibited demonstrable beneficial effects in the patients of anxiety neurosis. The herb induces a feeling of calm and peace, good sleep and a relief in anxiety, stresses, mental fatigue, producing a significant reduction in the level of anxiety, neuroticism arising due to various levels of stresses. The herb appears to produce its action by modulation of neuro-chemistry of the brain. Further, the herb is non-toxic and its use does not produce any side effects. On the other hand, there is invigorating effect in improvement of health and weight gain.

Ayurvedic classics namely Charak, Sushrita, Astang Sangrah and Astang Harida provide ample reference for management of various diseases. According to Ayurvedic concept, Rasayan therapy simultaneously effects the body and mind and brings about physical and phschic improvement. This therapy prevents the effects, ageing, develops intelligence and increases the body resistance agains diseases. There is an imperative need for in-depth scientific investigations on the specific ideology of medicines and the procedure of Rasayan Chikitsa discussed in Ayurveda. The World Health Organisation has laid down that ""Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely absence of disease or infirmity"". Rasayana drug in Ayurveda may be equated with modern immunomodulator drugs since they possess similar properties and perform similar functions. A twining perennial herb, Convolvulus pluricaulis occurs in the plains of Northern Indian and Bihar. The whole plant is one of the most important Medha Rasayana drugs in Ayurveda. Its use improves the balance and vitiation in Kapha-vata-pitta doshas and the herb is astringent and bitter. Chemical studies of whole plant have shown the presence of glycosides, coumarins, flavonoids and alkaloids. Shankha pushpine, (the alkaloid) has been identified as the active principle. B. sitosterol glycoside, Hydroxy Cinnamic acid, Octacosanol tetracosane alongwith glucose, sucrose also have been isolated from the plant. Physical appearance: Shankhpushpi is a perennial herb with a small woody and branched rootstock, 4 to 12 inches long, densely hairy. The branches rise up to some extent and then prevails on the ground and on grass. The leaves are 1/2 an inch to 1.5 inches long. The petiole is minute and the base is acute. The flower has wide and shiny upper parts, and it smells like radish if it gets rubbed. The flowers are white, pink or thick rose colour. It has funnel shaped rounds and brownish or blakish coloured seeds. The entire bush is black plum or grey colour. In the rainy season Sankha Pushpi would be found naturally on rocky and fallow lands in India. It is expansive and is seen in grass like seedlings. In many places this is a perennial plant. The stems live many years. By the colour distinction in the flowers it can be divided into three categories. 1. White 2. Blue 3. Canscora decussate (Gentianaceac). This plantis also called as Shankhahuli. In most places doctors call this flower as Shankha Pushpi. In fact, for the medicinal purpose, one should use the white flower only. Family name: Convolvulaceae Latin: Evolvulus alsinoides Linn Sanskrit: Shankha Pushpi Chemical Composition of Shankhapushpi: One Shankapushpi alkaloid and two Crystalline substances are found there in. Useful parts of the plant: Seed, bark, Flower, fruit, root - panchang (five parts). Improving memory with Shankhpushpi: 1. Take 3 to 6 grams of Shankhapushpi powder with milk early in the morning to enhance the memory power. Fatigue would vanish if you are studying for long hours. 2. Give 2 to 4 grams of Shankhapushpi powder with 1 gram of Sweet Flag (bach) powder to raise intelligence in children and to make them sharp. 3. Take its powder 2-4 grams, adding it to honey or sugar for 6 months. Wrinkles would disappear from your face in the old age. Memory power and astuteness would be increased. 4. For Sharp memory take 3 to 6 grams Shankhapushpi powder and honey with milk. Treating Epilepsy with Shankhpushpi: 1. Take 2 grams of Shankhapushpi juice with honey to cure epilepsy. 2. Take powders of Shankhapushpi, Sweet flag and Brahmi in equal quantities. To cure epilepsy , hysteria and delirium take 3 grams of this mixture twice a day. 3. Dry in the shade 1 kilogram of Shankhapushpi, add 2 kilograms of Sugar and make powder. sieve it and fill in bottles. Take 5 to 10 grams with milk for better memory.

4. Shankhapushpi's juice 10-20 grams, powder of Saussurea lappa roots (kooth) 500 grams with honey to cure epilepsy. 5. Take swaras of Shankhapushpi with honey to cure the state of delirium. Treatment for Head Ache with Shankhpushpi: Shankhapushpi 1 gram, Black Henbane 250 milligrams with hot water to remove headache within 5 minutes. Treatment for Vomiting with Shankhpushpi: Take panchang of Shankhapushpi juice, 2 spoons, add one quid of black pepper powder and give it with honey over and over again to control vomiting. Cure for Bed Urination with Shankhpushpi: If child is urinating in their bed at night times, give Shankhapushpi's powder 2 grams and black sesame 1 gram along with milk to check bed urinating problem. Treatment of Diabetes with Shankhpushpi: 1. Take Shankhapushpi 6 grams morning and evening along with cow's butter or with water to control diabetes. 2. To overcome the weakness caused by diabetes, take 2-4 grams of powder or swaras of 10-20 mg. Treatment for Sun Stroke with Shankhpushpi: When the patient would get unconscious state and babbling, you may give Shankhapushpi powder 5-10 grams with milk and honey for the benefit of the patient. Treatment for Bleeding with Shankhpushpi: Take 10-20 grams swaras of Shankhapushpi, add it with honey to control bleeding. Treatment for High Blood Pressure with Shankhpushpi: Take fresh swaras of Shankhapushpi 10-20 mg. every morning and evening for some days to get rid of High blood pressure.

Achyutaya Shankh-Pushpi Syrup

Achyutaya Shankh-Pushpi Syrup increases grasping, storage & recollection power all the three aspect of memory. It increases mental strength to work more efficiently for longer time i.e. prevents early mental fatigue. It given nutrition to the neurons and removes waste products thereby prevents & delays age related degeneration. Useful in mild mental retardation, cerebral palsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, lack of concentration, insomnia

Item code Size


200 ml

Price Rs 35.00


and neurotic disorders, epilepsy & psychosis etc Directions of Use : 1 to 2 t.s.f. once or twice a day ( Dose depends upon age, weight & illness of the individuals). OR as directed by physician. Main Ingredients : convolvulus pluricaulis(shankhpushpi), Nardostachys jatamansi(vacha), Bacopa monieri(brahmi) & other medicine that act as a brain tonic

Ease anxiety with shankhpushpi: Ayurvedic doctors prefer this mood-soother over kava-kava - Herb Brief

by Franceen Shaughnessy | Sept, 2002 | 0 Comments

Print Share Recommend0 THIS MORNING-GLORY-LIKE PERENNIAL grows on the plains of India. Practitioners of Ayurveda (India's holistic medical system) use it to treat the nervous system, much like the herbs kava-kava and valerian are prescribed by herbalists here. The herb recently began to appear in American stores. How It Works People with anxiety have a tendency to overreact to everyday stress, explains David A. Frederick, Ph.D., N.D., an Ayurvedic practitioner and naturopath in Lancaster, Pa., and president of the American Ayurvedic Association, an organization of Ayurvedic health care practitioners. This overreaction makes your body produce excess amounts of the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol, which can make you hyperalert and anxious. Practitioners believe shankhpushpi calms your nerves by regulating your body's production of these hormones. As a result, you feel more balanced throughout the day and sleep better at night. Evidence Although Ayurvedic practitioners have used shankhpushpi for centuries, no recent clinical research or well-designed human studies have been done on the herb. But a handful of small Indian studies were published in the 1970s and '80s. In one of these studies, published in an Indian medical journal in 1982, researchers gave 28 people diagnosed with anxiety 50 mg daily of an herbal formula with shankhpushpi as a primary ingredient. After six weeks of treatment, 91 percent of the patients had more energy and 60 to 70 percent could sleep and concentrate better. Symptoms like nervousness also decreased. In a 1981 study published in an Indian journal, scientists gave 30 patients with anxiety 30 ml of shankhpushpi syrup daily. After one month, their anxiety levels decreased and the patients felt significantly better, although the researchers did not report by how much.

A study published in 1979 examined the herb's effect on insomnia. Researchers gave rats diazepam (an anti-anxiety drug), a placebo, or one of several forms of shankhpushpi. The rats that ate an alcohol extract of shankhpushpi slept for 74 minutes, significantly longer than those who ate the placebo (52 minutes) and only seven minutes less than those who ate diazepam (81 minutes). Other forms of shankhpushpi were not effective. How to Take It You can buy shankhpushpi pills and powder in some natural food stores and on websites likewww.banyan and www.natures When looking for the herb, know that some companies use another Latin name, Convolvulus pluricalis, and others spell the common name slightly differently, "shankapushpi." Take 275 mg in pill form or 1 teaspoon of the powder two times a day with meals, recommends Frederick. Take it on a cycle of six days on, one day off to prevent your body from developing a tolerance to the herb. Your anxiety should lessen within a week, and you can discontinue the herb once you feel better. Do not take it for more than two months. Shankhpushpi helps control symptoms of anxiety, but it does not cure it, says Frederick. If your anxiety is severe, seek therapy to address the under lying causes. Caveats Shankhpushpi appears to be safe. But consult your health care practitioner before taking it with other medication, like an antidepressant. Do not take it if you are pregnant. Health Claims Proponents say shankhpushpi (Evolvulus alsinoides) reduces symptoms associated with anxiety, including panic attacks and insomnia. The Bottom Line This herb shows promise as a safe, effective remedy for anxiety, but controlled human studies are needed.

Ojasvi Chai

Daily use of Ojasvi Chai improve digestive power, memory, heart function, purifies blood, remove unwanted respiratory secretions, normalizes blood cholesterol & blood pressure. By these action useful in poor apetite, constipation, lack of concentration, poor memory, excess sleep, headache, migraine, running nose, cough, bronchitis, asthma, heart diseases, blood impurities & related skin

diseases etc Directions of Use : Add 5 g. of powder in 150 ml. of water. Boil still it reduces to half . Then add equal quantity of milk & sugar as per requirement preferably. Main Ingredients : Cinnamomum cassia(tejpatta), zingiber officinale(sunthi), convolvulus pluricaulis(shankhpushpi), Bacopa monieri(brahmi) etc.

Item code Size


200 g.

Price Rs 25.00


Achyutaya Sp. Malish Tel

Achyutaya Sp. Malish Tel is useful in traumatic mascular & joints pain, contusion, muscle spasm etc Directions of Use: Gently massage with lukewarm oil over the affected part followed by sudation using warm cloth/hot water bag. OR as directed by physician. Main Ingredients:

Brassica Campestris (Sarson tel)

Item code Size


Sulphur (Gandhak ) Eucalyptus Globulus (Nilgiri Tel) Cinnamomum Camphora (Kapoor )

200 ml

Price Rs 40.00


Achyutaya Dant Suraksha Tel

Daily massage with Dant suraksha tel keeps gums healthy, prevents & cures pyorrhea, bleeding gums, gingivitis and other gum & dental problems. Directions of Use : Gently massage over gums once or twice a day. OR as directed by physician Main Ingredients : Cinnamomum camphora(kapoor),Syzygium aromaticum(long tel), Trachyspermum ammi(Ajvayan) etc

Item code Size


30 ml.

Price Rs 15.00


Amla Juice

Item code Size


750 ml.

Price Rs 60.00


Amla balances all the three doshas of body, is rejuvenator, aphrodisiac, hemostatic, purgative, diuretic, cold in nature, and normalizes liver function.Therefore useful in sexual dysfunction, oligospermia, azoospermia, bleeding from nose, gums, piles, thrombocytopenia, menorrhagia, constipation, anorexia, acidity, jaundice, anaemia etc. Directions of Use : 10 to 20 ml. in morning empty stomach with water ( Dose depends upon age, weight & illness of the individuals). To increase physical & mental strength take with 1 to 3 gm ashwagandha churna. OR as directed by physician. Note :- Do not take milk 2 hr. before & 2 hr. after medicine.

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